HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/13/2001 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks Board CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PAS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Regular Meeting Tuesday,November 13,2001 Parks and Recreation Conference Room 1000 Krenel.Tap Road College Station,Texas 77840 7:00 p.m. 1. Call to order. 2. Hear visitors. 3. Pardon—Consider requests for absences of members from meeting. 4. Approval of minutes from regular meeting of October 9,2001. 5. Report,discussion,and possible action concerning the public release draft of the Unified Development Ordinance(UDO). 6. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding park land dedication requirements for the Westfield addition. 7. Report,discussion,and possible action concerning skate parks. 8. Discussion, consideration, and possible appointment of members to the Conference Center Advisory Committee. 9. Report,discussion,and possible action concerning the parkland dedication checklist and detention/retention pond criteria. 10. Discussion,consideration, and possible action concerning the possibility of putting batting cages and backstops at Bee Creek Park. 11. Discussion,consideration, and possible action concerning City Council Vision Statements: > Vision Statement#3, Strategy#4a(Develop and Urban Forestry Plan)and > Vision Statement#4(Cultural Arts and Recreational Opportunities), > Strategy#1 (Performing Arts Center); > Strategy#2 (Parks Maintenance Standards); • Strategy#3 (Intergenerational Parks); > Strategy#4(Comprehensive Parks Planning); > Strategy#5 (Comprehensive Leisure Programs); Strategy#6 (Enhance Cultural Opportunities Through Existing Art Program); > Strategy#7 (Connect Greenways);and > Strategy#8 (Improve Communication between Boards) 12. Consent items: Capital Improvement Project Report. Next meeting date and agenda. 13. Adjourn. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To take arrangements call (979) 764- 3517 or(TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas posted on Internet Website http://www.ci.college-station.tx.us and Cable Access Channel 19. CI OF COLLEGE STATION PROPOSED GREE AYS EDUCATION PROGRAM 1. Create Developer packets for mailing and distribution • General greenway information(what they are) • Dedication vs. Acquisition • Application for acceptance 2. Identify Education Resources • Speaking opportunities and Speakers • Organizations with environmental education materials 3. Develop annual calendar(possibly use existing Parks Dept. calendar) • Events )' Bike to Work Day • Car Free Challenge(April - May?) Lawn& Garden Show • National Trail Day • ? 4. Signage/Logo • Interpretive • Along trail system At Arboretum • A&M Pond site • ? • Way Finding Greenway/Trail locators 5. Fact Sheets • Riparian and Wetland • Health Benefits • Economic Benefits • Safety • Protecting Open Space • What is a Greenway 6. School Programming 7. Build greenway/riparian model for demonstrations 8. Internet Site • Greenways Hike and Bike Brochure and map • Fact Sheets Project Status City of College Station Greenways master lan . . .."... •.•-•.;...i.:.:-...::...:....!;:i,„........ ---.....:-.....:•:•....-.,..,..E;:•.!--..-::::::.'.,..._./...„_,,.._.,..,..:,.....:.., ,, . _ :,...: :.,..... .......;:::::.....„,:„„::.:.......„...:...., .........,„.,:. :::..............._.:,......„:„..„:„.„":„.::::",".....,::..„....:::....,..„.:H.:....:,..........,.......:::::::::.....,,..... ......iiiiii.........:i.,,........,,,:„.....„„...„..:..:..:.„........ _ ...,t„.,..,,...,.....:..:_.,.__„,,,:„......„...„::,.,.......:;:i„:„......,„:„.„....:::,......:......„....;:_.,...„.....:.....„......,„_...:,,._,.„:,,.„,.......:.....,_.:,. .....,.,,•r,.,,.. . ,. . ,.•,, ., . , ...,........ ...,.,,,,,...,..---.•-•'•-• _ _ _ ::::.... ...,:.:::"....,,:,:,:,..":,:::.,:::,::...,..,,,...._.,....::::;:..i.,:...::::..,.....::::::..:,....,....!,......,.........:::_::,:::::.........:::::,-,............,,,,,,:...!....,....,,,,,.--..:-.,..:,,,,!...::.....,,....s.....':i..,...,.......,,:..-..!........--„.:...........:--,..i..,-...:..l.:.::,-.E.....!...,'":,...:!.:1..-..::::•...........•......,...'•,-...•-::..........:.:....:-...,..,...........-..:.1,.......,.........i.--..,..-.:_-...:::,'....,-..:.,,.....:....,..:"..,..i.,....:....i.,.....„........,.,„....................,..,..:::.:-....,..................,................,.:._........„..,..:,................,.•-,:.....,.,. ,. ..........: ,.._...,...........„. ,. . _ , . . ..... . . . . ..,.,...„,,...,..,............„.......„...:::........„,„.,......,..:::::,..„....„.,.....„:„..„....,,,,:„..„::::::.:.::::„....„..::::,......i::„.., ...,,_:.:.::_:::,,H:„...,..„,::::„....„..........„<„,....„:„::.::_,„:„.„:„.„,:::„...„:„:„:.„.:::.„.„.„.:...,,,,,..„...:„_...„.„.„:„.„..„.„..„:...,,...)...„,....,..:::„::::„...„:„.,:„.„.,„.,,./:,..,.:,,....:_..., . . : „: ..:...,......:.....:: , .:.. . . :: ... ...„.. . : . .. .„.......„.....,„:::::::„....."""."5„:""":„."".......:";1....!".„:".... .::.........;,....:;:ii.i....11.:...1.:,:...:„...,.1., ,,,,....„......„,...s.:...„......,....:... .,,:„.„,,,_.„..::......,,..i.:.. ‘ ' --.:.-.''''''''''''''"': 7'.:1'...:::::.i'..'....':i'l:::.i'''..:::'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''. 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LOC : COLLEGE STATION FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID : - TO: REF NBR: REQ DEPT: PW-SANITATION P} IORITY: NORMAL REQUESTOR: SAM MESSENGER ORIGIN: INTERNAL USER ID: VWILLIAMS WORK TYPE : ROUTINE DESCRIPTION: TREE CUT UP BY STREET DEPT. REQUEST COMMENTS CALLED IN BY SAM FROM STREETS Job Order Description: TREE CUT UP BY STREET DEPT. Category: SA-SANITATION REQUEST Task: #211 MON. BRUSH RT. Assigned Department : PW-SANITATION INSTRUCTIONS ` TOUT BY STREET DEPT START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / / UNIT OF PRODUCTION: QUANTITY LABOR EQUIPMENT MATERIAL EMPLOYEE HRS NUMBER HRS ITEM QTY COST ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE " PLACING"C TER 9 SUBDIVISIONS, SECTION 10, REQUIRE I NTS FOR P DEDICATION" OF THE CODE OF O DIN CES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TE S, WITH T A T SET OUT BELOW IN E :IT "A"; PROVIDING A SEVE A .ILITY CLAUSE;AH II DECL G A PENALTY. BE IT ORDA D BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: P r'T 1: That"Chapter 9 Subdivisions, Section 10, Requirements for Park Land Dedication", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be replaced with that set out in Exhi sit"A", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. P !T 2: That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconsti tional,such holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining provi- sions or sections of this ordinance,which shall mud I full force and effect. P A T 3: That any person, firm,or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misde eanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be per itted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective six(6)months after its publication in the newspaper, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, tOPTED ad APPROVED this th day of January,2002 ATTEST: APPROVED: CO E HOOKS,City Secretary L H H McIL NEY,Mayor 'VEY C 'GILL,City Attorney EXHIBIT "A" That"Chapter 9, Subdivisions, Section 10,Requirements for Park L.nd Dedication"is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows: SECTION 10: REQUIRE I NTS FOR P ' L DEDICATION 10-A. Purpose 10-A.1 This section is adopted to provide recreational areas in the form of neighborhood parks as a function of subdivision and site development in the City of College Station. This section is enacted in accordance with the home rule powers of the City of College Station, granted der the Texas Constitution, and the statutes of the State of Texas, including, but not by way of 1 itation, Texas Local Gov't Code Chapter 212 (Vernon 1988; Vernon Supp. 1999). It is hereby declared by the City Co cil that recreational areas in the fo of neighborhood parks are necessary and in the public welfare, and that the only adequate procedure to provide for same is by integrating such a requirement into the procedure for planning and developing property or subdivisions in the city, whether such development consists of new construction on vacant land or rebuilding and remodeling of structures on existing residential property. 10-A.2 Neighborhood parks are those parks providing for a variety of outdoor recreational opportunities and located within convenient distances from a majority of the residences to be served thereby. The park zones established by the Parks and Recreation Department and sho on the official Parks and Recreation map for the City of College Station shall be prima facie proof that any park located therein is within such a convenient distance I om any residence located therein. The p ° ary cost of neighborhood parks should be borne by the ultimate residential property owners who,by reason of the proximity of their property to such parks, shall be the primary beneficiaries of such facilities. Therefore, the following requir- ents are adopted to effect the purposes stated above and shall apply to any land to be used for residential purposes 10-B General Requirement Dedications shall cover both land and development costs for neighborhood parkland for all types of residential development. 10-B-1 L. d Dedication Whenever a fmal plat is filed of record with the County Clerk of Brazos Co ity for developm t of a residential area in accordance with the planning and zoning reg- ulations of the City, such plat shall contain a clear fee s* pie dedication of an area of land to the City for park purposes. For single family developments this area shall be equal to one(1) acre for each one hundred and one(101) proposed dwelling units. For duplex and other multi-family development this area shall be equal to one (1) acre for each one hundred and Men- --five k_12.5 proposed dwelling units. For methodology refer to Appendix 1 attached herein and incorporated and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. Any proposed plat submitted to the City for approval shall show the area proposed to be dedicated under this section. The required land dedication of this subsection may be met by a payment of money in lieu of land when p- itted or required by the other provisions of this section. In the event a plat is not required this dedication shall be met prior to the issuance of a building permit. 10-R2 Fee in Lieu of Land A land owner responsible for dedication under this section may elect to meet the requirements of 10-B.1. in whole or in part by a cash payment in lieu of land, in the amount set forth below. Before making this election, the land owner must obtain approval for the cash payment in lieu of land from the Planning&Zoning Commission pursuant to the plat approval procedures set out in Chapter 9, Section 6. Such payment in lieu of land shall be made at or prior to the time of filing the final plat for record at the Courthouse or prior to the issuance of a building permit where a plat is not required. The fee in lieu of land dedication requir- ent shall be met by a payment of a fee set from time to time by resolution by the City Council, sufficient to acquire neighborhood parkland. Unless changed by the City Council,such per-acre price shall be computed on the basis of one hundred andfi-:,--:---1F-----4;?-1-4---a4I-a-T-,-1-S-1-44;--04)-) rtinetv-eitht per dwelling unit for single family development and one hundred and 4-1--1-24Yg4 sixty _ ollars 1$160) per dwelling unit for duplex and multi family development. Refer to Appendix 1. Cash payments may be used only for acquisition or development of a neighborhood park located within the same zone as the development. 10-B3 Park Development Fee In addition to the land dedication, there shall also be a fee set from f e to f i e by resolution of the City Council sufficient to provide for development of the land to meet the st.ndards for a neighborhood park to serve the zone in which such development is located. Unless changed by City Council this per-acre fee shall be computed on the basis of three h dred and,airi- -324E,-.---,.--4-13-4. f ,--eight dollars ($358) per dwelling unit for single family developments and two hundred and cqi--:-47y-4-Lt-E -f-fffi--(L::;;:,2:;:34 ninetv-two(-,2_2)for duplex and multi family developments. Refer to Appendix 1. CaSh pal/Me/VS_mai; be used onh.Ibr evel 013171er/I Or acquisition of a 3ei2hborh0od ,ark located 141thin the same_zone as ihe Develqpinent, 10-BA Park Development in Lieu of Fee A developer has the option to construct the neighborhood park improvements in lieu of the park develop, tent fee. Development plans and specifications shall be reviewed and approved by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board . All * provements shall either be financially guaranteed or accepted by the City prior to the filing of a plat in the case of platted developments or prior to issuance of certificates of occupancy in the event that platting is not required. The process of financial guarantee shall be the same as that found in section 7 of the Subdivision Regulations and shall be used whether a plat is required or not. Once * provements are accepted by the City the developer shall deed the property and improvements to the City. 10-R5 In instances where an area of less than five(5)acres is required to be dedicated,the Planrtin; an, Zonin:: Cornnlission shall have the right to accept the dedication for approval on the final plat, or to refuse s e, after csnsideration of the recommendation of the Pia-7,,-;in-i--ii-g---- -f-d--7;e:F}i-Ag-- -R1-19,-_-:143-r--gi44,--1F.;---PaParks an ' ,ecreation Asory Boar _. The City shall have the right to require payment of cashinlieu of land in the amount provided above, if it determines that sufficient park area is already in the public domain in the area of the proposed development, or if the recreation potential for that zone would be better served by expanding or improving existing parks. 10-13.6 The dedication required by this section sh.11 be made by filing of the final plat or contemporaneously by separate instrument unless additional dedication is required subsequent to the filing of the final plat. If the actual number of completed dwelling units exceeds the figure upon which the original dedication was based, such additional dedication shall be required, and shall be made by payment of the cash in lieu of land amo t provided above, or by the conveyance of an entire numbered lot to the City. For multi-fa- Ilv develo7-1 rift or develo-ment where Par: ' nd was not-reyiousty ai with I e fan' of a DLL thecledication requira by this section siiall ,zi_laid -t. the time a buil::'11,2- ‘.7.rmit a,--airation. 10-117 The City may from f e to time decide to purchase land for parks in or near the area of actual or potential development. If the City does purchase park land in a park zone,the City shall have the right to require subsequent park land dedications for that zone to be in cash only. This will be to reimburse the City its purchase cost. Once the City has been reimbursed entirely for all such park land within a park zone, this subsection shall cease to apply, and the other subsections of this section shall again be applicable. 10-C Prior Dedication;Absence of Prior Dedication 10-C.1 Credit shall be given for land and/or money dedicated pursuant to Ordinance 690 or 983. 10-C.2 If a dedication requirement arose prior to passage of this section, that dedication requirement shall be controlled by the ordinance in effect at the time such obligation arose, except that additional dedication shall be required if the actual density of structures constructed upon property is greater than the former assumed density. Additional dedication shall be required only for the increase in density and shall be based upon the ratio set forth in 10-B.of this section. 10-C.3 At the discretion of the City,any former gift of land to the City may be credited on a per acre basis toward eventual land dedication requirements imposed on the donor of such lands. The arr Zonin Commission shall consider the recommendation of the -Parks and Recreation Advisory Board in exercising its discretion under this subsection. 10-D Special Fund;Right to Refund 10-D.1 There is hereby established a special fund for the deposit of all sums paid lieu of land dedication under this section or any preceding ordinance,which fund shall be known as the park la d dedication fund. 10-D.2 The City shall account for all sums paid in lieu of land dedication under this section with reference to the i dividual plats involved. Any funds paid for such purposes must be expended by the City within five (5) years from the date received by the City for acquisition and/or development of a neighborhood park as defined herein. Such funds shall be considered to be spent on a first in, first out basis. If not so expended, the o ers of the property on the last day of such period shall be entitled to a prorata refund of such sum, computed on a square footage of area basis. The o ers of such property must request such refund within one (1) year of entitlement, in writing, or such right shall be barred. 10-E Comprehensive Plan Considerations 10-E.1 The Park and Open Space Plan is intended to provide the College Station Parks 'tic' Recreation Advisory Board with a guide upon which to base future decisions. Because of the need to consider specific characteristics in the site selection process, the park locations indicated on the Plan are general. The actual locations, sizes, and number of parks will be dete fined when development occ s. The Plan will also be used to locate desirable park sites before development occurs, and those sites may be purchased by the City or received as donations. 10-E.2 Park Zones are established by the City's Comprehensive Plan and are configured to indicate service areas for neighborhood parks. Zone boundaries are established that follow key topographic features such as major thoroughfares, streams, and city limit lines. 10-F Additional Requirements;Definitions 10-F.1 Any land dedicated to the city under this section must be suitable for park and recreation uses. Consideration will be given to land that is in the floodplain or may be considered "floodable" even though not in a federally regulated floodplain as long as, due to its elevation, it is suitable for park improvements. (a) Neighborhood park sites should be adjacent to residential areas in a manner that serves the greatest number of users. (b) Neighborhood park sites should be located so that users are not required to cross arterial roadways to access them. (c) Sites should not be severely sloping or have unusual topography which would render the land unusable for organized recreational activities. (d) Sites should have existing trees or other scenic elements. (e) Detention retention areas will not be acce-4e.: s p-rt of the required dedication_ but hav be accerted atAiti, ri to the reottiret, dedication If acce,-ted as part of the park, the letentio / retention area desi_an :must an:II:roved ry the eity_st.:: and must meet specific 7,iar--1Ks smcfflcation& 10-F.2 Parks should be easy to access and open to public view so as to benefit area development, enhance the visual character of the city, protect public safety and minimize conflict with adjacent land uses. The following guidelines should be used in desi g parks and adjacent developm- t. (a) Where physically feasible, park sites should be located adjacent to greenwawi a &or schools in order to encourage both shared facilities and the potential co development of new sites. (b) A proposed subdivision adjacent to a park ay not be designed to restrict reasonable access to the park from other area subdivisions. Street e -,:reerryays_connections to existing or future adjoining subdivisions may be required to provide reasonable access to parks. (c) Where a non-residential use must directly abut a park, the use must be separated by a screening wall or fence 4,nd landscaping. Access points to the park may be allowed by the Planning and Zoning Com , ission if public nu- ,efit is established. (d) It is desirable that a minimum of fifty percent(50%)of the perimeter of a park shouli abut a public street. In all cases, the City shall approve the proposed street ali - t fronting on city parks. (e) Streets abutting a park shall be built in accordance with the thoroughfare plan and the standards of this ordinance; however, the City may require any residential street built adjacent to a park to be constructed to collector width to ensure access and prevent traffic congestion. Developer may request oversize participation in such instance. 10-G. Consideration and A. tfriz-rt,gt prd an-441,14a-Ar-N-L7-47,44-R-ea7e,a4e4+4:3-e-ard- Any proposal considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission under this section shall have been reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Advisory .oard and its reco e dation given to the Commission. The Commission may make a decision contrary to such recommendations only by a con- curring vote of at least five(5)m bers. 10-H. Review of Dedication Requirements The City shall review the fees set forth in this section every three (3) years. The City shall take into account inflation as it affects land and park development costs as well as the City's targeted level of service for parkland per one thousand population. Fees shall be set by resolution of the City Council. APPENDIX] PA - LAND DEDICATION FEE METHODOLOGY I. Current Level of Service 7 Acres Neighborhood&Community Park Land per 1,000 Population 15 Acres per 1,000(Neighborhood Parks) 15 Acres per 1,000(Community Parks) IL Land Requirements Neighborhood Parks 15 Acres/1,000 1 Acre per 285 people 2000 CENSUS igiares-To-I Poi ulati n 67.890 2.840 Persons per Household (PPH) for Single Family and 2.4428 Persons per Household for Multi-Family based on census information for owner and renter occupied units. The overall average from the CE sus is 2422452 persons per household(dwelling unit). SINGLE FAMILY MULTIFAMILY 285 people/2 8 i PPH= 101 DUs 285 people/2.4;3254 PPH= 1425 DUs 1 Acre per 101 DUs I Acre per 14425 DUs III. Neighborhood Park Acquisition Costs(Det ines Fee in Lieu of Land) (Assumption) 1 acre costs$4.g---.-1.40 20 000_to purchase SINGLE FAMILY MULTI-FAMILY $42420,000/ 101 DUs=$145598 per DU $4-520,000/ 144425 DUs=$14260 per DU V, Neighborhood Park Development Costs (Determines Fee for Development) 0 st of ver hborhood rk Ile- tation is$300 oo • r s sPrve 2 3A-1 r'ci le asPd or a .irue -o-ul-tion of A7 -rain!! servfj y 29 parks (count hick s It costs:128 per r erson to evelo an -vera ‘; int rg n rational nekhborh Single Family Multi-Family V. Total Fee Single Family Multi-Family PROPOSED PARK LAND DEDICATION FEE METHODOLOGY FOR 2001 REVIEW (a) (uses new Census data and intergenerational costs) I. Current Level of Service 7 Acres Neighborhood & Community Park Land per 1,000 Population 3.5 Acres per 1,000 (Neighborhood Parks) 3.5 Acres per 1,000 (Community Parks) IL Land Requirements Neighborhood Parks 3.5 Acres/1,000 1 Acre per 285 people 2000 CENSUS Figures -Total Population - 67,890. 2.80 Persons per Household (PPH) for Single Family and 2.28 PPH for Multi-Family based on Census information for owner and renter occupied units. The overall average from the Census is 2.52 persons per household (dwelling unit). Single Family Multi-Family 285 people / 2.80 PPH = 101 DUs 285 people I 2.28 PPH= 125 DUs 1 Acre per 101 DUs I Acre per 125 Dus III. Neighborhood Park Acquisition Costs (Determines Fee in Lieu of Land) (Assumption) I acre costs $15,000 to purchase Single Family Multi-Family $15,000 / 101 DUs = $148 per DU $15,000 / 125 DUs = $120 per DU IV. Neighborhood Park Development Costs (Determines Fee for Development) • Cost of Average Neighborhood Park in College Station is $300,000. • One Neighborhood parks serves 2,341 people based on a Census population of 67,890 being served by 29 parks (count includes neighborhood parks and 6 mini parks). • It costs $128 per person to develop an average intergenerational neighborhood park. Single Family Multi-Family $128.00 X 2.80 PPH = $358 per DU $128.00 X 2.28 PPH = $292 per DU V. Total Fee Single Family Multi-Family $148 + $358 = $506 $120 + $292 = $412 Odeve-sensubdivkledimeth.do69-Oct-01 PROPOSED PARK LAND DEDICATION FEE METHODOLOGY FOR 2001 REVIEW (b) (uses new Census data, intergenerational costs and increased acquisition costs) I. Current Level of Service 7 Acres Neighborhood & Community Park Land per 1,000 Population 3.5 Acres per 1,000 (Neighborhood Parks) 3.5 Acres per 1,000 (Community Parks) II. Land Requirements Neighborhood Parks 3.5 Acres/1,000 1 Acre per 285 people 2000 CENSUS Figures - Total Population - 67,890. 