HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/05/2000 - Regular Minutes - Lincoln Recreation Center Advisory Committee OF COLLEGE STATION LINCOLN RECREATION CE R oRy Bo Regular Meeting Monday June 5, 2000 College Station Exit Teen Center Rock Prairie Road 5:45 PM Board Members Present: Carolyn Williams, Debra Thomas, Eleonor Williams, Cathy Watson, Barbara Cle ons Board Members Absent: Joe Dan Franklin,Maybelline Canto-Robinson,Merilyn Rucker Staff Present: Lance Jackson LES Representative: Absent Visitors Present: None 1. Call to Order-The meeting was called to order at 5:45p.m. 2. Hear Visitors-No Visitors Present 3. PardonConsider Requests for Absences from Meeting- Received Request for absence from Merilyn Rucker. 4. Approval of Minutes from Regular Meeting of May 1,2000-The May Minutes were approved 5. Discussion and possible consideration of Lincoln Recreation Center Outdoor marquee- Jackson will attend meeting on June 15th, at that time the board recommendations will be discussed and plans should be finalized. 6. Report,Discussion and Possible action on LRC Policy on Alcohol-In an effort to enforce a clear- cut policy on alcohol, the motion was made by Clew ons and carried that the LRC would be a alcohol-free facility until June 30, 2001; and at that time the alcohol policy woulil be further assessed. 7. Discussion and possible action on Juneteenth Program — Motion was made by Thomas and carried that the LRC would provide one half of the expenses for the Juneteenth Pro 14 am. 8. Discussion and Possible Action on the LRC Summer Board Meeting Schedule- The motio was made by Watson and carried to defer the July LRC Board Meeting and the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting would be held on Monday, Au st 7, 2000. 9. Subcommittee Reports Cie ons, Chairman of the Education sub-committee, reported that Loren Watkins, Delores Brooks, and Cynthia Scales will assist with the TAAS Summer Program at the LRC. Debra Thomas, Chairman of the Adolescent Girls Outreach subcot ittee provided info regarding pending presentations as well as follow-ups to the presentations to be held at the LRC. 10. Treasury Report 11. Consent Item(s): LRC Activities Report The motion was made by Thomas and carried,the Meeting adjourned. /404-a., 203 (71, Ci ofeit 77 5'y cis #4141 v-42' 4, r ,‘ gOlt tt';'410041 (14-40C6(13,\,,Wii,* Are -0,01000-Y 7'AN 40,74/14,44$4,14 401,3.7111,Virtait 4044i, If/ rhjiliktWetirt.444,11.0410r AV*41*.ilikift ArgrIncitiksiVriVW4440, .t/titifriAeg*" 11/10,'47 „ 17414Y-ftkAti.'tAi*d Alialtrufkumier-#4=7,1 isiffire al 1,4747,11 lifaL 14 a 1 EL-fiti• • [I szwt ----- 1L, , s r'*7.-- kr"s=.---=----- - , -47,4'.-04,00veim., T. Jutit „ - hw9WiSfrtrfitftlAfik#41;-*Wttrt4:hio,04tit #1101vie V/n ' , *ariltil. kitli tr. ir - -- 31,-lif C/14 544 iew etg-- rt. 9g', CLA A.,- 4,..11AC ei Hyr r c e ce-- at- p ,) / / /IVc1 11.41,' r fle 04.4 T /he roe,/ ri-dprIa4,42.1 9",i" 417 pfYL ex,r, opt&sae( -ew s, LoA --- cL 1,07, .af to ai a la /14) - w ,-14,1 56tc t4 0-J COLLEGE STATION 4kill 111100 ' u P. 0. Box 9960 . 1101 Texas Avenue . College Station,TX 77842 Tel: 409 764 3500 , July 18, 2000 Mr. * brough°letter President, College Station Soccer Club PO Box 9396 College Station, Te . 77842 Dear Kimbrough: Starting this year,the City of College Station enacted a user fee for participants in local athletic progr. to help offset the costs of future facility repair and replacement This decision was based upon input from the citizens co ittee that developed the 1998 general obligation bond election. The fee is assessed at $5.00 per person for each"se. •n"played on City fields. The fee for the College Station Soccer Club spring league has not been paid at this point. The issue of this new fee was discussed in the Recreation Sports Association meetings during the past year. Please bring this to the attention of your board as soon as possible. Please contact Tony Sc. ero or myself should additional information be required. Thank you for your t e and assistance in this tter. Sincerely, , . / i . .Steve Beachy Director, Parks and Recreation Department Home of Texas A&M University Important Reminder The opening ceremonies for the ASA National Girls Softball Tournament is scheduled to start at 6pm on August 8th, Please arrive early if you would like to observe this occasion; parking will be at capacity! Parking should be available near the office by the start of the board meeting at 7pm. Thanks! JUL-21 00 11:56 FROM:PARKS REC & TOURISM 409-845-0446 TO:409 764 3737 PAGE: 2 D!LMTT TO: College Station City Council I. OUGH Planning&Zoning Cornrnion FROM: The Parks and Recreation Board SUBJECT: Acquisition of parkland prior to land development Goals In their strategies relating to Visions #4 and #8, the City Council requested the Parks and Recreation Board's input on the proposed strategy of acquiring land for neighborhood and community parks pior to development. The interpretation of the Council's strategy given to us by Mr. Calloway and Mr. Beachy was that it consisted of three charges (1) Development of a pr. -dure for planning parks in advance of development; (2) Establishment of criteria for defining desirable parkland; (3) Establishment of procedures for making parks the focal points for the city's future growth. In our vi-w the accomplishment of elements#2 and#3 is dependent upon a commitment to accomplish#1. Only if the city