HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/30/2002 - Regular Minutes - Citizen Advisory Board CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CITIZENS D VISORY BOA ORIENTATION Tuesday, July 30, 2002 City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77840 6:00 prn Park Staff Present: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation; Eric Ploeger, Assistant Director; Kristin Lehde, Staff Assistant. Board Members Present: Bill Davis; Don Allison; Larry Farnsworth; Glenn Schroeder; and Jodi Warner. Board Members Absent: John Nichols, Chairman; Bill Davis. L Overview from Elected and Appointed Officials Regarding role of committee members, city's strategic plan, staff relations with committees, meeting procedures, and legislative matters: Mayor Ron Silvia took the floor, welcomed the board and committee members, and introduced Councilmembers Anne Hazen and John Happ. City Manager Tom Brymer took the floor and gave an overview of the role of citizen advisory boards. He also discussed the city's strategic plan and stated that the Board's Goals and Objectives should compliment and coordinate with that plan. (Refer to PowerPoint presentation titled "Citizen Advisory Board Orientation.") City Secretary Connie Hooks took the floor and discussed the general rules and procedures that should be followed by citizen committees. (Refer to PowerPoint presentation titled "City of College Station Citizen Committees — General Rules and Procedures.') City Attorney Harvey Cargill, Jr. took the floor and explained the role of the City Attorney's Office and the Open Meetings Act. 2. Review by Department Directors and Staff Liaisons on board responsibilities, staff relations, and reporting procedures: Respective individual citizen committees broke out for discussion at 7:05 p.m. Steve Beachy gave an overview of the Parks and Recreation Department. He pointed out to flip charts that had the updated Council mission statement and the strategies that relate to Parks and Recreation, as well as the Lick Creek, Wolf Pen Creek, and Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Master Plans. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Board and Committee Orientation Tuesday,July 30,2002 Page 1 of 2 Steve said that the Department establishes their goals and objectives on an annual basis to coincide with the fiscal year. Those goals are based upon City Council Strategies, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board input, and input from City Management. Staffs personal goals and objectives relate to those of the Department's. He added that the Board would be updating their goals and objectives during their next regular meeting. Eric Ploeger discussed the status of the Department's capital projects. He said that the Department would be creating another project list for Fiscal Year 2003. He added that some of the projects would be a continuation of the 1998 bond election, and some items would be brought to the Board for direction regarding usage of park land dedication funds. Steve passed out a self-examination sheet for evaluating the effectiveness of board members and meetings. He stated the importance of keeping meetings on track and sticking to an agenda, and added that decisions made by boards may impact policies that could effect City employees and citizens. Bill Davis asked if the City had a gate or restricted access to Veterans Park and Athletic Complex while it was under construction. Steve stated that currently there was no gate, but the City will look into installing one, once it has possession of the park. Bill asked if there would be a recording device (such as a video unit) at the park. Steve said that the Department could look into it. Bill asked if the City would need to obtain public input for the Phase II development of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. Steve replied that there would probably be a series of public hearings during the bond election process. Steve urged the Board to contact himself, Eric Ploeger, or Kristin Lehde if they had any questions or needed assistance. I Oath of Office to newly appointed officers: All members of the Board had been sworn in during the July 9, 2002, meeting. 4. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Board and Committee Orientation Tuesday,July 30,2002 Page 2 of 2 PARK MAINTENANCE STANDA ' 1 S SURVEY SUMMARY FOR FY 2002 Quarterly Periods: First Quarter, FY 2002 Overall % of Standards Met: 77% Second Quarter, FY 2002 Overall % of Standards Met: 83% Third Quarter, FY 2002 Overall % of Standards Met: 85% Fourth Quarter, FY 2002 Overall % of Standards Met: Categories I. Athletic Facilities: Competitive Fields East South West Average%of standards met 1St Quarter 74% 76% 74% 75% 2nd Quarter 88% 85% 82% 85% 3rd Quarter 92% 81% 88% 87% 4th Quarter II. Playgrounds East South West Average%of standards met 1st Quarter 83% 88% 55% 75% 2nd Quarter 89% 89% 75% 84% 3rd Quarter 85% 84% 79% 83% 4th Quarter III. Picnic Facilities East South West Average%of Standards met 1St Quarter 88% 87% 81% 85% 2nd Quarter 90% 90% 83% 88% 3rd Quarter 94% 83% 90% 89% 4th Quarter IV. Tennis Courts East South West Average%of Standards met 1St Quarter 83% 62% 65% 70% 2nd Quarter 91% 75% 61% 76% 3rd Quarter 95% 78% 68% 80% 4th Quarter V. Basketball Courts East South West Average%of Standards met 1St Quarter 86% 96% 75% 86% 2nd Quarter 89% 100% 82% 90% 3rd Quarter 94% 96% 85% 92% 4th Quarter VI. Sand Volleyball Courts East South West Average%of Standards met 1St Quarter 63% 77% 90% 77% 2nd Quarter 97% 86% 100% 94% 3rd Quarter 78% 89% 100% 89% 4th Quarter VII. Ponds East South West Average%of Standards met 1st Quarter 43% 85% 57% 62% 2nd Quarter 57% 75% 53% 62% 3rd Quarter 69% 71% 79% 73% 4th Quarter VIII. Parks: General arks East South West Average%of Standards met 1St Quarter 85% 79% 84% 83% 2nd Quarter 86% 82% 82% 83% 3rd Quarter 94% 80% 94% 89% 4th Quarter Overall istrict Averages East South West Overall%® of to ars Met rt Quarter 76% 81% 73% 77% 2nd Quarter 86% 85% 77% 83% 3rd Quarter 88% 83% 85% 85% 4th Quarter THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION ST ' A TEGIC PLAN Mission Statement On behalf of the citizens of College Station, home of Texas A: University' the City Council willpromote and advance the: quality of life in the community. Core Values (0- Collaboration and cooperation (0- Regionalism • Active member of the Brazos Valley Co ii iunity • We support activities that promote municipal empower ent (0 Excellence in customer service Fiscal responsibility Promote health, safety, and general well being of the community • Promote involvement and participation of citizenry Vision Statements 1. Core Services We will provide high quality customer-focused basic city services at a reasonable cost. 2. Parks and Leisure Services We will providealarge range of recreational and cultural art opportunities. 3. Planning willanni ng and Development W provide a well-planned community. 4. Economic Development We will provide a strong and diverse economic environment. ar-dorib 11 •FA 07 po :COLLEGE1 STATION Draft Vision Statement #2 — Parks and Leisure Services We will provide a large range of recreational and cultural art opportunities. The following are the four strategies and associated implementation plans for Vision Statement #2: Strategy #1 —We will maintain a high quality park system a. Continue implementation of Park Maintenance Standards b. Urban Forest Plan Strategy #2 We will promote comprehensive programs and related facilities that target all age groups a. Continue efforts to make parks more intergenerational b. Review Senior and Teen programs co Pursue cooperative efforts with the City of Bryan on joint programming do Complete development of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, Phase I e. Develop new five-year Parks Capital Improvement Projects Strategy #3 We will integrate the community with a system of greenways and bikeways a. Acquire greenways and pursue grants for acquisition of greenways and bikeways Strategy #4 We will promote cultural arts a. Promote public art b. Library services improvement c. Perfo ing arts center development do Promote perfo ing arts e. Investigate a potential city museum Parks Recreation "Ig .m‹ City oT College 3tation City of College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Fiscal Year 2002 Goals and Objectives (not prioritized) Establish policies and standards for re-appraisal of existing parks, facilities, and services offered by the Department. El Review quarterly reports on park maintenance standards and develop recommendations regarding levels of service (VS4S2a) (January 8, 2002). O Review proposed park conceptual plans and make recommendations for intergenerational features (VS4S3a). El Review and develop recommendations for Urban Forestry Plan (VS3S4a) . — (Endo9th rsed by the Board on July will be presented to Council lbr consideration on August 22nd 2002). El Review preliminary cost estimates for CIP prepared