HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/09/2002 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks Board AGENDA College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board 11111111111111111111111111111111111111011IIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIMEEMIRegular MeetingommmmmmmnmmonmmgmngooEEENNNEENEBEEEE,Rmmgpm IIIIIIIIIIIIEIEEIIIIIIIIMIIISIIIZMEIIIEIEEIlluesdayIAprtU9NEZQ#2matzlOqQtpmmnrEEEEEEEEEBEBEspsEmsngmmaBEBE Parks and Recreation Department Conference Room 1000 Krenek Tap Road 1. Call to order. 2. Pardon—possible action concerning requests for absences of members from meeting. 3. Hear visitors. 4. Discussion,consideration, and possible approval of a proclamation in honor of Dr. John Crompton. 5. Discussion and possible approval of minutes from the joint meeting of February 19,2002,and the regular meeting of March 5,2002. 6. Review,discussion, and possible action concerning Board and Departmental Goals and Objectives and City Council Strategic Issues. 7. Review,discussion, and possible action concerning the current Capital Improvement Project Report. 8. Review,discussion,and possible action concerning the future Capital Impr..,: ement.11,roject Program. 9. Subcommittee recommendation and possible action concerningmir\g‘s,the C eek Softball Fields in honor of Mrs.Jane Pulley. ,tt 10. Discussion,consideration,and possible action a G,eenways report concerning"Head Lake" and the Bee Creek area. 11. Discussion, consiclei:4-tiori,-a4 P0 action concerning the Parks and Recreation Department Strategic Plan. 12. Discussion,consid&-...tipn_.,/,d possible action concerning a park land dedication request for the University Preserve Subdivision. 13. Discussion,consideration,and possible action concerning a park land dedication request for the Spring Creek Subdivision. 14. Report,discussion,and possible action concerning potential developer incentives. 15. Discussion,consideration,and possible action concerning scheduling a special Board meeting date to discuss the draft Urban Forest Management Plan that is scheduled for City Council consideration in June 2002 (City Council Vision Statement#3, Strategy 4.a). 16. Review,discussion, and possible action concerning the Parks and Recreation Department 2nd Quarter Maintenance Standard Report(City Council Vision Statement#4, Strategy 2.a). 17. Discussion of next meeting dates and agendas. 18. Adjourn. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979)764-3517 or(TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Page 1 of Kris Lehde - Pardon for April Parks . .rd Meeting From: "John Nichols" <jpn@ag.tamugedu> To: <klehde@ci.college-station.tx.us> Date: 3/30/2002 7:18 PM Subject: Pardon for April Parks :0 rd M-- *ng r - - Dear Kris, will be out of on business on April 9,2002 I will not be able to •the regular mng of the CS Parks and R- eation *say Board Meeting scheduled for that evening. Please submit this to the Board as a r;,* z. for pardon for my a, -from that *rig. I have been in contact with HeBeachyandthe staff to keep informed of issues of interest to the Board. nk you and the Board ftw considering this request John John P.Nichols Professor and Associate Flead t of Agricultural Economics Texas A&M University College Station,Texas 77843-2124 Tel:979-845-8491 Fax:9 * z.2-M19 Email: <jpn@tamu.edu> file://C:\Documents and Settings\klehde.000\Local Settings\Temp\GW}00003.HTM 4/1/2002 Brazos County City of Bryan On the 19th day of February 2002, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board of the City of Bryan, Texas, convened in a special meeting at 7:30 p.m. with College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. #MTGS. #MTGS. # MTGS. PRESENT HELD SINCE ATTENDED ATTND. IN 2. MEMBERS TODAY APPTMENT. APPTMENT. LAST 6 Mo. Robert Ibarra Yes 02 02 N/A Keith Arnold Yes 23 21 6(100%) Stephanie West Yes 35 31 5(83%) John Gillar No 23 17 4(66%) Dennis Hastings No 02 01 N/A Ray Grossman Yes 23 21 6(100%) Bill Alberson Yes 13 13 6(100%) Susan Galindo No 13 09 4(66%) Willie Pruitt Yes 07 07 6(100%) Staff Members Present: David Schmitz, Eloise Huerta, Bob Holmes, Ashley Bennett and Linda Giffen. College Station Staff Members Present: Steve Beachy, Peter Vanecek and Eric Ploeger. Stephanie West, Chair, called the meeting to order. John Nichols, Chair called the meeting to order. College Station Advisory Board pardons 2 members from the February 19th meeting(Jon Turton and Don Allison). 3. VISITORS: College Station Advisory Board Members: John Nichols, Chair; Glen Davis; Bill Davis; Larry Farnsworth; Glenn Schroeder; Laura Wood(Alternate). 4. MINUTES: Ray Grossman made the motion to approve the minutes of the January 15th meeting and Willie Pruitt seconded the motion. The Board unanimously concurred. 5. HEAR GUESTS: Stephanie West, Chair welcomed College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and gave thanks to both cities for working together. 6. BUSINESS: NEW 1. Discussion—Madeley Park: Steve Beachy, Director, College Station Parks and Recreation mentioned property had been given to the City of College Station by Bill Madeley to build a park in memory of the late Mrs. Madeley. Eric Ploeger, Assistant Director, College Station Parks and Recreation gave background information and estimated cost of the future park, which is located between Beverly Estates and the Chimney Hill subdivision. He also stated that several meetings had been held between College Station and Bryan dealing with co- development of the park project. The only entrance to the park is through Sunny Lane in Bryan. Both cities have met with the Beverly Estate Homeowners Association and discussed their concerns of the joint project. The Bryan Parks and Recreation Department has agreed to add a small parking lot on Sunny Lane, which will be paid through the Parkland Dedication Fund. College Station Parks and Recreation will add two bridges and several benches to the park. Estimated completion date will be August 2002. Eric encouraged both Advisory Boards to visit the Madeley Park property. College Station Advisory Board asked for a recommendation of approval. Glenn Davis motioned to approve the park project with both cities, Larry Farnsworth seconded the motion. Bill Davis abstained from the motion. A cleanup day has been scheduled for Madeley Park on March 23, 2002. 2. Discussion—Bryan/College Station Parks and Recreation Joint Programming: David Schmitz, Director, Bryan Parks and Recreation advised that he has been working with Steve Beachy, Director, College Station on joint programming with both departments. Two major meetings have been held with staff members to discuss future joint programming possibilities. An action plan was put together at the second meeting consisting of touring each others facilities, exchange of support staff, and customer service between both cities. Both Directors would like to see the cities work together on Senior Programming, Athletic Programs, and Special Events to provide better services to the customers. Glenn Davis encouraged both Advisory Boards to meet on a quarterly basis to discuss the strength and weaknesses of each advisory board. 