HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/10/2002 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board (2) nzcoloneoeyi0000ioopigkgrafitwcreation Advisory Board
Tuesday,December 10, 2002, at 7:00 pm
comumsomismemososesessommensemorh :::.:_,,:., Teen Center
1600 Rock Prairie Road
Staff Present: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation; Peter Vanecek, Senior
Park Planner; Peter Lamont, Recreation Superintendent; David Hudspeth, Recreation
Supervisor; Geri Marsh, Recreation Supervisor; Kristin Lehde, Staff Assistant.
Board Members Present: Glenn Schroeder; Larry Farnsworth; Jodi Warner,
Glen Davis; Bill Davis.
Board Members Absent: John Nichols, Chair; Don Allison.
Jason Fikes, 1309 Danville Court, College Station, Texas 77845
Christina Livingston, 1203 Baywood Court, College Station, Texas 77845
The Board was in consensus on having Larry Farnsworth serve as Acting Chair
L Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Larry F. at 7:01 p.m.
2. Pardon — possible action concerning requests for absences of members from
meeting: Bill Davis made a motion to accept the absences of John Nichols and
Don Allison as excused. Glen Davis seconded the motion. All were in favor, and
the motion passed unanimously.
3. Hear visitors: Mr. Jason Fikes and Ms. Christine Livingston represent the
Alexandria Neighborhood Subdivision. At the Board meeting of September
10, 2002, they had requested that the Parks andRecreation Advisory Board consider
a request to install city playground equipment at the edge of the greenway space on
the north end of Alexandria Drive (refer to the minutes of September 10, 2002; Item
#3). Mr. Fikes stated that a petition had been circulated and signed with the names
of approximately 334 residents in favor of the request.
This request will be placed on the January 14, 2003, agenda for further discussion.
4. Discussion, consideration, and possible approval of minutes from the regular
meeting of November 12:2002: Glen D. made a motion to approve the minutes
from November 12, 2002. Jodi Warner seconded the motion. All were in favor,
and the motion passed unanimously.
5. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning a park land
dedication request for the Carter's Grove Subdivision, Tract 1 (Zone 2):
Pete Vanecek stated that the proposedsingle-family, three-dwelling unit
development is located at the end of Shady Drive' south of University Drive (refer
to Park Land Dedication Checklist). The total landdedication requirement would be
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Regular Meeting
Tuesday,December 10,2002
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.029 acres. The total cash dedication requirement would be $1,668. Staff
recommends acceptance of the cash dedication in lieu of land.
Bill D. asked if there was a way to effectively utilize the cash dedication, because of
a current zero fund balance in Zone 2. Steve Beachy said that small-scale purchases,
such as benches, could be made unless the City receives more cash dedications in
that zone. Glenn S. stated that the City should also be receiving funds ($88,592)
from the Magnolia Place Dormitories dedication that was presented to the Board in
November 2002.
Bill D. made a motion to accept the cash dedication in lieu of land. Glen D.
seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously.
6. Presentation, discussion, and possible action concerning leisure program
evaluations for Athletic Programs: Recreation Superintendent Peter Lamont
referred to a pie chart (included in the packets) that showed the total number of
participants the Department had in 2002,based on the different user groups.
Peter discussed the program evaluation for Outside User Groups (refer to program
evaluation form), which include groups such as the College Station Soccer Club,
College Station Little League, Brazos Valley Magic Soccer Club, Brazos Valley
Instructional Baseball League, and the Bryan/College Station Soccer Club. Peter
stated that in 2002, the Department collected $22,460 from Outside User Groups.
All fees generated from these groups go toward the Park Redevelopment Fund.
Staff recommends continuation of these relationships, which allows for services to
be provided without the Department incurring the additional costs of actually
running the programs.