by Staff. More interaction between Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and Planning and Zoning Commission, and shared vision with the City Council (VS4S8a). El Assist with the review and preparation of the Unified Development Ordinance (November 13, 2001). El Review and recommend possible changes to the Park Land Dedication Ordinance (October 9, 2001). El Conduct a joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission to discuss goals (September 20, 2001). El Conduct a joint meeting with the City Council to confirm goals (December 6, 2001). Implementation of the approved Capital Improvement Program. El Castlegate Park site review (November 13, 2001). El Lick Creek Park site review (December 11, 2001) El Madeley Park site review. (February 19, 2002) O Woodway Park site review. O Shenandoah Park site review (On Hold). Planning and coordination for the next bond issue. El Identify and assess the needs for future park facilities. (February 5, 2002) El Review preliminary cost estimates prepared by Staff. (February 5, 2002) El Determine priorities for development. (February 12, 2002) O Develop a recommendation for consideration in the 2002 bond program. Review and update the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan. El Review of Section II (Goals and Objectives) of the plan (February 12, 2002) El Review of Parks and Recreation Department 5-Year Strategic Plan. (February 12, 2002) O Review of Sections I, IV, V, and VI of the plan. O Review of Section VII (Prioritization of Needs and Plan Implementation) O Review and comments regarding Section III(Plan Development Process). O Review of Revised Master Plan Parks&Recreation Advisory Board FY2002 Goals and Priorities Parks&Rec.Advisory Board Approval:October 9,2001 Updated:August 6,2002 Page 1 of 2 Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, Phase II Development. CZ Review needs for future facilities and programs (December 11, 2001) CO Determine priorities for development. (February 5, 2002) El Develop recommendations for implementation. (February 12, 2002) CZ Review preliminary cost estimates prepared by Staff. (March 5, 2002) Skate Park facility planning (VS4S5b). EI Develop recommendation for scope of project. (November 13, 2001) El Develop recommendation for facility use. (November 13, 2001) El Develop recommendation for implementation. (November 13, 2001) Review funding sources for the installation of two backstops and two batting cages at Bee Creek Park. (Note: Funds have been requested for FY03). El Review preliminary cost estimates prepared by Staff(November 13, 2001). El Determine needs for program requirements. El Develop recommendations for scope of project. CZ Develop recommendations for implementation Review funding sources for the repair or replacement of the jogging track at Jack and Dorothy Miller Park. CZ Review proposed project cost estimates (December 11, 2001). EA Review funding alternatives (Completed by Staff). 10 Develop recommendations for implementation. (Under construction). Support implementation of the Greenways Master Plan. E:4 Receive update report from Greenways Coordinator (October 9, 2001). O Review Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan as it relates to greenways. Support the City Council's Interagency Plan on any Park and Recreation related issues. CZ Continue dialog with the College Station Independent School District regarding future school/park developments. E14 Continue dialog with Texas A&M University regarding Hensel Park and Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. Develop programs and facilities for Senior Citizens, 121 Receive input from fall Eisenhower Leadership Development Program group. (December 6, 2001) El Determine priorities for programs and facilities (January 8, 2002). El Develop recommendations for implementation (January 8, 2002). - Parh. Recreation City of College atation Parks&Recreation Advisory Board FY2002 Goals and Priorities Parks&Rec.Advisory Board Approval:October 9,2001 Updated:August 6,2002 Page 2 of 2 Page 1 of 1 Agenda Item Cover Sheet Agenda Item #4 Regular Item Consent Item X Workshop Item Item Submitted By: Mark Smith, Director of Public Works June 27, 2002 Council Meeting Date- "4,4, 6 77,44k,: :,---koKo.c4777-f44e{w Director ® !,,Si,n':'ffrlit--ffIAVatfrIAEzz.,-..fe,st--- CitY Manager APPr°val: Item: Presentation discuss ion and possible action regarding a new 5-year capital improvement program. Item Summary:ary: Staff will dmake a presenta.ticoll