2 7. Committee and Staff Reports— Ashley Bennett, Recreation Programmer has partnered with Bryan Independent School District and Blinn College on Continuing Education classes for Bryan. Classes that will be offered are Conversational Spanish, Health and Safety Class, and a Basic Computer Skills class. The Bryan Parks and Recreation Spring/Summer Activity Guide is scheduled to come out in The Eagle in early March. 8® Director Report and Board Concerns— None 9. Request for Agenda Items 1. Report on Joint Programming with College Station. 2. Update on Master Plan, Trails and Open Space. 3. Advisory Board Strengths and Weakness. 4. Community Development Block Grant Presentation. 10. Adjournment Keith Arnold made the motion to adjourn. Willie Pruitt seconded the motion. The Board unanimously concurred. 3 I. URBAN FOREST MANAGEMENT PLAN OUTLINE: A. College Station Urban Forest Overview B. Purpose of Plan C. Urban Forest Benefits D. Summary of Findings (Extensive Sections of Plan) 1 . Conditions 2. Interviews 3. Inventory • Soils • Vegetation • Aerial Photograph • Inventory Areas 4. Departmental Jurisdiction E. Recommendations 1 . Goals 2. Short-Ten Objectives 3. Long-Term Objectives 4. Policy and Strategies (Implementation) II. SPECIFIC AREAS TO BE COVERED IN MANAGEMENT PLAN A. Hazard Tree Management - Every city has an extensive number of hazardous trees located throughout parks and street right of ways. These represent tremendous risk to life and property in addition to potential for city liability. While the scope of the Document is not intended to address the specific location and number of trees, it will address the rationale for timely removals and the benefits to society made possible by allocating a specific budget to do so. Risk and Reasonable Care issues will be addressed. B. Street Tree Management - This component requires the combined input of the Public Works Department as their infrastructure projects will greatly impact the health and long- term success of existing and future tree plantings. It is important that all departments that will impact city trees be aware of how and why other departments follow the procedures they use. Communication should be highlighted. C. Existin. Park and/or Municical Facilit Tree Mana•ement This section of the document will address trees growing on park or munici•al property. Issues of public safety, tree health, maintenance issues, and aesthetics will be discussed. D. Greenways Tree Management Liaison between Greenways Projects and Public Works already exists. Communication is essential between Parks and Recreation and this division of Public Works. Any evaluation and inclusion into the Urban Forest Management Document should include in•ut from related staff as well as discussion with leaders of Brazos Greenways and Brazos .eautiful. E. Standard Operating Guidelines for Urban Forest Management Crews — Review of current standards and guidelines is conducted to provide direction for standardizing safe and effective operations for the Forestry Division. Training, equipment, and safety standards will be addressed in this section of the document. F. Pruning Scheduling - This issue depends on a determination of what urban canopy is located in the City. Establishment of budget numbers and developing a pruning schedule of five years, seven years, eta, will be recommended both from a need basis and from a practical point of view understanding the budgetary constraints in place. Crew needs to accommodate this schedule or outside contracting will be recommended. G. Insect, Disease, Fertilization, and Watering Considerations - Guidelines for these maintenance and selection categories will be included in the Document. Issues such as species diversity are essential to the plan. A criteria manual responding to the current or future tree ordinances will be recommended with an outline provided. H. New Park and/or Municipal Facility Tree Establishment This component depends greatly on the maintenance budget allocated for the aftercare of newly established trees. There must be a commitment to post planting care and understanding of how plantings will impact the current budget for tree operations. New plantings will increase the demand put on the existing personnel over the next 10 — 15 years. Prior planning for these increases should be addressed. I. Communit Awareness and Tree Plantin. Initiatives for Public Lands - A review of what other communities are doing will be provided. In addition, recommendations for partnerships with local businesses and non-profit organizations will be presented. Establishment of TREE CITY, USA may be a goal to bring recognition to the City. Our team members, MMI, Marketing and Public Relations, will assist in commentary. J. Creative Budget Opportunities - Successful communities will be canvassed for practical methods to fund urban tree programs. These may work in concert with nonprofit organizations and grant opportu ities, both governmental and private. An example we are involved with is the current funding of a street tree inventory for the City of Houston where funds were donated by Houston Endowment and administered through the nonprofit Trees For Houston. Research and the personal experience of our staff will result in identifying alterative solutions to budget issues. K. Tree Preservation Planning and New Tree Establishment Modern design elements of municipal improvement and community development projects impact established trees and future plantings in a major way. New and repaired Infrastructure projects offer an excellent opportunity to bring various professional disciplines together to make minimal impact to the urban forest. Prior assessment, design review, tree preservation plan development, installation of tree preservation methods, and site monitoring provide the greatest protection of valuable green infrastructure. This process will be outlined with examples provided L. Storm Damage Assessment and Response Emergency Services should be brought into the discussion as well as transportation departments. Maintenance of corridors to hospitals, fire and police, and municipal facilities is critical. Trees can and do impact access during extensive rain, ice, and emergency events. Planning for utility clearance and response as well as preventative maintenance is essential to community safety. Follow-up assessment of damage and reforestation should be included as well as procedures for tree related record keeping. M. Wildlife — Fragmented populations of wildlife suffer from the extensive impact of development and infrastructure. Pr•visions for habitat preservation and maintenance are essential components to the urban forest equation. Developing opportunities for backyard wildlife and improved small mammal or bird ha•itat complement any urban forest plan. k�[a'211' - s. s 1 T it e eia t tzrr.. eL rsa'tU: r sbt§.Y G Wit:[ U€t aEL:n 1T^s C�u3n�C.