2.80 Persons per Household (PPH) for Single Family and 2.28 PPH for Multi-Family based on Census information for owner and renter occupied units. The overall average from the Census is 2.52 persons per household (dwelling unit). Single Family Multi-Family 285 people / 2.80 PPH = 101 DUs 285 people / 2.28 PPH= 125 DUs 1 Acre per 101 DUs I Acre per 125 Dus Ill. Neighborhood Park Acquisition Costs (Determines Fee in Lieu of Land) (Assumption) 1 acre costs $20,000 to purchase Single Family Multi-Family $20,000 / 101 DUs = $198 per DU $20,000 / 125 DUs = $160 per DU IV. Neighborhood Park Development Costs (Determines Fee for Development) • Cost of Average Neighborhood Park in College Station is $300,000. • One Neighborhood parks serves 2,341 people based on a Census population of 67,890 being served by 29 parks (count includes neighborhood parks and 6 mini parks). • It costs $128 per person to develop an average intergenerational neighborhood park. Single Family Multi-Family $128.00 X 2.80 PPH = $358 per DU $128.00 X 2.28 PPH = $292 per DU V. Total Fee Single Family Multi-Family $198 + $358 = $556 $160 + $292 = $452 Odeve-ser\subdivkiedimeth.doc19-Oct-01 SINGLE FAMILY DEDICATION CU "'ENT PROPOSED (a) PROPOSED (b) ($15,000) ($20,000) Land 101 DU 101 DU 101 DU Fee in Lieu $148 $148 $198 Development $309 $358 $358 TOTAL $457 $506 $556 increase 10% 22% MULTI-FAMILY DEDICATION Ce i NT PROPOSED (a) PROPOSED (b) ($15,000) ($20,000) Land 134 DU 125 DU 125 DU Fee in Lieu $112 $120 $160 Development $233 $292 $292 TOTAL $345 $412 $452 increase 19% 31% nt, /10.131 09: 26 iJ PJ8622679 -DEMIC AND STUDENT • HUG u t0" A•Pla/CATION PCIR. C/TY BOARDS/COMMISSIONS/COMITTEES NOTE: As an ap ,licant for a City Board, Commission, or Co Jittee, your name, address, and ph ,ne n .er will be available to the press and the public. All other infonita.-ti .n will remain confidential. Applications r- ilain on file for a period of two y ars or until the applicant receives an appointment. inc •ents whos - te s expire and who are eligible for reappointmentwill be sent a new appl cation pi-ior to the expiration date. PLEASE TYPE OR gRINT_ DATE: „e) I • L 4 , 6 TELEPHONE; 76 ,5 (H) ADDRESS: (Residence) (w) ufe. Coos,- .77 g 44- I have lived in College Station (Mailing) ( iiD000 3 r110L1-2_ years. Asrr YO E PL) ry C F4f4r(t1/410E OCCUPATION: -1g..Ae.pk L Ai LLLE- Ciy Y.5 7- (If retired, please indicate former occupation or profession) . EDUCATION: (optional) : • PROFESSIONAL ANP/OR CO1 ' , _ITT ACTIVITIES: 3PA. ER T a F UC ja Ai eel Or'VAT/cs,1/4/ frirrldt..„Eie, / 5T 74" e(4,4R.TE a In in r °: 0 43tt7,57-61e€C A t_ scia 81-- ADDITIONAL PERTINENT INFO' .TION/REFERNCES: - r 0.29.,/7iAJLV Z.° C*1 • OA/ Cd.Oth ir? — Etti,Toy? wog wirif „S'gra r-- APPLICATIONS FOR E FOLLOWING COUNCIL APPOINTED BO -,-/C0 r-ISSIONSI COMMITTEES XEPT ON FILE IN THE COUNCIL OFFICE (PHONE 764-3516) . Please mark the co, Eittees you are interested in se, irtg. ) Cemetery co ittee ) Electrical Examining Board ) Co, !unity Appearance Co f, ittee ) Energy Management Co Attee Conference Center Advisory Coil ) 'Joint Relief Funding Review Co ) Con 1unity Development Loan Co , . ( ) Parks and Recreation Board ) Constructio1 Board of Adjustments( ) Planning and. Zoning Co' fission* and. Appeals ) Historic Preservation Coittee ) Easterwood Airport Zoning Board ) Zoning Board of Adjustments* ' aka SI 4, URE OF APPLICANT *If applying for. P&Z Con iss ion, include Voter s Certificate No. *If applying fo= ZBA, include Voter's Certificate No. Please indicate if you have served on a board or co , fission Name of Board/Co , , ission eati. ervie.r. 2 1-r Please return this form to: City of College Station Attn: Council Office P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 - -POINTED TO on (Board/Co ission/Committee) (Date) �?•1 VVG v .� q u- a+A a.a v V L a p t[� o✓v 1 a b 09/06/01 -Lu' P. * COMMUNICATION RESULT REPORT ( SEP 1. 2001 3:25P FAX HEADER: COMPUTER SCIE '' TRANSMITTED/STORED ; SEP, 1. 2001 3: 18P FILE MODE OPTION ADDRESS RESULT PM 454 MEMORY TX STAFF 97643513 E-3) 3 0/ +ma aw ffi9 .>�a i v>@w+ma cams®aP�asses i*�vim efd9 R�i ams ems @��emo aa$OPi mm m aws elm.�e�ms •i+r eaca i W tea+mm Oa m9 m�'�®r.®+�®�mea a®e�¢i> am® s ®af mo ae�+sem!> i erre®�mm�'�+®``��a��esm osf D>m�.m eek �im emr ama ata crap®eb�.am amaa aha� • REASON FOR 1:11 N itl AN W R LINE FAIL 12-13 - ) n AinsCONNECTION City : Board, laeLon„ . 1..ttee, your name address, and phone nu -sr will be .avallable cbo the press, tha public. Al other information will remain confid tial. AppLications r Jain on film fox period of tWO y. 0 or untli ine, � Eek application:inc.. ante whose e date.Cor reappointment°12.1 be } Ali7� < _ g .«., ::.tea..__—�.-.� ' . i1 f eye Stat ion a t OCC -ATION't ...: t �.1. .�`. 4 0.�' re ILIA_ EDUCATION: (Opt,tonal) 1:7° --rox _ 0-G PROPEt SIONAL Dion co IVY ACTI* TIES: iittativi ADDITIONAL P erINENT INFO .'yi .. ®r6u w� ...:.............s'.x.n:.a.-- .«._,....._.....__.... ...,......_......:a.m+xw+cMa^'.+:a..uaay.s.»a...uw�m'm+*....,,.........,.....,......,.,-..-.,u:n+nwv.,-,...,,......._.f�.�._.......�__,.... ..,....,.,...-...__ -�m,..:n.�.....KN,,... ,....«...�..-_....av-..,....„,.......... ...._..,...wssi car ............... ..__..-.+_.«.-.tea-•.:�.�..--..._..,«,..... ,«.,.........-, ZIPER- CES: ,.....-...�-.,ae.,., ......m.,...-n:.,;.�,,,,�....rm._..w_.......«,_.,..,_ .,..._.,......__...................-....r:�,-..,;.�A..,.,.„.n,,..,...M.w.�...,.......,......�«,.r.�a:u�....�.»,w. P t Please mark the co. Itteme yam. are intere'ted irs .serving.x z w f Ex ining Board, tW Co i _m__i. ittee (24 Conferen=e Center ..® • *Realm, Co unity Delrolopm t Loan co . Parks id Recreation Board. Planning and Zoning com1! Appealsiossionos and om Airport • Aajtistra to* ...,, .. � .e� wn ,.... ,rte• m t4 rc *If applying for 0 inciude Voterss Acertificate No. applying r ZBA, include tr-f i ryen Hca. o Please return this 'orm toz city or college StationAtte: counoll V.O. Box 9960 APPOINTED• College Station, Texme 77842 Boar m Qu � g • �e f .ZS.. JJVIS,11103 PARK LAND DEDICATION ORDINANCE PROJECT REVIEW CHECKLIST Date Received: Park Zone: Name of Development: Applicant: Address: City/State: Zip: Phone Number: FAX: E-mail: Engineer/Planner: Address: City/State: Zip: Phone Number: FAX: E-mail: REQUIREMENT COMPLIANCE SECTION 10-B-1: Land Dedication Single Family Dwelling Units: Multi-family Dwelling Units: Total Land Requirement: Acres Proposed Dedication: Acres SECTION 10-B-2: Fee in Lieu of Land Has the Planning &Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($148/dwelling unit): Multi-family Fee ($112/dwelling unit): Total Acquisition Fee: SECTION 10-B-3: Park Development Fee Single Family Fee ($309/dwelling unit): Multi-family Fee ($233/dwelling unit): Total Fee Amounts: Total Single Family Fee: ($457/Dwelling Unit): Total Multi-family Fee ($345/Dwelling Unit): SECTION 10-B-4: Park Development in Lieu of Fee Required development cost: Staff review date and comment: Parks Board review and decision: SECTION 10-B-5: Minimum Park Size Is the proposed park less than five (5) acres? If yes, staff recommends: SECTION 10-B-7: Prior Park Acquisition Is there an existing neighborhood park that can serve the proposed development? If yes, staff recommends: SECTION 10-E: Comprehensive Plan Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City Comprehensive Plan and the Park Master Plan? Comments: SECTION 10-F: Additional Information 1. Is land in the 100-year floodplain? Percentage: a. Detention/Retention Size: Meets Board Policy: Acreage in floodplain: Percentage: Acreage in detention: Percentage: Acreage in greenways: Percentage: Comments: b. Does the location require users to cross an arterial road? c. Topography: d. Trees/Scenery: 2. a. Is the land adjacent to a school? b. Restricted access: c. Is there screening if the park joins a non-residential use? d. Park perimeter percentage that abuts a street: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: SECTION 10-G: Approval Parks & Recreation Board: Planning &Zoning Board: City Council: O:\Parks\Forms\Admin\Park Land Dedication Ordinance Project Review Checklist.dot DETENTION POND SPECIFICATIONS Prior to acceptance by the City of College Station of a detention/retention facility for use as a public park, the following additional specifications apply: 1. Slopes. Side slopes should not exceed 25%. 2. Grass cover. Detention ponds must be seeded, sodded or hydromulched. Slopes should be hydro-mulched or sodded. There must be a grass cover of 80% or better prior to acceptance. 3. Topsoil. There must be a minimum of three (3") inches of sandy loam topsoil cover over the detention pond area, especially the sloped areas. Exposed hard clay areas not acceptable. 4. Concrete structures. Concrete valley gutters should be designed for ease of maintenance and be placed on the sides of the pond area versus the center of the detention pond. All pipes should be grated or covered to prevent entry by children or adults. Concrete structures such as pipe inlets, taller than four (4') feet in height, require railings to prevent falls from above. 5. Trees. A minimum of one (1) tree every forty(40') feet should be existing or planted around the perimeter of the detention pond. Tree size needs to be at least a fifteen-gallon or one to one-half(1-1/2") inch caliper. Bald Cypress trees may be planted in the bottom areas of the pond. Exceptions to this may be granted if adjoining areas are heavily wooded. 6. Irrigation. An irrigation system is required for sloped areas to maintain grass cover. Drip irrigation is required on all trees. These systems will be maintained by the City, upon acceptance. 7. Construction Debris. The site shall be free of all large rocks, concrete spills, trash, ruts, and other debris prior to acceptance. TST . 1 ;ATE WO R Ks H E ET s 40, II PROJECT : V ''' •• •• ,�,,,1• w._._;.:,.-:--._ ....�._. ..•..r°..:�� a r _ `' .., .. { �.*' ._ ESTIMATE NO. .._. SHEET T OF DATE -�' `" LOCATION PHASE ATE ITEM UA TI INSTALLATION MATERIALS 0&P TOTAL TAL NO. - DESCRIPTINO.ON UNIT PER UNIT TOTAL PERO UNIT TOTAL L COST iiii,. immimimimmm• A ...'" Arffij . '' ® h'ari v 11111111 IIIIIIIIIIIINI ■�/2.''',/,)(,6-- ... '-''' 4470217. 7 , ., rrr _ � err► _ _ - __ iio_ds, ---' '''' ildrifFI .�' fir- .„,---- .4,---9 M ° ,,,•... ,....-_ ,. „;.�. �... ,,,,.... ",. , � _ - .1 1111 -'' L t1 . rda, .°P ir- rillIMIMMI 111111111.11111 _._. °I1V4 dICIP / r t �S / " z - ia 00 ram in t4, , IIIIIIIIMiMll rAllW 4.1 4) .../ . IM ......... , _______ MEIN '1,411.'" III , ,,s'''''''''''1W Adliff)9.4,''''11W.-i'A.2.-.1 .A r I I 0..W r 211111fleilinlifffftior AillPilPrtiroffir_MklIllIllIllIllMEIIIIIIIIIIMIIIMIIIIIIIIIII ,AbibMftg .M .1111111Er NUN Iiilliiimme........ . a Keri Auooiete$.Inc Form Xi N Parks a md Recre,...o,1 :lepartment C1P Project List FY 20t2 (updatd 11/5/41) ... ......:-:.:.H.:...-...-...........--............-....-............................-..............--...................-........—........................-.........................-....................--.. . . .........:-...:::::::F, ‘d .-... ing.-... . ...-:. -...:.:.: eeted:::...H..::Atkiat::....: .. ........................................................................................ .... .... .. .......... .. .................... ... ..... ... ... .. .... .................................................. . . ,.............. .. ................ .. .......... .. . ......... .... . ... ..... ..... . . ..... ... 1 Business Center Landscapin• Project Complete GG9705 $250,000 G.O. 07/31/01 10/19/01 2 Millennium Winds Im•rovements Fr01 Com•late HM0104 $7,195 FY'01 08/31/01 7/31/01 1 Veterans Park Phase I Under Construction PK9941 $2,120,000 98 G.O. 11/31/02 2 Castlegate Park Design Under Construction 03/31/02 2 Gabbard Park Imerovements Out to Bid PK0102 $78,000 98 G.O. 04/30/02 FY'01 *02 2 Lincoln Entry Improvements In Design CI1292 $90,000 FY'01 C.D.B.G. 3/31/01 2 Merry Oaks Improvements Out to;id PK0103 $37,000 98 G.O. 03/31/02 2 Oaks Park BridieOn Hold PK0067 $28,000 98 G.O. 3/31/02 _ 3 Brison Park Imerovements Out to Bid PK0100 $54,600 98 G.O. 3/31/02 2 Woodwa Park Develooment Newotiatin• Land Purchase PK9803 $600,000 3 Shenandoah Park Develooment On Hold $48,000 Park Land Dedication 1 Hallaran Pool Filters In Construction PK0106 $120,000 FY'01 03/31/02 1 Cemetery Land Acquisition Search Underway GG9905 $275,000 98 G.O. C.S.S.C.Agreemeilliclulphouse) Madele, Park PK9706 $48,000 Lick Creek Park Develosment PK0069 $398,000 98 G.O. Lick Creek Park Bride es Contract w/TP&W as',roved $126 265 Grant 98 G.*. Thomas Pool Shade Cover PK0104 $19,000 98 G.O. Lincoln Center E sansion/Imorovements $50,000 C.D.B.G. 9/1/02 Thomas Pool Renovation Ne•otiatin• Desi•n Contract _ $277,255 FY'02 3/31/03 Georgie Fitch Playground Replacement In Design $30,000 Fr02 Re•lacement Acct. 8/1/02 Hensel Park Pla •round Res lacement Interlocal A•reement Needed $40,000 Fr02 Reelacement Acct. 8/1/02 Pebble Creek Park Imerovements In Desi. PK0061 $27,000 Park Land Dedication ........... Richard Carter Park Im•rovements In Desi.n FY'02 General Fund Jack&Doroti_ 1 Miller Jo in Ti____i_____m,.. '.adL__L......__..c. interlocal A reement Needed , Others Skateboard Park On Hold PK0073 $162,000 FY'00 Priorities: #1 -In progress currently or will be in progress before January 1,2001. #2-In progress before August 1,2001. #3-In progress after October 1, 2001. From: Ric Ploeger To: Battle, Lee; Bingham, Curtis Date: 10/31/01 4:25PM Subject: Thomas Pool- Neighborhood ne, Parks Dept. is contracting with Marek Brothers Construction to remove the baby p..1 at Thomas Pool. This will be the first phase of renovations that will be completed before the 2003 season. The area the baby pool occupies currently will be converted to additional deck space and will have a shade cover installed with the upcoming renovation. The baby pool has not been used for a number of years and the space will provide users additional lounge area around the pool. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CONFERENCE CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE Regular Meeting Tuesday, September 11, 2001, 5:15a.m. College Station Conference Center MINUTES Staff Present: Grace Calbert, Conference Center Facility Supervisor Nita Hilburn, Conference Center Secretary/Event Coordinator Members Present: Mollie Guin (Chair), Ed Holdredge, Eileen Sather, Fran Lamb (Vice Chair) Member Absent: None Call To Order: The Meeting was called to order at 5:25p.m. Pardon—Consider requests for absences of members from meeting: None Hear visitors None Approval of the Minutes: Molly Guin requested the minutes of July 18, 2001 regular meeting of the Conference Center Advisory Committee be reviewed and approved. Fran Lamb made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Eileen Sather seconded the motion. All were in favor, the motion passed unanimously. Revenue Reports: Revenue reports were reviewed for July 2001. Revenues for July 2001 were $8,464.44 versus July 2000 of$8,425.20. Number of clients served in July 2001 were 5,737 vs. July 2000 of 5,344. Revenue reports were reviewed for August 2001. Revenues for August 2001 were $8,172.48 versus August 2000 of$8,565.39. Number of clients served in August 2001 were 4,602 vs. August 2000 of 6239. Adjourn: The Meeting was adjourned at 6:00pm. The next meeting will be held at the College Station Conference Center on Tuesday October 9, 2001, at 5:15pm. Respectfully submitted, Nita Hilburn, Recording Secretary Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Monday, October 29, 2001 Minutes Members Present: Phyllis Dozier, Annie Lee Finch, Laura Holmes, Gerald Jordan, Bill Lay, Carol Parzen, Suzanne Reynolds, Joanna Yeager. Members Absent: Vallie Broussard, Bill Kling, Haskell Monroe, Neal Nutall and Helen Siegel. Staff Present: Steve Beachy and Marci Rodgers. Call to order. Bill Lay called the meeting to order at 10:05am II. Hear visitors. Eisenhower Leadership Development Program Julie Leake and Michael Kemper are both A&M students participating in the Eisenhower Leadership Program. Each explained the process their groups are using to gather information on the needs and interests of seniors in College Station. The results from the surveys will be available at the next Senior Advisory Committee meeting. The students asked for suggestions from the committee for possible sites for a senior facility. The students are also looking into grants that might be available for transportation. Members from the committee are invited to attend the student presentation to their class on Tuesday, November 27th and the presentation to City Council on Thursday, December 6 , • Steve Beachy, Director Parks and Recreation Department, spoke to the committee on the Capital Improvement Program and explained that the projects proposed would be voted on in a general election next November. Steve informed the committee of the various options the city was exploring in expanding city facilities such as a City Center on Krenek Tap Road. Also, with the completion of a new conference center the present center on George Bush would become available or sold. A recreation center similar to the Neal Center in Bryan is being considered with the building of a new elementary school on Graham Road. Gerald Jordan asked if a time line could be provided to the committee. III. Approval of minutes from meeting of September 24, 2001. Carol Parzen moved that the minutes be approved. Phyllis Dozier seconded the motion. The minutes were approved. IV. Discussion, consideration and possible action concerning a recommendation on filling committee vacancy. Florace Kling submitted a letter of resignation. (on file) Phyllis moved that no action be taken at this time to fill the vacancy. Carol Parzen seconded the motion. The motion was approved. V. Report from Senior Services Coordinator. Report on file. Marci added that classes for the Spring semester are being considered and welcomed any suggestions for classes or names of instructors. VI. Next meeting date and agenda. The next meeting will be held on Monday, November 26, 2001 • Results from the survey will be presented • Information on the A&M shuttle bus service and routes • Timeline VII. Adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 11:30pm BCS DEVELOPMENT CO. 4090 S. HIGHWAY 6, SOUTH COLLEGE STATION, TX. 77845 October 11, 2001 Steve Beechy City of college Station POB 9960 College Station, TX. 77842 RE: Parkland dedication credit Westfiled Dear Steve: I have enclosed the Parkland Dedication Credit Assignment that was granted from Westfiled Addition LTD. by It's President, Glenn W. Lynch to BCS Development Co. I am providing this per your request at the Parks Board meeting October 9, 2001. I will forward same to Jane Kee for her files. Thank you. - --- ir Randy Fre ch BCS eve pment Co. President C: lane Kee CAI*Documents\Westfiled Parkland Dedication.doc ASSIGNM INT OF PA• DEDICATION CREDITS STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF 1RAZOS For TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($10.00) cash, in hand paid, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby expressly acknowledged and confessed, the u idersigned, WI NTI1FLD ADDITION, LTD., a Texas lIiu*ted p rt nership, does hereby ASSIGN, SET OVER and CONVEY unto BCS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, a Texas co 'oration, with principal offices in College Station, Brazos County, Texas, all of the undersigned's parldand dedication credits and other rights relative thereto obtained in connection with its prior, present or future negotiations and agreements with the City of College Station, Texas or other applicable govern ental authority relative to the development of Westfield Subdivision, Phases I and II, or any other phases or properties adjacent thereto developed as part of the Subdivision (save and except (a) that portion of dedicated parkl4 isd in Phase I previously required for development of Phase I and Phase II, and (b) that portion of parldand dedication credits attributable to the 1.0 acre commercial tract fronting South Grail. Road reta*I-d by the undersigned, but only to the extent that parldand dedication is required for development of said coni n iercial tract), including all the rights, benefits and obligations associated therewith. EXECUTED this 5th day of January, 2001. WESTFIELD ADDITION, LTD., a Texas limited partnership By: Lick Creek Development, Inc., a Texas corporation, Its General Partner L By: Glenn Lynch,licncr President STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF RAZOS § This ins- ent was acknowledged before me on this • 1 day of January' 2001' y Glenn W. Lynch, President of Lick Creek Development, Inc., a Texas corporation' on behalf of said corporation as General Partner of Westfield Addition, Ltd., a Texas limited partnership, on behalf of said lirtited partnership. .2_Ili - SUZANNE C.HUDSON Notary Public, State ofTexas MY COMMISSION EXPIRES -144.- ber 277 . ,,. 14,1,2 . , 1 v h „,.....,„), ) il", IN,,Ek4' " I 201 1tar -r)'1 121 2: rSY (:,,,o 11 . <1 , 7- , ( 0 a - ..,,,,_.,qu-. ,-...._ A I Dil !,---1 --h. rts eh ' ___,.•._,--1 , ra., i tiorl(,(4-f. 5 I( 0 eiZQcivrtok,----vi (47,Iiej,,, 1, , 4 , , , N., ,, ,1 : '''''''''l '\ '..--1 1, 'it , ,• A 1 ' ' 1 C-1 i..IA, ,, I j '', A,J,i \/ ,-, ,I-k 1( „) ;i b.--, ‘.,.i 4 ,., i ' .. .. .... ..._, ,,f 'it'f .,„ , ,- 1 p l %I\ I .ii. , I ....,,, 1 I '2),---,11-;\rird w•Nrt Lft. 1 t, IA li 9 ii 4 fl.11 kis 1 1 w Ile',it l'A,,,,,f,,,,,,,,,, , r': 1.,,, I I'''' ''',,,,. i V -'1' 1 '''''.,,,,-ef-1„,,,,„',''''''', -,,,t-- _,...., . ',.., .. PARK LAND DEDICATION ORDINANCE PROJECT REVIEW CHECKLIST Date Received: Nov. 9,2001 Park Zone: 10 Name of Development: Westfield Village Applicant:Randy French Address:4112 Hwy.6 City/State: College Station Texas 77845 Zip: Phone Number: 690-1222 ext.11 FAX: E-mail: Engineer/Planner: Jim Wendt&Associates,AIA Address: 82 N.Misty Morning. City/State: Woodlands,Texas Zip: 77382 Phone Number: 281-719-6128 FAX E-mail: Jwendt@thewoodlands.com REQUIREMENT COMPLIANCE SECTION 10-B-1: Land Dedication Single Family Dwelling Units: 314 Multi-family Dwelling Units: none Total Land Requirement: None Previous dedication for the Westfield subdivision meets requirements Acres Proposed Dedication: 4,1 acre detention pond + 1.8 acres of Greenway and park land Acres SECTION 10-B-2: Fee in Lieu of Land Has the Planning &Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? No, this will be presented to P&Z November 29th. 0:\Parks\Forms\Admin\Park Land Dedication Ordinance Project Review Checklist.dot Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($148/dwelling unit): -0- Multi-family Fee ($112/dwelling unit): Total Acquisition Fee: SECTION 10-B-3: Park Development Fee Single Family Fee ($309/dwelling unit): x314 $97,026 Multi-family Fee ($233/dwelling unit): -0- Total Fee Amounts: Total Single Family Fee: ($457/Dwelling Unit): $309x314=$97,026 Total Multi-family Fee ($345/Dwelling Unit): -0- SECTION 10-B-4: Park Development in Lieu of Fee Required development cost: Staff review date and comment: Parks Board review and decision: Parks and Recreation Board has asked to review the plat for accessibility to the existing park sites. SECTION 10-B-5: Minimum Park Size Is the proposed park less than five (5) acres? No 5.9 acres including 4.1 acres of detention pond If yes, staff recommends: SECTION 10-B-7: Prior Park Acquisition Is there an existing neighborhood park that can serve the proposed development?Westfield Park&,Edelweiss Gartens, It is less than 1/2 mile walking distance from the farthest lots to Westfield Park If yes, staff recommends: Not accepting the property for future parkland . But it could be usable as Greenway land for connectivity. SECTION 10-E: Comprehensive Plan Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City Comprehensive Plan and the Park Master Plan? Comprehensive Plan shows 15 acres of park land needed in the general area of Zone 10 Since the adoption of the Comprehensive plan in 1997,several parks have been acquired,including Shenandoah,12.1 acres, Westfield Park 4.3 acres,Edelweiss Gartens 7.74 acres,and Castlegate 4.35 acres Comments: SECTION 10-F: Additional Information 1. Is land in the 100-year floodplain? ? Percentage: ?not enough information furnished a. Detention/Retention yes Size:4.1 acres Meets Board Policy: Acreage in floodplain: Percentage: Acreage in detention:4.1 Percentage: ? Acreage in greenways: ? Percentage: ? Comments: b. Does the location require users to cross an arterial road? no c. Topography: Fairly gentle slopes to level land in the"neigborhood park"area and detention pond areas Steeper slopes along edges of the existing creek land in the narrow strip and middle of the detention pond area. d. Trees/Scenery: some in greenway and detention pond area, however, construction may damage the existing trees. 