acquires parkland ahead of development will it be in a position to select optimum park sites in teems of design criteria, and ensure that parks are focal points. Needs We estimate that over the next 10 years the city is likely to need 4 new neighborhood parks and 2 new co unity parks beyond those currently proposed. The city's current size requirement for neighborhood parks is S to 15 acres, and is 4560 acres for community parks. Given the Council's desire to expand their use to include a broader range of intergenerational activities and more passive park areas, we recommend that future neighborhood parks should be at the upper end of the present range i.e., approximately 15 acres (this is about the mmiC size as Thomas Park), and that future community parks should be increased to 75400 acres in size. JUL21 00 11:56 FROM:PARKS REC a TOURISM 409-845-0446 TO:409 764 3737 PAGE:03 R.- Amen se. Ali. We recommend the city issue Certificates of Obligation to purchase four sites of approximately 15 acres for future neighborhood parks and two sites of approximately 75400 acres for future co unity parks. Assuming a purchase price of S10,000 per acre, the cost of the CO's will be approximately $2.5 million. Investment in the CO's will contribute to the Council's pLx nLng and social goals. At the same time, they may be regarded as a"loan" since the 52.5 million will be repaid to the city from 3 sources: (1) Reinvestment from the dedication ordinance requirement that developers contribute Binds for neighborhood parks; (2) The potential exists to expand the ordinance when it is r- csed in early 2002 to include a dedication for community parks. This has been tone in many other communities (3) The incremental increase in property values around the park sites is likely to be around 20%. [This is the same principle and ratinale used by developers who build golf courses in residential developments cf, Pebble Creek], This will increase the city's tax returns from these properties by approximately 20%. Concl lens In our view, this investment of$200,0004250,000 a year in debt charges from the CO's which 11 be returned to the city over time is the only realistic way to accomplish the goals laid out in strategies#4 and#8. 2, Such a foresighted investment will have a substantial positive impact on the quality of life in College Station in 2030, 3. There is precedent in the city—Central Park, Southwood Athletic Park and Lick Creek Park are good examples of proactive planning in the past. This approach hu also been adopted in the development of the city's existing and proposed new business parks. 4. At this time we ask the Council to consider this proposal in principle. If it is consistent with the Council's aspirations, then we would welcome the opportunity to work with the Pla 'ng and Zoning Commission to 'Wing forth detailed su _estions for how it would be implemented College Station Parks & Recreation Department Surcharge Fee for User Groups Year 2000 Adult Soccer Paid - • $2520.00 January • $1285.00 June College Station Little League Paid — • $5300.00 June Girls Fast Pitch Softball Paid - • $1040.00 Spring & Summer Season Adult Softball Paid - • $22,650.00 Spring & Summer Season CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PA" S AND REC ATION Absence Request Form For Elected and Appointed Officers Name Request Submitted on(date) LJ Ii, Zoe I will not be in attendance at the meeting of 2.de for the reason(s) specified: 1. , LLi Llcr 4.4 0„,0 ra.'D Signature This request shall be submitted to the office of the committee/board secretary prior to the meeting date. o:board/absenteeform.doc College Station Sports & Recreation Co ittee • Establish master calendar for recreation sports activities utilizing College Station facilities • Review Mission Statement and update Bylaws • Define and possibly expand scope of the committee • Fo alize membership (Voting/Nonvoting) DRAFT DRAF 07/06/009:00 AM T Mission Statement communityand home of Texas A&M A&M Station,a unique 1 well-being of the of College ,health and genera advancing the quality : unique community andi of the On behalf of the citizens will promote the la preserving and On behalf of the citizens. oi. .i,College Station,a health and general well-beingquality University,the City Council11 responsibility while . ..:A, i will promote the safety, igg and advancingthe University,the City Council . responsibility while preserving community within the bounds.of fiscal ,. exceptional civic Pi.u. of life resultingm e Vision#4 , Mission Statement Vision#3 Vision#8 Vision#2 Environment that Cultural Arts and Vision#7 Clean Recreational Vision#6 Well Planned V'sic'nFl.tolcused Safe,Secure and Enhancesa nd Protects opportunities Vision#5 Strong and Diverse • hoods Customer. Healthy Environment Quality of Life communitywwithin the boundofsloitfefrisecsauliting Easily Travel To, Economic Environment Neighbor • • te and the Services Participate the Well Within and From in exceptional civic pride. Strategies , Contribute to Community Strategies .1.4146,..