HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/14/2017 - Regular Minutes - Rock Prairie Management District No. 2ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO.2 MINUTES OF MEETING OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS December 14,2017 The Board of Directors (the "Board")of Rock Prairie Management District No.2 (the "District")met in regular session,open to the public on December 14,2017,at 4121 State Highway 6 South,College Station,Brazos County,Texas 77845,in accordance with the duly posted notice of meeting,and the roll was called of the duly constituted members of said Board of Directors,as follows: Uri Geva —President Hays Glover —Vice President Kamal Ariss —Assistant Vice President Jonathan Stark —Secretary Randall G.Rother —Assistant Secretary and all of said persons were present,except Directors Geva and Rother,thus constituting a quorum. Also present were James Murr of College Station Town Center,Inc.("CSTC");Cynthia Colondres of Municipal Accounts &Consulting,L.P.("MAC");Avik Bonnerjee of B&A Municipal Tax Service,LLC;Blake McGregor of EHRA Engineering ("EHRA");Debi Stoll, Brian Perry and Russ Michaels,residents of the District;and Christina Cole of Schwartz,Page & Harding,L.L.P.("SPH"). In the absence of the President,the Vice President called the meeting to order and declared same open for such business as might properly come before it. APPROVAL OF MINUTES As the first order of business,the Board considered approval of the minutes of its meeting held on October 9,2017.After review and discussion,Director Stark moved that the minutes for said Board meeting be approved,as written.Director Glover seconded said motion, which unanimously carried. BOOKKEEPING REPORT Ms.Colondres presented to and reviewed with the Board a Bookkeeping Report,a copy of which report is attached hereto as Exhibit A,including checks presented for payment. Following discussion,Director Stark moved that said Bookkeeping Report be approved and that the checks identified in the report be approved for payment.Director Ariss seconded the motion, which unanimously carried. TAX ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR'S REPORT Mr.Bonnerjee presented a verbal report and reviewed the signature cards for the District's tax account at Wells Fargo,together with the Wells Fargo CEO portal authorization for internet access to the District's tax account.He also reviewed the requirement and process for the Bank pledging securities on funds of the District held in the tax account in excess of $250,000. PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING ADOPTION OF 2017 TAX RATE;ADOPTION OF ORDER LEVYING TAXES:AMENDMENT TO DISTRICT INFORMATION FORM Ms.Cole advised the Board that in order to continue with the procedures for adopting a tax rate for 2017,four (4)members of the Board are required to be present at the meeting at which such action is taken.It was the consensus of the Board to (i)defer action on the hearing for and adoption of a 2017 tax rate until the next meeting of the Board when a quorum of four (4) members is present,and (ii)authorize BAA to mail notices of such hearing to the residents of the District,as required by law. RESOLUTION ADOPTING RULES FOR ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION OF BIDS Mr.McGregor next requested that the Board consider authorizing the electronic acceptance of bids for future construction projects let by or on behalf of the District.In connection therewith,Ms.Cole