HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/13/2001 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board :,:.*:::::!::: ' - ,,,,,,,,—,,„.„„,„„,,,molp ,:: :::'''''''''''''''''''it:''''''''''''''''''''''',"' y ti :::::::E:,,,,s,i,„,.,..i.,,,ii.,,,,,:,...„..,,.._.,„,.„..._._::„„„„.,,,,.„:.,....„„...„„..._..,z,„.,,,__,.::':::,'',','..'.'._:.'„l.'.:,','_',!:'.',:,'.'.'.:i ''!':'':'','''.'''''''',,''f'''':''.;'!',':!,'''7:'i,7'!:''ll''''I.a'i4:":''jl'!'tri'::';t,,' -:'''4:'''''''-'t,'i's''!':''''''''7:oll''!:,,''''!:,!'i'it'':':'O'!'i''''',''''':'''';''',''''',','':',.'„.',''!u:'' '',i'''':,',',',,,'',i,,-!:i,',!.',„,''.i'''.,:_,:':,.!:!:P-,,,.,„:„;iT,,',';,,,,,,,,,,,-:.3„,.,'f:a::,,'':,,!!,-r.:,,,-,,,E4H,,,,,,,:,,,,:.,„'-',''':,,,,,i;,,i-,',,:',!',':!:'!::',,:,,,'z;-',',,!,!,'<,,;,','_,i.,:',:::.ls!',!,:.,'!,,•,!:.!-.f,,,'''',!,:,',,'.',:':',,..'';:;'.''''''-'-''--.''-':''-''''-'1: -- ''''--776"6317 - - r. gi,:,„,,,..oasgii*;3Ei20u1..o,,,,,,,,,,,,--- taas''-'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''-- ,,,.,.,,T:i,,,,,:.:."stai e. :: t0 __ :„_::„,„,,,r,,,,,::,,,mmrcirolAg*A; :;l;i2;:r,!.:::.:::,e::,?B.u''i;ijio:',''',Jraete:-'''''I'''''-''''''''''''''''--- ' z ' n - - - -----,smac1300a'4,4qk;mA„'m--'-'' Staff P 9at ss tions Superintendent, RossAlbrecht, rests aAssistant Citys � t 7 t o 10' irs Staffs Jessica T ,Superintendent, J Engine ' y Pete la Planner. s, Greenways Present: is Barzilla, `� . gi is ssio item #2 ; 0 Nichols; Itill Davis, GlenDavis, l Jon9 Js Crompton, Alternate;Laura Wood,Alternate. ° i i i 1 GeorgeDresser, ° Guests: - les Ellison, ° 3 011 tati09 as 77 T o y9 1 1 its g as :0010 1 J* t9 2201 T 10c , a ring, as 77 Wallace illi s9 5010 est 011e tati as 77 Steve Arden, 311 Celina Loop, 011e tatio 9 Texas 77 ike McClure, 9262 0 t r 19 011e tati0 .9 Texas 77 45 DMr. Shafer, 117 Pershing ° Colleget do 9 Texas 77840 Lauren X119 2402 Antelope, CollegeStation, T was 77 KelliRoberts, 1501 tall° s9 #52, Collegetati0 9 Texas 77840 Brett Weary, 105B. Winter CollegeStation, Tex s 77 Ga orient s9 1 12 , CollegeStation, , Texas 7 JonHallmark, Nagle, 011ege Station, Texas 77840 Viso r� o 9 2701Longmire1►ri , #1201, ll tati 9 Texas 77'45 Deaton, 7 A. 1 0 es9 #17, 011e Station, s 77 5 Cody i119Redmond, 011e tati09 Texas 77 y yes, : 1 alai o9 011e tai0 .9Texas 7 0 ChrisElliott, 51 Southwest Parkway est, 011eStation, Texas 77840 Kris Kurtz, 1 tr t9 #1422, oll tatio 9 Teas 7 Luke Anderson, 3 5 Colgat 9 011 atio 9 Texas 77840 Larry °a. s 9 1 12 rpt ° 9 CollegeStation, Texas 77845 Paul l a ° , 601 s t t,r# 9 llStation, Texas 77840 Jasona 1► �9 Box 5937, CollegeTexas 77844 Chris r°i 9 15213, College Texas 77841 Juel Nece, Marion Pugh, 9CollegeStation, Texas 7784707845 Ja ° Rae Walker, 7 alco s9 #1149 C 011e e t tion, Texas Page 1 of 7 Parks and Recreation Board Ria lar Meeting Tuesday,Feb 1.,2001 • trees and natural, scenic trails; * natural looking lights at the parks; * natural gaze*os that are not in the mTddle of parks; and ® natural looking signs at the parks. Kelli stated that most of the teens interviewed use Central Park because it "offers something for everyone". She stated that most of the teens visit the parks by walking, and wanted more parks that they could walk to, trett stated that most of the teens were concerned a•out the sidewalks being broken and cracked because some of them like to rollerblade and skateboard to and through the parks. Kelli said that the one park that the teens didn't feel safe at was rothers Pond Park because they ëlt thit the park does not have enough lighting. Kelli went on to say that the teens were excited when asked about a skate park. Gairielle Hodges and Jon Hallmark presented their findings on senior citizens. Gabrielle stated that they Ha* interviewed a gr.up of ten seniors. She said th.4 most interviewed liked the differentiated uses of the parks. They would, though, like more of a meditational area that they could visit, as o*posed to large recreational facilities. Jon stated that the seniors were also concerne* with the issues of accessibility, lighting, and safety at the parks. They would also like a place where they could sit do- and play i*ard games. Gairielle added that the seniors also writed more drinking fountains in the parks. Most felt that water is relaxing and had suggested more areas to sit do and watch the water and the ducks. John C. found it surprising that the groups had not mentioned flowers and ornamental plants at the parks. Gabrielle mentioned that a member of her focus group dis comment about a crepe -yrtle at ;"ichard Carter Park. Dr. Shafer added that more details would be given once the reports were rea*y. Chris B. asked if the report could include which parks would be more advantageous to senior citizens. Dr. Shafer stated that that is the direction that they are headed towards. Presentation, discussion, and possible actiln regardin proposed *ark maintenance standards (City C(:ocil Vision Statement #4, Strategy ,',5b): Steve stated that this item was place* on the agent a for Board input and wouL be en to the City Council in March 2001. 