HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/20/2010 - Regular Agenda - Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee (6) MEETING OFTHE �, ::: :::. WOLF PEN CREEK OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE ouf ph„... ir.v 0%. '46 dipo � '1444 w. CITY 01, ,oi,i,i,.t.S-MION AGE N A egEt+ 2:30 PM, TUESDAY APRIL 201 2010 CARTER CREEK WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT 2200 NORTH FOREST PARKWAY COLLEGE STATION/ TX 77842 The City Council mayor may not attend the Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee Regular Meeting, 1. Roll call and call to order. 2. Pardon and possible action concerning requests for absences of members. 3. Presentation, possible approval, and discussion on the March 9, 2010 minutes of the Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee and Design Review Board. 4. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the Wolf Pen Creek Water Feature and Festival Area Project. 5. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on future agenda items: A Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 6. Adjourn. Notice is hereby given that a joint meeting of the Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee will be held at 2: 30 pm on, April 20, 2010, Carter Creek Waste Water Treatment Plant at 2200 North Forest Parkway in College Station, Texas, 77842. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See Agenda. Posted this the 14th day of April, 2010, at 4:00 .m. City of Collage Station, Texas : tKI Yauthenticity 1 h: pr ve;,,:::.::. Connie Hooks, City Secretary The building is wheelchair accessible, Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made at least 48 hours before the meting. To make arrangements call(979) 764-3517 or(TDD) 1-800-735-2989 Agendas may be viewed on,vr . .qpr, (kir" MEETING OF THS , WOLF PEN CREEK OVERSIGHT COMMITTED CM of COLLEGE STATION MINUTES E::. tivt- 2:30 PM, TUESDAY APRIL 20, 2010 CARTER CREEK WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT 2200 NORTH FOREST PARKWAY COLLEGE STATION, TX 77842 STAFF PRESENT: Marco A. Cisneros, Director; Amanda Putz, Committee Secretary; Pete Vanece , Senior Park Planner; Brandi Whittenton, Staff Assistant, Fiscal Services; Jeff Kersten, Chief Financial Officer; Peter Lamont, Recreation Superintendent; Chuck Gilman, Capital Projects Director; Sheila Walker, WPC Supervisor; Scott Hooks, Park Operations Supervisor; Vera Soils, Pools Supervisor; Donald Harmon, Assistant Director, Capital Projects; David Gerling, Special Facilities Superintendent; Lance Simms, Assistant Director, Planning and Development Services; David Heeley, Assistant City Manager COMMITTEE James Massey,Chair; Dennis Maloney, Sharon Colson, Jody Ford, PRESENT: Gary Erwin, Scott Shafer, Randall Pitcock, Marsha Sanford, Larry Stewart, Kenny Mallard VISITORS: Clark Condon Associates: Sheila Condon, Principal, Clark Condon Associates Richard P. Cate, AlA--- MC CM Architects Jonathan Toays, Studio Director, Aquatic Design Engineering Paul Weathers, ASA, Clark Condon Associates Landscape Architecture Andrew Konya, Senior Associate, Clark Condon Associates Landscape Architecture Bley1 and Associates: David Belly, Bley1 and Associates 1. BpiLcalIand call to order: The meeting was called to order with quorum present at 2:37 p.m. "°0 Randall Petcock arrived at 2:38 4 fu 2. Pardon and •ossible action concernin. re. nests for absences of members:, Marc Chaloupka andJohn Nichols had sent in requests for absence, with James Massey requesting approval for his absence for the March meeting. Marsha Sanford made a motion to approve the absence I April 20, 2010 WPC Oversight Committee Meeting inutes 5 requests submitted, and Gary Erwin seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 3. Presentaton,,......