HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/26/2001 - Regular Minutes - Senior Advisory Committee Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Monday, February 26, 2001 :00am The Exit MINUTES Members Present: Phyllis tozier, Betty Horne, Wendell Horne, James toone, Carol Parzen, Bill Lay, Mary Jo Lay, Joanna Yeager, Annie Lee Finch, Vallie troussari, Bill Kling and Florace MemHers Absent: Bill Lancaster, Mary Lancaster and Helen Siegel Visitors: Courtney Jester and Nebecca McAtohin Staff 'resent: Marci Rodgers I. Welcome: Bill Lay, Chairman, cane* the meeting to order at 10:05am IL Approval of January 29, 2101 minutes: The minutes were ai proved. III. Relkort on T 'S conference: Members attending the Texas Recreation and !-arks Society annual conference held at Del Lag° on Lake Con roe included Wendell Horne, lill and Mary Jo Lay, Annie Lee Finch and Kelly Brittain, a student from the Eisenhower program. Those who attended spoke briefly about the sessions they attendel and shared information. Trends in facilities for seniors in Texas have leen stand-alone centers, :out most states are seeing the benefits of family or community centers. ane topic of interest was the word "seniors" and the need for a more positive word to define mature adults. Leon Younger who was the speaker for the session titled, "Senior Trends in Parks and Recreation" said that when you look at ages 51 ano, over we are dealing with four generations and categorizing all into one group will not work. turing the conference we learned of many facilities for seniors that would he beneficial for the committee to visit. IV. Eisenhower Program report: Rebecca McAlohin distributed copies of the survey the students have created for mailing. Rebecca explained that the survey is currently in the review process try the University and should he ready for mailing the following week. Approximately, 200-300 surveys will be randomly mailed from the names and addresses received from the appraisal district list of residents 65 and over who have filed for exemption. Rebecca explained that they also have a list of residents who are not homeowners and live in apartments or assisted living centers. A focus group will be surveyed if time allows for more detail questions. Five students will be attending the A rnerican Society on Aging ani the National Council on the Aging joint conference in New Orleans on March 841. Many of the sessions deal with senior centers. V. Senior Services Coordinator re sort: report on file The committee I iscussed visiting centers and suggested that we travel to ,ouston and Austin area for a day tri and that Saturdays might be considered so that the students could attend. VI. Next meeting: Next month the meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 26th. Marci explained that the next meeting may be scheduled at the Annex due to a conflict in classes at the EXIT. VII. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 10:50am The building is wheelchair accessible.Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 4 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call(409)7643517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas posted on Int- et Website h o://wwwci,colle Ye-station tx.us and Cable Access Ch el 19.