HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/13/1997 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MAY 13, 1997 -- 7:00 P.M. CENTRAL PARK CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 KRENEK TAP ROAD MEMBERS: Ron Gay, Chair Elizabeth Cunha, Vice Chair; Debra Anderson; Bob DeOtte; Carol Reynolds; Gary Halter; and Mike Manson STAFF: Steve Beachy, Director; Eric Ploeger, Asst. Director; Peter Vanecek, Senior Parks Planner; Jane Kee, City Planner; Sabine McCully, Senior Planner; Veronica Morgan, and Bridgette George, Staff Assistant VISITORS: Chuck Ellison, with Rodgers, Miller, Ellison, P.C. The meeting was called to order at 7:06 p.m. 1. Approval of Parks and Recreation Board Minutes: April 8, 1997: The minutes were approved as submitted. 2. Hear Visitors: No unscheduled visitors present. 3. Discussion of the Proposed Development in Park Zone 10 and Adjacent Area: Steve informed the members that developer Tim Crowley owns an 800-acre tract of land south of College Station and is doing some preliminary planning of development because the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) is planning the development of State Highway 40 through that area. The area is located west of Highway 6 and south of Graham Road, and is in both park zones 10 and "the proposed" 13. While surveying the area, TXDOT discovered Navasota Ladies Tresses and contacted the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Department to get permission to develop there. TXDOT was told they must get a mitigation area where the flowers were found and that only one crossing would be allowed through the area. Mr. Crowley needs to know whether the land he's proposing as parkland is acceptable to the board. Input from the board will then be presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission on Thursday, May 15, for further consideration. The mitigation area will be maintained by TXDOT indefinitely. The US Fish and Wildlife Department will allow the development of trails within the mitigation area but the trails must be maintained by the city. Development in the 800-acre tract will include some commercial, single family, multi-family, town homes, and duplexes. A portion of the proposed parkland is located in the floodplain. Mr. Ellison informed the board that the plans submitted to them were only preliminary and more defined plans and platting will be done in the future. Steve commented that since a school was identified in the plan, a 10-acre • park or nei hbhood located in conjunction with a 10-acre school site would be g desirable. He was also encouraged by the extent of greenbelt and trails proposed in the masterp lan. He would like to see some type of crossing under Hwy. 40 that joins the trails. Steve also reminded the board that the city's comprehensive plan projects a community park in the area. Mr. Crowley's proposal exceeds his parkland dedication requirement. Utilization of the mitigation area for trails developed in conjunction with guidance from the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Department. Steve outlined some items he would like Mr. Crowley to be amenable to. Plan for the facilitation of hike and bike trails throughout the greenbelt with good crossings at key places. Designate an area out of the floodplain with level terrain forapossible 40 to 50-acre communitypark with a p buffer from the residential area. Collocation of a neighborhood park, approximately 10 acres, adjacent to a school, if built, with enough open space to provide adequate facilities. As detail planning begins, provide accessibility to the parks and greenbelt areas from several different areas within the neighborhood. Gary motioned to accept Mr. Crowley's concept in addition to Steve's identified items, seconded by Carol. The motion passed. 4. Discussion of the Sports and Recreation Association and Appointment of Board Liaison: Steve mentioned that the bylaws have been approved. Mike nominated Bob as board !ja-istin to the Association, Elizabeth seconded. The motion passed. OW-0 5. Discussion of the Naming Edelweiss Park: The park is on Victoria Street located next to Graham Rd. It is located in the Edelweiss subdivision, so for identification purposes the department calls it Edelweiss Park. It is a 10-acre site, with 5 acres being a detention area. Steve mentioned that there is $80,000 available for development, with $25,000 allocated for trees. Gary motioned to keep it Edelweiss, 2nd by Bob. The motion passed. 6. Discussion of Lick Creek Park: Elizabeth commented that she enjoyed the tour and took her family out there the next day. She mentioned that she saw things she had never seen before. Gary stated his surprise in the amount of change that had taken place in the last few years, including the overgrowth of brush. He stated that it needs a development plan for controlled burns and mowings because without a plan it will eventually become impassable. Steve stated that there is currently no master plan for Lick Creek. He mentioned that he is going to work with different groups from A&M to do some controlled burns to maintain some of the grass lands. He would like to preserve the area in its natural state, but not let the growth get out of control. Steve recommended forming a Lick Creek Park standing committee with representatives from different entities such as the Audubon Society, A&M Biology Department, Archaeologists, the Parks & Wildlife Department, and the A&M Recreation, Parks & Tourism Department to develop a management plan. Bob proposed the forming of a steering committee made up of both board members and city staff to evaluate and decide who will be on the advisory committee. He also suggested the establishment of an advisory committee with various entity representation by the summer, to begin development of a master plan to be presented to the board and then submitted to the public through public hearings for input before approval by the board. The Parks&Recreation Board 5/13/97 Page 2 board agreed. Ron appointed Mike, Elizabeth, and Gary to serve on the committee, with Mike as chair. 7. 1997 Board Goals Report: Complete Acquisition of the Athletic Park Site and Develop a Master Plan -- The Trust for Public Land has made an offer in conjunction with the City of Bryan, and Brazos County. To Steve's knowledge no counter offer has been made. Ric stated that there is approximately 125-130 acres of developable land at the site. Youth Programming for Teens -- Steve informed the board that the Teen Board met with the City Council last week and everything went well. Linda Waltman will present the Council with a list of possible choices for a Teen Center. The Teen Board's first choice is the Home Store located on Southwest Parkway. 8. Capital Improvement Program Report: Wayne Smith Baseball Complex -- A hearing for the last portion of the land needed is scheduled for June 19. The plans are completed and will be reviewed by city staff next week. Madely Property Donation -- The environmental site assessment is complete and Ric expects to receive the Title survey by early next week. The city will then get a title policy and proceed with developing an agreement with Mr. Madely. Edelweiss Park -- Ric mentioned that the developer provided $25,000 for landscaping that will be used for planting 75 trees. Irrigation will be provided for those trees in addition to the area around the steep slopes to the detention area in order to provide for good grass growth to lessen erosion. Lemontree Rest Room -- The project is currently out to bid. 9. Other Business/Board Concerns: Elizabeth mentioned that she spoke to a man that was very upset about the private park located on Welsh Street that he wanted the city to accept several years ago. She said that he intends to speak to Mayor Mcllhaney about it in the future. Steve mentioned that when that private park, which also serves as a detention area, was established, it was done without any coordination with the city. After its development, the homeowners association decided they did not want to be liable for the maintenance, nor the liability associated with it. The city agreed to accept the land and maintain it as a drainage structure not a park, because the city already had a park just down the street. One of the requirements was for the association to remove the equipment. Bob stated that the Sports Association needs to get as many groups involved in the association as possible. Ric mentioned that the bylaws state that the organizations must have a user's agreement with the city in order to be a member of the Association. 10. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Parks&Recreation Board 5/13/97 Page 3