HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/13/1995 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board • : • •• ••• • • ••.• • • • • ••• Parks & Rec.• •••reation Board : • •• • • • • .' ••• • • .• •••• • • • • .• • j. •••.• • •• •• .• .• • • • ••• • • • • .:.• • .. ••••./. •• ••••• • •• • • •• • Regular Meeting • • H.: • .• • :.Tuti4dti, P. June 13 1995• -•7:00• •: ..r•.. • .:•• •..• • ••• • • •• • • • .• :.• • Central Park Conference.Room .• • • ....• •. •••• : ..• • ...• •••• • rene ap d • • • •.:. ....• •• • • Harding; r. Garai 13e :13017..Holds• Deotte; •Pastry► Nike Members Present. Fon Gay, Vice Cha ; .Reynolds; Manson. Nanc Crouch Council Liaison •• • • • •• Ma . , . • , • Members A bsent. George Dresser, Chair; Greg:Taggart. ti Curtis Si h :•:•••• • ••• • eve Beach Director of. Parks & Fecrea on; ng am, Parks • .• • ..•••• :••• •• .• •staff:Present. • • , � upt.; Peter Vanecek, •Senior Parks anner, e�a • a er, perat�ons S 'sot• Brid A i t nt a s Pro ams Su eM ette eor e s s a g�' � g p •• ons 806 Camellia Court; David Alexander, 1602 Laura Lane, Visktors Present. Sandra Pars , 250 Savannah Court. Ran Gilbert, 403A Manuel Drive • ••• John Gudelrnan, ' I. Cral l TO Carder: Fon called the meeting to order.at.7..Q7 p.rn .. . . .... .... Minutas: )• :•.:. • •'••• •••••• •••••• ••• •••••••:.• .•:...: •••• : • •••• •• • :.• • ••• . •••• •. •: •• II. Approval of • Minutes.were.approved•as submitted..:. •• • • III. Hear Visitors: • •• No unscheduled..visitors•present. • • • • • • • •• • • .• •:. .• ..• . •.: • • . 'scussion of Recommendation to Rename Raintree Park: IV. I]i • . • res5er on •Ma 3� to uesting to rename • John Gudelrran wrote a letter to Chair George D y , q • Nlr• th t `Alice Vincent who assed F•�aintrce Park after one of...their residents. Mr. u e man s a e a. . ... ....... .... awa several'.months a o l�Ved in the neighborhoo an was a mere er o the or�n y g , .good, friendl nei hbor who was well-liked by members of Associaiton. lie•stated.that.she vuas.a.g , the association. He informed.th.e..Board that some .of...the.Members of the.association.would lie to me the ark after her. rens p • :there..was a .recedent.for renamingars. Steve.stated..that there was.no..written Barry asked if th p p • d from Westchester.Park to Jack c Dorothy Miller:Park due alic . Cane ark was recently.rename r • • • to their•community involvement:andfounding of Bravos Seaut� e a so rrien ane. ..: : a ex er w....s renamed Brison:Park after:.Dr..Fred Brison. Steve informed•the..Board.that over•the past Park a coup years.plaques le of la. ues have been installed at several parks that had been named after.someone. I histoof the ark and nam ng of the park. He:stated:that•there.is some 1 This helps preserve.:the ry p the cost involved in• .renaming parks. A plaque would.have.to be:producedark, as well as changing p. . . • signs. .. tee also mentioned that.if.the•Board approved to rename a park they would then mak?.a recommendation to...the.Council, and•it•would .be up.to.•there.•to approve the recommendation to • . ..• •...-rename the park. .• Parks&Recreation Board Regular Meeting June 13, 1995 Page Mr. Gudelman stated that approximately 50-60% of the residents in theneighborhood beton g to the homeowner's association. Not all of them have been approached about renaming the park. Ron stated that he would like to know what other:members of the neighborhood think before renaming delman stated that he would. rather go door-to-door than doinga mail-out because Raintree. Mr. �u Ms. Vincentassed awayonlya few months ago and he doesn't want to upset her husband about p . it's suggested doingapetition. Barrymotioned to have a policy .. :.this proposal until �t s approved. Ron gg r meetingfor renamingfuture parks. Bob seconded, the motion passed. Bob submitted at the next volunteered to work with staff on producing a policy for the renaming of parks. V. Discussion of Various Potential Park Sites: Steve informed the Board Boaard that the Friends Congregational Church would like to sell approximately The. closest park is acres of land next to their church located at 2818 and Southwood Drive. T Georgie K. Fitch located about three blocks away. He 'stated that the church wants.to get some moneyto retire their debt for the construction of their church. They would like someone to buy the property and then donate it to the City for a park, possibly as