HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/05/2002 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks Board ••,_ AGENDA College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday,March 5,2002,at 6:00 p.m City Hall Training Room 1101 Texas Avenue College Station,Texas 1. Call to order. 2. Pardon—possible action concerning requests for absences of members from meeting. 3. Hear visitors. 4. Discussion and possible approval of minutes from the Special Meeting of February 5, 2002, and the regular meeting of February 12, 2002. 5. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning Board and Departmental Goals and Objectives and City Council Strategic Issues. 6. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning the current Capital Improvement Project Report. 7. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning the proposed Urban Forest Management Plan (City Council Vision Statement#3, Strategy #4.a). 8. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning potential future capital improvement projects. 9. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning the Board's Fiscal Year 2003 budget issues and priorities. 10. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning a park land dedication request for the Legacy Addition Subdivision. 11. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning a focus group meeting that was held on February 28,2002,to discuss possible developer incentives for neighborhood parks (City Council Vision Statement#3, Strategy #4.a). 12. Possible appointment of a Fees Subcommittee. 13. Discussion of next meeting dates and agendas. 14. Adjourn. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To makearrangements call (979)764-3517 or(TDD) 1-800-735-2989. I. URBAN FOREST MANAGEMENT PLAN OUTLINE: A. College Station Urban Forest Overview :. Purpose of Plan C. Urban Forest Benefits D. Summary of Findings (Extensive Sections of Plan) 1. Conditions 2. Interviews 3. Inventory O Soils • Vegetation • Aerial Photograph o Inventory Areas 4. Departmental Jurisdiction E. Recommendations 1. Goals 2. Short-Terrii Objectives 3. Long-Term Objectives 4. Policy and Strategies (Implementation) II. SPECIFIC AREAS TO BE COVERED IN MANAGEMENT PLAN A. Hazard Tree Management - Every city has an extensive number of hazardous trees located throughout parks and street right of ways. These represent tremendous risk to life and property in addition to potential for city liability. While the scope of the Document is not intended to address the specific location and number of trees, it will address the rationale for timely removals and the benefits to society made possible by allocating a specific budget to do so. Risk and Reasonable Care issues will be addressed. B. Street Tree Management - This component requires the combined input of the Public Works Department as their infrastructure projects will greatly impact the health and long- term success of existing and future tree plantings. It is important that all departments that will impact city trees be aware of how and why other departments follow the procedures they use. Communication should be highlighted. C. Existing Park and/or Municipal Facility Tree Management— This section of the document will address trees growing on park or municipal property. Issues of public safety, tree health, maintenance issues, and aesthetics will be discussed. D. Greenways Tree Management Liaison •etween Greenways Projects and Public Works already exists. Communication is essential between Parks and Recreation and this division of Public Works. Any evaluation and inclusion into the Urban Forest Management Document should include input from related staff as well as discussion with leaders of Brazos Greenways and Brazos Beautiful. E. Standard Operating Guidelines for Urban Forest Management Crews — Review of current standards and guidelines is conducted to provide direction for standardizing safe and effective operations for the Forestry Division. Training, equipment, and safety standards will be addressed in this section of the document. F. Pruning Scheduling - This issue depends on a determination of what urban canopy is located in the City. Establishment of budget numbers and developing a pruning schedule of five years, seven years, etc., will be recommended both from a need basis and from a practical point of view understanding the budgetary constraints in place. Crew needs to accommodate this schedule or outside contracting will be recommended. G. Insect, Disease, Fertilization, and Watering Considerations Guidelines for these maintenance and selection categories will be included in the Document. Issues such as species diversity are essential to the plan. A criteria manual responding to the current or future tree ordinances will be recommended with an outline provided. H. New Park and/or Municipal Facility Tree Establishment This component depends greatly on the maintenance budget allocated for the aftercare of newly established trees. There must be a commitment to post planting care and understanding of how plantings will impact the current budget for tree operations. New plantings will increase the demand put on the existing personnel over the next 10 — 15 years. Prior planning for these increases should be addressed. I. Community Awareness and Tree Planting Initiatives for Public Lands - A review of what other communities are doing will be provided. In addition, recommendations for partnerships with local businesses and non-profit organizations will be presented. Establishment of TREE CITY, USA may be a goal to bring recognition to the City. Our team members, MMI, Marketing and Public Relations, will assist in co mentary. J. Creative Budget Opportunities = Successful communities will be canvassed for practical methods to fund urban tree programs. These may work in concert with nonprofit organizations and grant opportunities, both governmental and private. An example we are involved with is the current funding of a street tree inventory for the City of Houston where funds were donated by Houston Endowment and administered through the nonprofit Trees For Houston. Research and the personal experience of our staff will result in identifying alterative solutions to budget issues. K. Tree Preservation Planning and New Tree Establishment— Modern design elements of municipal improvement and community development projects impact established trees and future plantings in a major way. New and repaired Infrastructure projects offer an excellent opportunity to bring various professional disciplines together to make minimal impact to the urban forest. Prior assessment, design review, tree preservation plan development, installation of tree preservation methods, and site monitoring provide the greatest protection of valuable green infrastructure. This process will be outlined with examples provided L. Storm Damage Assessment and Response - Emergency Services should be brought into the discussion as well as transportation departments. Maintenance of corridors to hospitals, fire and police, and municipal facilities is critical. Trees can and do impact access during extensive rain, ice, and emergency events. Planning for utility clearance and response as well as preventative maintenance is essential to community safety. Follow-up assessment of damage and reforestation should be included as well as procedures for tree related record keepin.. M. Wildlife = Fragmente• populations of wildlife suffer from the extensive impact of development and infrastructure. Provisions for habitat preservation and maintenance are essential components to the urban forest equation. Developing opportunities for backyard wildlife and improved small mammal or bird habitat complement any urban forest plan. Notes from Fees Subcommittee Meeting—March 19th Funeral Fee—The subcommittee felt that this should be changed to a"Special Event" fee,where people could rent the Lincoln Center facility out for not only funerals,but weddings,parties,and other special events("Special Events" will be defined in our fee listing). Alcohol Permit—The subcommittee felt that there should not be alcohol at the Teen Center. This would be sending the wrong message, and they didn't want to set that example. Pool Trout Fishout—Will add the wording"limit of five(5)fish... $1.50 for each additional fish caught." The subcommittee agreed that there should be a Special Bay Care Fee at Adamson Lagoon. That fee would be$2.75 per child. The subcommittee agreed that the newly approved Park Field Rental Policy should be included in the fee schedule(see attached). The subcommittee agreed that the Race Equipment Rental Sheet should be included in the fee schedule (see attached). Kris will find out what Parks Planning charges for blueprints,and whether charging for the Parks Master Plan should be included in the fee schedule as well. She'll check with Development Services to get a list of their fee schedule and make sure that we are consistent with their fees. Once she gets an answer, she'll e- mail the Board. Kris will add the 2002 fees and the proposed 2003 fees to the Fees History file. Parks and Recreation Department 2003 User Fee Recommendations Fees Subcommittee Meeting Tuesday, March 19, 2002 4:00 p.m. Handouts. 1. 2003 User Fee Reco endations 2. Current 2002 User Fees 3. Parks and Recreation Department User Fee History Subcommittee Members: Glenn Schroeder, Bill Davis, Larry Farnsworth Parks and Recre n Department 2003 Fee Recommendations Fees Subcommittee Meeting Tuesday, March 19, 2002 4:00 •mi. Adult sports per team No change recommended for 2003 Youth Sports per person No change recommended for 2003 Instruction No change recommended for 2003 Shelters No change recommended for 2003 Lincoln Center Recommendations for 2003: Funeral Fee (includes rental of the gym, community room, sound system, and 450 chairs. Fee=$150.00 Teen Center Recommendations for 2003: Fee=$15.00 per hour Meeting Room Deposit=$50.00 (refundable if left clean, and no damage is done) Fee =$25.00 per hour Dance/Game Room Deposit=$50.00 (refundable if left clean, and no damage is done) Fee=$50.00 per hour Whole Facility(excluding the Computer Lab) Deposit=$75.00 (refundable if left clean, and no damage is done) Alcohol Permit Fee =$25.00 ••••••••.•.•:•:..•.•:•:•:•:•.•...:•.•:•.•.•:•:.•'•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•..::.•:•.•:•.•:-:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•.•:::::•:•.......-.•.•.•...•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•...'...........•.•...... ....•.•.•.•...•.•.•...•.•.................... ......•...... ... .. . .. . . .. •• •••••••• •• .•••••••••••• •• Rates listed above are based on a party of 1-25. Add $10.00 per hour for 26-50 attendees; $15.00 hour for 51-100 attendees; and $20.00 per hour for 100-200 attendees. Any rental expecting more than 100 attendees must have supervisor approval. Conference Center No change recommended for 2003 Athletic Fields Recommendations for 2003: Fee =$100.00 per weekend One (1)field for two (2) days Deposit=$100.00 Fee=$150.00 per day Three (3)fields for one (1) day Deposit=$50.00 Three (3)fields for two (2) days Fee=275.00 per weekend Deposit=$100.00 1 Swimming Pools Recommendations for 2003: Pool Parties Theme Parties(Southwood and Thomas Pools Fee=$5.75 ser .erson Theme Parties Adamson Lagoon Fee=$7.50 per person General Parties Southwood and Thomas Pools Fee=$4.75 •er ierson General Parties(Adamson Lagoon) Fee =$6.50 per person , Catered Theme Parties(Southwood and Thomas Pools) Fee=$7.00 per person Catered Theme Parties(Adamson Lagoon) Fee=$9.25 per person General Catered Parties(Southwood and Thomas Pools) Fee=$6.25 per person General Catered Parties(Adamson Lagoon) Fee=$8.50 per serson Fee=$15.00 for the first table, and$5.00 for each additional table Pavilion Parties (limit four(4)tables) •••••••••••..••••..•.•••........•.•••••••••••••••••••••.••.•••.•..•••••.•••••••..••..•...•••.•••.••••.••••••••••••••••••••...... • • . • . • ••••.••••.••.,••••••••••••••••••.••••.•••••••••••••••••••.•••..•..•• .. Other Recommended Poo/Fees Texas SuperGuard Competition Fee=20.00 per person Diapers at the pools $1.00 per diaper Fee=$1.00 Locker Rental Deposit=$2.00 Fee=$1.00 Tube Rental Deposit=$2.00 Junior Lifeguard Fee=$55.00 per session Guard 2-B Fee=$55.00 ser session Duck Derby(sponsor a duck) Fee=$3.00 per person ltzy Bitzy Tiny Cutie Bathing Beauty and Handsome Summer Boy Fee=$3.00 per person Contest Fee =$200.00 for two (2) hours for school-sponsored events and end- "Schools Out Blow Out at Adamson Lagoon of- ear •arties Pool Trout Fishout Fee =$2.50 per person for everyone ages three (3) and older ................................................... ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••.......•••.... ••.. •••••. .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••....•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•.•••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••..•••••••••..•••••••...••••••..