HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/13/2000 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board City of College Station MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEnfillg#4t-•&IReoreatienmBoardasiasoassotuoeesoab000s-ozsoleoo Regular Meetingpsnaneolossonosnontiosom IEBIBEIBIOEIE"Ielnell1111MBPtrksConftrtittcRoowanswmgmomaammsomawsnmm IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEIBBSSSIEEssoosseJuoc13400alssoesasnem000aosnstosnesogessonsn 7:00 p.m. Staff Preent: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation; Pete Vanecek, Senior Park Planner; David Gerling, Special Facilities Superintendent; Grace Calbeit, Conference Center Super,,,, sor; Lance Jackson, Lincoln Center Supervisor; Curtis Bmg m, Parks Operations Super 7i itendent; Sha on Waddell, Recreation Supervisor; Tony Scazzero, Recreation Supervisor; Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator; Kris Start/Than, Board Secretary. Board Members Peent: Chris Barzilla, Chair; George Dresser, Co-Chair; Glenn Schroeder; john Nichols; Bill Davis; Jon Tuiton; Laura Wood, Alternate. Board Members Absent: Glen Davis;John Crompton, Alternate. Guests: Steve Sinjth, 1103 Dexter Drive, College Station, Texas Ji n Wendt, 2201 T n iberloch Place, The Woodlands, Texas Wallace Phillips, 5010 Augusta Circle, College Station, Texas Charles Ellison, P.O. Box 10103, College Station, Texas Mollie Guin, 1605 N. 1:due Bon net Circle, College Station, Texas Carter Hall, 1702 A mberlz.idge, College Station, Texas Visitors: Larry K. Farnsworth, 4012 Hunter Creek, College Station, Texas 1. Call to order:The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. 2. Swearing in of new members: Jon Turton, John Nichols, Glenn Schroeder, and Laura Wood were sworn in to serve on the Parks and Recreation Board. 3. Hear visitors: No visitors spoke at this time. 4. Pardon — Consider requests for absences of members from meeting: John Nichols made a motion to accept the absences of Glen Davis and John Cromitton as excused. Chris :Karzilla seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday,June 13,2000 Page 1 of 7 5. Approval of minutes from Regular meeting of May 9, 2000: John moved to approve the s utes from Regular meeting of May 9, 2000, with a rnh or editorial change. Bill Davis seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 6® Discussion and possible consideration regarding alcohol usage at Central Park: Steve Smith took the floor. He said that the recent incident at Central Park at which a team player was beaten with a baseball bat prompted his letter of concern regarding alcohol usage at the park. He feels that d iimg was probably a factor in the incident. Mr. Smith feels that the park doesn't have the same family atmosphere that first attracted him to it. He went on to say that he does not feel comfortable slaying sports or bringing his fa ely to a place where there is heavy drinking, flaring tempers, and sweiring. Steve Beachy sai• that, to his knowledge, alcohol was not involved with the beating incident at Central Park. He said that rules at the parks are governed by a City ordinance, and at the present tin e, there is no prohibition on alcohol in the parks. To change this situation would require a modification of the orde .nce. He went on to say thit he doesn't know if it is feasible to ban alcohol in a particular park or area of a park, but he woul• consult the Legal Department and bring the answer back to a future iIoard meeting. Steve said that in the meanttie, the Department would research the situation to see how extensive the problem is and report back to the B ard. Gle' D. asked Steve if there is supervision during games at the park or if someone monitors the drinking problem. Steve responded that Parks employees are not at the park at all times during the games, but league officials usnilly are. He said that the Department would be able to express its concerns to the Leagues as well as try to come up with a solution to the problem. The Board agreed that they would like the Deptrment to research this issue and report back at a future meeting. No motion was made on this item. 7® Discussion and possible consideration concerning Park Land dedication requirements for the Crowley Tract: Steve B. introduced Wallace Phillips (Developer), J7 in Wendt (Planning Consultant), and Charles Ellison (Attorney). He said that the proposed development had been presented to the Parks and Recreation Board and to the Pla in. and Zoning Co nt nission in years past. However, it has been a while since any development has occurred. He went on to say that it is the developer's contention that the previous Park Land Dedication Ord .nce would still apply, wherein the requirement was one acre per 133 dwelling units. It is the City staff's contention that since there hasn't been P rks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday,June 13,2000 Pa,e 2 of 7 development since the Park Land Dedication Ordinance was revised, the new ord° nee would apply. The proposed development is located on Highway 6 and Greens Prairie Road, and is bisected by the proposed