HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/08/2001 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks Board ***AGE NDA *** CITY 0F COLLEGE ST —T ION P-9 ' " RECREATION ADVISORY BoA. I Regular Meeting Tuesday, May 8' 2001 Central park Co ferenceRoom 1000Kre' e(TapRoad 7'00 P.m 1. Call to order. 2. Hear visitors. 3. Pardon— Consider requests for absences of members frommeting. 4. Approval of minutes from Regular Meeting of April 23, 20Ole. 5. Presentation, discussion, andpossible action related to skate board facilities. Presentation, discussion, and possible , action related to the joint meeting with the 6. City Council on May 10, 2001. Presentation, discussion, and possible action related to Veterans Park and Athletic 7. street and facility naming recommendations.re' Complex 8. Discussion, consideration, and possible Opportunities), Council Vision acti Statement#4 (Cultural Arts and Recreationaoln_ sSttrraatteeggyy##21 re Emphasis on Making Parks 0 rtunngit iCe s.)3/, aking Parks More Int _ nerational) • (More Interaction Between Parks Advisory Intergenerational), and ' lt . • Planning and Zoning and Shared Vision with Council), • #3 (Continue to Update Comprehensive Plan Regarding Parks • Strategy#4 #4 (CoonntniencuteivdityBetween Greenways and Parks), • Emphasis on Parks Maintenance toQuality 0 SSttraantdeagryd4s5th(rCough the Budget Process), Strategy#6 (Develop Programs and Facilities for Senior Q Citizens). 0 . Capitalnsent 9. Consent ItIemmpsor:ofvement Projects Report. Discussion next meeting date and agenda. 10. Adjourn The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parkingspaces are • atiinlagb.le.To Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. arrangements call (979) _ 17 or (TDD) 1'1800-735- Agendas posted on Internet Website http://www.ci.college-station.tx.us76435 ) and Cabl2e9A89c.cessChannel 19. on E y' x,, ,. =-, syr--_.. - „� „ x .ru P b . . . .... ,.. .. . .„.., . -.'-,.....:,-...,„l'i.'‘_,,,,,t,,,..,__,L17,_,.':::-,,t1 :::.„,,,,I.,-,:,/,' -,-,,,.--;,---:1,...„,:.:1)-'!„...,..,,,,_.„,,,..„ . , . . , . . . „ . . . . w 1 -;; e yam;. it-,,I, ,,,i t,, 1 i 1 ,4 ,,),. i ,1--. ,, eu i 11 • i 1'4 qj VI,L'''1 _, ,,,, ' 'I Li i I ‘ , 'if UI4‘.'4„\-,7 I'V ‘....„...:', '1,!_fkt,,,,,/ /4 ,..,-1 , il i t 0 ,.,,,.-' , i.,1 0 1.. 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The sculpture, entitled"Memoire", is in memory of Emilie Schirk, an emigrant and widow who kept her ten children warm and well fed through the Great Depression and World War II with great personal sacrifice. In the hardest of times, she worked extra jobs and even sold her possessions to keep the family together, and still found time to share her love of fishing. The bronze grouping was completed by Russell Cushman for Muggs (Schirk) Gardner, in cooperation with the City of Bryan Parks and Recreation Department It is dedicated to all of our mothers on Mother's Day, May 13, 2001. The dedication ceremony is scheduled for 4:00 —5:00 pm at the City of Bryan Heritage Park, located at the corner of Hutchins and 31st Streets. Thank you for your consideration of this invitation. The entire Bryan Community would feel honored and privileged with your attendance. Please respond to Linda Giffen at (979) 209-5200 at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, " 4 41:- 4, David J. gchrnitz, Division-Manager City of Bryan Parks and Recreation (979) 209-5201 -ft •';'----,..„,...._„.„ -.....„,..„..„.„......„„. .„., • '.1111P.,.... , ii"7.:.•, •,1,4, .1::. '''''', „,..