HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/29/1999 - Joint Minutes - Parks Board • MINUTES Joint { Planning and Zoning Commission Parks Board CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS April 29, 1999 7:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Massey, Commissioners Gamer, Parker, Kaiser, Mooney, and Maloney. COMMISSIONERS ABSEIL: Commissioner Rife. PARKS BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Barzilla, Members Nichols, Crompton, and Dresser. STAFF PRESENT: City Planner Kee, Assistant Development Coordinator George, Stat' Assistant Charanza, Staff Planner J'immerson, Assistant City Engineer Morgan, Graduate Engineer Tondre, Senior Planner McCully; Staff Planner Anderson,Mapping in Specialist Manhart, Director of Development g P Services Callaway, Assistant City Attorney Nemcik, Director of Public Works Smith, Assistant 'City Manager Brymer,. Director of Parks & Recreation Beachy, and Management Assistant Broussard. COUNCIL LAS ON: Council Member Hazen AGENDA ruEM NO. 1: Discussion and consideration of the Greenways Master Plan. • Chairmen Massey and Barzilla called the joint meeting to order. City Planner Kee presented the Greenways Master Plan to the Commission and Parks Board. She explained that Greenways were to provide flood control, improve water quality, protection of wildlife and vegetation, provide connections and alternate forms of transportation. She said that with the • Comprehensive Plan adoption in 1997, the Brazos Greenways Council asked the City to appoint a Greenways Implementation Task Force (GITF). The tisk force consisted of representatives from the Planning and Zoning Commission, Parks Board, and various representatives from the community. The Task Force had several things to accomplish. These included determining a definition of Greenways as related to the Comp Plan, inventory and classify greenway resources, investigate methods of acquisition or reservation, prioritize areas to be dedicated and/or developed as greenways to incorporate into current and future bond programs, and to develop an implementation plan. This task force realized that greenways were not new to the city because Wolf Pen Creek was originally envisioned al a public private partnership in an area that needed flood control, preservation and economic stimulus. She Joint P&Z and.Parks Board Minutes April 29, 1999 Page 1 of 4 • ' 1 I • explained that the Comp Plan includes several goals that directly address the greenway idea. The task force inventoried rivers and creeks within and outside the City. She pointed out that the Gulf States Exxon and Railroad ROW's were both inside and outside of the City and have "greenway" potential l also. She said that after the task force defined and inventoried greenways, they developed a classification system. The system include Urban, Suburban, and Rural greenways. She explained that the majority of creeks were classified as suburban while Carter, Lick and Alum creeks were shown as rural. She said that eacheenwa type was later better defined by describing certain. characteristics �' Y that give guidance as to the types of development that could occur in and around each. These characteristics include connectivity, appropriate access, corridor width, trail type, development inside the greenway and development surrounding the greenway. Once the classifications were complete and various characteristics described for each, the task force identified several criteria to be used in evaluating the various greenways for acquisitionP riority. She explained that since one of the objectives of greenways was to provide open space, development of the corridors should be kept to a minimum. The cross sections vary in intensity from no development in rural greenways to masonry or gabion lined channels in urban greenways. The general guideline to use in selecting a cross section is to select the least intensive, least structural, most natural section that would work. She then explained that the implementation of the Greenways Plan would be a long-term process involving several areas within the City organization as well. as City/Community partnerships. The consideration of the plan and the passage of bond funds in 1998 for greenways acquisition are a very positive start. There are additional actions over the long term that should be taken to insure the successful implementation of this plan. The task force developed the following four implementation strategies: acquisition, regulation, construction/maintenance/operations, and coordinationlpromotion. Each has several action steps associated with it. Ms. Kee introduced Mr. David Scott (Task Force Chairman), and explained that he was available to answer any questions the Commission and Parks Board had. A memorandum from him was handed to ...............:: all members of the Commission and Parks Board. This memo stated that "In addition to the recommended plan, the Greenways Implementation Task Force is recommending that the City Council consider the creation of a permanent Greenways Committee. The basis for this suggestion is the need to. have a separate organization to review the progress of the Greenways Master Plan. We have recommended the permanent committee consist of two members of the Parks and Recreation Board, two members of the Planning and Zoning commission, two members of the Brazos Greenways Council, and possibly other citizens. This group would function as more of an oversight committee than a regulatory board and be similar to the Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee." Parks Board Member Crompton