HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/07/2000 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks Board - '440 ,a_ , coLL GE ST, Ti .„, N , _ ,, „ „ P. 0. Box 9960 . 1101 Texas Avenue . College Station, TX 77842 Tel: 409 764 3500 Memorandum TO: Parks and Recreation 10.rd Members FROM: Kris Startzman, Board Secretary DATE: March 3, 2100 SUBJECT: Public Hearing,'," egular Meeting — Tuesday, March 7, 2000 The next Parks and Recreation Board meeting is sc ed led for Tuesday, Marc,, 7, 2000 at t e Lincoln Recreation Center on 1000 Eleanor Street. ,!'lease see attached agenda and Board packet. If you have any 4,uestions or changes to the minutes 1 om the previous meeting, please contact - e at 764-3414 prior to the meeting so that changes can be made and passed out for approval i uring the meeting. Also, if you will not be able to attend the meeting, please fill out the attached Absentee Form and fax it back to me at 764-3737 prior to the meeting in order to insure quorum requirements. Thank you and or,ste to see you there. Attachment: Home of Texas A&M University CITY OF COLLEGE STATION A & ItEC ATION BO Public Hearing I Regular Meeting Tuesday March 7 2000 9 , Lincoln Recreation Center 1000 Eleanor 7:00 PM 1. Call to order. 2. Hear visitors. 3. Presentation, discussion, and public hearing over concerns at Gabbard Park. 4. Pardon— Consider requests for absences of members from meeting. 5. Approval of minutes from Special Meeting I Public Hearing of February 1, 2000 and Regular Meeting of February 8, 2000. 6. Discussion and possible consideration of reco endations to the city council concerning priority issues, policies, and needs for Fiscal Year 2001. 7. Discussion and possible adoption of the Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Master lan© 8. Update, discussion, and possible action concerning the special venue tax for sports facilities. 9. Consent Items: Capital Improvement Program Projects Report Discussion of next meeting date and agenda 10. Adjourn. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be .de 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call(409) 764-3517 or(TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas posted on Internet Website http://www.ci.college-station.tx.us and Cable Access Channel 19. 02/17/00 08:42 % 409 845 7548 T.T.I. TAMU .002 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION Absence Request Form For Elected and Appointed Officers e rok4wz Name & 74 R. Request Submitted on (dte) will not be in attendance at the meeting of M dosa, OV for the reason(s) specified: a G Ur A6' Signature This request shall be submitted to the office of the committeeA)oard secretary prior to the meeting date o:boardiabsenteeforrn.doc From: "George W.R. (Bill) Davis" <bill@pianoplace.net> To: -Startzman, Kris" <KSTARTZMAN©ci.college-station.tx.us> Date: 2/8/00 10:26PM Subject: Request for excuse from March 7th City Parks& Recreation Board Meeting Kris For the committee: Request for Excuse. Please excuse me from the March 7th committee meeting. I will be in Connecticut and not be able to attend the meeting. (It's a long commute) Bill Davis, RPT The Piano Place 1219 Boswell St College Station TX 77840 .pianoplace.net 03/02/00 THU 17:51 FAX 4096961994 Jon/Susan Allen .001 . ... .,. .... . . _ '`c - y., \j \, ,.... CITY '(:)F COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION NJ • Absence Request Form -, \:,N A i,Ii For Elected and Appointed Officers ,,--,-------,,,8444 1 '1. Name . „. (...\ Request Submitted on(date) ,,-.: :, „ ...___, ,...„. _„.,,_,.. I will not be in attendance at the n--,,eetirig of , - ', -:r-:.' A, ' ,--ii.:::_4140 for the reason(s) specified/ , , !...1.- *I CI-)1 1b eU. ::_';-_-' ',*,...,--.....\....:-7...-.1:-.-:„.._.„:„..'1...•,4L....____.0414-_,....-;:r.P.:**,_______:....,,.._,,..,,„_,L,,;.::,.:„____,..,:ii,.-,:,:_c_r-ci • „..,„..., 0 .............,, , _ ii-,:--,:... -to r ._.'j',47,,..t:1-L:...._,A.,._ —...____, i__,=.:J„.....i..,:.,...............-41.,...„:„..,___..0 tr-r--- '', it-'11: __.. 0...1..L.::: 1 OAT'' _ 'l''':.I ,':;„..7 I. n DV ..,...,,, i , „ •,,,, ,.: Signature This request shall be szibynitted to the office of the committee/board secretary prior to the meeting date. o!boardiabscraceforrrigdoc 03/06/00 15:53 FAB TEXAS SSB .002 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PAR KS AND RECREATION Absence Request.Form For Elected and Appointed Officers Name: Request Submitted on(date) March 6 2000 I will not be in attendance at the meeting of March 7 2000 for the reason(s) specified: LLughter has her first balLgppe and am the coach.iJiave been unable it identif substitute. ft Signature This request shall be submitted to the office of the committee/board secretary prior to the meeting dale. City of College Station Parks and Recreation