„,,eniph44*,pfigs1:4:.: Being of Our Strategies , Stronger Code Enforcement ,,,,q,i,ii,;ti4ikimii,*,:vigo!:;3:;s,,,,. !,,, ::,;;, Community Strategies Strategies Work 1.In Depth Review of 7. and i n Residential areas Intergenerational„q4:,:ii!,!f:l '1 : , ' Strategies 1.Create a Motivating Development Trends -4 Implementation Plans i!,(,,oei.rieiii400,'sprao:0,120,,j„i,.::,,:i',, Strategies Pertain to Annexation - to Prevent Environment-5 Implementation Plans New Roadways as They Resources: Strategies ,.0:.k:,p#0,if0PP#1'" ii:011 PlanNew:$86,969 11000,111114,3111 1.Promote Economic Provides' Residential Decline-Resources: -1 Implementation Existing:$1,000 New:$1,617,000 Resources 11(006,00,qq,,-,!if,meti: standards to ensure Adequate Economic !,,,'-4154Implementation::!lni , Neighborhood Total:$87,9e9 Existing:$327,000 51,,,,,!'4$01111,,,,',,,!,,, 0,1„:„,s adequate roadway Opportunity for Our g:ti.,044:1•1111111E111111V:, New:$0 staff_ Development That Improve Neighborhoods c a °sa planning o u e traffic Citizens „' Plans ,.i;11•1;,.0j§itteiimationtit;,,:::,, Total:$1,944,000 Existing:Existing '',,'41111ii : • Resources: needs Plans -4 ImPlemen-a-mn :,,,,'Exitittg$711)PAP960:11E.,00,:it::::, Total:Existing staff -2 Implementation -Resources: , 04,40g1046AVT,', . Funding ,::.,,''if More!:Interaction:YP"Ipc, ,:.2AImplementationssoContinuei ti Facilitationnpinsof -Resources: New:$60,760 ,,,,,,:s.791.*P29099„0,1,,„",,,„,,,„,,„,„,„,„,,;,,,,,,,,,,„„,,, and 2.Determine Possible ;::,,,,,Iriiiiiki,,Elootet:"TprjfA ! , Resources: New:$10,625,000 .„,,,,,,,,,,, ,, Develop Goals Sources to Address IMP. of 1,, Shared Vision:'wipiqpmpFi,,, Existing:Existing staff New$0 2.Take Steps t o Ensure rg 2.Strategies to Achieve the Greenways System :,;.!,,6iitOanta40',Maq:egells,i,:: Total:$60,760 Existing:$3,980,000 Existing:Existing staff t'Examinefrorafdwtuary Total:$10,625,000 Representational:Funding ISO Rating -1 Implementation Plan !,,,! 'FteSPOr,Ce,S;i ,,liptriki,11,,!'i Total:$3,980,000 for Multi-Jurisdictional Plans Funding Requests Resources: In a 2.Policy Emphasis on _.ns -2 Implementation -Resources' Proactive Involvement Ongoing Update/Revisions Plan New:$0 '''''":'?''1ExTii491EXIStiiii,'',Otaffiti', 2.Update Thoroughfare 2.Regional APPmach to and Adhering to Comp -2 Implementation Plans New:$0 Staff Existing:Existing staff :: ::f86ii,,tiao(00'14Ts :i ! 2.Improve Citizen Access Plan More Frequently Airport/Air Transportation and Development Policies Existing:Exietmg Sta- Total:Existing staff ,..,:,,,,,,,44, 401Wtlal' 11SigaP,' to Information About 2 Implementation Plans 2 Implementation Plans -6 Implementation Plans New:$0 Total: Existing staff -Resources: Their City Government _Resources- Existing staff Ztaatli..ngE:xisting staff -----'''''-----''''' Comp-----,,,t6:itodate, ,,,,,,,,, Continue ,, ,,a,,,,,,,,,,, Recycling Programs ''''-''' '3"---',,fie'ardinig:;ParicsAtir:. -4 Implementation Plans New:$0 -Resources: New:$0 New:$91,410 staff Evaluation 3.Adequate Street Lighting -32EljnTptirrieRn:tiiron Plans ,,,N,,,,,,,,paR, p77:: ,,,:, -Resources: New:$51,640 Existing:$5,344,000 Existing:Existing staff Total:$5,344,000 Total:Existing staff Total:$91,410 3.Ongoing of 3. Citywide -Resources: ,,:',- ,,qylifp , ,,i:,tt:ahet,,,iis,,,,,,,,,,,, Existing:$9,900 HoteUMotel07,zenzealion,s -3 Implementation Plans :,:,zsitipi.,,,,9rttattp„ ,,:,,,,„,,,,,i!lotir,,, New:$10,000staff ,,,,,,!,14eSd(It'pee.„,: !!!*4::!4N!, Total:$61,540 mlne Policies that Set 1:1:u1"c:College -Resources: ulc2e0s,000 Existing:Existing Total:$10,000 -',"',,,,,New,,,15,p99, ,,„),t,,;, „,,_ Staff--,,, ,„.,..„Existing:. ...”...-„,.„.,.., ,,:,,,,,i,,,,, Existing „''''',;,'IG:,'„,:''' ' 3.Continued Emphasis"Pedestrian Proactive Retail Infrastructure 3.Improve our . on a 3.Exa Construction Resources: Standards 4 Implementation Plans Existing:$70,000 ., with 1)00,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-----„,„ ::'::::,::',::;!:TOtalti,''Sta ,,,,, Friendliness” Recruitment to -1 ImplementationPlan Total:$270,000 ..".„..,..„--‘,-.:,„,-..„,.„-__,...„.,,,,,,,,,,,-,..- Adequate Facilities maintain/Grow Sales Tax Resources: New:$4,800,000 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ' '11411411111.1M:NIMir:.' -2 Implementation Plans Existing:Existing Existing:$10,137,000 -Resources: Base New:$0 Total:$14,937,000 , .,:ConnectivityEletWeeninlir:,:l.:: iemoioickg.30:,,H1,,,,,,,,. New:$0 -3 Implementation Plans-Resources: Existing:$14,000 Resources: - Total:$14,000 4.Dev.of a Holistic Program Existing:$484,000 4.Examine Facilities, , Breaking the Cycle.of i:S 4*M0e0Sniall.114110,I''' New:$0 Total:$484,000 ---,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,Ht,,,,,,,,, Existing:Existing staff Technology and Personnel fori,;,verty and Intervention Total:Existing staff Cleu7t=reeri;cel:/liuc:te for Families iniCrisis. ,,,,,,,:,i,,,:,8kifiiig,rss,s3,4p,991 ,;,,,,,,, -2 Implementation Plans -1R Implementation at on P '-Total:$ 640000:4A4,,,,,,i:kiiim, toPublic Transit New:$150,000 ,,,,,,,,,i!i::,1:::,IMI,121,,,MAI'laikk 4.Imp. System to Improve Rider-. New:$331,123 Existing:Existing Resources Convenience,Reliability, Existing:$1,594,600 Total:$150,000 - haS01*Raraei,,,, and Accessibility for Total:$1,925,723 -Resources: -Resources: :,,,'-, p0!! ':97)3ii„ __,_,, . Waste Disposal5. Enhancement , -,,,,MaittkiVAPuaW‘taOpo:H Senior Citizens. :',',',.: Through Budget ' -1 Implementation Plan 5.Constant Evaluation of 5.Toxic l';::.:,2 Ii-00terfleiPriElleiV Sales Tax -1 Implementation Plan -Resources: ----'-..,,,00m,ts., ,'g,,,,,giio.,,,, New:$0 -1 Implementation Plan New:4':786P014;610; -, „ Existing:Existing staff New:$0 New:$0 Existing:$0 --- ''andniaitt.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ::E::1:!,:F:g000-,,o;i ,, ,„.