_possible approval, and discussion on the March ,9, 2010 minutes of the Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Cenimitteeaiid Design Review_Board: Larry Stewart made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted, and Sharon Colson seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 4. Presentation,, possible actiorkand discussion regarding the Wolf Pen. Creek Water Feature and Festival Area Project: Paul Weathers, Clark Condon Associates, presented the proposal for the project. He gave a presentation over the Site Plan which showed the different designs and images for the project. There were three different sets of designs for the covered seating areas on the water feature. They are as listed: • Trellises • Rebar Trees • Arbors There was also discussion over the water feature and the elements that are associated: Water Feature - Nozzle types (with four different modes) • reaper • Dynamite blast • Choreo nozzle • Arching jet Videos were shown giving examples of the different nozzle types, also showing interactive night shows. There can be a standardized program set up and also a show mode set-up. Timers and programs can be pre- programmed to meet the needs of the desired program. Discussion followed regarding the water treatment system. The waterwall may have to be looked at to meet the budged needs of $1.2 million. It was discussed if there was going to be a fence installed included in the base budget to be able to restrict entry for certain events. JeSQQThQ!a9ELaiid Equipment Bldq; 2 April 20, 2010 WPC Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes Clark Condon proposed four (4) family restrooms dor the facility, as they believe that might be more appropriate. (ex. changing kids, etc.) There was discussion amongst the Committee regarding the bathrooms. Some members were not sure that family restrooms would meet the need for the potential number of users and could possibly cause more problems. The Committee wanted Clark Condon to speak with staff regarding the details for the specific bathroom type. Dennis Maloney requested that the restrooms not have a locking ability due to problems that could arise with a locked door. Clark Condon brought building material samples for the Committee and Staff to be able to touch and feel. Bench Materials - metal, can be built in an arch form Lights - power and water installed at each light The Water Feature floor is currently a concrete surface with a slip resistant Finish. There is an equipment room for storing items for eventsy, such as storing chairs, tables, and sound equipment. Sharon Colson's comments: • The vine concept for the sitting areas is going to be a continuous maintenance problem with wasps, birds, etc. • Water Feature- a 33 feet dynamite blast will be a problem with a south wind. • Electric and Equipment Room - there is not a door to get into the electric room immediately, and she thinks there needs to be an outside door. • Res rooms - we underestimate the bathroom needs for our area. She believes that family restrooms do not work well, and a design such as a bath house with benches would be better. Also a place to change kids is appropriate. • More restroom space than storage space is necessary. • We need a chain link fence and gated area that is secure for the vendor's equipment for events. • She does not want the wolves or paw prints because they are pricey items and a big possibility for vandalism. We could possibly get things that are donated. • Roof - she does want to see anything that relates to the current buildings at Wolf Pen Creek. The metal roofs reflective qualities 3 April 20, 2010 WPC Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes are hard on vegetation, especially trees. The roofs are also reflected to the West, which is directed at the Lofts at Wolf Pen Creek, Sharon Colson wanted to hear staff's comments, especially Sheila Walker's comments as she has knowledge in what is best to maintain and run large events at that facility. Jody Ford - What size of tent can you place between the low terrace walls and the water feature floor? You can place a tent that is the depth is 45 - 50 feet, length is 120 feet. We need to place barriers around the water feature, such as removable poles in the ground for flexible use. Gary Erwin explained that we have to have some form of shade structure, and Dennis Maloney commented that he is open to have as much closet space as possible. The preliminary cost estimate was discussed, and the original construction budged is $3.2 million. This design budged is $3.3 million with $1.2 million having to be used on the water feature. Dennis Maloney suggested that having personalized pavers be placed onto the building as a possibility to raise money. People may want to place a name of a loved one or friend for rememberance. It was explained that there will be a wind animonitor to judge the wind speed for the operation of the water feature. "► Sharon Colson left at 3.58p.m. ev Discussion followed regarding that currently the project is $400,000 over budget. It was explained that if we need to decrease parking then that is a large amount of money to help reach the current budget. Dennis Maloney said that he would rather have a park that people have an urge to go to, and be able to build parking later on. Removals Reductions • Reduce the parking to 30 spaces - That would bring the budget down $30,000. 4 April 20, 2010 WPC Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes • Fencing - flake the chain link fencing out at the outparcel • Column Markers - Remove Them • Tony suggested that furnishings to be cut in half, and we can always work toward furnishings later or go through a Buy Board later. • We could do 45 shade trees instead of 90 trees to save $15,000 All of the above items would bring the budget down $263,000. N Jody Ford left at 4:12 p.m. Scott Shafer wants to create a different feel with the project and still have as many trees as possible. Marsha Sanford likes the rebar trees for the covered seating areas by the Water Feature. She explained that there needs to be some type of shade, and it will also to soften the area. Scott Shafer likes the rebar trees, but also is concerned about the trees being used a climbing mechanism. Mr. Shafer is also concerned about the wolf statues as kids will want to use the wolves to climb on and that can be a potential problem. ev Marsha Sanford left at 4:15 p.m. Sheila Condon said that Clark Condon can bring back the revised proposal, and that Clark Condon is at the end of schematic design. Also explained was that the Design Development is the next phase for Clark Condon. The Committee agreed on the Arbor design for the shade structure was the best choice for this area. N Randall Pitcock left at 4:21 p.m. n► .Sw Presentation .ossible e7Ct1(?Il. and discussion on future a f @I'tda items: A Board Member ma in uire about_a_subject for witch_notice has not been = iven, A statement of s.ecific factual information or the recitation of existin• •clic ma be iven. An deliberation shall be limited to a ro osal to lace the sub`ect on an a ends for a subsequent meeting,: The next meeting will be scheduled in three to four weeks. Donald Harmon will look at the schedule and arrange a meeting date. 6. Ad,_._.,�.ourn: The meeting adjourned at 4:24 p.m. 5 April 20, 2010 WPC Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes Wolf Pen Creek