presented to and reviewed with the Board a Resolution Adopting Rules for Electronic Submission of Bids,which Resolution is attached hereto as Exhibit B. Following discussion,Director Ariss moved that (i)said Resolution be adopted,and (ii)the President and Secretary be authorized to execute same on behalf of the Board and District. Director Glover seconded the motion,which unanimously carried. ENGINEERING REPORT Mr.McGregor presented and reviewed with the Board an Engineering Report dated December 2017,a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit C.Mr.McGregor reported that the bid opening for construction of water,sanitary sewer and drainage facilities for Bird Pond Road (the "Bird Pond Road Project"),has been moved to December 19,2017,and that he would present the bid tabulation and recommendation of award at the next meeting. Mr.McGregor next reported that seven (7)public bids had been received for construction of offsite 8-inch to 12-inch sanitary sewer trunkline (the "Offsite Sanitary Sewer Project"),with Greens Prairie Investors,Ltd.("Greens Prairie"),submitting the low bid for $322,584,00,A copy of the bid tabulation is attached to the Engineering Report.Mr.McGregor noted that EHRA is recommending that the contract for the Offsite Sanitary Sewer Project be awarded to the low bidder,Greens Prairie,subject to EHRA's review of Greens Prairie's qualifications. Following discussion,upon motion made by Director Stark,seconded by Director Ariss,and unanimously carried,the Board concurred in the award by CSTC of the contract for the Offsite Sanitary Sewer Project to Greens Prairie,at the price of $322,584.00,subject to:(i)EHRA's official tabulation of bids and review of Greens Prairie's qualifications,and (ii)the District's 478205u attorneys'eview of the payment and performance bonds and insurance certificate submitted in connection with the contract to determine if the payment and performance bonds and insurance meet the requirements of the bid specifications,the Texas Insurance Code,the rules of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality ("TCEQ")and the provisions of the Texas Water Code. Mr.McGregor noted that if the low bidder is found to be unqualified,the contract will be awarded to the next lowest qualified bidder,to which the Board concurred. Mr.McGregor then reported that eight (8)public bids had been received for construction of onsite 48-inch sanitary sewer trunkline (the "Onsite Sanitary Sewer Project"),with Whitestone Civil Construction,LLC ("Whitestone"),submitting the low bid for $2,078,962.00.A copy of the bid tabulation is attached to the Engineering Report.Mr.McGregor noted that EHRA is recommending that the contract for the Onsite Sanitary Sewer Project be awarded to the low bidder,Whitestone,subject to EHRA's review of Whitestone's qualifications.Following discussion,upon motion made by Director Stark,seconded by Director Ariss,and unanimously carried,the Board concurred in the award by College Station Downtown Residential,LLC ("CSDR")of the contract for the Onsite Sanitary Sewer Project to Whitestone,at the price of $2,078,962.00,subject to:(i)EHRA's official tabulation of bids and review of Whitestone's qualifications,and (ii)the District's attorneys'eview of the payment and performance bonds and insurance certificate submitted in connection with the contract to determine if the payment and performance bonds and insurance meet the requirements of the bid specifications,the Texas Insurance