HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/29/2002 - Regular Minutes - Senior Advisory Committee Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Monday, July 29, 2002 College Station Teen Center 1520 Rock Prairie Road 10:00am Minutes Members Present: Frank Camplone, A ie Lee Finch, Laura Holmes, Bill Kling, Chairman; Catherine Lamb, Billy Lay, Robert Meyer, Haskell Monroe, Suzanne Reynolds, Dipankar Sen, Yvonne Stevens, Betty J. Wilborn, Joanna Yeager, Vice Chai an Members Absent: Fred Dollar, Neal Nutall Staff Present: Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator I. Call to order. Chaff an, Bill Kling called the meeting to order at 10:50am IL Welcome and introduction of new members. Mr. Kling asked the members to introduce themselves. III. Hear visitors. No visitors. IV. Approval of minutes from regular meeting on June 24, 2002. Laura Holmes made the motion that the minutes be approved as circulated. Bill Lay seconded the motion. The motion passed. V. Consideration, discussion and possible recommendations on upcoming events. • Fall Open House: The committee agreed that a fall open house would be beneficial and would allow a time for seniors to preview upcoming programs offered by the city. The committee decided that the open house will be held at the Teen Center on Wednesday, August 28th from 10:00am-2:00pm. Representatives will be on hand to explain programs the College Station Parks and Recreation Department will be offering in the fall. The committee agreed to sign-up at the next meeting to volunteer to help during the open house. VI. Senior Services Coordinator Report(report on file) VII. Next meeting date and agenda. The next meeting of the Senior Advisory Committee will be held on Monday, August 26th at 10:00am. Agenda items include: sign- up for open house and time to discuss new ideas/items of interest from members. VIII. Adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 11:40am Senior Services Coordinator Report July 2002 Ballroom Dances: The Gold Medalion Club and C.S. Senior Services are working together to bring Ballroom Dancing to the area. Currently, we will be at the Conference Center on the second and fourth Thursday starting in September. Instruction classes will be offered prior to the dances for those interested in a lesson. Cost will be $5.00 per person. Computer Club: The group met on Wednesday, July 10th and July 24th at the Public Utilities Department training room. We average 30 participants at each meeting. August meetings will be on the 7th and 21st beginning at 9:00am Fall Classes: Classes are finalized and we will be offering 5 beginning computer classes and 3 inte ediate computer classes along with ESL, beginning bridge, needlework and rug hooking and posture execise. Walking Club: We had 5 participate on July ll th and the next walk will be held at Central Park on Thursday, August 8th Bridge Group: An organizational meeting for those interested in starting a monthly bridge group will be held on Tuesday, July 30th at 10:00am at the Annex. We hope to play one morning a month and beginning and experienced players are welcome. PARK LAND. DEDICATION ORDINANCE PROJECT REVIEW CHECKLIST Date Received: August 7, 2002 Park Zone: 1 Project Location: Northeast corner of College Main and Cross Street Name of Development: Cross Street Warehouse Apartments Applicant: Randy Klein Address:1801 Heights Blvd. City/State: Houston, TX Zip: 77008 Phone Number: (713) 864-0888 ext. 4119 FAX: (713) 864-1600 E-mail: Rklein1710Raol.com Engineer/Planner: Hifi and Frank Gary Hill Address: 1800 St. James, Suite 205 City/State: Houston, Texas Zip: 77056 Phone Number: (713) 877-1274 FAX: (713) 877-1276 E-mail: gary@hfi-architects.com REQUIREMENT COMPLIANCE SECTION 10-B-1: Land Dedication Single Family Dwelling Units: Multi-family Dwelling Units: 43 Total Land Requirement: .344 Acres Proposed Dedication: None Acres SECTION 10-B-2: Fee in Lieu of Land Has the Planning & Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? No O:\Board\Park Land Dedication\Checklists\Originals\Long FormPark Land Dedication Ordinance Project Review Checklist.dot Revised 01/16/02 Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($198/dwelling unit): N/A Multi-family Fee ($160/dwelling unit): $6,880 Total Acquisition Fee: $6,880 SECTION 10-B-3: Park Development Fee Single Family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): N/A Multi-family Fee ($292/dwelling unit): $12,556 Total Fee Amounts: Total Single Family Fee: ($556/Dwelling Unit): N/A Total Multi-family Fee ($452/Dwelling Unit): $19,436 SECTION 10-B-4: Park Development in Lieu of Fee Required development cost: N/A Staff review date and comment: Parks Board review and decision: SECTION 104-5: Minimum Park Size Is the proposed park less than five (5) acres? N/A If yes, staff recommends: SECTION 10-B-7: Prior Park Acquisition Is there an existing neighborhood park that can serve the proposed development? No If yes, staff recommends: Hensel Park‘TAMU) is the closest park to