HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/08/1999 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board . .................... to o ......... Staff Present: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks&Recreation; Eric Ploeger, Assistant Director; Scott Hooks, West District Supervisor;Peter Vanecek, Sr. Parks Planner;Kris Startzman, Board Secretary; Pam; Springfield, Sr. Secretary;Mary Tucker, Action Center Coordinator. Board Members Present: Chris Barzilla, Chair; George Dresser Co-Chair; Sarah Birkhold; John Nichols. Guests: Joni Baker, Lecturer at the Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences Department at Texas A&M University;Don Garrett, Garrett Engineering;Frank Thurman, Garrett Engineering;Roy Havel, Garrett Engineering. r Bob Deotte 1205 g Haines treet College Station;Les Palmer Jr., 10404 Trails End, , Bryan;Kathleen Ike e, 1815 Medina, College Station; Phillis Frederickson, 1201 Guadalupe, College Station; John Jordan, 117 FM 2818 Road East, College Station. 1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Hear Visitors: No visitors spoke at this time. 3. Discussion and possible consideration of the proposed Recreation,Park, and Open Space Master Plan: Steve Beachy introduced himself, and stated that there was going to p be a presentation on the Department's draft Master Plan. Steve thanked the visitors for coming to the meeting and said that all visitors would be give an opportunity to present any comments or ask questions. He then introduced the visitors to the Parks Board members, the staff, and Joni Baker. He went on to say that the plan was put together using �the ci staff from the Parks and Recreation Department, and other departments and resources, and our Parks Advisory Board. Steve advised that the Parks Board has three options following the public hearing process: 1) approve the plan as received; 2) approve the plan with specific changes; or 3) send the plan back to committee for further review. Steve explained that the purpose of the Master Plan was to support the City's Comprehensive Plan that was adopted in 1997 by the City Council. Steve B. made a PowerPoint presentation which covered the following areas (see attachment): ( l; Parks&Recreation Board Public Hearing/Regular Meeting June 8, 1999 Page 1 • Master Plan Purpose • College Station Demographics • College Station Parks&Recreation Department [history of] • Existing Resources fa Plan Development [history of] • Area and Facility Concepts and Standards • Area Standards • Needs Assessment and Identification • Prioritization of Needs • Current Priorities • Implementation • Master Plan Proposed Schedule Steve asked to open the public hearing for comments. Discussion: Bob Deotte Bob asked about the possibility of additional recreation centers. Steve said the plan mentions the possibility of additional recreation centers, but we have not developed specifics as to the size or what would be in them. Bob asked when the new Teen Center opens, what the plans would be for the existing Conference Center and Teen Center. Steve replied that Yahooz(the existing Teen Center)will be retained in the anticipation of Willow Branch being converted to a junior high school. If that occurs, the city will use this as a teen center for that site, particularly for junior high students. It will also probably be used for special meetings, but will not be open for regular use when the new Teen Center is built. Bob asked what condition the existing teen center is in. Steve replied that it will need some work, but it is a useable building. Steve said that once the new Hotel/Convention Center is open, the Department will need to address the use of the current Conference Center. This has not been addressed in the current Master Plan. Les Palmer-Les inquired about the procedure for naming parks yet-to-be-built. Steve said that there is a policy that was developed by the Parks Board and the City Council that outlines the procedures for naming parks. This policy allows for taking into consideration any gifts of land or money. Les asked if there is anything planned for Veterans Park and Athletic Complex to designate the park as dedicated to veterans. Steve said that the department intends to have a memorial or monument in the park to recognize veterans in the Brazos County. Les asked if the park was going to be dedicated to a certain group of veterans or individual veterans. John Nichols said that the name of the park has been adopted and approved, and the actual planning will start in the summer and continue in the fall. Public space could be set aside for presentations and ceremonies, and perhaps certain spaces within the park could be named by individuals and groups making donations. Steve stressed the intention to keep the concept of veterans as inclusive as possible. Bob Deotte said that he was on the subcommittee that named the park. The committee recognized that the youth were going to be spending a lot of time at the park, and the idea was that Parks&Recreation Board Public Hearing/Regular Meeting June 8, 1999 Page 2 be exposure to the people that served their country--that the athletic part of they should p p p the experience and exposed to the veterans should be integrated. Steve noted that the location of the park in the north, emphasizes that it is a regional park, equally accessible to Bryan and College Station. Kenefide�r Kathleen asked the followingquestions: (1)what has the Kathleen q Department done about investigating a dedicated revenue source for community park development? Steve replied that the Parks has not had a chance to focus on this a great deal. (2) She asked for a definition of greenways. Steve offered a copy of the Greenways Master Plan to show the various greenway concepts in context. (3)Referring to goal#5 in the Master Plan, she asked Steve to elaborate on emphasizing the Lincoln Center leadershipdevelopment and program enhancement. Steve said that the Board is looking into strengthening the programs at the Lincoln Center facility. (4) She asked about seniors Steve said that this is a priority that was identified through the City Council programs. and the Parks Board. The Department was asked to implement some programs. The Department is also trying not to duplicate existing programs that other agencies have. Phillis Frederickson-Referring to goal# 12 in the Master Plan, she asked about incorporating public art into the park system. She urged the raising of the goal to a higher priority. Steve pointed out that some of the local recreational facilities have murals. John N. pointed out that