� ... .. - " /\T I 0 N "..., , y 0 F: COLL-__E,„:_,c,,..,_. ....§.3_,., _.__.___________ '-'":5' C I T ________________ [ BN FOREST MANAGEMENT RARPSLA '- ' -h ,,, ' , h t.is t,..e . -.,_::_,L._..:Pr_i .,...,,f,,,t.,,14t 1•V‘I (!,-,_-__.....,r_._.--------,--------- arx the-Ur � _ ,,,,,,,,,,,,:ti., ____ , .,* __.,, ::':..,,,,,,..,:-...:,:,:(.,::-.:42-***Itia _---------------1 . .• ,:-.:7„,-..-..,-;::::,!,:::,,,--,';---r„:::....,:-.,,:::,:ii,„:.!,_:,:e,::::,::::kor,..,„:„..;:::.;;;;:ii.,:ii,,:;::-E,,_.:,::; i,";,€:f!.-54.„-,,i7t17,----- _,_ --::::;::: :A.::-„4:24-Z,,,..,::::;;;IOTTifilii.:,1-31,4 7 ��� a iiiiiifjiii.,:::,;,7,;t:-- ' t q it-;ii4i,-!:.:C';'''''''',77'ii,,,,,-;1"7,44Z - - Pug.-. ;:�:,-n ms' raew�,m�.�+ssasaamu�+-z�.,___,:._u...<:.....t_ �, ..�.. Cr: i, T h e urri:),, n Ides.-, , - - ' - Ast-,,,i'; ,;-, . _._------------ ' ---- , Tree tined Streets Parking Lots andSchool Yards Downtown Parks and Riverbanks , 7 cemeteries and Freeway Exchanges t hing the smallest redbuinloded in subueverbiarytto thefrim huge oaks of Texas A& M Campus. The Urban Forest is the Sum of. • Street Trees m Residential Trees • Park n Greenbelt Vegetation 8 Transportation and Utility Corridors trees • To plan for and manage the health of urban • To assist departments in developing budgets to safely and effectively rriaria(ge the resource • To deal %A/1th external trends and internal conditions• Implement support systems that improve ---- ----- -�- ----- ----�------- _ Promote and build consensusmanagement of the urban forest asset • improve efficiency and effectiveness of maintenance programs—optimi7e resources • Conduct interviews with departmental staff and decision makers • Use stakeholder input and apply science and profession based approach to the analysis • Identify the content of College Station's Urban Forest • Quantify (appria,/,imate)the Urban Forest by sample methods • Lay out the need for short and long-term plarining and management of green lfrastructure . ) � ; r . - - . process?;:li'iill'' 1 the , Zoning Ordinance Masterplan for A Network of Greenways • Streetscape Study Proposed Maintenance Standards for Park Facilities , Parks Future Maintenance Need Recommendations' • Utility Clearing contract and Drawings • 'it.' i pd .,,,,,:-.trrie of-the Pa , ArchitectsII.Landscapers Homeowners Community Planner Fire&Emergentrgainizations Elected Officials d Banks, Mortgage Firms Developers .Builders Insurance Professionals„'; q Utilities&Public Service ,'_ . - . .. iiii,lit'i„:11.1:1,,,..,r1.,,:ill,,,,:,.i.tiiiii.,rliti,i,,,,,,:i.:,i,,,.,,,i.,_„:111:..,111:: . . ... . r, , ,.. “,./..•,. ,'„."..,',,'`', ,.,,. ....,r...,..• , R.c,,ri p it;'1:1; I City Plannirlg Team r • Planning-Department 'mater Department - v • Public 1 forks Department _ =— _ ., • Parks D Recreation Department 4, . • Advisory Committees or ..air .. Boards . • Emergency services • Fire &Police Departments , .t.,-.,,,,,,,, • Transit Departments a,sa,f T What is, planning? Looking at what you have Defining what you need Developing a strategyto meet present and future needs Acting obi that strategy iPlan-ning l5.a-,PROCESS-• • v � w , � r �r r' r✓ ". rte' :�» r ' -�v^<... Wil'' ✓ • :"S.r' .�-`'µ� ,✓ � � -"",.-�,., 1. _._..�._ .______.......-_"-__._.._ • u -�v / y � Urban Forest rvilarlagelyient Play —Docurnent Llt`sr�sr Risk measure of the probability and severity of adverse affects. which result from an exposure to a hazard. RiSk Current €L Current Planned prcble Current Planned risk Planned protection Asstsimed Risk The acknowledged assumption by a community of a given degree of risk. : .....,Hm----en.. • .,.::, - ::,,sz,-..kis....,', -..,-...::::-,L...- I'.,..,.4„-,,„,,47,.„,,-- 7'.I ' I•.§..__. Level of er rice (Pro ec io [ reefstacne disk P:Icy and r egY -ri.-Y----T-:,..:rea...- 4.4;-;4'-'77.. w F., -Tv L,. �,„. 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What additional programs, if any, are needed to address these priorities in the 2003 Budget? All important issues, top policy related input, and budget priorities identified by the board will be given to the City Council for consideration in the strategic pla ing and budget process. City of College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Fiscal Year 2002 Goals and Objectives (not prioritized) Establish policies and standards for re-appraisal of existing parks, facilities, and services offered by the Department. El Review quarterly reports on park maintenance standards and develop recommendations regarding levels of service (VS4S2a) (January 8, 2002). O Review proposed park conceptual plans and make recommendations for intergenerational features (VS4S3a). O Review and develop recommendations for Urban Forestry Plan (VS3S4a) (May 2002). O Review preliminary cost estimates for CIP prepared by Staff More interaction between Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and Planning and Zoning Commission, and shared vision with the City Council (VS4S8a). Cl Assist with the review and preparation of the Unified Development Ordinance (November 13, 2001). El Review and recommend possible changes to the Park Land Dedication Ordinance (October 9, 2001). CI Conduct a joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission to discuss goals (September 20, 2001). Ef Conduct a joint meeting with the City Council to confirm goals (December 6, 2001). Implementation of the approved Capital Improvement Program® E Castlegate Park site review (November 13, 2001). El Lick Creek Park site review (December 11, 2001) • Madeley Park site review. (February 19, 2002) O Woodway Park site review. O Shenandoah Park site review (On Hold). Planning and coordination for the next bond issue. CI Identify and assess the needs for future park facilities® (February 5, 2002) E l Review preliminary cost estimates prepared by Staff. (February 5, 2002) El Determine priorities for development. (February 12, 2002) O Develop a recommendation for consideration in the 2002 bond program. Review and update the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan. El Review of Section II (Goals and Objectives) of the plan (February 12, 2002) Cl Review of Parks and Recreation Department 5-Year Strategic Plan. (February 12, 2002) O Review of Sections I, IV, V, and VI of the plan. O Review of Section VII (Prioritization of Needs and Plan Implementation) O Review and comments regarding Section III (Plan Development Process). O Review of Revised Master Plan Parks&Recreation Advisory Board FY2002 Goals and Priorities Parks&Rec.Advisory Board Approval:October 9,2001 Updated:April 5,2002 Page 1 of 2 Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, Phase II Development. Cl Review needs for future facilities and programs (December 11, 2001) El Determine priorities for development. (February 5, 2002) El Develop recommendations for implementation. (February 12, 2002) El Review preliminary cost estimates prepared by Staff (March 5, 2002) Skate Park facility planning (VS4S5b). El Develop recommendation for scope of project. (November 13, 2001) EI Develop recommendation for facility use. (November 13, 2001) El Develop recommendation for implementation. (November 13, 2001) Review funding sources for the installation of two backstops and two batting cages at Bee Creek Park. El Review preliminary cost estimates prepared by Staff(November 13, 2001). O Determine needs for program requirements. O Develop recommendations for scope of project. O Develop recommendations for implementation. Review funding sources for the repair or replacement of the jogging track at Jack and Dorothy Miller:Park® E1 Review proposed project cost estimates (December 11, 2001). El Review funding alternatives (Completed by Staff). O l Develip recommen ations for implementation. Support implementation of the Greenways Master Plan. El Receive update report from Greenways Coordinator (October 9, 2001). O Review Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan as it relates to greenways. Support the City Council's Interagency Plan in any Park and Recreation related issues. O Continue dialog with the College Station Independent School District regarding future school/park developments. O Continue dialog with Texas A&M University regarding Hensel Park and Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. Develop programs and facilities for Senior Citizens. El Receive input from fall Eisenhower Leadership Development Program group. (December 6, 2001) El Determine priorities for programs and facilities (January 8, 2002). Cl Develop recommendations for implementation (Janualy 8, 2002). Parks&Recreation Advisory Board FY2002 Goals and Priorities Parks&Rec.Advisory Board Approval:October 9,2001 Updated:April 5,2002 Page 2 of 2 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT FY02 GOALS • Implementation of the CIP Program Implementation of special Projects > Continue to Improve Staff Development El Implementation of New Programs > Implementation of City Council Strategic Issues Implementation of the CIP Program o Complete 90%of the CIP Program -Refer to FY02 CIP Project List Continue to Improve Staff Development 2 Complete Management Academy(three(3) PARD Superintendents) (Graduation February 22, 2002) El Complete Supervisory Academy(six(6) PARD personnel) (Class graduated on November 13, 2001) o Complete Certified Playground Safety Inspector re-certification from the National Recreation and Park Association (two(2)PARD Supervisors) (Curtis Bingham, Parks Operations Superintendent, was recertified) o Send one (1) PARD Supervisor to the National Recreation and Park Association sponsored Park Maintenance School (Scheduled for August 2002). 2 Complete the Weapons of Mass Destruction training course(seven (7)PARD personnel) (Training December 17th, 18th, and 19th) 2 Complete the Principles of Emergency Management course(PARD personnel) (Graduation held on November 18, 2001) o Participate in the Brazos Valley Regional Leadership Forum Conference(Director of PARD) (Ongoing) El Asst. Director to complete the Texas Forest Service's Incident Command Training (Complete March26, 2002) Im dementation of Cit Council Strate•ic Issues o VS3S4a-Complete Urban Forest Management Plan (Initial presentation of the plan to the Parks&Recreation Advisory Board on March 5, 2002. Scheduled for Council consideration on June 13, 2002).) El VS4S2a- Implement Park Maintenance Standards (to track performance) (1st and 2 'quarter reports complete) o VS4S3a- Implement Intergenerational Park Facilities (In progress) o VS4S4a- Develop recommendations for developer incentives to provide adequate park land (Draft recommendations complete. Met with local developers on February 28, 2002.) El VS4S4b-Complete development of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, Phase I,and conduct needs assessment for future facilities Needs Assessment approved by Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on February 12, 2002. Presentation to the City Council on March 28, 2002). El VS4S4c-Update Parkland Dedication Ordinance (Ordinance revisions approved by Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on October 9, 2001. Adopted by City Council on January 24, 2002. The revised ordinance will go into effect on July 24, 2002). El VS4S4d-Develop facility needs for future community park (November 29, 2001) El VS4S5a- Develop plans for senior programs and facilities (Council approval on February 28, 2002)) El VS4S5b-Prepare feasibility report on skateboard park(Report presented to Council on December 20, 2001) El VS4s7b-Implement greenway-park connectivity demonstration project(Bee Creek and Lemon Tree parks) El VS4s8a-Improve communication between Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and the Planning and Zoning Commission (Parks and Recreation Advisory Board met with the Commission on September 20, 2001. A joint meeting with the City Council was held on December 6, 2001. Future meetings will be scheduled accordingly). lm•lementation of Soecial Pro`ects o Review and update the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan (In progress) EI Develop recommendations for future Capital Improvement Program projects (In progress) El Replace irrigation at Lemontree Park(February 1, 2002) El Implement public art at Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater(Bronze Wolves) (Dedication held December 17, 2001) o Investigate the possibility of Departmental accreditation (In progress) o Conduct dedication ceremony for the Wayne Bryan Bike Loop (Scheduled for May 11, 2002) C.:4 Coordinate Veterans Memorial Project at Veterans Park and Athletic Complex(Groundbreaking November 12, 2001) El Complete pond renovation at Brothers Pond Park(Complete in December 2001) U Installation of lightening prediction systems at parks(In progress) • RPTS Student Study for the Development of a Visitor/Nature Center at Lick Creek Park(In progress) • Assist with The George Bush Drive Extension Grand Opening Event(Scheduled for April 6, 2002) Implementation of New Programs CI Investigate the potential of joint programming with the City of Bryan Parks and Recreation Department(First meeting with the City of Bryan PARD November 16, 2001 -Ongoing) El Implement monthly PARD newsletter(First edition complete in October 2001 - Ongoing) El Facilitate the Northgate"Back Porch Concert" Series El Conduct Fall Special Olympics Bocce Ball Updated:April 5,2002 Recreatisn Department I List FY 2002 (upd.,ted 415/2002) 4 f' P I i SIA S I i ! 1 it i III '•f 2 • Jack S borcth Miller Jcs.in.Track Bid O•enint on 4/3'. Pete TC3 00 i $29,250; - . 