HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/11/1995 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1995 - 7:00- P.M. CENTRAL PARK CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 KRENEK TAP ROAD D MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Gay, Chair; Greg Taggart; Bob DeOtte; ~Carol Reynolds; Michael Manson; Debra Anderson; and Nancy Crouch, Council Liaison MEMBERS ABSENT: Barry Harding STAFF PRESENT: Steve Beachy, Director; Eric Ploeger, Asst. Director; Curtis Bingham, Parks Operations Superintendent; David Gerling, Special Facilities Superintendent; Vera Solis, Aquatics Supervisor; Bridgette George, Staff Assistant VISITORS: David Scott, 1213 Winding Rd; Bobby Byeington,B ein tan, 2309 Avon St, Bryan; Bryan Maxwell, 710 Crosstimbers; Chris Arterburn, 2606 Melba Cir, Bryan; Jill and Jason Handy, 1000 Balcones #56; Brent and Michele Burton, 4302 College Main #357; Greg Schmidt, 2100 Southwood Dr #1; Wayne Bryan, 1203 Broadmoor Dr, Bryan; Ira Cooper, P 0 Box 8160; Jon Heemeier, 4105 Windswept Dr; Todd Pollard, 306 Glade.St Audubon Society - Sandra Shaull, 407 Stefanie. Dr, Bryan and Jim Man art, 2910 Pueblo Ct I. CALL TO ORDER: .,. The meeting g was called o order by Chair Ron Gay at 7:08 p.m. IL OATH OF OFFICE: Nancy administered the oath of office to two existing members Ron Gay and Carol Reynolds, and one new member Debra Anderson. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes were approved as submitted. • IV. HEAR VISITORS: No unscheduled visitors were present. V. DISCUSSION OF LICK CREEK PARK CONCERNS: . Chris Arterburn told the board that most of the visitorsp resent were avid bike riders and were there to express their concern about some of the trails at Lick Creek Park. Mr. Arterburn presented pictures :of some of the trails. Some of the pictures depicted trails that had some overgrowth blocking the trails, as well as some with erosion problems. He stated that`he spoke with Curtis Bingham, Parks Operations Superintendent, several weeks prior to the meeting about a particular trail that Curtis told him was closed. Mr. Arterburn and other bikers had been using the trail because they didn't know the trail was closed,they thought it was just not beingmaintained. He would like to see new trails opened if existing trails are closed. . . • . .. • Parks & Recreation Board Regular Meeting July 11, 1995 Page (2) Jason Handy stated that he could get a group of volunteers to help create new trails so that the department would not have to use their manpower. He stated that a lot of these individuals are ( environmentalists and are concerned about preserving Lick Creek'Park, so they would be careful in selecting proper ways to create: new trails, so as to not damage the integrity of the park. Greg asked if any of the visitors present were members of an organized biking group. Mr. Handy said no, but stated that each bike store has a group of bikers that go out to Lick Creek Park several times a week to ride. He stated that Ryan Albert is a biker who is trying to develop Brazos Valley Mountain Bikers Association, which he believes has something to do with the A&M Cycling Club. Bobby Byeington stated that bikers like to bike on trails that have lots of turns, hills, dips, ravines, etc.; trails with a challenge. The rougher the road surface, the better. He stated that water crossings are good if bikers can see the bottom and they have a rocky bottom, not sandy or muddy. Wayne Bryan stated that a trail that is designed properly will last longer with proper drainage and erosion control in mind. David Scott is a hiker that uses Lick Creek Park and enjoys the solitude of the park. Mr. Scott advocates a minimum of development at the park. Sandra Shaull would like to see Lick Creek Park maintained as it is. She doesn't want to see a lot of development to occur there, destroying the natural ecosystem. She would like to see extensive planning done with various groups, environmentalists, bikers, hikers, etc., before any new trails are developed. She would like to see different trails for bikers and hikers. She, at times, feels like she may be run over by bikers who are using the same trials as she is. Ms. Shaul! stated that she had been at Lick Creek Park recently when she'came across some individuals who were cutting new trails. She stated that there are no signs out there'to discourage this type of activity. She would also like to see periodic closings of trails in order to give them time to recuperate. Ron asked what guarantee the board had that bikers would not continue to do unauthorized cuttings of new trails at Lick Creek Park. Mr. Arterburn stated that when one joins