„„„,,,..,,...,....,..,_,k,,, Existing: Existing staff Total:$0 -Resources: Total:VE3599geoltaillt, Total:$0 ' Develop'RiO4ren*angak'''' 's,;;: ,. hici,.,,,,,,Fmg,:,,,,,, ...,,,FAoilt4qxfRri:i,„„,,.,,,.,s,:„,:,„s„..„.„,.,.„,,„e....,,,„,,, . .. Total:Existing staff 6.Constant Eval.of Possible :.::',':-';CitiZenSAMVN'R.ga,:lpZ:,:;V':„,. • ts of Electric Utility .','41'1.','IImplementationZi;.,:4.•:':!';,:tti:,.4Eg,!:''1,i!.•,!'' impacts Deregulation -1 Implementation Plan -Resources: -Resources: ,:,,i..,!-,N, .:,,: 9;999i :i.,,, ,,,:,,,;,,,:„.;,,,,,,, New:$0 ng aff Total:$20,000 Existing:$135,000 2 Total:$135,000 1 • home of Texas0610°9:°0 AM 00 u COLLEGE STATION P. 0 Box 9960 • 1101 Texas Avenue . College Station. TX 77842 Tel: 409 764 3500 kik 11111.9 MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Tom Brymer, City Manager ,---- DATE: July 7, 2000 SUBJECT: Draft FY 01 Strategic Plan This past December the City Council gave direction to staff at its workshop to begin a collaborative strategic planning effort. At that time staff presented a report (attached as an appendix) that recommended some changes in approach to what Council had done in the past as it pertained to long range policy planning. The first step in this strategic planning effort was for Council to review and "retool" its mission statement for the City as well as the vision statements that help describe how we are to carry out that mission. Next, staff began a process of reviewing with Council many of the City's key plans and policies to identify their strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement. The third step in the strategic planning process involved the Council taking that information and using it as the "raw material" for its planning retreat in May to create strategies to realize their vision statements. Council prioritized those strategies within each vision statement and then identified basic implementation plans to carry out those strategies. Since the May retreat, staff has worked on the next step in the process, drafting the actual strategic plan. We have added some more detail and determined the resources necessary to carry out the implementation plans for the strategies within each vision statement. We have formatted this information into a draft strategic plan that we are presenting to Council for discussion and feedback at its July 13th workshop. Home of Texas AM University This draft strategic plan is different from previous Councils' planning efforts in three key areas: 1 . It continues to be "ends" focused through the use of a mission statement and associated vision statements. However, it seeks to more directly tie the Council's policy initiatives to the attainment of Council's vision statements. 2. It attempts to identify and more deliberately target both the new and existing resources needed to implement the strategies necessary to pursue the vision statements. 3. It establishes a multi-year format for the strategic plan by showing which implementation plans are short, medium, or long range, as well as those that are ongoing. This helps present a more realistic idea of the amount of resources necessary and the type of time commitment required of Council to pursue a particular policy strategy. From an overall perspective, what does this draft strategic plan tell us about the policy direction of the City of College Station? I believe it tells us the following: Within the Council's eight vision statements, there are 32 strategies that Council has put together to move the City of College Station toward those visions. There are 75 implementation plans to carry out those 32 strategies. Of those 75 implementation plans, 18 are ongoing, 31 are short term, 17 are medium term, and 9 are long term. • It also tells what resources have been identified as either being currently available or would need to be made available in the next fiscal year's (FY01) budget to implement the strategies. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, this draft plan tells how a significant part of the organization's resources are proposed to be used by vision statement and strategy. It is important to emphasize that each vision statement has strategies that require the use of existing staff time. However, in addition to existing staff time, each vision statement requires the use of financial resources. Some of those financial resources are already in place and some will need to be provided in the next fiscal year's budget. If additional financial resources are required, staff has prepared service level adjustments for Council to consider in conjunction with the proposed FY01 Budget. Those financial resources would be for both operating expenditures as well as capital improvements. fi Financial Resources Vision Required Statement Existing New Total #1 Customer Focused Services $12,193,600 $6,748,123 $18,941,723 #2 Safe, Secure, Healthy Environment 70,000 320,000 390,000 #3 Clean Environment 1,000 96,969 97,969 #4 Cultural, Arts, and Recreation 3,640,000 113,500 3,753,500 #5 Community Well-being 9,900 112,400 122,300 #6 Travel To, Within, From Community 9,808,000 0 9,808,000 #7 Strong, Diverse Economy Exist® Staff 10,565,000 10,565,000 #8 Well-Planned Neighborhoods 114,000 91,410 205,410 TOTAL $25,836,500 $18,047,402 $43,883,902 This draft strategic plan is being brought to Council as a recommended "game plan", not only for the next fiscal