1 He added that once the standards are defined, the Department would need to determ Tue what percentage of the standards should be met and the cost factor associated with them© Curtis Bingham and Ross Albrecht presented a PowerPoint presentation concerning the proposed park maintenance standards, as well as an urban forest management plan (see presentation). Steve asked the oard if the proposed standards were acceptable to them. Page 5 of7 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday,February 13,2001 After some discussion, John C. made a motion to endorse the proposed stand. ds as a set of ite that the Board would 1'\e to evaluate, and reco ended that the Department should proceed to 1. identify the measurement level for the standards; 2. identify what level of measurement the standards will be based on; 3 dete n e ho w, and how frequently, the standaros will be monitored, 4 deter i * e wi 0 will monitor the standards, and 5 detei e how the results will be corporated into the budget process. Bill D. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 9® Presentation, discussion, and p o ssible action concerning a proposal for neihbt.rhood park land dedication ring t, e Jauary Board neeting, 'arks and Recreatio,, staff were asked to look into what the last five park land acquisitions were. This was due to the .onds concern regarding acquirhi• land for neighborhood parks prior tsr development. John C. hal also created a draft me o to the City Council with the goal of trying to 1. develop a procedure for pl.r n ning parks in advance of evelopment; 2. establish criteria for defining *ark land; and 3. establish proce I ures to m.ke parks the focal p•int for the City's future urowth. Eric Ploeger took the floor and stated that the Department had pulled information regarding the last five park land dedications (Westfield, elL Vista, Steeplechase, Shen indo. , Woodland Hills, an Edelweiss). ie expl&t,e,1 aspects of each dedication d explained that all five of the dedications had sin ilarities, which include dr.inage areas, floodplains, detention areas, and limited open *lay areas. John N. asked Eric if the Depart ent co ld put together a sum ary of the dedications. Eric said that the Department could, but added to be.r in mind that some of the dedications took .lace before the revised Park Land Dedication Ordinance, Jol ii N. had a few suggestions for the memo to the City Council. John C. stated that he would amen.i the memo, as well as incorporate the dedication inórui4ion into it. This was an informational ite . 'y, ansi no motion was made. 1O® Discussion, consideration, and possible action regardin r possible skateboard or roller hockey facility: Steve aske.i the Ioard for direction and a reco endation on whether to build a roller hockey or skateboard p k. He stated that the location and size of the park would have to be determined at a later tine. Laura Wood m.de a motion to build a skate park and include the following: 1. the facility shoulo be staffed and supervised with restricted hours, and have a fence around it to accomn odate safety rules; 2. the facility should be large enough to acco mu odate all skill levels (begin ners through advanced for both bikes and boards), and a site should be picked to make room for expansion; and Page 6 of 7 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday,February 13,2001 3. a subcoin Attee of the Board should be established to include eight to ten members of the skateboard coin inunity (including parents). Jon T. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. H. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding the College Station Recreation Sports Association: Steve stated that the Recreation Sports Association was created by the toard a number of years ago to help coordinate some of the various user groups and organizations that use the teiartment's iacilities. Glen 0, the Chairman if the Association, stated that the Association has gotten away fro in its original mission over the past sever,1 years an has become somewhat counterproductive. Steve said that the recommendation of the it epart1'.ent is to dissolve the Association and work with the user groups and organ L/atio,-,s on a departmental iasis. Steve also added that the Association is requiring staff resources to post for, attend, and take ,i1°.utes for the meetings. He feels thit it is still important fir the Department to meet with the individual user groups according to need, ut does not feel that all of the user groups should meet on a regular basis. John N. asked if the user groups h new about the Department's T ntentions and if they had ; een given the opportunty to give feedback. till D. made motion to table this item to the next agendd. Chris to seconded the notion. All were in f,vor, and the motion passed unanimously Steve B. will draft a memo to the Association seeking their input on the subject. 12. Consent items: Capital Im,Troverl,ent Projects Re!,,rt: There was no discussion on this item. Discussion If !text meeting (date and alenda: The next Parks and Recreation toard meetint will be held or Tuesday, March 6, 2001. 13. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 10:35 Page 7 if7 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday,February 13,2001