•••...... . . Discount Passes Southwood, Thomas, and the Natatorium Fee =$40 for 25 swims Vendor Permits No change recommended for 2003 2 Parks & Recreation Department Fiscal Year 2002 Fees ACTIVITWFACILITY ADULT SPORTS 1. Basketball Discontinue 255.00 A 2. Flag Football No Change 340.00 3. Volleyball $175.00 140.00 4. Softball Play-Off League(Sprg,Sum) No Change 360.00 44 Play-Off League(Fall) No Change 315.00 44 Fast Pitch(Sum) No Change 375.00 44 YOUTH SPORTS PER PERSON , 1. Basketball $40/35 $30/20/10 2. Flag Football $40/35 $35/25/15 3. Girl's Softball $40/35 $35/25/15 '@ 4. Youth Volleyball $40/35 $40/30/20 5. Challenger basketball No Change $15.00 INSTRUCTION 1. Swim Lessons $35.00 $30.00 2. Adv. Swim Lessons(Stroke Clinic) $40.00 $35.00 44 3. TAAF Swim Team $85/$75 $85/65/45 44 d 4. National Jr. Tennis League(USA 123) No Change $50.00 I4 5. Tennis Lessons(+ 1 can of balls) $40.00 $35/person 44 SHELTERS PER DAY 1. Bee Creek Pavilion No Change $75.00 I 44 2. Central Pavilion Monday-Thursday 1 0 75. 44 - Friday S175.00 $100.00 44 Saturday&Sunday&Holidays No Change e $175.00 44 3. Oaks Pavilion No Change $75.00 44 4. Southwood Pavilion 44 Monday-Thursday $100.00 $75.00 44 Friday $175.00 $100.00 44 Saturday&Sunday&Holidays No Change $175.00 44 5. Thomas Pavilion No Change $15.00 IV 6. Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater J Private-Weekday No Change $200.00 44 Private-Weekend No Change $250.00 44 Non Commercial-Weekday No Change $425.00 44 Non Commercial-Weekend No Change $525.00 44 Professional/Commercial-Weekday to Change I $800.00 44 Professional/Commercial-Weekend A No Change I $900.00 /4 LINCOLN CENTER 1. Membership(19-54 yrs), per year No Change $15.00 Youth No Change $10.00 44 Low Income Eligible No Change $5.00 44 Adult No Change $15.00 44 Non-Member Guest Pass(youth or adult) ,, Change $1/day 44 r 9 Non-Member Summer Rate $30/Summer - 44 2. *Gym(8 hr. block/day)deposit $200.00 $150/8hrs B4 Hourly/Half Court(4 hr max) $15/hour $15.00 44 Parks Recreation Department Approved FY2002 User Fees 1 ACTIVITY/PAC' 2002 FEE 2001 FEE COMMENTS Hourly/Full Court(4 hr max) $25/hour $25.00 ft Gym Event $.30/Chair - .. All Day Usage(more than 4 hrs) $175.00 $125.00 If Sunday Fee 30/hour - .. Concession Usage $15.00 $10.00 .. 3. *Teen Room/Game Room No Change $10/2 hr min Deposit No Change $50.00 v. IV Rental No Change $20.00 .. 4. *Community Room Rental(max. 3 hrs) $30.00 $25.00 Additional per hr $20.00 $15.00 VI Deposit $75,00 $50.00 V# 91 Kitchen Fee $15.00 $10.00 El 5. Miscellaneous Charges Copies $0.10 - . Faxes $2.00/fax - .. TEEN CENTER .. 1. Non Member per day No Change $1.00 ft 2. Membership per year _ No Change $10.00 ft see attached CONFERENCE CENTER 11%increase document L ATHLETIC FIELDS 1. Softball&Baseball: ** M Single field rental/day No Change $60.00 . four(4)field complex/day No Change $200.00 four(4)field complex/Sat&Sun. No Change $350.00 . two(2)field complex/day No Change $100.00 n , two(2)field complex/Sat&Sun. No Change $175.00 v. Q. 2. Soccer: One(1)field No Change $60.00 .. Complex/day No Change $200.00 U Complex/Sat&Sun No Change $350.00 ft 3. Field Rentals/Per Hour(1/2/3 hrs) No Change $10/15/20 N SWIMMING POOLS 1. General Admission(3 yrs&up) 0 Hallaran/Thomas No Change $2.00 . Natatorium No Change $2.00 .. Adamson $4.00 $3.50 .. 2. Discount Pass .. Hallaran/Thomas(50 swims) $85.00 $50.00 U Natatorium $85.00 $40.00 U *Adamson-25 swims(may be used at all city pools) $85.00 $75.00 .. 3. Family Season Pass Natatorium No Change $125.00 .. Hallaran/Thomas No Change $125.00 v. *Adamson(may be used at all city pools) No Change $200.00 U 4. Individual Season Pass If Hallaran/Thomas No Change $60.00 *Adamson(may be used at all city pools) No Change $80.00 .. 5. Babysitter Season Pass Hallaran/Thomas No Change $30.00 U _____*Adamson(may be used at all city pools) No Change $40.00 .. ....... .. *excludes CSISD Natatorium Parks Recreation Department Approved FY2002 User Fees 2 ACTIV IFACILII'Y "2 FEE 2001 FEE COMMENTS 6. Pool Rental(2 hours) : .. Hallaran: 25 people or fewer $100.00 ' $75.00 If 50 people or fewer $125.00 $100.00 .. 51-76 peopleIf $175.00 $150.00 77-102 people $225.00 - $200.00 '' Each hour after initial 2 hours $75.00 $50.00 II Thomas/Natatorium: 25 people or fewer $90.00 - $65.00 If 50 people or fewer $100.00 - $75.00 n 51-76 people $125.00 $100.00 g. 77-102 people $150.00 $125.00 ,.., Each hour after initial 2 hours $75.00 $50.00 .. Adamson: 99 people or fewer $275.00 $250.00 199 or fewer $325.00 $300.00 " 299 or fewer $425.00 $400.00 ., 300+ $525.00 $500.00 '' Each hour after initial 2 hours .... $125.00 $100.00 Sat. &Sun./limited hours available If 7. Educational Class Rental(1 hour/non exclusive) No Change , $25.00 ., VENDOR PERMITS No Change ,.. $50.00 - I Approved by Parks and Recreation Advisory Board September 11, 2001. Adopted by City Council September 27, 2001. Parks Recreation Department Approved FY2002 User Fees 3 STA ,4,- Apt- , =-4:- .., oz ,z- •2.oh:- .._ ,is z -• Dapimilsarerequiredoneachroominordartoreseivethemardbassurethattheyae,--,*ingoodcadition Depositsarerefundableupericompliarcewithall rulesand nukalks-sarsiclem-tp requirements byclientaidcaterer.AD cfecksarecashedanddonotapplyszwaidientalfees Atentetivereservatona be hetltramaximuTic45vakingdays,andthenadepaiitbreechrcannistternmbinordertocontmilhespme...r. , ,--i,, .- ,, - •. .,, , ;',-• by1209 on i-., . .. - ,evergs.Depostsarerdurreclwit1in4-6wa*saftertsevert A SEURIINDS,OSfT-- -•* a i Numberofparticiptants,upfax .!,,, ,..7 -. ...,. . . Numberaparticipants,upto 1-10 161-M X01--to &lt" SCOW =03 maw $1Z.03 Incividueggrotps" 125(D $4303 $6003 StidentGrcup(BasicDeposit) SICCICO $12503 slam $17503 Cetereigsefvte $6000 .;a 03 .;;Ts 03 IfmAtehrnentsareserked,add $25C0 $e1003 live.,ss $103c0 C -4., ,,- IL- *1--•,,,,-.' lfdanceisheld,add San $7503 $101C0 $1Z.03 M I ...}.-,...'..r.r. $E0E0 Ifliquorisavaitable,add MCO $75E0 $10/C0 'If$s.00 •. ' ---:.,-: NalRedndadessteminedbyq3exbaliMetofinalexittine(seearamerylimecruevetsestbkaperftarl. -.,:,.timesaidextrahous)Aircoms tegtiteambitruncfl hartunarourritinebefaeandafteschevert. L . *. , ,....7,-4 0,,,-* 0 40.., ..., Za .Ir..v. ,• ,,ed t.--.4.-...,..,- .,... -. . ..... •sewed .... 127$100 Andherrowns';"-.AXicriscount) MEEfING ° ',1:-, S:.. , *-YRATE - _ , . . :I -..T.:,-, . I.--,-...=-....To-., Roomtks. Upt52hr p_p_b.,41w UptoShr :, z• ,--••i 0',..,-;•',.! 10104 $600 $1120 $17.00 $2203 $1310 $7803 $1703 102/106107 $700 $1300 moo $2710 $1703 ' '0) $2211) 105j01 1:is $1711) '..W $330 ' in, ...at is In 11 127 ' .W 1•CO $7510 $10000 $67.10 0-150people-$19400 SarreasSocialEvent„but 15 tables:no charge151-ZOpecpb=$3331X) No8eseCheigeonm127 , * All non-proftgrwpsincludingwhdastic,civic,prciessional,asczialevents. 1 251-430pei.444400 Fundraisats:thaperomsand(xcerdedpoliceoflicefsadscretimcfaw". Allpeisomandcivbownsholdinganeventinwhib hcornmerdalvenths **Non PportStateCharterNa Required(seeievemeside) alifae>hib4ors•.-i*;,•-,echangastheeventtoacanrnerdalrate. I * 1 ..., ,*, ...4. 0 . -1 T r,. -• « ,,,.... ,- -.to ......- - - - .• .17..... .'lei Ail•. -rr • ,-.dal ':..t.00.) 1: S:-- 1* -.TE - r. ' -* 1AL. ; .•*TO-. Room. Upto2hr Upto 4hr pina hr T.', ,.. •. *.‘. 10104 $1900 $2400 $31.10 $3410 $3711) $7803 102/10107 $2210 140 a) $3710 $41.03 $4303 Ilf 03 105,101 'cs0) ,,,,111. $5203 $6700 .N.11 ss 11,-,ss 127 $7410 $10000 $1.2/10 $14303 $15000 0-150.... =$19403 Includes15 tables @ no charge,exceptforexhibitoiskendors 151-ZOpmt.---$333.a) 251 *h* Allaentarlactivifiassponalreibypixt"ganizatiorsaindegardiesscfwhetharandlhe"edevertpicit-rnaldrg,charging noadnisstri,amtszee primemolivattnisforpromotonalpurreses Events .. -., .byanyindivklieda•• '.,....1 Wilze i E Kite flmi D .tyi n tended for t he pu"pose cf tais ingfu rids,in sum at cfacanddate,prornotingapoklicalphilmphy,oraptliticalaclioncareerAllcommrcial—venckxsandfbrexhibitaswillbe&targed$5.00pedable. Allpasaisandcivic 4.,,r. 1-iorshcdrsganeyentinwhichcmnmerctdvencbrsardonagniljtors .4 i-...1 ethangesedenttbaconneitialrae. lla, it, cz---zz.,.. A .,.. - , ,,,,,(incluckis:iefrigerator,micrmeve,icernachine,coifeernaler,&convationalowri) • ik) ' • 76 4- m .,... • . , ,-• vow $150) .19..„CO 4,.03 $6503 a - ., .,r, .- 1-6. -- ,.* - •,, 15 ', slAft,or• -6 - •-• - , 1.10:1 11.03 C Setup*. „•- :Afterset-upiscornpeted,chargesbrthingeswillbe$20.03flatfeetreach room charged. D - urftyCity.., •bp-,r. -• at-rscoadinatedbytheCenterat$20.00parhour(2houisminhTtwn,includas30 min.beforeandafterevent) • Numixts,*- ..,- -, • 110 WO . 1 Wde199 0-1 inCk399 1-2 100-150 1-2 100-150 2-3 151-230 2-3 151-230 3-4 201-over 3-4 201-over NumberofolfbaeisandchaperonesareatlhediwIEtbncfsupavisor. Numberofolficersandchwebnesareatthedisc`dsupe". ' AffeventsvtMatcchdmustadvretoTexasAtohdBeverapCommissianRubs&Reguiaticrs. E .-...--.houissixwagefee:$5.00 perhourfapersonalpropertyleltafterexittimeorbefueentrytime,percontrwt. F. PropertyRerriaL,Per Hem.Allchargesaiefortirnemitwhetherusedornot. Arnplifier&speaker(1) $MOO Podiums,uprightwithnorn (4) $ 50) cardes,63-112w1thbokie1510 $ 1.0) Podums„tabfatop(5) $ 253 Chairs(seatedcapacityperfirecode) nb Roan EXklers.r .,(2)&6-1/2 $ 50) akemaker:430c;5-100c $ 50) SikPlants,each $4)03 DarceRm-Pands,perpanel(100)&3' $ 20) SfidePrizOata(2) $1800 CelaConnutcalicrisModeriAccess rt S1ageSterviers(3)41x7 $low Easels")(6) $ 203 StorageSpice Inquireaboutaveilabilityandprte Rip-Chadeasetwithoutpaper(3)2-1/2Y $ 5(3 Tables,extra(3iableswith room,nic) $ 20) RipChartwithpaper(3) $1000 (15 tableswith room 1 27,nic) IceMadire(1)per20pourxis $ 25) Tables*misquarep $ 203 KitchenRollingCarts(3) nb 48"dia round(32) $ 20) LatticeScreens,foldiryo,(4)&64 $ 510 8500 (6) $ 20) Micibphme,clip-aisystem(3) $3303 ex3(Y"(84) $ 20) micnorbargsterdngatatietopsystem $2300 6x18(52) $ 20) Mincsball(1) $10E0 24"dia round(1) $ 2(3) MidtirrediaPrciecbr(1) $1511E0 36"dia round(2) $ 20) OverhemProjedor,cotab (4) $1803 IV,color,with cart,and VCR(4) $TD03 Pato"s(2)ifavailatie $2)00 US/Teodlacycnanct,1 each nb (orwith use of adjacent room,ifavailable) nb WipeoffMarkerBoard,toihng,(2)64)(4 $1003 RErn $2311) WedcfingArch,%AA-Sterrett,undeccs-Aed $1510 Podiums,uprightWithmic.(4) $15130 G. OtherSenrices(Tamil beastWtothefollowing items iniessTa<Exempt,and ifTaxExemrt,acopyofraxCeliiretbn mu be ptovided.) Ja-titaialseivicEcanbearrangxlina:lvancefa$15.COperhour-onehourrninimum. Cdfeeservice-$.40percup,indudescoffee,cups,sweebBners,cream,napkins Ebnutsandforcolddrinks-marketpriee,plustripchargecf$5.00. Ptxtmocias,maximuTil COperday $.15each Fax-sending,lstpage $200..eachpage-dter,$1.130 Fax-reoeiving„pertwa $.50 each Prices subject to change without notice. DESCRIPTIONS EVENTDEFINMONS: Meetings: Directly relatedtotheorganizatiorfsfundion,i.e.Business,Bridgeau b,Dance Club. Exhibit Eventopentothe publicforviewing purposes,i.e.flowershow,aritiqueshow,artshow,eir. Social: Weddings,receptions,.banquets,potluck,etc. **FundRaiser Allperscnsandcivicorganizsdionspcessssingachaderandwhosponsoraneentinwhich`deitued-whetherthroLghadrnisskwe, donations,concessions,sales,orinanyothermanner,regardlessofwhetherornotanyproritsometreceiptsarederivedfromthescheduledactivity. OCCUPANCY'TIME: If any booki ng goes past5:00 p.m.orextendsintotheemning pericd,theevening rate is enforced.Priorto6 p.m.,the base day rate ischarged. HOURS: Opening 7.00 am.Daily Closingtirre: 11:00 p.m.Sunday-Thursday-Closing means:exitddirs are locked and client mustbe cleaned up and outofthe building. 1:03 am.Friday-Saturday EXTRAHOURS: 6Wa.m.-7:03am.Daily 11:00p.m.-12W midnightSunday-Thuisday 1:00am.-3:00a.m.Friday-Saturday. EXTRAHOURSCHARGE: Arranged inadvance ofthe event$75.00 peradditional hourpriortoorafternamal open ing anddosingtimes.Anypaitofan hou rshall constitute awholehour. PenaMr. Achargeof$90.Wperhourwffibeaddedto ANY unstpulated occupancytime(as perconlract)accrued throughearlyanivalor late departure.Any partof anhourshallconstituteawhole hour CLEANING: Toensurefull depositretum,itisthe responsibilityoftheindividual sign ingthe reservationoantractto leavethe reserved rooms in thesamecondition as received.Clientswill be assessed fordeaning upanyareasat$30.00flatfee.CI lentswill be revonsiblefortheir own clean-up.Catererswil I be resrxmsiblefortheirown clean-iv.Allgarbagemustbeplaced in plastic' bags,spills cleaned up,andtablesandchairs mustbecleanedot(Cleaning suppliesandgarbagebagswillbeprovidedatnocharge.) SPECIPLSERVICES: In compliancewith ADARegulations,thefacilityisfullyaccessibletopeoplewith disabilities.ContacttheConference CenterOffice at764-3720 at lea.st24hoursinadvanceifyourequirespecialsetvices. CANCELLATION: Referto"Policies,Rules,andRegulationsfortheuseofteConferenceCenter",SectionNo.17. , AlleventsmustabklebytheCiiyofCofteStationPolicies,RulesandRegulationsandContractAgreementassetfortheuseoftheOallegeStationConferenceCenter MEETING ROOM CAPACITY Approximate Meeting/or Classroom Standing Room Number Measurements Theatre 18x61 30"x6° Boardroom Banquet Reception Dance Red.Round 104 21'x 21 =420 sq.ft 30 24 18 20 24 24 40 103 21'x 22'=452.7 sq.ft 30 24 18 20 24 24 40 102(adjoining patio) 18'x 28'=467.3 sq.ft 40 27 21 20 30 24 60 32 106(adjacent patio) 24'x 28'=683 sq.ft 40 36 30 24 36 30 75 40 107(sink/counter top) 12'x 22'=264 sq.ft. nia nia nia 12 nia nia nia nia 105(mirror on back wall) 21'x 38'=803.8 sq.ft 50 48 42 30 42 36 90 50 101(hardwood floor) 21'x 45'=956.1 sq.ft 70 60 54 42 72 60 100 70 127(parquet floor) 70'x 71'x 504=2240 sq.ft. 200 132 102 60 180 138 420 200 (adjoining deck) 33'x 43'=1420 sq.ft. (stage) 14'x 14'x 14' (stage height) 14",stage to ceiling:9110" (ceiling height) 11' Gallery Hall 15'x 70'=1,050 sq.ft. Art Exhibit Walls 3,410 sq.ft. Booth Space 101x10'=40 Booths- Using Gallery Hall,Rooms 127,101,102,103,104,105,106=7,309 sq.ft. Revised9/01 IN "i roil Witi AN 1.31-1rn I ig PA - I, Mili .4 1 [0111k. P.ENTON1 aT 81113- III A.,iff N PM\ INN \ \ PIGQJ NT; = 0 'Z.-!a r."..1 .° 0 , 4,,,,.....