year, but also for our medium and long-term future as well. Hopefully, Council will treat this strategic plan as a "living document" that needs to be worked on during the course of the next fiscal year. The plan also needs to be re-examined, updated, and revised yearly to reflect changing conditions and priorities. However, staff believes that the basic framework is one we can utilize over a multi-year planning period. Most importantly, the strategic plan should: ® guide the budgeting process when we present the proposed budget to Council in August. ® correspond and connect with our five-year financial forecast. On behalf of the staff, let me say it has seen a pleasure to work as a team with the City Council on this draft strategic plan. We look forward to going through it, making any changes you wish to make, and then "work the plan." cc: Management Team 7/10/0011:39 AM STRATEGIC PLANNINGMILESTONE T TRACKING CALENDAR > :., _,,,... ,. . <..,; ... .._.. .-;:.A. ... ....m .. w.. ,--., ,m-...„.. „ -:..: _ .-,. -, -.,... - - •-. r-..:,eau ..,.r.-.... .:czz+».„»;... COMPLETE ® T I T MILESTONE IPLAN ;€ � a •�a li �. �,�..„..as,..,:�tg?g f i 3!, �� '.-. NOTES NOT APPLICABLE N/A Not applicable V 1d Promote employee recognition N/A Not applicable V1 S5 a Monitor sales tax issues immediate V1 S2 b Use of Joint Funding Relief Cmte for ALL requests Regular basis V7 S2 ab Periodic reports from the Regional Airport Planning Committee Ongoing V1 S4 b Negotiation for City Center property land purchases Ongoing V7 83 a Regular 4B oard/retail recruitment progress reports to Council Ongoing 2000 V5 1 a Facilitate neighborhood association formation Ongoing 2000 V5 b Continue communication process w/neighborhood associations MAY 2000 COMPLETE Beach Ma -00 V4 S5 b Develop soccer field improvement recommendations May-00 V8 Si a Initiate code review project w/focus groups COMPLETE 5/25/00 Vi Si c Rate classes approved&elimination of worker's comp subsidy Staff Report JUNE 2000 Jun-00 V1 S3 b Receive Performing Arts Center consulting report Jun-00 V1 S3 c1 Receive hotel marketing package Jun-00 V3 S1 a Complete noise abatement enforcement research COMPLETE Beach Jun-000 V4 S5 b Request funds for increased soccer field maintenance levels SLA Submitted. COMPLETE Beachy Jun-00 V4 S6 b Ad-hoc Senior Citizen Cmte report to parks& rec board JULY 2000 Jul-00V1 S3 a Finalize RFP for CVB &Sports Foundation study Jul-00 V1 S4 b City Center Citizen's Committee reviews 3 concept plans Jul-00 V1 S6 a Bring deregulation consultant contract to Council Jul-00 V2 S2 ab 1st Fire Station planning meeting - /CS/ razor County Jul-00 V2 S4 a Present -yr consolidated plan to Council Jul-00 V3 S1 a Develop noise abatement enforcement action plan Jul-00 V3 S1 b Complete community-based code enforcement research Jul-00 V3 S1 c Integrate CE training into new employee orientation 1 7/10/0011:39 AM - STRATEGIC PLANNING I L E ST O TRACKING AL A ... .......:::... .._-.,.,v,.,;,i.,t.t*+:.,_i t a_.,,a,.zz4.„_,u..'a-t^Aa5xi.?.33;A..K ✓..iotE..a%'.3�v^;--.?.. '-_' .., .'!t4?i3 L,z:CLe.. 5v. , ,!e3A' — RTs - .*C.3 z4...:_Sf_Sz:tta"H.u".§?a!:-_ WGYB'.'e'.?x✓.is ni:!Y+raP.:- ar.2N:3^:T gg COMPLETE DIRECTOR MILESTONE PLAN ' • NOTES Jul-00 V4 S3 a Joint P&Z- Council meeting Beach Jul-00 14 S3 b PReviewrks geographicRecBord p accessibilityresents p reportrov p forsSenior parksBoard proposed by TAMU Project a ro� p E eachy Jul-00 V4 S6 a laws July 1 lth Board Mtg e V4 S6 b Callaway Jul-00 V8 S1 e Parks Board-P&Z joint meeting to discuss neighborhood issues July 20th, 5:30 p.m. Coordinate with CSISD to work with & expand Building Better 7/00-8/00 V2 S4 autu res program July-Fall 2000 V2 S4 a Review Information & Referral Programs AUGUST 2000 8/1/00 V1 S2 a Develop representation funding policy for Council consideration { Aug-00 V2 S4 a Present 1-stop shop concept to Council for approval/direction Woody Aug-00 V2 S3 a ContinuePhase I installation of historic lights PUD Aug-00 V3 S1 b Develop community-based code enforcement action plan Aug-00 V3 S1 c Schedule CE training for field employees Meet w/Student Affairs to discuss student-oriented code Aug-00 V3 S1 d enforcement strategies Beach.: Aug-00 V4 S6 a Establish Yahooz buildin as an interim senior fa ilit In House Project Bead-1Y g g � _ � J Beadily/ Camp. r review of park acquisition, siteselection nni pfete p cq i Planning . Callaway v v Aug-00 V4 S3 a :Parks flan/Ce Serv. Aug-00 V4..S6 b Appoint Senior Board members Aug-00 V4 S6 b Establish interim location for Senior Advisory Cmte to meet Old "Yahooz" Building Aug-00 V Si a ConsiderNeighborhood Planning SLA V5 S1 b Aug-00 V5 S2 a Consider City newsletter SLA Aug-00 V5 S2 b Consider print advertising SLA Aug-00 V5 S2 c Consider cable SLA Aug-00 V6 S1 a ReviewROWstandards Aug-00 V6 S1 b Review ResidentialRehabilitation Program Evaluate apartment design standards & investigate alternative Aug-00 V8 S2 b standards Aug-00 V8 S2 d Present comp plan review LA Request proactive land use planning resources through budget Aug-00 V8 'S2 e process 2 7/10/0011:39 AM T T E G I PLANNING I L E TTRACKING CAL COMPLETE IRECTOR MILESTONE PLAN MILESTONEI Review street design standards,compare current maintenance life Aug-00 V8 S3 a cycle costs to desired costs Code consultant findings to P&Z, Council, staff. Council policy 3/00-9/004 S3 a direction , V8 S1 a V8 S2 b 8/00-12/00 V2 S2 ab Review existing fire