Code,the rules of the TCEQ and the provisions of the Texas Water Code.Mr. McGregor noted that if the low bidder is found to be unqualified,the contract will be awarded to the next lowest qualified bidder,to which the Board concurred. Ms.Cole reviewed with the Board a list of nine (9)easements relative to current development within the District,and advised the Board that the District is being requested to consider the acceptance of same,subject to receipt of the required title work relative to the easements and any lienholder consents.Such list,together with a diagram of the location of such easements is attached hereto as Exhibit D.Following discussion,Director Glover moved that the Board accept and authorize the Vice President to execute such easements,subject to receipt of the required title work and any lienholder consents.The motion was seconded by Director Stark and carried by unanimous vote. Ms.Cole next presented and reviewed with the Board Special Warranty Deeds from CSTC to the District,and from the District to the City of College Station ("City")relative to Bird Pond Road.Ms.Cole advised the Board that the land is being conveyed from CSTC to the District and from the District to the City in order that CSTC's reimbursement rights for the land costs of the property would be preserved.Following discussion,Director Stark moved that the Board (i)accept and authorize the Vice President to execute the Special Warranty Deed from CSTC to the District and (ii)authorize the Vice President to execute the Special Warranty Deed from the District to the City.The motion was seconded by Director Ariss and carried by unanimous vote. 478205u DEVELOPER'S REPORT The Board considered the Developer's Report.Mr.Murr provided a brief update on the development within the District. UTILITY DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS Ms.Cole reminded the Board that that the District has previously entered into Utility Development Agreements for water,sewer and drainage facilities and road facilities relative to 231.97 acres of land within the District.She advised the Board that CSTC is under contract to sell approximately 111.679acres to CSDR,and is requesting that the District enter into a Utility Development Agreement with CSTC for recreational facilities for the remaining 120.291 acres. She then reviewed the terms and provisions of such Utility Development Agreement.Ms.Cole noted that CSTC has filed Texas Ethics Commission ("TEC")Form 1295 and has provided SPH with a copy of same.Following review and discussion,Director Glover moved to (i)approve and authorize the Vice President to execute such UDA on behalf of the Board and District,and (ii) accept TEC Form 1295 submitted by CSTC relative to said Utility Development Agreement and authorize SPH to acknowledge the District's receipt of same with the TEC.The motion was seconded by Director Stark and carried by unanimous vote. Ms.Cole then advised the Board that CSDR has requested that the District enter into Utility Development Agreements for (i)water,sewer and drainage facilities,(ii)recreational facilities,and (iii)road facilities,relative to the 111.679 acres of land it is under contract to purchase from CSTC.Ms.Cole reviewed the terms and provisions of each of the Utility Development Agreements,and advised that the Agreements are contingent upon CSDR's closing on the 111.679acres.Ms.Cole noted that CSDR has filed the required TEC Form 1295s and has provided SPH with copies of same.Following