= Colfe 0 e Start,*i_ (11::.1 CO 11111i11,11h,00 'NCO? [ erence Center n COLLEGE.STATION 1300 George Bush Drive,College Station,Texas 77840.(979764-3720°FAX(979)764-35130 Web Site:http://wwwci.college-station.tx us COLLEGE STATION CONFERENCE CENTER DEPOSITS AND FEE SCHEDULE 1 DEPOSITS: Deposits are required on all rooms in order to reserve them and to assure that they are left in good condition.Deposits are refundable upon compliance with all LD { rules and regulations and clean-up requirements byclientand caterer.All checks are cashed and do not apply toward rental fees!A tentative reservation will be r ' pa held fora maximum of 5working days,andthenadepositforeach mom must be made in order to n rm the space.Client rnust have all artangements finalized by :00 Noonan Thursday for weekend events.Deposits are returned ithin 4.8 weeks after the event. I I beo I n .d.s t., A. SECURITY DEPOSIT PER ROOM B. KITCHEN/CATERING DEPOSIT i o ore. Weirs/4. .. II- .1 -.1 -ri - . . - -4.. 151-250 251-up "Fees. Basic Deposit a $75! 1 $125.00 Individual group service $25,00 $40.00 $50.00 Student Group Basic Deposit) $100.00 $125.03 $150,03 $175.()) Catering service If refreshmentsare sewed,add $25,A) ' W $501V a C. EQUIPMENT DEPOSIT If dance is held,add . $751V PDX) 1 ultimedia projector SWIM4 , retzes If liquor Is available,add $751* 1 .:P Y!x! +0 al re-ytts Ptv posed. ROOM FEES: Non-Refundable, on efund bte,determinedbyopen doort!me to final exittrne.(see occupancytime on reverse side foropening and dosing times and extra hours)Allrooms, require ayrimumoflhourtonaroundtime before and after each event. F- n r- I. NON.COMMERCIAL IA * SOCIAL L EV TEE Discounts unt to i. I events with NO alcohol _127ilswict_ rPfis i Sunt'All t rr 50.00discount. ut. MEETINGS/EXHIBIT SASE DAY RATE .J .�i c SOCIAL EVENT RAISER TO A per mo n Roo No, $. � p.to.4 r , t 8 r 1I- i X l P 9° 1 r'' rrt'911+41 10 '104 .t 10/00 Ii :15.001 > --_. $12.03 I 3 0,, $70,a) i 15. f 102/1051107a $12.00/ $18.00o '$2400Gm . r $74.00 a . 105 101 n.00 {15/0 '- ^P00 """ ., , 8i 127 $23.0):16,-. $45.00 '6 ...001 c I. 4 . t.1 p 0-150 people- 175.00 11 Same as Social Event,but i per 010'1 • - • •• ., h ,_= I 151®250 eo p le $300.00 N - h r - 1 7 All non-profitgroups including scholastic,civic,professional,ors al events. 251-400 +le $400,00 4414; Fundraisers:chaperonesand/or certified police officers atdiscretion of supervisor. All persons and civic or..,nizations holding an event inwhich mercial vendors Non ProfitCharter No..Required(see reverse side) and/or exhibitors Darticioate changes the event to a commercial rate. r liSratt e 751101e II. COMMERCIAL*** SOCIAL EVENT FEE:Discounts offered to i l events with NO alcoholserved.(Room 7$deduct$100. e-r rift o 11+11 Il otherr $deduct$50.00.) on-eh MEETINGS/EXHIBITS BASE DAY RATE EVENING SOCIAL 103/104 $17.00 11 $22.00 , '',•• 1. ..2 :!; a 00 r $70. 0 0 12111 l 107 $0.00 a 4,•.00 A `*c. .57"0---; £ 7P p_ ,4 $74,03 00 1# 101 !' !!I .3 ',x}ai^ . ~ r' .e.if . . ♦ i r, I.T iA x.:i$R !i 127 $67.00 ` 00 Poo $114.00L'''.- � :, 1...... .. �� .. .' � $135.00 * 0-150 people='$175a0 114 ��- Includes 15 tables @ no charge,except for exhibitors/vendors 151 people \j (� .. ' el0.K0 P" 1,$, 251-400 people.$400,00 * All events and activities sponsored b rofit• saki organizations or indivi Parks&Recreation Department 2002 User Fees Staff Recommendations Letter Category Comments A Adult Basketball Due to low enrollment, the Department no longer offers this program. B Adult Flag Football Staff recommends not changing this fee. The City lost half of its teams when the fee was increased in 2000. A further increase could jeopardize the future of this program. Texas A&M University currently offers this program for $40 and the City of Bryan offers it for $250 per team. C Adult Volleyball Staff recommends raising this fee from $140 to $175 in Fiscal Year 2002, and to $200 in Fiscal Year 2003. This fee increase would generate approximately $4,705 in additional revenue. The City of Bryan is currently charging $200 per team for this activity. Raising the fee to $250 (consultant's recommendation) would take the City out of competition for this sport, which is also offered through the City of Bryan and Texas A&M University. D Softball Staff recommends not changing the fee for this activity. The City has lost approximately 96 teams since the 2000 fee increase. Some teams have gone to the City of Bryan, however, Bryan is now at capacity and teams are being turned away. Therefore, people just haven't been playing. The City of Bryan is currently charging $285 per team for this activity. B Youth Sports/Person Staff recommends raising all of these fees to $40 for the first child and $35 for the second child and eliminating the disclosure for three or more children. This will require an increase of $10 for Youth Basketball and $5 for Youth Flag Football and Girls Softball. These fees have not been raised in five years and this proposed increase would generate approximately $9,500 in additional revenue. The City of Bryan does not offer these activities. Parks&Recreation Department Staff Recommendations/Comments 2002 User Fees Page 1 of 3 F Youth Volleyball This program has been approved, but will not start until 2002 . Fees are estimated to be the same as for other youth sports and will generate approximately $2,560 in additional revenue versus $2,400 in direct costs. G Challenger This program started in 2001. The Children' s Miracle Network pays the child' s Basketball $15 fee for entry. H Instruction Staff recommends rising the Swim Instruction classes by $5. Staff also recommends raising the fee for the Stroke Clinic to $40 in order to stay competitive with other youth athletic programs. In addition, staff recommends keeping the $85 fee for TAAF Swim Team, but changing the multi-child discount from $65 to $75, and eliminating the $45 discount level for three or more children. These changes would generate an approximate revenue increase of $750 for the Stroke Clinic and $1,290 for TF Swim Team, and $13,000 for the Swim Lessons. Pavilion Rentals Based on past usage, staff recommends raising the Friday rental rate for Southwood and Central pavilions to the same rental rate as Saturdays. Staff also recommends increasing the Monday-Thursday rental on these two pavilions from 75- $100. Staff estimates that these increases should generate approximately $2,400 in additional revenue and would help move toward the 50% cost recovery recommended by the consultants. J WPC Amphitheater There was no recommendation from the Fees Consultant for this facility. Currently, the amphitheater is recovering 25% of its costs. It has been a priority of City management to increase the utilization of this facility. Staff feels that utilization would decrease if the fees were raised at this time. However, service personnel charges and a percentage of ticket sales will be added to promote events. K Lincoln/Teen It was the opinion of the consultants that "an increase in fees at the Lincoln Centers and Teen Centers would possibly decrease attendance, and would not be a significant benefit to the City. " Staff agrees with the consultant's opinion pertaining to the Teen Center. However, staff did identify areas for additional cost recovery at the Lincoln Center. By adding non-member summer, gym event, Sunday rates, and raising certain facility usage fees should generate approximately $7,400 in additional revenue. L Conference Center See attached fees. Staff recommends increasing room rentals and storage fees by 11% across the board to Parks&Recreation Department Staff Recommendations/Comments 2002 User Fees Page 2 of 3 move toward a 50% cost recovery, but recommends leaving the other fees and property rentals the same. Staff estimates that this would generate approximately $22,000 in additional revenue. A survey of other area facilities confirmed prices to be in-line with local market pricing. (Please see attached Conference Center Fees) . M Athletic Field Staff does not recommend increasing these fees, but rather charging traveling Rentals/Day teams, and individuals that would fall into that category, this fee each time a field is rented. Currently, under a user agreement, these teams have been paying a flat fee of $75 and have had unlimited usage of the fields. Staff estimates that charging the fee each time a field is used would increase revenue by approximately $4,000. N Athletic Field Staff recommends charging the same fee for adults and youth alike. Rentals/Hour 0 Swimming Pools Staff recommends leaving the entrance fees for Hallaran and Thomas Pools at their current rates. Currently, College Station charges $3.50 per person to enter Adamson Lagoon, whereas the Bryan Aquatics Center charges $2.50 per person to enter that facility. Staff further recommends that the general admission fee for Adamson Lagoon be increased from $3 .50 to $4.00. Market studies have been conducted and show that the City of College Station is high on entrance fees when compared to other local facilities. College Station also charges a higher entrance fee on family passes than most for-profit water parks do. Although, staff does recommend increasing private pool rentals by $25 across the board. In Fiscal Year 2000, the Department hosted 114 pool parties. Staff estimates that the $25 fee increase would generate approximately $2,800 in additional revenue. Total Estimated Additional Revenue: $83,205. Parks&Recreation Department Staff Recommendations/Comments 2002 User Fees Page 3 of 3 1992-2001 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT USER FEES ACTIVITY/FACILITY . .. . . . . .. .. . ...... ..... . ..... .. .. . ... . . . . ... . ... .......... ... . . ..... ... . . .. .. .... ... ...... A. ADULT SPORTS PER TEAM 1. Basketball $200 $200 $250 $250 $255 $255 $265 $265 $265 $265 2. Fla. Football $250 $250 $250 $255 $260 $265 $265 $340 $265 $340 Volleyball 3. Volle y $85 $85 $100 $110 $110 $110 $265 $130 $130 $140 4. Softball Pla -Off Lea.ue Sir.,Sum $235 $240 $250 $255 $260 $265 $285 $285 $356 $360 Pla -Off Lea.ue Fall $190 $195 $210 $215 $220 $225 $240 $240 $300 $315 Fast Pitch(Sprg., Sum) $220 $220 $290 $290 $300 $300 $300 $300 $375 $375 Fast Pitch Fall $235 $245 $250 $250 $250 $250 $312 $325 B. YOUTH SPORTS PER PESO . , 1. Basketball $20/$10/$5 4.25/$101$ $251$151$5 $25/$151$5 $30/$20/$10 $30/20/10 $30/20/10 $30/20/10 $30/20/10 $30/20/10 2. Fla. Football $20/$10/$5 4.25/$10/$, $25/$15/$5 $25/$15/$5 $30/$20/$10 $30/20/10 $30/20/10 $35/25/15 $30/20/10 $35/25/15 3. Girl's Softball $30/$20/$5 $25/$15/$5 $30/$20/$10 $30/20/10 $30/20/10 $35/25/15 $30/20/10 $35/25/15 4. Youth Voile ball $40/30/20 5. Challen.er Basketball $15.00 C. INSTRUCTION 1. Swim Lessons $15 $16 $16 $16 $20 $23 $30 $30 $30 $30 2. Adv. Swim Lessons $20/$10/$5 4,20/$101$,; $20/$10/$5 $20/$10/$5 $20/$10/$5 $25/15/10 $25/15/10 $25/15/10 $25/15/10 $35 3. TAAF Swim Team $40/$25/$15 40/$25/$1 a$40/$25/$15 $40/$25/$15 $40/$25/$15 $80/60/40 $80/60/40 $80/60/40 $80/60/40 $85/65/45 4. National Jr.Tennis Lea.ue $30/child $30/child $40/$35/$30 $40/$35/$30 $40/$35/$30 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 5. Tennis Lessons(-1- 1 can of balls) $30/•erson 4.30/•erso $35/•erson $35/•erson $35/.erson $35/.erson $35/.erson $35/.erson $35/.erson $35/•erson 6. Golf $45 $45 $45 $45 ...... .....•. . . ... ...... • • asisminummagamommannstaimmuseamossamsamenemmommummangommennsmsammummumsenignmunimmingsmiumansmnsimmumenum D. PICNIC SHELTERS PER DAY 1. Bee Creek Pavilion $30 $30 $30 $30 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $75 2. Central Pavilion Monday-Thursday $75 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $75 Friday $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $100 Saturday&Sunday&Holidays $125 $125 ! $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $175 3. Oaks Pavilion $30 $30 $30 $30 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $75 4. Southwood Pavilion Monda -Thursda $75 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $75 Frida $75 $75 ; $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $100 Saturday&Sunday&Holidays $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $175 5. Thomas Pavilion $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 6. Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater Private-weekday $75 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Private-Weekend $125 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 Non Commercial-Weekday $50 $425 $425 $425 $425 $425 $425 $425 $425 Non Commercial-Weekend $100 $525 $525 $525 $525 $525 $525 $525 $525 Professional/Commercial-Weekday $150 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 Professional/Commercial-Weekend $250 $900 $900 $900 $900 $900 $900 $900 $900 *Service Personnel charges will be added accordingly ......... ......... ......... •:•:::::•:•:•:•:_:::•:::••:•:•:::•:•:-:.:•:•:•:::. E. LINCOLN CENTER 1. Membershi. 