2. a. Is the land adjacent to a school? no b. Restricted access: c. Is there screening if the park joins a non-residential use? N/A d. Park perimeter percentage that abuts a street: 35-40% STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Parks staff does not recommend acceptance of the land for public park land due to close access to the existing Wesfield park and Edelweiss Gartens park. More maintenance would be required for the detention pond and the other park land as shown.Also, parking may be a problem for the site.The proposed layout for pedestrian access to existing parks appears to be adequate. SECTION 10-G: Approval Parks & Recreation Board: No approval required. Planning &Zoning Board: City Council: MEMO NDUM TO: City Council Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Sabine Kuenzel, Senior Planner JO THROUGH: Tom Brymer, City Manage- DATE: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 RE: Unified Development Ordinance Attached please find a copy of the latest draft of the UDO. It includes sections that were added and changed in response to the suggestions that were made at the joint City Council/Planning and Zoning Commission Workshops that took place on July 11 and October 5. The major changes from our current development regulations include the following: GENE L L Clarifies separate types of cases and assigns most appropriate processes accordingly® (Article 2, Article 3, and 1.6.) Legislative processes such as zoning/rezoning, conditional uses, development ordinance amendments, and comprehensive plan change decisions will be made by Council after Commission recommendations. Administrative processes such as preliminary plat, final plat, and special district plan decisions will be made by the Commission following the Council adopted UDO requirements. Special district plans will receive Design Review Board review prior to Commission consideration due to discretionary nature of requirements. Plats will receive Staff review prior to Commission consideration due to technical nature of requirements. Administrative processes such as building permit, standard site plan, and sign permit decisions will be made by the Administrator following Council adopted UDO requirements. Quasi-judicial processes such as variances and appeals will be conducted by the Zoning Board of Adjustments. A twenty percent variance may be considered by the Administrator. Other appeals related to site development requirements (on-site circulation, driveway variances, etc.) will be decided by the Design Review Board. 2. Provides for additional protection of older neighborhoods. The draft would require all replats in subdivisions created prior to 1970 to conform to the average lot size and width on the block face (8.2 E.2 d.). It would require all new homes in older neighborhoods to meet a front setback that is between the two front building lines of the neighboring homes (6.2 C.4). All neighborhoods will have more restrictive RV parking guidelines (located behind front setback line and in screened area) (6.1 E.). It also establishes a maximum lot area that single family buildings and associated structures may cover in any neighborhood(6.2 A, and 6.2 F.). 3. Combines all development regulations into one code. (1.4 and all of code) This change allows for coordination of previous overlap and conflicts. It also provides a more user-friendly document that is more clear in the City's expectations. 4. Strengthens development requirements for all types of approvals (1.4 A., 3.1 A., and 3.3) Under current codes, it is sometimes difficult to require certain standards when only limited approvals are requested. For instance, a request to remodel a building does not trigger setback reviews. The UDO strengthens those links by requiring UDO and not just Building Code approval. ARTICLE 1 5. Converts all existing zoning districts into new districts. (1.9 B.) This provision essentially rezones all of the City of College Station properties to the new districts to assure compliance as soon as the UDO is effective. Some districts are having permitted uses removed. Commercial districts are having development standards and restrictions added. Such changes require the rezoning that will occur. ARTICLE 2 6. Combines current special district reviews and review boards into a single process and single review board. (2.4) Currently the 3 Northgate Districts, the Wolf Pen Creek District, and the Overlay District have separate processes with separate boards. In some instances, the review board is the final decision maker, in some cases, the board is advisory to the Commission. This draft combines the district reviews into a single process to be reviewed by a new Design Review Board for recommendation to the Planning and Zoning Commission for final decision. 7. Shifts all prior Zoning Official approvals to Administrator. (2.5 and 11.2) This provision more clearly defines who makes final decisions. The Zoning Official is a role served by several planners, not one single person. The Administrator (ie. Development Services Department head) is in a higher position to delegate to wider range of people with appropriate expertise. ARTICLE 3 8. Shifts Conditional Use Permit decisions from the Commission to the Council. (3.16, 2.1, and 2.8) On advice from the consultants and from Legal, the Council should perform such a function because it is legislative in nature. 9. Clarifies processes and appeals procedures into one article® (Article 3) 10. Allows for 20 Vo staff-level variances. (3.8 and 2.8) This is a new provision that was agreed to at the July 11 and October 5 meetings. 11. Requires Comprehensive Plan amendment when a development or rezoning request varies from the Plan. (1.6 B, 3.14, 3.15 D., 3.17 D. and 3.20) This process would require a Plan amendment to be considered by Council prior to any platting or rezoning that does not comply with the Comprehensive Plan. ARTICLE 4 12. Combines current three apartment districts into one. (4.1) 13. Combines current general commercial and business commercial into one. (4.1) 14. Combines current planned commercial and neighborhood commercial into one. (4.1) ARTICLE 5 15. Less desirable commercial uses are moved from uses by right list to the list of conditional uses (5.1 Use Table) These uses include high impact uses such as schools and nightclubs, as well as uses that tend to have aesthetic issues such as major utilities, HUD-code manufactured homes sales, convenience stores, big box retail, mini-storage warehouses, and auto sales/servicing. 16. Includes Supplemental Standards for starred uses (5.1 Use Table and 5.3) These standards would apply where a use is permitted in a district but is subject to additional standards as listed in the Article. 17. Incorporates use categories (5.2) Instead of the current practice of necessitating an ordinance change to add a new type of use, the Administrator would now be able to compare the new use with an existing one and treat it similarly. ARTICLE 6 18. Changes current net acreage density restrictions to gross acreage. (6.2 A. and 6.2 E.) This change needs to occur in order to acco odate clustering and open space provisions. 19. Adds maximum building coverage restrictions to all districts. (6.2 A., 6.2 F., 6.5 A., and 6.2 E.) 20. Adds clustering options for residential districts. (6.4 E) 21. Adds height, setback, lot size restrictions to commercial and industrial uses where currently there are none. (6.5 A) 22. Replaces incentives for Wolf Pen Creek orientation with a simple requirement for creek orientation. (6.7 D. 6.g) The Design Review Board and the Commission decisions have over the years evolved to requiring creek orientation, and thus far no applicant has taken advantage of any of the ordinance incentives. 23. Reserves a section for pending Northgate development changes. (6.8) ARTICLE 7 24. Shifts determination of number of parking spaces required for unlisted uses from the Commission to the Administrator. (7.1 K.3) 25. Provides standards for RV campgrounds. (7.1 L) 26. Provides for potential alternative parking plans. (7.1 N.) 27. Adds requirements for loading areas. (7.1 M.) 28. Adds standards for vehicle stacking. (7.1 O.) 29. Adds standards for on-site traffic access and circulation. (7.2) 30. Deletes alternative for 50' signs on Highway 6. (7.3 F.) The draft would still allow for signs at a height up to 35' of set back 70' from a road. 31. Deletes alternative for additional sign rea formula. (7.3 F.) The current ordinance allows for reasonable sign area based on frontage, but includes an alternative to base the sign area on its setback (the farther back the sign, the bigger it may be). However, this alternative has lead to significantly large signs in certain locations. 32. Deletes the possibility of allowing electronic signs. (7.3 D) In the past, Staff has at times not allowed electronic signs and then for a short time allowed them with the condition that they not flash or blink or move. The change would clarify that the signs are not permitted at all. 33. Adds area and number restrictions for attached signage where there are none now. (7.3 S.) 34. Adds a requirements for a master sign plan and requires signs match/coordinate within a single development. (7.3 G.) 35. Clarifies the vehicle sign provisions and makes them more restrictive. (7.3 M.) 36. Adds an open space requirement for new developments. (7.4) 37. Adds a landscape point incentive for irrigation types that are water conserving. (7.5 B.7.a.) 38. Adds an inspection requirement before existing trees will be accepted for points. (7.5 B.5.) 39. Adds authority for the Administrator to allow postponing landscaping without bonding under extreme weather conditions. (7.5 G.) 40. Exempts Northgate from buffering requirements. (7.6 A.) 41. Reserves a section for zero-rise provisions. (7.7 B.7) 42. Adds requirements and restrictions for noncommercial site development when abutting or near residential areas. (7.8) 43. Adds modest nonresidential architectural standards. (7.9) 44. Adds outdoor lighting standards. (7.10) Currently, the codes do not require site plans include or show lighting, they simply restrict lighting from shining directly into residential areas. The draft expands these extensively, requires lighting, requires lighting plans, and provides standards. 45. Adds outdoor storage standards. (7.11) Current codes restrict outdoor storage in the Overlay District and prohibit outdoor display in Wolf Pen Creek. Elsewhere, storage is required to be screened if it is pe anent. The draft expands these provisions to provide standards for such areas. ARTICLE 8 46. Adds multiple access requirements for subdivisions. (8.2 C.2) 47. Requires pedestrian access connections rather than simply encourage them as in current code. (8.2 F) 48. Requires road connections to existing roads. (8.2 D) ARTICLE 9 49. Clarifies non-conformities by type (use, structure, etc.) and clearly prescribes triggers for compliance. (Article 9) 50. Provides a three month presumption of abandonment when vacant (9.3 C and 9.4 C.) __<,.<. +,a.''S;`.'x.. bT:*.y kt ,, ,rr-+''_.,. _ "�'a; - "`u' :` i. �.a.'^'.. 's ',r ,�.. 't , , Unified D , s., �M- �G �.,m-.>,.. ,�,xx-. fir. e� ,n,x "". � .� � _?��" �t. pati � F.�, ,�' � + , evelopment Ord' inance - 'W - - fid. s' ._ ._ �'r� `«�" � .t�3 �� �+kms' `€.�. r � a scc yip Public Rio - mhaoview Draft prepared by duncan associates How to Use This Ordinance: IF YOU OWN OR LEASE PROPERTY AND WANT TO KNOW WHAT RULES APPLY: STEP 1: Find your zoning district and any overlay districts by looking at the Official Zoning Map (Development Services). STEP 2: Go to the Use Table in Article 5, Use Regulations, and follow down the column to determine the uses permitted in your district. Don 't forget the overlay districts that apply to your site (if any). STEP 3: The dimensional standards (lot size, setbacks, etc.) that apply are found in Article 6. STEP 4: The standards for general parking, landscaping or sign regulations are found in Article 7. IF YOU WANT TO BUILD OR ESTABLISH A PARTICULAR USE: STEP 1: Go to the Use Table in Article 5, Use Regulations, and down the rows to find your use and determine the districts it is permitted in. STEP 2: The dimensional standards (lot size, setbacks, etc.) that apply are found in Article 6. STEP 3: The standards for general parking, landscaping or sign regulations are found in Article 7® STEP 4: Don't forget the overlay districts that apply to your site (if any). IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR ZONING DISTRICT: Only the City Council may rezone property, following public notice and public hearings in front of the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council itself. See Section 3.17, Zoning Map Amendment (Rezoning). IF YOU WANT TO SUBDIVIDE YOUR PROPERTY: The Planning and Zoning Commission is authorized to approve plats for subdivisions. See Sections 3.14, General Development Plan and 115, Subdivision Plat Review. 2 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance '�- Table of Contents Article1~ General Provisions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~ 1-1 1.1 Short Title--------------------.----------.-------.1-1 1.2 ,�uthoh��---..--------------------------.--------1-1 1.3 Scope and Purpose--------------------.------------.-.1-1 1 4 ]uhsdicdon--------------------.----------.-------1'1 1.5 Minimum Reouirement --------------------------------1-2 1.6 Comprehensive Man--------------------.----------.--l-2 1.7 E�ective ��t�----------------------------------.-..l-2 1.8Severability ___________________________-__--------.l-3 1.9 Transitional Provisions..................................................................................................1-3 Article2" Develo,,ment Review Bodies °="°"""==1.=°"=°"=6d===UIM°ESI=0°==°=1.=°=^== 2-1 2.1 Ch« �ounciL-------------------------------------.2-1 2.2 Planning and Zoning [ornrnission--------------------.------2'1 2.3 Zoning Board ofAdjustment ------~----..------------------2-4 2.4 Design Review Board--------------------.----------.-..2-6 2.5 �dnninis��tor.--------------.-----.------------.---.2-� 2.6 BuUdingOfficiaL---------.--~-------.-----.---------.2-8 2.7 Development 'neer---.---------------.-.----------.-2-3 2.8 Summary ofReview Authority--------------.------------.-2-11 C > Article3" DeveUo,ment Revietiv Procedures EIMES°MI"°Pa"=W=III°"0=1111.11°"51"==C2°="°01=== 3--1 3.1 General Approval Procedures--------------------.--------.3-1 3.2 Development Permit 3.3 Bui|ding ��nni1----------_----------------~--------3-8 3.4 Certificate of 3.5 Written |nterpretation--------~---._------------------]-1l 3.6 Sign Permit or Master Sign P|an------~----.-------_--------3-12 3.7 Site Plan Revie\v--------------------------------.--3-1� 3.8 Administrative Adjustment 3.9 Design District Building and Sign Revievv --------------_---.-.-..3-19 3.10 Variances....................................................................................................................3-21 3.11 Administrative Appeals ---------------^-----------.----..3-24 3.12 Design District Site Plan Review --------------------.------3-26 3.13 General Development Plan--------------------.--------..3-3O 3.14 Subdivision MatRevievv-------------------..-----------.3-32 3.15 Conditional Use PenniL---------.-------------.--------�'38 3.16 Zoning Map Amendrneni (R�zonins�--------------------.----3-41 3.17 Text Amendment ---------..----------.--.-..-------..-3-45 3.18 Planned Deve|opment (P��---------------.-------------..3-47 3.19 Comprehensive Plan Amendment-----.--.~---.-----~-------.3-S2 Article 4. Zoning Districts~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~.~.~~~.~~~.~~~~~ �-� ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4.1 Establishment ofDistricts -------.-----------------------..4-1 4.2 Official ZoningMao----------------------------------4-1 City of College StationTexas 4.3 Replacement ofOfficial Zoning k�ao.--..--i---....._....-..-..--...-..��2 r~' 4.4 Rules for Interpretation ofDistrictBoundares -------------------..../4-3 4.5 Application ofDistrict Regulations ---.-------------...------..-./4-3 4.6 Newly Annexed ` | 4.7 Residential District Purpose Statements--..--.----..-.---...-.---..-.4-4 4.8 Commercial District Purpose Staternents..-..-.--------.--.-..--.-...4-5 4.9 Industrial District Purpose Staternent ....---....-----..---...-_.,-.---.4-5 4.10 Special Purpose District Purpose Statement ------------.-.,-------4-6 4.11 Overlay K]istrids-------------------------..__--.-_--. Article5. Use Regulations ~~~~~~~~~.~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~ 5-1 5.1 5.2U�e h��-----.---.--.-....--..-.-.-.--..-...----.-.�-S __- - 5.3 Specific Use'Standards..------.--.-.----------..------_--5-25 5.4 �ccessoryUses--------....----..._--....--.--.,...._--.----. g -5.5-- Temporary- 'Article 6. District Development Standards.===°".".=°==="°"°.=.°"=°"..._="==="°° 6.1 (]cnenaL---.-.-------------..-----._---_.---------..6-1 6.2 Residential District Standards 6.3 Conventional Residential Development -.---.--.----~--_..6-6 6.4 Alternative Single-Family Residential 6.5 Nonresidential District Standards 6 6 Planned Development (PD) Districts ..-.-.---------.-------.---6'2O 6`7 Wolf Pen Creek District (WP[)-~ � , ---.-__.._,.,_.__~_,-._-_ � \ ^ , 6.8 hJG-R).--.---_...-. .'---,-.--_.- 6-25 -' 6.9 Corridor Overlay District (OV) ° Article 7" General Development Stan����rds """"""==�"�===="_�"°"_ �"° _-�°=="�� 7�1 7.1 Off-Street Parking and LoadinStandards 7.2 Access and Circulation 7.3 Sign^ Ragu}adons ..------.--.-.--------.-..---_-----._-._7_24 7/4 7.5 Landscaping and Tree7. - Buf��� �. iren�ent�.......-.--.--_----.---..---~----..-..- 7-44 __- 7.7 StornnvvaterManagement --------.-.---.-.--...--.-.--..-....7-46 7.8 Residential Protection 7.9 Nonresidential Architectural 7.10 Outdoor Lighting Standanjs----..-..-----------...--------.7-57 7.11 Outdoor Storage and 0sp|ay-.--------.----..._-...------- 7-5� .. Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvemenits "°°"~ti~~~"~~~"°m""~to°~°~°~~m"~="~ 8.1 General 8.2 Subdivision Design Standards ------.-.-----.._--..-.--.-. 8.3 Rural Residential Subdivision-.--.-.--..----,..-_._...-.-..,--.-.8-�4 8.4 Special Conditions in Area of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction 1 8.5 Requirements for Park Land Dedication ----.-----.---..-.......-. 8-32 8.6 Subdivision Improvement Guarantees............................................... -.--.--..8'36 U City of College StationTexas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified DevelopmenOrdinance 8.7 Responsibilityfor Payment for Installation �os�—.—_--.^~.---------..--.8-38 8.8 Manned ��v�|oprnent -------------------.-----.------.8'43 8.9 Special NoMhgatcimprovement Standards ----------------------8-43 Article9. NOunC0111fOrMitieS~~~.~~~~~~.~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9-1 9.1 (]�n�nd-------.---------.--------------------..—..9-1 9.2 Nonconforming Uses--------------------.----------.—..9-1 9.3 Nonconforming Stnuctures ------------------------------.9-Z 9.4 Nonconforming LotmfRecord -------~---------_---------.9-2 9.5 hJonconfonningSigns—,--------.---------.-----------.—..9-3 9.6 Elimination of Nonconforming Status-----------..Er:or! Bookmark not defined. Article10~ Enforcement~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1114 10.1 Enforcement bvBuilding (]�ida|--------------------.------1O-� 10.2 Penalties for Violation--------------------------------1O-1 10.3 PenaiProvisio�s----------------------------------..18-1 10.4 Specific Enforcement and Penalties for Flood Hazard Protection..................................10-1 Article11~ Defillitions~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11-1 11.1 (]ener�L---------.-----------------.-----------..1l-1 11.2 Defined Terms------------------------.-----------l1-1 �_- / \ � \ City of College StationTexas 0 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 rticle 1 General Provisions 1.1 Short Title This Ordinance shall be officially known and cited as the Unified Development Ordinance of the City of College Station, Texas. References to "this Ordinance" or "this UDO" shall be interpreted as references to this Unified Development Ordinance. 1®2 Authority This Chapter is adopted under authority of the constitution and laws of the State of Texas, including particularly Chapters 211 and 212, Texas Local Government Code, and pursuant to the provisions of the Charter and ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas. 13 Scope and Purpose This UDO is adopted for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of College Station. More specifically, this UDO provides for the division of land into different districts that, in combination with the regulations pertaining to such districts, are designed in accordance with a comprehensive plan. The City of College Station's Comprehensive Plan is the fundamental guide to all decisions made under this UDO. In order to implement the broad goals of the plan, this UDO regulates land use in order to achieve objectives of the plan that include, but are not limited to, the following: A. Promote the beneficial and appropriate development of all land and the most desirable use of land in accordance with a well-considered plan, r . Protect the character and the established pattern of desirable development in each area; C. Prevent or minimize land use incompatibilities and conflicts among different land uses; D. Maintain property values by stabilizing expectations and ensuring predictability in development; and E. Establish a process that effectively and fairly applies the regulations and standards of this UDO and respects the rights of property owners and the interests of citizens. 1®4 Jurisdiction A. Land Within the City Limits This UDO shall apply to all land within the City Limits of the City of College Station. All structures and land uses constructed or commenced after the effective date of this UDO, and all enlargements of, additions to, changes in and relocations of existing structures and uses occurring after the effective date of this UDO shall be subject to this UDO. B. Land Within the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of College Station The City of College Station shall be the primary platting authority in the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETD in accordance with the interlocal agreements with [insert appropriate authorities— all three counties and Bryan — following negotiation]. The following Sections of this UDO shall apply to all properties outside the City limits of City of College Station,Texas Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 1.General Provisions Section 1.5.Minimum Requirements College Station, but lying within the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction as established by the Municipal Annexation Act 1. Article 8, Subdivision Design and Improvements; and 2. Section 7.3, Sign Regulations. 1.5 Minimum Requirements A. In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this UDO shall be held to be minimum requirements (including cases where minimum requirements are stated as a maximum standard) adopted for the promotion of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare. : Whenever the requirements of this UD{} are at variance with the requirements of any other lawfully adopted rules, regulations, or ordinances, the requirement that is most restrictive or that imposes higher standards as determined by the Administrator shall govern. C. The issuance of any permit, certificate or approval in accordance with the standards and requirements of this UDO shall not relieve the recipient of such permit, certificate or approval from the responsibility of complying with all other applicable requirements of any other City, state or federal agency having jurisdiction over the structures or land uses ( \ for which the permit, certificate or approval was issued. 