nu dseudmi.summarizing aa rpizoi nssgi bcretefugtour.ri;sbodofnadnd projects and some proposedsupporting ma projects to be election. The. project list in terials will need to prioritize reduced to fit within the funds available. atle, facilities, Item Background: In the Cousnecri service, strategic tpergoi,provide plan,deapp\itri os Vision fStrategyo #6, To ensure excellent customer hnologr has staff p training and tec preparing 3 the City of College Station 5yea.;n0CIP. rgel Budgetary andFinancial Summarym : A t he manage ofY Stationwill have adequate debt capacity to eaFbouT$36 million in General Obligation Bonds over a 5 year period. Staff Recommendation: recommendsStaffam. progrthat Council direct staff to continue with the development of a new capital Council Action Options: NA Supporting Materials: 1. Project Lists & MaTs k °X, 06/27/2002 http://citynet/Council%20Agendas/2002/020627/new%2Ocipinew%20c1P%20wor.,Ls_op Description Type Capital Cost Annual Estimate Operating Cost New City Hall at City Center Phase I Facility $ 2.750.000 $ 38.000 Relocation of Fire Station 3 Facility $ 1.710.000 $ - Police Facility- Phase I Facility $ 2.780.000 $ - Facility Total $ 7.250.000 $ 38.000 Forestry Shop Park $ 770.500 $ 3.000 Central Park Shop Renovation. Park $ 230.000 $ - Steeplechase Park Development. Park $ 315.000 $ 18.000 Shenendoah Park Development. Park $ 315'000 $ 19.000 Lick Creek Park Phase II Development. Park $ 578.000 $ 20'000 Sandstone Park Park $ 47'000 $ 1.000 Richard Carter Park Improvements. Park $ 217'000 $ 2.000 Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, Phase II Development. Park $ 5.623.250 $ 65.000 New Cemetery Phase I Development. Park $ 300.000 $ 06.000 Intergenerational Enhancements Park $ 309.000 $ 3.000 Park Total $ 8.704.750 $ 197,000 Bike Loop Expansion Transportation $ 2,661,884 $ 5.000 Sidewalk improvements Transportation $ 500,000 $ - Ped. Improvements across University Dr. @ Northgate Transportation $ 407.000 $ - Alternate access to the Windwood Subdivision Transportation $ 1.807.091 $ 19.000 Arnold Road Extension Transportation $ 804.500 $ 8.000 Bird Pond Road Extension Transportation $ 3.942.080 $ 38.000 Central Park Lane Extension Transportation $ 377.500 $ 4.000 Dartmouth Extension Transportation $ 2.300,000 $ 23.000 � ) Hospital Road Transportation $ 836.306 $ 8.000 Lassie Lane Extension Transportation $ 702.523 $ 7.000 Marion Pugh Extension Transportation $ 421,314 $ 4.000 Raintree Extension Transportation $ 722.000 $ 7.000 Barron Road Design &Capacity Improvements Transportation $ 3.000.000 $ 15'008 Rock Prairie Road Widening Design & ROW Transportation $ 2.989.835 $ 15.000 Traffic Signals Transportation $ 2.250.000 $ 157.000 Traffic Signal Communications Transportation $ 250'000 $ - RR Grade Separations- ROW Transportation $ 5.000.000 $ - Transportation Total $28.851.953 $309.000 Grand Total $44.808.703 $544.000 Facility operating costs based on facility maintenance operations @ 2.50 $/mf Park operating costs based on figures provided by the Parks Department Street operating costs based on street operations @ 4,500 $/LW4 / ) City of College Station Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan Three Year Review and Update 2002 Revision Schedule January, 2002 121 Completion of the draft Parks and Recreation Department 5-Year Strategic Plan. February, 2002 tI Staff review and update of Section IV (Area and Facility Concepts and Standards). 121 Staff completion of the update to the Parks and Recreation Department Resource Guide. March, 2002 Board review and comments regarding Section II (Goals and Objectives). March 1, 2002. EZI Board review and comments regarding the draft of the Parks and Recreation Department 5-Year Strategic Plan. March 1, 2002 August, 2002 Staff review and update of the current Master Plan, Section I (Introduction) Staff review and update of Section V(Inventory and Facilities) Staff review and update of Section VI (Needs Assessment and Identification) October, 2002 Board subcommittee review and comments regarding proposed updates for Section I, IV, and VI. November, 2002 Board subcommittee review and comments regarding Section VII (Prioritization of Needs and Plan Implementation). December, 2002 Board subcommittee review and comments regarding Section III (Plan Development Process) January, 2003 Completion of the Parks and Recreation Department 5-Year Strategic Plan Public input period for the revised Master Plan. Li Board consideration of the revised Master