station plans for each /c / razos County SEPTEMBER 2000 Fall 2000 V2 S1 'a Annexation feasibility workshop policy discussion � �I 9 II II II III _i Beach Fall 2000 V4 S5 a Review all existing fees &fee policy Staff& Boards Beach, Fall 2000 V4 S5 a Review maintenance costs associated /programs PARD Staff Beach Fall 2000 V4 S6 a Conduct senior facility needs analysis Council presentation by Brazos Transit to provide update of Fall 2000 'V6 S4 a activities Fall 2000 V6 S4 a Meet w/area transportation service providers Fall 2000 V8 'S2 'f Council workshop to review land-use ratios Fall 2000V3 d Bring proposed comp plan review cycle & areas for review to PZ Fall '00-Spring '01 V2 S4 a Review Joint Relief Funding Review Cmte policies Fall '00-Spring '01 V8 S2 a 'Research esearch development incentive options & resource needs Sep-00 V1 S3 ,a Approval of contract for CVB & Sports Foundation consultant s j City Center Citizen's Cmte & consultant develop final Sep-00 t V1 S4 'b I recommendation to Council Beach Se -00 V4 S1 a Seek intergenerational park needs input PARD Staff Sep-00 V3 S1 b Present community-based code enforcement plan to Council Sep-00 V3 S1 c Begin CE training for field employees Sep-00 V3 '51 d Code Enforcement media blitz followed w/quarterly media info Sep-00 V4 S2 a 'Joint ParksBoard-City oun `l meeting -semi-annually thereafter 9/28 Workshop Sep-00 V5 S2 b Design layout for monthly ads Sep-00 V6 S3 a Review ROW standards re: ped friendliness Sep-00 V8 j 1 c Identify policy alternatives for developer-HOA transfer Sep-00 V8 ;S1 c Evaluate legal feasibility: developer-HOA transfer Callawa Se.-00 V8 S1 e Determine park placement policy alternatives, desired outcomes PARD/Dev Sery Staff Council-P&Z joint meeting to discuss desired development in Sep-00 V8 'S2 a specified areas 3 7/10/0011:39 AM TT I PLANNING I L T TRACKING AL A COMPLETE I T MILESTONE I DESCRIPTION 9/00-11/00 V5 l 2 la Develop newsletter format/layout OCTOBER 2000 10/1/00 V1 S1 a FY01 Portion of pay plan funded 10/1/00 V1 S1 a Adjust exempt salaries to midpoint 10/1/00 V1 S1 bstablish retention benchmarks E Foutz Oct-00 V1 S3 c1 Receive hotel developer recommendations from consultant eachY Oct-00 V4 S4 c 'Complete Wolf Pen Creek Corridor design charrette TAU V13 {c Beach Oct-00 V4 S4 c Complete Wolf Pen Creek Corridor channel design Under Contract 1 S3 c 10/1/00 V1 S4 'a Select consultant& develop e-government plan City Center Citizen's Cmte recommends specific concept plan to Oct-00 V1 S4 b Council Oct-00 evelop systematic plan to install historic lights Oct-00 V3 S1 .: Present noise abatement enforcement plan to Council ,, Oct-00 V3 S1 • Make CE presentations at 's Beach Oct-00 V4 S5 b Review all other existing maintenance standards and resources PARD Staff Oct-00 V5 S2 c Puchase new cable equipment & upgraded software Meet w/entities affected entities on thoroughfare planning & Oct-00 V6 32 I b !construction Oct-00 V6 S4 a {Public Forum to solicit Senior transportation comments & needs { Complete road, utility, drainage infrastructure in existing business Oct-00 V7 S1 a park Oct-00 V7 S1 b Acquire Class A business center site Oct-00 V7 b Present proposed retail recruitment policy incentives to Council c 0p p p Y 10/00-12/00 V4 'S3 a Draft code regulations reviewed by staff, P&Z, Council V8 S1 a V8 S2 b {10/00-4/01 V2 S4 a Review current CS social service methodology 10/00-ongoing V5 S2 b Publish monthly ads in both papers 10/00-ongoing V5 S2 d Establish direct city department marketing inititiaves NOVEMBER 2000 4 7/10/0011:39 AM STRATEGIC PL I IL E T TRACKING CALENDAR COMPLETE I T MILESTONE I DESCRIPTION 11/1/00 V1 S1 b Issue 1st retention rate report Beach. Nov-00 V4 S1 a Develop standards to meet intergenerational park needs Staff& Boards Nov-00 V5 S2 c Training session for upgraded cable software Nov-00 V6 S1 b Review existing street maintenance service levels Nov-00 V6 S3 b Present sidewalk retrofit program proposal SWOT presentation on sidewalk master plan &sidewalk petition Nov-00 V8 1 b process Nov-00 V8 S1 b Identify requested sidewalk projects &funding sources Report street design standard review results & recommendations to Nov-00 V8 S3 a Council 11/00-01/01 V8 S1 c Propsed code changes to Z, Council. 11/00 - 3/01 V1 S4 b Develop zoning overlay district for City center property area DECEMBER 2000 Dec-00 V1 S3 a Receive CVB .ports Foundation report& recommendations Brymer/ Beach Dec 00 V1 S3 b Performing Arts Center conceptual tual stud° complete ACBVitAIVIU Dec-00 V2 S5 a Present feasibility of interim toxic waste disposal Develop recommendations for additional parks to meet existing Beactly Dec-00,v4 S3 b needs consultant services Dec-00 V4 S4 a Identify greenway demonstration project Dec-00 V4 S4 b Review greenways program Dec-00 V5 S2 a Finalize newsletter design Dec-00 V6 S1 a Recommend ROW standards re: road projects Hearings, adoption of codes. Council consideration of new code 12/00-01/01 V8 S1 c policy. V8 S1 e V8 S2 b V4 S3 a 12/00-ongoing V5 S2 c Implement new cable programming Winter 2001 V6 4 a Develop recommendations to address public transportation needs a 5 7/10/0011:39 AM STRATEGIC PLANNING MILESTONE TRACKING CALENDAR COMPLETE DIRECTOR MILESTONE PLAN I MILESTONE DESCRIPTION NOTES JANUARY 2001 Hold land-use ratio public hearings, amend comp plan as 2001-2002 V8 S2 f necessary Q1, 2001 V6 S2 a Present thoroughfare connection