19-54 rs , •er ear $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 N/A N/A N/A $15 $15 1992®2001 PARKS AND RECEAT1ON DEPARTMENT USER FEES ACTIVITY/FACILITY 1992 1993 1994 ' 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Youth $8 $10 Low Income Eligible $4 $5 Adult $10 $15 Non-Member Guest Pass(youth or adult) $1/day 2. *Gym (8 hr. block/day)deposit $150/day $150/day $150/day $150/day $150/8hrs $150/8hrs $150/8hrs $150/8hrs $150/8hrs $150/8hrs Hourly/Half Court(4 hr max) $7/$12/$17 $7/$12/$17 $7/$12/$17 $7/$12/$17 $20 $20 $20 $20 $10 $15 Hourly/Full Court(4 hr max) $20 $25 All Day Usage(more than 4 hrs) $100 $125 Concession Usage $0 $10 3. *Teen Room/Game Room $10 $10 $10 $10 $10/2 hr min $10/2 hr min $10/2 hr min $10/2 hr min $10/2 hr min $10/2 hr min Deposit $50 $50 Rental $15 $20 4. *Community Room Rental(max. 3 hrs) $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 Additional per hr "' $15 De.osit $50 $50 Kitchen Fee $0 $10 *All rooms are subject to an after-hr. charge of$20 per hour. The after-hr. charge is based on any request to use facilities gond the center's normal operating hours. F. TEEN CENTER THE EXIT 1. Non Member •er da $1 2. Membership per year $10 . ........................... ...... . ........... G. ATHLETIC FIELDS 1. Softball& Baseball: ** Single field rental/day $50 $50 $50 $50 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 four(4)field complex/day $150 $150 $150 $150 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 four(4)field complex/Sat&Sun. $300 $300 $300 $300 $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 two(2)field complex/day $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 two(2)field complex/Sat&Sun. $175 $175 $175 $175 $175 $175 2. Soccer: ** One(1)field $50/day $50/day $50/day 4 $50/day $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 All fields $150/day $150/dad: $150/dam $150/day $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Weekend $300 $300 $300 $300 $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 3. Field Rentals/Per Hour(1/2/3 hrs)* $7/$12/$17 $7/$12/$17 $7/$12/$17 $7/$12/$17 $10/$15/$20 $10/15/20 $10/15/20 $10/15/20 $10/15/20 $10/15/20 **In addition to the rental fees, a deposit will be charged in advance of any tournament. The deposit will vary depending on the type and size of the tournament. In addition to the rental and deposit fees, additional fees may be assessed to the renter depending on the length and type of tournament to cover expenses incurred by the City for personnel and supplies needed to facilitate the tournament. These fees will be provided to the renter in advance of the tournament. . . . ...4.6E.. ....... ............ .. . ..... .. .. . ...... ..... .. ... ... .. .H. SWIMMING POOLS 1992 1993 1994 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 1. General Admission(3 yrs&up) Hallaran/Thomas $1.25 $1.25 , $1.25 $1.25 $1.50 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 Natatorium $2 $2 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 Adamson $1.25 $2 , $2.50 $2.50 $3 $3 $3.25 $3.50 $3.50 $3.50 2. Discount Pass(35 swims) Hallaran/Thomas $25 $25 $25 $25 _ $30 $30 $38 $50 $40 $50 Natatorium $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 *Adamson-25 swims ma be used at all cit 3 $25 $40 $50 $50 $60 $60 $70 $75 $75 $75 19922001 PARKS k D RECREATION DEPARTMENT USER FEES ACTIVITY/FACILITY 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Natatorium $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 Hallaran/Thomas $120 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 *Adamson ma be used at all cit •ools $120 $225 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 4. Individual Season Pass Hallaran/Thomas $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 *Adamson(may be used at all city pools) $60 $80 $80 180 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 5. Bab sitter Season Pass HallaraniThomas $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 *Adamson ma be used at all cit •ools $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 *excludes CSISD Natatorium 6. Pool Rental(2 hours) Hallaran:25 people or fewer $75 $75 $75 $75 $7575 $75 1175 50 people or fewer $60 $60 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 51-76 •eo•le $75 $75 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 77-102 •eo•le $90 $90 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Each hour after intial 2 hours $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $50 $50 $50 $50 Thomas/Natatorium: 25 •eo•le or fewer $50 $50 $50 $50 $65 $65 $65 $65 50 people or fewer $50 $50 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 51-76 •eo•le $65 $65 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 77-102 people $80 $80 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 Each hour after intial 2 hours $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $50 $50 $50 $50 Adamson: 99 •eo•le or fewer $200 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 199 or fewer $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 299 or fewer $200 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 300+ $200 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Is Each hour after intial 2 hours $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $100 $100 $100 $100 Sat.&Sun./limited hours available IIIIEIIIIII :-T......=IEMIM[IIMI=MllIllIllic.c.1 _.IEIIIIMII[____...__.____11.11111Mill..._________1111EMMIIIMEMI .....,....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... I. VENDOR PERMITS $20 $20 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 BY PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD: APPROVED: 9-Ma -00 BY CITY COUNCIL(WITH FY00 BUDGET) APPROVED: 23-Oct-99 O:\parks\budget\userfees.xls Revised:April 5,2000 **"*The Parks&Recreation Board Approved the FY99-00 User Fees on April 13, 1999. 0 3,-------- 1'33 t .,,, , - ,,,--1- .' ' 1 - ,,,,,,, : V Thi.,, , Li ,,. , ..s...,-, j ti i D / I iff i () r. ,--- , . -\,,,,- 4,,I (..,,, ci,,A 1, , 4 ..4 ,--- --- „,„ t --.-t"'.1,,r, —0-00 4,,,,,, ,, i („,.,,,..,. ,;.„0010--c, 7 ,, "i,, 1 '.-. 'Ir. ' %.„...) '''....- c , ''.-- - ' -' .t.,,tt -4 4i-i, , I , 1 1 ..k...,, '1,) a,, g 1--',-, _ _ cl., c„,_ ,_ (.„,.-_--. 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V , • : -,....44, ' 1 4,,, 'j GL :, (- ,_. ,:::) i, \-, k---)-. li- ' -1 ;,;, .:':tldc'es' (-' tit §i t-i,,,, - i- ..„,i , , i ,,,,„„ „tl,,,,,,,,,,...‘-e.7„ . .,,,,,-)..L., . ,,,,,,,i- ft„. , ,-, .,4, '''.L.; '-''''' ji;- (:':- Id"' t4,1,-, fi.-- r ,, --- .., „. _ ,,-i,C,,‘,,,,-., ‘ .I, .,. .,,.,. ._ (. ,, , 4 ( (,4761,, 4c 31 lig t il .1,a. ,1' (A,11,1333.-3') -- - , t:li‘i i''''''''''''-'''''''''' ,,,,, .,,,,, .... , , i„. ' i 1./ 'if i„..,..,. .., ,,‘,„....,.'--- l:' I'm- , - ..... 4,' .33 I\ i\ , \ ,......„...., '-. City of College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Fiscal Year 2002 Goals and Objectives (not prioritized) Establish policies and standards for re-appraisal of existing parks, facilities, and services offered by the Department. El Review quarterly reports on park maintenance standards and develop recommendations regarding levels of service (VS4S2a) (January 8, 2002). O Review proposed park conceptual plans and make recommendations for intergenerational features (VS4S3a). O Review and develop recommendations for Urban Forestry Plan (VS3S4a) (April 2002). O Review preliminary cost estimates prepared by Staff More interaction between Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and Planning and Zoning Commission, and shared vision with the City Council (VS4S8a). El Assist with the review and preparation of the Unified Development Ordinance (November 13, 2001). El Review and recommend possible changes to the Park Land Dedication Ordinance (October 9, 2001). E1 Conduct a joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission to discuss goals (September 20, 2001). El Conduct a joint meeting with the City Council to confirm goals (December 6, 2001)® Implementation of the approved Capital Improvement Program. El Castlegate Park site review (November 13, 2001). El Lick Creek Park site review (December 11, 2001) El Madeley Park site review® (Februaly 19, 2002) O Woodway Park site review. O Shenandoah Park site review (On Hold). Planning and coordination for the next bond issue. El Identify and assess the needs for future park facilities. (February 5, 2002) El Review preliminary cost estimates prepared by Staff. (February 5, 2002) El Determine priorities for development. (February 12, 2002) O Develop a recommendation for consideration in the 2002 bond program. Review and update the Recreation, Park, and. Open Space Master Plan. El Review of Section II (Goals and Objectives) of the plan (February 12. 2002) El Review of Parks and Recreation Department 5-Year Strategic Plan. (Februaly 12, 2002) O Review of Sections I, IV, V, and VI of the plan. O Review of Section VII (Prioritization of Needs and Plan Implementation) O Review and comments regarding Section III (Plan Development Process). O Review of Revised Master Plan Parks&Recreation Advisory Board FY2002 Goals and Priorities Parks&Rec.Advisory Board Approval:October 9,2001 Updated:February 28,2002 Page 1 of 2 Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, Phase II. Development. EI Review needs for future facilities and programs (December ii, 2001) El Determine priorities for development. (February 5, 2002) El Develop recommendations for implementation. (February 12, 2002) 0 Review preliminary cost estimates prepared by Staff. Skate Park facility planning (VS4S5b). El Develop recommendation for scope of project. (November 13, 2001) El Develop recommendation for facility use. (November 13, 2001) El Develop recommendation for implementation. (November 13, 2001) Review funding sources for the installation of two backstops and two batting cages at Bee Creek Park. El Review preliminary cost estimates prepared by Staff(November 13, 2001). o Determine needs for program requirements. o Develop recommendations for scope of project. o Develop recommendations for implementation. Review funding sources for the repair or replacement of the jogging track at Jack and Dorothy Miller Park. El Review proposed project cost estimates (December ii, 2001). El Review funding alternatives (Completed by Staff). E Develop recommendations for implementation. Support implementation of the Greenways Master Plan. El Receive update report from Greenways Coordinator (October 9, 2001). o Review Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan as it relates to greenways. Support the City Council's Interagency Plan in any Park and Recreation related issues. O Continue dialog with the College Station Independent School District regarding future school/park developments. o Continue dialog with Texas A&M University regarding Hensel Park and Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. Develop programs and facilities for Senior Citizens, El Receive input from fall Eisenhower Leadership Development Program group. (December 6, 2001) El Determine priorities for programs and facilities (.January 8, 2002). El Develop recommendations for implementation (January 8, 2002). Parks&Recreation Advisory Board FY2002 Goals and Priorities Parks&Rec.Advisory Board Approval:October 9,2001 Updated:February 28,2002 Page 2 of 2 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT FY02 GOALS :e Implementation of the CIP Program > Implementation of Special Projects • Continue to Improve Staff Development RI Implementation of New Programs 1..> Implementation of City Council Strategic Issues Implementation of the CIP Program O Complete 90%of the CIP Program - Refer to FY02 CIP Project List Continue to im',rove Staff Develo.ment El Complete Management Academy(three(3)PARD Superintendents) (Graduation February 22, 2002) El Complete Supervisory Academy(six(6)PARD personnel) (Class graduated on November 13, 2001) O Complete Certified Playground Safety Inspector re-certification from the National Recreation and Park Association(two(2)PARD Supervisors) (Curtis Bingham, Parks Operations Superintendent, was recertified) o Send one(1)PARD Supervisor to the National Recreation and Park Association sponsored Park Maintenance School El Complete the Weapons of Mass Destruction training course(seven (7) PARD personnel) (Training December 17t1 , 18th, and 19th) Complete the Principles of Emergency Management course(PARD personnel) (Graduation held on November 18, 2001) Participate in the Brazos Valley Regional Leadership Forum Conference(Director of PARD) (Ongoing) lm ilementation of Cit Council Strateeic Issues o VS3S4a-Complete Urban Forest Management Plan (Initial presentation of plan to the Parks&Recreation Advisory Board on May 5, 2002) EJ V5452a-Implement Park Maintenance Standards(to track performance) (First quarter report complete) o VS4S3a-Implement Intergenerational Park Facilities (In progress) o VS4S4a-Develop recommendations for developer incentives to provide adequate park land (Draft recommendations complete. Met with local developers on February 28, 2002) o VS4S4b-Complete development of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, Phase I, and conduct needs assessment for future facilities (In progress. Needs Assessment approved by Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on February 12, 2002. Will be presented to City Council on March 28, 2002). V5454c-Update Parkland Dedication Ordinance(Ordinance revisions approved by Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on October 9, 2001. Adopted by City Council on January 24, 2002. The revised ordinance will go into effect on July 24, 2002). IJ V5454d-Develop facility needs for future community park (November 29, 2001) El V5455a-Develop plans for senior programs and facilities (Final report to go to Council on February 28, 2002) El V5455b-Prepare feasibility report on skateboard park(Report presented to Council on December 20, 2001) El VS4s7b-Implement greenway-park connectivity demonstration project(Bee Creek and Lemon Tree parks) Efi VS4s8a-Improve communication between Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and the Planning and Zoning Commission (Parks and Recreation Advisory Board met with the Commission on September 20, 2001. A joint meeting with the City Council was held on December 6, 2001) 1m•lementation of Ssecial Pro'ects o Review and update the Recreation, Park,and Open Space Master Plan (In progress) o Develop recommendations for future Capital Improvement Program projects (In progress) 1:0 Replace irrigation at Lemontree Park(February 1, 2002) El Implement public art at Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater(Bronze Wolves) (Dedication held December 17, 2001) O Investigate the possibility of Departmental accreditation (In progress) O Conduct dedication ceremony for the Wayne Bryan Bike Loop (Scheduled for April 27, 2002) Ei Coordinate Veterans Memorial Project at Veterans Park and Athletic Complex (Groundbreaking November 12, 2001) El Complete pond renovation at Brothers Pond Park(Complete in December 2001) Installation of lightening prediction systems at parks(In progress) RPTS Student Study for the Development of a Visitor/Nature Center at Lick Creek Park (In progress) limpicmentation of New Programs I2i Investigate the potential of joint programming with the City of Bryan Parks and Recreation Department(Meeting with the City of Bryan PARD November 16, 2001) Ei Implement monthly PARD newsletter(First edition complete in October 2001) IZI Facilitate the Northgate"Back Porch Concert"Series [Ei Conduct Fall Special Olympics Bocce Ball Updated:February 28,2002 Parks and Recrei, a Department CIP Project List FY 2002 (updated 2/28/2002) :: -:-:---:.:-:-:-:. :::::::::::...::-:-:-:.:.::-:.:.:.:.:::-:-.:-.:-:.:.:.:-:-. --:-.:.:-:..:.:-:-:.:-:-:.:.FproiPa.:-:-:-:-:.:-:-:-:-:-:.:-.