Board Regular meeting/public Hearing Lincoln Recreation Center March 7,2000 7:00 1).m. Staff Present: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation; Eric Ploeger, Assistant Director; Pete Vanecek, Senior Park Planner; Ross Albrecht, Forestry Superintendent; Gerald Guillory, Forestry Supervisor; Jeff Lehde, Forestry Crew Leader; Curtis Schoessow, Forestry/Horticulture Worker; Curtis Bingham, Operations Superintendent; Scott Hooks, Operations Supervisor; Lance Jackson, Lincoln Center Supervisor; Pam Springfield, Senior Secretary; Kris Startzman, Board Secretary. Board Members Present: Chris Barzilla, Chair (arrived late); John Nichols; Sarah Birkhold; Susan Allen; John Crompton(Alternate). Board Members Absent: George Dresser, Co-Chair; Glen Davis; Bill Davis. Guest: Jeff Kersten, Office of Management and B-44,iet441,1jager. Visitors: Robin Stover, 1612 Todd Trail, College Statio!, .4t,- 7845 Clint Symank, 2405 Bosque Drive, ApartTe 0-'4-#4., IT lege Station, Texas 77845 Jean Longhofer, 1400 Medina, Colleg_c.-- a it'as 77840 Will Longhofer, 1400 Medina, Collp:i- Statio t Texas 77840 Katy Mardick, 1108 Dexter Drive S., s e etation, Texas 77840 Rob Oldfather, 400 Boyett, College Statio exas 77840 Carolyn Williams, 4614 Shoal Creek, College Station, Texas 77845 Joe Boriski, 1403 Lawyer, College Station, Texas 77840 Maureen Haggerty, 1404 Candill, College Station, Texas 77840 Sean P. Hall, 2413 Colgate, College Station, Texas 77840 Larry K. Farnsworth, 4012 Hunter Creek, College Station, Texas 77840 A.C. Clark, 910 Eleanor, College Station, Texas 77840 L Call to order: John Nichols called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. 2. Hear Visitors: John N. opened the floor to any visitors who wished to speak about a topic that was not on the agenda. No visitors spoke during this item. 3. Presentation, discussion, and public hearing over concerns at Gabbard Park: Steve Beachy took the floor. He explained that there would be two presentations, one by Ross Albrecht, Forestry Superintendent, who would discuss issues relating to the tree trimming and removal at Gabbard Park, and the second by Curtis Bingham, who would address the maintenance and repairs that have been done at the park over the last several months. Steve apologized to the neighborhood. He explained that due to current programs, Page 1 of 6 Parks&Recreation Board Regular Meeting/Public Hearing Tuesday,March 7,2000 projects, and demand on the Department's resources, the Department had gotten behind on some projects. He explained that there would be advance notification to residents of any future projects done in the parks. Steve turned the floor over to Ross Albrecht. Ross explained that the Forestry Crew consists of three (3) people. They do tree installation and maintenance for 37 park areas, and for 12 municipal building sites. The scope of work in these areas consists of new tree planting, watering, and pruning, to reduce hazardous conditions and to improve the structure of the trees. Ross introduced his crew and their credentials: Jeff Lehde is the Forestry Crew Leader and is a Certified Arborist through the International Society of Arboricultural (I.S.A.). Ross said that currently, there are 267 Certified Arborists in the State of Texas and just over 11,000 nation-wide. Jeff has six (6) years of tree work experience, and is also a member of the National Arborist Association (N.A.A.) and I.S.A. Curtis Schoessow has four(4) years of tree work experience; and Jimmy Charanza (not at the meeting) who has been with the crew for about two (2) years. Ross has a Bachelor of Science degree in Forestry Management from Texas A&M University and has worked in Forestry for 15 years. He is also a member of the I.S.A. Ross said that all tree work is governed by the American National Standards Institute (A.N.S.I.), which has 8,300 standards. These.. -dards state what can and cannot be done when conducting tree work, and were dev; eq--,A. t input from the I.S.A., N.A.A, and A.N.S.I. Ross mentioned that, included in acet that was handed out, are the tree removal specifications for the City of Csie ,e ion, along with pruning specifications for medium-aged and mature trees as the etain to Gabbard Park (see attachment). Also included in the packet is a brea, ,ow y site of why the recent tree removal work was performed at Gabbard Par e a slide presentation with the breakdown of the work performed at the pa Ross said that the Department wri o a better job of notifying residents of future park work being done. He went on to say that the notification process has already been implemented with signs being put up prior to extensive work being conducted in neighborhood parks. This will give residents a chance to contact the Department and give their feedback or state concerns over work that will