Plan. March, 2003 Planning and Zoning Commission consideration of the revised Master Plan. April, 2003 City Council presentation and consideration of ordinance adopting revised Master Plan. DEDICATION FUNDS Current and Potential Projects Zone 1 - $168,288 Funding for the Northgate area. Possible Northgate Park or a park amenity for the Garage Plaza area. Zone 2 - $19,747 Funding spent on the Oaks Park bridge replacement. Zone 3 - $131,322 Funding reserved for the Wolf Pen Creek trails project. Zone 4 = $20,673 Possible improvements to Raintree or Windwood Park. Zone 5 = $170,948 The intergenerational features listed here suggested in a report presented by CSPARD and Texas A&M University Recreation, Park, and Tourism Sciences Department — May 2001 (Vision Statement#2, Strategy#2.a). 1. Edelweiss Park • Pedestrian bridge....................................................................$10,000 • Screen vegetation $ 5,000 • Covered tot $22,000 2. Southwood Athletic Park • Covered tot playground at $22,000 3. Brothers Pond, Georgie K. Fitch, and Jack&Dorothy Miller Parks • Benches (10) ..... .........................$20,000 Other suggested projects: • Upgrades to the pavilion ....... ..... ................................................... • Rubber surfacing for playgrounds (Jack& Dorothy Miller Park) ...................... ......... ...... $86,000 Revised: August 6, 2002 0:/Board/Park Land Dedication/Dedication Funds Projects Zone 5, Continued . Other Zone 5 potential projects: 1. Improvements to Southwood Athletic Complex • Sidewalks from new neighborhoods to the south 2. Improvements to Longmire Park • Playground, walks,picnic unit Zone 6 - $88,062 Intergenerational project suggested in report by CSPARD and TAMU RPTS, May 2001 (Vision Statement#2, Strategy#2.a). 1. Anderson Park • Additional walk and benches (5) $30,000 2. Bee Creek Park * Benches (5) ........................................................................._$10,000 Additional suggested projects: * Swing Set(Anderson Park)....................................................$10,000 • Rubber Surface for South Knoll Jogging Track ......................$8,000 Zone 7- $702,440 Reserved for Woodway Park. Zone 8 - $693 Zone 9 - $0 Zone 10 - $111,320 Reserved for Shenandoah Park development. Zone 11 - $17,213 Funds from Stone Forest Subdivision. Suggested for additional improvements to Pebble Creek Park. Revised: August 6,2002 0:/Board/Park Land Dedication/Dedication Funds Projects CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS&RECREATION DEPARTMENT FY02 GOALS • Implementation of the CIP Program > Implementation of Special Projects > Continue to Improve Staff Development > Implementation of New Programs > Implementation of City Council Strategic Issues Implementation of the CIP Program o Complete 90%of the CIP Program -Refer to FY02 CIP Project List(54%Complete as of July 2002) Continue to Improve Staff Development El Complete Management Academy(three(3)PARD Superintendents)(Graduation February 22,2002) El Complete Supervisory Academy(seven(7)PARD personnel)(Class graduated on November 13, 2001) o Complete Certified Playground Safety Inspector recertification from the National Recreation and Park Association(two(2) PARD Supervisors)(Curtis Bingham,Parks Operations Superintendent, was recertified) :I Send one(1)PARD Supervisor to the National Recreation and Park Association sponsored Park Maintenance School(Scheduled for August 2002). El Complete the Weapons of Mass Destruction training course(seven(7)PARD personnel)(Training December 17th, 18th and 19th) El Complete the Principles of Emergency Management course(PARD personnel)(Graduation held on November 18, 2001) El Participate in the Brazos Valley Regional Leadership Forum Conference(Director of PARD)(Complete April 16, 2002) El Asst.Director to complete the Texas Forest Service's Incident Command Training(Complete March26, 2002) Im.lementation of Cit Council Strate.ic Issues o VS3S4a-Complete Urban Forest Management Plan(Initial presentation to the Parks&Recreation Advisory Board on March 5, 2002. The Board will review again on July 9th. Scheduled for Council consideration on September 26th, 2002). El VS4S2a-Implement Park Maintenance Standards(to track performance)(1st,2nd.and 3rd quarter reports complete) o VS4S3a-Implement Intergenerational Park Facilities(In progress) o VS4S4a-Develop recommendations for developer incentives to provide adequate park land(Draft recommendations complete. Met with local developers on February 28, 2002.) 