•.•.''''.."::'::':::.::,:::::17IIF ,,,..„,.....s.: s,t4h iiir.,...!;,,,,. 4 . ....,".. , 71111111/411ky,...;:!..7„:„.,..,.....gt;',:'''• ley v :1-.,;',.,..':•.,:',:.i•.:::'..!,i:i:',.E.:i5,17,;:'' .".....,,..„:.:..i.'`'''''ji... .''.-'''''' -''''''.i..•;••:.111 -'''',!,':::1.'4111° ,.. _ -:::: ,L., -,I.P.,,,,,IN.,,:_..„„ i,,,,4:.•4'.,, !jir::4::,'";'I';;'' _ '•••,'"'• ::::...;.....,-,,. ,.44,„.''''''"-,,,,,,,,,,,,;:.i,-,:.: ,,, ,,4,e,,,.,,m._ ..p,,,.4.4: illraiit ,,„a• 0 „, / 1 ..,...„,.. . _ , a „....„„: „,;•.,... ., „, ,....., _.‘,...,,,. ,,..,,,,.. ..„..,...„,,,,,,,,, .... „,,...., . ,,. ..,, , .„.„„, ,,,,,..: .,-,,,,..,.„. fi,,,,..,. 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NFAA— 'TIES tiophoi!Now., pOS---pARK hatio RO– RANS , ft----- ......... i leXY FO-R*VETE . , 0 0 o #4 . . Council ArtsRvaitsli Rationale 0 College Station Park System * CcuslwCirtayl and Recreational Opportunities Accessibility Study • Strategy#3 comprehensive plan Sarah Nicholls rCeognatridniuneg tpoaurkpsdasytestem • • • Section b . Dept.of Recreation,Pmarku&nivTeorusritiysm Sciences,Texas A& April 2001 23, pbaerlucnddisetrr-isbeurtvieodnotor under-utilized elizaeredas that Analyze may Purpose Method . Determine levels of access to existing CS parks ® Mini,neighborhood+community parks —For entire city —For 17 CSPARD zones . GIsdistance e Identify under- .served areas toinclude One -half . Recommend actions . -PProoppuelrattyiolninfiegs u+resstrfereotms fr1o9m901 —Establishment of new points of.access to existing sites census998 —Establishment of gre gthrbaoilrsht000cdosnnect existing sites with under servedenwneaYi —Dedication of new park lands , v ,,,-.-/,,' -,,,e„,:i-,\,/ \ - Zone ).• \ A, ,:=\-- ,,,/ ,, ,,;,...0--- ,' / /5.-..--------,,,/ CSPARD Zones 7- ,,,,,,/,,u,,,,,s;,,,,,.. ,4,/ t, - ----- - , , ,, ,N%,,,,,,,-,-45,j, /'N,,-.1 *s-iN,,'\ - • -,-, ,,,,...,< 2-,,i,-,,A,:;y*,-.4"t-0.1 / ,,,,,,,,„ / \-(\ ,i, >,, ,,,,,O, i '• l i , ,'--;,,,.4. ',,''\.,;\\ \ \\:\, 1'1 I// ny '1*`.--,0*) - 8 /',c -‘, \. \ ,,, , - ,, , -, ,::;.:/ '' 14 ‘‘‘,2\ s, •/ ''.., N-, '5 \ </'N ' ;,,, ,,./ ,, '-''...7 ' ,,,,,,,:.,, ; 9 ,Y:\\- -7''si‘;''''..,:ft74,, \\, 7'.,:'., \\;.- :- , 15,,,-, ''''-4. , , ji--7,-, -.• •4. / /' ,7 - „ -,•"'"\-/-- • \I ) ''-7 • -- / 0 '-'-' ' ',\K‘'I, \‘,/`' \• , •///• if /` 13 , t,',. ----' 7, 16 )\ '' -- / / .'''. 17 '-1/4 Cs---4-- '\-c'"*/s',;:.,,,, 12 N N , N ,,., \ ,, \if E W IN W+E 0.8 MO: ; 04 -- 4 S Miles 4 0 , 8 ° ''1 / °A 1 Zone Z°n e 1 "wr:,s._,:,-,i"-,,\r,\.\/,\,,,:•,.,:.,,.\`/,,,.,,":,X--/ \4->:N/\/•,1,,„,\.r..,\,7„i1:),\_,t,_,,,(,),._,,-„_-t,.,,,0<0•,.._- t.-\-„,.,,'\...-/'.2-„c<„,-,'1i• '„•',,• ,,.,",.,-,/,.,/71:--,,-,-,„,,i-.,,--i)•>,,,')': :• '• ,:•,/'/- ‘-i-: 1 1 community parkHensel(2,.,acres) 1 \ Access 1990 population j981 V Predicted growth rate0.0% (1998-2010) W 1',i/•-\-,'/•\`''(-.'.-'\\:-'-,':,l-:,:'-,' z/.• ,,,- '7 o,• <2Wr/,.,/`,-':n.-,,' e I Access'' W Nj ,. _ E /_',—.,.•-,:„.:,,,,,,//•'.,,,,„.,„,,.i,,H,,,,,,,'N,\„,,_,/._i-,,_',f,,.,.,.',-,,„../\1s, Z.-,_/• : -7.,,• :,:,,.,,,„,,./,7_.Z,,„:,-,T-,,.,-,;:,<,:•,,:::',,,.-.6o:-, .1,,1„/,t...7.,/„/I,.•.n„,, e i-....:, 1,/'."'/::'./sy>,-//•r,.:,,.„.:,'-".<,-,,',\,;l'',.\<.-'/,.<., .;.-. o,';:'';,-' p.:::• ..,„.:.'• ,:,•.,'•:/1/\..'."-.'”„/.-":',/.',t„-„,' i>/„,,..