this is the first year that public art was made a goal by the Board. He said that much of the initiative would have to rest with the Arts Council Committee and acknowledging that parks provide a good venue for art. He also mentioned that horticulture, such asrovided bythe Arboretum, can also add to the aesthetic p enhancements of the parks. John Jordan-Mr. Jordan asked (1) if in designating urban greenways, is the Bee Creek portion between Texas Avenue and the East Bypass designation based solely on the 100- year flood plain; and (2)if a greenway is currently well-maintained and landscaped residential property, is it economically prudent to leave it in individual ownership. Mr. Jordan stated his desire to maintain ownership of his property. Steve responded that the floodplain was just one consideration in designating urban greenways; not all properties within the flood plain will be acquired for the types of reasons that Mr. Jordan had brought up. John Nichols made a motion that the College Station Park Board adopt the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan as the Department's Master Plan and forward it to the p P City Council for their Consideration. George Dresser seconded the motion. The Board was in favor and the motion passed 4-0. Parks&Recreation Board Public Hearing/Regular Meeting June 8, 1999 Page 3 4. Approval of Minutes from Tuesday,April 13, 1999 and Minutes from Tuesday, May 11, 1999: Sarah Birkhold made a motion to approve the minutes from April 13, 1999 as written. John Nichols seconded the motion. The Board was in favor and the motion passed 4-0, John made a motion to approve the minutes from May 11, 1999. Sarah seconded the motion. The Board was in favor and the motion passed 4-0. 5. Discussion andp ossible consideration of archeological study at Lick Creek Park: Steve said that this item was requested by one of the Board members at the last meeting. Steve said that the Department has spoken with a representative from the Archeology Department at Texas A&M University. He is interested in doing this study, beginning in py January, as part of a class project that would include students from several relevant departments. Steve said that all requirements could be fulfilled by contracting through the Archeology Department instead of through a professional service. He went on to say that the intent of the study is to provide a survey, and also a detailed history of the site and an interpretation of the results. The Department could use the study to develop various exhibits and displays. Steve said that the Department has requested funds for this study in their budget process. 6. Update on Richard Carter Park Landscape Volunteer Program: Steve said that one of the employees that works at the Conference Center, Frank Haislip, has an interest in the Master Gardening Program. He has coordinated with the program to work on site and has secured volunteers and juvenile services"boot camp" workers to work on the project. The City would incur no expenses from the project. 7. Discussion and possible consideration of Park Land dedication for Pebble Hills Estate: Eric Ploeger introduced members from Garrett Engineering who are interested in a plan for the Pebble Hills Subdivision. He mentioned that a few years ago, the Parks Board accepted a Park Land Dedication for Pebble Hills. Garrett Engineering has made a few minor changes to the design There was discussion on the detention pond, whether or not the pond would be part of the land to be dedicated to the city, and if it would be part of Parks Maintenance responsibility. Since maintenance, and who is responsible for it, has been a concern of several subdivisions previously, it is a good idea to confront the issue up-front. Chris Barzilla pointed out that a hole in the ground can be made into a real pond, stocked with fish, and used by neighborhoods, rather than just left to become a maintenance problem. Frank Thurman(Garrett Engineering), however, pointed out that to create a full-scale pond would incur a lot of up-front costs, because of the amount of dirt that has to be excavated and hauled away. r � Parks&Recreation Board Public Hearing/Regular Meeting June 8, 1999 Page 4 Among the issues discussed were: O Silting sources and removal ® The location and configuration of a pilot channel O Fire ant problems O Protection of vegetation The aesthetics of the facility and the materials used The extent of construction damage Whether the facility would be a retention and/or detention pond George Dresser made a motion that the Board go on record as (1) supporting the movement of the pilot channel to the east side of the retention pond to the extent feasible; (2)that the materials used to construct the retention pond, other than the poured cement concrete—be considered for purposes of aesthetics; and (3)that extreme care be taken that beneficial vegetation outside the area of the retention pond be carefully protected during the construction phase. John N. seconded the motion. The Board was in favor and the motion passed 4-0. 8. Discussion and possible consideration of additional lights at A&M Consolidated High School tennis courts: Eric P. mentioned that he had spoken with the CSISD staff and the Electrical Engineer with Britt Rice Electric, (who was involved in the installation of the original lights). Eric said that unfortunately, because of cost saving measures, the existingsystem was notput in to make it easyto light the additional six courts (currently, �' there are three lit courts). He mentioned that the existing poles were not loaded to put in additional fixtures, so more poles would have to be put up. He went on to say that there is also a shortage of power. There is only enough power available to light three courts. Eric said that it would be in the $30,000 range to get three courts lit. George would like to continue to gather more information on this, and(1) find out if the tennis courts are viewed as public-use courts, and (2) get a preliminary engineering cost estimate. 9. Consent Items: Capital Improvement Report: There was no discussion on this item. Discussion of next meeting date and agenda: John N. would like to know the status of the Rock Prairie jogging trail(from the Board meeting of April 13, 1999). Chris B. would like information on the amount of tax dollars that go to economic development and what the percentage is. 10. Adjourn: George moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Sarah. • The Board was in favor and the meeting adjourned at 9:38 p.m. Parks&Recreation Board Public Hearing/Regular Meeting June 8, 1999 Page 5