HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/13/2000 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks Board CITY OF COLLEGE STATION RE ATIONBOAII Regular Meeting Tuesday,izooioipoqpsoltigggo,;psgsEnpmpgingmmts::Ro Parks Conference ',,,.!!!!g.i:NtosnEsBaolegagitgooggo10rr90JwooiuEgoig000inlgnsgsosos000g,Bggzodogo,axz,gi 1. Call to order 2. Hear visitors 3. Pardon—Consider requests for absences of members from meeting 4. Approval of minutes from Regular Meeting of May 9, 2000. 5. Discussion and possible consideration regarding alcohol usage at Central Park 6. Committee Reports (each committee will give a report over their accomplishments of the last year, and what they hope to accomplish during the next year): • Conference Center Advisory Committee • Lincoln Center Advisory Committee • College Station Recreation& Sports Association • Senior Advisory Com rilittee • Teen Advisory Committee 7. Discussion and possible consideration concerning park land:dedication requirements for the Crowley tract 8. Discussion and possible consideration of developing an urban forestry plan for the City of College Station 9. Discussion and possible consideration of conducting a feasibility study to build a skateboard park 10. Discussion and possible consideration of City Council Strategic Issues 11. Update, discussion, and possible consideration concerning a special venue tax for sports facilities 12. Consent Items: Capital Improvement Program Projects Report Discussion of next meeting date and agenda 13. Adjourn The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409)764=3517 or(TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas posted on Internet Website http://www.ci.college-stationotx.us and Cable Access Channel 19. To Whom It May Concern: My name is Steve Smith and for the past 6 or 7 years I have been fortunate to play softball at your complex, Central Park. Let me first say that it has been a real pleasure to be a part of this fine facility. But I do have some concerns that I have noticed through the years that I would like to bring to your attention. When I first began to play at Central Park, the thing that attracted me to your facility the most was the family atmosphere. Back then I rarely noticed anyone ever consuming alcohol at the games and rarely witnessed any problems from players. That has all changed and quite drastically I might add. It only takes a quick walk around the park to see the number of folks consuming alcohol while at the games. I now see players drinking in the parking lot before and after games along with drinking behind the dug-outs. I've seen tempers flare now more than ever and I can't help but believe that most of it is alcohol induced. I am sure that you are all too aware of the incident a couple of weeks ago that happened in the parking lot where one player was beaten with a bat. No one has personally said so to me but I would be willing to bet that incident was also alcohol related. My point is this: You have a first rate facility so why let it get tainted by allowing alcohol on the premises. I have nothing against anyone who likes to drink, but this has taken away from the family atmosphere I so much enjoyed at one time. Not to mention the liability you are setting yourselves up for, the next beating incident might not end as well as this last one. Again, logically thinking, alcohol and competitive sports do not mix. It just increases the potential for volatile tempers along with verbal expletives. Both of which I do not care for my family to be exposed to. And I don't think I am alone in my thinking. I am married and have a four year old son now that enjoys coming to the games with me. I am increasingly more hesitant to bring them to the park because of this new atmosphere. Would you please consider banning any alcohol from the premises altogether. Logically thinking, if someone can't obstain from a drink for an hour or so while they play, then they have a much more serious problem. Please for the safety of the players, umpires and especially our families, consider my proposal. There is a proper time and place for alcohol. This is certainly not one of them. Yours respectfully, Steve Smith 845-5450 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION Absence Request Form For Elected and Appointed Officers Name Request Submitted on(date)June 13, 2000 I will not be in attendance at the meeting of June 13, 2000 for the reason(s) specified: I have a business meeting on Tuesday night in which several people are coming in from out of town. Glen A. Davis Signature This request shall be submitted to the office of the committee/board secretary prior to the meeting date o:boardiabsenteeform.doc 5/30/00 15:29 2000 Strategies By Vision to t Priority #1 Customer Focused City Services 1.71 Create motivatedwork vir t a Build into FY 01 Budget the second year of the implementation plan for pay. b Monitor retention rate for employees c Pursue competetive, cost effective health insurance benefits. d Promote employee recognition. e Promote employee personal and professional development. 