„,,,,-,,,'i,:'"..,'• '2„,-• •„Y• ,:(,'._ o,," >,..;./ .7,1 n s Population served 65-70 — . Consider establishment of urban vest P oc k e-t park on city-owned land adjacent to Wel Under seryed areas of zone Road _would provide access to entire under-served Eastern corner 450 people southe-mreglon —Southern portion 750 people (excluding —New level of access for zone-88% new dorm) , r Zone w,: 1 )4. , „ \• 12 Zone , / '- :- - // 1 / , ,„„, , flatom OA 0 04 02 moo06 0 0.6 12..s W ' E 2 ...‘„, Zone, . \\\"----,,-z 2 11 ---;' `- / •----i-:*,.----\--1---::::-----, ./., ..#' \ , ,Access--„, — \s.,s ,,,,„ 1, / / ,-- — , ,4444,. \ ,— ,;' , .„-----',/ it„..-‘14,4 -,/,\.-:,,,, \ /44---(,\;- .0. 4* ,,. / ' '40,,,,,,,,,, -4140, ':-- ,:::;-/' Parkway(1.9 acres) ' / 0 2 mini parks Oaks k ...-,,„/N2:4‘44:44119fripthik,4A' 71t1404111t: ,,/z Zone 2Lions(1.5 acres)i4. ac MOaekilYs(7.5 acres)(7.1 acres) Cia6rt.eiracres) s 3 neighborhood parks /„, /,,, , ,A m„.. ,: . 1 community park ,...,7, ,„, 0 1 --- ",,\".' 0 . RT:i7C00h1 9:adS( 0 1990 population 0, 3.2% Predicted growth rate ' (1998-2010) Zone 2 Options University Park site w ithin zone to 94% access. Develop Billie 2 Access -Would(serving 1,250 additional and develop Bi Zone within zone to 8 Obtain access to l of access 800/0 0 . d residents) sites 334 additional . one if both . Population served residents) (serving within z • .onal (sery level of access zone 1 587 additional served areas of . New 0, (serving , opened-98" ® Under i,ncre as e levelof reseisdse.nts) -Autumn-SpringMadeley site —Would increase lesie —Twogatedcommunities L-/:,'K':'i,1-i-1,,,.,,'t,:.:i‘-\-,,•/—-',-„,/.—,,.\,\.'1-I-)—'-',,'/,' (-/:-'-,.i/.-/.,/-•/-:k''-*,c4',41i)4e,,,0,S.,,/,-.4i.,0t.%4,-,'i-i7-,i'\-'i4-_,4-.*-.A.,,..1.-;.-,,-4 .,, Zone E , -.,',e„',s-,,C''.\,i"'. A,-,..\-,--,;).--,.>,,/,-" \o,/,/ '_'-,',-/,,,,;'... -', zosn e 2 3 - – 7;OPt )ns N - 07 0 01 14 m.- 09 0 09 1.8M„es wT . 3 Zone ,. /.-:\'''' ,z - ..,--„:„...- ._ . 3 -,,f,,,,,\:-.,..>_-,,;./,'\''N',.'::,'<' ,,,./A,,', ,,,,,,,T7';',/,:;:.„.t,::::s„ . Access -/-*•',.::' (, Aiik. ''', .- Zone 3 , , ,,,,, ,,,,,__,,, Miller(2.5 acres) Cy mt. WCeonitfraple(n47r2eeakcr(e1s9).49) ,,,/',,,,,.',--__): 7 -7- ,:,7„,,,,,,,,::::____„„ ..": : 21 minipark community parks 1990 population 3,259 Predicted growth rate 5'7% '\-'. ':.-':-.,'.'S<.,\„<,.,.,'..-.,1''-.-:,,..„'-',:',:'..-„,:..f-<,'--:-‘:-.,:„'.•,''.'-,/.,.' 2 41 -.N (1998-2010) ;q, -- —E 0.9 . 0. . e. 9 18MilS Zone 3 Access e Develop w area75%) e g 65% .To serve Richards and haeRoeoinnclfperaedyns3ctrraOeiseltis —Through critinio(2n50speopie . Population served -- In sPooutethIteiarinlipnokargtieosnwojtfhzzz000nnneeess 25,46 aanndd 68 . Under portionsouthseernryedar areas s o f zone 170 people —Richards-Sterling-Manuel4000 people . Potential linkages with —Cul-de-sacs off Brentwood 30 Zone ,„,,,, , :'‘..'- *-- , 4 Lone , ,...,. ,....„ . 3 , ,,, ,, f''''''''',.-,, /1, / /' -,. -',., - ,, ,,,- _ ,,,,.. ,-„,,,,,;„- with ,,,,,/2,::',..,- --",:,,:.:,-.',‘,-/' „ raenway! .,., /,.,:- e.,e.sar , ':'2 1,Iti;... ,,IIP of.';,,\:::"'•;kt, ,.:::::',),,, C(;,?,/,:';') . AT'I':>/:-/://:: /\s \\)',,,' _ ,,,../. '• -CA7,-,::..'' ', ',, '''''-1' — '•- :,, ;,:r ". * 'iii; • N ''2'-'7., / .1. ,„,\/ \', ../ / /.),,„'.\ ..*,, .,,,, ' l'i,.:„''.?0,,,:',,',,,, ' —r /,, . // - 5-,„,, ',/,,,,.//,,,,,,,, s ,-;),,// ,.- ..„,.. ' 7 \,, E 1 0 77--;\:: w , :/--- ,,, 113 Miles S , 0.9 0 0.9 4 : Zone Zone 4 ,,..,„, , ... ', \,, , , s , ''''' / ' 4 ' ' \ / s Access 1 mini park VVindwood(1.37 acres) . Raintree(13.00 acres) ,, . 1 neighborhood park zA\<<,./././>'''''',-•,747-'77,,,?'\\ / '..- \\ 1990 population 3,981 N.,,,,, <' „ , ..,..,.