9102 111111111111101 111111111.11101.1111111111111111111111.111111.11111— 111111111111111111•11111111 COM•iete? ; $25Q000 O.O. 07/31/01 10/19/2001 $256,348 • 1.11- 11 • _ a 7/31/2001 $7 635 Millennium Winds 1m rcvements FY'91) � • n HM0104 FY 01 08/31/01 Castle.ate Park Desk.,n and Construction C�r'rl.le€e'111111111041111111.11 ; N iIIIIIIIIIMIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIII�_.___ _ [evelc«er -- » IQ2 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMI �°—$30tl 0 00 , 11.111111 IIIIMIIIIIIMIIMIMMI_ _M1_1. I 1'11 7 l allaran Pool Filters r ,. Ric f PK 106 r t 'Y'01 /C 2 __ _ iLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS .111111111111111M i, _ A ( Gabbard Park Pia ground lae•lacement Complete•lete David I P 01 t $34,124; FY'01 lie«lacement IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIMIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIM I IllIllMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIINI 11111111111111111.111111111111111111111•1111111n t .. . cm.lete Ric r 0 t FY'01 4/02 / 81200 $7Z,560µ I 4 , Y , C eorsie Fetch Pla;.round Re.lacernent Complete!lete' Pete PKO2U7 I $30,000 P 02 F-enlacement Acct. i 3/02 26 729 f In Des n Ric PK9706 $48,000 98 G.O. i 8102 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII i {}ff} 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.111.11 I , Lick_geek Park l�evelcnment In Desi•n Ric G PI�C�C� 9 $478,000; w I 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ,Lincoln Center .. . . On Hold $50,000 C.D.9. . 1 9102 jIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIII-IIIIIIIIMMIIMIIIIIt I •Cemeter Land Ac.uisition On old , O990 $275,0 98 G.O. , Unknown IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIII i I , 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 :Thomas Pool Shade Cover On Hold Ric ( Pk01 04 , ; � ��� � 9 G.O. i /03 C.S.S.C.A.ree ent clubhouse he Penrn Contract i t Unknown IIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I �f :Hensel Park Pia.!round Re:•lacerr ent r P ndin Contract; P° ! 40,000 ; FY'U2 ke:lacernent Acct. i 0/02 t IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII :llIllillIllMOINIMIIIIIIMIIIIIMIMMNIIIII.IIIMIM ( NIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIMBIIIIIIINNIM :Thomas Pool Renovation Pendin»Contract Ric Pi0c20 $277 250 i FY'92 3/03 11111111110111111111111M1111 ! I1111I' i._ ! I■ II ■ ■t 1■II� ood a Park Develo.ment ' Pendrn Contract, Ric . PK9803 ! 00.000; Perk Coed.Zone 7 , Unknown y,_-_..-_ ._ ._ __•-.,.e_.-_-..._.-...--_.,__:.:r.d.:_:. _..._. _:._ Homous: auimam .�. .:.e--..,_..._ .:gin..._.....»:-� `?' i .,_. m- _. .._.._ _.,__� .._...._. Gabbard Park lrn+rovernerrts Under Construction,. David PK0102111111.1111111111111111$78E 9 O.O. 4102 t I ■1111. Lrison Park Imircvements under Construction¢ David i Pl C 1C)0t . . ! 9E ). r W I - . . r Under Ccntructron. David PKC10 G 9 f �IIIIA � i r IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMINIMMINI :Lincoln Entr ImirovemeiMMEIMIE11.110011.1111.111111111111111111110111111 Under Construction! Ric C01292 $90,000, FY VI C.0.G.C.111111111. ' 0/02 OIIIIIIINIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIII i , r i i i ■�' f Illy :Oaks Park Brid.e Under Construction Pete PFC00 7 $28,000 i 98 C.O. 1 5/32 MIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMI 1111111111111111111111 Pebble ,.t � � * ,� .�, _ Under Construction � , � ,._ ..___ � $27,000 Park c.Zone 11 5/02 1111111111111=1111111111111= $27 051 IIIIMIIMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMINIIIIIIIIIOIIIMIMIIIIIIMIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11111111111111111111111.11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.1111111111111111111.1 :Veteran Park Pha e 1 Under Construction Chic P1 9941 f _____ ,.93:6,8,99_ 9 C.O. 1110 1111111111111111111111111111111111.1111111111111111111 I 'Richard Carter Park Im•rovements I P _ _ $13,500 FY'02 General Fund 1111111111111M11111111111111011111111111111MMIIIIMINO i f , 1111111111111111111111111111111 Sumau Pending Contracts: 4 In Design: 2 Out to Bid: 1 Under Construction. 3 Complete: 7 14 iOn Hold: Potential CIP Ranking for $5,6,or 7 Million ;»; as - a-.r Total Ranking :oard Member:oar Cost John Nichols Glen Davis Glenn Schroeder Larry Farnsworth Don Allison Jon Turton Bill Davis Laura ooh Project n 3 8 10 , ;Shenendoah Park $315,000 n i , t :ol h Park $315,000 f $670,000 5 5 7 ? Cent l Park OfficeE. . n i n $515,000 10TAO I 8 ssinginga_ - 'Renovate Central Park Shag _ f 5 ;SandstonePark , , 8 108 11 , i Richard Carter Park IrnAtr v rn nt 17,000, 211 ‘,11 {�� �a 1 t r n Park and Athletic rnr.l x,Phase II 5,6 23,250 n 101 E i Lick Creek Park,Phase II $578,000 11 10 11 8 , ,' '; :MEY 1 5 ! !Intergenerational Upgrades for Existing Parks $309,000 Tot-1 Ranking Board Member Cost ;;ii Ii kk_Lejam, John Nichols Glen.. DavisGlennSchroeder Lir Farnsworth Allison Bill Davis Laura Wood Project + :-. _ 520 i R i r 10i i 'Shenandoah Pffr_i k E I $315, 00 f a 0 I s i it lh Park $315,000 j ffi 3 i Forest' $670,000 o i 520 -II 5 5 ! ;Central Park an i n $615,5 p 1000_0, Renovate Central Park � 00, r0. $200,000 6 ; __ItVoteNo VoteandtnPerk , m 10 fi � Fk Richard Carter ln ro� nto 1 ,r 1 1 1 I ranPrk and Athletic Comdex,Phase II 5,623, 1 1 1 I 1iI Lick ick r k Park,Phase II $578,000; I i I 11 1011 Newrnt b Phase I 3 , i 3.00 , 4 11MM 1 5 Intergenerational Ute.,*,rad for Existing tin Parks $309,00 Total Ranking BoardMember - Cost ver at John Nichols Glen Davis Glenn Schroeder ,' r,.,Farnsworth Don Allison Jon Turton BM Davis Laura Wood Project 3 i ! 1 ; n Shenandoah Park $315,000 I B I i iForestry t p, IhaPark $315,000 mMIIIIBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAIIIIIIE3 Fr t $670,000,000 5 8 Central Park Office Exiansion $615,000 2 109 RenovateCentral Park ho,-= $200,000 55 3 Vote Vote Sandstone Park i $47,000 8 1011 ? 11 3 Richard Carter Park Improvements $217,000 m 1 m 1 1 1 Iran Park and Athletic Comilex,Phase II $5,623,250 f 7 101 5 S Lick Creek Park,PhaseII 578000 , 11 1 8 ' 11 ' 6 1 `New Cemetery,PhaseI $300,000 213 ; 4 111111=111: 1 5 i 2 'Intergeneiational Upgrades for Existing Parks $309,000 Potential CIP Rankingfor $5,6,or 7 Million Total very of 9 or 7 .illi n Total Ranki g Board - r Cost John Nichols Glen Davis Glenn eller Larry Farnsworth Don Allison JonTutton BM Davis Laura Wood Project i' 6.27 4 111111111E1111111 10 3 henandoah Park $315,000 8 . 7.53 9 7 t Ih ark $315,000 7 i Forestry Shop 670, :Central Park Office Expansion __--- _�.... —_.! _._ .._: r Renovate Central Park Shop $200,000 8.80 0 7 6 6 7 f3 No Vote No Vote Sandstone Park $47,000 10 11 3 'Richard Carter Park Irn'rove tints $217,000 n7 1 1 1 � r 1 V_-.._.-et�:....r..-....._.___momns P_:..a....rk and:-.__._...:t.__hlt-:.ic._-_...-.::....--Corn ilex.�.P_..,�.ha.__s..._e 1._:,_-.W-.-__ ._...._-..