be happening in a given park. Ross gave a brief history of Gabbard Park. He said that it was developed in 1983 for $58,000. The Department conducted tree planting in 1987 (with a matching grant from the Texas Forest Service) when 53 trees were installed. A second tree planting was conducted in 1994 (again with a matching grant through the Texas Forest Service) when an additional 33 trees were installed in the park. The Department had hoped to conduct another tree planting with Aggie Replant this spring, but the Department will hold off on the project due the difficulty in watering the existing trees that are at Gabbard Park. In conclusion, Ross said that the City of College Station lacks a proactive approach to urban forestry, and does not have a Hazardous Tree Management Program to proactively go from park to park on a regular, consistent basis to address problems. He went on to say that there is a lot of work that still needs to be taken care of, but currently, the Department does not have the resources to meet those demands. He stated that despite the Page 2 of 6 Parks&Recreation Board Regular Meeting/Public Hearing Tuesday,March 7,2000 rapid growth of the City, the Forestry Crew has had the same staff level of three workers for the last 20 years. Ross opened the floor to Curtis Bingham. Curtis mentioned that there had been three concerns regarding Gabbard Park: • Swings missing from the playground — Curtis said that the Department has replaced the two top beams at the playground (one that holds up the tire swing, and the other that holds up the child swings). He mentioned that infant swings have replaced child swings due to the fact that the National Recreation and Park Association's safety guidelines state that there cannot be child swings and infant swings in the same area for safety reasons. • The fishing pier needing work — Curtis said that the right side of the pier had rotted. This section of the pier was taken out and replaced, along with the deck and the railing. He went on to say that more work will be required in the future due to the fact that the remaining portion of the pier is in poor condition as well. He said that there is a possibility of replacing the pier there now with a floating pier. • The duck weed problem at the pond — Curtis said that due to aerator problems, there has been an overgrowth of duck weed at the pond. The Parks Operations Crew has had to manually remove the duck we im the pond for the last several years, which has been very time consuming. :e ;rtment is considering purchasing a product called "Sonar" to treat the probe'e'-',„The initial cost of this product is high, but once the pond is treated for the r- -rat will only cost half of the initial cost each year to treat it. "Sonar"has r e� �� • harmless to fish, and is environmentally p zx safe. . 1 1 Curtis mentioned that there r - severaiii,other projects in progress at Gabbard Park. All of the signs, trash receptacles, an.1 - c `s have been repainted the Department will try to keepupwith maintenance on a ea = basis. The jogging track has been retilled and the Y gazebo has been reshingled and repainted. Steve added that the Department also plans to add sidewalks in the park where there is now gravel, and to install about twelve (12) antique lights around the park. Katy Mardick — Ms. Mardick said that she represents a group that call themselves the "Park People." She offered help with any future Aggie Replants. She asked Ross why potentially hazardous trees were taken down in Gabbard Park, and not trees that were actually hazardous. Ross responded that the trees that were cut down were considered hazardous trees and that there are still hazardous trees in existence at Gabbard Park. She asked Ross what the Department's plans were for removing the stumps. Ross responded that the Department currently does not own the machinery to grind the stumps down. He went on to say that around three times a year, the Department rents a stump grinder. Steve added that there have been plans to purchase a stump grinder, but they were delayed until after the public hearing. Due to the citizen concerns with Gabbard Park, he didn't want it to look as though the Department was trying to cover anything up. Page 3 of 6 Parks&Recreation Board Regular Meeting/Public Hearing Tuesday,March 7,2000 Maureen Haggerty — Ms. Haggerty said that sheis concerned that Gabbard Park is looking more and more sterile, and has lost a lot of its beauty. She said that if the City is going to continue replanting trees, they should find a better way to water them. Katy Mardick gave a slide presentation of the trees and pruning done at Gabbard Park. She recommended forming a plan to guide the Forestry Department in its adopting sustainable practices (see attachment), and suggested adopting a Hazardous