\ ,.., N Predicted growth rate 0.0% ..,,.._ , ,,,;:i.,,,,;;;;„, ,,,,,,,,?5 ,,,* , w E (1998-2010) 1 1 0 .,fs :: ''-'' ; : 29:,'1,''''-'1,,(...,''': ,,: ',.1- // , Zone ‘.\:,:,5 ';,,,,,-:-:\,,:-: :,-;-.,..1 Zone 4 Access , ...,, ,,,,,,e- <- --,HS'-.• ,,,-.‘"A,-',/...,--,..,- ,\;,..--,1,..:—../., ;,,,„,,:: -- Population served 90°/® . ,..'".. ./. .., •fU' / . Under served areas of zone , ,/,' \l''';'- '',\,,,;-< - / ' ' ,::/l',:;•:,;;::://1/11:'\'''';-/ /1--:, —Both main neighborhoods are completely served / // 13, ,.. ‘\,,,\. '- ./. - Note:future site of Veteran's Park N , '/ '''":/ ''''' / ,v•E 0.9 0.9 0 ,:\,, '\''',,',•,> >`'`:::,.?''Cl':(Ts:'/''17::::,.'7',\1/// 7:/ *:'2'':1 / '''''1.\-:, Z()ne , Zone 5 ':'\'\..s`' .'\.‘\ -.---,,.-:,-..-7-\ , /40,,...,1'.',...tiv., \\-•\\\ (-C.-1)r ces( Brother s Pond(16.12 acres) /-/c''' HS' *Tilrift' Ac . 5 neigh hood parks Edelweiss(12.30 acres) '''''' *4411111 \ c-- --77 , G.K.Fitch(11.30 acres) - J&D Miller(10.00 acres) -2;:.\-\,j`›* '47•411LH,17--.: '/// ,r \' , '''-446. ,..,#,'.,.. ..; Longmire(4.16 acres) Southwood(44.70 acres) . 1 community park /' 4Si:'.*AT / / \ -,< .<40. 8,231 zi\s / ,„ . 1990 population / / / 6.8% . Predicted growth rate (1998-2010) 0.0 0 oa 18 MiOs5 . Zone 5 Access Zone 5 Options Population seryed 90% . Develop SteeplechasePark site to serve new subdivision west of Welh,north of Deacon of zone d areas Deacon ® Under o Bust,erovffewe stend0.of7 5 -Streetsare all withinwest -New subdivision Zone 0 , ,,,,,:_t,,;.,,,:,•,<_,-', z .,?,4:,,,:, 6 . •:',-,;,.\-,-;',.;;', -,,,L:::4,,--::<:.-, ',?://1,...,e.:1',- ,,,,,,, of Welsh,north of Deacon ,-1>:>,<:\„ -';‘,,:::%:;11,,,,„ , , ,,,,:../;:,\' ',-,:H1.,-1:::;:l.,,,,--...'-'-',,'..1:/:: ne .'w zo- ...,,,,,-;±,-'N.,,,,,,,,,,,,--i.,,,,,..-4,-11,-:( ''''t //:'.>'''''''''' 4, , ,::::,,,,,,,,. / 4 ,• . ..'''*-',/,': -.. /..7:C4.:-'-.,-',s:::- / /4' '':';-(:;::T'':''X::-''$,C'Q>', :iji.i .::„':;' ,..-.,:,:''..t' -.\,;'.-':.:lr'i;:.'X;?''<:;''.: ','.-:',:7; .i;).::y. . -• , /,'"'•'''A '7/-'('): ,,,,s-- \ \,-:`•. <1';','''''4 :-:':':;-;": "::'-'-'7':.:,/1.N:i.'-'''''''''':-'f' '-' V,:;-,'-';'-'-''':::,::,':'''',''1,':-.' /::;"' r:t'*': rl nt C)n' '',..k,..,,,:.<':N.,,::',- ;';',,<•'',17'''::::Eirr';1';':-/>/-,-/:,,,,,,rt-'':''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''' „- 09 ,,.70 Oa •''-''.7',,/--!,-, 1,7 8 aMco ilr e as es) w ---t- l.Ls'i 03 ' ,--,")--,\4,--,/4:):4/,• 0'44,a.I,r,,A/:14);,4.00:,-:,-,,,i„-,,i,:,t::,''‘''tf4"-,1-,.t 4•;:,,-',1..:A",::'.\04„*"- 0 .•:*1fr0+":\‘':''v,:,','t''',44:''3:00.'4•":*i',,-'I•''x1„-„loI'-.-,.4if-t1.--'`---'*,,,:'::'.'.1-.— 0'".7 ,".,-:,-,:,.,,\,$M".-:-::,,'..,,I e -7-/ . , / 1-.,,:';C',/s.:,(\ -.,-, .;\ ,-'„ ,' „1 _ -0--.-6'sts r n -e 7nne6 2 1 mini park Luther Jones(1.80 acres) *'/ ,; ‘, A‘ %nS 4 neighborhood Parks Anderson(8.94 acres) , \i , i„ . k Lm°ntree(15.40acres) 2 community parks Bee Creek(43.50 acres) # * > W1A:arrow(2i.26acres) ; : 2 / , '' / ; ,, 1990 population 1269 7) - : :i: Predicted groth rate 114 (1998-2010) 0 7 14 Milo E ei N 0 6 tone .. one.4v f, A,, :;4•,-„;,.9t/)/,:.'.-':,:,,'„../;7-,n:„,.,.?.„'„:,,,/„';;/:-;*,1,s,-o,- c.'4,r c.,.,:.2,/::.,:,t.-:.:.e\y.,/,:-o7•2/4,:/i's:,-','/e :,u:)„.,*,'.;\..i..7'.'.5.,:'-._;:':':•-tl.,-,"--c”:c';/ S S 7-',.:-',-:':A-:?''-:,-:-;l\':>-,cHn:','.;,.4,'.:'•”„.,7 ,\4 wB 6"e... '. Nt _ „i7,,\,,,ft/,.-.,,-,t,4\„,-t,_.,-,\.:,.-,.l,-,„.`_,,;;..„/,.,-.-1.„,‘,,,.:..,,.-;,,,:•0.,,4.>.,,..,„:,,,;1„, /,-#,,•,„\1.,:6\4--.,,'./\„f .,'..,.•„.,„„r -.,-,\‘.._,.,,,•.:,,.,...4,'-".,',,,,'7,„ ,.-„,...<.,.,•,T,.•-',-" -,-::„,-.4,<-:-,,:H,-.,,,:„,,-,-.,*--t;s-• ,--',\...,;:-„o_.,.,...,-;-,.