-:-:-KM?Pctle0-:•••:-:-:.:.:•:-•-:-:.:-Actk141-•-•.:-:-:.:-:.:-:-:.:-:-FJP*.-:--.:4 1?kajeoi:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::86f66::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i:*edi:::::::::::::::::::::::: 14ei::::::::::::::::::::864r66eohilifetioribiie:::::::: 6thiitdoifiiate :::Cok:::::::::: Business Center Landscasin. Pro*ect Corn.lete GG9705 $250,000 G.O. 07/31/01 10/19/2001 $256,348 Millennium Winds Improvements(FY`01) Complete HM0104 $7,195 FY'01 08/31/01 7/31/2001 $7,665 Castlegate Park Design Complete NA NA Developer 3/02 Hallaran Pool Filters Com.lete PK0106 $120,000 FY'01 3/02 Hi.h School Tennis Court Li.hts FY'01 Corn.lete PK0109 $91,500 FY'01 4/02 2/28/2002 $72,560 Madeley Park In Design PK9706 $48,000 98 G.O. 8/02 Richard Carter Park Improvements In Desigill FY'02 General Fund 9/02 Cemetery Land Acquisition On Hold GG9905 $275,000 98 G.O. Unknown Thomas Pool Shade Cover On Hold PK0104 $19,000 98 G.O. 12/03 Brison Park Improvements Out to Bid PK0100 $54,600 98 G.O. 3/02 LC.S.S.C.Agreement(clubhouse) Out to Bid NA C.S.S.C. Unknown Hensel Park Playground Replacement Pending Contract $40,000 FY'02 Replacement Acct. 8/02 Jack&Doroth Miller Jog.in.Track Pendia.Contract FY'02 General Fund 9/02 Lick Creek Park Develo.ment Pendin.Contract PK0069 $478,000 98 G.O. TPWD Grant 12/02 Lincoln Center Expansion/Improvements Pending Contract $50,000 C.D.B.G. 9/02 Thomas Pool Renovation Pending Contract PK0205 $277,255 FY'02 3/03 Woodway Park Development Pending Contract PK9803 $600,000 Park Ded.Zone 7 Unknown Gabbard Park Improvements Under Construction PK0102 $78,000 98 G.O. 4/02 Merry Oaks Improvements Under Construction PK0103 $37,000 98 G.O. 7/02 Lincoln Ent Imerovements Under Construction CD1292 $90,000 FY'01 C.D.B.G. 9/02 Georgie Fitch Playground Replacement Under Construction $30,000 FY'02 Re.lacement Acct. 8/02 Oaks Park Bride Under Construction PK0067 $28,000 98 G.O. 3/02 Pebble Creek Park Improvements Under Construction PK0061 $27,000 Park Ded.Zone 11 12/02 Veterans Park,Phase I Under Construction PK9941 $2,936,800 98 G.O. 11/02 Parks and Recre 1 Department CIP Project List FY 2002 (updated 2/212002) Summary Pending Contracts: 6 In Design: 2 Out to Bid: 2 Under Construction: 7 Complete: 5 On Hold: 2 Total: 24 Item #7: Report, discussion, and possible action concerning the proposed Urban Forest Management Plan Exhibit "A" Scope of Services Bumtat Associates proposes to work closely with the Forestry Superintendent and all eholders to follow the Scope of Work detailed in the City's RFQ. Specifically,we reco tend the following: Conduct inte *- s with the Staff of Forestry Division and Pi s. and R: tion, she Works, Pi ng, Cot. cty • elopment,Emergency Se ices,Fire and Police, Salutation,Utility Pr "ders and ILST. 2 Using the input of .eholders, develop an Urban Forest gement is i ent that identifies the Forest,roughly quantifies the Urban Forest, and lays out the need for long4er i plat, g and ii. -:eir -nt of the 4 tv-n . rep nted by • tree cover. 3 To facilitate development of this info 11 tion, field •# • ions or siy remote -ii tg s be conducted •ughout the City following and con nt with interviews noted abave. Th- - •I 'ow ° be conducted for the • 4 of providing the "Ove *ew" of City - ii , i.e., liability, aiietics,benefits, and the general •*ts and conditions the t• - population. Gro s trends and changes in publicly ii.naged . opy * be addr- as will the c ent ss. nteice resour and pre • -s. A a.le inventory s ° be provided that gives a snapshot of the •. s fot wia 5 College Station. This sa I! have an anrcy of between 80 and 85%for iteu such as • *es, e,do °I. t def- and inte ice nr-rs to the extent that good short and long rae pl. I dee 4 The fonisuuent will include all stated goals,objectives, and pl. u r . iested from the RFQ. - will be E. essedby additional inter eews and studies. E it iles uc as follows: a) Snct T M . gçment-This component reqiT — the combined input of Di 4.. k Ssath and the Public Works I . tsent as their °II . • - proj. flI r .t1y °it•act the health and long-te sue,fr ofe,diiagandfuture i -- plantings. It is iaporiitthatall iI. 1Iaients will ii t city be aware of how and why other depa ents follow the pr•M'4.4ures they use. Co t °cation should be ted. b) New 1 , I and/or M Ccipal Facility T Eablii sent I s component •-nds u on the ss. iteisusce budget all• ed for the after . of of newly 'Wished 4 't'a There must be a co it tt tment to post planting care and under nding of how plantings ° °it pact the rent budget for i c operations. Slilar - Juation will be given to the o tter of E 4" ing Park and/or M. Ccipal Facility T anag-sCflt. c) d T Ma _ement - Every city has an extensive n tivr of Ii. rdous trip it ted Iughout ,k and right of s s. Thr re• - rt tremendous risk to life and property .0"tion to city liability potential. 11 e the scope of the •toitent is not intended to ace s the so- *lc I goi tion and n • r of s, its III address the rationale for e sely removals and the benefits to • iety 1.de possible by all ting a G, Tic budget to do so. d) Green' .ys Tree Management - Lia. •n between G iv- ways Proj- and Public Works • dy e" through the Greenways Proii m is ger, Judith Do . Again, co tt It 'cation is essential between * and Recreation and this division of Public Works. Any evaluation and inclusion into the U 0. Forest Management J s tent should include input from Ms. Downs and related •I. We have also worked with Ande Bloom of Brazos Greenways and Laura Glenn of Brazos Beau* both of whose input y be beneficial. Page 10 CRC 3/16/00 Contract No. 02-028 bh11filfile cabinetta-1 file cablcollege station\proposa1102-028 consultant contract.doc 1/8/02 e) ' *ng Sch441 ing-This issue depends on a determination of what $in canopy is located in the City. Establishment of budget numbers and developing a pruning schedule of five years, seven years, etc., will be recommended both from a need basis and from a practical point of view understanding the budgetary constraints in place. f) Co unity Awareness and T Planting Initiatives for Public Lands - A review of what other co sit *ties are doing will be provi•.• In addition, a ndations for # erships with Ii .. businesses and non-profit orga • ations will be presented. E lishment of ' E C ,USA .y be a goal to b g - • *don to the City. • I me , g and Public Relations, will as * in co entaty. g) Standard Operating Guidelines for, U Forest gement Crews - • $ is extensively e - *awed in this area. Senior U Fo - er Jack Hill has over twenty y experience in this s • we also have a - ed trist on b) C ;ye Budget Opp *ties Sua. - sful co *ties be can sed for practical methods to fund n prod Si• work in cone with nonprofit or 4: ations and ua nt t.as ties, both gove ental and rTate, An example we - involved with is the nt funding of a t tee inventory for the City of Houston where funds were donated by Houston Endo itent and a• * stered ugh the nonprofit T s For Houston. I) I i : * Fertilization, and Watering Considerations - Gni.- • es for ta ai and sel- *on categories will be included in the Ii $$ent. Forester • Senior Horti • *st Bffly D a * address these * es in addition to the si -r of $ *es diversity. A criteria nual responding to the c nt or fu - ordi . aces will be ## tended with an outline provided. j) T Pre ation Pla *ng and New T E .•lishment Burditt Associates • has more experience in • ;0. tion p tg . 1 any I in the Region.. This has Wen the — t of a amce -• effort to .*a and a • - the type of professionals with the greatest experience in this - of se ice. We have ass*-.• ;t .;ty con t•ties with their tree preservation ordiice, most ntly,the City of San Antonio through the Citizens T Coalition and ently prep. *ng the City of Houston's • •'I cc Criteria ual. k) Sto a Da is.ge Assessment and Respo -Emergency Se Tees should be brought into the di sion as -II as $ •$rtation de• entS. • te see of corridors to hospitals, fire and police,and m cipal f. • *ties is critical. Tr i and do $ ct a s ° g extensive rain, ice, and to a •*c events. for utility nce and - rx) as well as preventative intenance is -..eiential to oo safety. I) El= °c,a1 -ments — A a ;Live • sing the and ow) 'ties in the . of eln, •*cal ments will be included in the • report. 5 In pre g for this project, we have reviewed 2* -nance Standards for Park Facilities in College Station, College Station's Mission and Vision Statements, and aa de on-site field iris*, *oils wi the Co a unity. We well pre 6,1 for the Project. 6 B •*tt k • tes • present the U n Forest . $agement Plan to the P. and Recreation Board on h 5, 2002. Key memIvrs of the • *c Works 1- n a -nt Se *ces be invited for this review. The Parks • Recreation 1-a. ment *r comments and recommendations to Burditt Associates by April 1,2002. Changes and/or additions from this meeting will be inclu • in the final a Page 11 CRC 3/16/00 Contract No. 02-028 cab1netka-1 file cablcollege stationiproposa1102-028 consultant contractdoc 1/8/02 7 Burditt Associates will present the final • to the City Council on May 9,2002. 8 B •*ft Associates will provide a multi-media • of presentation(PowerPoint, CD-ROM,or similar)that can Ix • to help explain the needs and benefits of managing the es n forest. Page 12 CRC 3/16/00 Contract No. 02-028 bld4fWle cabinetia-1 fil,e cabkcolkge stationlproposal10.2-028 consultant contract.doc 1/8/02 Parks and Recreation Future Project List mbiied Staff Board Prronty Nei•hborhooc!,paTk.peyelo,.!!pent 1111111111411111.111111.1111111.1111 itill:11111114110pShenendoah Park $315,000 $630 000 3 5 3 Spring Loop Park $315,000 Delay until new elementary school is 4 4 4 Cypress Grove ParkM/estfield $415,000 developed. 5 3 5 Woodland Hills $150,000 6 6 6 Pebble Creek Park,Phase II $150,000 No site has been dedicated litgpr9T.L,F;749,11,14.191 illiagg4COMMIR: cehttiuipwtki:;:.0fftobijg"iAttorojvm:sgggiogmrolroEIEE•HnrnolpllIl 11111111101$41Appgiii 4 4 5 Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Shop $500,000 Delay until Phase II Development 5 5 4 South District Satellite Operations Shop $360,000 1 8 1 Sandstone Park $47,000 $264 000 irogroligolionlion 6 2 May be requested through FY2003 budget 3 3 4 Thomas and Merry Oaks Parks Shade Structures $20,000 request 4 4 3 Raintree Park Basketball Court $30,000 5 2 7 Thomas Jogging Track $100,000 6 7 6 Eastgate Park $150,000 Could be added to intergenerational 7 1 5 Park Benches $21,000 upgrades. III:"iooysgfio:gg,ugro:ggrubitygppooeilizmlootgieggg,:y§got#tjtp!vge!IAthitotjo!porp!..,. g.giiepopg?:!;1:!!!!:j!:!!!!!!!!:!!:!!:!::!::!!:!!,.p:."RA:"_!!!!!!!!! 1111111111111171111111111ili iii111114010111101 !110jt:jPtO10:!Ni!!RgtKil!PI.P*:!ril!PP!r1:.!::Mlu:..:Bwn!1!!!:!!!!!!i!!!!!!:!:!!!: !:!:!!!!!!!!:!:!!!!n!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !74,!1.94!..!!!!!!!!!!!6 !5 0 ...12 5 :0 !!! $300 000 , Possibility of using Community 4 3 3 Lincoln Center Expansion $570,000 Development funds 5 5 5 Cypress Grove Recreation Center $750,000 Delay until next bond issue - 6 6 6 Luther Jones Landfill $239,000 7 7 8 Neighborhood Pool for the new"South"Community Park $1,000,000 Delay until landfill closes 8 9 7 New"South"Community Park,Phase I $2,000,000 • Delay until landfill closes Delay until the new hight school is 9 8 9 Potential Tennis Court Project with the new high school developed. Pric 111,11111•1111•11:111111110111111111•111111*10101110f0§000f#0400tpporgOogir:Topogtottogipotks $309,000 $309000 . 2 4 2 Provide Playground Equipment Shade $144,000 May be requested through the FY2003 3 2 5 Emerald Forest Lights $30,000 Budget Process May be requested through the FY2003 4 6 3 Batting cages and backstops at Bee Creek Park $25,000 Budget Process. 