Tree Management Program. She also suggested that therebe written documentation of any future planned park changes, that would then be provided to the Parks and Recreation Board, during a public hearinso that citizens can respond appropriately. Chris Barzilla mentioned that the Parks and Recreation Department does the best that they can with the personnel that they have. Hewent on to say that the Parks and Recreation Board cannot make decisions regardinghiring the of additional personnel, and suggested to the "Park People" that they voice their concernsto the City Council. Jean Longhofer — Ms. Longhofer lives behind Gabbard Park and is concerned about the ducks and geese at the Park. She is concerned that with the aerator down, and the trees d being cut, the animals o not have enough to eat and do not have adequate shelter from harm. She suggested that if the Department is going to remove trees, they should relocate the ducks and geese to another habitat. 4® Pardon — Consider requests for absences4 ,11el''.:ers from meeting: John N. made a motion to accept the absences of George ser I ill Davis, and Glen Davis as excused. Sarah Birkhold Seconded the motion. A,, n favor, and the motion passed 5-0. u 1 5® Approval of minutesFfrormu.S:t„ siP bre Hearing of February 1, 2000 and , Regular Meeting of eb8, 2(cII ohn C. mademoamotion to approve the minutes from both meetings. Susan ti onded the motion All were in favor, and the motion passed 5-0. 6. Discussion andossible consideration of recommendations to the City Councilat concerning prioritypissues, policies, and needs for Fiscal Year 2001: Steve saidthat this item was discussed during a retreat of the Management Team, and is something that is new to the City's budget process. It resulted out of concerns that at times, advisory boards as well as the City Council, will develop issuesand concerns that may be out of sync with the budget process. This item is to provide an opportunity for advisory boards and the City Council to offer input into issues and concerns, and is also something that the City would like to incorporate into its strategic planning process. He mentioned that this item has been brought to other Parks advisory committees as well. Steve said that the purpose of this item is toallow the Board to voice any budget or policy issues that may need to be addressed in the e upcoming budget. Steve introduced Jeff Kersten, who is responsible for the formation of the City's budget. Jeff gave the Board the timetable for when the City Council will receive budget requests for Fiscal Year 2001, and mentioned that the City is tryingtointegrate the budget process into an overall long-term strategic plan. He reminded the Board that this meeting is just to start the process. He wentonto say that the process would take several months and Page 4 of 6 Parks&Recreation Board Regular Meeting/Public Hearing Tuesday,March 7,2000 would not be the only opportunity that the Board would have to voice their short-term and long-term concerns. The Parks and Recreation Board came up with the following issues: • Develop an Urban Forestry Plan for College Station (Parks and Recreation Board Goal #10): John C. mentioned that this item is at the bottom of the Parks and Recreation Board's priorities, adding that in order to receive money for an Urban Forestry Program, the City must first come up with an Urban Forestry Plan. • Strategic Integration and Development of Promotion for a Special Events Coordinator: John C. mentioned that currently, the Sports Development Council and the Convention and Visitor's Bureau are requesting funds for special events coordinators. These requests are a duplication, because the Parks and Recreation Department is also responsible for special events. • Encourage the Early Development of the Former Landfill on State Highway 6 (Parks and Recreation Board Goal #6): This item represents a Board goal to develop the former landfill site for park purposes. • Highway 30/60 Corridor Planning Issue at Veterans Park and Athletic Complex: This item relates to concerns about cut-tkb' .. , traffic in Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. • Soccer Field Maintenance Issue: T u relates to the possibility of creating a policy about the Department possi ming the turf on the soccer fields, so that they will look as nice as the sofjba nd iaseball fields. • Funding for Additional hts at4: 8pVI Consolidated High School Tennis Courts: This issue relates to reques' ding to add lighting to six (6) additional tennis courts at A&M Consolidated Hi! School. • Support the implementation of the Greenways Master Plan (Parks and Recreation Board Goal #7). • Emphasize Lincoln Center Leadership Development and Program Enhancement (Parks and Recreation Board Goal). The above listed issues and concerns are not in priority order. John N. made a motion to adopt the above issues and bring them to the City Council forconsideration. Susan seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed 5-(). 