1.6 Comprehensive Plan A. It is intended that this UDO implementplanning policiesadopted as part of the City's Comprehensive Plan, as amended and periodically updated. ^ ` B. The City's Comprehensive Plan consists of the document entitled "Volume 1 : The College Station Comprehensive Plan : City of College Station, Texas", as well as the associated plans and studies, including "City of College Station: 2818 Extension Study", "City of College Station Streetscape Study", "A Study of the University Drive Corridor", "A Network of Greenways for College Station", and "The Revised Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan, 1998". The Comprehensive Plan and the associated plans and studies are hereby adopted and made a part of this UDO. C. The City's Comprehensive Plan and any associated plans or studies adopted by the City Council, shall be amended prior to permitting development which would conflict with such plan (see Sections 3.16 and 3.17). 1.7 Effective Date This UDO shall become effective and be in full force and effect ten days from its passage and approval by the City Council, as duly attested by the Mayor and City Secretary. 1-2 City of College StationTexas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 1.General Provisions Section 1.8.Severability 1.8 Severability Should any section or provision of this UDO be declared by the courts to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so declared to be unconstitutional or invalid. 1.9 Transitional Provisions A. Pending Construction 1. Building Permits Nothing in this UDO shall require any change in plans, construction, size or designated use of any building, structure or part thereof that has been granted a building permit prior to the effective date of this UDO, or any amendment to this UDO, provided construction shall begin consistent with the terms and conditions of the building permit and proceed to completion in a timely manner. 2. Approved Site Plans Nothing in this UDO shall require a change in site plan approved prior to the effective date of this UDO, provided a building permit is issued prior to expiration of the site plan, and construction begins consistent with the terms and conditions of the building permit and proceeds to completion in a timely manner. District Conversion The zoning district names in effect prior to the effective date of this UDO are hereby converted, as shown on the following table: A-O Agriculture-Open A-0 Agriculture-Open A-OR Rural Residential Subdivision R-E Residential Estate R-1B Single Family Residential RS-8 Residential Single-Family R-1 Single Family Residential RS-5 Residential Single-Family R-2 Duplex Residential RM-9 Residential Two-Family R-3 Townhouse RM-12 Residential Townhouse R-4 Apartrnent/Lovv Density R-5 Apartment/Medium Density RM-18 Residential Multifamily R-6 Apartment/High Density R-7 Manufactured Home Park R-MH Manufactured Home Park C-N Neighborhood Business C-L Light Commercial C-3 Planned Commercial A-P Administrative-Professional C-O Commercial Office CB Business Commercial C C-1 General Commercial -G Commercial General C-2 Commercial-Industrial C-H Commercial Heavy M-1 Planned Industrial I-L Light industrial M-2 Heavy Industrial I-H Heavy Industrial WPC Wolf Pen Creek Development Corridor WPC Wolf Pen Creek R&D Research and Development and Light * BP Business Park City of College Station,Texas 1-3 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 1 General Provisions Section 1.9.Transitional Provisions Prior District Prior Name New District New Name Industry NG-1 Northgate NG-T Traditional Northgate C-NG Commercial Northgate NG-2 Northgate NC-C Commercial Northgate NG-3 Northgate NC-R Residential Northgate C-U College and University C-U College and University PUD Planned Unit Development PD Planned Development PDD Planned Development Neighborhood Conservation — none NC Overlay OV Corridor Overlay OV Corridor Overlay [EDITOR'S NOTE:Several districts have been deleted—A-OX, C-PUD and C-LG. These districts are not present on the zoning map, and therefore have not been converted in the table above.] 1-4 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 2 Development Review Bodies 2®1 City Council A. Responsibility The City Council shall have sole responsibility for final action regarding the text of this UDO and the Official Zoning Map and appointments to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Zoning Board of Adjustment. . Powers and Duties The City Council shall have the powers and duties as set forth in this UDO: 1® Appointments The City Council shall have the responsibility of appointing and removing any member for cause of the Planning and Zoning Commission, Zoning Board of Adjustment and Design Review Board. 2® Final Action The City Council shall hear and take final action on the following: a. Development agreements and oversize participation agreements for City participation in cost-sharing of infrastructure improvements; b. Conditional use permits, c® Zoning map amendments (rezoning); d Text amendments; e® Planned developments; t® Land Use Plan amendments; and g® Thoroughfare Plan amendments. 2®2 Planning and Zoning Commission A. Creation The City Council shall provide for the appointment of a Planning and Zoning Commission and the regulations and restrictions adopted shall be pursuant to the provisions of applicable statutory requirements of the State of Texas. B. Membership, Terms and Compensation 1® Number, Appointment A Planning and Zoning Commission is hereby created to consist of seven members. Appointment of members shall be made by the City Council at the second regular meeting of the City Council after the City Election. Members shall be residents of the City and eligible voters. 2-1 City of College Station,Texas Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 2. Development Review Bodies Section 2.2. Planning and Zoning Commission 2. Terms Terms of members of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be for two years or until their successors are appointed. Four members shall be appointed in even number years and three members shall be appointed in odd numbered years. A chairperson shall be appointed annually by the City Council. 3. Current Members Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission on the effective date of this UDO shall continue to serve until their respective terms expire. 4. Term Limits Terms of office shall be limited to three consecutive two year terms or seven consecutive years. 5. Vacancies Vacancies shall be filled by the City Council at the next regular meeting for the unexpired term for any memser whose position becomes vacant. C Officers, Meetings, Quorum 1. Officers The Planning and Zoning Commission shall select a vice-chair from among its members as needed. 2. Meetings Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall meet regularly, at least once in each month, and the Chairperson shall designate the time and place of such meetings. All meetings of the Commission shall be open to the public. 3. Quorum Four members shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business. Any recommendation advanced to the City Council without a majority of positive votes from those members present shall be deemed a negative report. 4. Rules of Proceeding The Planning and Zoning Commission shall adopt its own rules of procedure. S. Minutes The Planning and Zoning Commission shall keep minutes of its proceedings, showing the vote of each member upon each question, or, if absent or failing to vote, indicating that fact and shall keep records of its examinations and other official actions, all of which shall be immediately filed in the office of the Administrator and shall be a public record.. D. Powers and Duties The Planning and Zoning Commission shall have the following powers and duties: 2-2 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 2. Development Review Bodies Section 2.2.Planning and Zoning Commission 1. Comprehensive Plan The Planning and Zoning Commission shall make recommendations for the effective coordination of the various City departments, committees, and boards, in implementing the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Five Year Development Program (CIP) The Planning and Zoning Commission shall prepare and recommend an annual development program (capital improvements program) for a five-year period. 3. Recommendations The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review and make recommendations to the City Council subject to the terms and conditions set forth for such uses in this UDO for the following: a. Conditional use permits; b Zoning map amendments (rezoning); c. Text amendments; d. Planned developments; e. Land Use Plan amendments; and f. Thoroughfare Plan amendments. 4. Final Action The Planning and Zoning Commission shall hear and take final action on the following: a. Design district site plans; b. Preliminary and final plats (and in some cases, minor and amending plats); c. Waivers of the standards in Article 8, Subdivision Design and Improvements; d. Requests for alternative materials from those required in this UDO; e. Appeal of the Administrator's determination that a proposed General Development Plan is not in compliance with the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan; f. Appeal of the Administrator's denial of a final minor or amending plat; g. Temporary parking lot site plan approval; and h. Alternative parking plans. 5. Status Reports The Planning and Zoning Commission shall keep the City Council informed of its progress and make periodic status development reports to the City Council, and City of College Station,Texas 2-3 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 2. Development Review Bodies Section 2.3.Zoning Board c�Adjustment said reports shall be made within six months after their appointmentand at least every six months thereafter. E Staff The Administrator shall provide staff, as needed, to the Planning and Zoning Commission. 2~3 Zoning Board of Adjustment A. Creation The City Council shall provide for the appointment of a Zoning Board of Adjustment and the regulations and restrictions adopted shall be pursuant to the provisions of applicable statutory requirements of the State of Texas. The City Council shall appoint a chair of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on an annual basis. B. Membership, Terms and Compensation 1. Number, Appointment The Zoning Board of Adjustment shall consist of five members who are residents of the City and qualified voters. Appointment of members shall be made by the City Council. The City Council may provide for the appointment of four alternate �--- `� members of the Board of Adjustment who shall serve in the absence of one or more regular members when requested to do so. 2. Terms Each member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment shall be appointed for a term of two years, except that two members appointed initially shall have terms of only one year. After the initial appointments, two members shall be appointed in odd numbered years to maintain a membership of five members. Any alternate members appointed shall serve for the same period as the regular members and any vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the regular members. 3. Current Members Members of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on the effective date of this UDO shall continue to serve until their respective terms expire. 4. Vacancies Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term of any member whose term becomes vacant. C. Officers, Meetings, Quorum 1. Officers The City Council shall appoint a chair of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. The Zoning Board of Adjustment shall appoint a vice-chair from among its members as needed. 2-4 City of College StationTexas Article 2. Development Review Bodies Section 2.3.Zoning Board of Adjustment 2~ Meetings Meetings of the Zoning Board of Adjustment shall be held at the call of the Chairperson and at such other times as the Board may determine. Such Chairperson, or in his absence the acting Chairperson, may administer oaths and compel 1he attendance of witnesses. All meetings of the Board shall be open to the public. �~ Quorum All cases heard by the Zoning Board of Adjustment will always be heard by a minimum number of four members. Four members shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business and no decision shall be rendered without a concurring vote of four members. 4Rules Proceeding The Zoning Board of Adjustment shall adopt its own rules of procedure. " ^ 5 Minutes The Zoning Board of Adjustment shall keep minutes of its proceedings, showing the vote, indicating such fact, and shall keep records of its examinations and other official actions, all of which shall be immediately filed in the office of the Administrator and shall be a public record. E-owers and Duties The Zoning Board of Adjustment shall have the following powers and duties: 1~ Variances a~ To hear and decide requests for variance from the setback, parking number or dimensions, parking island number or dimensions, sign (excluding sign regulations in the ETJ), maximum height, requirements of this UDO whstrict application of the provisions of the ordinance would result in unnecessahardship. Also, to hear and decide including drainage variances but excluding landscaping provisions, when strict application of the provisions of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship. b. Specifically excluded from the variance process are requests for relief from a site plan requirement imposed by the Administrator when the requirement was required to gain compliance with the criteria for approval of a site plan in Section 3.7E. Such requests will be heard and decided by the Design Review Board. 2. Administrative Appeals To hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is error in any order, requirement, decision, interpretation, or determination made by the Administrator or his designee in the enforcement of this U[}{]. City of College StationTexas 2-5 Article 2. Development Review Bodies Section 2.4. Design Review Board 3. Official Zoning Map To interpret the intent of the Official Zoning Map where uncertainty exists because the physical features on the ground vary from those on the Official Zoning Map. 4. Residential Protection Standards To hear and decide requests for variance from the requirements of Section 7.8, Residential Protection Standards. E. Staff The Administrator shall provide staff, as needed, to the Zoning .oard of Adjustment. 2~4 Design Review oard A. Creation A Design Review Board is hereby established by the City of College Station. The Design Review Board is intended to enhance the City's ability to review building and site design issues, including architectural issues such as facade color and materials, by bringing expertise from the community to bear on these issues in designated design districts. The City Council shall appoint a chair of the Design Review Board on an annual basis. __- B. Number, Appointment, Terms � \ 1. The Design Review Board shall be appointed by the City Council and shall consist of seven members as follows: a. a registered architect, b. a business person, c~ a member knowledgeable in aesthetic judgment, d~ a landowner or developer in the City, and e. three citizens at large. 2. Members shall be appointed for three-year terms. The City Council shall appoint a chair on an annual basis. 3. The Design Review Board is a governmental body and shall comply with the Open Meetings Act. C. Powers and Duties The Design Review Board has the following powers and duties: 1. Design District Site Plans The Design Review Board shall review and make recommendations to the Planning and Zoning Commission on design district site plans in the Wolf Pen Creek and Northgate districts. 2-6 City of College StationTexas Article 2. Development Review Bodies Section 2.5.Administrator 2. Design District Review The Design Review Board shall approve or deny building and sign materials and colors in any designated design district, including the Wolf Pen Creek, Northgate and Corridor Overlay districts. 3. Parking and Traffic Studies The Design Review Board may request and approve a parking or traffic study from the applicant for sites in the Northgate districts. 4. Driveway Appeals The Design Review Board shall hear and decide driveway appeals. 5. Appeal of Requirement Based on Site Plan Review Criteria The Design Review Board shall hear and decide appeals of the Administrator's application of site plan requirements to assure compliance with Section 3.7E. 6 Appeal of Vehicle Stacking Requirements The Design Review Board shall hear appeals of the Administrator's denial of requests for deviation from the vehicle stacking requirements of Section 7.10. D. Staff The Administrator shall provide staff, as needed, to the Design Review Board. 1® Where such authority has been delegated by the Planning and Zoning Commission, the City staff shall approve minor changes to site plans previously approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, 2. Where such authority has been delegated by the Design Review Board, the City staff shall approve minor changes to building and sign materials and colors previously approved by the Design Review Board. 2.5 Administrator A. Designation The City Manager shall designate the Administrator for the City of College Station. Where this UDO assigns a responsibility, power, or duty to the Administrator, the Administrator may delegate that responsibility, power or duty to any other agent or employee of the City whom the Administrator may reasonably determine. B. Powers and Duties The Administrator shall have the following powers and duties: 1. Administration and Enforcement The Administrator shall administer and enforce the provisions of this UDO. City of College Station,Texas 2-7 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 2. Development Review Bodies Section 2.6.Building Official 2. Interpretation The Administrator shall make written interpretations of this UDO, when requested, setting forth the reasons and explanation therefore. 3. Building Permits The Administrator shall review and certify that the proposed construction, moving, alteration, or use of the land either does or does not comply with the provisions of this UDO prior to issuance of a Building Permit by the Building Official. 4. Certificate of Occupancy The Administrator shall review and certify Certificates of Occupancy prior to issuance by the Building Official. 5. Final Action The Administrator shall review and take final action on the following: a. Sign permits; b. Site plans (out not design district site plans); c. Administrative adjustments; d. Minor and amending plats; e. Determination of general development plan compliance with the City's Com erehensive Plan; and f. g. Deviation from vehicle stacking requirements in Section 7.10. 6. Other Duties The Administrator shall perform other duties imposed under the provisions of the College Station City Code, as amended from time to time. 2®6 Building Official A. Designation The Administrator shall designate the Building Official for the City of College Station. B. Powers and Duties The Building Official shall have the following powers and duties: 1. Administration and Enforcement The Building Official shall administer and enforce the provisions of this UDO. 2. Building Inspections The Building Official shall have the power to make inspections of buildings and premises to carry out his duties herein and to determine compliance with the provisions of this UDO. 2-8 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 2. Development Review Bodies Section 2.7. Development Engineer 3. Building Permits The Building Official shall issue Building Permits. 4. Certificate of Occupancy The Building Official shall issue Certificates of Occupancy. 2.7 Development Engineer A. Designation The Administrator shall designate the Development Engineer for the City of College Station. Responsibility The Development Engineer shall implement, administer, and oversee the provisions, terms, conditions and requirements of the Flood Hazard Protection requirements and shall maintain as his guideline for administration the purposes of this chapter. C. Powers and Duties The Development Engineer has the following powers and duties in regard to flood hazard protection: 1. Maintain and hold open for public inspection all records pertaining to the provisions of the flood hazard protection regulations; 2. Review, and approve or deny all applications for development permits; 3. Assure that adequate inspection of construction permitted under the terms and provisions of the flood hazard protection requirements are carried out in accordance with the permitted plan; 4. Maintain, update and provide to interested parties at a reasonable cost the effective City Drainage Policy and Design Standards; 5. Assure that adequate maintenance of drainage pathways, including altered or relocated waterways, is provided such that capacity for carrying stormwater flows is maintained; 6. Provide interpretation, where required, of boundaries of Areas of Special Flood Hazard, location of floodway, and water surface elevations, when disputes arise during review; 7. Provide information to the Zoning Board of Adjustment, Municipal Court, or City Council, as applicable on all variance requests, administrative appeals, enforcement actions, and proposed amendments to the Drainage Policy and Design Standards as required; 8. Review and utilize any acceptable new flood study data in accordance with the Drainage Policy and Design Standards; City of College Station,Texas 2-9 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 2. Development Review Bodies Section 2.7. Development Engineer 9. Notify adjacent communities and the Texas Water Commission prior to any alteration or relocation of a watercourse, and submit evidence of notification to the Federal Insurance Administration; 10. Review and make recommendations to the City Council concerning Development Agreements. 11. Interpret the terms and provisions of Section 7.7, Stormwater Management, as required, as they apply to each project, in accordance with the stated purpose of that Section; and 12. Review permits for proposed development to assure that all necessary permits have been obtained from those Federal, State, or local governmental agencies (including Section 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, 33 U.S.C. 1334) from which prior approval is required. 2-10 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance ° Article 2.Development Review Bodies Section 2.8.Summary of Review Authority 2.8 Summary of Review Authority The following table summarizes the authority of the various review bodies. giMiMrtPMI-POKPIMIFFIOygEtt Develop- Design #0.*#Otlf.K"jok:4,010••••••••••• eilegegppIIgllgoog-mm,th,snooippiqojoywggoroopmj"ix• qoTgpepkpggopiz. !ftoc000npgmompeglelafiossazototooagotoogELqffjoojMqooginojotsogoth000p,ggorot LCourt 504 itrylraralreaaig,I1M5rgl INIII IIIIIIIII TRAINM ffarlt OgrirlireltIMIll Mum Iggra gin Development Permit D A 3.2 flaigaliiiMianatigotoszlit 3 foiesinsi aseigni modug megagto weediage-,actaag ot ton Building Permit R D , 3.3 Certificate of Occupancy R ' D 3.4 tdjaiitaStalatialleateglea 10111 taiegaag inafing tp5.4.-mil agomo ataiogovEi-.,,,:,::.:k.m,-","age um Written Interpretation D A 3.5 Sign Permit or Master Sign Plan D A 3.6 Site Plan Review D A(3.7E) _ A(All other) 3.7 Administrative Adjustment , D A 3.8 Design District Building or Sign, D A 3.9 Minor General Development Plan D , A 3.14 Compliance Minor or Amending Plat D R A 3.14 PD Concept Plan Minor Amendment D A 3.18 Vehicle Stacking Deviations . D A WiritfiaiiOilkarite•SrEaaeOfaag I-Ellalaiegagn ingaig:gazsgo ims-Ango:;.