HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/12/2000 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMOMOBnnetTViOVCOLLPEGESTATWNIIIegnsllnfisueoEgasgtlsa aIIIIIIIIII1EEEIIIITAIZNSI&RECREATION-IADVLSORVIWOAE!AsismtneonBEaoe - - "-- Regular Mattitgalloonnionnosallgagenonsussimag Tuesday,December 12,2000 Parks Conference RoomEMBonsonsamagessammumassonessa 1000 Krenek Tap Road 7:00 p.m. Staff Present: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation; Eric Ploeger, Assistant tirector; Pete Vanecek, Senior Park Planner; Curtis It ingham, Parks Operations Superintendent; Linda Waltman, Recreation Superintendent; Kris Startzman, Board Secretary. itAtard Memiters Present: Chris Barzilla, Chair; George tresser; Co-Chair; till Davis; John Nichols; Jon Tir-ton; Glen "Davis; Glenn Schroeder (arrived late); Laura Wood, Alternate. Board Members Absent: John Crompton, Alternate. Guests: Amanda Kludt, 2302 San Pedro, College Station, Texas 77845 Sarah Gefte, 1600 Southwest Parkway#902, College Station, Texas 77840 1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. 2. Hear visitors: No visitors spoke at this time. 3. Pardon — Consider requests for absences (34 nit embers from meetinl!,: John Nichols made a motion to accept the absence of John Crompton as excused. Glen Davis seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 4. Approval of minutes from Regular Meeting of November 14, 2000, and Special Meeting of It ecember 5, 2140: The Board agreed to table both minutes until the January meeting. No motion was made on this item. 5. Reptrt, discussion, anti possible action regarding a roller hockey or skateboard park: k anda Kludt and Sarah Gette, Recreation, 11'ark, and Tourism Sciences students at Texas A&M University', hai been researching skate parks as a semester project and brought their findings and recoil rmendations to the Board (see attached PowerPoint presentation). The presentation included such topics as • Evolution of skateboarding • Steps to obtain a skate park • Site selection • Ramp material for construction • Several companies that build skate parks *0 Park operation(public/private and fenced/open) Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday,December 12,2000 Page 1 of 5 • Insurance • Reconnendations The reco nendation of the students was a company called Spohn Ranch, Inco re',rated. They also recon nended building an above-ground facility, which they felt would be more econo *cal than a concrete facility, an.1 easier to change. Steve rel ii ded the loard that technically, there is only Honey budgeted for a roller hockey facility. He went on to say that hopefully the public hearing in January could help determine the scope of the project. The Board discussed several locations for such a facility. After some discussion, a public hearing was set for Tuesday, January 30, 2001, at the City Hall Council Chambers (1101 Texas Avenue) at 7:00 p.m. The puilic hearing will be advertised on Cable Chai ,e119 and in the newspaper. No motion was made. 6. Report, discussion, and possible action regarding the City Center Project: Steve updated the Board on the City Center project, a concept being developed by a special conunittee appointed by the City Council. He went over a nip of the proposed project, and stated that the concept is to obtain a location for a new City Hall complex and to try to consolidate some of the City services into one centrally located area. The concept also provides an area that woul promote private and co,n nercial ci,velopment. The recommended area for the City Center is between Highway 6 and Texas Avenue, and Krenek Tap Road and Harvey Mitchell Parkway. Steve stated that there would be a formal presentation of the concept during the next City Council workshop on December 14, 2000, and invited the I oard to attend the workshop. This was an informational item only, and no motion was made. 7. Report, discussion, and possible cti.,,n regarding the schedule for Veterans Park and Athletic Complex: Eric Ploeger passed out the schedule for the -base I design of Veterans Park and Athletic Co plex (see attachment). He stated that the Development Services department wouli le involved with some of the platting issues involved with the design. Steve re iii ded the Board that there are several other projects that are ongoing in conjunction with Veterans Park and Athletic Complex: a. The Veterans Co n Qttee is working on a memorial for the park. b. The Parks and Recreation De.artment is working with the College Station Soccer Club, which is interested in bAlding a facility at the park, in conjunction with the City, that would facilitate some of their registrations, meetings, and equipment. c. Soil tests of the park are now underway. d. The Department is working with the Puilic Utilities Department which has hired a consultant to look into the feasibility of using fluid from the Carter Creek Treatment Plant to iesign and build a distribution system Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday,December 12,2000 Page 2 of 5 that could be used for irrigation. Veterans Park and Athletic Complex is targeted to be the first customer. John Nichols asked if the Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Subcommittee could meet before the January Io d meeting. Eric responded that once he receives the concerttual drawings from the engineers, he could then set up a meeting. This was an informational item only, and no motion was made. 8. Report, discussion, and possfile action regarding the scope of a Fees Consultant: Steve stated that the Department had its first meeting with the consultants on December 4, 2000. The consultants then met with representatives from each division of the Department and went into great detail regarding what would be needed for their report. He went on to say that staff would submit all of the information to the consultants before the Christmas holidays. The consultants will then OP all of the inform,ition they have received into a formula to compute the cost for each program and service offered by the Department. From there, they will look into how the fees equate to the approve, policy that has been adopted by the City Council for the services that the City provides. A report of the findings would then be submitted to the Board in February and then to the City Council as part of the Strategic Issues. Glen Davis asked if the Department intends to meet with the loard's Fees Subcommittee. Steve responded