-,\e.,1,.--,.,-\.,.,-.s.,.'.,'-.•,,..,\\/-,,,--,,,,'.K,,,,,'ius,,.:,,-,•,/„,,.....i;-.,,,.,,.,.„-_,,/,,-'._ ..,--,2.,.,:-',.,..-,.,./-4.„'-,',',-•p-\::,...,:.:.':.,.-N :,-„.-k:/..,,/,.,„i//',:,-:.,.:i-:-':.,"1.-.,-.:,,,-,• ':-;„,• ;:1-•-,,'',,',/,:/`'-,,c--1-.,:,:/,.,''-'.',t_,.,-.,•/',,.•,'7:;/.,-,:/:-/--..;,.„/,y,,-:,.-"-:i'.,/'• ::„' ,:.-,• -.•:,./,,-•-<..?,-,;tt-...r-);.-i,,• :----.-:\-:,-,:71.„..-\x.,.• ,:-„--/:4',\,;,,;..-.-,:k,,,.--„;.,,.:,:,7/„. /,:1;„,i,,:-,-,-,.„,1'--'„->•-,.../,/:•,,.,,,,..'.:,,-'.'-1,„,:,::-,.—"-;•:2..,,:,,.../„,.-,/..-,.,:,\'.,i5',,-,-„.„-,,:.,,.,-,:/-„.,c,,` :,--,-'7A,-''s>(-,,-,--..-.71',,,-::,.,-.-7'-„A-:>-,-/.,-•<_.•;/,*,;„/;7-,-\>-,,7„-:,::,\--/,..,:,,,>--.,',.-';:-i,,:'./: ,••-,/y-,„/.-.\, .,- .,.,'. Access ofzone 80% \ *44 , _NonherntiP260 people \/v Southern portion 1000neople // „„ „ . lids Southeastern portion 1,200 people , v . IncludingHighschool Playingfields>84% N 0.7 0 0.7 14 M4s W7E Zone6 Options ,, , ) - Zone ODevelop Southwest Park site with entrances on 4ncludh hl Southwest Soutnwest Parkway and Christine Lane , 7. Would increaselevel of access withizone to 86%(serving v , OUth Establish additional entrance Pont to Bee Creek Park on Southwood Drive / -Would increase ley-lofaccesswithinzoneto84%(servin5 ,„ 700 additional residents) HS,, Combinedeffect=92%(1600additiona1 )eople) I " l o Combined effect inc.HS fields= 95%(2,000 people) ' '• -_- „ o.s 0 0.8 1.6 mil” , iZone : zone 1nc ..din Creek / : ,7\ Access T a 1S < 04 0 0A M” sS il 7........-..-” 0 Zone 7 Zone 7 Options O No parks 1990 population 1,660 16.7% . Develop pWroovoiddewaacycePssatrokv.siirttue(1112eanctirreesp O Predicted growth rate (1998-2010) . acres) 18 acres of zone(other than those in fara wyestern portion) O Projected park deficit(2010) Zone 7 Access ® Entire zone unserved r • ://,':.\.,,:•.:* Zone ,.zone: , .,- \k,,, 8 ilicudinc. ...., ...„.....,_ ,.;‘,„ ,...-„,, ':ii\.,ii,,, :,..':,'),,,',,,,,,-„,,,--7:::>,:::,.'-i.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..s.x.:„.„::„.:1;), \, „<Woodwal /*/ / ..,. .i.::\•if ' \-J ----\------,---------:;: :,/, Park / -A., , ,..„, \\,--) \\,,, \\- ,, N \ - ------------ **---- E • / ",.. , , '•.,,, / `,. '1 / N \,,._?"0'•' ''''\`' ' ':':Z.\' s ..),'. . . .. W---7iN . .. w.....,,„„ E 0.9 13 Miles : 0 0.9 .4 0.8 Miles FS ___,............ ,,, , Zone Zone 8 - ,,,,,.#2 -.:i.„,. - -;,,,.,k..4 , 8 -...- Access ,fr w .... . 3 neigh'hood parks Emerald Forest(4.59 acres) '' ---- Sandstone(15.21 acres) Woodcreek(26.40 acres) '' ` i / / .\ , 1990 population 1,740 o Predicted growth rate 21.1% \ N )\. \ ",.\-1,\'''',', ' ..4.,-('',..\;11,,,'''' ''''), ----- w s E _,.,,,,A....-:.,' -' \ ' (1998-2010) 0 's 0.9 _ 0.9 1.8 Miles 8 Zone 8 Access Zone 8 Options . Population served 80% ® Development of trails along greenway and utility easement • Under served areas of zone —Potential linkages with zones 3 and 4,9 and 11 —Brookwater Circle .But,served by private Homeowner's Association park on Woodcreek —Entire Foxfire subdivision Zgne 8 ".,-,,.....,0-,-,- -4-/,' 1 i .,,-s \ _ -,,rd- i ; Zone ''''''' i ( Potential 7 -_-------------, ::::: .„1 -,,,,,ti'... 9 --____ /.../-\ , ..,,Greenways . .„.....,,._____ :1;:,:>:7,:,: • z%, ::::,:,----:::::;:tt. ,,, ':\ 'l• :•• i/),,,:: .,:11:4,..,, \ '''' " i: tW /' -','---.-- ---- , • i ,„ r , ,,,,X),_,N,---- .,,,----- _ W E % ''.