7. Discussion and possible adoption of the Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Master Plan: Eric Ploeger discussedsome of the events that have occurred since the February 8, 2000, Parks and Recreation Board meeting. He mentioned that on March 2, D 2000, the Parks and Recreation Department ment met with the Veterans Memorial Committee. The Committee is working on creating constitutional by-laws, and will begin the process of coming up with a plan for a permanent memorial at Veterans Park and Athletic Page 5 of 6 Parks&Recreation Board Regular Meeting/Public Hearing Tuesday,March 7,2000 would not be the only opportunity that the Board would have to voice their short-term and long-term concerns. The Parks and Recreation Board came up with the following issues: • Develop an Urban Forestry Plan for College Station (Parks and Recreation Board Goal #1.0): John C. mentioned that this item is at the bottom of the Parks and Recreation Board's priorities, adding that in order to receive money for an Urban Forestry Program, the City must first come up with an Urban Forestry Plan. 7 8 Strategic Integration an eloprn of Pre Special Events itT Aina-eV John C. mentioned that currently, the s----Develiapment Council and the Convention and Visitor's Bureau I - requesting funds for special events coordinator . These x.-e----44 the--Parks and Recreation 4 Department,is-Also responsible for special events • Encourage the Early Development of the Former Landfill on State Highway 6 (Parks and Recreation Board Goal #6): This item represents a Board goal to develop the former landfill site for park purposes. • Highway 30/60 Corridor Planning Issue at Veterans Park and Athletic Complex: This item relates to concerns about cut-thr6ü traffic in Veterans Park and Athletic - Complex. • Soccer Field Maintenance Issue: T u- relates to the possibility of creating a policy about the Department possi ming the turf on the soccer fields, so that they will look as nice as the softbat ,nd illaseball. fields. • Funding for Additional tA.tilts at ;:'1 &M Consolidated High School Tennis Courts: This issue relates to reques nding to add lighting to six (6) additional tennis courts at A&M Consolidated Hit School. 8 Support the implementation of the Greenways Master Plan (Parks and Recreation Board Goal#7). 8 Emphasize Lincoln Center Leadership Development and Program Enhancement (Parks and Recreation Board Goal). The above listed issues and concerns are not in priority order. John N. made a motion to adopt the above issues and bring them to the City Council for consideration. Susan seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed 5-0. 7. Discussion and possible adoption of the Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Master Plan: Eric Ploeger discussed some of the events that have occurred since the February 8, 2000, Parks and Recreation Board meeting. He mentioned that on March 2, 2000, the Parks and Recreation Department met with the Veterans Memorial Committee. The Committee is working on creating constitutional by-laws, and will begin the process of coming up with a plan for a permanent memorial at Veterans Park and Athletic Page 5 of 6 Parks&Recreation Board Regular Meeting/Public Hearing Tuesday,March 7,2000 Complex and moving toward raising the funds to build it. They were shown alternate plans for the park, and passed a motion that all of the plans were acceptable to them, as long as the Department did not alter plans for the area of the veterans memorial. Eric went on to say that the Veterans Park and Athletic Complex (VPAC) Master Plan Subcommittee met on March 6, 2000. The following issues arose from the meeting, and will need to be addressed: • The question of the number of soccer fields that will be built at the park. • The outcome of the archeological study that is being performed by the Texas Engineering Experiment Station (TEES) at Texas A&M University. • The outcome of a traffic study to estimate traffic flow through the park. The Subcommittee directed Staff to come up with some more alternatives to the Master Plan, to include an extended trail system around the perimeter of the park, to return to a 13 soccer field configuration, and to develop some alternatives for entrances off of Highway 60. This was an informational item only, and no motion was made. 8. Update, discussion, and possible action concerning the special venue tax for sports facilities: This item, concerning whether t should increase the ad valorem tax rate by 2% to help fund Veterans Park and Atht.' ilex, has been discussed in previous meetings. Steve said that the Departmen completed a maintenance estimate of approximately $235,000 to maintain nm o oall fieldsA meeting is scheduled with the City Manager, City Attorney, Fisc:„,Se fs Director, and Parks Staff on March 30, 2000 to discuss maintenance and cor410.,cti• estimates and to help to determine whether using this tax would be econo le. At_ 9® Consent Items: Capital Improvement Prograr Projects Report: Steve said that the dedication ceremony for Edelweiss Park is scheduled for Tuesday, April 25, 2000, at 5:30 p.m. Discussion of next meeting date and agenda: The next Parks and Recreation Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 11, 2000. 10. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Page 6 of 6 Parks&Recreation Board Regular Meeting/Public Hearing Tuesday,March 7,2000 I - el il 11 t City r!t!:o!, , - "eiOa4! :o;HOsp4 pubite,lle4ii4g1RiH4taiymeefing t )4zTuesday,,Maidi, 7.,2000 :t'-,-::'i:l:-:-'i:--:,:'.,,-:---::-:------'-:-"i---'---)--r-':::-:--:'-,:-'--,-'--;--,'-----:-:--::-::--'--'--;--'----'-':- --:.j0::::-oi. ::.,..:g::ei.:::e:!.::,.1,F*00.0F::j:Ceijter---t:---l:;,:':'"''::':'':l'il :-:::--':':'::s::'1:,'::::::',-.i..4.-l:::':'.-rf-::',--,-:::.::;7,':::::-::,-:::::::':::::::',:::::.,:::::i,-:'-j--,':::,:;::::::..'-::;:,:c:.::::;::::::.::',;::,----,-,:s':r--,--,-::::::::::, IOD-0:-',?,.E1e:aiioi''-r,-':',-''-r---:-l'r;,':'-';'-''''''-'-''"'''j-'-r-rt'-''-':''---''''-"''-'''' 7. :,''•-.t.. 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Gabbard March 12, 1888 — June 22, 1978 Humanitarian — Nature Lover Pioneer Agricultural Economist Head of Department of Agricultural Economics & Rural Sociology Texas A&M 1922 — 1958 Charter Member College Station City Council 1938 — 1949 A&M Consolidated School Board 1941 — 1944 "All things in Nature are good with the potential of becoming better." What's Happening in Gabbard Park 2/8/00 1 . 20-30 trees cut down within the last week. 2. Care was not taken with pruning of several large branches. Phone Conversation 2/3/00 Contact: Grrald Gillary Forestry Supe ° tendent for College Station Parks and Recreation Dep. i ent 1. Why was a whole line of hackberry trees cut do in Gabbard Park recently? "They were full of mistletoe, so they had the potential to die out." "We are also making room to put oaks that Aggies will replant at no cost to the city." He also added that the trees that were cut do were a"potential danger because they were dropping some branches." 2. Why was the large old growth willow tree cut do ? "Not sure why, I was just told to cut it do " Later in the conversation: "Oh that willow, we had to take it do because it was doing damage to the pier" 3. Who gave you the orders to cut do the willow? "The new tree specialist we hired; Jeff" 4. How long has Jeff been in this esition with the city? "About a year now" 5. Are more trees going to be cut do in Gabbard Park? "Yes, there is an ongoing project to take do more trees, but we will put door hangers on nearby residents' houses to alert them to this before cutting anymore." Friday, February 04, 2000 Murder in the Park Within the Past few weeks 12 senseless murders have taken place here, at Gabbard Park. College Station Parks & Recreation department has slaughtered beautiful works of Nature for reasons unworthy of such punishment. The largest and eldest of all of them was an old Oak tree in which people would causally spend their time revering the surro nding landscape. This tree was also home to many beautiful birds, which no longer can be seen as much. The wildlife depended on this one tree for the safety of their offspring, now they eggs float helplessly around, only to be thrown about by young children. Please, for the sake of e other trees and wildlife contact the College Statio Parks & Recreation office or write them a letter to attest to t is horrible atrocity. Address: College Station Parks & Recreation College Station, TX 1000 Krenek Tap Rd. 77840 Phone Number: (409) 764-3773 There will be a meeting to discuss this further on Sunday, February 06, 2000 on the pond island between 12:00 to 2:30. Please info people to come and support the Park. Thank you, Concerned Citizen Gabbard Park Concerns 1 . Needless removal of trees, especially old growth (over 20 years old) 2. Harmful pruning practices 3. Create hazardous tree management program (if one doesn't exist) to document hazardous trees appropriately 4. Notify residents near park and ether citizens via various news media about intentions of *tree removal 5. Give citizens reasonable time to oppose the removal of *such trees. 