review and discussion,Director Glover moved to (i)approve and authorize the Vice President to execute each of the Utility Development Agreements on behalf of the Board and District,and (ii)accept the TEC Form 1295s submitted by CSDR relative to each Utility Development Agreement and authorize SPH to acknowledge the District's receipt of same with the TEC.The motion was seconded by Director Stark and carried by unanimous vote. ATTORNEY'S REPORT The Board considered the Attorney's Report.Ms.Cole advised the Board that she had nothing of a legal nature to discuss with the Board that was not already covered under previous agenda items. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS The Board considered items for placement on future agendas.No specific agenda items, other than routine and ongoing matters were requested to be placed on a future agenda. 478205-1 -4- AD JOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board,on motion made by Director Ariss,seconded by Director Stark,and unanimously carried,the meeting was adjourned. Qretary 478205u -5- LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Rock Prairie Management District No.2 Minutes of Meeting of December 14,2017 Exhibit A —Bookkeeping Report Exhibit B —Resolution Adopting Rules for Electronic Submission of Bids Exhibit C —Engineering Report Exhibit D —List of Easements 478205-1 EXHIBIT "A" MTTN1cIP2tI AccoUNTs CQNSUITTNG,LP. Rock Prairie Management District No.2 Bookkeeper's Report December 14,2017 1281.Bnttmoore Road 'ouston,Texas 77043 'hone 713 623 4539 Fax'13 629.6859 Rock Prairie MD No.2 —GOF Cash Flow Report -Checking Account As of December 14,2017 Num Name Memo Amount Balance BALANCE AS OF 10/10/2017 ($1,916.07) Receipts Developer Advance Interest earned on Checkmg -October Intecest earned on Checkmg —November Total Receipts 3,000 00 0 09 019 3,000 28 Disbursements 1014 B&A Muruupal Tax Serruce 1015 Brazos County Appnusal Dtsmct 1016 Murutapal Accounts dr Consultmg,LP 1017 Schrvsrtz,Page 8 Hare'hng FEE Compass Bank FEE Compass Bank Total Disbursements BALANCE AS OF 12/14/2017 Tax.Assessor Fees 1st Quarter CAD Fee Bookkeepmg Fees Legal Fees Service Charge —October Secmce Charge —November (2,004.67) (41 25) 1713 44) (18,451.51) (0 09) (0 19) (21,211 15) ($20,126.94) COMPASS BANK-PREMIER -ttXXXX0276 Rock Prairie MD No.2 —GOF ACtual 3rS.Budget COmPariSOn November 2017 Revenues Actual November 2017 Budget Over/(Under) June 2017 —November 2017 Actual Budget Over/(Under) Annual Budget 14100 Developer Advance 14380 Other Income Total Revenues 6,000 1 6,001 6,000 0 6,000 62,885 0 62,885 Expenditures 16330 Legal Fees 16430 Bookkeepmg Fees 16460 Pnnung dt Ofhce Supplies 16470 Fdmg Fees 16480 Dehvery Expense 16520 Postage 16530 Insurance dt Surety Bond 16540 Travel Expense 16550 TAC Fees 16560 hhscegmeous Expense Total Expenditures Excess Revenues (Expenditures) 5,982 75 83 0 0 0 86 1,159 0 7,408 4,167 250 4 8 2 1 0 0 500 25 4,957 ($7,408)($4,957) 1,816 (175) 79 (8) 21 (1) 0 86 659 (25) 2,451 ($2,451) 17,847 1,331 548 0 22 1 0 179 4,271 2 24,202 25,000 1,500 25 50 10 8 0 0 3,000 150 29,742 ($18/01)($23,742) P,153)50,000 (169)3 ppp 523 50 (50)100 12 20 P)15 3,400 179 0 6,000 (148)3pp (5 541)62 885 $5,542 $0 EXHIBIT "B" RESOLUTION ADOPTING RULES FOR ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION OF BIDS WHEREAS,Rock Prairie Management Dishict No.2 (the "District")is a conservation and reclamation district and a political subdivision of the State of Texas