recommendations 1/1/01 V1 Si c New rates & plan changes go into effect 1/1/01 V1 Si e Develop/provide quarterly customer service training Foutz Jan-01 V1 S3 c1 Evaluate hotel proposals Jan-01 V1 S6 a Receive deregulation consultant's recommendation Identify thoroughfares that need lighting upgrades & present Jan-01 V2 S3 b improvement plan Jan-01 V3 S3 a Present multi-family recycling feasibility plan Jan-01 V7 Si b Acquire Class B business center site Jan-01 V7 Si d Review business park incentive standards Jan-01 V8 Si a Public hearings on new codes Jan-01 V8 S2 e Begin expanded provision of neighborhood planning effort Standards for new development presented with Code Review 01/01-02/01 V8 Si d Project 1/01-2/01 V1 S4 b Staff address City Center traffic circulation issues Evaluate code enforcement policies, proactive enforcement 1/01-2/01 V8 Si a alternatives V8 S1 a 1/01-7/01 V2 S2 ab Develop final fire station location plan 1/01-ongoing V5 S2 a Publish City newsletter FEBRUARY 2001 Feb-01 V6 S3 a Recommend ROW standards re: ped friendliness Beachy Feb 01 V4 Si a Inventory parks in relation to intergenerational park standards PARD Staff Feb-01 V7 S2 ab Present results of past airport studies Feb-01 V7 S3 c Develop sales tax base growth information plan Feb-01 V8 Si c Neighborhoods &developers notified of new code requirements Feb-01,V8 S2 c RFP and select consultant for Northgate Redevelopment Plan MARCH 2001 Spring 2001 V2 Si a Present annexation areas identified 6 7/10/0011:39 AM STRATEGIC PLANNING MILESTONETRACKING AL A COMPLETE I T° MILESTONE LAN I . DESCRIPTION NOTES Spring 2001 V4 S5 a DeveloP recommendations for fee changes Develop& Present en ark.maintenance . inten nc`. standards reco mend...tions Beach o rine 2001 V4��S5 b toarksBoard & Council � � PARD Staff Spring 2001 V4 S6 a Investigate cooperative senior ventures w/Bryan/Brazos County Present development research finding at joint P&Z-Council meeting Spring 2001 V8 S2 a for direction Spring/Summer'01 V2 S3 a Continue installing historic lights Spring/Summer'01 V8 S2 d Fill comp plan review planner position, begin review Foutz Mar-01 V7 S1 a Complete existing business park landscaping PARD Staff Present intergenerational parks recommendations to Park& Rec Beachy Mar-01 V4 S1 a board Council PARD Staff/Boards Brymer/ Beachy Mar-01 v1 S3 b Identify potential Performing Arts Center sites A VB/city Staff 3/1/01.V1 S4 a Present e-government plan to Council Identify neighborhood lighting upgrades & present improvement Mar-01 V2 S3 c plan Smith Mar-01 V3 S2 a Present report on trail development grant opportunities Mar-01 V3 S3 b Present proposed changes to recycling facility design Mar-01 V6 S2 b Present integrated thoroughfare connection approach Mar-01,V7 S1 b RFP for new business parks master plan consultant to City Council Recommend changes to business park incentive standards to Mar-01 V7 S1 d Council Mar-01 V8Si b Presentation of proposed sidewalk policy&options to Council Present ordinances to change street design standards to Council Mar-01 V8 .S3 a and advise developers if adopted APRIL 2001 B r me Beachy/ pr-01 v1 S3 b Make Performing Arts cents r_ r c mendo. tion to Council A cB . Apr-01 v1 S3 c2 Complete Wolf Pen Creek trail design Under Contract V4 S4 c 4/1/01 v1 S4 a Prepare budget requirements for e-government plan Present park location recommendations to Parks Board & city Beach Apr-01 v4 S3 b Council Apr-01 V4 S4 b Make greenways program recommendations 7 7/10/0011:39 AM T T I PLANNING IL T TRACKING CAL COMPLETE DIRECTOR Beachy Apr-01 V4 S5 a Present fee structure recommendations to Council & Parks Board Apr-01 V6 1 b Present recommended street maintenance changes Apr-01 V7 S1 c Review existing business park standards MAY 2001 5/1/01 V1 51 µb Issue 2nd retention rate report 5/1/01 V1 51 c Review plan performance reg financial forecast Smith May-01 V1 S3 c2 Complete George Bush East construction Design Complete V4 S4 c Foutz ay-01 V1 S3 c1 Enter into hotel/conference center development agreements May-01V6 S4 a ouncil consideration of Senior Tranportation plan Present results of TXDoT airport study& MPO report on railroad May-01 V7 2 ab relocation study May-01 V7 S3 a Annual 4B oard status report to Council Review current NG redevelopment plan. Present results to Council May-01 V8 S2 c & P&Z for direction. JUNE 2001 summer 2001 v4 S0 a Prepare and present en�orfacillty/p ogram recommendations Jun-01 V4 S4 a Implement greenway demonstration project Jun-01 V4 S4 a Recommend greenway policy changes Jun-01 V8 S2 c Hold NG neighborhood meeting facilitated by consultant JULY 2001 Jul-01 V7 S1 c Recommend new business park design standards to Council AUGUST 2001 Aug-01 V1 54 a Council approval of e-government plan & budget Aug-01 V8 S1 a Allocate budget resources for proactive code enforcement V3 S1 d SEPTEMBER 2001 Sep-01 V2 a2 ab Present fire station plan to B/CS/Brazos County 8 7/10/0011:39 AM T T I PLANNING IL T TRACKING L COMPLETE I T I ,, aON NOTES OCTOBER 2001 Oct-01 V4 S5 a Implement new fee structure Oct-01 V7 S1 b Develop master plan for both sites NOVEMBER 2001 Foutz Nov-01 S3 cl Design completion & groundbreaking for hotel/conference center Nov-01 V8 S2 c Revise &finalize updated NG plan utilizing consultant DECEMBER 2001 Dec-01 V8 S2 c 'Present revised NO plan to P&Z and Council for consideration APRIL 2002 Apr-02 V7 S1 b T Complete Phase I new business p park engineering plans MAY 2002 May-02 V1 S4 b Complete Facilities Plan DECEMBER 2002 Dec-02 V7 S1 aBuild-out of exisitng business park APRIL 2003 Complete Phase 1 development of new business park Apr-03 V7 S1 b infrastructure DECEMBER 2003 Dec-03 V7 S1 b Complete Phase I development of new business park landscaping MAY 2003 Foutz Ma -03 V1 S3 c1 Construction completion of hotel/conference center 9 . wi_u pv 1644A°1;11..