Park- Conceptual Design Clark Condon Associates Preliminary Cost Estimate 4/20/2010 item Qty. Unit Unit Cost Extension Civil Site Grading 1 LS $ 150,000.00 $ 150,000.00 Utilities(Including events loop) 1 LS $ 300,000.00 $ 300,000.00 Parking Lot-60 Spaces (Base) 37,720 SF $ 5.50 $ 207,460.00 TOTAL CIVIL $ 657,460.00 Hardscape Concrete Walks 35,891 SF 4.50 $ 161,509.50 Plaza Paving.Colored Conc. 11,000 SF $ 6.00 $ 66,000.00 Plaza Paving.Conc. Paver Band 3,150 SF $ 9.50 $ 29,925.00 Terrace Walls, 18"x 12" Ht. 215 LF $ 50.00 $ 10,750.00 Curb Ramps EA $ 1,250.00 $ 10,000.00 Crosswalk Paving 775 SF $ 9.50 $ 7,362.50 Pedestrian Culvert Crossings 50 LF $ 100.00 $ 5,000.00 Pedestrian Lighting(w/water and electric connections) 30 EA $ 3,000.00 $ 90,000.00 Monument Sign 1 EA $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 Column Markers 16 EA $ 2,500.00 $ 40,000.00 Chainlink Fencing @ out parcel 575 LF $ 30.00 $ 17,250.00 Ornamental Perimeter Fence 2,100 LF 65.00 $ 136,500.00 Furnishings 1 LS $ 50,000.00 $ 50000.00 TOTAL HA t r SC P E $ 634,297.00 Architecture Rest Room/Storage Room 1,560 SF $ 173.00 $ 269,880.00 Wood Pergola 1 LS $ 115,000.00 $ 115,000.00 ------------------------TOTAL ARCHITECTURE $ 384,880.00 Water Feature Water Feature Equipment 1 LS $ 1,053,000.00 $ 1,053,000.00 Water Feature Housing 1,560 SF $ 116.00 $ 180,960.00 Water Feature Paving 3,000 SF $ 5.00 $ 18,000.00 TOTAL WATER FEATURE $ 1, 51,950.0€ Softscape Shade Tree-05 gal. 90 EA $ 425.00 $ 38,250.00 Shade Trees-30 gal. 30 EA $ 250.00 $ 7,500.00 Shrub-5 gal. 1,500 EA $ 18.00 $ 27,000.00 Groundcover-1 gal. 1,000 EA $ 6.00 $ 6,000.00 Fine Grade and Hydr mulch 250,000 SF $ 0.08 $ 20,000.00 Irrigation System 1 LS $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 TOTAL SOFTSCAPE $ 123,750.00 TOTAL $ 3,052,347.00 10%Contingency $ 305,234.70 TOTAL PROJECT $ 3,357,581.70 Options Actual Cost Adjusted Cost Standard Conc. In Lieu of Colored Conc.at Plaza $35,370.00 Deduct $ (11, 0.00) Colored Conc Band in Lieu of Conc. Pavers, at Plaza $10,614.00 Deduct (6,19130) Rebar Trees in Lieu of Wood Pergola $60,000.00 Deduct $ (55,000.00) Additional Parking Spaces-37 $127,930,00 Add $ 127,930.00 Standing Seam Metal Roof in Lieu of Wood at Pergola $170,000.00 Add $ 56,000.00 Wolf Monuments $ .0,000.00 Add $ 10,000.00 Water WallS(2) $120,000.00 Add $ 120,000.00 Acrylic Fountain Paving Finish $21,000.00 Add $21,000.00 Fountain Music Sync.System $ 0,000.00 Add $50,000.00 V,,7'',',','"'''''"',"'mMETRWRINNAWN.:04,615,NINIalkiftift,o,,ova, ,,,zR4F49Qzegy,,:,isuxaj.,,gngllylgnkagtapPaZet,,k.fWa3m..qOW.Wggttg,NMMOU,9Mfalrn.tn.Sgg ,,,,,„,,„.,,„„„„,,.,,,,,,,,www.grAnnquponnumem, .-iiiti..4„,,,,,, „.,.,.,,,,,,,/„(\ ,\,.,,.,,,„-,,,,,,$,,„,,,, A.,<.,,,,‘,4,,,,,,:,,,„':0'\:1,,,,,,% ,,,v„,,>,,,k„,,.,,v,,,, k .,„,„,„,,„1-7:''''''4%7MM4:':':'4 .---Y,,,, ,,,.-,m-,,,,q,R,,,ztg'xe,-szwz,',awnugggOAElngttIIIBIF"Iopaop-xpussVNUMP-IIVa,-sgbgog•N-1. 0.gto h,.....;•:;:;V,1..,,v7,1 1,•;.h.;,„:!i•rR?,z?o.••,.••Rat.T16•6.6Aammm:•• ,•:•:,,,,••••,,t,•V• k,L,•,--,,,P•.=.-_,,------•i- --,.'-.- lilititritinnnaTani il.1.5'.$.h"1-5'118110.71:11:".„PiglatigtelP316„1:12b.V...--ft1-131a00-.8A,:g2A- -:'- i,N,„-,.,,,,,,„,,.,..„,„,,,L.,%,, ,, ,,,.-%,.-,-.-,,y)71. ,,,,,,,,,,,M,:„Tii7„CRMNIFFRUPRIREPhTIRITOPFTSPA, t V e‘,., WITH LEO LiailTINO • O'YNAMITE MAST(4 TOTAL} D7AR REINNZOnilk.q*A0:•*.•••;:A kt-..,Wks5,'40-&44‘-,,,AAW,'•Vg$Vatp 41,4h)442 -4->>*kM ilikai.".'1.08.00,46.1,41,klatlitelA14,1051,416,0:M40,0f4113 .. , .. dbKrilMlusgatolatalingtoeSais*oll.p istoltARAE!::::0,,,,noakovito ile„,A 00-tp,M:MMTAWAV.P.V.M.M04:?•'.41-,:y k2d,441' \•-aegtk,••• :',.:':jg'•J,:,:g'..)M•'i,•••,:•0•‘'M•!:•;aW.,,WAa•t•A'S, ••• .•., .• i..•.•.' 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