6. If there is no i , , ediate hazardous threat to park visitors, then tree removal plan should be te: inated. Measuring the Geographic and CSPARD Mission Statement Demographic Accessibility of To provide the citizens of College College Station Parks: recreationalStationwi tfacilities h and dare Results Using GIS geographically and Presented to the College Station Parks and Recreation Board demographically accessible and By Sarah Nicholls,Department of Recreation,Park,and Tourism Sciences,Texas A&M University serve a diversity of interests February 8,2000 Acreage per 1,000 Population Geographic Accessibility NRPA Distance Standards G All CSPARD facilities=17 acres —Neighborhood parks • Mini,neighborhood&community parks=8 acres one-half of one mile,uninterrupted by —Mini and neighborhood parks=4 acres non-residential roads and other physical —Community parks=4 acres barriers . —Community parks three miles Measurement of Distance Demographic Accessibility (Equity) • Straight-line distance from center of park G 1990 census data —"centroid radii" —age ® Network distance along surrounding streets - proportions under 18,over 64 —"network analysis" —race proportions of non-Whites,Blacks,Hispanics —income •housing tenure and value 1 College Station likrals114111W, College Station Neighborhood Parks , al Neighborhood Parks klko. 1 lir Network Analysis ...A 7 11kip. ,AJ City Limit Lines .. ,,,,, 111,*„* A/City Limit Lines /V major Streets > • • #74. 4g Neighborhood Parks 111P1,7§ "'4 '''''''' :.7 .,,,. - 4g Railroad Neighborhood Parks Service AreaService Area -.., ,,, 'c';',' .: 4%. -• I w *Ai. EW t...—i E S S . s . 3 G i64 1,we 3 6 Mb. ---•.---- College Station Neighborhood Parks Nr. Geographic Accessibility of CS Network Analysis .!?,..: ' ,.:,;:,,,p. Neighborhood Parks and Centroid Radii # 7,,:,,,,,. ?._:. (Proportion of population with access) > t,p1)211=tir 40:17:::,:14,' ' • ° Straight-line distance 663% . Network distance 4L4% S 6 Wes • • Demographic Accessibility of CS Demographic Accessibility of CS itti=t7es--j'a Neighborhood7lParks Neighborhood Parks Straight-line Network With Without With Without ® <18s good access . >64s good access %<18 23.9 14.0 24.3 16.7 . %>64 3.1 1.0 3.5 1.4 * non-Whites poor access %non-White 8.1 10.9 7.9 9.2 * Blacks/Hispanics average access %Black 0.0 1.7 0.0 0.9 * renters poor access %Hispanic 5.5 5.8 5.3 6.3 %renter occn 39.9 84.2 40.0 67.7 • low income poor access mean housing value($) 67500 45000 68000 52850 (housing value,rent) mean rent($) 385 345 387 350 2 College Station 101111111LINLA. 11,"•.. ' .'7"w. Community Parks r,,,..,,i,v„.„.....L..::.......„... , Geographic Accessibility of CS Comparison of All:,,t''',7,..:1.-AZi4::.,,,,..... Network Analysis -,..xif•1•71- t--,,, ,,„,,,. ..;!:.-. Community Parks and :.,','.i-',,.- ,- .4",7). 7.--'1:::-. t,---"Aw----- - Centroid Radii - ;-114.*N," ',7:-.,:',.. (Proportion of population with access) 'ex...... Railroad * ;44-:471-4‘e - ° Straight-line distance 99.9%® wa.k... --,. ...,e,T.' •• ' rj==((....00.) •!Vi., ,4,d'W* . Contralti Radii ° Network distance •-2. --&-..rpezr--e- :t'''.: E -driving 3 miles 99.8% , -'r 71171414 .,?"',;,.'''' N W 1 s -walking'1/2 mile 15.9% 3 .............? a Mi. Demographic Accessibility of CS .44.40, .. ... ...it. . ..... Community Parks iiipook,A,,,f: Network(walking l'h w1 mile) , . 3.41r • dv, ? .Z4 I x AV_ .- --------... With Access Without Access ' ::i -Ill'i lc ......... %<18 20.7 21.6 -':..---/ . ....... %>64 4.6 2.3 %non-White 8.8 8.7 .. ., %Black 1.1 0.0 ',-.. . City Limit Lines A/major Street. N %Hispanic 6.2 5.5 . r:',:ird W--=-.=--E I=Service Area-Contr.Radii %renter occ° 45.0 50.0 Service Area.Network Analysts mean housing value($) 58500 66100 All College Station Parks mean rent($) 420 363 C o mNpeatwr i soor kn o tAnalysisCentromi de tRhaodol is and Demographic Accessibility of Geographic Accessibility of All CS Parks All CS Parks Straight-line Network With Without With Without o Straight-line distance 82.2% %<18 23.0 7.4 23.5 14.0 • Network distance 52.3% %>64 3.0 0.0 4.0 0.2 %non-White 8.1 12.7 7.3 10.8 %Black 0.0 2.0 0.0 1.3 %Hispanic 5.5 7.6 5.3 6.9 %renter occ° 44.4 97.1 42.9 82.5 0 Based on a i/2 mile walking distance mean housing value($) 65500 0.0 65500 40400 mean rent($) 384 272 395 316 3 Demographic Accessibility of Issues for Future Consideration All CS Parks • Re-analysis based on 17 park zones • Re-analysis based on 2000 census data • < 18s good access —Impacts of population growth in southern • >64s good access sector(since 1990 and in the future) • non-Whites average access • Differentiation of parks based on type, • Blacks/Hispanics average access facilities,etc. • renters poor access • Integration with plans for greenways and trails • low income poor access • Alternative measures of access (housing value,rent) • Location of new facilities 4 409 836 7936 P.02/02 FEB-08-2N :: 12: 16 O'MALLEY ENGINEERS Richard J. 