expressed his concern that the Master Plan recommends dedicating P P a. Staff to greenways, and felt that if Council did not approve additional staff for this program the plan • would not work. He felt that the plan needed a ull-time employee dedicated only to the plan. • Commissioner Kaiser pointed out his desire to state in the Design Standards not to allow concrete culverts. Public Works Director Smith explained that the goal was to acquire enough land so no channel improvements would be necessary, which would help avoid the concrete culverts, although sometimes concrete is desired to help stop erosion. He said the plan stresses in the guidelines to use the softest methods available. Parks Board Chairman Barzilla asked if this Master Plan would in any way effect Parkland Dedication. Ms. Kee explained that this plan would not change the existing parkland dedication fee schedule, but she pointed out that incentives would be needed for greenspace dedication in addition or as part of g P parkland. Joint P&Z and Parks Board Minutes April 29, 1999 Page 2 of 4 Parks Board Member Crompton moved to recommend to the City Council to allow for additional staff for dedication to the plan. Member Nichols seconded the motion. Parks Member Dresser explained that he liked the concept of the plan but felt uncomfortable with hiring only one person to handle the entire plan. He felt it would be too much for only one employee. He agreed with Mr. Scott about designating a Greenways Committee. Parks Board Member Dresser was also concerned about the long-term maintenance obligations that would occur. Parks Chairman Barzila rzila felt that starting with one employee would be a good start and in the future, if needed, more employees could be considered. Parks Chairman Barzilla called for the vote of the Parks Board members and the motion carried 3-1; Member Dresser voted in opposition. P&Z Chairman Massey opened the floor to comments from visitors. Mr. Chuck Ellison (Rodgers, Wier&Ellison) expressed his concern with requiring landowners to give up additional land for greenways. He said it would be important to give thought to regulations and laws regarding this. Ms. M..ichelle Brown, Brazos Greenways Council President, said that they were very supportive of the City's efforts, and said that the Greenways Council could be used as a resource in implementing the Master Plan. / ) Commissioner Kaiser said that he would like the prioritization used onlyas a "guidance" for P � implementation. Commissioner Mooney supported the idea of recommending to City Council to appoint a permanent Greenways Task Force to review the master plan, and make recommendations for development and implementation. Commissioner Kaiser moved that conceptual elements of the Greenways Master Plan be adopted by Council. .Commissioner Mooney seconded the motion, which passed unopposed by the Commission - with a vote of 6-0. Commissioner Mooney moved for the Commission to recommend to the City Council to implement and structure a permanent Task Force for purposes stated in the memorandum presented by David Scott (Glif Chairman). Commissioner wiser seconded the motion, which passed by the Comnmission . unopposed(6--0). Commissioner Maloney moved to identify current staff members or others to implementthe master plan. Commissioner Kaiser seconded the motion, which passed by the Commission unopposed (6-0). Commissioner Kaiser moved to acknowledge the hard work the staff and citizens on the Greenways Implementation Task Force did to prepare the Master Plan. He recommended the City Council give appropriate recognition to them for their efforts. Commissioner Maloney seconded the motion, which passed with a vote of 5-0-1. .Although he supported the motion, Chairman Massey abstained from the vote because he had participated as a member of the Task Force. Jn rn t P&Z and Parks Board Minutes April 29, 1999 Page 3 of 4 • Parks Board Member Nichols moved to recommend the plan to the City Council for consideration and adoption. Parks Board Member Crompton seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (4-0). Parks Board Member Dresser explained that he was slightly confused with the plan and was curious if any thought or consideration was given to the amount of money the plan would end up costing the City with the aspect of acquisition of land. Public Works Director Smith said that it was difficult to put a dollar amount on the plan, but cost was considered during the task force meetings. He explained that there were bond funds currently available, but Staff wanted guidance to begin the acquisitions. He felt this plan would help with the beginning stages of acquisition. Parks Board Member Nichols felt the plan was to set guidelines and goals and the money could be considered when the timing is right. Ms. Sherry Ellison, GTP Member, said that the City is already spending money on reconstruction of creeks and did feel the cost would be substantial, but there would also be cost savings to the City in the long run. Parks Board Member Crompton moved that the Parks Board recommend to the City Council to create the permanent Greenways Committee, as recommended by Gill? Chairman Scott. Parks Board Member Dresser seconded the motion, which passed unopposed 4-0. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Adjourn. The joint meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission and Parks Board was adjourned. APPRO 0. C .. .11r am~s Mas -y Chairman, Chris B. •. . ATTEST: f[cu)aircw, Staff Assistant, Debra Charanza • Joint P&Z and Parks Board Minutes April 29, 1999 Page 4 of 4 .................