created by an Act of the 83'exas Legislature (codified in Chapter 3909,Texas Special District Local Laws Code), enacted pursuant to the provisions of Sections 52 and 52-a of Article III and Section 59,Article XVI of the Texas Constitution;and WHEREAS,the District desires to receive bids under Section 49.2731 of the Texas Water Code through electronic transmission;and WHEREAS,the District desires to adopt rules for the submission of electronic bids to ensure the identification,security and confidentiality of electronic bids and to ensure that the electronic bids remain effectively unopened until the proper date and time,in accordance with Section 49.2731 of the Texas Water Code,as amended; NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO.2 THAT: Section 1.The District adopts the following rules for an electronic bidding system: (a)The District may receive competitive,sealed bids through electronic means as permitted under Section 49.2731 of the Texas Water Code,as amended. (b)The District's engineer shall ensure that all electronic bids are kept secret and sealed from the date and time it receives the electronic transmission to the date and time of the scheduled bid opening,and has,by virtue of the certificate attached hereto,certified to the District that the software it intends to utilize for this purpose,is designed to assure the identification,security and confidentiality of the bids. Section 2.This resolution shall be and remain in full force and effect Irom and after the date of its passage,approval and adoption until repealed,revoked,rescinded,amended or modified by appropriate acnon of the Board of Directors of the District. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 14th day of ATTEST: Vice President,Boarcbbf directors ~Qd of Directors i (SE C7 /Illlllnuuui EXHIBIT "C" EHRA TBPE No.F-726 TBPLS No.10092300 ROCK PRAIRIE MANANGMENT DISTRICT NO.2 ENGINEERING REPORT DECEMBER 2017 8.Engineering Report,Including: Authorize the design,of facilities witlun the District,including; b.Acceptance of site and/or easement conveyances Eor facilities constmed or to be constmcted Eor the District,mcluding 1.Sanitary Sewer Easements for Constmction of Sanitary sewer tmnlt line; 2.Pedestrian/Sidewallt Easetnents along Bird Pond Road; 3.Special Warranty Deed conveying Bird Pond Road from College Station Town Center.,Inc ("CSTC")to the District;and Special Warranty Deed conveying Bitd Pond Road from District to City of College Station, Texas. Attached is an exlubit showmg the locations of items b.1 through b.3 Board Action:Acceptance of items b.1 through b.3. c.Status of design and authorize advertisement Eor bids for construction and/or aivard oE construction conttacts or concurrence in the award of construction contracts includuig the approval oE any pay estuuates,cliange orders and authorize acceptance of Texas Ethics Commissions ("TEC")Foun 1295,mcluding 1.Award constmcnon contract for construction of water,sewer drainage snd paving facilities Eor Bird Pond Road;and The bid Opening has been moved to 12-19-17.. Board Action:Authorize Committee of Board members to award construction contract to the recommended qualified Iow bidder between Board meetings. 