2 2.00 Take steps to r equity representation of fundin9 lti- ri i ti l funding requests. a Develop policy that when request impacts citizens countywide, the request be apportioned on impact on College Station and equitable sharing with other agencies. These agencies should be able to demonstrate positive impacts for College Station. b Continued use of joint funding relief committee for all social service budget requests. 3 3.14 On.oin evaluation f the use f Hotel/Motel fund revenues to ce CS tourismeconom a Management study of CVB and Sports Foundation b Performing arts center in CS. c Continue development of Hotel/Conference Center Pro°ect and WPC corridor. 4 4.29 Examine facilities, technology nolo and ers el to ensure a e.uate customer service. a Develop a multi year e-govt/telecommunication plan that balances personal customer service with technolog b .Develop City Center _project 5 5.33 Constant evaluation le tax issues. (Internet and sales tax holidays) 6 5.67 Constant evaluation of possible impacts of electric utility ere latin. a Retain consulting expertise to prepare deregulation strategic plan. 5/30/00 15:29 2000 Strategies By Vision Statement Priority #2 Safe, Secure and Healthy Environment 1 2.00 In depth review of development trends and new roadways as it pertains to annexation. a Staff prepare annexation feasibility stud . 2 ® Goals and strategies to attain the ISO rating. a Countywide fire station planning. b Proactive fire station site plannine and ace uisition. , , . . . . i 3 3® Adequate street lighting citywide. Pursue areas for: 1._ 1 a Historical •eriod lie htin• b Thorouehfare lie htine. c Residential liehtine. 4 4.71 Development of a holistic program for breaking the cycle of povert and intervention for families in crisis® a Receive feasibilit reeort and final staff recommendation. 4 5 5.57 Toxic waste disposal enhancement. a Examine feasibility of on interim facility to use between collection events. 5/30/00 15:29 2000 Strategies By Vision Statement Priority #3 Clean Environment that Enhances and Protects the Quality of Life. 1® 7 Stronger code enforcement in residential areas. a Increased noise abatement enforcement. b Emphasize community policing partnership w/code enforcement c Utilize nightwatch program with code enforcement. d Create ongoin• code enforcement training for city field aersonnel. e Increased public education on code enforcement. f Develop communication/education strategy with TAMU/Blinn. re:code enforcement issues. 2 2.29 Possible funding sources to address implementation of the greenways system. a Active pursuit of grant funds for trail development. 3 ® Ex•and rec elm. •ro.rams. a Initiate multi family recycling® b Develop design standards for recycling facilities for new multi familiy development. 0 5/30/00 15:29 2000 Strategies Vision Statement Priority #4 Cultural Arts and Recreational Opportunities 1 3.86 More emphasis on makingpparks more intergenerational. Direct Parks Board to place more emphasis on "passive" parks. ie benches, walkin. oaths. 2 4.14 More interactionbetween Parks Advisory Boardand la i ni • and shared vision with ouncil. Schedule periodic meetings between Council and Parks Board. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 3 4.36 Continued updating r sive Plan regarding Paar stem. • Establish design standards and criteria for development and placement of parks. • Anal ze •ark distribution to determine areas that ma ; be underserved or underutilized. 11111E1 Examine tonin• ordinance as it relates to .•ark land location and ac•uisition. 4 5®00 Connectivit between reenwas and •arks. :, Identify demonstration project that helps establish a future policy regarding this connectivity. • i Greenways Review (see Vision #8 Strategy#2) • WPC Masterplan implementation a5 5®00 Continued emphasis on arks maintenance to quality standards through the ud•etin• t. cess® w Review fee structure andpolicy for possible revision in order to create funding for *ark maintenance/u•'rade. • Review certain park maintenance service levels and identify costs of o•tions to increase these service levels. 11111101111111111120111 Develo ro ra facilities for Senior Citizens. • Staff work with Sr. Advisory Board to address space/facility needs. • Address creatin. a senior citizen adviso board. 5/30/00 15:29 2000 Strategies By i t t Priority #5 Participate and ontribute to the Well Being of our Community. 1 1®71 Continue facilitation f neighborhood associations® a Assist in formulation of neighborhood associations b Communication to neishborhood associations. 2 ® 6 Improve citizen cc information aboutit city 9ovt. a City newsletter b Use of print and electronic media® c Technology Web site enhancements, cable channel, email list serves. d Direct communication to citizens via direct marketing. 5/30/00 15:29 2000 Strategies By Vision Statement Priority #6 Travel to,within and from the community. 