HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/15/1995 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1995 - 5:30 P.M. CENTRAL PARK CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 KRENEK TAP ROAD MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Gay, Chair; Greg Taggart; Bob DeOtte; Carol Reynolds; Barry Harding; and Debra Anderson MEMBERS ABSENT: Michael Manson and Nancy Crouch, Council Liaison STAFF PRESENT: Steve Beachy, Director; Eric Ploeger, Asst. Director; Bridgette George, Staff Assistant Dinner was served for the board social at 5:30 p.m. George Dresser was awarded an appreciation plaque for his service on the board. I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chair Ron Gay at 7:01 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes were approved as submitted. ) III. HEAR VISITORS: No visitors present. IV. DISCUSSION AND REVIEW OF BOARD GOALS: The board received a copy of their goals for 1995. The goals list showed the current status of each goal. Steve informed the board that the Sandstone project contract had been signed recently and that work would begin soon. Greg asked about Woodway Park. Steve stated that Woodway Park consisted of 4.2 acres, with a portion of the acreage fronting on Holleman Street. The City was unsuccessful in acquiring the land adjacent to the park. He stated that the city is considering a joint park project with Texas A&M. That zone currently has approximately $300,000 available for use on a neighborhood park. Some discussion took place regarding the Parkland Dedication Ordinance. Steve stated that the board could take a look at the current ordinance and see if any changes needed to be made. If changes were approved by the board the recommendation would then go to council for approval. Ron asked about the park in the Spring Loop area. Steve stated that if the board wanted to follow through with the sale of that park, he would need to notify the city attorney so that she could prepare the information that would go on the next ballot for May. Ron asked Steve to move ahead with informing council about the board wanting to sell that land. Some discussion took place regarding the expansion of baseball leagues and their request for the use of baseball fields. The board decided to hold a public hearing to gather information from various organizations about their needs for athletic fields. The board decided that there needs to be more communication between those organizations and the Parks Board and Parks Department to help alleviate the problem of expanding programs with limited athletic fields. Parks& Recreation Board Regular Meeting August 15, 1995 Page(2) V. DISCUSSION OF BIKE TRAILS AT LICK CREEK PARK: The board received in their packets a copy of a letter that Curtis Bingham, Parks Operations Superintendent, sent out to visitors of the fast meeting regarding Lick Creek Park trails. Steve mentioned that the letter was also sent to local bike shops, along with the updated map. Along with the letter was a map of Lick Creek Park depicting trails that were open, some that had been temporarily closed, and some that had been permanently closed. Maps that will be made available to citizens will not depict trails that have been closed. Hopefully this will prevent the use of those trails and allow them to return to their natural state. The letter stated that several trails were mowed and limbs cut back along all but one of the original trails. Five "Trail Closed" signs were installed at entrances to unauthorized trails. Some of the cut vegetation was used to block off the entrances to those trails. Work was done on the parking lot and along the main trail/roadway to help prevent further erosion. Future trail clearing will be performed twice a year, in early fall and early spring. The Iron Bridge trail has been temporarily closed due to the poor condition of the bridge. Renovations to the bridge are being planned for this winter, but are dependent upon available funds. Greg asked if the 420th Engineer Brigade had been contacted about taking this project on and rebuilding the bridge. Steve stated that he did not who to contact, but would check into it. He mentioned that he wrote them several years ago, but they were unable to take on any projects at that time. The board commended the work that had been done at Lick Creek Park. Ron stated that this was more than he felt was asked for by the visitors at the last meeting. VI. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM REPORT: Ric mentioned that the Wolf Pen Creek rest room building had been completed. The Southwood Pool renovation is continuing. The pool was drained recently and tested by the ) consulting architect and engineer. A preliminary report was presented to the city including all of their suggestions for repair work. Ric stated that a contract had been signed for Sandstone Park development, and as soon as the insurance and bond is received, work will begin. Ric mentioned that the Windwood area lights project is almost complete. Electricity has already been connected to one of the lights, and the second should be connected within the next day. The Brothers Pond area light will be installed by the contractor as soon as all of the parts are available. Ric stated that the Wolf Pen Creek dredging project is being operated by the Engineering Department. He mentioned that a new dredge and a new operator arrived last week. The dredge is a little larger and will hopefully work better. Ric informed the board that savings from the WPC rest room project will be used for a marquee sign. The lighted sign will be placed on Holleman Street by the crosswalk. It will be color coordinated with the amphitheater. The city is currently taking bids on the sign. Ric mentioned that the Planning and Zoning Committee is reviewing the sign designs. He stated that the WPC zone has its own design review board and must approve any construction in the zone. VII. OTHER BUSINESS/BOARD CONCERNS: Bob stated that he and Steve discussed the possibility of the board meeting on a regular basis with various youth organizations to prevent problems in the future regarding recreation facilities. The board decided to mention the possibility of future meetings with these organizations at the next regular meeting, which will include a public hearing, on September 12. Parks& Recreation Board Regular Meeting August 15, 1995 Page(3) The board decided to schedule the park tour for Tuesday, September 26, at 4:00 p.m. The ( meeting will begin at the Oakwood Kids Klub site. VIII. ADJOURN: Ron adjourned the meeting at 8:37 p.m. ( APPROVED: Ron Gay, Board Chairman Date Attest: Bridgette George CPS, Board Secretary Date ( )