a tax o o s stated a e p land could be used for baseball soccer or practice.fields. He stated that both the soccer and baseball .: organizations could be approached about paying for some of the cost or the upkeep of tha park. .... .. .... the land is not verylevel. Ron mentioned that the city has no established policy for Barry stated that . for accepting land for.::.parks. He would ;like to see some minimum requirementsestablished s e p g accepting land. Steve presented `another area of land, already constructed as a park, in the BrandonHeights on that is maintained by the homeowners. The association approached the City a couple of subdivision, yearswanting ago: to give this site: :to the city to maintain. Ste►�e rnentione that the park was not was alreadypark in the area. He stated that if it was accepted it would needed because. there a ...:..: ..... .. have to be brought up to currentcity standards byremoving some ofthe playground equipment (i.e., merry-go-round), as well as resurfacing the sidewalks. Steve stated it would be a good deal it was needed, but it's not. Bob moved to defer further discussion until a policy is established for accepting park land. Carol seconded, the motion passed. VI. Discussion of Lick Creek Park Bike Trails: Mike motioned to table this item until the next meeting. The motion passed. VII. Discussion of Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater Operations: Sheila passed out an information sheet that summarized events held at the amphitheater. Since the opening n in 1993, 47 events have been held with over 72,000 in attendance. Since no records of ........: . ... complaints were documented until this year, Sheila estimated that she had received approximately 130p opening,complaints since its o ening, with 78 complaints this year. The information sheet also showed Sheila reminded the oar that the decibel level readings at.theupper sidewalk for eachconcert. the policy olic , set b previous Board members, states that the decibel level is not to exceedat e y upper sidewalk. Sheila stated that the decibel meter picks up readings from various sound sources such as rain, air conditioners, cars, etc., making it sometimes difficult to get a read from the actual concert. Although complaints were received about Willie Nelson,' he had a reading of only 84 r. g . has played a big in the way :that decibels at the upper sidewalk. Sheila statedat weatherp role sound has traveled, which varies the number of complaints receive d.y She mentioned a the sound workers a t the Jacks pp ierce concert were told to turn down the sound whenever it reached 96 . decibels. However after leaving the sound booth the workers would turn it back up, so a security . 3 g guard had to be posted at the sound booth to make sure they kept it turned down. individual to do a masters thesis on the sound problem. This could help Barry suggested getting an save the city some money, as well as present some ideas on solving the problem. Bob suggested Parks&Recreation Board Regular Meeting June 13,1995 Page(3) Transportation Institute who deals with sound abatement for freeways. that Sheila contact the Texas } Ron stat ed that he would also Tike to see the department avoid those concerts that have a high risk for complaint until the problem is looked into. Sheila stated that concerts will end at p.m. on weekday y s and 11:oo p,m. on weekends, although she would like to see weekends changed to r p :midnight. from the am hitheater., She stated that she considers the noise Ms. Sandra Parsons lives two blocksp from the con certs:close to being an invasion of her privacy.: She stated that on someconcerts she . . N can dt5t�nctly Music hear the us•�c even. with her air conditioner andtelevision on, win ows c ose , an d the fans running. She stated that she even heard Barney sound checks one Sun ay morning at 7:oo a t ted that the removal of the:trees and vegetation:for the retaining ponds has increased a.rn. She s the noise level. Ms. Parsons stated that:she has been ►very impressed with the response s a has received when she has called to Complain.aboutthe concerts. .She �s Pleased that the oar an e isbein roactive:with this roblem. She stated:that the park is quite an addition to the department �P r p ..: ....... ..... neighborhood and would like to see the problem solved as soon as possible. She wou :a so i e to g Ms. Parsons mentioned at 'she,has een p easy see more park.benches:construct0d to the:park.. w nth the fact that there has been no litter or parking probems. Steve mentioned that after every event not oni is the amphitheater cleaned, but so are a surroun n areas encu in e s eets � � g Service.Center, etc. sidewalks, mall:parking ot, ....ears. :: . ........ ............. ... uickl trees could beplanted at the amphitheater. Steve stated::that live Koh.asked Steve hovu q y N ve been lanted at the:topof the berm. f o:Wever, it will take several years: until they oaks ha p become lar a:enough to be effective. Bob:suggested putting speakers at the top o the r acing g ted that this could cause roblems because each artist has their own particular setup . down, Steve 5ta p r E for their act. f-.-le also stated that it would take extremely lon cablestoput s p ea ers atthetopo the . gp hill which artists may not have. Also, running cables up and down the:hillcou presen a:Safety s gr hazard. } . ... . . ... . . . .. .. .. Steve mentioned that some immediate problems are being dealt with currently. :He mentionedthat Sheila stays in direct contact with the Police Department for every concert, 10t.tin.g therr nowxac y its and ends as Well.as checking from time to time to see if any complaints when the concert 5ta N . haeme been received. He also stated that the decibel level has been dowered to 94 to::gee:i . .at decreases ccOplaints. He reminded the Board 13o'ard that.weather plays a g ac or in spun "Tavel. .m r, David Alexander statecj that sound:travel varies with each concert. fie could hear Willie Nelson .. 7 outside but not inside his horrxe. HaweVer with Jackopierce he could hear every g�n inside his home. He stated that with the last four concerts he could barely hear the music. VIII. Capital Improvement Pro«ram Report: Pete informed the .boar d that the Wolf. Pen Creek rest rooms are almost complete. They are working on the interior of the building now. Steve stated at the rest rooms have been used or _/vens. Pete mentioned that the oaks and Thomas projects have been completed. The SouthwoodPoolproject ro`ect is still being discussed with the architecture firm. Pete stated that h e is finished with the designs for Sandstone Park. It should go to bid by the end of . the month. Creek dredging ro"ect is in progress and should be complete in two months. The Wolf Pen g g p p �' Parks&Recreation Board Regular Meeting June 13, 1995 Page(4) • IX. Other Business/Board Concerns: Ron would like the department to organize a parks tour and retreat to welcome the new board members. Ron would also like more interaction with Council members for more direction on their priorities. Ron suggested doing a joint Board/Council retreat in September. Bridgette informed the members that AndySheehy and Debra Anderson were appointed to the.Board, with Ron appointed « stated that And as the Chair.. George Dresser and Carol Reynolds' terms have expired. Barry a y Sheehy moved to Waco. Bridgette stated that she would call the Council office the following day and check on his status. Ron asked if any members would like to form a subcommittee to work with staff and Peggy I Calliharn, Public Relations Manager, about misconstrued Wolf Pen Creek issues. Barry and on volunteered to work with staff. Ron would also like to see joint meetings with Little League Board members on a regular basis. This will help keep the Parks Board advised of their expanding programs andproblems. This willalso let gp � p the Little.League Board know what the city's limitations are regarding the availability of parkland and fields. Steve mentioned that he has asked for the school district,to provide a group of people to help with the design of Pebble Creek Park. This is the park that will be adjacent to the elementary school. Steve discussed the letter Pete Vanecek received from the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation regarding Adamson Lagoon. The city was informed that the facility was inspected and g g g found in non-compliance with the provisions of the Elimination of Architectural Barriers Act. Steve mentioned that although prior to construction of the shade structures all of the designs were pp a roved by the State, the aforementioned department is now stating that the city is in non- ) compliance. Steve stated that no response has been made at this time. X. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.