a bike' club, there are a set of rules they are asked to follow. These include issues such as not riding on trails that are extremely wet, and being courteous to othei users of the' trails. He stated that club members could sign an agreement, to abide by these rules, and present it to the board. Mike wouldIike to see a focus group formed of various organizations to help with a plan for Lick Creek Park. Ron asked Steve where the park was in order of priority for thecity.. Steve'stated that it is currently not a priority to City Council or staff. Other issues have' been prioritized by Council. He also stated that no resources are dedicated to the sight other than minimum maintenance activities. There are no funds for ongoing maintenapceof-,trails. He would like to see a master plan developed for the park that is approved by the Parks Board and by City Council. Mike stated that he would like approval from the board to form a group to help develop some new trails at Lick Creek Park. Steve stated that was fine, but that he would like to see a master plan developed before new trails are cut. Greg stated that a master plan is very complex and he believes beyond the means of a citizens' committee, but stated that a committee could develop a usage concept that could be used in the master plan. Mr. Scott stated'that he believes there is more concern' about a long term problem than a short term problem. Mr. Handy agreed, and stated that they would be satisfied with, the maintenance of existing trails now. He is also* interested in the integrity of the park and would like to see extensive research done before any new construction is allowed. Greg Schmidt would like to see the trails marked, some for biking and some for hjking. This would help with the issue of,bikers coming up on hikers. Carol 'stated that this 'may not be enough because+there may be users that do not fall into those two categories. • John Manhart works-at A&M teaching plant taxOnomy and spends a' lot of time in the park. He stated that he knows where most of the sensitive areas are in the park. Mr. Manhart stated that Parks & Recreation Board Regular Meeting July 11, 1995 ' Page (3) some of these plants don't exist year-round so people who are cutting new trails have no idea that they are disturbing these plant lives. He stated that if you fix the erosion problem by putting in a culvert, then you've taken away the technical aspect of the trail which is part of the reason that bikers use it. He stated that before fixing some of the erosion problems it must be studied thoroughly. Steve asked what other areas in the community were open to off-road biking. Mr. Arterburn stated Lake Somerville and Gibbons Creek were the only areas besides Lick Creek Park that they could use. Lake Bryan is planning some trails, but they don't currently exist. - Greg moved that an ad hoc advisory committee, headed up by Mike and Carol, be developed to produce ideas for short-term solutions for the trails at Lick Creek Park. Bob seconded, the motion passed. VI. DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF POLICY CONCERNING PARK NAMES: Bob worked with Steve to develop a policy for the naming of parks and recreation facilities, as well as guidelines for placing monuments, memorials, and exhibits on public land or in public facilities. These policies and guidelines were developed from existing policies utilized at the City of Bryan. Nancy stated that citizens don't always feel notified even when public hearings are published. She suggested the use of petition letters by the citizens initiating the request instead of public hearings. Mike motioned to adopt the policies, Carol seconded. Bob made a motion to amend number 1 of the Procedures by adding "upon presentation of a petition containing the signatures of 25 or more registered voters from the City of College Station". Greg made a motion to amend the Guidelines by striking number 11. Greg made a motion to amend number 6 of the procedures by adding "...will hold public hearing." There was no second, the amendment failed. The board approved the amendments. The board approved the policy and guidelines as amended. VII. REPORT ON SWIMMING POOL USE AND SCHEDULES: Steve informed the board that Vera was present to update them on the change of operation hours that was requested by the board at the beginning of the summer. Vera handed out a summary comparing the 1994 and 1995 attendance and revenues for the three pools. Vera stated that total - attendance for the pools was down mainly due to the decrease in attendance at Thomas Pool, but total revenues were up. This was due partly because of the Junior Lifeguarding