State Highway 40. The area is in Park Zone 10 and 13. The proposal includes approximately 757 single-family dwelling lots. Over four acres are being proposed for the park, but additional land is also being proposed for greenbelts and walkways. The new Park Land Dedication Ord nce states that the park land dedicated should be a minimum of five acres. So the Department is recommending that if the developer establishes a neighborhood park,that it be at least five acres. Steve went on to say that there is not an existing neigh.o rhood park in that area, so a neighborhood park is needed in the development Steve said that the proposed dedication is in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan and with the Recreation, P k, and Open Space Master Plan. Charles Ellison discussed the proposal. He stated that a goal of the project is to incorporate a park system early in the development, John N. asked what the oard is being asked to act on. Steve said that the developer would like to know, before they incnr additional expenses, if the park configuration ansi conceptual plan t c.t they are proposing is agreeable to the r.oard. Jeni Wendt discussed the proposed development. He said that proposed are three separate parks that are linked by a trail system. The amenities would be a couple of tennis courts, i basketball court, a picnic pavilion, a children's playground, a trail system that would link the three parks, and a pond with a fishing pier. He said t ist the three proposed parks would be equivalent to approximately 12 acres and the proposed trail system would be approximately seven acres (total° g around 19 acres). It is the developer's contention to convey all of the acreage to the City of College Station. Steve said that the developer is proposing to develop the park, which is allowable under the ordinance, but the loard we uld have the ability to approve the design specifications prior to construction. Bill D. moved that the Parks and Recreation Board accept the c nceptual plan with the oroposed acreage. George D. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed nn.nimously. 8. Committee Reports: Steve said that this item had been placed on the agenda as a follow-up to the City Council's sin ilar request to their Boards/Coi nmittees to report what accomplishments they have made over the past year. Parks and Recreation Board Iicguliir Meeting Tuesday,June 13,2000 P ge 3 of 7 Conference Center: Mollie Guin, Chairperson for the College Station Conference Center Advisory Co ittee, said that the purs s,se of the Advisory Co - ittee is to study concerns at hand, d e reco endations, and advise the Conference Center Staff and the Parks and Recreation Board of areas of co unity interest. The Advisory Co ittee is especially useful when its members serve as facilitators of ideas and as messengers to the co , unity. She talked about the Co ittee's accomplishments over the last twelve months: O Completion of the City of College Station Memory Lane Oral History Project–this was a five-yea project involving approximately 4t0 citizens and 100 volunteers to preserve College Station History. Review of the Mission/Vision Statements of the College Station City Co cil. * Revision of the College St, tion Conference Center's policies, rules, and regulations. • Revision and simplification of the wor ,°, g on the Conference Center Fees Schedule. • Revision sf letters frim churches on renting fcilities, • Revision of the monthly and comparison reports conce g the number of co ercial and non-pr fit users. • Revision of the annual report over lost business. Lincoln Center Advisory Committee: Lance Jackson, the liaison for the Co ttee, said he feels that one of the biggest acco plishments is that the Co iittee is being heard. He went on to say that there has also been an increase in civic awareness. Some of the accomplishments of the Co ttee are as follows: ® Drafted a nssion statement.s ilar to the City Co s cil's Mission Statement. • Created Subco ittees—Public Relations and Education. • Implemented a Co ittee workshop that will be held t °ce a year, • Developed a customer service survey that will be H plemented this next fiscal year. • Helped to ° plement four-way stop at the I tersection between Eleanor and Holleman. * Was instrumental in getting a lighted sign placed in front of the facility. Some of the accomplishments that they would like to achieve within the next twelve months are to • Become more active with city-wide activities. • T the Lincoln Center Facility into an alcohol-free facility. Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday,June 13,2000 Page 4 of 7 O Improve the facility for the future —the Co i ettee would like to review the facility, how to mintain it, and look at possible future expansions. • Become more active with the youth. College Station Recreation and Sports Association: Glen Davis was absent fro ii the meeting. He will give a report at a future meeting. Senior Advisory Committee: Steve sai4 that the Senior Advisory Co , it-tee is not a fo n ial co ii iittee at this f me, but that they have been very active. Marci Rodgers is the liaison for the Co ii `iittee. She passed out a list of the accomplishments of the Co, ttee for the last year (see attachment). Marci said that the senior progr,n is up and run g. She talked about some of -Le Committee's accomplishments: O The Senior Advisory Committee was formed in January 1999 — there are 17 members tri the Committee that meet monthly. O Computer classes were organized at the Lincoln Center in Spring 1999. O Xtra Education classes are now offered to seniors. e They have hosted special events and day trips. • They have met with the City Co „ecil to express goals and visions from the Senior Advisory Committee Marci talked about what the Senior Advisory Co m nittee would like to accomplish in the future: • Become a foe .1 corn 1,ittee under the Parks and Recreation Board and adopt by-laws. • Conceptualize, request, and establish a place for seniors to meet and function as a cohesive and constructive group. O Structure progruns for seniors, which per thee, to be a viatie part of the College Station coin"runity. O Org „rize senior potential to make College Station a sftrogressive, culturally active, and safe place to live. Teen Advisory Committee: Carter Hall, the outgoing President of the Teen Advisory Committee, said that the njor accomplishment of the Committee was getting a teen center(The Exit)that they could call their own. Right now, they are trying to look at different avenues and goals. Some of the goals that they are looking at for next ye,,r are: O To meet with other youths on a statewide level to discuss youth-related issues. • To get involved with more co, m unity service activities. Parks and Rerre&u° n Burd Regular Meeting Tuesday,June 13,2000 Page 5 of 7 9. Discussion and possible consideration of developing an urban forestry plan for the City of College Station: (see item #10) la Discussion and possible consideration of conducting a feasibility study to build a skateboard park: John Nichols made a motion to table items 9 & 10 until the July 11th Parks and Recreation Board meeting Glenn Schroeder seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 11, Discussion and possible consideration of City Council Strategic Issues: Steve said that the City Co r cil and key City staff attended a retreat earlier in the month to come up with and discuss issues related to the City Council's eight vision statements. Steve went on to say that parks were one of the in topics that were discussed during the retreat. Some other items of concern for the City Council were® • Having developers plan parks up front before developing subdivisions. e Co ig up with i the Parks and Recreation Board at the next meeting. This was an infor dtional item, and no motion was de. 13. Col sent Items: Capital Improvement Program Projects Report: John N. asked if there had been any new development with Madeley Park (the land donated to the City of College Station to be used for park purposes). Steve said that he had On ally spoken n- *th City of Bryan officials to see if they would be interested in doing a joint project with the City of College Station, but he has no new infor tion to report. Chris B. askeir about the progress of the interlocal agreement between the College Station Independent School District and the City of College Station for the construction of four te, As courts to be located on the Willow Branch campus. Steve said that the School District would .ve to rebid the project and act on the bids at their June 19th meet ,g. If approved by the School Board, it will o to the City Council for approval on June 22nd, John N. asked at what stage Veterans 'iark and Athletic Comdex was. Steve responded that it was in Phase I—t; e sesign phase. The Master Plan for t,e Park was apAroved by the City Co cii and now the Department needs to dete, how much can be accomplished with the funds t t are cnentiy available. He went on to say that the grant for lights on some of the soccer fields was not approved. He said that the Department ho.es to have the design of the park complete this ye,!, have it der co, struction next year, and have the fields ready to play on the following year. The Department has requested $25,000 in the budget for the next fiscal year to hire consultants and lawyers to gain water rights to Carter Creek to irrigate the park (this would save around $40,000 per year versus using City water). Chris asked about the additional lights at A&M Consolidated ten is courts. Steve said that the Department has requested funds for them in the budget for the next fiscal year. Discussion of next meeting dte and agenda: George D. would like a Wolf Pen Creek Project report. He also asked if a Board member could be present during the Pla ing and ZonLg Co ssion's meeting regarding the Crowley Tract. Steve said that the Department would send the Board notification once the meeting has been set up. The next Parks and Recreation Board meeting will be held on July 11, 2000. 14. Adjourn: The meeting adjo ed at 9:46 p.m. ************************************************************************ Parks and Recre rn BIT d Regular Meeting Tuesday,June 13,2000 Prge 7/If 7