5 3 6 Woodcreek Park Lights $35,000 6 5 4 Cover basketball courts at Southwood Valley Athletic Complex $330,000 p9o!!rp 1 4 1 Adamson Lagoon Shotgun Slide $50,000 2 3 3 Additional shelter at Adamson Lagoon $40,000 3 4 2 Thomas Pool bathhouse renovation $150,000 Funds could be requested through Facilities 4 2 4 Adamson bathhouse pitched roof $85,000 Maintenance budget ?ArkA9,21itision Possibility of using park land dedication or Northgate Park $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Community Development funds Updated:2/28/2002 PARK LAND DEDICATION ORDINANCE PROJECT REVIEW CHECKLIST Date Received: 2-15-02 Park Zone: 5 Project Location:Graham Rd. (north side of Graham rd.,1/4-1/2 mile west of City Utility Service Center Name of Development: Legacy Addition 2 Applicant:Tony Jones Address:3205 East Bypass City/State: College Station Texas Zip: 77845 Phone Number: FAX: E-mail: Engineer/Planner: Ash & Browne Engineering,Inc Address: P.O.Box 10838 City/State: College Station,Texas Zip: 77842 Phone Number: 846-6914 FAX: 846-8914 E-mail: REQUIREMENT COMPLIANCE SECTION 10-B-1: Land Dedication Single Family Dwelling Units: Multi-family Dwelling Units: 30 Total Land Requirement: .223 Acre Acres Proposed Dedication: 0 Acres SECTION 10-13-2: Fee in Lieu of Land Has the Planning &Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? no Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($148/dwelling unit): Multi-family Fee ($112/dwelling unit): 30x$112 $3,360 Total Acquisition Fee: $3,360 SECTION 10-B-3: Park Development Fee Single Family Fee ($309/dwelling unit): Multi-family Fee ($233/dwelling unit): $233x 30=$6,990 Total Fee Amounts: Total Single Family Fee: ($457/Dwelling Unit): Total Multi-family Fee ($345/Dwelling Unit): $345x 30=$10,350 SECTION 10-B-4: Park Development in Lieu of Fee Required development cost: Staff review date and comment: Parks Board review and decision: March 12,2002 SECTION 10-B-5: Minimum Park Size Is the proposed park less than five (5) acres? n/a If yes, staff recommends: Staff recommentds acceptance of the fee due to the small land dedication requirement. SECTION 10-B-7: Prior Park Acquisition Is there an existing neighborhood park that can serve the proposed development? yes,Southwood Park If yes, staff recommends: SECTION 10-E: Comprehensive Plan Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City Comprehensive Plan and the Park Master Plan? n/a Comments: SECTION 10-F: Additional Information 1. Is land in the 100-year floodplain? no Percentage: a. Detention/Retention Size: Meets Board Policy: Acreage in floodplain: Percentage: Acreage in detention: 0 Percentage: 0 Acreage in greenways: .24 acre Percentage: .05 Comments: b. Does the location require users to cross an arterial road? no c. Topography: flat to gently sloping northward d. Trees/Scenery: some trees in Greenway area 2. a. Is the land adjacent to a school? across the street from Cypress Grove b. Restricted access: c. Is there screening if the park joins a non-residential use? d. Park perimeter percentage that abuts a street: n/a STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Fee vs. land dedication • SECTION 10-G: Approval Parks & Recreation Board: Planning &Zoning Board: City Council: O:\Board\Park Land Dedication\Checklists\Originals\Long FormPark Land Dedication Ordinance Project Review Checklist.dot Revised 01/16/02 Page 1 of I Kris Lehde - Re: CIP Ranking Form F "John Nichols" <jpn@aglamu.edu> To: <klehde@ci.college-station.bcus> Date: 3/9/2002 7:15 AM Subject: Re: CIP Ranking Form Kris, - atta -*. I could not find a reason to change my rankings despite the incr— - in all. on from S to 7 million dollars. All are the same. Let me know if this does not come through. I will be in the office on Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday. John >» Kris Lehde"<klehd-- i.college-stationlx.us>03/06/02 10:41AM>» Good morning. As discussed during last nights meeting,attached are the CIP ranking forms for in the event that Parks and Recreation - -rtment could be .rded 5,6,or 7 million in the upcoming bond issue. As discussed,pi only rank the 11 highlig * potential projects on the spreadsheets(Shenendoah Park,Steeplechase Park,Forestry Shop,Central Park Office Expansion,Renovate Central Park Shop,Sa • .ne Park,Richard Carter Park,Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, II,Lick Creek Park,Ph II,New Cemetery, eel, and Intergenerational Park Improvements). Please return the three sheets back to me by next Monday(March 11th),so that I can prepare the r-- Its and e-mail them to the Board. Piz— let me 4 s if you have any questions. Thanks for your help. Kris Lehde stant College Station Parks 81.Recreation (979)7643414 College Station.Embracing the Past,Exploring the Future® fde://C:\Documents and Settings\idehde.000Tocal Se * gs\Temp\GW}00002.HTM 3/11/2002 Parks and Recreation Future Project List at$6,000000 ie Nichols-$6 million ° f*4fri*ig--„i-:_-,:g.),,zi::;,-,:.;',.,,,,::.-:--.---,----:,--:-----... —*' t*j''":':''''-':'-'-':f:::"---,-'-'- --- .m..a.,. .zvoli:,::..,„,,,,,000,,,,,,,.„..„.„-,,, ' ' ,, , iiIIII11111111111'4* ''' PN re;::44:Prh9-9d.,...PPric PY09•Ine11t , , IIIIIIIIIIIIIEIS--I1--,-''-7', ,i---;;;,,p-',.40(';z:,-.::,,,,,-,.:,,,,,.. _ *MS000T'-';;,:--4430 ------------2------',:pitk:,-;',-,,,„-„,-,,,,:::„.,,,, ,. $$.331155s:000000,,,,.---:,:-.,---.. new elementary school 914:ttee:Pt°(:::44Se----- $415,000 Spring Loop Park ad Cypress Grove Park/Westfield $150,000 Delay until .is developed. Woodland Hills Pebble Creek Park,Phase II $150,000 No site has been dedicated Su' es ,''F.....tF:4010.------- _ -_,,,,,..--:::_i-- -,-::,::::,--::: ::-:::$6.7oPpc"--- '',$.:e4:!:i°G14H'''' :'-,''.':!1--::'" :::,----1-'''I'.:: ent 2 f;";trY'$-1"-:P-45'::: :ii';',,;,,nsjon-T-''-_i:„,7;;--::y':,, 000,.:mi.ff 7(:100:-.--.---::.:-- -::::pha::;:,.-D:ve10p:.,m,--- 5 Cen*raL'P,7f-7: t'‘Aik'Sha';:1N-::':''E '''' $500,000 in Renovate------ -Centra.-;-,,,, '----'-- Shop "-:-----Veter.-1;.---12a..1(and Athletic Complex360,000. South District Satellite Operations Shop ;1.. 1111 .1111 6,s400*ong,,,,,,,,,.,...,,,, NTehioimhab°s jrhog°g°dingPlan imks*Ipeamrkesritashtia°dne Structures 's'Wrrif,o:;;:'a' -;:, $264 000es-ted„th..._,rough Fy2003 8 Akh:::a0, , tterParki-m'.::'OVetootIS.--::,-,: , 0 Thomas andPMar.ekrrYTrOaackbudget request Raintree Park Basketball Court $$3200:00 , $100," Eastgate Park 150,000 May be requ Park Benches g $$21 pot) Could be added to inter enerational upgrades. - s 'lliIIIIIIIIIII Communi Facilibe 3 2so 501,250 IlE1 -'.- ---Veterans'-': ,k:-&,A.;:'::'-fio'Oom,:,:exi,-:Pha4 T:,:, __ $6780 mgmniiti--:LoP:7?",pt_Pas:!:;;;1./ :,::.:,,,, ':: : ..',4',i,1: :.',': :-E 4,-$si34520700-T:0:0:0;:l'!,-Zi'S:".:1-1' D...':e:a,:yun. using C* 1111.1niiY:-IDe'r--:-'veiaPnl''erli'funds Possibility of us--- issue 11 ..Li.i.-11-::co_Ciii.0:„..cenl er.i...te:..;=, ..,.,__xp,ay,si0.,,1 $750,000= , til next bond issue Cypress Grove Recreation Center $239, Luther Jones Landfill ,„ th. Neighborhood Poolforfor the new Sou $2," ,4,.. Community Park ' Park,Phase I $1,000,000 DelayDelayuntil il land adfilli closescoses New"South"Community . .with the new high Potential Tennis Court Project im school 'Delay until the new hight school is developed. 4 Intergenerational ‘- --$309toty-= ,., _,.„ , „.,____,,,, 116011,:'..,.T;1000*10*,---:0:istintl:p.,, . --0s,i044 i:06000q-,---::::---:::::: ,,,, May be requested through the d Equipment Shade Provide Playground FY2003 Budget Process Emerald $30,000 -2003 Budget Process. Forest Lights $25,000 111111111,MaY Batting cages and backstops at Bee Creek Park MI ' hts $35,000 milimmior be requested through he T Woodcreek Park Lig Coverbasketballbasketball courts at Southwood Valley $330,000 111.11111111 Athletic Complex 111111111 1111 Pool Improvements . Adamson Lagoon Shotgun Slide ' $$4500:000000 IIIIIIIImmm. Additional shelter at Adamson Lagoon IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII $150,000 Thomas Pool bathhouse renovation $85,000 budget Funds could be requested through Facilities Maintenance Adamson bathhouse pitched roof Park Ac.uitisiop •park.., Possibility of usg land dedication or Community , Notthgate Park $1,000,111 Development funds .... Updated:3/11/2002 03/06/2002 11:24 FAX 979 260 4410 FAB SSB .0 0 2 ..,..., ..... Parks and Recreation Future Project List at S5,000,000 rne: .:::.:.*„..:.•••: ,•: • ••-: ••••••• •• . • .:..• -••:•::•••'•:•:"..•."::-.:'•::•':•.:••••••••.":',:'•••"•"•::::,Prigr,ity::.•:-....... . ' ••••••'•••.'•'...... .•:••'.:••.••::• '::•:• •. •••• .•.• .• .• :'...Ranking.....i.e. kbei: .:::i................. ..............!....................: .. ..•i...• t.::- .-•" •c;;iii.1.•:.-:t;ornrrieri'.';'.' .''"""' '" •••°.''•:.... ••••'••..•" ' ' ''• .... . • Nei.hborhood Park bevel°.mer — •,,,,, / Shertend...--li Park S316 000 SS30,000 /1111M11111111111S •lechaSe Park $315 000 &rn- Loop Park $315000 C Aimstfi '- Grove Park/Weseld .. 415,000 $ Dela unel til new emenla schoel is developed. W.. land Hills 150 IMO VOCMS=OX. === - - ...,== = Pebble Creek Park,Phase 11 $150.1 a' No slit has...-n demlicated 111111111111111111 — — — SU.a.rt Facilities _ _ .., For . She. $6'70 000 ... :MI ea . :I Park * -Exeansion 1615 000 SI,485,000 , III Reno ... a 1 Park SIN). • • H . • • -r" 000 •r . Vebarans Park and Athletic COM.lex Shop $ .0. Di Dale until Ph - II i' velopment IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS . D -.-ct Satellite a- rations Sho. S " 4 I 4 IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Nei.hborh. a Plan i idementation IIIIIIIIIIIIII ',. • , . , ,, - V .111V $andab, • Park i• ,.,,„ , .,.. ,•,, "„ 1 i •,'' `'• • . _ hard Ca .- park Im• . •rnerift 6217,000 ' Thomas and Me Oaks Parks Shade Sires $20. a May Loa ..uested through 'a budget reqUeSt Raintee Park Bas -...all Court 13030M? Thomas J-•,in-Track .. — — Eastgate Park $150.11611 ° Park; ches $21.11 ii IIIIIIIIIIIIIII.Could ha added to irate .eneralional ukt,rades. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII — — Comniun F•erinbes , . • w V-,.. r•rts P,rk a Affiletie Com• - :se 5 q On 36 mi - Pa Ph::--El • • $678 000 „ • , • , b ANN Paew :. -le Riese 1 • Sa00 000 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111 Lincoln Center Elvansion $570.4 ID 4 POSSibiliti Of USInQ COMMUnitY 11 m...,:..Jopme.nt funds Cypress Grove Recreation Center $750" Ex•lay[Anti next hand!wile Luther Jones Landfill $239,000 _ Neign.mh... P..1for then: 'South° CNomm.suoniV „..._ $1„0CM Age I: lay until landfill clot; F..* coarkmmurcpropiaectrk,wpithhathsecin high 11111111-111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 $2,4".000 1111111111111.11 Dela until landfill closes Potential Tennis Court • ' Delay until the n- hid schel Is developed, school iIIIIIII 1111111111111111114Era "rcNements I . i .- -- - :5© LI lia!rades for exist° ! •=rks $30S 000 5309 000 IIIIIIIIIIIIII Provide Playground E.ui*(Tient Shade 5144..003 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII— II- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII _ 1 Emerald Forest Lighis $30,,m ®y requested throu-h the FY2003 Bud!et Process din BB. _.Ca•es nn — ...... aeMto--at: ::C •-•...--k Perk d b . _ $25,1•• $35,11" IIIIIMIIIIIIii Ma Lc requ• ,.„throu!h the FY2003 Budget'Process. Wo.xiCreek Park Lihis — 11111111111111111111111 miCover basketball csour at So i cod Valley . letic Corn-lex 5330,1,111, 111111111111111111 _ Pcmi Improvements 11111111111111111111111 illIllIllIlIll Adamson La!. n Shots Slide $50,000 ... Additional shelter at Adamwn La'eon $40,0 1.I Thomas Pool bathhouse renovation $150,000 IIIIIIIIIIIII MI Adamson bathhouse-itched reof $55,000 EMI Fbuudndeestcould ha requested through Facilitias Maintenance — IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Park Ac.uitision Possibility of using park land dedication or Community Northgate Park $1, el,000 MI Davelo.merit funds L.; • LJO. - :315/2002 - 4‘... c k 0 ,• - (_,....;- '• -\......) -,, Parks and Recreation Future Project List at$7,000,000 'me: Larry K. Farnsworth Pnorty Rankna Project Cost cost ornments - Neighborho9si Park Peyelo ment 2 Shenendoah Park $315000 $630 000 4 Steeplechase Park $315,000 Spring Loop Park $315,000 Cypress Grove Park/Westfield $415,000 Delay until new elementary school is developed. Woodland Hills $150,000 Pebble Creek Park, Phase II $150,000 No site has been dedicated j,pport Facilities 3 Forestry Shop $670,000 7Central Park Office Expansion . $615,000 $1,485,0009 Renovate Central Park Shop $2091,0.:0911115111"goiriginsiiigal,..iii,m, Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Shop $500,000 Delay until Phase II Development South District Satellite Operations Shop $360,000 Neighborhood plarlm•lementation, 6 Sandstone Park $47,000• 26' 000 ....... 