HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/08/2001 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board** utes*** CI 4F C LLEGE STAT N ATISNI S RuIareetiug Tuesday y 8, 2001 Cent 1 P k Conference oom 1000 enek Tap oad 7:00 II Steve Beachy, Direztor of Parks and Recreation; Eric Poeger, Assistant Director; Curtis Bizighaim, Parks Operations Superintendent; IPeter Vsnecek, Senior Parks Plenner; Kris Sta-znaar,i, Board Sacreary; Pamela Spnngfleld, Serdor Secretary. erd turtIlm--3 rhiweart.: Chris Barzilia, .eorge Dresser, Co-u' '; Giteno Schroeder; John Nichols; Jon Turton; P1111 Davis; John Crompton (Alternate); Laura Wood (Alternate farkucd Me he A 90e3h Glen Davis tize nsworth 4012 Hunter Creek, Colle :sent. Station. Texas o order Chriis Brnziiia called the meeting to order at 77.4" ichee,ettcnrn No isitorc' spoke at this time, notiorE Coxgriev cupgeaz az gm- Inez OA( MINILEZZEZ tam Eneedimg: ILill Davis made a motion to accept the absence of (Tien Davis as excused. Georg© Dremer seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion -tsed unanimously., gpireve ef aday.adez from Regdez efint of Arp 239 200John Crompton questioned the information en page 4, hem 9, regarding piavgrounds. He rece,..,,,s, there being some discussion y'l.:,garding the ner-A for an initial capit0 hiflow of $200,000. George D. sad the information was in the recommendation 11.eaetr 110 the rnembeespackets. John said he felt that the information should have been included in the minutes since it was backup for information that wouf,c2 be discussed on May 10, 2001 during the Joint metiing with the City Council. Kris Stutzmaa said she wouild check on this. John C. made a motion to approve the minutes as amended and Laura Wood seconded the All were in favar, and the motion passed urienimov.0y, DrivnEforicm, c,,AdtlereadvEr,„ nEfti Exgaathie Ream neger41bg ekatehoahn INA= Eric (Rio) Ploegey and the Parks Planning staff had been working on the conceptual design, which inciuded 'le iccation for the facility and what would be there Several arms wire considered, and Soutawoo, Athletic Park was the best kocaton for some of the foilowilw rCasts 11 wss the ally ares thst had the space to build; - Supervision is already present An the ; The population density around the pask nd proximity to the TeenCenter; Additional parking would not have to be built; and - There was pkety of infrastructure there to support a skate irk - the resto, and tennis house office could be used. Pag Parks and Recreation Bolvd Regular Meeting Tuesday, May 8, 2001 statefeat — 11 bathhouse, Ric stated that based on the knowledge gained from the public hearing, it was evident that there would be a shortage of funds. He said that preliminary budget estimates have been put together however, they haven't been discussed. Ric explained that finding a location had been difficult. He stated that the Parks and Open Space Master Plan calls for the addition of ten tennis courts by 2005, but does not specify a location. Since a total of twelve courts will be added by fall 2001 (Willow Branch, the high school, and the junior high), that goal has been met. Although the tenns court facility at Southw tod Athletic Park was designed so that more courts could be added, two of the skate park conceptual designs that staff presented pro sed building the facility there in lieu of the tennis courts. The concrete could be desin ed so that if the skate park ever moved or became unpopular, the basic infrastructure could easily be converted into three tennis courts by removing the es uipment and installing the conri surface. Ric explained that Council has the option of allowing$50,000 of the 1998 bond money(designated for tennis courts), to be used along with the $162,000 that's available in order to help with the funding. Approximately $450,000 will be needed to build a 20,410 - 22,000 square foot facility, which would include lights, equipment, fencing, and a shade cover. The skate park would be separated fi.trn the tm is courts with fences and walkways. This is roughly twice as big as what could be built with the money available, yet, according to one skate park operator Ric talked to, it would still be half the size of what's needed. Discussion followed regarding building the facility in other areas of Southwood Athletic Park and the problems associated with building in those locations. George recommended lo king into and having a viable alternative for tennis court locations. Ric stated that one If the designs presented allowed for additional tennis courts to be built at a later time or to add to the skate park. The shape of the facility will not be determined until the design effort takes place. John C. suggested presenting several options to Council, with one being the optin um scheme, The park could be built in !uses. Hours of operation, whether to charge admission to the park, and how those fees would be collected, have not been decided. John N. felt those decisions should be made before its presented to Council. Ric said some of it would be decided as part of the budget process currently taking place. John C. made a motion to pursue the design of the skateboard park in Southwood Athletic facility. Bill •avis and Glenn Schroeder both seconded the motion. Ric stated that an engineer would have to be hired to design the concrete portion of the project, but Parks Pla m'ng could do the re ainder of the design specifications, which will save money. There was no opposition, and the motion passed unanimously. 