HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/21/1995 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1995 - 7:00 P.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: George Dresser, Chair; Ron Gay, Vice Chair; Bob DeOtte; Carol
Reynolds; and Nancy Crouch, Council Liaison
MEMBERS ABSENT: Greg Taggart and Barry Harding
STAFF PRESENT: Steve Beachy, Director; Eric Ploeger, Asst. Director; Curtis
Bingham, Parks Operations Supt.; Linda Waltman, Recreation
Supt.; Sheila Walker, Programs Supv.; Bridgette George, Staff
The meeting was called to order at 7:13 p.m.
Minutes were approved as presented.
No visitors were present.
Sheila stated that she is focusing on increasing local support of the facility with multi-events of
family-type series. This will include ticketed events as well as free events targeted towards a wide
variety of citizens. Sheila has scheduled fifteen family events for the '95 season. These will
include five movies and ten concerts geared towards the whole family. The movies will be either
"G" or "PG" rated. She stated that the local media has been providing a lot of support. Sheila is
in the process of producing a "Visitor Card" where patrons can have it stamped when they attend
these events. If the card has been stamped ten or more times the patron can enter their card in a
drawing for trips to New Orleans, Las Vegas, Fiesta Texas, Jacuzzi Suites at the Hilton, and
Sheila passed out and reviewed the tentative schedule for Wolf Pen Creek events. She mentioned
that in addition to the scheduled family events there were several ticketed events put on by
promoters. Willie Nelson is scheduled for March 4. She also said that two previous artists that
have played at the amphitheater before are trying to book April 8, for a concert. Sheila is pleased
that artists are satisfied with the amphitheater because it is resulting in repeat business. On April
22, there will be a JazzFest/Kidfest. The event will include three helicopters from the military,
tethered hot air balloon rides, food booths, etc., that will be located on Holleman Drive, which
will be blocked off like it was for the Barney concert. The jazz festival will be a free all-day
event. April 23, will be a free Earth Day Celebration Concert to include an informational and
activity-type area geared towards earth day, recycling and the environment. Sheila mentioned
that there are a lot of organizations from A&M that are excited about participating at this event.
"Big Head Todd and the Monsters" will be the music group performing for that event. On May
10, "Jackopierce" will be in concert for the second year. Sheila stated that last year's concert was
a big success. On May 12, Sheila is scheduling a family oriented "rock alternative" concert
Parks & Recreation Board
Regular Meeting
February 21, 1995
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geared towards teenagers and their parents. A "Safe Summer Kick-Off Party" is scheduled for May
19. The College Station Police Department band "Blue Heat" will play a short concert followed
by the movie "The Pagemaster" (PG). The Fire Department will have their Fire Safety House on
site and will also be teaching kids how to use fire extinguishers. Sheila also mentioned that all
organizations that have any summer activities going on in the Brazos Valley will be on hand to
help promote a "Supervised Summer." A Christian Music concert is scheduled for June 23. Sheila
is planning a homemade ice cream contest by local churches at the event. She is working on
prizes for the winning church, possible a party at Putt Putt, Adamson Lagoon, or the equivalent.
A Spanish music concert is scheduled for July 14, in conjunction with the Spanish Fire School in
town that week. Registrations for the school have exceeded 800 firemen, some of which will be
traveling with their families. Sheila mentioned that last year a local radio station had a
watermelon party for that group and it was well attended.
Sheila mentioned that sometimes the timely scheduling of events is beyond her control as some
promoters don't finalize contracts with people until up to three weeks before the event. She
reminded the Board that the schedule she passed out was a tentative schedule and changes
weekly. She also mentioned that she has been working with several local organizations which
continuously put on conferences. The Convention and Visitor's Bureau pointed out certain
conference dates and told Sheila that a concert booked on that date would benefit their
conference. She mentioned that was why some of the dates already sfNeduled were picked on
those days.
Ron asked Sheila to make sure that the gentleman, who was so adamaKt about how the City
decided the beer vendor last time, received that information this time. Steve stated that the
Purchasing Department handled the whole process this time as they do with other bids for the
City. The notice was advertised in the newspaper, as well as notification to local beer vendors.
Steve mentioned that the previous beer vendor did not submit a bid this time, however, four other
bids were received. Selection of the current vendor was determined by the sales percentage
offered to the City, how the vendor intended on providing the service (including training of their
employees), as well as the status of reference checks at both the Police Department and TABC.