8 Richard Carter Park improvements Thomas and Merry Oaks Parks Shade Structures $20,000 May be requested through FY2003 budget request Raintree Park Basketball Court $30,000 Thomas Jogging Track $100,000 Eastgate Park $150,000 Park Benches $21,000 Could be added to intergenerational upgrades. Community Facilities 1 Veterans Park&Athletic Complex,phase H $5,623,250 • 0 1 New Cemetery,Phase $300,000 Lincoln Center Expansion $570,000 Possibility of using Community Development funds Cypress Grove Recreation Center $750,000 Delay until next bond issue r Luther Jones Landfill $239,000 Neighborhood Pool for the new"South" Community Park $1,000,000 Delay until landfill closes New"South"Community Park,Phase I $2,000,000 Delay until landfill closes Potential Tennis Court Project with the new high school Delay until the new hight school is developed. Park Imsrovements 51b.1010e.:.:ti...70f0iiOli...:,......110.101,ii.17.7$110.f0e:::#0. ,00..011'0,14...:"I:11 1111.1.11.111$307$1100.0..i' Provide Playground Equipment Shade $144,000 Emerald Forest Lights $30,000 May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process Batting cages and backstops at Bee Creek Park $25,000 May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process. Woodcreek Park Lights $35,000 Cover basketball courts at Southwood Valley Athletic Complex $330,000 Pool Im.royements_. Adamson Lagoon Shotgun Slide $50,000 Additional shelter at Adamson Lagoon $40,000 Thomas Pool bathhouse renovation $150,000 Funds could be requested through Facilities Maintenance Adamson bathhouse pitched roof $85,000 budget Park Acquitision Possibility of using park land dedication or Community Northgate Park $1,000,000 Development funds Updated:3/12/2002 Page 1 of 2 Kris Lehde - RE: CIP Ranking Forms F • "Larry K. Farnsworth" <Ifams©tca.net> To: "'Kris Lehdem <klehde©ci.college-station.tx.us> Date: 3/14/2002 9:25 PM Subject: RE: CIP Ranking Forms I would rank them the same. Larry K.Farnsworth (979)690-0176 Ifams@tca.net ---Original M- .ge--- From'Kris Lehde[.,zi/ro:kiehdeecLcoll oe-stationIx.usi Sent:T -y,March 12, ••2 9:08 AM To:Ifarns@tcaenet Sus*- :RE:aP Ranking Forms Larry, All three of the forms are in the event that 7 million is. detl. Do you have the forms for 5 and 6 mil? Kris - Staff Assistant College Station Parks& (979)764-3414 Larry K.Farnsw. "<Ifarns@tca. - 03/11/02 09:10PM>» Sorry for the delay. Larry K.Fa . • (979)690-0176 'Warns net -----Original Message From:Kris - *e[maiito:kiehdci.college-st' tionAx.usl Sent:Monday,March 11,2002 2:42 PM To:gsdi r@aggi- -tholic.org;GDA .264@AOL. * ;Icw20177@AOL.com; ALLISON@fabtexas.com;DAVISG@fabtexasecom;jturton@mail.st-joseph.org; Bill@pianopl. .net;jpni mu.edu;lfarns@tca.net Subject:CIP Ranking Forms *04 a - *,*n. Just a reminder ' . I will z.*the ap Ranking forms for in the event that the Parks and Recreation Department could be awarded 5,6, or 7 million in the upcoming bond issue. I have only received four back so far(John N.,Glenn S.,Don A.,and Jon T.),and I will need to prepare the results and e-mail those back to you. As discussed,please only rank the 11 highlighted potential projects on the spreadsheets. Also,as discussed during the meeting,if you have any potential budget issues for Fiscal Year 2003,please e-mail those to me,and I'll compile a list for the next 7, rd meeting. Please let me know if you have any questions,and have a wonderful Spring Break! :-) Kris Lehde Staff Assistant College Station Parks&Recreation (979)764-3414 file://C:\Documents and Settings\klehde.000VLocal SettingsVremp\GW}00003.HTM 3/18/2002 Parks and Recreation Future Project List at$7,000,000 -.1rne: Glen A.Davis Neighborhood parkDeyelo.ment 8 Shenendoah Park $315000 $630 000 9 Steeplechase Park $315000 Spring Loop Park $315,000 Cypress Grove Park/Westfield $415,000 Delay until new elementary school is developed. Woodland Hills $150,000 Pebble Creek Park,Phase II $150,000 No site has been dedicated Sp.f!prtFaciliie§ 4 Forestry Shop $670000 5 Central Park Office Expansion $615,000 $1,485,000 6 Renovate central Park Shop $200,000 Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Shop $500,000 Delay until Phase II Development South District Satellite Operations Shop $360,000 Neighborhood Plan Irn•lemeryt4ipp 7 Sandstone Park $47,000 $26 000 0 i'igithiodloattbtlleotk,30tdv,,e..:,.to.e..,:h%J.t:;E.E.E.o.g:g„iimi,..ming, $217,000 Thomas and Merry Oaks Parks Shade Structures $20,000 May be requested through FY2003 budget request Raintree Park Basketball Court $30,000 Thomas Jogging Track $100,000 Eastgate Park $150,000 Park Benches $21,000 Could be added to intergenerational upgrades. Complunit,,,•,,Facj14ie! 1 i'VetdittiiRatiCi.&;A:thlottolpOmploggpbggoiiitigim $5,623,250 59 501 750 1111111111111:11111101111111111:1111:111•11111116111:11111111111111111oggingimpaggplq!„!„„„:,:i„„!„,:!,„.1:::! 211001k1101.ti#KIROig11,P,,„,Iti...:0J.:#111111.11111111111.1111.11.11110111111111,1ijilipilifillili1071100111578A0P:iii 10 New cmetery,Phase . $300,000 Lincoln Center Expansion $570,000 Possibility of using Community Development funds Cypress Grove Recreation Center $750,000 Delay until next bond issue Luther Jones Landfill $239,000 Neighborhood Pool for the new"South" Community Park $1,000,000 Delay until landfill closes New"South"Community Park,Phase I $2,000,000 Delay until landfill closes Potential Tennis Court Project with the new high school Delay until the new hight school is developed. Park lm s rovements 3 Intergenerational Upgrades for existing parks $309,000 $309,000 Provide Playground Equipment Shade $144,000 Emerald Forest Lights $30,000 May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process Batting cages and backstops at Bee Creek Park $25,000 May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process. Woodcreek Park Lights $35,000 Cover basketball courts at Southwood Valley Athletic Complex $330,000 Pool Imirovernents Adamson Lagoon Shotgun Slide $50,000 Additional shelter at Adamson Lagoon $40,000 Thomas Pool bathhouse renovation $150,000 Funds could be requested through Facilities Maintenance Adamson bathhouse pitched roof $85,000 budget Park Acquitision Possibility of using park land dedication or Community Northgate Park $1,000,000 Development funds Updated:3/12/2002 Parks and Recreation Future Project List at$5000,000 Ime: Priority Ranking Project Cost Cost Comments Nei..hborhood Park Development IIIIIIIIIIIIII Shenendoah Park $315,000 $630,000 'Steeplechase Park $311000 Spring Loop Park $315,000 Cypress Grove Park/Westfield $415000 Delay until new elementary school is developed. Woodland Hills $150000 Pebble Creek Park,Phase II $150000 No site has been dedicated Support Facilities Fores I iho. $670,000 alli1111111Central Park - cc Ex.-nsi $615,000 $1,485,000 Renovate Central Park Shop $200,000 11111 Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Shop South District Satellite Operations Shop ?kie.hborhood planlfrr.Jernentation $500000 I Development Delay until Phase I Sandstone Park $47 000 $264 000 Richard Carter Park Improvements $217,000 11111 Thomas and Merry Oaks Parks Shade Structures $20, May be requested through FY2003 budget request Raintree Park Basketball Court $30,000 Thomas Jogging Track $100,000 Eastgate Park Park Benches $21000 Could be added to intergenerational upgrades. Communi Facilities ,.._ 1 ..„,-_,_„„,„,-___, Veterans Park&Athletic Corn.1ex,Phase ill $5.623.250 $6,501,250 11111111111111111111 Lick Creek Park,Ph- -II $578000 New emete •Phase I $300,000 Lincoln Center Expansion $570,000 Possibility of using Community Development funds Cypress Grove Recreation Center $750,..eDelay until next bond issue Luther Jones Landfill $239,000 Neighborhood Pool for the new"South" Community Park $1,000,000 Delay until landfill closes New"South"Community Park,Phase I $2,000,000 Delay until landfill doses Potential Tennis Court Project with the new high school Delay until the new hight school is developed. Park irovements Intergenerational Upgrades for existing parks $309,000 $309,000 Provide Playground Equipment Shade $144,000 Emerald Forest Lights $30,000 May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process Batting cages and backstops at Bee Creek Park $25,000 May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process. Woodcreek Park Lights $35,000 Cover basketball courts at Southwood Valley Athletic Complex $330,000 Pooverents ......, Adamson Lagoon Shotgun Slide $50,000 Additional shelter at Adamson Lagoon $40,000 Thomas Pool bathhouse renovation $150,000 Funds could be requested through Facilities Maintenance Adamson bathhouse pitched roof $85,000 budget ParkAcquitision Possibility of using park land dedication or Community Northgate Park $1,000,000 Development funds Updated:3/5/2002 Parks and Recreation Future Project List at$6,000,000 .,fie, Priority anknn Project t ;.:. ..Cost Comments Neighborhood Park Develo.ment Sheneradoah Park $315,000 . Steeplechase Park $315,000 X30,000 Spring Loop Park $315,000 alCypress Grove Park/Westfield $415,000 Delay until new elementary school is developed. Woodland Hills $150,000 Pebble Creek Park,Phase II $150,000 No site has been dedicated Su...it Facilities F o r es x Sho•` $670,000 111111111111111111111 ntral a .a=ce S . nsion :611!:0° a '485'°°° 5,0 encCe al a , 0 ; Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Shop $500,000 Delay until Phase llDevelopment South District Satellite Operations Shop , ei•hborbood.,Plan im•lementation s�..+z. s..azw% Sandstone Park Sai000 $264 000 RichardCarter Park Improvements $217,000 Thomas and Merry Oaks Parks Shade Structures $20,000 May be requested through FY2003 budget request Raintree Park Basketball Court $30,000 Jogging Thomas J n Track $100,000 Eastgate Park $150,000 Park Benches $21,{ 1r,_ Could be added to intergenerational upgrades. Communi Facilities Veterans Park&Athletico se it , Lick Creek Park,Ph Ui New ,�-_:„Phase I $300,000 Lincoln Center _w,•r.nsion $570,1Possibility of using Community Development funds Cypress Grove Recreation Center $750,st i E Delay until next bond issue Luther Jones Landfill $239,000 Neighborhood Pool for the new"South" Community Park $1,f 1,1,000 Delay until landfill closes New"South"Community Park,Phase l $2,000,000 Delay until landfill closes Potential Tennis Court Project with the new high school Delay until the new Night school is developed. Park lm•rovernents lintergenerational Upgrades for existing s $309,000 $309,000 Provide Playground Equipment Shade $144,000 Emerald Forest Lights $30,000 May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process Batting cages and backstops at Bee Creek Park $25,000 May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process. Woodcreek Park Lights $35,000 Cover basketball courts at Southwood Valley Athletic Complex $330,000 Pool Im.rovements Adamson Lagoon Shotgun Slide $50,000 Additional shelter at Adamson Lagoon $40,000 Thomas Pool bathhouse renovation $150,000 Funds could be requested through Facilities Maintenance Adamson bathhouse pitched roof $85,000 budget Park Acquitision Possibility of using park land dedication or Community Northgate Park $1,000,000 Development funds Updated:3/5/2002 Parks and Recreation Future Project List e$7,000,000 Name: •.• Nei.hborhood Park Develo.ment Shenend°ahPark $315:°°Q Steeplechasepark $35000 $630 000 ; Spring Loop Park $315,000 Cypress Grove Park/Westfield $415,000 Delay until new elementary school is developed. Woodland Hills $150,000 Pebble Creek Park,Phase II $150,.so No site has been dedicated Supprt Facilities Forestry Shop 575,00 tral.Park4. Ettpansiorn IS, - 'fral Park Sh0P-,'','Z'itieR510;',0A.','W,k',4;41-';',;,,t Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Shop ; $ Delay until Phase Il Development South District Satellite O.,- 'ions Shop 1 Neighb‘orh -;; Plan lin,..-lementation .ne Park $47 000- hard Ca Park tmpr©v sets $217,I Thomas and Merry Oaks Parks Shade Structures $20,1,-4 May be requested through FY2003 budget request 71Raintree Park Basketball Court $ 0,000 Thomas Jogging Track s'00,1;so Eastgate Park $150,1411, Park Benches $21,•44 Could be added to intergenerational upgrades. Comewni Facilities Alikaallat LickCr- Park, •sstt $573 Ne*:i Lincoln Center radon $570,';';'11; ,Possibility of using Community Development funds , 'Cypress Grove Recreation Center $750,115 Delay until next bond issue Luther Jones Landfill ..44 Neighborhood Pool forthe new"South" Community Park ; $239,, $1 (X)0 11111 11 Delay until landfill closes New"South"Community Park,Phase I $2,1,14,14-1 ',Delay until landfill closes Potential Tennis Court Project with the new high school Delay until the new hight school is developed. Park Im;.rovements -4?-4 triteiterierailorial upgrades for stdstbtg parks $339,000 09,330 Provide Playground Equipment Shade $144,1;',4 Emerald Forest Lights ; s30,10,,c,s May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process Batting cages and backstops atz----Creek Park , $25,1,114 May be requested through the FY2 St"Budget Process. Woodcreek Park Lights $35,141 Cover basketball courts at Southwood Valley Athletic Complex ' $330,000 Pool Irri•rovements Adamson Lagoon Shotgun Slide $50,000 Additional shelter at Adamson Lagoon $40,000 Thomas Pool bathhouse renovation , $150,000 Funds could be requested through Facilities Maintenance Adamson bathhouse pitched roof $85,000 budget cuitision Possibility of using park land dedication or Community Northgate Park $1,000,000 Development funds Updated:3/5/2002 Parks and Recreation Future Project List - - - --- _ at$5,000000 Name: .m!igiiyiikf.:iiigi:ttV:thit6:titittgg ,], ,'Y '''':4't-++•+ - -:-:+.:: ' + 001111111111.1110.111lictiftvntopi„,„wA .......,0 ..: , ,...=..... *9. '++•++'. , ,,,ANM1,, ,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,....................„.„.,,...,... -,4441111:!"g:.*IktiMi04:6 idt'''M .',.,:;,..,Mi?•::]fs1:.«! N,.1':i....:Ni.,R:*i:,•:,.,,:,.•::,.:::,,,,,,,,,,''''..,.............,•,--•••..- liitql111442.tbV:::'tAiM':::..:.:',,,:.:'.::,'1.:.::.I....'...1. .:.::.''''..n.'':',.''''''1::;::;::::::::::::::;:::::;:st':':::::':'':':'::::':':A7+::''':7+7:+I+1!i.V''+i!.!"+!l+ig!!:!!!, Rzt014. 1:''''''.'"'t"..-- '''''.----- Nei*hborhood Park DeYelo•Ill.e nt. . , 3 il$##-Ji#1:0004)1POKEIIIIBliiimiiiiimm-4:1,1:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„„„,„„„„„:,,,,,,,,,:,,,,,:,„:::::,„„:„.