program. Last year there were 16 participants, this year the number reached 43 participants, with a registration fee of $43.00 each. She also stated that she greatly expanded the theme birthday parties: pirate, beach, general, etc., which have been extremely popular. They are booked almost every weekend, Friday-Sunday throughout the day. Mike asked why attendance was down at Thomas. Vera stated that users object to the hours. They would like to see the hours extended to later in the day but swimming lessons begin at 6:00 p.m. Vera stated that the lap swimming issue has worked itself out by offering an additional lap lane for adults to swim in. Vera stated that the reason revenues had increased even though attendance had decreased was because of the increase in season passes sold, as well as the increase in parties. Steve stated that the department had submitted a request to the City Council requesting that the three city pools operate in the summer while operating' the Natatorium year-round. The school district has asked the city to operate the pool for them. They have agreed to pay the utilities, maintenance, supplies, etc., while the city provides the lifeguards and personnel to operate it. Swimming lessons would be conducted at the Natatorium, as well as being open to the general public. Nancy asked if there would be enough income to offset the cost of running the Natatorium. Steve stated that he believed there would be. The Natatorium is scheduled to be completed in October or November. ti Vera stated that users of Southwood Pool have objected to the hours. They would like for the pool to stay open later in the evening. Bob asked what it would take to leave the pool open later. Parks & Recreation Board 1 Regular Meeting July 11, 1995 Page (4) Vera stated that she would need additional funds to pay for staffing. However, this would eliminate the opportunity to rent the pool for private parties. ( I VIII. • CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM REPORT: Ric stated that the construction of the Wolf Pen Creek rest room building was complete. • The Southwood Pool renovation contract was finally signed and the. architect has begun testing the pool and its'surroundings, The Sandstone Park project was bid out the previous week with low bid coming in at $195,003 by Marek Brothers. The department has already used $10,000 on grading at the park. The budget for the project Was $250,000. The remainder of funds will be used forplantingtrees throughout the park. The VVindwood Park area lights will be installed in July by city staff. The lights being used came from Oaks Park and will be refurbished before being erected. The Brothers Pond area light will be installed as soon as the light pole arrives. IX. OTHER BUSINESS/BOARD CONCERNS: Bob was approached by a little'league representative and was asked why there were more soccer fields that! little league fields. He stated'that they counted all of the fields in the city that have a soccer goal. Bob explained the fact that a soccer goal does not necessarily represent a "game field", it could represent a practice field. Bob also stated that some residents are.wanting to establish a. Pony League and are requesting fields. This' league includes 13 year olds and above. Bob told them they would need to bring a proposal to the board. Some discussion.took place regarding whether the city should subsidize youth athletic programs when there is a need for more fields and more and more organizations are wanting to use the limited fields that the city has. Bob thinks that both soccer and little league,should be paying for the use of the city's fields. Greg stated that' he wants the board to recognize that there are organizations other than little leagile that are entitled to the useofathletic fields; .„ Bob asked about the poky regarding donated• parkland. Steve reminded,the board that they agreed riot to'aecept any donated land until the city's master plan was approved. , Nancy mentioned that Brazos '20/20 Vision Was going to have,an open meeting at the Brazos Center the following Tuesday, August 18. . . , Steve mentioned that the next meeting will include a barbecue:and social. Past member George Dresser will be presented with an-appreciation plaque for his service to the board. After further discussion and due to the lack of a pbssible quorum, the next meeting was moved back a week to August 15: Ron also mentioned that a board retreat with a park toiir would be scheduled for a Saturday mottling, possibly in September. He would like the .City Council. tobe included in the tour and lunch, if possible. - X. ADJOURN: Ron adjourned the meeting at 9:28 p:m. •