• `', ",./• -'''''- ' ' W ifr' E r 2 0 Zone 9 Zone 9 Options • No parks • 1990 population 48 ® Develop Woodland Hills Park site to serve • Predicted growth rate 12,400% surrounding neighborhood (1998-2010) ° Develop park on old landfill site(40 acres) • Projected park deficit(2010) 49 acres Develop park on current landfill site(250 acres) Zone 9 Access o Develop greenway trails —Potential linkages to zones 8, 10 and 11 • Entire zone unserved 9 . (,/,-\\',.,-,,,-e Zone Zone 9 , ..,..„.....,„ ,\ ,--,,-,74,..,,.. - / ,,,, '10 Options /-,..,-... .- / N\ --.#4 ,,- N ,... ,..„... 4 , ts :,',' s, ,i ''X.,',, ,‘,..,. , :-.'—' ,j ,///',,, . k. i , -/ \...., \-. -). 5;,;:., ,T----t-- \ -,/ / .t",,,,,,, ,._...- `--.,/ O' y) - > t1-1-17 N ./.\\ ..,*' 4.-- / ,.. W/f-E Ss / i — — W ' miles S E W p 0 0.7 i.4 Mile. S 0.7 , . .,..,V,I. '-\ Zone'''' \ ' ' 10 \N4-, x'''''''''' / // Zone 10 ;',-2 , / •\y/ --- )..-- ,.i,„4 -N . No public parks _,,,7N,„ e1.10. /- 250-300 1990 population . \ . Predicted growth rate 5% 828 , /\\ / A (1998-2010) N ./ , --- A., , o But,southern 2/3 of main Associationsubdivisionserved -- N by private,Homeowner's -'' ) * SouthernPlantation ,- - — — W E 0 0.7 S 0.7 - 7/ \' Zone Zone 10 Options / -'' ,,,,,,,---4_-; -- ',..,, '--s - 7/ ,„ ,* 10 , , / , , 4- --i , ...>s- ' u* Options -,- ,,-tf-, . ' / / . , 4q 4:40,41t,' \ • Develop Westfield Park site )2'/ 7 \, . Develop Shenandoah Parea Park .40 -But,lower priority y since \ ,,,,.../// , s already served ,, , N 1 - ® Develop park at future school site -\\ N / . Develop greenway trails , / \ ----- , /\ , -- E -Potential linkages to zone 9 - 0.7 , 0 0.7 w - 14 M.. ,.....„„........„.., 10 --------- - / ---. / / Zone -------__, ,..::, ,,,,„, Zone 11 1 neighborhood park Pebble Creek (10.20 acres) 1 \ 1990 population 94 , N \..„, N * Predicted growth rate 180.9% (1998-2010) w— E 0 1 2 Miles N w f E Zone 11 Access ..,..Aug V, ' ---- ,,, , i, ,-, e'.t< ...,,:',../ Population served 33%of lots ,,,,,Frontage Road 4'lataLtek Neighborhood park ASV Tilii:% 1,;:i114.$':%--. , Under served areas of zone '-'TI410 NM I 1/4 Mile 4414,--44PeetriAI ..'\\:::: —Most lots north and east of St.Andrew's .1 1/2 Mile .44947-314: —New subdivisions north of Parkview,south of Augusta Levels of SI"''1/4-4';'"'":- N14•4411%itii.: Accessibility to ® Disadvantages of cul-de-sac style development Pebble Creek \\\ Neighborhood \\`‘. ____ —Three additional access points>new level for zone of 49% Park 0.3 0 0.3 0.6 Miles N W / E Zone 11 Options A.,i , - l'jj 5 ° Development of greenway trails ---, Pebble Creek Neighborhood Park %Si 4 1 iktaAi'''''' -Potential linkages to Lick Creek and zone 9 :15lli1,1::: %It'll ,;,_;, . Establishment of new neighborhood park to ,,,,..,1/4 Mile dSV4b4Vgfre•Vfa4fr e4,01):'1 4,471 ioVitt^Atit74,7 serve areas north-east of St.Andrew's Drive 1.1.147-;4,-w vriar,:or ., Accessibility to Pebble Creek Neighborhood Park Based On Increased Number of Access Points — 0.3 0 0.3 Of Mlles 11 1-1 1) . (zones on (1990)with od Stab®n College population neighborho N • pop" mini — 50% Station more x. 1;.--E w ,i• „in e approx.College one orparks=- Y k.,," to aP s ,-).--- , 51 ,.- -Vit-,0?"-t---IIkt- -,141.,1,,iy,"-,_,,..., --z---•;:-':4 ,---q-A;t7--%,„„,..,_, _•.„ --1:vNz.,, 'Ntit- _ I ....... ne 1 ,,,- ..... :0: Zo +h IL-....%, w vs ..., enw re ° orcommunityunity Park 2-17 Zones 1 •Projected 1 oje res, , \ 0.7 Zon Rate Pr, it(acres) \\\.. Growth De-u-c o % 10 7.00 • _20 Population1998,.i 7.00 0.7 Zones 9v i 1.4 Mi0 51 ZO 4 7 Zone1998 3.-- 1 2-' 526 713.0 11.20 7 ..., 12 123 104.11 3.50 12.4 , •-,•.:.4?'',,,,,?'\\... L 'iv/ 13 245 3.50 42.9 14 423 1, 4Ve 39.7 '''''''"/'•,,,.