'Dick'O'Malley, RE. IryRichard O'Malley, RE [ It A- - 1/4-I ivialley Engineers Craig Kankel,RE. Robert C. Schmidt, RE. February-872000 Ed Addicks, Mr. Eric Ploeger Parks & Recreation Department City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842-9960 Re: City of College Station Veterans Park and Athletic Complex OE Job No. 675.01-MD Dear Ric: We have reviewed Alternates A and B of the Master Plan as transmitted to us yesterday and offer the following comments relating to grading and drainage of the site; e Alternates A and B may both require some retaining wall to be able to loop the exercise trail behind both groups of softball fields. O Alternate A will push the soccer fields farther into the south corner which is very low and wet and will encroach on more existing trees than Alternate B.. The most westerly soccer fields in Alternate A have been moved too close to the out tract" which will create grading problems. • Alternate B field layout is very similar to the prior Master Plan with the addition of one soccer field and more parking but in our opinion, this plan "flows" better than Alternate A. ® Alternate B should afford a slightly larger area for pond construction. The Alternate A pond is very close to one of the proposed soccer fields which causes some concern. Both plans show the pond area encroaching on the designated flood way, which we should have avoided in the original plan. In summary, the original master plan did not leave much flexibility to adjust field locations to accomplish an acceptable grading and drainage plan. In particular, storm water detention storage will be more difficult to achieve with either alternate plan. It is our opinion that the additional soccer field may significantly impact the total project cost and we suggest that it be shown as an "optional" field with the final decision whether to include it to be made during the design phase. If it is included, we suggest that it be done based on the Alternate B layout. Please call with any questions. Sincerely, Robert C. Schmidt, P.E. ice President RCS:jh K:\675-01 t\letter\Eric rev.Alt A&B.doc P. 0. Box 1976 1306 North Pork Street Brenh ,Texas 77834-1976 (409) 836-7937 FAX(409) 836-7936 TOTAL P.02 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT STATUS REPORT March 2000 1. VETERANS PARK&ATHLETIC COMPLEX MASTER PLAN Project Number: PK9941 Budget: $2,038, 000 Contract Amount: $168,200 (O'Malley Engineers) Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design: O'Malley Engineers Comments/Status:City Council approved O'Malley Engineers for the design of Phase I. City Council presentation projected to be March 11, 2000. Task-Project Design: Advertisement&Award: Completion: 2 ADAMSON POOL RENOVATION Project Number: PK9936 Budget: $ 751,000 Design Contract Amount: $747,600 Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design: Waterscape Consultants Comments/Status: Progressive Chemical was the low bidder. The renovation began on November 1, 1999. Task- Project Design: January-June 1999 Advertisement&Award: August- October 1999 Construction Completion: May 2000 3. WEST DISTRICT MAINTENANCE SHOP Project Number: PK9927 Budget: $481,000 Design Contract Amount: $30,280 Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design: Holster and Associates Comments/Status: Project expected to bid in March 2000. Task- Project Design: March- February 2000 Advertisement&Award: March-April 2000 Completion: December 2000 CIP Report o:board/cip/cip.doc 3-Mar-00 Page 1 of 3 4. COMMUNITY PARK AND CEMETERY SITE ACQUISITION Project Number: N/A Budget: $500,000 - Park $275,000 - Cemetery Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Eric Ploeger 5. B A OS BEAUTIFUL CRAPEMYRTLE PROJECT Project Number: MI-9902 Budget: $282,000 Contract Amount: $165,662 (Installation & maintenance), $107,290 (for crepe myrtles) Project Manager: Eric Ploeger/Pete Vanecek Comments/Status: This project is in the construction phase. Task-Project Design: September 1999 Advertisement&Award: October- November 1999 Completion: May 1, 2000 6. HALLARAN POOL INPROVEMENTS Project Number: PK0072 Budget: $27,000 Contract Amount: $23,150 (slide, crane rental $600-plumbing and concrete work, $1,500) Project Manager: Pete Vanecek, Senior Parks Planner Comments/Status: Project is to provide a small slide for the shallow area of the pool. Bids were opened on December 28, 2000and City Council approval will be requested on January 27, 2000. Slide delivery is expected in April 2000. Completion: April 2000. 7. SHADE STRUCTURES FOR WAYNE SMITH AND SOUTHWOOD PARKS Project Number: PK0064 Budget: $16,668 (Wayne Smith) $62,000 (Southwood) Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Pete Vanecek, Senior Parks Planner Project Design: October 1999 Ad and award: December 1999-January 2000. Completion: February 2000. Comments/Status: The Wayne Smith structures are complete. Completion of the Soutwood structure is expected by April 2000. CIP Report o:board/cip/cip.doc 3-Mar-00 Page 2 of 3