the development. SECTION 10-E: Comprehensive Plan Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City Comprehensive Plan and the Park Master Plan'? N/A Comments: SECTION 10-F: Additional Information 1. Is land in the 100-year floodplain? N/A Percentage: a. Detention/Retention Size: Meets Board Policy: Acreage in floodplain: N/A Percentage: Acreage in detention: N/A Percentage: Acreage in greenways: N/A Percentage: Comments: b. Does the location require users to cross an arterial road? N/A c. Topography: N/A d. Trees/Scenery: N/A 2. a. Is the land adjacent to a school? N/A b. Restricted access: N/A c. Is there screening if the park joins a non-residential use? N/A d. Park perimeter percentage that abuts a street: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends the acceptance of cash dedication for the proposed development. SECTION 10-G: Approval Parks & Recreation Board: Planning &Zoning Board: City Council: \\,(/ ,1/4#,, . ...' Pi' *.- ' - \ \„,/, , -,. 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From: "John Nichols" <jpn©agutamu.edu> To: <klehde@ci.college-station.bc us> Date: 8/8/2002 9:28 PM Subject: Thoughts for Board Goals CC: <Sbeachy.Parkrec.City of College Station@ci.college-station.bc us> Dear Kris: Please pass the folllowing along to the Board members at the meeting next Tuesday evening. Thanks, John Dear All, My apologies for not being with you tonight. I wanted to toss a few ideas into the pot for discussion of the Board goals for next year. What we have been working on this year is a pretty good list to start from. A few ideas follow. Use them(or not)as you wish. I am sure that what you come up with will be a solid and workable list. 1. Future CIP: The process of communicating and advocating the priorities we came up with last year will clearly be a key activity for the Board. Some minor"tweaking"may be necessary,but should not take a lot of our time. 2. Forestry Plan: We need to spend some time and effort in communicating with the Council and advocating that they accept the plan and at least address the first priorities identified. 3. Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update: Finish this FAII. 4. Woodway and Shenandoah Parks: This should be a fun activity for this year; community engagement,planning and design for these two parks. The Board can be useful in this process. (Can we find out if there is a neighborhood association in Shenandoah to involve?) 5. Standards and policies for appraisal of services: This should be continued. After a year,we can take another look at the usefulness of the quarterly maintenance reports and see how to use them for planning and management adjustments. 6. Veterans Park: Grand opening and getting phase one up and running. This dedication should be the CSPARD event of the year. Good outreach effort to the whole community... Planning and execution. Should come at a good time next Spring when the next CIP is being considered by committee and Council. What a great time for showcasing the impact of the last CIP investment in Parks and Rec. Of course, also continue advocating phase two. 7. Joint programming with other enties: Keep this item. Do we have specifics? Hensel park,joint use facilities; new elementary school playground„etc. 8. Should have a goal related to Seniors programming and intergenerational project. 9. Drop the skateboard park(Bryan has a grant request in on this for one of their parks). 10. Followup on the rubberized surface for track at South Knoll School. 11. Of course we must include the Bee Creek softballl backstops item. This seems to be on the agenda of the city now,so we need to keep the pressure on. 12. Routine upgrades and replacement program on playground equipment: this may be included somewhere else and seems to be on track. I guess this is enough from me. There is nothing really visionary here,except the plans in the CIP. Maybe we need to come up with some Blue sky ideas. Also,I wonder if we need to sit down with staff and see if recreational programming, independent of our usual preoccupation with the physical infrastructure,deserves some attention from us? What really new or different programming would citizens value that we are not now providing or even thinking of? Have fun! See you all in September. John N. John P. Nichols Professor and Associate Head Department of Agricultural Economics Texas A&M University College Station,Texas 77843-2124 Tel: 979-845-8491 Fax: 979-862-3019 Email: <jpn©tamu.edu> file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\klehde.000\Local%20Settings\Temp\GW100006.H..M8/9/2002 Page 1 of 1 Kris Lehde - Re: Next Board Meeting .,.„.„,...,,...„,„,-,,,„-,„,,,,,,,-„,„,„,.„:„,;.„,,,,,„:.,..