„,I.P.\,,,*▪"▪ .t',kt;'4'4, 4 15 350 4,,- 1 16 358 ,-:,i: vp!:,,,. ,"„---/ 17 , • :),,,,,, ',,,4/11M,,,:' ot ,i60 ,, ", „.. , N \ ,,, 5 ,, • ,, ,\,:::,c,,f. '\\\,,:. v. ! 16 s i,---,,--,, Miles 17 ,-- A 4 0 4 Rec0 endations for F u, I re Park Development o Key considerations are -Configurations of parks, especially ec ially re. ®Points of access o Surrounding connections Lay out of streets —Pedestrian access Development of greenways 12 DI" !A. T FOR DISCUSSION AT MAY 8TH p S BOAIt MiETG i MO 1: , UM TO: City Council FROM: Parks and Recreation toard SUBJECT: 2001 2002 Council Goals and Budget We are aware that the Council will be having its a nual retreat w;d-May to establish goals and to discuss the budget. We urge you to consider the following priorities in these ldscussions: 1. The Acquisition of land for neighborhood parks prior to development. This issue is discussed in the attached memorandum. 2. The staff inform us that 18 of the city's 29 pi ygrounds do not conform to the Federal Consumer Product Safety Institute standards for playgrounds. In some cases, the violations re relatively minor, but in others they require that the whole playground be replaced. To rectify the situation,the city is currently budgeting sufficient to replace about two playgrounds per yen. In our view, this is not an adequate response to the problem. A preliminary staff esti! :ate of the cost to bring all playgrounds up to code is S200,000 - $250,000. We urge that finds for this purpose be budgeted this year, and that a renovation fund of$50,000 dedicated to playgrounds ie established so that an orderly program of replacing two a year can be instigated in the future to avoid a recurrence I, this situation. 3. The Council has budgeted$150,000 for a skateboard park. This was originally to be a roller park, but the public hearings made it clear that the community's need was for a skateboard rather than a roller park. Tins is more expensive facility, and it seems likely the cost will be in the S200,000 = $225,000 range. We urge that the allocation ha:geed for tins facility be increased accordingly. 4. The Council adopted the Greenways Plan over 2 years ago. It was the product of a grass roots citizen el or't which eventually evolved into a for' I Greenways Implementation Task Force. We urge t' t an independent Citizen Advisory Committee be established for Greenways. There is a wealth of e ertise on Greenways available among citizens in this corn i unity, and the considerable con :unity interest in them was confirmed by the supportive vote for funding in the last bond issue. An Advisory Boar* would provide visibility for the city's efforts in greenways which is currently lacking. An Advisory Board would serve as a source of guidance tnd support for staff as they respond to new greenways' tppoitunities and revised priorities. ..a .v , <. _,_:.. rv. ._ ®.....,•:.. ,. ... w :F<. .,... e4 s.., _T , r.. # <C.:.- _ `t r5"-. .}s 5 3 ,, c. ::>�:. .•. ..r „ Axa.`4 .._(*.... .'r..:� , -:-.. .... z .- t5_. ,. -e-»., ..a: .. yr at'. '� N -S�4 5 r A5 v .. a< ...,. i v,. .t. o r.k.- ., ,._, ,.. > .. , n» ,. .t+{. t ; r..u{., t, L: .r• x£ :Na. _.-. ,.e, ,..., <,. r,.�»e, J.s. ..,.._ ..,.. �..�._.._,'3.,..,:...-.. .,_ t .,r. ,..�... at: •� 1r,. ,.. .a'�... t..- at n, h � 8 �€. r.,,.. ,. ..f<,. .. z. .__,.. t _Y_ ,., K.. .,.... ..,.. ., .. ... h ,. , •.. T z a. -. ..> n.:a� i'`...<.. ,:�,.:..,. .sF..r .3�. s,' •i`� =e. �, ..,. ., ., --x , �_ .. i. _.r _„ @4 -. ..,.. , c ., t.. ,. .. t .�.r: -^�' _>k w, +:t•. 