that meeting with the subcommittee w.uld be part of the process. This was an informational item only, and no motion was made. 9, Update, discussion, and possible action concerning a special venue tax: Steve stated that a copy of the report from the City Manager to the City Council regarding the special venue tax was included in tlie ,''',oard packets. The memo stated that "it aRtears that neither the n otor vehicle rental tax nor the local hotel tax authorized by this legislation may 'le used as a revenue source to pay for a parks and recreation system venue project." Steve does not know wI at the Council intends to do nth the information© After some discussion, Chris Barzill, stated that he would feel better hearing from the Council aI..ut whether they were in favor of the tax or not. John Nichols asked if it is on a future Council agenda to revisit the issue. Steve responded that he was not aware of it if it was. Glenn Schroeder is concerned that the Council has not heard anything positive from City staff regarding the possibility of using the special venue tax at Veter Park and Athletic Complex. Chris stated that he had gotten feedback from the Comptroller's office stating that us',g the venue tax to support the facility was legal. He Ti!try to obtain a letter from the Comptroller to that effect to submit to the City Council. Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday,December 12,2000 Page 3 of 5 D. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning the Crowley Tract parkland dedication: This report was an update to an item on the June agenda, wherein a developer proposed to incorporate a park system early the development. Proposed were three separate parks that would be linked by a trail system. The amenities would be a couple of teti ,Qs courts, a basketball court, a picnic pavilion, and a pond with a fishing pier. The parks would be equivalent to approximately 12 acres and the proposed trail system would be approximately seven acres (totaling around 19 cres). It is the developer's intention to convey all of the acreage to the City of College Station. The Board would later have the op.ortu nity to aprove the design specifications prior to construction. Steve stated that the developer has already begun work t with 'ark staff and intends to present the conceptual proposal to the Board duf,.g the February meeting. This was an informational item only, and no motion was made. 11. Discussion, consideration, and possible appointment of Parks and Recreation Board members to serve on: • A su*committee tip investiate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with the College Station Independent School District; • A subcommittee to investigate the feasi';sility of cooperative ventures with Texas A&M University on facilities and programs; • A Lick Creek Park su*committee. The following Board members were appointed to the following subco ittees: • Chris Barzilla and Glen Davis: To investigate the feasibility of co.perative ventures with the College Station Independent School District. • John Nichols and George Dresser® To investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with Texas A&M University on facilities and pro NI, s. • John Crompton and Laura wood® Lick Creek Park. Chris Barzilla made a moti,,n to approve the appointments. Glen tavis secondet the motion. All were in favor, and the motion .,aissed unanimously. Steve askei Kris to nu.ke a list of subco mItees that the Board is currently serving on and to distribute it to the Zoard for the January meeting. 12® Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding City Council Vision Statement #4 (Cultural Arts and Recreational Opportunities): Steve stated that the Department has an agreement with the Recreation, Park, and Tourism Sciences ( !'TS) Department at Texas A&M University to complete the Intergenerational Park Study. A report on the finer zs will be submitted to the Board in February 2001 and to the City Council in March 2001. Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday,December 12,2000 Page 4 of 5 There is a second agreement with RPTS to complete part of the work on the reco endation to improve accessibility to our existing parks. A report on the findings will be submitted to the Board sometime in the spring. • Strategy #1 (More Emphasis on Makinl, Parks More Intergenerational): There was no discussion under this item. • Strategy #2 (More Interaction Betvv,en Parks Advisory Board and Planning ali4 Zoning and Shared Visitn with Council): There was no discussion under this item. • Strategy #3 (Contilue to Update Comprehensive Plat Regarding Parks System): There was no discussion under this item. • Strategy #4 (Connectivity ' etween Greenways and Parks): There was no discussio under this item. • Strategy #5 (Continued Emphasis on ?Arks Maintenance to Quality Standar ss through the Budget Process): There was no discussion under this item. • Strategy #6 (Develocs Programs and Facilities for Senior Citizens): Steve informed the Board that the "epartment has susmitted a proposal to the Eisenhower Leadershii Development Program to do a feasibility study for the senior facility and progranm. The proposals will be reviewed through tecember 20, 2000, and if the tepartment is selected, then that group will work on the issue related to senior facilities. 13. Consent Items: Capital Imtrive,,,ent Projects Report® • John Nichols asked what the status Mateley Park was. Steve responded that the Department had talked with representatives from the City of Bryan who seemed favorable about a joint project with the City of College Station to develop the park. A tour of the site had *een scheduled for December 12, 2000, but v 711 have to be rescheduled due to weather conditions on that date. • John Nichols asked about an update of the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan. Steve stated that to do a comprehensive usdate of the plan this year would be difficult without putting aside other priority capital projects. Glen Davis suggested that the Master Plan Subcommittee could meet to start reviewing the plan. Discussion of next meeting date :Aid agenda: The next Parks and Recreation Advisory toard meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 9, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. at the Central Park Conference Room. 14. Adjourn: The meeting adjou ed at 9:50 p.m. Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday,December 12,2000 Page 5 of 5