•:;,:gaggign nst Appeal of Site Plan Requirement D 3.7 (3.7E) Design District Building or Sign R D A , 3.9 Review Design District Site Plan Review R D , A 3.13 Driveway Appeals R D — •.'ZbiflittftairaMtatilf6Cliagafigeggie nag:IA,S'-',% vi5-"Witina; ' Ng..g 0.5,3,',gt,:,01.:(6 Variance D A 3.10 Administrative Appeal D , A 3.11 Zoning Map interpretation RR D _A — FiAiiiiikiiiiidOiiiiiitiotiorigrkii*,,JA!-,:i44g4g._:;,'.-,t_:,::,:1::-,:i:ii:,,,:: : : :::::-.i:•1.A!,i-.,:-,,,, ,*:;::::i'..,::-.:..: ::n.t--„,,;::,:yf:,,,,,:.,,,,,i,,,,,,:ii_::= . -::t!ii,,,:,:.,;,..4.,,,,,„J,Li,,,,':1:.:,,„'„,„.::,.„7„::::::.:::...„.,,,,',.,::„..„,,.,.,..,.:..;.,. ....,..,:„.„:,,,,,„,.:,:,,„,,,,,',,,,..:.,,,,...:.:„.,,,,,„, Design District Site Plan RR R R _ D A 3.13 Preliminary Plat RR R D , A 3.14 Final Plat RR R D , A 3.14 Waiver of Plat Standard RR R _ D A 3.14 Alternate Materials RR D Temporary Parking Lots RR D. Alternative Parking Plans RR R D A — 1000470:70tarousaggiguan lantig 10200,10..61,:,.1.4pieglig, ;tal mool,t..f; Oversize Participation R D A 3.14 ,. Development Agreement RR R D 3.14 Conditional Use Permit RR R R D A 3.15 Zoning Map Amendment RR R R D A 3.16 PD Concept Plan/Rezoning RR R R D A 3.18 Text Amendment RR R R D 3.17 Comprehensive Plan Amendment RR , R D KEY: RR-Review/Report R=Review/Recommendation D=Final Action/Decision A=Appeal City of College Station,Texas 2-11 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 3 Development Review Procedures 3.1 General Approval Procedures A. Conformity with Unified Development Ordinance Every official and employee of the City of College Station vested with the duty or authority to issue a permit or license shall not issue a permit or license for any use, building, or purpose that conflicts with any provision of this UDO. Any permit or license or certificate issued in conflict with the provisions of this UDO shall be null and void. B. Preapplication Conference Prior to the submission of an application required by this UDO, a preapplication conference with the Planning Staff may be required as follows. 1. Mandatory Conference A mandatory Preapplication Conference with the Planning Staff to discuss procedures, standards, or regulations shall be required for: a. Development permits; b. Design district site plans; c. General development plans; d Conditional use permits; e. Zoning map amendments (rezoning); and f. Planned developments. 2. Optional Conf-rence A preapplication conference is optional for all other applications. Applicants are encouraged to schedule and attend an optional preapplication conference with the Planning Staff prior to submitting any application. C. Application Forms and Fees The following regulations shall apply to all applications. 1. Forms Applications required under this UDO shall be submitted on forms, with any requested information and attachments, and in such numbers, as required by the City, including any checklists for submittals. The Administrator shall have the authority to request any other pertinent information required to ensure compliance with this UDO. 2. Electronic Submission Required Plats shall be prepared and submitted in digital format acceptable to the Administrator and compatible with the City's geographic information system. 3-1 City of College Station,Texas Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 3.Development Review Procedures Section 3.1.General Approval Procedures 3. Fees a. Filing fees shall be established from time to time by resolution of the City Council to defray the actual cost of processing the application, b. All required fees shall be made payable to "The City of College Station"; and ® An applicant who has paid the appropriate fee pursuant to submission of an application, but who chooses to withdraw such application prior to any notification, review or action taken, shall be entitled to a refund of 50 percent of the total amount paid upon written request to the City. The filing fee required for text or map amendments shall not be refundable. D. Application Deadline All applications shall be completed and submitted to the Administrator in accordance with a schedule established annually by the City. An application shall not be considered as officially submitted until it has been determined to be complete in accordance with the following paragraph. E. A..plication Comphieteness An application shall be considered submitted only after the Administrator has determined it is complete, if it is provided in the required form, includes all mandatory information, including all exhibits, and is accompanied by the applicable fee. A determination of application completeness shall be made by the official responsible for accepting the application within five days of application filing. If an application is determined to be incomplete, the official responsible for accepting the application shall provide written notice to the applicant along with an explanation of the application's deficiencies. No further processing of the application shall occur until the deficiencies are corrected. If the deficiencies are not corrected by the applicant within 30 days, the application shall be considered withdrawn, and the application shall be returned to the applicant. F. Required Public Notice 1. Summary of Notice Required Notice shall be required for development review as shown in the table below. ,Application Type Pkiblisheci Matipd Variance X X Conditional Use Permit X X Zoning Map Amendment X X Text Amendment X PD Master Plan/Rezoning X X Comprehensive Plan Amendment X X 3-2 City of College Station,Texas printed 10125/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.1.General Approval Procedures 2. Specific Notice Requirements a. Published Notice A distinctive advertisement (Public Hearing Notice) shall be placed by the Administrator at least once in a local newspaper of general circulation within the City for not less than 15 calendar days prior to the meeting for the purpose of notifying the public of the time and place of such public hearing and the substance of the public hearing agenda items which may be considered or reviewed. b. Mailed Notice A notice of public hearing shall be sent by U.S. mail to owners of record of real property within 200 feet of the parcel under consideration. The notice may be served by its deposit in the municipality, properly addressed with postage paid, in U.S. mail at least ten days prior to the date set for the public hearing. c. Content of Notice A published or mailed notice shall provide at least the following specific information: (1) The general location of land that is the subject of the application; (2) The legal description or street address; (3) The substance of the application, including the magnitude of proposed development and the current zoning district; (4) The time, date and location of the public hearing; (5) A phone number to contact the City; and (6) A statement that interested parties may appear at the public hearing. 3. Required Public Hearings The following table illustrates the types of review requiring a public hearing and the review body responsible for conducting the hearing. Zoning Planning and Board of Zoning City Application Type Adjustment Commission Council Administrative Appeals 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Variance Conditional Use Permit Comprehensive Plan Amendment Zoning Map Amendment Text Amendment PD Master Plan/Rezoning City of College Station,Texas 3®3 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.1„General Approval Procedures G. Simultaneous Processing of Applications Whenever two or more forms of review and approval are required under this UDO, the applications for those development approvals may, at the option of the Administrator, be processed simultaneously, so long as the approval procedures for each individual application can be completed pursuant to the requirements of this UDO. Such processing shall occur at the applicant's own risk. 3-4 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.2. Development Permit 3.2 Development Permit A. Applicability A development permit shall be required prior to any development, as defined in Article 11, to ensure conformance to the provisions and requirements of this UDO. The following uses shall be exempt from the permitting requirements of this Section, but shall otherwise meet all of the requirements of this UDO and the City's Drainage Policy and Design Standards. 1. Customary and incidental grounds maintenance, preapplicat9n landscaping and gardening. Meeting 2. Improvements by a homeowner on property used as their principal residence where that property lies outside of the C7N;plicaticTrp_ designated Area of Special Flood Hazard. Submittal 3. Uses by a landowner of their property for bona fide Staff agricultural purposes where that property hes outside of Review the designated Area of Special Flood Hazard. B. Approval Process Prior to the issuance of a development permit, the following requirements shall be met: City Engineer ma l Actio 1. Preapplication Conference A preapplication conference shall be held with the Development Engineer or his designated representative as set forth in Section 3.1B. 2. Application A complete application for a development permit shall be submitted to the Development Engineer as set forth in Section 3.1C. 3. Review and Action by the Development Engineer The Development Engineer shall review the required information and application form and shall take one of the following actions: a. Approve the development permit; ® Disapprove the development permit; or ® Require additional information or an engineering conference with the applicant or his engineer. ® Review Criteria Approval or denial of a development permit by the Development Engineer shall be based on the following relevant factors: ® The danger to life or property due to flooding or erosion damage; City of College Station,Texas 3-5 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.2. Development Permit b® The susceptibility of the proposed facility and its contents to flood damage and the effect of such damage on the individual owner; c. The danger that materials may be swept onto other lands to the injury of others; d. The compatibility of the proposed use with existing and anticipated development; e® The costs of providing governmental services during and after flood conditions, including maintenance and repair of streets and bridges, and public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical, and water systems. f. The expected heights, velocity, duration, rate of rise and sediment transport of the flood waters and the effects of wave action, if applicable, expected at the site; g® The necessity to the facility of a waterfront location, where applicable; h. The availability of alternative locations, not subject to flooding or erosion damage, for the proposed use; and L The relationship of the proposed use to the comprehensive site plan for that area. 5. Notification of Decision a The applicant shall be notified in writing of the action prescribed above. If the development permit has been disapproved, the specific reasons for disapproval shall be indicated in the notification. If additional information is required of the applicant, the specific requirements shall be indicated in the notification. A final determination of the approval or disapproval of the development permit, considering the additional information, shall be made and written notification to the applicant given within ten working days after receipt of said additional information. b. Any proposal which alters the floodways of the following special drainage areas shall receive written notice of approval or disapproval of the development permit from the Development Engineer within 60 working days after receipt of the proposal. (1) The entirety of Carter's Creek; (2) The main channel of Lick Creek; (3) Wolf Pen Creek from SH 6 By-Pass to the confluence with Carter's Creek; and (4) The Brazos River. 3-6 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 3. Development Review Procedure Section i2 DevelopmentPermit C. Expiration of Approval A development permit within a designated Flood Hazard Protection Area issued by the Development Engineer shall become invalid unless the work authorized by it shall have been commenced within 12 months after its issuance. D. Appeal An appeal from any final decision regarding a development permit shall be filed with a court of competent jurisdiction within 30 days of the decision. City of College StationTexas 3r Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.3. Building Permit 3~3 Building Permit |� A. Building Permit RequiredApplication _ -_- - No building or other structure shall hereafter be erected, mo�, �� � or ���Uya�� w�o�a ��b Submittal issued by the Building Official and the Administrator except in conformity with the provisions of this sect . unless directed by the Zoning Board of Adjustment as provided by ' this UDO. No Building Permit issued under the provisions of this Article for land use or construction in the City shall be considered valid unless signed by the Building Official and the Administrator. -� - B. Application for Building Permit 1. All applications for Building Permits shall be accompanied by plans in duplicate drawn to scale, showing the actual dimensions and shape of the lot to be built upon; the exact sizes and locations on the lot of buildings already existing, if any; and the location and dimensions of the proposed building or alteration. 2. The application shall include such other information as lawfully may be required by the Building Official and the Administrator, including existing or proposed building or alteration; existing or proposed uses of the building and land; the number of families, housekeeping units, or rental units the building is designed to accommodate; conditions existing on the lot; and such other matters as may be necessary to determine conformance with, and provide for the enforcement ofthis UDO. 3. One copy of the plans shall be returned to the applicant by the Building Official, after he shall have marked such copy either as approved or disapproved and attested to same by his signature on such copy. The original copy of the plans, similarly marked, shall be retained by the 'uilding Official and one copy of the associated site plan shall be retained by the Administrator. 4. Where applicable, applicants shall submit information and materials required in Section 7.4, Landscaping and Tree Protection. C. Review and Recommendation The Administrator shall review all building permit applications to determine if intended uses, buildings or structures comply with all applicable regulations and standards, including this UDO and approve or disapprove the same. D. Review and Action by Building Official 1~ The Building Official shall make a final determination of whether the intended uses, buildings or structures comply with all applicable regulations, standards and the building code. The Building Official shall not issue a building permit unless the plans, specifications and intended use of such building or structures or part (' ) 3-8 City of College StatioTexas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.3. Building Permit thereof conform in all respectto the provisions of this UDO and the building code. 2. If the subject property has been rezoned as a Planned Development (PD), the City Council may approve general modifications to the UDO standards. The general modifications shall be indicated in the ordinance that rezones the property. The Administrator shall determine the specific standards that comply with the general modifications of the site development standards at the time a site plan is approved. The applicant or the Administrator may have the Planning and Zoning Commission determine the specific standards that comply with the general modifications approved by the City Council. City ^ � of College Station,Texas 3-9 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.4.Certificate of Occupancy 3.4 Certificate of Occupancy A. Applicability A certificate of occupancy shall be required for any of the CpplicatioD following: Submittal _ - _ LI Occupancy and use of a building hereafter erected or Staff ,c enlarged; Reviw 2. Change in use of an existing building to a different '/ Use Category as set forth in Section 5.2; or 3. Any change in a nonconforming use or structure. !pal_?..cg9„ B. Application An application for a certificate of occupancy shall be filed with the Building Official when a structure or use is ready for use or occupancy. C. Review and Recommendation The Administrator shall review all certificate of occupancy applications and approve or disapprove the same. D. Review and Action by Euilding Official Upon the filing of a complete application for a certificate of occupancy, the Building Official shall inspect the use or structure. If the Building Official determines that the use or structure complies with all applicable provisions of the building code and this UDO, a certificate of occupancy shall be issued. E. Temporary Certificate f Occupancy Pending the issuance of a permanent certificate of occupancy, a temporary certificate of occupancy may be issued. The temporary certificate of occupancy shall be valid for a period established by the Building Official and the Administrator, pending completion of an addition, or during partial occupancy of a structure. F. Unlawful to Occupy Without Valid Certificate of Occupancy It is unlawful to occupy any building that does not have a valid certificate of occupancy or temporary certificate of occupancy. 3-10 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.5.Written Interpretation 3.5 Written Interpretation A. Applicability The Administrator shall have authority to make all written interpretations concerning C\TD-plication - the provisions of this UDO. Submittal , CC-';--mpleteness - B. Request for Interpretation Review A request for interpretation shall be submitted to the Administrator in a form Staff < established by the Administrator and made available to the public. Such request shall fReview only be made during development review or when a code enforcement requirement is in question. C. Interpretation by Administrator Administrator 1. The Administrator shall: Final Action Review and evaluate the request in light of the text of this UDO, the Official Zoning Map, the Comprehensive Plan and any other relevant information; c‘ieb Consult with other staff, as necessary; and Appeal co Render an opinion. e Board of -..4djustme9t, 2. The interpretation shall be provided to the applicant in writing by mail. Official Record The Administrator shall maintain an official record of interpretations. The record of interpretations shall be available for public inspection during normal business hours. E. Appeal Appeals of written interpretations of Sections other than those applying to subdivisions or signs within the City's extra-territorial jurisdiction made by the Administrator shall be filed only by a party affected by the written interpretation with the Zoning Board of Adjustment within 30 days of the decision in accordance with the procedures found in Section 3.11. If no appeal is filed within 30 days, the written interpretation shall be considered contractually agreed to by the applicant and shall be final. City of College Station,Texas 3-11 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10125/2001 Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.6.Sign Permit or Master Sign Plan 3.6 Sign *emit or Master Sign Plan A. Sign Permits Required ® No sign shall hereafter be installed, erected, moved, added to, or structurally altered (including any change to Cskpplication a sign face) without a permit therefore, issued by the submittal Administrator except in conformity with the provisions of this Section, unless he is so directed by the Zoning Board Completeness vig of Adjustment as provided by this UDO. No sign permit ReviewoMe issued under the provisions of this UDO for land use in the City shall be considered valid unless signed by the Revew VARIa Administrator. RAMM A permit shall be required for the following types of signs: .:,.'a'4.'A:'ghdf:40aaitgfo%:., '-ilt4R6W0:4KitT6,14,0t-,,, Apartment/condominium/manufactured home park words rUD code identification signs, have not beeo oalaraMaMthUim b., Attached signs, aditrdaanraZi eataaMERVTQ c Development signs, Appeal to ii Freestanding signs; 4' Board of 0-61IAbiatilikUS 0,7011.0rtaffrato,e-4.- e. Roof signs; adjustment-" 7i*AgglaaMadaan) g 'Ml.MOgtVZV, 'e? .1. Subdivision and area identification signs, and g Replacement of a sign face. 3„ No permit shall be required for the following signs: a. Real estate, finance and construction signs; b. Directional traffic control signs; tr. Home occupation signs, and d. Noncommercial signs. 4. A master sign plan is required for all multiple-tenant buildings, Planned Developments, and all multi-building or multi-occupant commercial developments before any signs for such development may be erected on the property. All owners, tenants, subtenants and purchasers of individual units within the development shall comply with the approved master sign plan. Application A complete application for a sign permit or master sign plan shall be submitted to the Administrator as set forth in Section 3.1C. A master sign plan shall consist of five elements that shall govern all signs within the development: location, materials, size, color and illumination. 3-12 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.6Sign Permit or Master Sign Plan C. Review and Action by the Administrator 1. The Administrator must review each sign permit or master sign plan application in light of this UDO and act to approve, approve with conditions or deny the permit. The Administrator may grant approval with conditions only to the extent that such conditions specify the actions necessary to bring the application into complete compliance with this UDO, 2. For residential subdivisions, the master sign plan must be submitted, reviewed, and approved prior to approval of the final subdivision plat. 3. For multifamily and townhouse developments, the master sign plan must be submitted, reviewed, and approved prior to the issuance of any building permit for the development. 4. For Planned Developments, the master sign plan must be submitted, reviewed and approved prior to the approval of the first site plan or final subdivision plat for the development. D. Master Sign Plan Review Criteria A master sign plan for a residential subdivision, Planned Development, or multifamily or townhouse development shall not be approved until and unless the Administrator finds that: �~— 1~ The plan provides that signs of a sirnilartype and function within the development vvi|| have a consistent size, lettering style, color scheme and material construction; 2. The plan provides for signs that meet the size limitations, location requirements and other applicable requirements of this Part. E. Master Sign Plan Amendments A master sign plan may be amended by filing a new master plan with the Administrator: 1. The application may be filed only by the owner of the land affected by the proposed change; or an agent, lessee, or contract purchaser specifically authorized by the owner to file such application. Before filing the application, all landowners affected by the proposed change must give written authorization. 2~ Any new or amended master sign plan shall include a schedule for bringing into conformance all signs not conforming to the proposed plan within 90 days. This shall apply to all properties governed by said plan. F. Maintenance and Repair Cleaning, painting, repainting and other normal maintenance and repair of a sign shall not require a sign permit unless a structural or size change is made. Maintenance does not include replacement of a sign face. Repainting or replacement of materials in a design district must receive approval of either the Administrator or the Design Review Board as provided in Section 3.9. City of College Station,Texas 3,3 Article 3.Development Review Procedures Section 3.6.Sign Permit or Master Sign Plan | > G. Appeal Appeals of sign permit or master sign plan applications denied by theAdministrator may be submitted to the Zoning Board of Adjithi 30 dof the decii in accordance with the procedures found in Section 3 11 If no appeal is filed within 30 days, the decision shall be considered contractually agreed to by the applicant and shall be final. , / \ . ^ ^_~ 3-14 City of College StationTexas Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.7.Site Plan Review 3.7 Site Plan Review A. Applicability Prior to development of any use or structure other than single-family, Cplicati 1. D Submittal duplex or townhome residential development, a site plan shall be approved by the City in accordance with this Section. Reiew 2. No development described in paragraph 1 above shall be lawful or permitted to proceed without final site plan approval. A site plan approved as part of a Completeness Review conditional use permit shall be considered a site plan approval. 