4a: -, m -. <. .,. _ ,. : ?._. .. :_,,.d_: .-,- s t.e ,C ,., P .... .. _..P. .x., # _ -aI :. .�....�,`. ,,•... .+, :.t- '�°. .d ;3,. .c;'l §,.,+ .,.'y. 'f. . PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT C1P PROJECT LIST FY 2001 Ex F•GN�" , '.:... Funding Completion Completion .. �„fiJr ' rggl ,.d.s FR, r. _,...,. .. P 3 Project fatlS project �U���� Source Date DateFinal Cost 3 Brison Park Improvements in Design PK0100 $54,600 '98 G.O. 1 Brothers Park Improvements Complete PK0084 $32,000 '98 G.O. 3/31/01 3/28/01 $25,587.00 7/31/01 1 Business Center Landscaping Project In Construction GG9705 $250,000 G.O. 2 Castlegate Park Design in Design 10/31/01 1 Cemetery Land Acquisition GG9905 $275,000 3 Central Park Improvements PK0101 $17,000 '98 G.. 2 Community Park Acquisition Underway PK9948 $520,000 '98 Bond 6/1/01 2 Gabbard Park Improvements in Design PK0102 $78,000 '98 G.O. 9/30/01 1 Hallaran Pool Filters & Coating (FY'01) On Hold PK0106 $120,000 FFY '01 3/31/02 2 High School Tennis Court Lights (FY'01) Agreement PK0109 $91,500FY '01 9/1/01 Complete Indoor Grant Application for Joint CSISD Project Suspend until 1 Lemontree Park Playground Complete PK0066 $22,000 '98 G.O. 12/31/01 11/31/01 $21,000 1 Lick Creek Grant Application Complete '98 G.O. 1/31/01 1/19/01 N/A Grant $126,265 C.D.B.G. 2 Lick Creek Trails Grant Project Approved Funds 2 Lincoln Improvements On Hold CD1292 $90,000 FFY '01 10/1/01 Revised: May 4, 2001 2 Merry Oaks Improvements In Design PK0103 $37,000 98 G.. 9/31/01 Replacement 3/31/01 3/28/01 $23,643 1 Merry Oaks Playground Replacement In Construction PK0088 $25,000 Funds 6/30/01 2 Millennium Winds Improvements (FY Bids Received HM0104 $7,195 FY '01 '01) 2 Oaks Park Bridge In Design PK0067 $28,000 '98 G.O. 1 Parking Garage Landscape Plan Complete CD. 12/31/01 12/1/01 Raintree Park Improvements Complete PK0068 $44,000 '98 G.O. 4/31/01 4/6/01 $28,687 3 Shenandoah Park Development $48,000 Ded Southwood Soccer Field Construction 1 Renovation (FY'01) Underway FY '01 5/31/01 I Thomas Park Improvements Complete PK9931 $84,000 '98 G.O. 12/31/01 11/31/01 $80,000 2 Thomas Pool Improvements On hold PK0104 $19,000 '98GD. Thomas Pool Leak Investigation & 1 Repair (FY'01) Complete PK0107 $25,000 FY '01 2/01 1 Veterans Park Phase I In Design PK9941 $2,120,000 '98 G.O. 5/1/02 12/02 2 Veterans Park Water Feasibility (FY'01) Complete PK0110 $25,000 FY '01 10/1/01 2/01 West District Maintenance Shop Complete PK9927 $501,000 '98 G.O. 2/31/01 2/16/01 1 Willow Branch Tennis Courts Complete PK0074 $125,000 DED 3/1/01 2/16/01 $125,000 2 Woodway Park Development Negotiating $468,600 Land Purchase Wolf Pen Creek Tree Planting Complete Zone 3 7/31/01 3/22/01 $5,491.00 Dedication (+ $1,785.00 for 1 year Maint. until March 02) aiparks/ProjectsiCIPicip2001.doc OTERS H u .. e ion o a io 1 City Center Concepts Complete 1 City Hall Atrium o plete GG0102 $8,500 5/1/01 2/23/01 $8,547.00 George Bush at Wellborn Road to Texas 3 Avenue Medians 2 Northgate Park (FY Di) 2 Raintree Land Acquisition On hold 1 Wolf Pen Creek trails In esi n I Wolf Pen Creek Design Charette Complete WPC TIF Public Hearing Skateboard/Roller Hockey Park Jan 30, 2001 PK0073 $162,000 FY00 SLA Carter Creek Wastewater Training Landscape S59806 $10-15,000 Sewer 9/02 Center Design Only Estimate Revenue Bond Funds PRIORITIES #1 - In progress currently or will be in r r e ss before January 1, 2001. #2 - In progress before August 1, 2001 #3 — In progress after October 1, 2001 o:/parks/Projects/C I P/cip2001.doc