„.,.,.,.,.,.,,,. ........„. $3 1513UCI''''gm::1'i:::iiiiit301.i*D..:001:1:1:::;;;;,::,1,1111;11:11;•;',31,',7::;,:::1,:::::;:,'„1,1,,,:•',.:,:.:::.',:,'„,:,.,:,i,-,:,-,,,i,i,.::,.i.:.:;,i,.:;.:.ii:„:i:,:::;iiiii::.,::.,,,.,,,,,.:,....,.,.,.,.,::.,.,.,.,,,,i.,i.,i.,.,::i.,::.,..,:::g.::.,Emm.,:::::m.;::::g.;:mi:,;0::::ig.,!::::::,::,,,,,iNi::,,,,,.,,,.,,,;.,.,::.,..,::::,::::,.,:::::::lime,::.,::::.,.,.;N:,.:...:.:.., 61...s..to•-'070100iti,00 lipoitkilisinuoi.li,i:Niii.:.,::i.,!::ii,,i,,,:„1:,:1,,,,,::,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„„„„„„„„„,:„„,,,:,,„:„„::::::„:::::„:„.:.:.:.,.:„...............$311:;90010iIIIISIONIEN _ Spring Loop Park $315,000 Cypress Grove Park/Westfield $415,000 Delay until new elementary school is developed. Woodland Hills $150,000 Pebble Creek Park,Phase II $150,000 No site has been dedicated 2::Fot.# ittvislio0111100.11,i.ii.iii.;,..,,.,,,,: . ... .. . .......................,.. :,... .... $0,70rop...0 :iio:ig,,i1:;:iiiiigi.,.:.:!.i..,1..::.::,!!!!:!:,;],,,.,...,..:,.,..,.•,.,.:,,,.?;,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:.::::,,,,,,,,...:....... .§....tigoitlagilitisa .„,,,,,,,,,,..„:„.:,::::„.„.„.„..„.,.................. .-- ..----------:'::-'':':'':'''''''''R'''''''''''''''i':'i'i''N'Ai'li':':'i'i.E.'ilitiil;1ii.EiilIli'irgtiil:EN:!.iili:h;:,.illiiii!ii„::ii„i„i„.,.„„.„,.:„•,„.::„„:„,.!.,.,..e,„,.:,.,„,..,.,...,.....i.!'„.E.!'„:!......„!.!„.:.:,,:,,::.::::.:,:,„;,:::„..:;s.,..,,„.:::!,;!!::,„:;Ii„:i„:i,:..:::!:!„.1,.,!.•::„:.:::,„:::I,„:,.I.1-1:.:,.::,::;:,:::.:1„:::.:::,..::.1::,i„::;:.;i;,., 4 g0.1.0tit0111RAIK],"1Q...,:fti0011E....„).t...,..i.....0„.Shoprta17.. . ,,,::,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:: ...„..... $41li9OftillilIlliligi$41144i,„.;::,::::,:„..:.a,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.....,.....„..„.„„.. .....:...,.....„..„.„„:................„... _ 81R#00* t0),Ii1C#httotiRokrii::::, 2S-0000Cr"mminiiiiiii5iiiiiiiimiegnmi.ii;:iii,i,:,111,,,,,,,,,.,,::,„.,,,,,,,::,,,:„,:,,,::,,,,,,,,„.:,,,,,,,,,:,,,,,,„:::„....„....,.,..... Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Shop $500,000 Delay until Phase II Development South District Satellite Operations Shop $360,000 Nei•hborhPod i. ' Plan iqsIP M!!e!!nt..„a.!..:,t.:..!7.....75 Sandstone R ....................:..:.,.... :....„....................,,...-...........--.............$47Q-4(1,Hillitlli...ii2.in...-64VO 9 lidi#ttiC#OtOriPotklopromgmars ! $0110 Thomas and Merry Oaks Parks Shade i.,:!.".i::"ii"!:::•:i:i.ii:;i,.',i"mIi:i.i':"I.::,m:'i::",U.:,:,.,-iiiii-iimiii-iiiii,":i-1ili-il::il-ilil::ipi:-iiiail-l:ir:-imi-iii:::::1m:.,:i:,1::,.1::::,,:,:::-:1,1,1,m1-1,1,.,,.,:,-,,1,,,1,,-,,,,1,1,:,,,-1.1:,...,.:1,::.:::.::,11:::,.:1:1::::,:,1:..,..i..1....,11:.1........1.1.1.....1.............,.,.,,1...:P......,I..,.....E.,..„.. * Structures $20,000 May be requested through FY2003 budget request Raintree Park Basketball Court $30,000 Thomas Jogging Track $100,000 Eastgate Park $150,000 * Park Benches $21,000 Could be added to intergenerational upgrades. Communit Facilities -"" ----.."---''''''''""""'""""'"".""":"":""'"""."'"'"""""i'i'l"‘"i'""""i:::"'""i".":i'"""""1""I"4"1"1•"•:" alili::IMI'iOii"Mi'i':'::'i''''::''''Iqilii'iinig::'iiig'iM,„1:!P„';':'„m„''''„,'„.'''.'.„!',nt':::':':':'„::='::::i',R„iii,,i,,,,,i:si''::':::,'',i',':',',''.::'':,::i':'is'i.,"""'',':"''''"'''''::':''"'':''''':'j'':'''''''''''''':'*':'''::''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''':'''''''::'::':'*':'*':'..:''':':':'':."--.'''.."---.... 11 •Ni,1:At4it:#01111iRaitRII4ilAti1010:111iPiOtti010..:1"ilPir..:!:!::!,:::::!.1.::!!!!!1.i!!!:1i.i.li.i.7.iiii.i$.5ii50,.....7g81420040...,,,,,:,.:.!,,,,,,,,,,,,::,:$0;,5(mgApiiiiiii.,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,.,..,.:.,.,,:,,,,,:,.::,.,.,,,,::,,,,,,,,,,:,::::.:,,,:,,,,,,,:,:,:,,:,:,:,.,::::,:,,:,:.,,,..,.:::::,.,.„.,:,:,,,...,.:...:,.,.:.:.:....,.:.:.,,,.....„.„.,.,.,.:,.,:.:..::::::::.,.,.:.:.:...,,,..„.,,,....._„........ 10'11.1t:.„1(01t0;#1111plotkuphoilliogggilllillib,:,,,i,iiiii,,,,,,,,,,„„„„„„„„„,.,.:.:.:.....:...:.„....... ..... .... 7 1S.'..-...:0W100.0).'7010.:*"1,1ni...?:;0:10111111111.,11111iMinisiiili,:i!iiiiiiiiii,!,:im,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,„,,::,,,,,,,„,„„.:„,.:„,::,,,,.::,,,:,:,::::::„:„..,:..,..$3.0.0i0e01411,11111,111111111illiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiniiiiini Lincoln Center Expansion $570,000 Possibility of using Community Development funds Cypress Grove Recreation Center $750,000 Delay until next bond issue Luther Jones Landfill $239,000 _ Neighborhood Pool for the new 'South' i Community Park $1,000,000 Delay until landfill closes New"South"Community Park,Phasel new high $2,000,000 Delay until landfill closes Potential Tennis Court Project with the school Delay until the new hight school is developed. Park Improvements .... .... .. ... ..... ... __H.._.,...:::::::,,,:,::::".".:::,........:„."....,.........n.,.......,...,......"...„.....,..."..,:...:.„.„*.„.„..„„:„„:„...„.„..„.,...................... 1 4fit:OtiE414.i..01146:74i(1010::"tfa7d6:: :::lb.7016g.it.i.lit0:".:::'0'A..t.k..t>.„Ii:iiiiiiiiiiiii$3.00;000111111iiiiiiliiiiii$i$309i00(:),,,,,,:::,::,.:::„.„„. Provide Playground Equipment Shade $144,000 * Emerald Forest Lights $30,000 May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process * Batting cages and backstops at Bee Creek Park $25,000 May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process. Woodcreek Park Lights $35,000 Cover basketball courts at Southwood Valley Athletic Complex $330,000 Pool Imsrovements Adamson Lagoon Shotgun Slide $50,000 Additional shelter at Adamson Lagoon $40,000 * Thomas Pool bathhouse renovation $150,000 Funds could be requested through Facilities Maintenance Adamson bathhouse pitched roof $85,000 budget parisikagoim Possibility of using park land dedication or Community Northgate Park $1,000,000 Development funds Updated:3/8/2002 Parks and Recreation Future Project List at$6,000,000 Name: ,....111111111111111111111111111,11111111,11:11111:11111111111111111111.111111111111111115111111.11111111111111gtif0dtiRanking Project cost Cost comments lit111111111:111111111111iiifillglilitill111111.111111111111rlinallillill1111 Neishborhood Park Pevelofrnent 3 Shenendoah Park $315,000 $630 000 71i.$A0#0,100).1#0#11P0fk1111111111111111.1111111111111111111111111111$3111.0100011111Ejlageligill11111111§111111§1,11INIIIIII•1111111:1101111111migiggi:msgigoiiiiiiiiimingiiiiiiigiiiimg Spring Loop Park $315,000 Cypress Grove Park/Westfield $415,000 Delay until new elementary school is developed. Woodland Hills $150,000 Pebble Creek Park,Phase II $150,000 No site has been dedicated Support Facilities 31FoiOtffShop $670,000 5 Central Park Office Expansion $615,000 $1,485,000 9 Renovate Central Paik Shop $::200A)99.1111,11111111111131111•1111111:101•111:11111•1611111•11111:1111111MEIMIniiiiip: Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Shop $500,000 Delay until Phase II Development South District Satellite Operations Shop $360,000 Nel.liborllood Plan Imilementation 6 Sandstone Park $47,000 $264'000 11 Richard Carter pAtkftootov#o#fitcrgrilgrgggfiggIrqgIrwigtiszttooqigurglipggoiglbiggfmioiggigggrliggggumgiggggoHgigggggonigggigmggiEBEBomgmmiggmii!imigi,ygi:E:,iiiiiiiiiii:ig Thomas and Merry Oaks Parks Shade Structures $20,000 May be requested through FY2003 budget request Raintree Park Basketball Court $30,000 Thomas Jogging Track $100,000 Eastgate Park $150,000 Park Benches $21,000 Could be added to intergenerational upgrades. Communit Facilities 2',,:itOt0f#10:01POtkilagAtbiOttOINIPOt#010)4:11P1:401....01111E ifigil11::$5i623,259"; 501 250 1110! 10''''',410kige041,PAtiliFt#00#111111101111111111111111111111111111111i1111111111War000191111111•111111111111111111011111:11111111111Mgiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinaiiiiiiiiiiii!Miiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiniiiiiiiii'ggiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiNHE 8 New Oemetery,Phese $300,000 Lincoln Center Expansion $570,000 Possibility of using Community Development funds Cypress Grove Recreation Center $750,000 Delay until next bond issue Luther Jones Landfill $239,000 Neighborhood Pool for the new"South" Community Park $1,000,000 Delay until landfill closes New"South"Community Park,Phase I $2,000,000 Delay until landfill closes Potential Tennis Court Project with the new high school Delay until the new hight school is developed. Park mi rovements1 litntiOf§:#0.0t#0:000t:Iluilat#00forogrottidlokekol $309,000 $309,00r Provide Playground Equipment Shade $144,000 Emerald Forest Lights $30,000 May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process Batting cages and backstops at Bee Creek Park $25,000 May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process. Woodcreek Park Lights $35,000 Cover basketball courts at Southwood Valley Athletic Complex $330,000 Pool Im.rovemens,, Adamson Lagoon Shotgun Slide $50,000 Additional shelter at Adamson Lagoon $40,000 Thomas Pool bathhouse renovation $150,000 Funds could be requested through Facilities Maintenance Adamson bathhouse pitched roof $85,000 budget Park Aggliitiggii Possibility of using park land dedication or Community Northgate Park $1,000,000 Development funds Updated:3/8/2002 Parks and Recreation Future Project List at$7,000,000 Name: Glenn Schroeder Rai'ing Project Cost Cost Comments Nei•hborhood Park Develosment 4 Shenendoah Park $315000 $630 000 7 Steeplechase Park $3115,91)01i Spring Loop Park $315,000 Cypress Grove Park/Westfield $415,000 Delay until new elementary school is developed. Woodland Hills $150,000 Pebble Creek Park,Phase II $150,000 No site has been dedicated Lipp94Es491141.91 2 Forestry Shop $670,000 5 Central Park Office Expansion $615,000 $1,485,000 9 Renovate Central Park Shop Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Shop $500,000 Delay until Phase II Development South District Satellite Operations Shop $360,000 Nei.hborhood Plan lim.lementation 6 Sandstone Park $47,000 26 000 11 ',RioliAtolgAttotiopooKibiroto#ftotitiglimillgrgig imigli$2trimodu Thomas and Merry Oaks Parks Shade Structures $20,000 May be requested through FY2003 budget request Raintree Park Basketball Court $30,000 Thomas Jogging Track $100,000 Eastgate Park $150,000 Park Benches $21,000 Could be added to intergenerational upgrades. Communit Facilities 3.!iy#!er4p...*p:Olp..::.:04rir..41:;:-..ql!e#19 ...fe,--.):401PrfOggij111111111111111*.5i4glgiOgrili'ii:111116 501 250 10 Itimicioolrip4fRion40111:1111111:1111111111,111"pliguillptifilABAAzoittognolisiligamirgisiongillipopligtoprompligoplignogifigilligniguaniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiimagiiiiiimiii! 8 New cemetery,phase I $300,000 roppligingliciiiiimmiguinigiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiii!iiimiggliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1111101111111111111111•111111111111111•1111111111111111,1111111•111•1111111110 Lincoln Center Expansion $570,000 Possibility of using Community Development funds Cypress Grove Recreation Center $750,000 Delay until next bond issue Luther Jones Landfill $239,000 Neighborhood Pool for the new"South" Community Park $1,000,000 Delay until landfill closes New"South"Community Park,Phase I $2,000,000 Delay until landfill closes Potential Tennis Court Project with the new high school Delay until the new hight school is developed. park1m.royerrleyt§,, 1 jjt#it§##Of#tjOjAJIQti4t#0tifbkfq.:#gttjjjtEOAfk61! $309,000 $309,000 Provide Playground Equipment Shade $144,000 Emerald Forest Lights $30,000 May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process Batting cages and backstops at Bee Creek Park $25,000 May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process. Woodcreek Park Lights $35,000 Cover basketball courts at Southwood Valley Athletic Complex $330,000 Pool Im.rovements Adamson Lagoon Shotgun Slide $50,000 Additional shelter at Adamson Lagoon $40,000 Thomas Pool bathhouse renovation $150,000 Funds could be requested through Facilities Maintenance Adamson bathhouse pitched roof $85,000 budget pAr.t.sAcAlLitilko_ri Possibility of using park land dedication or Community Northgate Park $1,000,000 Development funds Updated:3/8/2002 Kris Lehde CIP Ranking Form Page 1 From: Kris Lehde To: AllisonWabtexas.com; Bill@pianoplace.net; Davisgefabtexas.com; GDAVIS6264@AOL.com; gschroeder@aggiecatholic.org; Jpn@tamu.edu; Icw20177@aolcom; Ifams@tca.net Date: 3/6/02 10:41AM Subject: CIP Ranking Form Good morning. As discussed during last night's meeting, attached are the CIP ranking forms for in the event that Parks and Recreation Department could be awarded 5, 6, or 7 million in the upcoming bond issue. As discussed, please only rank the 11 highlighted potential projects on the spreadsheets (Shenendoah Park, Steeplechase Park, Forestry Shop, Central Park Office Expansion, Renovate Central Park Shop, Sandstone Park, Richard Carter Park, Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, Phase II, Lick Creek Park, Phase II, New Cemetery, Phase I, and Intergenerational Park Improvements). Please return the three sheets back to me by next Monday (March 11th), so that I can prepare the results and e-mail them to the Board. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for your help. Kris Lehde Staff Assistant College Station Parks& Recreation (979)764-3414 CC: Ric Ploeger