2.Award constmction contract Eor construcnon of offsite sani.ary sewer trunk line;and Bids were opened on 12-14-12 at 11:00 and the pretuninaty bid results are attached. aiia~~~ivazniltna~i-urn nNaiivasmisva6VT4ai arrsiKswFtwsiIBvkawaawi:aa'.I slsaakaawnea'.I1alavaavaa tnniiiisoi Hsnis County Municipal Utility District No.449 De ceinb er. Page 2 Board Action:Authorize award the consttuction contract to the low biddet pending,official bid tabulation,teference checks,review of bonds and insurance.If the low bidder is found to be not quahfied or is not in the best interest of the District then the same process will be taken on the 2""low bidder and so on. 3.Award construction contxact for.construction of onsite saiurai3 sewei trunk line;and I Bids were opened on 12-14-1 at 10:30 and the prehtnmary bid results are attached. Board Action:Authorize awatd the construction conttact to the low biddex pending,official bid tabulation,xeference checks,review of bonds and insutance.If the low biddet is found to be not qualified or is not in the best interest of the District then the same process will be taken on the 2""low bidder and so on. 4.Adoption of a plan relanve to future proposed xecieational lacilines and the adoption of Resolution Adopting a Plan for Recreauonsl Fadlities. Tins wttl be tabled tdl next Board tneeting.. VLCucnt'rpsr,151-0Cie-oor,Docs'racportr'rocccmucrr Znt doc 10555 Westofffce Drive I Houston,Texas 77042 t 713.784.4500 I f 713.784.4577 I wtew.EHftAinc.corn 0'CD'CALE I"=000' 049 59 90" 05 5 ESTDFFICE DRIVE 000570 TERRE 7042 713 754 4500 Vrt CHRRI CCDM TEFE I,7 725 T9755 10072300 ROCK PRAIRIE OISTRICT NO 2 THE ERS LEAGUE,A —9 OUNTF,TEXAS CV D Ul EHRA 10555 WESTOFFICE DRIVE HOUSTON,TEXAS 77042 OFC:713.784.4500 FAX:713.784.4577 PRELIMINARY BID SUMMARY ~PR ECT Rock Pnaire Mangement District No.2 Constniction of 8-Inch to 12-Inch Sanitary Sewer Trunkhne PROTECT NO 1 141-021-23 DST U) PRE-BID MEETING BID OPENING REVISED BID OPENING: PROJECT MANAGER: PRE-CONSTRUCTION SVCS CONSTRUCTION PHASE SVCS1 PRELIMINARY RESULTS Wednesday,November 29,2017 10i30 am Wednesday,December 6,2017 10 30 am Thursday,December 14,2017 10 30 am Blake McGregor,P E —bmcgregorehrainc.con Jason Keehng -jkeehng@ehra(nc.corn Jason Keehng —jkeegng(zebra(nc curn COMPANY NAME TOTAL AMOUNT BID ADDENDUM BID SECURITY CALENDAR DAYS NOTES 14 (Vfff tI,.'4 I(. h.I ('1 '/it(r l lr,.() f I Jf C.(&I 3 I Ac..fh ' f /1 5'f r'f (.. j I ICo f I I I I(I I ))(~(((ill!(,I, 'o 1 QNo 4 Pho i Pho 4 No 1 No 4 Pho i Pho 4 Pho 1 No 4 No 1 Qho 4 Pho i QNo 4 Pho i No 'I No 1 Pho 4 No 1 No 4 PN0 1 Pho 4 No 1 PNo 4 Qho i PNo 4 No 1 No 4 No 1 No 4 QNo 2 Pho S No 2 pho S QNo 2 Pso S Pho Z PNo 5 Qho Z pho S Pho 2 Qao S QNo 2 Pho S QNo 2 No 5 No 2 No 5 Qho 2 No 5 No 2 Qao S No 2 No 5 No 2 No 5 QNo 2 Pho S No 2 No 5 ggNo 3 QNo 6 ggNo 3 QNo 6 ggho 3 Pho 6 ggNo 3 QNo 6 ggho 3 Qho 6 ggNo 3 QNo 6 ggho 3 QNo 6 QNo 3 pho S QNo 3 QNo 6 QNo 3 QNO 6 QNo 3 QNo 6 PNo 3 No 6 QNo 3 No 6 QNo 3 Pho 6 QNo 3 No 6 '@Bid Bond Check $ jgj std Bond Check 5 tggsrd Bond Check 5 gg std Bond Q Check $ gg Btd Bond Check 5 ggstd Bond Check 5 gg 6 d Bond P Check 5 P Bid Bond Q Check 5 Bid Bond Check 5 Bid Bond Check 5 P Bid Bond Check 5 Q Bid Bond P Check 5 p Bid sons p check 5 Brd Bond P Check 5 Btd Bond Check 5 f('.(3 )»(') 0 ]P.o ltcltenhp$nrt-021-zsicpstthtrtrer (ost((contract Coen(pre BtdtB d Booklet puhl c (Mendelory(-6 rn ssn s r EHRA 10555 WESTOFFICE DRIVE HOUSTON,TEXAS 77042 OFC:713.784.4500 FAX:713.784.4577 PRELIMINARY BID SUMMARY PROTECT. Rock Pratre Mangement Distnct No.2 Construction of 48-Inch Santtary Sewer Trunldine PROTECT NOU 141-021-22 DST Q) PRE-BID MEETING BID OPENING: REVISED BID OPENING: PROJECT MANAGER: PRE-CONSTRUCTION SVCS. CONSTRUCTION PHASE SVCSi PRELIMINARY RESULTS Wednesday,November 29,2017 1k00 am Wednesday,December 6,2017 11 00 am Thursday,December 14,2017 11:00 am Blake McGregor,P.E.