$__5,8_._.2...3,2:_.5_..._0 r 7 1010Lick Creek Park,Phase II $578,000 11 1 Cemetery,Phase I $300,000 4s 1 - 2 Intergenerational Upgrades for Existing Parks $309,000 Tot l Av r of r 7 million sorted by Boardcombined ri rit. Tot Ranking r.'ard Member Cost Jingo John i o1 Glen avis l 1 r rP s Allison Jori � 1 111 avis Ceara r jest p.-`-- .7 IIII 1 1 VetereansPark and Athletic Coi.lexPhase ii $5623,2,.50, E ?ForestShoff $670,000 2.94 4 a IInt nrt� nlrdr E � t� Parks G 1 h n nd h Park 15,000 amin,t Sandstone Park $47,000 111111111=11111.111111111E111111 VVote I t l Park Office n i n 15,000i 6.64 C 1 14Ia I Lick Creek Park,PhaseII 7 , 1 i ; 7.53 :i 9 9 IIIIIIIUIIIIIIII, 94 : 9 tommi , Steeolechase Park Renovate Central Park Shon. 10 11Richard Carer Park I rvnnt $217,000 ._ 9.13 10 11 ;;NewCemetery,Phase I 00,000 Note: John Nichols,Glen Davis,Larry Farnsworth,and Don Allison voted the same regardless $547 million outcome. PARK LAND DEDICATION ORDINANCE PROJECT REVIEW CHECKLIST Date Received: Feb.28 ,2002 Park Zone: 2 Name of Development: University Preserve (east of Munson drive north of Dominik drive) Applicant: Crux Financial Services Inc Address:502 Arrowhead Point Rd. City/State: Belton Texas Zip: 76513 Phone Number: 254-780-1100 FAX: E-mail: Engineer/Planner: Ash & Browne Engineering,inc. Address: P.O.Box 10838 City/State: College Station Texas Zip: 77842 Phone Number: 979-846-6914 FAX: E-mail: REQUIREMENT COMPLIANCE SECTION 10-B-1: Land Dedication Single Family Dwelling Units: 24 Multi-family Dwelling Units: none Total Land Requirement: .237 acre Proposed Dedication: 0 Acres SECTION 10-B-2: Fee in Lieu of Land Has the Planning &Zoning Commission's approval been obtained?no O:\Parks\Forms\Admin\Park Land Dedication Ordinance Project Review Checklist.dot Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($148/dwelling unit): $148x2443552 Multi-family Fee ($112/dwelling unit): Total Acquisition Fee: $3552 SECTION 10-B-3: Park Development Fee Single Family Fee ($309/dwelling unit): x24= $7416 Multi-family Fee ($233/dwelling unit): -0- Total Fee Amounts: Total Single Family Fee: ($457/Dwelling Unit): $10,968 Total Multi-family Fee ($345/Dwelling Unit): -0- SECTION 10-B-4: Park Development in Lieu of Fee Required development cost: Staff review date and comment: 2-28-2002 Parks Board review and decision: . SECTION 10-B-5: Minimum Park Size Is the proposed park less than five (5) acres? If yes, staff recommends: SECTION 10-B-7: Prior Park Acquisition Is there an existing neighborhood park that can serve the proposed development?Yes Parkway Park is 1/4 mile away. Merry Oaks park is approx.3/4 mile away and Oaks Park is approx.3/4 mile away. If yes, staff recommends Staff recommends acceptance of the fee.Land requirement is too small for a park.. SECTION 10-E: Comprehensive Plan Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City Comprehensive Plan and the Park Master Plan? Yes Comments: SECTION 10-F: Additional Information 1. Is land in the 100-year floodplain? no ?Percentage: ? not enough information furnished Size: Meets Board Policy: Acreage in floodplain: 0? Percentage: Acreage in detention: .152 acres Percentage: Acreage in greenways: ?0 Percentage: ? Comments: b. Does the location require users to cross an arterial road? no c. Topography: Fairly gentle slopes to level land in the . d. Trees/Scene 2. a. Is the land adjacent to a school? no b. Restricted access: c. Is there screening if the park joins a non-residential use? N/ d. Park perimeter percentage that abuts a street: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Parks staff recommends acceptance of fee vs.land due to the small land requirement for this subdivision. SECTION 10-G: Approval Parks & Recreation Board: Planning &Zoning Board: City Council: O''') / 4*1/ , ‘C*N Nti$ISVtti** , 11 W / 4 1 0 1 1 p.//////.1" anc: 41 ....) ''' '' 41111114p6i,\,I,4,'* „, ,,,..) 41f-- V a t:::, ___\,,, ,,,e4\ „,,,,,,,.. , gri 1111111rippr,c, \c- \....,,, ittW r / , t _ \.\\X /,.\-.‘ 41410p, , 0 .(z____it 411111101pi,*aV Pay. eg. \z\.h \/ \\,/ (-\\,../ „).\\\J ,s:;:;:;;:„.4,;evap"e"v::,. , e 4\;'” 11” /1/ c'S:\7*-7.\<<4/ t r fie Ad k- 9/:,3 \i\.N 314,,,,,zrleitikite,,,,,,‘ - 5 411 i i ' 1 `%-iitli, • 14144114111ilit/ -#41,,,S-\ ''IllIllip G, �1, k::�r t y��,?tx '1 � �l � ad � �F 41V lit iJ�k �". '. ���� „gid• ��,���-. �� .n 1 za�,: •, �' ,�`�"e§fig, �.N.;:-.. "4 'k ? 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APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY REPLAT, A FIELD SURVEY WILL BE CONDUCTED TO DE.1q1s!MINE THE EXACT BOUNDARIES AS REQUIRED FOR 31,000,gmaistiosologiteitglgio,:itiiRN45::,, ,,,,„:-..::--,,,i,J,: :.::.::,.::„,,,,::„,.:-.,„:;;,-::,:.:., ., ,,, opitoutsposixolf,losittooloomail,,-,ixopoin4.4,41novie.,,,z,:,,,,,7,1„,::5,-,,,,,,,::::::;,,,,,f ,,,.,,,,,,,.„,„:„,,,11,-,„,,-,,,,--,..,,, -,-. , 111E REPLAT. 01011$114010.4ellitaN.:!..01000.011101110-0100kSettitIpaNOPARKV4ifAS:,;04V,N.;,..'4,, k,',... .'1-:':',:,-,::''''.::•,:r';',-:,':',.-', ', 0110011,010.1111blit 1,Illitfetatt/MtlfgtltttttfMi.tiA:::;;EPIOM:tV,M:',.:tWir'aIA., 4''.7...:::1:,:'.'.:' -. .. ,::.. 2.,,,,,,,FOR 'THIS-,-PRELIMINARY,PLAT,.. THE BASIS OF BEARING IS THE MOST 111111111111iliti.:.'.:',11-11111111-14111-1111,1111,111iiilliFisk-',.'-,',!!'-ili!-Niiiiill:!--it,,,l'-:,:'-',:''':--;:-...--,-i',.-:::,:'-',:-.i'-':'-i:.''.,:;:-':.':;'.-,'::.:,,'-i','.':-,'',.1.,.:;,:,'--,-,-,'-'-',;.'..',1;4'--,:.-1-,:-:',.'-i;-:',--:-''''' tgiN-stsle.fstxovlotoirol::fslittllidRo'!,---'.:-A.1)stl,ismltuil-sloiiolxalofssosloiemozoor-clgw',toqA.Firyi:-,t'o:',-;:rw-.-'',s',.:e.-:-4--'FvA-:,g-is'sz*.E---,-,-,f''-'f;i:'.s:.:-:--H:::.-'::fk:'':'5-6--::''-,,':J;:'-:;:o::'i;3i1;,,-,Ei'-:-.-:,•s-i::g::,',:.:--:---''':,'.--:';:-:''',-.,::,:,:;--:--,'-t----,------..:i:.:-y',.i-,'-*-''--.--'_ s, .oU:,..T. HE.,A„.S,..,TE„.R.N,. ,P.,-.,RO,PERTy LINE OF LOT 15 OF WOODLAND ESTATES BEING'AT4k,SEARING'OF;N '40'20'32" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 1160.17'. PARK LAND DEDICATION ORDINANCE PROJECT REVIEW CHECKLIST Date Received: March 27 2002 Park Zone: 9 Project Location: North side of Greens Prairie Road,east of State Highway Name of Development: Sint". Creek Applicant Thurmond&Windham Address: 1700 Barak Lane City/State: B an Texas Zip: 77803 Phone Number: (979546844 FAX: Engineer/Planner: DG Municis all Devellosment Group) A dress: 2551 Texas Avenue Suite A City/State: College Station Texas . Zip: 77840 Phone Number: (979) 693-5359 FAX: (979)6934243 mdscs s mdscs.com REQUIREMENT COPL1 NCE SECTION 10B-1: Land Dedication Single Family Dwelling Units: 90 ulti-familly Dwelling Units: Total Land Requirement: .89 Acres Proposes Dedication: 0 Acres SECTION 10B2: Fee in Lieu of Land Has the Planning&Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? No Land Fee: Single Family Fee($148/dweliling unit): $148 x 90= $13320 Multi-family Fee ($112/dwelling unit): Total Acquisition Fee: SECTION 10-B3: Park Development Fee Single Family Fee($309/dwelling unit): $309 x 90=$27,810 Fee ($233/dwelling unit): Total Fee Amounts: Total Single Family Fee: ($457/Dwelling Unit): ta157 x 90= $.41 130 Total Mufti-family Fee($345/Dwelling Unit): SECTION 10B4: Park Development in Lieu of Fee Required development cost: Staff review.ate and comment: Parks Board review and decision: SECTION 10B5: Minimum Park Size Is the proposed park less than five (5) acres? N/A If yes, staff recommends: SECTION 10B7: Prior Park Acquisition Is there an existing neighborhood park that can serve the proposed development? Yes, Woodland Hills, however, access is not convenient or close. Residents would have to walk or drive back to Greens Prairie Road and enter on Woodland Hills Street if yes,staff recommends: SECTION 10-E: Comprehensive Plan is the proposed park dedication in c mplliance with the City Como rehensive Plan and the park Master Plan? N/A Comments: This subdivision has dread satisfied I edication re tuirements from the Woodland Hills •ark dedication. Spring Creek was included in the original dedication of Woodland Hills. SECTION 10F: 'dditonal Information 1. Is land in the 100-year floodplain? N/A Percentage: a. Detention/Retention Size: Meets Board Acreage in floodplain: Percentage: Acreaie in detention: Percentage: Acreage in greenways: Percentage: Comments: . Does the location require users to cross an arterial road? c. Topography: d. Trees/Scenery: 2. a. Is the land adjacent to a school? No b. Restricted access: c. Is there screening if the park joins a non-residential use? N/A d. Park perimeter percentage that abut a street N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATONS: Staff recommends that pedesthan access be provided so residents in S•lin• Creek can reach Woodland Hills Park easier rather than havin• to i Nei on Greens Prairie Road. For exams ile the furthest lot on S•rin• Branch East Street is over 8/10 of a mile b foot or by car. SECT/•N 10-G: A *royal Parks&Recreation Board: Planning &Zoning Board: City Council: 6 m S p r i ng creek ublvi s _ sion Loca I lop of ___,,, ,,,_,4.77,7.. ,/, // 1 // tilibli / ..,.. \-\.,,,zz / r ) \ / , 72/ / , / „, / .::::,..,„,„,.,,,„,„::.,:.„:„:„,:„.,::,,„.„.,..,,,,.„.,:.,.,.,,,..„,.,.„.,,,:,,,„:„.„„.„:„.„,:::„.: w ,.,.......:::::„:„:„,„,,,„„,:„:„.,,,.,.:,,,,. N / ;.,„,„,,,,,,;„:„.„:„,„„:„,,,:„,.,:,,,,,„,„ , ,//// , ,.„,...„.„:„.:„........... , f 1 ,, ., / \\,/, v� , ,-,., \ 1 N,N ..... :..............::.:. '11 ./ /./ ‘,„____________________ ..,„„,„...,,,,„,„:„,::,.. , // , \4. I / , ...„:„.„,,...... _.::::„:„..„:„ 3 /// e A 40,.., l a /// � ,....,:',_:„.'„,..„.. : • a ,/� / ..s*k<*,x.4s — / a 1044 , �nstusfart�4h5 ,;N�+^;'� �aaxx.� itaft „pg../ 61”, ,1111, g Creek subdivia,,,,,,, , , ...4 0,- ''''\ It.:10401,4 ....: N \ ,/-10,. .‘..;•'-' ��' $ - • _;y� Z�e"se�i���� \e ��A"``�Yn^.t(.nka.rkt �'SA.a �`R lim , , y ♦ d • ,0 , ....sh.,. ,;:.',. .,..........+.:*/ 4,o.esys;opw;4N'''Y' ::.,,,,I--,i,' Ak s ��♦'•i �G'. � ri !IISRtr :::: �� .'1�., ,fidla d t#S.%.',: Ac,4.4, ..sta .,,, � ♦.��.J Pr :1110111.....litts ****A01.• ' #4:i.t, f .„.':''''':,i1:.;ii..11:!,- :......:.,.....„.......,:::..:-A to .. 4 i fkk:,..;-1\'' ,...":"tif:-.".,4 -' S O A :.-7� .4? r :k 4 t L rn ::,,!:...:..,;, 4.4,-ut .::',1v,,e0sAtt.4. . -2-440 pebble CS ' gik subodivis w j (4 �� ,, ., . AK „,„,,u..-,- �\Fj. ,,,..._____..4445, % .--€'* '� ! i 3}t::.$`$"s:Li .,,,,,_,-,,,,,-- --,---4- x....,ysC h h .'•$•-4,".&V$41:1,.."*044,7,4c A. .K't- .:..x:}Sri \ siliw'yr { _ 4.10, \ e,i, .1\ a land Hills subdivisionA �� ;1*,.N:,,i'4!!■:.., „,,,,# s .}v:`'`:viF. xtiwriuvi"::.{x•}.{iiviv�;2= '03;•.'^'� 'g 1 '�jl�l�l�� � ' $M xw �� 000.4 ks.shp 1 n • ir , • v \f',* Pebble qr,:!, .,„...,_;,, � n \tii, • --:::,-------------- cs Par Creeks.shp 01 shp N 11‘;, 1 J 1 cert . r #% Ne# / liff• Is' -492 \\, : ,t .4. / Nr M. - , ,, 41 ' ' .Pk Parce _ .� StreeLname.shp /� �� � t+rymm`.!k?�;62GN � 3:9:w..m a.5a"'Siq,.�"1 i \ , ` V VENST• E LP \ YP ) ,..... ',0 le ,, #4700” al il i ,,,GN f OAKS p �����,,G rt. !!!�,f,-, �` U P��e M{STY LN 'st \ � �;� PARK ,--,_INTENANCE STAND A R I SURVEY SUMMARY FOR FY 2002 Quarterly Periods: First Quarter. FY 2002 Overall % ff Standards Met: 77% Second Quarter, FY 2002 Overall % of Standards Met: 83% Third Quarter, FY 2002 4verall % of Standards Met: Fourth Quarter, FY 2002 Overall % of Standards Met: cAtpl_tprips Athletic Facilities: Competitive Fields East Soth Average%of standards met ,er 74% 76% 74% 75% rd Quarter 88% 85% 82% 85% 3rd Qtirer 4th r1er ft PlaytrosInds East South West Avera::,te%of si nrds met rt Quarter 83% 88% 55!:4 75% 2thQiuier 89% 89% 75% 84% 3rd ft, ,er 4th Quarter Picnic Facilities East South West Average%of Stan; ds iet ;,er 88% 87% 81% 85% 2nd•wi lEer 90% 90% 83% 88% 3rd4irier 4th IurEer IV. Teirnis Courts East South ere%of Standards met Quarter 83% 62% 65% 70% 2Qiiier 91% 75% 61% 76% 3rdl, .er 4th Quarter V. Basketball Courts East South West Averate%of Standards met 1 (IurEer 86% 96% 75% 86% 2nd Q er 89% 100% 82% 90% 3rd Q, ,er er VI. Sand Volleyball Co its East South West Average%of Standards met 1st Q er 63V 77% 90% 77% 2nd 0 .r i er 97% 86V 100% 94% 3rd Q t , er 4 Qi i .iter 1® Ponds East South West Average%of Stan..{; ds met l st 0 .r l er 43% 85'%% 57% 62% h1d 2Quarter 57% 75% 53% 62% 3'd 0 . _er 4th Quarter 111. Parks: General P rks East South West Avera!b e V. of Standards set 1st Quarter 85% 79% 4% 83% rd 0 r r ter 86'/® 82% 82% 83% 3rd . er 4th 0:i.r er Overa District Aver ges East South West Over, %of St rig dards Met 1st Quarter 76% 81% 73V 77%4 rd Quarter 86% 85% 77 V 83% 3rd 0 Q,, i er 4th i :.r r er Veterans Park ind Athletic Complex Phase II Estimate Developed by O'Malley En; eers and the Parks and Recreation Dep.iii ient styo Is include 15% for Cont igencies d 10%for Desiu,and A i *station. A. Softball D ge(from T property under fields)_____.."..__...............__...".."..$285,000 M te ce Buildin!Addition(1,200 SF) lice lighted softball fields.__....._._ _......_..._..__.___.........._............$3,200,0•I This cost ii eludes e rWwork, 130 ,king spaces,s H shelter, special root zone soil,reta°, ° s wall,infield material,fences and walks, eight(8)bleachers,ten(10)shade covers,playgro id, nigation,lighting, • k g fount hs,5,000 SF,concession and restroom b, Landscaping for softball fields $60,000 B. Paviliois imd AiIditiod Parking __...._..._....._ $1,738,000 This cost inch,:fes street extension,e.r work,o e(1)playgron id, for(4)volleyball courts,capacity for 500 p sple, nd utility extensions. The pavilion will be 8,800 SF,and will: elude a kitchen,restroo, picnic tables, :d a ninall stage. Landscaping for Pavilion $35,000 Exercise Trail(5,1 00')6' - 1,`e Exercise equip $30,000 Su1total $1,973,000 Total for Phase II Development ------------ $5,1,23,250 0/Projects/Veterans Park/VPAC Phase II Estirnate.doc ELL, ,, C.U.LJG PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST CITY OF COLLEGE STATION VETE - S PARK AND ATHLETIC COMPLEX PHASE II DEVELOPMENT OE JOB NO. 675.02-MA February 12,2002 NOTE: The costs shown herein