1:0 VS4S4b-Complete development of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex,Phase I,and con.uct needs assessment for future facilities Needs Assessment approved by Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on February 12,2002. Presentation to the City Council on March 28,2002). El VS4S4c-Update Parkland Dedication Ordinance(Ordinance revisions approved by Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on October 9, 2001. Adopted by City Council on January 24, 2002. The revised ordinance will go into effect on July 24, 2002). El VS4S4d-Develop facility needs for future community park(November 29, 2001) El VS4S5a-Develop plans for senior programs and facilities(Council approval on February 28, 2002) El VS4S5b-Prepare feasibility report on skateboard park(Report presented to Council on December 20, 2001) 121 VS4s7b Imple-ent greenway-park connectivity demonstration project(Bee Creek and Lemon Tree parks) El VS4s8a-Improve communication between Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and the Planning and Zoning Commission (Parks and Recreation Advisory Board met with the Commission on September 20,2001. A joint meeting with the City Council was held on December 6,2001. Future meetings will be scheduled accordingly). Implementation of Special Projects o Review and update the Recreation,Park,and Open Space Master Plan(In progress) o Develop recommendations for future Capital Improvement Program projects(In progress-preliminary recommendation complete) El Replace irrigation at Lemontree Park(February 1, 2002) EZ Implement public art at Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater(Bronze Wolves)(Dedication held December 17, 2001) o Investigate the possibility of Departmental accreditation(In progress) El Conduct dedication ceremony for the Wayne Bryan Bike Loop(May 11, 2002) El Coordinate Veterans Memorial Project at Veterans Park and Athletic Complex(Groundbreaking November 12, 2001) [:::4 Complete pond renovation at Brothers Pond Park(Complete in December 2001) El Installation of lightening prediction systems at parks(Complete April 2002) o RPTS Student Study for the Development of a Visitor/Nature Center at Lick Creek Park(In progress. Was presented to the Board on June 13th,2002.Final Report due in August 2002) El Assist with The George Bush Drive Extension Grand Opening Event(April 6, 2002) Im.lementation of New Pro.rams El Investigate the potential of joint programming with the City of Bryan Parks and Recreation Department(Ongoing) El Implement monthly PARD newsletter(First edition completed October 2001-ongoing) El Facilitate the Northgate"Back Porch Concert"Series(Agreement with KORA. Concerts conducted weekly at Northgate) El Conduct Fall Special Olympics Bocce all(October 2001.At Southwood Valley Park. Will be held again in October 2002) EZ Implement Starlight Concert Series at Wolf Pen Creek(Concerts held from April-July 2002. Estimated total attendance at 33,700) O Participate in Neighborhood Conference(September 14, 2002) Parh5 -40, creation City ol College 3tation Updated:August 6,2002 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT PROPOSED FY03 GOALS ▪ Implementation of the CIP Program Implementation of special projects > Continue to Improve Staff Development > Implementation of New Programs Implementation of City Council Strategic Issues Implementation of the C1P Program O Complete the Lick Creek Park Phase I project O Complete master plan and design of Woodway Park O Complete master plan and design of Shenendoah Park O Complete intergenerational park projects O Complete G.O. 1998 Bond projects O Complete Thomas Pool renovation and shade structure O Complete acquisition of new cemetery site Continue to Im•rove Staff Develo•ment O Complete Management Academy (1 person) O Complete Supervisory Academy (3 people) O Complete National Recreation & Park Association Park Maintenance School (1 person) im•lementation of Cit Council Strate•lc Issues O Complete the Recreation, Park and Open Space Master Plan update O Complete the Parks & Recreation Department 2003-2007 strategic plan O Complete the Lincoln Center/Tarrow Parks Master Plan update O Achieve a 75% or higher rating on all major categories for park maintenance standards O Develop implementation schedule of Urban Forest Management Plan O Complete current capital improvement projects O Comprehensive review of all leisure services programs O Continue to explore cooperative efforts with other agencies