-bmcgregorehramc.con Jason Keehng —)kee)ingehramc.corn Jason Keehng -&keelingehrainc.corn COMPANY NAME ET'&A-OV QO~LICQ 1 Qtk 1,1 ".S IO)-'I: EJECT CO bJ ST '2)I T BOO(~-f"q ~ / 10 14 15 TOTAL AMOUNT BID Puo 1 No 4 Pho 1 Pno 4 No 1 No,4 No 1 Pao 4 Pho 1 No 4 Pho 1 PNo 4 No 1 No 4 No 1 PNo 4 Pno 1 PNo 4 PNQ 1 Puo.s Pso 1 Puo 4 Puo 1 No 4 PNo 1 PNo 4 No 1 Pho.a Puo 1 No 4 PNo 2 Pho S No 2 Pho S Pko Z Pho S pao 2 Pho S PNo 2 PNo 5 No 2 Pho S Pho Z No 5 No 2 Pho S PNo 2 PNo 5 No 2 Pho S Pho Z No 5 Puo Z Pno S Pho Z PNo S No 2 Pno S pno Z Puo S IISNo 3 Pno 6 ST)No 3 No 6 NINo 3 No 6 80No 3 Pno 6 BSNo 3 Pao 6 'gf No 3 No 6 '@No 3 No 6 IBINo 3 Puo 6 No 3 Puo 6 PNo 3 No 6 PNo 3 No 6 PNo 3 Pao 6 No 3 No 6 PNo 3 PNo 6 No 3 Pho 6 ADDENDUM BID SECURITY IItsrd Bond Check $ gl Btd Bond p Check $ 0gl:Brd Bond Check $ JI Bid Bond Check $ I@std Bond P Check 6 t8BI Bid Bond p check $ gasrd Bond P Check $ +Bid Bond Check 6 P Bid Bond P Check 3 P Bid Bond P Check $ P Bid Bond Check 6 P Bid Bond Check 6 Bid Bond P Check 6 P Bid Bond Check $ P Sid Bond P Check 3 CALENDAR DAYS I5Q IBQ I PQ cg 0 NOTES ltclianttp$N41-021-22(cpslutilitiaa (Dsy)(contract Does(pre Bid(Bid Booklet public (Mandaton))-46-in san s EXHIBIT "D" EASEMENTS TO THE DISTRICT FOR APPROVAL DECEMBER 14,2017 1.Sanitary Sewer Easement relative to a 1.9310acres tract of land 2.Sanitary Sewer Easement relative to a 4.7156 acres tract of land 3.Sanitary Sewer Easement relative to a 1.5727 acres tract of land 4.Sanitary Sewer Easement relative to a 0.5183 acres tract of land 5.Sanitary Sewer Easement relative to a 0.6609 acres tract of land 6.Sidewalk Easement relative to a 3.1837 acres tract of land 7.Sidewalk Easement relative to a 3.2867 acres tract of land 8.Sidewalk Easement relative to a 0.5527 acres tract of land 9.Sidewalk Easement relative to a 0.5529 acres tract of land 474606 ROCK PRAfRIE RPAO O& pgggqq(spoA, 'ogp 6'q,'&go /Ogpf 4'/6'g 'g&pcpgqgoqqp qg Cw Ol4I "1 R ot4IO4lIL CI O IL'I Oa IG4I IR 4Iot O IL 41 'F~0 z~ 0 t~3 30,SSE o«&g6o&oSl /»cooo g&&6'' &g gg 6'' o O(g/~g~ P/p EE O&gpgc0C66+i g&&P& 0&/y g+gq O Oqoo.'o 6'& ~ 0'00 SeuEI 2"= ~Do'RAZOS EpCALL VOL "ALLEV ACREs233pSpclp0SgBC 20. .SE20'SE CALLED 43 ICRVp/0 I CRESVpf300LLEPE SZAZICI.PP 23 8 R C/) N QiX I 4I O OQ IQ IOiX IO O35 aQ OQ NQ ON IO OOONZ 4I IQ O XZ Io6141 a4I Ro C' oo4, Cg o 4',gP O. 6p +C~ fq &lop og gg g& cogq,pqo. o«++Cg o gp O&'o'O 6OoOq c'o 6&C/4 Nqp&PO 6'g pp".og+pgg'p 30,SSE 0 5 SHT 1 OF 2 1PSSS WESTOFFICE DRIVE E H 84 HOLISTON,TEXAS 77 713.7844500 VIAAIW EHRAINC COM TBPENo.F 726 TBPLS Np 10092300ENGINEERINGTNEFWRE SINCE 1336 EXHIBIT OF ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO 2 IN THE THOMAS CARUTHERS LEAGUE,A —9, BRAZOS COUNTY TEXAS 403 Np 141-021-00GATEpEC12,2017 /SCALE PEP NAVE 14102100—0 OIOE Of E 4 64,9 8 CALLLp Vp 9 941 S.I) 123 L EF S 4CRES'FC '«DW3994SZE CDR 30 SSE /g o goo& 4 dzcgggCg /dg 2 g& Oe 0 O&g& goo c 9& OCAIlg gggg96J gd&rp'o+0'00'CALE: 1' 300'rl ALLA Clzz LED 45 I CAL VpL OF COI LE CRES 390P FC E SZAZION2308C,p 9 EHRA ENGINEERING THE FUTURE ENGR IDEE 10555 WESTOFFICE DRIVE HOUSTON,TEXAS 77042 713 7844500 WWW EHRAINC COM TB PE No.F -726 TBPLS NU 10092300 EXHIBIT OF ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO.2 IN THE THOMAS CARUTHERS LEAGUE,A—EI, BRAZOS COUNTI',TEXAS DATE:DEC 13,2017 i SCALE I" 300'WG NAUD14102100-Ovemg af Eehbtsd 9 JOE NO 141-021-00I SHT 2 OF 2