do not allow for any special construction procedures that may be required for facilities that are to be constructed on top of the old borrow pit area. Whether any special construction procedures are necessary in the area of the old borrow pit, and any related costs,cannot be dote fried until soil investigations(borings)are perfo ed in that area. A. Site Drainage Required For Either The Softball Fields Or The So or Fields., Appears Not To Be Required For Pavilion And Related Parking Lot. 1. Storm Sewers&Structures 3,000 LF @ $100.00 $300,000.00 Subtotal A $300,000.00 2. Contingencies(15%) $45,000.00 3. Design&Administration (10%) S $30,000.00 TOTAL A $375,000.00 NOTE: if softball facilities are constructed and if no so r facilities are constructed, the storm sewer could be stopped just past the street location with open ditch constructed the rest of the way to the lower end of the site for an estimated reduction in cost of approximately$90,000.00. B. One 25'Bay Addition To Maintenance Building 1. Building Addition 1,200 SF @ $65.00 $78,000.00 2. Concrete Driv• y 200 SY @ $31.00 $6,200.00 Subtotal Items 1©2 $84,200.00 3. Contingencies (15%) $12,630.00 4. Design &Administration(10%) $8,420.00 TOTAL B $105,250.00 C. Three Lighted Softball Fields With Special Root Zone Soil, Bleachers, Parking, Concession/R.R. Building, Playground, and Shelter 1. Earthwork a. Excavation 40,000 CY @ $2.40 $96,000.00 b. Embankment 30,000 CY @ $2.90 ' 7,000.00 c. Spoil 10,000 CY $1.00 $10,000.00 Subtotal Item 1 $193,000.00 • 2. Topsoil For Disturbed Areas a. Material 5,000 CY J $2.00 $10,000.00 b. Placing Topsoil 5, CY @ $5.00 $25,000.00 Subtotal Item 2 $35,000.00 3, 8"Washed Sand Root Zone Soil 6,300 CY @ $17.00 $107,100.00- 4. Tifway 419 Grass 250.000 SF @ $0.10 $25,000.00 5. Fences 3,690 LF $22.00 $81,180.00 6. Backstop Fence 300 LF @ $55.00 $16,500.00 7. Dugouts 6 EA @ $10,000.00 $60,000.00 8. Scorekeepers Stand 3 EA @ $4,000.00 $12,000.00 9. Sandy Clay infield Soil 450 CY J $15.00 $6,750,00 10_ Concrete Driveway Between Fields 1,450 SY @ $31.00 $44.950.00 11. Concrete Walkways 1,200 SY© $26.00 $31,200,00 derica11675.02-MMettencost-2.xls 1 ,C CUUG U L,ILAICILLI\J A 12. Bleachers a. Bleachers 6 EA @ $15,000.00 $90,000.00 - b_ Shade Covers (PARD Figures) 6 EA@ $7,000.00 $42,000.00 - C. Concrete Foundation For Bleachers 400 SY @ $26.00 $10,400.00 Subtotal Item 12 $142,400.00 13. On-Field Irrigation 3 Fields @ $22,000.00 $66,000.00 - 14. Quick-Connect& Fountain Piping 1,400 LF $4.00 $5,600.00 15. Electrical Conduit To Future Scoreboards 1,200 LF @ $4.00 $4,800.00 16. Bonfield Lights& Related Electrical 1 LS © $270,000.00 $270,000.00 17. Lighted Parking 130 Spaces $1,250.00 $162,500.00 18. Drainage a. Storm S er Between Ph. I Softball Fields And Parking Lot 900 LF @ $55.00 $49,500.00 b. New Fields Related Drainage 1 LS @ $47,000.00 $47,000,00 Subtotal Item 18 $96,500.00 --- 19. Erosion • trolMeasures 1 LS© 26,000.00 $26,000.00 20. Sanitary Sewer 1 LS© $2,000.00 $2,000.00 21. Irrigation Supply Lines a, 6"Line 1,400 LF @ $8.00 $11,200.00 b. Other Small Dia.Line 1,500 LF @ $4.00 $6,000.00 c_ Valves&Fittings 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Subtotal Item 21 $22,200.00 22. Electrical Duct a. Primary Duct 1,200 LF c $16.00 $19,200.00 b. Secondary Duct 1 LS @ $6,000.00 $6,000.00 Subtotal Item 22 $25,200.00 23. Retaining Wall East Of Softball Fields a_ Wall wlGuard Fencing/Railing 7,000 SF© $30.00 $210,000.00 24. Seeding&Fertilizing For Other Than Ballfields 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 25. Two Bleachers For Phase I Softball Fields a. Bleach- 2 EA @ $15,000.00 $30,000.00 b. Shade Covers (2 for Exist. Blchrs. &2 N- ) 4 EA@ $7,000.00 $4000,00 b. Concrete Foundation For Bleachers 170 SY© $26.00 $4,420.00 Subtotal Item 25 $62,420.00 26. Playground(PARD Figures) 1 LS @ $40,000.00 $40,000.00 27. Field Signs 1 LS © $6,000.00 $6,000.00 28. Shelter in East Alleyway(PARD Figures) 1 LS @ $30,000.00 $30,000.00 29. Benches (PARD Figures) 6 EA @ $2,000.00 $12,000,00 30. Trash Cans(PARD Figures) 1 LS © $1,000.00 $1,000.00 31. Drinking Fountains& Related 2 EA© $3,500.00 • $7,000.00 32. Central Softball Conc./RR Bldg (PARD Figures) 5,000 SF @ $150.00 $750,000.00 Subtotal Items 1-32 $2,559,300.00 33. Contingencies(15%) $383,895.00 36. Design &Administration(10%) $255,930.00 TOTAL C $3,199,125.00 D. Pavilion And Adjacent Parking Lot 1. Earthwork a. Excavation 15,000 CY @ $2.40 $36,000.00 b. Embankment 25,000 CY @ $2.90 $72,500.00 Subtotal Item 1 $108,500.00 2. Topsoil For Disturbed Areas a. Material 3,000 CY @ $2.00 $6,000.00 dericall675_02-MAVetter\cost-2_xls 2 10.41 U lAHLLti LNUINLLK 0.)O roU,i,U0 b. Placing Topsoil 3,000 CY @ $5.00 $15,000.00 Subtotal Item 2 $21,000.00 3. Street Extension To Parking Lot a. Curb &Gutter 800 LF c $11.00 7800.00 b. Subgrade Stabilization 1250 SY© $4.00 $5,000.00 c. Base Material 1,050 SY© $9.00 $9,450.00 d. Asphalt Pavement 1,000 SY @ $6.00 $6,000.00 e. Fine Grading 1.250 SY @ $2.00 $2,500.00 f. Storm Sewer 400 LF @ $50.00 $20,000.00 g. Inlets 2 EA @ $3,000.00 $6,000.00 h. Culvert 1 EA© 15,000.00 $15,000.00 I. Street Lights 2 EA @ $7,500.00 $15, .00 Subtotal It 3 $87,750.00 4. Lighted Parking Lot At Pavilion 140 Spa.' © $1,400.00 $196 000.00 5. Erosion Control Measures 1 LS© $15,000.00 $15,000.00 6. Potable Water a. 8"Line 400 LF $12.00 $4,800.00 b. 6"Line 700 LF $8.00 $5,600.00 c. Fire Hydrants 2 EA© $2,000.00 $4,000.00 d. Valves&Fittings 1 LS© $4,000.00 $4,000.00 e. Water Meter 1 LS© $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Subtotal Item 6 .$19,400.00 7. Sanitary Sewer a. 10"Line 500 LF @ $18.00 $9,000.00 b. 6'Line 300 LF $12.00 $3,600.00 c. ing or 10"D.I.Line 100 LF $40.00 $4,000.00 d. Manholes 1 EA @ $1,500.00 $1,500.00 Subtotal It 7 $18,100.00 8. Irrigation Supply Line( oss Parking Lot Entrance) a. 12"Line 100 LF @ $18.00 $1,800.00 b. Valves&Fittings 1 LS @ $2,000.00 $2,000.00 Subtotal Item 8 $3,800.00 9. El- 'cal Duct a. Primary Electrical Duct 700 LF @ $16.00 $11,200.00 b. Secondary Duct 1 LS© $3,000.00 $3,000.00 Subtotal Item 9 $14,200.00 10. Pavilion Building For 500 Persons With Serving Kitchen And Restroom(8,800 SF) 1 LS @ $720,000.00 $720,000.00 11. Side lks 600 SY@ $26.00 $15,600.00 12. Retaining Wall w/Guard Rail Near Pavilion 3.000 SF© $30.00 $90,000.00 13. Seeding& r For Disturbed Areas 1 LS © $5,000.00 $5,000.00 14. Bridge Over Drainage Ditch North Of So r Restroom Building 1 LS © $16,000.00 $16,000.00 15. Playground(PARD Figures) 1 LS © $40,000.00 $40,000.00 16_ Volleyball Area(PARD Figures) 1 LS © $20,000.00 $20,000.00 Subtotal Items 1-16 $1,390,350.00 17. Contingencies (15%) $208,552.50 18. Design &Administration (10%) $139,035.00 TOTAL 0 $1,737,937.50 c.iericall675.02-MAMetterkcost-2.x1s 3 FEB-12-2002 16:41 O'MALLEY ENGINEERS 979 836 7936 P.05/06 E. Exercise Trail (6'wide; 5,6009 Long) - Not Lighted (PARD Figures) 1 LS @ $170,000.00 $170000.00 TOTAL E $170,000.00