Implementation of Special Projects o Conduct dedication ceremony for Veterans Memorial project (November 11, 2002) O Conduct grand opening of Veterans Parks & Athletic Complex (2003) o Investigate feasibility of joint project with College Station Soccer Club O Conduct a benchmark survey of similar cities O Investigate potential sources of additional revenue O Complete recommendations for future CIP program O Develop recommendations for existing Conference Center O Conduct seasonal pay study and develop recommendations O Conduct dedication for the Jane Pulley Softball Fields (October 7, 2002) Implementation of New Programs O Complete implementation of Challenger sports program O Begin operation of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex O Implementation of cemetery software program Park5 liecreation City of College 3tatiorl Updated:August 6,2002 City of College Station Parks and Recreation Board Current List of Subcommittees: Skate Park ............Laura Wood, George Dresser, Jon Turton (on hold) Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan ..................Glen Davis, John Nichols, Don Allison Fees .............................Bill Davis, Larry Farnsworth, Glenn Schroeder Veterans Park & Athletic Complex ..........._Glen Davis, John Nichols, Farnsworth Joint Ventures with CSISD.......... Chris Barzilla, Glen Davis (on hold) Joint Ventures with TAMU ...John Nichols, George Dresser (on hold) Lick Creek Park ........................Laura Wood, John Crompton(on hold) Other committees members are currently serving on: Sports and Recreation Association .......................................Glen Davis ................................... (Jon Turton will serve once Glen's te expires) Co unity Attractions Committee....................................Laura Wood Art in Public Places..............w...........................................John Nichols Wolf Pen Creek Oversight.................................................John Nichols ..... ......................................... .(Glenn Schroeder, Alternate) 0/Board/Subcommittee/List of Subcommittees Updated:August 6,2002 Maria and Bruce Jones 2295 E. Placid Dr. College Station, TX 77845 Red Level USA Team Te is City of College Station USA Te. Te is To om It May Concern: My Son, Matthew Jones is a 6 year old who is just finishing session II of the Red Level USA Ted Te is. He has Asperger's syndrome, which is a disorder on the Autism spect . It is a neurological condition that affects how he hears,how he feels and how he co I ca.-Ws. The first couple of days in te Qs he wouldn't participate and mainly sat on the side. Once the coaches were info led of his condition and how to redirect him,they really went out of their way to help him. They took turns shadowing him and making sure he IMderstood what he needed to do and ens *ng he was having fun. I can't tell you how much I appreciate the initiative they took in helping my son. at could have been a complete failure for Matthew ended up being a great success, and I'm sure helped him in his development. I don't even know the coach's n Ies,but I will never forget their kindness and patience *th the special needs of my son. They are worth their weight in gold! Th4 you very much, 41-0i Maria A. Jones CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CONFERENCE CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE Regular Meeting Wednesday,June 12, 2002, 12:00p.m. College Station Conference Center MINUTES Staff Present: Grace Calbert, Conference Center Facility Supervisor Nita Hilburn, Recording Secretary Members Present: Mollie Guin(Chair), Glenda Elledge, Ed Holdredge Members Absent: Fran Lamb (Vice Chair) Call to Order: The Meeting was called to order at 12:08 p.m. Pardon—Consider requests for absences of members from meeting: None Hear visitors-None Approval of the Minutes: Mollie Guin made a motion to approve the minutes for May 20, 2002 as written. Glenda Elledge seconded that motion. Revenue Reports: Revenue reports were reviewed for May 2002. Revenues for May 2002 were $8,037.89 versus May 2001 of$10,436.69. Number of clients served May 2002 were 4,638 vs. May 2001 of 5,662. Adjourn: Molly Guin asked for a motion to adjourn. Ed Holdredge moved the meeting to be adjourned and Glenda Elledge seconded the motion. The Meeting was adjourned at 1:00p.m. The next meeting will be held at the College Station Conference Center on Wednesday July 10, 2002, at 12:00 noon. Respectfully submitted, Nita Hilburn, Recording Secretary