1 3.29 Examine roadway standards to insure adequate roadway planning for future traffic needs. a Increased ROW Standards. b Adequate resources for street maintenance, markings, signs, etc. 2 4.14 Updating thoroughfare plan more freguently. a Emphasis on north/south access. b Establish •olicies relatin. to timin., access, connectivit , and reimbursement for makin• thorou•hfare connections. c Pursue more inte2rated approach w/all other affected entities on thoroughfare planning and construction. 3 \ 4.43 Improve our "pedestrian friendliness'° with adequate facilities. a Ensure that standards for new development provide for adequate pedestrian, bicycle, and other non-motorized transportation. b Identify funding sources for sidewalk retrofit program. 4 4.86 Improvements to public transit system to improve rider convenience, reliability, and accessibility. a Identify strategies for providing transportation services to citizens. 5/30/00 15:29 2000 Strategies By Vision n Priority #7 ontribute to and e of i From ivi in tr • and DiverseEconomic it t. 2.14 Promote economic develo•ment that •r vi d es ade•uate economic os• i r our citizens. a Continued develo•vent of existin• business •arks b Continued develo•ment of new business •arks. c Review business park design standards. d Review incentivepackages as it relates to business park. 2 ® 7 Proactive involvement i r •i a. .roach to air•ortJair trans•ortation. a Enhance commercial air service and ex:•lore ties of air service with rail. b Determine •osition on economic is desirabilit of air•ort location for Collese Station. 3 3.00 ContinuedA• s' .,r c 'v retail i r �t to � o� • ,r tax a Continue to monitor .•ro•ress of the 4B oard in re•ards to retail recruitment. b Establish guidelines/resources for retail recruitment and incentives. c Ex.•lain/educate :•ublic on need for sales tax base •rowtha -9 5/30/00 15:29 2000 Strategies .=y VisionStatement Priority #8 ive in WellPlanneSuitedd NeighborhoodsCommunityi l m ® hic e • i .re t residential lin and im 40 rove i•4 r a Evaluate and develop a solution that addresses problems created b rental •ro•erties in sin•le famil areas. Number of unrelated persons, traffic, parking. b Develop policy for installing sidewalks in neighborhoods that re.nest theme c Policies that facilitate the transition from developer responsibility to HOA res.. d Policies that foster additional landscape maintenance of multi-family develo.anent. e Examine policies that determine ine la outs of neighborhoods® 2 4.43 Policy emphasis on on-going /r vi i ri plan v e [ e t policies. a Identif areas where we want to foster various t. .es of develo• ent and create incentive •ro..rams to encourage that type of development in those particular areas. b Examine a•artment desi•n standards. c Re-examine North ate redevelopment plan. d Develop a program (schedule of work to review the comprehensive plan on a section by section section basis (cyclical)_______ ildentify necessary resources to conduct (focus on) proactive land use and nei•hborhood planning. f Policy regarding land use types as related to desired land use mix. R C 3 5.29 Examine policies that set infrastructure construction standards. a Conduct engineering analysis on street standards and identify options to imp•rove. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT STATUS REPORT June, 2000 1. VETERANS PARK&ATHLETIC COMPLEX MASTER PLAN Project Number: PK9941 Budget: $2,038, 000 Contract Amount: $168,200 (O'Malley Engineers) Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design: O'Malley Engineers Comments/Status: The Master Plan was approved by the City Council on May 25, 2000. Design of Phase I began June 6, 2000. Advertisement&Award: February 2001 Completion: November 2001 2. WEST DISTRICT MAINTENANCE SHOP Project Number: PK9927 Budget: $501,600 Design Contract Amount: $30,280 Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design: Holster and Associates Comments/Status: Possible City Council approval of bid on June 22, 2000. Task- Project Design: March- February 2000 Advertisement&Award: April-June 2000 Completion: January 2001 3. COMMUNITY PARK AND CEMETERY SITE ACQUISITION Project Number: N/A Budget: $500,000 - Park $275,000 - Cemetery Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Eric Ploeger 4. Willow Branch Tennis Courts Project Number: PK0074 Budget: $125,000 (Park Land Dedication Fund, Zone 6) Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Eric Ploeger, Asst. Director Project Design: Municipal Development Group-for CSISD Comments/Status: Bid and interlocal agreement will go to City Council for approval on June 22, 2000. CIP Report o:board/cip/cip.doc 6-Jun-00 Page 1 of 3 5. Playground Replacements (Brothers Pond, Raintree, and Merry Oaks): Project Number: PK0068 Budget: Brother's ($32,000), Raintree & Merry Oaks ($25,000/each) Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Pete Vanecek, Senior Park Planner Project Design: Parks and Recreation Department Staff Design: May 2000 to July 2000 Adverstisement& Award: July 2000 to August 2000 Completion: December 2000 CIP Report o:board/cip/cip.doc 6-Jun-00 Page 2 of 3