%1:° TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY ;11/41IFIPlik ?I; College of Agriculture and Life Science 114 Department of Recreation.Park and Tourism Sciences - . . . April 13, 2000 TO: Steve Beachy . Director of Parks and Recreation FROM: lohn L. Crompton , , Park 'oard Alternate (-- ''.-- SUBJECT: Venue Project Tax Feasibility 1 appreciate the careful analysis which the staff provided on the feasibility of considering the softball portion of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex as a"venue project " and your report of April 7 on the meeting with the City Man=ger and other senior staff on this issue. It seems likely that the project does qualify as a permissible"venue project" under the 1997 State legislation jf it can be shown to be financially viable. The feasibility study you provide shows that the annual cost of operating and maintaining the nine field project(which is the size in the master plan) is projected to be $235,000 while projected . revenues are $287000. Thus, in terms of on-going operations it shows a $50,000 surplus. Estimated revenue from a 2 cents addition to the hotel/motel tax, raising it from 13%to 15% is estimated at $530,000 which will service appro ' ately $6 million of debt. Since the estimated capital cost of the project is $75 million, the management team concluded the project was not viable as a"venue project" Costs of se 'cing the remaining$1.5 million are approximately $123,000 a year. Presumably the $50,000 operating surplus could be used to the end, which would leave an annual shortfall.of $75,000. Given the m: .nitude of the city's budget, this is a very small amount. There are two very large negative outcomes of failing to fund the softball complex as a"venue project" First, College Station taxpayers will be required to fund the fill $75 million capital cost from property taxes, rather than have visitors fund most of it from hotel/motel funds. Second, the full softball complex will not become available for another 10 years or so because of the need to split its cost over the next two bond issues. The significant economic gains to the city from , \ , .....,, ---- . Room 105 Francis Hoff . Cob,_stall. ,Texas 77843-2261 0 (4M)845-5411:FAX(409)84$$ SO/tP0:391Jd LL E b9L 5OO:0i 9t470-g78-60t7 wsianoi *8 DM! SNded:14084 OE:LT 00 OT-inr 7. Steve Beachy Page Two April 13, 2000 additional tourn, ents over this period will be foregone, and the frustration of the hundreds of softball/baseball players who cant presently get access to fields will only increase as our city grows. Given these large negative outcomes,I urge the manage- ent team to reexamine the venue legislation and identify any potential supplementary financing sources that can legally be used to raise the additional S75,000 per year which appears to be needed. Perhaps it could come from existing hotel/motel funds. Alternatively, as I understand it, the legislation permits up to 25% of the existing 2 cents sales tax which the city levies to be redirected to these kinds of projects if the Council,and voters so choose. I realize such actions would require replacement funds from property taxes, 'Jut those are political decisions to be made by the Council. What I am requesting is a fa listing of pu possible ways in which t "missing" $75,000 could legally be raised, so the Parks Board and Council have a full appreciation of all the options, Thank You. Cc: Park 1oird SO/S0:39Ud 2.22.2 b.92. 60b:01 91/20-S178-60k wsmnoi I 038 SNatid:WO8A OC:LI go ot-inf JUL 10 00 17:33 FROM:PARKS REC a TOURISM 4098450446 TO:409 764 3737 PAGE:01 01111A 0 1 T , . . . . -.•.".V 9 7'L . TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John L. Crompton(and any others on the par:board who may lhave sinaruigl feelings) SUBJECT: Venue Project Tax Feasibility for the Softball Complex at Veterans Athletic Complex Attached is a memorandum which was sent to Mr, Beachy. It resulted in a meeting of senior city manag- ent staff including assistant city m, ;ger Glenn Brovn and city treasurer Charles Cyan. After the meeting, Mr. Beachy informed the Park Board that staff still considered use of the venue tax to build the softball fields to be non-feasible. There is no dis.ute with the stars poiti.n that a 2 cent increase in the hoteihnotel tax fund will not fully service the debt requirement for the softball fields. Disagreement rests with the opportunity to US@ t ternative sources of funds to supplement revenues from the 2 cent tax. Staff believe this is not desirable whereas we consi CT it is desirable for the reasons listed in the attached memorandum. We believe the stars decision effectively usurps the Council's pr ogative to decide on policy isues, We believe the potential property tax savings of 55 million to College Station rei-ants rrt1aies the issue worthy of the Council's direct attention. We -=:, ---, wiaii request that the Council schedule a workshop session to fully explore the venue project tax option. 0