6. Discussion, consideratio -, and p&ssible action related to the joint eitt ling with the City Council on Thiy 10, 2001: Steve passed out copies of the Council agenda, with all items highlighted that pertained to Parks&Recreation. Six or seven members of the board were expected to attend the joint meeting- item#4 on the agent:. Other Parks items on the Council Agenda: Approval for the acquisition of the community park site. Approval of the Texas Forest Service Grant av lication (funds will also be requested through the t.udget process for the City's portion). Veterans Park funding. Several options would be resented for ways to fund the additional $800,000 needed to design and build two softball fields, six soccer fields, and the landscaping, based on Council's direction. Staff recomment tion to fund the cost - a third of a cent tax increase. Council will not vote on a tax increase at this meeting, but simply adopt the option they feel is necessary. The tax rate would be set in the budget process. Page 2 of 4 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday,May 8,2001 John C. stat t that he had drafted a list from the board goals and budget priorities, of items that identify things the board would like to have happen quickly, and which Council could act upon quickly-perhaps while on their annual retreat the week after the joint meeting. He moved that the Board send the list of issues discussed to Council so that they could consider them while on their retreat. George D. seconded the motion. There was no opposition and the motion passed unanimously. 7 Disc 4, ion,coth:ideration, and possible action related to Veterans Park and Athletic Complex street and facility naming recommendations: Steve said this project is the highest priority project at present, and the design engineers are moving forward with the Phase I construction design. The Veterans Memorial is moving forward as well, and donations are beginning to come in. He updated everyone on the status of the artwork and the selection process that was used to determine the artist whose concept was chosen on May 4, 2001. Steve presented a mt el of the chosen artwork - a sculpture of a 6-7' medic carrying a wounded soldier on a 74/2wall. The wall will have relief panels around it depicting the major wars. A tlaza will be developed around the sculpture,with fla:s from the different branches of the service on one end, and the American, Texas and Veterans flags on the other end. Walking trails will be incorporated into the project at some point in the future. The artist, will be contracted through the Veteran's Memorial Corrrmittee to do the sculpt re, with the :roundbreaking on November 11, 2001. The dedication date is to be November 11, 2002. Steve stated that a subcommittee (made up of members of the VPAC Subcommittee and the Veteran's Committee) met on May 7, 21 1, to come up with names for the streets and facilities within the park. Steve presented the board with a site plan showing the proposed names (see attached). He stated that the normal policy for naming facilities in Parks would be modified in this case, and with the Boards' p ission, he wanted to take the names to the Veterans Committee for endorsement at their May 14, 2001, meeting. Steve explained that if they approve, in keeping with the Parks policy, a request would then be made for them to gather signatures for a petition. Once that is obtained, it can be taken to Council for their consideration. John Nichols moved that the names be presented to the Veterans Committee. ;i1I Davis seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Report,discussioa,possible action regardia. City Council Vision Statement#4 (Cultural Arts and Recreational Opportunities): Steve stated that he had placed this information on the agenda as an informational item only. John C. asked about the status of Madeley Park. Steve stated that nothing had been done yet, adding that the deadline was August 2002, and that it would be worked on over the sunmer.er. There were no corn inents or questions rewarding this agenda item 9 Consent Items: Capital improve 1,exit Projects Report: a Bill Davis asked about the status of the bike loop, Steve said the last of the concrete would be poured at Central Park on May 9, 2001. This was a Texas Department of Transportation funded and managed project, which includes the signs and a center stripe on the path, The route that will go through Lemontree Park has been cut out, but no concrete has been laid. John C. asked about the status of the Lick Creek Park Trails Grant. Ric said that wouldn't be started until the Parks & Wildlife Grant money is received since that money was rolled into the application for the grant and used as a match. The grant has been approved. Discussion of next meeting date andagenda: The next Parks and Recreation Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 12, 2001. Page 3 of 4 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday,May 8,2001 The members were informed about: A June 27th advisory board orientation and installation for new board members; The Armed Forces Day Celebration and Sentimental Journey Concert at Wolf Pen Creek A n ph/theater on May, 19,2001,with donations acc,7' ted to go to the war memorial; and The Bluebonnet Street Rod Run on June 2-3, 2001, with Johnny Dee and the Rocket 88's Concert to be heti; in conjunction with it. 10. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 8:49 p.m. Page 4 of 4 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday,May 8,2001