3. If the subject property has been rezoned as a Planned Development (PD), the City Council may approve general modifications to the site development standards. The general modifications shall be indicated in the ordinance that rezones Administrator-7the property. The Administrator shall determine the specific standards that co ply . - Final Acton with the general modifications of the site development standards at the time a site plan is approved. The applicant or the Administrator may have the Planning and Zoning Commission determine the specific standards that comply with the general modifications approved by the City Council. B. General Requirements , Appeal to nning and Zoning> All i provements reflected on approved site plans must be ..-,Commission,../- constructed at the time of development. 2. All terms and conditions of site plan approval must be met at the time of development. C. Application Requirements A complete application for site plan approval shall be submitted to the Administrator as set forth in Section 3.1C. The application shall include a landscape plan illustrating compliance with the requirements of Section 7.5, Landscaping and Tree Protection. D. Site Plan Approval Process Site plan review applications shall be processed in accordance with the following requirements: 1. Preapplication Conference Prior to the submission of an application for site plan approval, all potential applicants may request a preapplication conference with the Administrator. The purpose of the conference is to respond to any questions that the applicant may have regarding any application procedures, standards, or regulations required by this UDO, however, they do not fulfill the requirements for formal review or submittal as set forth in this UDO. City of College Station,Texas 3-15 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.7Site Plan Review { � 2. Final Action by the Administrator If the proposed site plan or PD plan is determined to be consistent with all applicable provisions of this UDO the Administrator shall approve the site plan or PD plan and return one copy of the approved plan to the applicant. A determination that all such requirements and provisions have not been satisfied shall result in disapproval of the site plan or PD plan and notice of such disapproval shall be given to the applicant in writing. E. Site Plan Review Criteria In order to be approved, a site plan must provide for: 1. Safe and convenient traffic control and handling; 2. Assured pedestrian safety which may include the provision of sidewalks along the perimeter of the property meeting the specifications for same as outlined in the Subdivision Regulations relative to width and placement; 3~ Efficient and economic public utility and sanitation access, 4. Public road or street access; S. Satisfactory internal access; public, private or emeen 6. Adequate parking and maneuvering areas; 7~ Noise and emission control or 8. Visual screening of trash receptacles or other areas offensive to the public or existing adjacent development 9. Runoff, drainageand flood control; 10. Sign location, as an incident to the above considerations and the express requirements of this ordinance; 11~ Visual screening from the right-of-way of parking lots; 12. Compliance with standan]s, guidelines and policies of the City's adopted Streetscape Plan that are not already covered by Section 7.5; 13. Determination and clear indication of what constitutes the building plot for purposes of this ordinance and the sign ordinance, and the conditions or requirements imposed by the provisions of City Ordinances. ~ �^ F. Appeal Appeals of site plans denied by the Administrator where the denial was�based upon the site plan revievvcriteria in Section 3.7E above, or appeal ofa site plan condition imposed to assure compliance with the criteria in 3.7E may be submitted to the Design Review Board within 30 days of the decision. All other appeals shall be made to the Planning and Zoning Commission within 30 days of the decision. The Design Review Board or Planning and Zoning Commission shall have the same authority as the Administrator in reviewing the site plan and taking final action. If no appeal is filed / ) 3-16 City ofCollege Station,Texas Article 3. evelopment Review Procedures Section 3.7.Site Plan Review within 30 daysthe decision shall be considered contractually agreed to by the applicant and shall be final. G. Expiration of Approval An approved site plan shall expire 12 months from the date of approval unless the proposed development is pursued as set forth below: 1. A complete building permit application has been submitted. 2. In case of p 'ects where more than one building is to be built, the applicant may submit a series of building permit applications. The first application must be submitted within 12 months from the date development plan approval is granted. Each subsequent application must be submitted within 180 days from the date of issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the previousbui|ding, vvhichevershai| occur first. The lapse of more than 180 days shall cause the expiration of site plan approval. City of College Station,Texas 3-17 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 3.Development Review Procedures Section 3.8.Administrative Adjustment 3.8 Administrative Adjustment A. Purpose Administrative adjustments are specified deviadoms from otherwiseapplicable Application Submittal development standards where development is proposed that would be: l~ Compatible with surrounding ld uses; ' ^ Harmonious with the public interest; and UNfitl 3~ Consistent with the purposes of this UDO. ligAig B. Applicability � The Administrator shall have the authority to authorize adjustment of up to 20 percent from any numerical standard set forth in Article 6, District Development Standards or Article 7, General Development Standards. Any adjustment request greater than 20 --''TF-0741,0067 percent shall be treated as a variance handled by the Zoning Board of Adjustment subject to the requirements of Section 3.10, Variances. Application ^^°Appeal to�~ ^ A complete application for an administrative adjustment shall be submitted to the ^�^~ Bo�dof ° ° Administrator as set forth in Section 3.1[.u �.. �- Review and Action by Administrator The Administrator shall review the application and approve, approve with conditions or deny the application based upon the criteria below. A written decision including affirmative findings on the criteria set forth below shall be mailed to the applicant. E. Administrative Adjustment Criteria 1. To approve an application for an administrative adjustment, the Administrator shall make an affirmative finding that the following criteria are met: a. That granting the adjustment will ensure the same general level of land use compatibility as the otherwise applicable standards; b. That granting the adjustment will not materially and adversely affect adjacent land uses and the physical character of uses in the immediate vicinity of the proposed development because of inadequate buffering, screening, setbacks and other land use considerations; c. That granting the adjustment will be generally consistent with the purposes and intent of this UDO; and x0. The strict application of the provisions of the UDO would result in unnecessary hardship. �. In the event that the Administrator finds that the applicant has not met the above criteria, the Administrator shall have the authority to forward the application to the i ) 3-18 City of College StationTexas Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.9. Design District Building and Sign Review Zoning Board of Adjustment as a variance request subject to the requirements of Section 3.10, Variances. F. Appeal Appeal of an Administrative Adjustment denied by the Administrator shall be taken to the Zoning Board of Adjustment within 30 days of the mailing of the Administrator's decision and shall be heard as a variance case in accordance with Section 3.10. If no appeal is filed within 30 days, the decision shall be considered contractually agreed to by the applicant and shall be final. 3.9 Design District Building and Sign Review Applicability ® In the design districts (including the OV, WPC, NGT, NGC and NGR Cite Plan Submittal districts), all substantial maintenance, including but not limited to rehabilitation, LI façade work, painting, change of exterior materials or other construction shall be pleter-"Ds subject to the design district site plan review process. Review Stf 2. Minor maintenance shall be reviewed by the Administrator. Review_ B. Application A complete application for building or sign review in a design district shall be submitted to the Administrator as set forth in Section 3.1C. Design C. Final Action by Design Review Board Review-Board Meeting- - 1. Public Meeting JM The Design Review Board shall conduct design district review in a public meeting. Notice shall be provided by publication of the agenda of the meeting. Action2. Design Review The Board shall apply the standards for the applicable district as set forth in Article 6, District Development Standards, and approve or disapprove the building and sign materials and colors. In considering such matters, the Design Review Board may rely on special area plans or studies adopted by the City Council. Appeal eflanning and Zonini, 3. Written Decision If approval is granted, the decision shall be communicated in writing to the applicant within 15 days of the decision. D. Expiration and Lapse of Approval Approvals are granted for a period of 12 months from the date of the letter informing the applicant of the decision of the Design Review Board. If construction of the project has not commenced within this period, the approval shall expire. City of College Station,Texas 3-19 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.9. Design District Building and Sign Review E. Appeal Appeals of design district applications denied by the Design Review Board may be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission within 30 days of the decision. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall have the same authority as the Design Review Board in reviewing the application and taking final action. If no appeal is filed within 30 days, the decision shall be considered contractually agreed to by the applicant and shall be final. 3-20 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.10.Variances 3.10 Variances A. Purpose Application The Zoning Board of Adjustment shall have jurisdiction to hear requests for a variance Submittal from the terms of this UDO. The Zoning Board of Adjustment shall be authorized to Schedule grant a variance from the terms hereof if, and only if, they find that the strict NHearin enforcement of this UDO would create a substantial hardship to the applicant by Staff virtue of unique special conditions not generally found within the City, and that the Review granting of the variance would preserve the spirit and intent of the Ordinance, and Pubhc would serve the general interests of the public and the applicant. Variances may be Notice granted only when in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this UDO so that public health, safety, and welfare may be secured and substantial justice donesuvnr . Zoning Board of Adjustmen B. Applicability Hearing The Zoning Board of Adjustment shall have the authority to grant variances from the standards in Article 6 and Article 7 (with the exception of Section 7.5, Landscaping and Tree Protection). Waivers of the standards in Article 8, Subdivision Design and Improvements, shall be made by the Planning Commission during the subdivision Final Action, process. Any variance request up to 20 percent may be treated as an administrative adjustment subject to the requirements of Section 18, Administrative Adjustments. X C. Application A complete application for a variance shall be submitted to the Administrator as set '1. Appeal to '4," forth in Section 3.1C. Court ," „ D. Action by the Zoning Board of Adjustment 1. Public Hearing Following notice in accordance with Section 3.1F, the Zoning bard of Adjustment shall hold a public hearing. 2. Variance Review Upon completion of the public hearing and after review of the variance application subject to the criteria listed in Section E below, the Zoning Board of Adjustment shall make a written finding and give its approval; approval with limitations; or disapproval of the variance. 3., Written Decision If approval or approval with limitations is granted, the decision shall be communicated in writing to the applicant within 15 days from the decision. City of College Station,Texas 3-21 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.10.Variances E. Criteria for Approval of Variances 1. Required Findings The Zoning Board of Adjustment may authorize a variance from the requirements of this UDO, when an unnecessary hardship would result from the strict enforcement of this UDO. In granting a variance, the Zoning Board of Adjustment shall prescribe only limitations that it deems not prejudicial to the public interest. In making the required findings, the Zoning Board of Adjustment shall take into account the nature of the proposed use of the land involved, the existing use of land in the vicinity, the possibility that a nuisance will be created, and the probable effect of such variance upon traffic conditions and upon public health, convenience, and welfare of the vicinity. No variance shall be granted unless the Board makes affirmative findings in regard to all of the following criteria: a© Extra•rdinary Conditions That there are extraordinary or special conditions affecting the land involved such that strict application of the provisions of this UDO will deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land. For example, the variance is justified because of topographic, or other special conditions unique to the property and development involved, in contradistinction to the mere inconvenience or financial disadvantage. b. Enjoyment of a Substantial Property Right That the variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. c. Substantial detriment That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or injurious to other property in the area, or to the City in administering this UDO. d. Subdivision That the granting of the variance will not have the effect of preventing the orderly subdivision of other land in the area in accordance with the provisions of this UDO. e. Flood Hazard Protection That the granting of the variance will not have the effect of preventing flood hazard protection in accordance with Section 7.7, Stormwater Management. f® Other Property That these conditions do not generally apply to other property in the vicinity. g. Hardships That the hardship is not the result of the applicant's own actions. 3-22 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.10.Va,iancns h~ Comprehensive Plan That the granting of the variance would not substantially conflict with the Comprehensive Plan and the purposes of this U[}(]. i~ Utilization That because of these conditions, the application of the UD[} to the particular piece of property would effectively prohibit or unreasonably restrict the utilization of the property. 2. Limitations The Zoning Board of Adjustment may not grant a variance the effect of which would be any of the following: a. ' To allow the establishment of a use not otherwise permitted in the applicable zoning district; b~ ' To increase the density of a use above that permitted by the applicable district; c. To extend physically a nonconforming use of land; or d. To change the zoning district boundaries shown on the Official Zoning Map. -'-` 3~ Profitability Not to Be Considered The fact that property may be utilized more profitably should a variance be granted may not be considered grounds for a Variance. F. Appeal An appeal from any final decision regarding a variance shall be filed with a court of competent jurisdiction within 30 days of the decision. If no appeal is filed within 30 days, the decision shall be considered contractually agreed to by the applicant and shall be final. 3-23CbCollege Texas Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.11.Administrative Appeals 3.11 Administrative Appeals Applicability Appeals to the Zoning Board of Adjustment may be taken by any person aggrieved by specific points found in any of Application the following final decisions of the Administrator: Submittal Written interpretations of the text of Articles 5, 6, 7 Schedule and 11; and Hearin 2. Denial of sign permits based on interpretation of Re Section 7.3. Public Notice B. Effect of Appeal An appeal stays all legal proceedings in furtherance of the Boa,rci, action appealed from, unless the officer from whom the :51fA.,„Clit:Istr7en , Hearing appeal is taken certifies to the Zoning Board of Adjustment after the notice of appeal shall have been filed with him, that by reason of facts stated in the certificate a stay would, in his opinion, cause imminent peril to life and property. In such case, proceedings shall not be stayed otherwise than FinalAction by a restraining order which may be granted by the Board or by a Court of record on application, on notices to the officer from whom the appeal is taken, and on due cause shown. 11( C. Deadline for Submission of Application e Appeal to Court An appeal from any final decision of the Administrator shall be filed with the Administrator within 30 days of receipt of "4- the decision. If no appeal is filed within 30 days, the decision shall be considered contractually agreed to by the applicant and shall be final. D. Application A complete application for an administrative appeal shall be submitted to the Administrator as set forth in Section 3.1C. E. Record of Administrative Decision The Administrator shall forthwith transmit to the Zoning Board of Adjustment all the papers constituting the record of the action appealed. F. Hearing The Zoning Board of Adjustment shall hear the appeal within 60 days of the date of the appeal application or such extension as requested by the applicant, give public notice as set forth in Section 3.1, as well as due notice to the parties in interest, and decide the same within a reasonable time. During the public hearing, any party may appear in person or by agent or by attorney. 3-24 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.11.Administrative Appeals G. Final Action by Zoning Board of Adjustment At the conclusion of the proceeding on the appeal, the Zoning Board of Adjustment may only consider the specific interpretive language of the Administrator, and may reverse or affirm wholly or partly, or may modify the interpretation appealed from and may make such order, requirement, decision or determination as ought to be made. In any case, the Board shall only present findings regarding specific errors made in the Administrator's interpretation or permit issuance. City of College Station,Texas 3-25 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 3.Development Review Procedures Section 3.1?. Design District Site Man Review 3.12 Design District Site man Review Preapplication A. Appilicability Meennl Design Districts Submittal a. Northgate Districts TT Completeness ( ) Prior to any development in any Northgate Review district (NG-T, NG-C, NG-R) including minor Sff additions such as storage buildings, fencing and Rview the like, an applicant must obtain design district Report to site plan approval under this Section. A.plicant (2) All requests for a change of solid waste disposal iiiDestgnui in any Northgate District shall be considered Review Boa0 through the design district site plan review oieetini-c process. New solid waste containers shall meet the requirements of this UDO. (3) In reviewing a project, the Design Review Board k-1-3'-?021:0*V9P-: may require traffic and parking impact studies, a review of existing occupancy, and other 7: Planning'and reasonable data to determine the impact of the Zoning Cothrri. ring project. b. Wolf Pen Creek District Prior to any development in the Wolf Pen Creek Final Action District, an applicant must obtain design district site plan approval under this Section. c. Corridor Overlay District Appeal to Court ,."/ Prior to any development in any Corridor Overlay District, an applicant must obtain design district site plan approval under this Section. ® Design District Site Plan Review Required No development described in paragraph 1 above shall be lawful or permitted to proceed without final design district site plan approval. A site plan approved as part of a conditional use permit shall be considered a design district site plan approval. 3. General Requirements a. All improvements reflected on approved site plans must be constructed at the time of development. b. All associated rehabilitation, facade work, and other construction must be conducted subsequent to and in compliance with approved elevations, colors 3-26 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.12. Design DistricSite Plan Review and materials. Such review may take place concurrent with the site plan review, or may take place separately, as provided in Section 3.9. c. All terms and conditions of site plan approval must be met at the time of development. - - Application Requirements A complete application for site plan approvashall be submitted to the Administrator as set forth in Section 3.1C. The application shall include a landscape plan illustrating compliance with the requirements of Section 7.5, Landscaping and Tree Protection. C. Design District Site Plan Approval Process Design district site plan review applications shall be processed in accordance with the following requirements: 1~ Preapplication Conference Prior to the submission of an application for design district site plan approval, all potential applicants shall request a preapplication conference with the Administrator. The purpose of the conference is to respond to any questions that the applicant may have regarding any application procedures, standards, or regulations required by this U[)[}, however, they do ot fulfill the requirements for '-- formal review or submittal as set forth in this U[)(} . 2~ Review and Report by the Administrator If the proposed design district site plan is determined to be consistent with all applicable provisions of this UDO or if the plan is recommended for denial or conditional approval, the Administrator shall report such consistency, inconsistency, or proposed conditions to the Design Review Board. 3~ Review and Recommendation by Design Review Board The Design Review Board shall review the design district site plan in a public meeting and make a recommendation to the Planning and Zoning Commission for approval, approval with conditions, or disapproval. Notice shall be provided by publication of the agenda of the meeting. 