Steve mentioned that the contract was for one year, plus an additional year to continue at the
City's option. He said the biggest difference with this vendor is the gross percentage offered
which went from 15% to 35%. The vendor has proposed selling the beer at $2.50 per cup which
is $0.25 higher than last year. But this should help encourage less drinking. George stated that
he is pleased with all of the family events scheduled for this year, and asked how they will be
paid for. Sheila mentioned that the free events will be paid for through the current budget and
reminded the Board that those events require much less staffing because there is no need for
ticket takers, money counters, etc. Also, those events are scheduled on Friday, which will result
in staff being able to set up for the event during regular work hours, instead of having to pay them
extra on the weekends to set up. She mentioned that the promoters are charged for all the city
staff required at their events, not the City.
Sheila's second goal has been to increase promoter interest in the facility. She handed out a
presentation folder that included a one-page summary of the area, the local market and the
facility, as well as other information. She has been sending this out nation-wide to various
promoters, management agencies, booking agencies, etc. She has received an overwhelming
response to these folders. Last week she had two promoters ask if the City was interested in
exclusive deals. Sheila explained that an exclusive deal is where the promoter has a contract to
book, organize, and bring in artists for all paid events at the amphitheater. Staff would set some
standards for these events and the promoter would be responsible for booking a set amount of
events. The amphitheater would still be available for free events and private rentals. Ron asked
what level of performer would come to the amphitheater considering the size. Sheila mentioned
that she is concerned more with the serving capacity of patrons than the seating capacity. She
stated that The Backyard in Austin can only seat 2,500 and they have had Rod Stewart, Willie
Nelson, Waylon Jennings, etc. Sheila also mentioned that the facility is now listed in all the
major trade publications for amphitheaters, convention centers, entertainment halls, etc.
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Regular Meeting
February 21, 1995
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Bob asked if staff cared who the artists were at all. Sheila mentioned that there were no
restrictions on who could or could not be booked at the amphitheater. Bob mentioned that his
wife was surprised that the City would book an artist who was just arrested for marijuana. Sheila
stated that there's a probability that some of her other artists have been in the same predicament
but it hasn't been advertised like Willie's. She mentioned that it would be difficult to judge who
should or should not perform at the amphitheater, and wasn't sure who should make that
Sheila passed out VIP passes to the Parks Board members that admits them and one guest to all
ticketed events.
Ms. Crouch asked if the dredging would be completed before the Willie Nelson concert. Eric
stated no and said that the City is still processing the bids. He stated that two months would be
an optimistic estimate for completion.
Steve mentioned that City staff are currently developing action plans for the Council's Strategic
Issues. He mentioned that they have been divided up into project teams for the top 25 council
issues. Various staff members throughout the City have been assigned to these issues. Steve
stated that these action plans are due in the City Manager's office the following Thursday, March
2. The following discussions took place on the issues involving Parks staff.
#3 - ONE-STOP HEALTH FACILITY: Ms. Crouch mentioned that 15% of the City's Community
Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds go to social service agencies. She stated that this
concept (One-stop Health Facility), would likely be located across Eleanor from Wayne Smith
Park, as in the Lincoln Center/Wayne Smith Masterplan. She stated that currently these funds go
to the Food Bank, Crisis Hotline, Health for All, etc., which is used for citizens throughout the
county. She mentioned that these funds would not be taken away from these entities but would
be used to provide services specifically for College Station residents, instead of citizens from areas
outside of College Station. Also, a lot of College Station residents have transportation problems in
accessing these services. Steve mentioned that right now some social services are provided at the
Lincoln Center one day a week, however, if this concept came to a reality the Lincoln Center
could be used as a true recreation center as it was intended to be. Ms. Crouch mentioned that
Dale Marsico and his group are in the process of starting a one-stop shop concept in downtown
Bryan and that the Bryan City Council has already verbally committed their CDBG funds to go
towards it, and he's assuming the College Station City Council will do the same. She stated that a
joint county/city council meeting will be held to talk about this issue. Ron asked why the Parks
Department was involved in this issue about a health facility. Ms. Crouch informed the Board
that these issues are just concepts for now, nothing is final as to when or if the building would
even be built. Ron doesn't want a facility to be built that may duplicate other services and then
be vacated for another facility, leaving the Parks Department with an empty building. Steve
mentioned that if the One-Stop Health Facility was built, it would not be taken care of by Parks,
the Facility Maintenance Division would maintain it.