Recreation Supervisor Geri Marsh discussed the program evaluation for Athletic
Events (refer to program evaluation form). There is no direct revenue generated
from athletic events. However, the economic impact to the community is estimated
to be $2,022,297 for 2002 (based upon an economic impact study conducted by
Dr. John Crompton in 1999). Staff recommends the continuation of hosting athletic
events, and expanding events to include other sports such as flag football and
Recreation Supervisor David Hudspeth discussed a formula that he developed for
figuring the cost of athletic programs (refer to Formula for Estimating Cost and
Revenue for Programs). David stated that he added a 40% overhead in
administration and program expenses. There was some concern about how the
overhead was determined, and how it would effect fees. David stated that the 40%
was an estimate based on his past work experience. Steve B. said that the
Department would work with the Fiscal Services Department to determine if that
estimate is accurate. He added that the Department is in the process of trying to
develop a fee methodology that is departmentally sound. After some discussion,
Bill D. stated that it would be useful if the "cost of recovery" and the "cost of
recovery without overhead" were split out on different lines on the estimate sheet to
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Regular Meeting
Tuesday,December 10,2002
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better dete .ine how the overhead is affecting the totals. David stated that he could
incorporate the suggestion into the reporting process for 2003.
David discussed the program evaluations for the following athletic programs (refer
to program evaluation forms):
• Adult Flag Football: Staff recommends considering moving the program to a
little later in the season, and gradually increasing the fee to help recover more
cost. There will also be a need to increase the officials pay soon.
• Youth Flag Football: Staff does not recommend any changes to Youth Flag
• Girl's Softball: Staff recommends considering a possible fee adjustment or
quality changes to reflect the current cost of recovery.
• Adult Softball: Staff does not recommend any changes to the Adult Softball
* Youth Basketball: Staff recommends dropping the number of paid employees
and trying to provide more volunteers.
* Challenger Basketball: Challenger Bowling and Soccer program evaluations
will be added in 2003 as part of the Challenger Series. Staff recommends
continuing to seek the Children's Miracle Network as a sponsor, and preparing
the budget accordingly to request funds to help cover costs. Staff also
recommends adding more days to the program, and requesting the College
Station Independent School District to provide facilities to assist with growth of
the programs.
• Youth Volleyball: David said that according to a survey that was conducted, the
majority of Youth Volleyball participants indicated that they did not like joint
programming with the City of Bryan, and preferred to participate in College
• Adult Volleyball: Staff does not recommend any changes to the Adult
Volleyball Program.
• Punt, Pass, and Kick: Staff does not recommend any changes to the Punt, Pass,
and Kick Program.
There was discussion on participant feedback concerning some problems with
coaches and/or referees. The question was asked if the Depa ent relays to the
coaches and/or referees written criteria of what it expects from the athletic
programs. David responded that there are written criteria. However, the Department
has had problems with some coaches/referees who do not want to follow the criteria.
After some discussion, Peter L. stated that the Department is doing what it can do to
ensure that it provides a quality coaching staff.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Regular Meeting
Tuesday,December 10,2002
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This item was a report only, and no motion was made.
7. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning a draft of the
Department's five-year Strategic Plan: Steve B. stated that the Strategic Plan is
still in draft fo at, and requested that discussion of this item be tabled to a future
agenda. The Board was in consensus on postponing the item.
8. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning the future Capital
Improvement Program: Steve B. stated that the City Council has scheduled
appointment of the citizen committee at the December 19, 2002, Council meeting.
This was a report only, and no motion was made.
9. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning the current Capital
Improvement Program: Pete V. discussed the list of current capital improvement
and park land dedication projects. There was some discussion pertaining to the
items that were listed as "on hold." Steve B. stated that these items were listed that
way due to time-sensitive scheduling. However, the Department anticipates
completion of the projects on the list within the next twelve months.
This item was a report only, and no motion was made.
10. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning Board and Departmental
Goals and Objectives, and City Council Strategies: Steve said that the
Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan is scheduled to be presented to the
Board in January 2003.
This item was a report only, and no motion was made.
11. Discussion of next meeting dates and possible agenda items:
Crowley Tract Tour: The Board was in consensus on touring the tract on
Tuesday, January 7th. Kristin Lehde will contact the Board members to verify the
date and set up a meeting place and time.
Regular Meeting: The next regular Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 14, 2002, at 7:00 p.m., at the EXIT Teen
Center on Rock Prairie Road.
12. Adjourn: Bill D. made a motion to adjourn. Jodi W. seconded the motion. All
were in favor, and the meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Regular Meeting
Tuesday,December 10,2002
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