„,-5.,,,,,..,„„,,,..:,...,&''''' From: "John Nichols" <jpn@agitamu.edu> To: <klehde©ci.college-stationatx.us> Date: 7/10/2002 8:29 PM Subject: Re: Next Board Meeting CC: <Sbeachy.Parkrec.City of College Station@ci.college-stationutx.us> Kris, I am back home now. Regarding the August meeting, my apologies, but I forgot that my family vacation trip starts August 10th,thus I cannot make the meeting on the 13th. Unfortuately I did not remember this last night when we could have discussed the options with everyone present. I would like to attend the meeting because of the discussion of the Board goals. However,I would understand if we cannot find another date. So this is one alternative that the rest of the Board go ahead with the meeting as scheduled. I am available every evening the preceding week from Monday, August 5th through Thursday August 8th. Also,the week after I get back from vacation,which starts on Monday,August 26th. If you can find dates that Steve is available(and hopefully Ric),then send out an e-mail to solict availability. Perhaps the obvious is the immediately preceeding Tuesday,August 6th. The other nights that week work for me,and I think this is the preferable week. Again,my apologies for not remembering when my own vacation was scheduled. Being an"old-timer"I have five weeks of"use or lose" vacation from now to the end of August. Since my wife is working in July,we need to do it in August. s'XI Call me with questions or options. John \--1 ,/ , -,./. i f‘esA. V\ ) ' 1) i f-C I 7 , J 1/41N t: / C \i . 1 ; (4, (-,,,/ Se ' -,1 )1 r‘i __ --.) ‘ \ NiNY / ..,t --,---/ ' ',----, c,, , IN — , ,,,,,--1/4 —' ,y i /7. N---, -.., , , _. ., , ,, 04,---- i,- ,,,,, , / V— ' / i \J -,,..",..-- i / , i i. ‘, ‘ --,- : ; , r- - -..,,t - \ r--.'.'s i - , ' , , , ,, file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\klehde.000\Local%20Settings\Temp\GW100006.1..f 7/12/2002 Page 1 of2 Kris Lehde Thoughts for Board Goals � ) ��� ��MVO, ^�^ . `° ^ | � From: "John Nichols" <jpn@ag.tamu.edu> To: <Nehde@d.colleoe-staUon.txus> Date: 8/8/2002 9:28 PM Subject: Thoughts for Board Goals CC: <Sbeachy.Parkrec.City of College Station@ci.college-station�x.us> Dear Kris: Please pass the folllowing along to the Board members at the meeting next Tuesday evening. Thanks, John Dear All, My apologies for not being with you tonight. I wanted to toss a few ideas into the pot for discussion of the Board goals for next year_ What we have been working on this year is a pretty good list to start from. A few ideas follow. Use them(or not)as you wish. I am sure that what you come up with will be a solid and workable list. 1. Future CzP: The process of communicating and advocating the priorities we came up with last year will clearly be a key activity for the Board. Some minor"tweaking"may be necessary,but should not take a lot of our time. 2. Forestry Plan: We need to spend some time and effort in communicating with the Council and advocating that they accept the plan and at/eastedd,essU`efiostpwonues|denufied. 3. Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update: Finish this FAI|. 4. Woodway and Shenandoah Parks: This should be a fun activity for this year; community engagement,planning and design for these parks. The Board can be useful in this proces . (Can we find out if there is a neighborhood association in Shenandoah to involve?) of services: This should becontinued. After a year we can take another look at the usefulness of the -�]a�edvmaimenancensponsands�eho�tousethemforp|ann|ngandmanagementocUusm�en�. ( � 6. Veterans Park: Grand opening and getting phase one up and running. This dedication should be the CSPARD event of the year. Good outreach effort to the whole community... Planning and execution. Should come at a good time next Spring when the next CIP is being considered by committee and Council. What a great time for showcasing the impact of the last CIP investment in Parks and Rec., Of course also continue advocating phase two. 7. Joint programming with other enties: Keep this item. Do we have specifics? Hensel park,joint use facilities; new elementary school playground„etc. 8. Should have a goal related to Seniors programming and intergenerational projects. 9. Drop the skateboard park(Bryan has a grant request in on this for one of their parks). 10. Followup on the rubberized surface for track at South Knoll School. 11. Of course we must include the Bee Creek softballl backstops item. This seems to be on the agenda of the city now,so we need to keep the pressure on. 12.)Routine upgrades and replacement program on playground equipment: this may be included somewhere else and seems to be on track. I guess this is enough from me. There is nothing really visionary here,except the plans in the czP. Maybe we need to come up with some Blue sky ideas. Also,I wonder if we need to sit down with staff and see if recreational programming,independent of our usual preoccupation with the physical infrastructure,deserves some attention from us? What really new or different programming would citizens value that we are not now providing or even thinking of? Have fun! See you all in September. John N. John P. Nichols Professor and Associate Head Department of Agricultural Economics Texas A&M University College Station,Texas 77843'2124 Tel: 979-845'84e1 Fax: 979-862-3019 Email: <jpn©tamu.edu>