#5 - COMMUNITY APPEARANCE: Ross Albrecht, Forestry Superintendent, is the Parks
Department's representative to this issue. Steve stated that this has been a priority issue year's
past. City staff have not met on this issue yet, but Steve believes it will pertain to streetscape and
landscaping issues, as well as signage, banners, etc.
#16 - GEORGE BUSH LIBRARY: Steve was appointed to the project team for this issue. He stated
that the main concern will be the tourism impact resulting from the library. Steve mentioned that
a large RV park should be considered in order to accommodate RV travelers, to include a building
for conference rooms, a recreational park, etc. Ms. Crouch mentioned that she would like the
City to develop tours of the University conducted by or through the Convention and Visitors
Bureau. Steve would also like to see some "Points of Interests" displays in key locations for
visitors to retrieve information from, such as locations for the amphitheater, Messina Hoy, the
Bush Library, etc. Ms. Crouch mentioned that she saw a kiosk up in Dallas which is a computer
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Regular Meeting
February 21, 1995
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where visitors touch the screen to retrieve information about activities in the city. She stated that
this computer can play videos, CD roms, or other various applications. These computer kiosks
run about $25,000.
#18 - YOUTH AT RISK & #22 - RECREATION PROGRAMS FOR AGES 13-19: Linda is on both of
these committees and she feels like these two issues are one in the same. She doesn't want to
duplicate services already being offered throughout the city. Linda would like to make sure that
the school district is involved in this process. She would like to survey current program users, as
well as junior high and high school students to see what they want. Steve mentioned having teen
night at the swimming pools, late night basketball at both Lincoln Center and at the school gyms.
He also said the Police Department will be asking City Council for additional funds for a second
officer at the high school. Ms. Crouch mentioned that the University of Maryland is hiring
students straight out of college for one year, probably with grant money, and they're responsible
for mentoring three at-risk kids each. This program is making a big difference in the lives of the
children involved.
#23 - FUTURE FACILITIES PLANNING: This project is geared towards City Hall and Central Fire
Station. Steve doesn't believe the Conference Center is included in this project. George asked
Steve to find out for sure if it was included.
George asked at what point the action plans would become more than internal documents and
made available to board members. Steve stated the action plans would first be completed in draft
format and submitted to the Interim City Manager for review and will then be presented to City
Council for their guidance in March. Steve said he could present more on the action plans after
the presentation to council.
Eric stated that the Oaks and Thomas project is about 50% completed. The handicap accessible
playground is currently being installed. The WPC amphitheater rest room building project is
progressing. The slab has been poured, the plumbing has been done, and the walkway is being
constructed. The Southwood Pool project contract is being negotiated. The Sandstone Park
project was approved by City Council on January 25, and the Planning staff are currently working
on construction documents.
George mentioned that he is pleased with the section in The Eagle that is targeted towards City
staff and events. He would like to see something written about the programs at Lincoln Center.
Steve informed the Board that The Eagle is supposed to be writing up issues related to the bond
Ron asked what the timeline was for the design phase of Woodway Park. Steve informed him that
it did not look like that acquisition was going to happen. Ms. Crouch indicated the same. He
said that the Department has tried to communicate with Texas A&M about doing a joint project
on their property, but no response has been received. Steve has been in contact with Dennis
Corrington with A&M.
Ron asked about Jane Kee's contact with HOK and their progress with regards to parks and
recreation. George received a memo from Jane assuring him that HOK was going to work on the
Board's issues, but that they had been directed to work on other city issues first. Nancy
mentioned that City Council added a few items for HOK to work on, which may be why they
have not been able to delegate more time to parks issues.
Ron asked if staff had a chance to work on what to do with a park for the Spring Loop area. Steve
stated no.
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Regular Meeting
February 21, 1995
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Bob discussed some items related to the bond election. He mentioned that he is getting good
cooperation from Little League, but stated that they are prohibited by charter to formerly get
involved. They are also unable to donate any monies from their organization to support the bond
election. However, they are putting forth great effort to inform the public about supporting the
bond election. He mentioned that they passed out over 300 flyers at little league sign-ups, as
well as registering several people to vote. He also stated that unfortunately the soccer club had
decided not to be associated with this effort to support the bond election. They are refusing to
donate any money since little league isn't donating any.
The Board adjourned at 9:07 p.m.