4~ Final Action by the Planning and Zoning Commission a~ Design district site plans shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission within 30 days of the decision of the Design Review Board, If no appeal is filed within 30 days, the decision shall be considered contractually agreed to by the applicant and shall be final. b. If the proposed site plan is determined to be consistent with all applicable provisions of this UDO, including the applicable district provisions of Article 6 and the review criteria below, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall approve the design district site plan. A determination that all such requirements and provisions have not been satisfied shall result in disapproval of the site plan. City of College Station,Texas 3'27 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 1025/2001 Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.12. Design District Site Plan Review D. General Site Plan Review Criteria In order to be approved, a site plan must provide for: 1® Safe and convenient traffic control and handling; 2. Assured pedestrian safety which may include the provision of sidewalks along the perimeter of the property meeting the specifications for same as outlined in the Subdivision Regulations relative to width and placement; 3. Efficient and economic public utility and sanitation access; 4. Public road or street access; 5. Satisfactory internal access; public, private or emergency; 6. Adequate parking and maneuvering areas; 7. Noise and emission control or dispersion; 8. Visual screening of trash receptacles or other areas offensive to the public or existing adjacent development; 9® Runoff, drainage, and flood control; 10. Sign location, as an incident to the above considerations and the express requirements of this ordinance; 11. Visual screening from the right-of-way of parking lots; 12® Compliance with standards, guidelines and policies of the City's adopted Streetscape Plan that are not already covered by Section 7.5; 13. Determination and clear indication of what constitutes the building plot for purposes of this ordinance and the sign ordinance, and the conditions or requirements imposed by the provisions of City Ordinances. E. Additional Wolf Pen Creek Review Criteria The following standards, which affect the appearance of a development, shall govern the evaluation of a design submission in the Wolf Pen Creek District: 1. Conformance to the City's Comprehensive Plan and this U DO; 2. Logic of design; 3. Exterior space utilization; 4. Architectural character; 5. Attractiveness; 6. Material selection; 7. Harmony and compatibility; 8. Vehicular and pedestrian circulation; 9. Maintenance aspects; and 10. Creek orientation. 3-28 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.12. Design District Site Plan Review F. Additional Northgate Review Criteria [INSERT] G. Expiration of Approval An approved design district site plan shall expire 12 months from the date of approval unless the proposed development is pursued as set forth below: 1~ Work that does not require a building permit (such as a parking lot) has commenced. 2~ A complete building permit application has been submitted. 3. In case of projects where more than one building is to be built, the applicant may submit a series of building permit applications. The first application must be submitted within 12 months from the date development plan approval is granted. Each subsequent application must be submitted within 180 days from the date of issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the previous building, whichever shall occur first. The lapse of more than 180 days shall cause the expiration of site plan approval. H. Appeals An appeal from any final decision regarding a design district site plan shall be filed with � ) a court of competent jurisdiction within 30 days of the decision. If no appeal is filed within 30 days, the decision shall be considered contractually agreed to by the applicant and shall be final. City of College StationTexas 3-29 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.13.General Development Plan 3.13 General Development Plan A. Purpose The purpose of the general development plan is to provide for review of certain developments for compliance with master plans, the compatibility of land uses, and the coordination of improvements within and among individual parcels of land or phases of development, prior to submittal of a preliminary plat A general development plan shall not be considered a plat. CpplicatiorD Submittal B. Applicabilityompleteness - The Administrator shall determine during the preapplication '' CReview conference whether a general development plan shall be required in accordance with the purpose herein stated. When a development is a portion of a large tract under one ownership or is developed in phases, the developer may be required to submit a general development plan for review and approval by the Administrator. Generally, a general development plan shall be required for, but is not limited to, any development as follows: 1~ If the property under consideration is undeveloped, is under one ownership and is ,greater than 20 acres; 2~ Where the ownership has been transferred after July 15, 1970 ,^ Appeal to without benefit of a plat; or ,/iplanning and Zo 3. Is to be platted and developed in phases; or ^ ms,r)' 4. Will require off-site road, drainage, or utility connections or improvements which will have a substantial impact or effect on other properties or developments. C. Processing, Review and Approval Procedure 1~ Prior to any application submittal, the subdivider shall request a preapplication conference with the Administrator. A date and time for the meeting will be during business hours, and held within ten calendar days of the date of the request. The subdivider shall bring to this meeting a map with the proposed subdivision marked thereon, and information relative to the proposed development. He shall be prepared to discuss its conformity with the Comprehensive Plan of the City. 2. The plan shall be submitted to and reviewed by the Administrator for determination of compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan. 3. If the Administrator determines that the general development plan is not in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan, he shall not accept the application for the general development plan and no further processing shall occur until the general development plan is in conformity, or a request for an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan eliminating the lack of conformity has been submitted by the 3'30 City of College Station,Texas Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.13.General Development Plan applicant and approved by the City Council. The determination that the general development plan is not in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan may be appealed to the Planning and Zoning Commission. 4. If the Commission denies approval of the general development plan, the reasons for such denial shall either be reduced to writing or read into the minutes of the Commission. 5. No preliminary or final plat for any portion of the development shall be deemed submitted until and unless the required general development plan has been approved by the Commission. City of College Station,Texas 3-31 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 3.Development Review Procedures Section 3.14.Subdivision Mat Review 3.14 Subdivision Plat Review A. Applicability 1. Subdivision approval shall be required before any Co:PplicatioD of the following activities occur: Submittal a. The division of land (for any purpose) into teness two or more parcels, b. Development on a parcel not previously Staff legally platted; or Review Schedule ca Development that involves the construction Hearin. of any public improvements that are to be Public dedicated to the City. Notice 2. The City shall not be required to provide a revised jIJfJJJ plat where City action such as expansion of street right-of-way occurs. ® A general development plan in accordance with Section 3.1 3 may be required prior to submission of a plat application. Unlawful to Record Plat Without Final Plat Approval It shall be unlawful to offer and cause to be recorded Appeal to any plan, plat or replat of land within the City limits or Court extraterritorial jurisdiction of College Station with the Clerk of the County Courthouse unless the same bears the endorsement and approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission, C. Definition of Major and Minor Subdivision A minor subdivision is a division of land into four or fewer lots fronting on an existing street and that does not require the creation of any new street or the extension of municipal facilities. All other divisions shall be considered major subdivisions. D. Application 1. Where a general development plan is required in accordance with Section 3.14, no preliminary or final plat shall be submitted prior to approval of such plan. Where a general development plan has been approved in accordance with Section 3.13, all plat applications and subsequent plats shall be consistent with the approved general development plan. 2. A complete application for subdivision review shall be submitted to the Administrator as set forth in Section 3.1C. The signatures of all owners of land within the boundary of the general development plan, preliminary or final plat, shall be required on the application. 3-32 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 3. DevelopmenReview Procedures Section 3.14.Subdivision PlaReview 3. An application fee shall be submitted with the plat or ne \atas required by Section 3.1C. Additional fees shall not be required on subsequent submittals of revised plats. For the purposes of this paragraph, a replat shall not be considered a revised plat. 4. All plats shall be submitted in an electronic form acceptabletothe Administrator and compatible with the City's geographic information system. 5. If the Administrator determines that the subdivision plat is not in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan, he shall not accept the application for the subdivision plat and no further processing shall occur until the subdivision plat is in conformity, or a request for an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan eliminating the lack of conformity has been submitted by the applicant and approved by the City Council. The determination that the subdivision plat is not in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan may be appealed to the Planning and Zoning Commission. E. Minor or Amending Subdivision Plat Review A minor or amending subdivision plat shall be reviewed as a final plat as set forth in paragraph G.2 below. �--- / \ F. Development Plat Review Any person who proposes the development of a tract of land within the City limits or the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of College Station must have a development plat of the tract prepared in accordance with this Section. New development may not begin on the property until the development plat is filed with and approved by the City. When an applicant is required to file a preliminary or final subdivision plat by other requirements of this Section, a development plat is not required in addition to the subdivision plat. 1. Review and Action by Administrator The Administrator shall consider the application for a development plat and approve the plat if it complies with the requirements of this UDO. 2. Development Approval Review Criteria The Administrator shall approve a development plat if the plat conforms to the comprehensive plan as it relates to: a. The City's current and future streets, sidewalks, alleys, parks, playgrounds, and public utility facilities; and, b. The extension of the City or the extension, improvement, or widening of its roads, taking into account access to and extension of sewer and water mains and the instrumentalities of public utilities. City of College StationTexas 3-33 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.14.Subdivision PlaReview 3. Referral of development Plat to Planning and Zoning Commission Where the Administrator finds the development plat does not comply with the requirements of this U[)[), the development plat shall be referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission for review. 4. Planning and Zoning Commission Action on Referral The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review any development plat referred to it by the Administrator. If the Commission finds the development plat complies with the requirements of this UDO, it shall approve the development plat. In any case where the development plat does not comply with the provisions of this UDO, the Commission shall disapprove the development plat. G. Major Subdivision Plat Review 1. Preliminary Plat Review a. Oversize Participation An applicant may request oversizedi i ati any infrastructure, provided in Section 8.7Responsibility |orPayrnenzrormsna||auion Costs. In order to do so, irnpact~'studies covering the articular infrasructuno must be submitted justifying the request for oversize. These studies shall indicate what size infrastructure is necessary to serve the ped development as shown on an approved general development ilan or prehminary plat If the City's Comprehensive Plan calls for infrastructure in excess of that required for the proposed development, the applicant may request particiion for this additional size. The City Council shall consider and approve or disapprove oversize participation requests. b. Review and Recommendation The Administrator shall review the preliminary plat application and recommend approval dia|ofthe'sarne. ' . c. Review and Action by Planning and Zoning Commission (1) |ic�ntbeadvis�� ofth� dates��forManningand ��oning Theapp will Commission consideration. (2) Within 30 days after the Preliminary Plat is formally filed with the City, the Planninand ZoniCommission shall approve, disapprove or conditionally approve the plat with modifications. (3) Approval or conditional approval of a Preliminary Plat shall be effective for one year the date of such notice, unless reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission in the light of new or significant information which would necessitate a revision, in which case the Commission shall inform the subdivider in writing. / ) 3-34 City of College Station,Texas Article 3. Development Review Pr cedure' Section 3.14.Subdivision Plat Review (4) If a Final Plat is not submitted within one year of the effective date of approval, the Planning and Zoning Commission may, upon written application of the subdivider, extend the approval for an additional six months. (5) Approval of a Preliminary Plat shall not constitute approval of the Final Plat. Application for approval of the Final (Record) Plat will be considered only after the requirements for Final Plat approval as specified herein have been fulfilled and after all other specified conditions have been met. (6) Upon approval of the Preliminary Plat by the Planning and Zoning Commission, the subdivider may proceed to comply with the other requirements of these regulations and the preparation of the Final Plat. 2~ Final Plat Review The Final Plat shall conform to the Preliminary Plat as approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, provided it incorporates all changes, modifications, corrections, and conditions imposed by the Planning and Zoning Commission; and provided further, that it conforms to all requirements of these regulations. a~ Procedure ''-- Ten copies of the Final Plat, together with afi|rn positive thereof, two sets of / \ construction plans and documents, tax payment certificates and a formal application shall be filed with the City, at least 20 days prior to the (1) meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission at which it is to be considered or (2) prior to consideration by the Development Engineer or his designate, in the case of minor and amending plats. The Final Plat will not be considered unless a Preliminary Plat has been filed and approved, except in the case of dedication of land for a street, park, school site or drainage easements. b~ Review and Recommendation The Administrator shall review Final Plat application and recommend approval or disapproval of the same. c. Review and Action by Planning and Zoning Commission (1) When filed, the Final Plat shall also be accompanied by certificates from all taxing agencies showing payment of all ad valorem taxes on the land within the subdivision. (2) When the Final Plat, together with the accompanying data, and the application for approval is received by the Administrator, it will be handled in the same manner as the Preliminary Plat. (3) Within 30 days after the Final Plat is formally filed, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall approve, disapprove, or conditionally approve such plat. City of College Station,Texas 3-35 ( Article 3. Development Review Procedure Section 3.14.Subdivision Plat Review (4) Within 20 days after an amending or Minor Plat is formally filedthe Development En 'm� or his orhig = designee, shall approve such plat or notify the applicant that consideration of the plat will be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall approve, disapprove or conditionally approve the plat within thirty 30 days of the Development Engineer's and Administrator's decision and notification to theapplicant. (5) A report shall be made to the Planning and Zoning Commission at each meeting notifying the Commission of any new minor or amending plats that were approved by the Development Eineer since the last Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. The same report shall be forwarded to the City Council through the Office of the City Manager. (6) After conditional approval of a Final Plat, the subdivider shall notify the Development Engineer within ten days as to the construction procedure he proposes to follow. He shall follow one of the following procedures: (a) The subdivider mayproceed with construction of streets, alleys, sidewalks, and utilities that he is required to install, in which case the City will inspect the work as it progresses, and upon completion and final acceptance, and upon written request of the subdivider, the final plat will be approved and filed for record with (' \ '� the County Clerk. The subdivider shall pay the record filing fee. -- (b) The subdivider may elect to file a "guarantee of performance" as provided diSection ion 8.6, in which case the guarantee of performance shall be filed with the City Secretary, ��erwith a request |atbe0 for inIn this the final plat will be approved and filed with the County Clerk The subdivider shall pay the record filing fee. The City will inspect the construction work as it progresses and will make the final inspection to assure compliance with City requirements. (c) Upon completion of construction, in accordance with section 8.6, the subdivider shall deliver to the City a one year guarantee of workmanship and materials as provided in Section d. Recordation If favorable action has been taken by the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Final Plat becomes the instrument to be recorded in the Office of the County Clerk when all requirements have been met. The construction documents when du)y si�n�d by th� DevelopmentEngineer are authority to proceed with the construction of streets and utilities. Nothing in the procedure authorizes construction on private property. 3-36 CityofColegeStatioo Texas Article 3. DevelopmenReview Procedures Section 3.14.Subdivision PlaReview H. Waivers The Planning and Zoning Commission may approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove waivers of the standards in Article 8, Subdivision Design and Improvements, during the platting process. L Expiration of Approval A subdivision approval shall expire unless the Final Plat is recorded within two years of the approval. 3~ Appeal 1. An appeal from any final decision regarding a final mjor subdivision plat shall be filed with a court of competent jurisdiction within 30 days of the decision. If no appeal is filed within 30 days, the decision shall be considered contractually agreed to by the applicant and shall be final. 2. An appeal from any final decision regarding a minor or amending final subdivision plat shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission by the Administrator or his designee within 30 days of the decision. � \ \ � City of College StationTexas 3-37 Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 115,Conditional Use Permit 3.15 Conditional Use Permit Meeting AQ Purpose Conditional use permit review allows for City Council discretionary approval of uses Application with unique or widely varying operating characteristics or unusual site development Submittal features, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this UDO. mpleteness Review 4„tS.;!--.4 B., Applicability Schedule Conditional uses are generally compatible with those uses permitted by right in a Hearin! --Z5t zoning district, but require individual review of their location, design, configuration, ,' 'Public 0 density and intensity, and may require-the imposition of additional conditions in order Nonce, 'z.-Ir to ensure the appropriateness and compatibility of the use at a particular location. lftYAM CApplications izattkis. A complete application for a conditional use permit shall be submitted to the Report Administrator as set forth in Section 3.1C. A complete site plan must accompany all A plicant applications for a conditional use permit. PlanningD. Approval Process Commission Hearing1. Preapplication Meeting Prior to the submission of an application for a conditional use permit, all potential applicants shall request a preapplication conference with the Administrator. The tk:e're6062.0,140-'4 purpose of the conference is to respond to any questions that the applicant may have regarding any application procedures, standards, or regulations required by this UDO. City 2. Review and Report by Administrator Council Once the application is complete, the Administrator shall review the proposed earing development in light of the Comprehensive Plan, subject to the criteria enumerated in Section E below, and give a report to the Planning and Zoning Commission on the date of the scheduled Public Hearing. 1WP4,-;„, 3. Planning and Zoning Commission Recommendation Action a. Notice The Planning and Zoning Commission shall publish, post and mail Notice in accordance with Section 3.1 Approval Procedures. Appeal to Court bPublic Hearing . After review of the Conditional Use application, subject to the criteria enumerated in Section E below, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall hold a Public Hearing and recommend to the City Council such action as the Planning and Zoning Commission deems proper. 3-38 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.15.Conditional Use Permit 4. City Council Action a. Notice The City Council shall publish, post and mail notice in accordance with Section 3.1 Approval Procedures. b. Public Hearing The City Council shall hold a public hearing after review of the conditional use application, subject to the criteria enumerated in Section E below. With consideration of the recommendation provided by the Planning and Zoning Commission, the City Council shall approve, approve with modifications or conditions, or disapprove the conditional use application. c. Recordation One copy of an approved conditional use permit shall be given to the owner of the property, and one copy shall be filed in the office of the Administrator. E. Conditional Use Review Criteria The City Council may approve an application for a conditional use where it reasonably determines that there will be no significant negative impact upon residents of surrounding property or upon the general public. The City Council shall consider the following criteria in its review: 1. Consistent with UDO The proposed use shall meet the purpose and intent of this UDO and the use shall meet all the minimum standards established in this UD[} for this type of use. 2. Comprehensive Plan The proposed use shall be consistent with the development policies and goals and objectives as embodied in the Comprehensive Plan for development of the City. 3. Compatible with Surrounding Area The proposed use shall not be detrimental to the health, welfare, and safety of the surrounding neighborhood or its occupants, nor be substantially or permanently injurious to neighboring property. 4. Harmonious with Character of Surrounding Area The proposed site plan, circulation plan, and schematic architectural designs shall be harmonious with the character of the surrounding area. 5. Infrastructure Impacts Minimized The proposed use shall not negatively impact existing uses in the area and in the City through impacts on public infrastructure such as roads, parking facilities and water and sewer systems, and on public services such as police and fire protection City of College StationTexas 3-3e Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.15.Conditional Use Permit and solid waste collection, and the ability of existing infrastructure and services to adequately provide services. 6 Effect on Environment The proposed use shall not negatively impact existing uses in the area and in the City through the creation of noise, glare, fumes, dust, smoke, vibration, fire hazard, or other injurious or noxious impact. F. Additional Conditions The City Council may impose additional reasonable restrictions or conditions to carry out the spirit and intent of this UDO and to mitigate adverse effects of the proposed use. These requirements may include, but are not limited to, increased open space, loading and parking requirements, additional landscaping, and additional improvements such as curbing, sidewalks and screening. G. Expiration of Approval 1 Conditional Uses are granted for a period of twelve months from the date of the letter informing the applicant of the decision of the City Council. If construction of the project has not commenced within this period, the Conditional Use shall expire. Notice that the Conditional Use will expire within twelve months shall be conveyed to the applicant in writing as part of notification of approval of same. 2. The Administrator, upon approval by the City Council, may extend the Conditional Use Permit for up to one additional six-month period upon written request from the applicant, which must be received before the date of cancellation. H. Appeal An appeal from any final decision regarding a conditional use permit shall be filed with a court of competent jurisdiction within 30 days of the decision. If no appeal is filed within 30 days, the decision shall be considered contractually agreed to by the applicant and shall be final. 3-40 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.16.Zoning Map Amendment(Rezoning) 3.16 Zoning Map Amendment (Rezoning) A. Purpose Prea.piliCation Meeting For the purpose of establishing and maintaining sound, stable, and desirable development within the territorial limits of the City, the Official Zoning Map shall be amended only based Application upon changed or changing conditions in a particular area or in Submittal the City generally, or to rezone an area or extend the pleteness boundary of an existing zoning district. All amendments shall Review be in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan, which may be Schedule amended according to the procedure in Section 119. Hearin: B. Initiation of Amendments CNoticei An amendment to the Official Zoning Map may be initiated Staff by: Review ® City Council on its own motion; Cepport tD 2. The Planning and Zoning Commission; A plicant ® The Administrator; or Planning ® A property owner. Commission Hearing C Amendment Application A complete application for a zoning map amendment shall be submitted to the Administrator as set forth in Section 3.1C, Recommendation D. Approval Process CouncilHCityCari n 1. Preapplication Meeting 2. Prior to the submission of an application for a Zoning Map Amendment, all potential applicants shall request a preapplication conference with the Administrator. The purpose of the conference is to respond to any questions final that the applicant may have regarding any application Action procedures, standards, or regulations required by this UDO. 3. If the Administrator determines that the map amendment request is not in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan, he shall not accept the application for the map Appeal to amendment and no further processing shall occur until Court the map amendment is in conformity, or a request for an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan eliminating the lack of conformity has been submitted by the applicant and approved by the City Council. The determination that the map amendment is not in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan may be appealed to the Planning and Zoning Commission. City of College Station,Texas 3-41 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.16.Zoning Map Amendment(Rezoning) 4® Review and Report by Administrator Once the application is complete, the Administrator shall review the proposed amendment to the Official Zoning Map in light of the Comprehensive Plan, subject to the criteria enumerated in Section 4.d below, and give a report to the Planning and Zoning Commission on the date of the scheduled Public Hearing. 5 Referral To Planning and Zoning Commission The Administrator, upon receipt of petition to amend the Official Zoning Map, shall refer the same to the Commission for study, hearing, and report. The City Council may not enact the proposed amendment until the Planning and Zoning Commission makes its report to the City Council. 6. Recommendation by Planning and Zo ing Commission a. Notice The Planning and Zoning Commission shall publish, post and mail public notice in accordance with Section 3.1, Approval Procedure, and hold a public hearing and shall recommend to the Council such action as the Commission deems proper. b. Public Hearing A public hearing, subject to the criteria enumerated in Section 4.d below, shall be held by the Planning and Zoning Commission before making a report to the City Council. 7. City C iuncil Action a® Notice The City Council shall publish, post and mail public notice in accordance with Section 3.1, Approval Procedures, and hold a public hearing before taking final action on a petition to amend the Official Zoning Map. b. Public Hearing The City Council shall hold a public hearing and approve, approve with modifications, or disapprove the application to amend the Official Zoning Map. c. Effect of Protest to Proposed Amendment In case a protest against any proposed amendment to this UDO is presented in writing to the City Secretary prior to the Public Hearing thereon duly signed by the owners of 20 percent or more either of the area of lots included in such proposed change, or of the lots or land immediately adjoining the same and extending 200 feet from such land, the amendment shall not 3-42 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.16. become effective except by the favorable vote of three-fourths of all members of the City Council. d. Review Criteria In determining whether to approve, approve with modifications, or disapprove the proposed Official Zoning Map amendment, the City Council shall consider the following matters regarding the proposed amendment: (1) Consistency (or lack thereof) with the Comprehensive Plan; (2) Compatibility with the present zoning and conforming uses of nearby property and with the character of the neighborhood; (3) Suitability of the property affected by the amendment for uses permitted by the district that would be made applicable by the proposed amendment; (4) Suitability of the property affected by the amendment for uses permitted by the district applicable to the property at the time of the proposed amendment; (5) Marketability of the property affected by the a endment for uses permitted by the district applicable to the property at the time of the proposedamendment;� e drnen� and �-- (6) /\vai|abi|ity ofsevver' water and stmrrnvvaterfaciiities genera)|y suitab|e and adequate for the proposed use. E Limitation on Reapplication If a petition for rezoning is denied by either the Planning and Zoning Commission or the City Council, another petition for reclassification of the same property or any portion thereof shall not be filed within a period of 180 days from the date of final denial, except with permission of the Planning and Zoning Commission or City Council. Such reapplication shall demonstrate: 1. There is a substantial change in circumstances relevant to the issues and/or facts considered during review of the application that might reasonably affect the decision-making body's application of the relevant review standards to the development proposed in the application; or 2. New or additional information is available that was not available at the time of the review that might reasonably affect the decision-making body's application of the relevant review standards to the develornent proposed; or 3. A new application is proposed to be submitted that is materially different (e.g., proposes new uses, or a substantial decrease in proposed densities and intensities) from the prior application; or 4. The final decision on the application was based on a material mistake of fact. City of College StationTexas 343 Article 3.Development Review Procedures Section z.16.Zoning Map Amendment(Rezoning F. Appeal An appeal from any final decision regarding a zoning map amendment shall be filed with a court of competent jurisdiction within 30 days of the decision. If no appeal is filed within 30 days, the decision shall be considered contractually agreed to by the applicant and shall be final. \ / `~~ � \ 3-44 City of College Station,Texas printed 1025/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article I Development Review Procedures Section 3.17.Text Amendment Cs,pplicatiorD 3.17 Text Amendment Submittal A. Purpose Completeness For the purpose of establishing and maintaining sound, stable, and Review desirable development within the territorial limits of the City, the Schedule text of this UDO shall not be amended except to correct errors in Hearin. the text, because of changed or changing conditions in a particular staff area or in the City generally or to change the regulations and Review_,--- restrictions of this UDO. All text amendments shall be in accordance with a Comprehensive Plan, Public Notice Initiation of Amendments Reportpto An amendment to the text of this UDO may be initiated by: A plicant 1. City Council on its own motion; planning 2. The Planning and Zoning Commission; Commission Hearing 3. The Administrator; or 4. Application. Recommendation C. Amendment Application A complete application for a text amendment shall be submitted to the Administrator as set forth in Section 3.1C. City Council D. Approval Process -- Hearing Review nd Report by Administrator Once the application is complete, the Administrator shall review the proposed text amendment in light of the Comprehensive Plan and give a report to the Planning and Final Action Zoning Commission on the date of the scheduled public hearing. 2. Referral To Planning and Zoning Commission The Administrator, upon receipt of petition to amend the text Appeal to of this UDO, shall refer the same to the Commission for Court study, hearing, and report. The City Council may not enact the proposed text amendment until the Planning and Zoning Commission makes its report to the City Council. City of College Station,Texas 3-45 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10125/2001 Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.17.Text Amendment 3. Recommendation by Planning and Zoning Commission a Notice The Planning and Zoning Commission shall publish and mail public notice in accordance a with Section 3.1, Approval Procedure, and hold a public hearing and shall recommend to the Council such action as the Commission deems proper. b® Public Hearing A public hearing shall be held by the Planning and Zoning Commission before making a report to the City Council. 4® City Council Action a® Notice The City Council shall publish, post and mail public notice in accordance with Section 3.1, Approval Procedures, and hold a public hearing before taking final action of a petition to amend this UDO. b. Public Hearing The City Council shall hold a public hearing and approve, approve with modifications or conditions or disapprove the text amendment application. 3-46 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.18. Manned Development(PD) 3.18 Planned Development (PD) A. Purpose preapplicap9n-i).„ The purpose of this district is to permit such flexibility and to Meeting, provide performance criteria which can result in Planned Developments (PD) which produce: Cpplication ® A maximum choice in the tyse of environment for working Submittal and living available to the public; C Completeness 2. Open space and recreation areas; Review 3. A pattern of development which preserves trees, Schedule outstanding natural topography and geologic features, and Hearin. prevents soil erosion; ( Public Notice 4. A creative approach to the use of land and related physical Staff development; Review 5. An efficient use of land resulting in smaller networks of utilities and streets, thereby lowering development costs; Report to 6. An environment of stable character in harmony with CApplicarD surrounding development; and Planning 7. A more desirable environment than would be possible Commission through strict application of other sections or districts in this Hearing ApplicaAility Recommendation CuitYnco The Planned Development (PD) shall accommodate proposals for the same or similar uses to be developed as integrated units such as offices, commercial or service centers, shopping centers, Co ng industrial uses, residential developments or proposals where any Heari appropriate combination of uses which may be planned, developed or operated as integral land use units either by a single owner or a combination of owners. A PD may be used to permit new or innovative concepts in land utilization not Final permitted by other zoning districts do not easily accommodate. - Action While greater flexibility is given to allow special conditions or restrictions which would not otherwise allow the development to occur, procedures are established to insure against misuse of increased flexibility. The PDs are appropriate in areas where the land use plan reflects either the specific uses proposed in the PD "Appeal to or where the land use plan reflects mixed use as a land use Court ," category. City of College Station,Texas 3-47 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.18. Planned Development(PD) C. Planned Development Appiication 1. Application A complete application for a planned development shall be submitted to the Administrator as set forth in Section 3.1C. The application shall consist of a zoning map amendment, a concept plan and an associated application. 2. Concept Plan The concept plan and associated application shall illustrate all of the following: a. The proposal will constitute an environment of sustained stability and will be in harmony with the character of the surrounding area; b. The proposal is in conformity with the policies and goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan including all its elements and will be consistent with the intent and purpose of this Section; c. The proposal will not adversely affect adjacent development; d. Every dwelling unit has access to a public street directly or via a court, walkway or other public area or area owned by a homeowners association, but need not front on a public street; e® The provisions for parking spaces for all uses will be as established in this UDO. Alternative parking standards as provided in Section 7.1N may be allowed where the applicant provides evidence showing the alternative is acceptable to the City; f. There will be adequate drainage development; and g. The development includes provision of adequate public improvements, including but not limited to parks, schools and other public facilities. D. Procedure 1. Mandatory Preapplication Conference The purpose of the mandatory preapplication review is to afford the application an opportunity to avail himself of the advice and assistance of the City staff before submitting the PD application. 2. Concept Plan Required A concept plan shall accompany each PD application. The concept plan shall be general in nature. A concept plan shall not be considered or reviewed as a complete site plan application. 3. Processing a. Requests for a PD designation shall be processed as a rezoning request and shall follow the procedure in Section 3.16, Zoning Map Amendment, unless otherwise specified in this Section. 3-48 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.18. Planned Developmen (PD) b. If the parea involves any required or voluntary parkland dedication, the concept plan must be reviewed by the Parks Board prior to processing. Parks Board recommendations shall be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Commission. c. If the proposed area includes a greenway as shown on the Greenways Master Plan, or if the applicant is proposing voluntary greenway dedication or sale, the concept plan must be reviewed by the Greenways Program Manager prior to processing. The Coordinators recommendation shall be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Commission. 4~ Review and Recommendation by Planning and Zoning C•mmission The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review the rezoning change and the associated conceptual plan and recommend approval, approval with conditions, or disapproval of the same. 5~ City Council Final Action a~ The rezoning change and associated conceptual plan will be sent forward to the City Council with a recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Com ission. b. The ordinance granting a PD District shall include a statement as to the ._- purpose and intent of the planned development granted therein. Any specific � \ conditions of approval that are imposed by the City Council shall be listed in the PD ordinance and development plans shall be referenced as attachments. Any bulk or dimensional variations that were approved by City Council shall be listed in general terms in the ordinance. E Official Zoning Map Reference 1~ All planned development districts approved in accordance with the provisions of this UDO shall be referenced on the Official Zoning Map. A list of such planned development districts, together with the category of uses permitted therein, and the attached concept plan shall be maintained in the Development Services office. 2~ The planned development is established as a floating zone in this UD[). Planned developments shall be affixed to the Official Zoning Map only when an application for the PD meeting the requirements of this Section is approved. F. Review Criteria The Planning and Zoning Commission or City Council shall not approve a planned development if it finds that the proposed planned development: 1. Does not conform with applicable regulations and standards established by this UD{]; City of College StationTexas 3-49 Unified DevelopmenOrdinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 3.Development Review Procedures Section 3.18. Planned Development(PD) 2. Is not compatible with existing or permitted uses on abutting sites or with uses internal to the PD, in terms of use, building height, bulk and scale, density, setbacks and open spaces, landscaping, drainage, or access and circulation features, within the standards established by this UDO; 3. Potentially creates unfavorable effects or impacts on other existing uses in the area or potential permitted uses in the area that cannot be mitigated by the provisions of this UDO; 4 Adversely affects the safety and convenience of vehicular and pedestrian circulation in the vicinity, including traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use and other uses reasonably anticipated in the area considering existing zoning and land uses in the area; 5. Fails to reasonably protect persons and property from erosion, flood or water damage, fire, noise, glare, and similar hazards or impacts; 6. Adversely affects traffic control or adjacent properties by inappropriate location, lighting, or types of signs; 7 Will be detrimental to the public health, safety, welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity, for reasons specifically articulated by the Commission or City Council; or 8 Does not generally comply with the policies adopted in the Comprehensive Plan of the City of College Station. G. Minimum Requirements Unless otherwise indicated in the approved concept plan, the minimum requirements for each development shall be those stated in this UDO for subdivisions and the requirements of the most restrictive standard zoning district in which designated uses are permitted. Modification of these standards may be considered during the approval process of the PD. H. Overall Density Overall density in any planned development shall not exceed that shown on the Land Use Plan for the particular location. Lesser densities may be required to ensure compatibility with surrounding existing neighborhood densities. I. Compliance with Other Regulations The granting of a PD designation shall not relieve the developer from responsibility for complying with all other applicable sections of this UDO and other codes and ordinances of the City of College Station unless such relief is granted in the approved concept plan. J. Owners Association Required An owners association will be required if other satisfactory arrangements have not been made for providing, operating, and maintaining common facilities including streets, drives, service and parking areas, common open spaces, buffer areas and common 3-50 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.ne. �annedDeve�pmen (PD) recreational areas at the time the development plan is submitted. If an owners association is required, it shall be submitted to the City to assure compliance with the provisions of this UOO. K. Modifications All changes of use from those approved in the original PD, and any deviations from the approved concept plan, shall require City Council approval. L Minor Amendment to PD concept plan All changes of use from those approved in the original PD shall require City Council approval. Minor additions and modifications to the approved Development Plans meeting the criteria below shall be approved by the Administrator: 1. Minor additions to structures, with a floor area no larger than 10 percent of the existing floor area of the main floor, not to exceed 5,000 square feet; 2. Minor new accessory structures if the location does not interfere with existing site layout (e.g. circulation, parking, loading, storm water management facilities, open space, landscaping or buffering); 3. Minor additions to parking lots comprising no more than 25 percent of the original number of parking spaces required, not to exceed 25 spaces; --' 4. Clearing or grading that does not exceed 5,800 square feet in area, or 5~ With City Council authorization on the originally approved PD concept plan, there may be an increase of no more than 25 percent of the total number of dwelling units for multi-family developments as long as the maximum allowable density shown on the Land Use Plan is not exceeded. M. Expiration of Approval The concept plan shall expire and the zoning shall revert to the previous zoning classification that existed on the affected properties prior to the PD rezoning if further development action has not been apparent within 24 months of the effective date of the PD ordinance. N. Appeal An appeal from any final decision regarding a planned development shall be filed with a court of competent jurisdiction within 30 days of the decision. If no appeal is filed within 30 days, the decision shall be considered contractually agreed to by the applicant and shall be final. . ) City of College StationTexas 3-51 Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.19.Comprehensive Plan Amendment 3.19 Comprehensive Plan Amendment A. Purpose For the purpose of establishing and maintaining sound, stable, and desirable development within the territorial limits of the City, the Comprehensive Plan, including specifically, the Land Use Plan and the Thoroughfare Plan, shall be amended only based upon changed or changing conditions in a particular area or in the City generally. B. Initiation of Amendment An amendment to the Comprehensive Plan may be initiated by: 1® City Council on its own motion; 2 The Planning and Zoning Commission; 3 The Administrator; or 4 A property owner. C. Amend;rent Apiciication A complete application for a Comprehensive Plan amendment shall be submitted to the Administrator as set forth in Section 3.1C. D. Approval Process 1® Review and eport by Administrator Once the application is complete, the Administrator shall review the proposed amendment in light of the remainder of the Comprehensive Plan and conditions in the City, and give a report to the Planning and Zoning Commission on the date of the scheduled public hearing. 2® Recommendation by Planning and Zonins, Commission a® Notice The Planning and Zoning Commission shall publish, post and mail public notice in accordance with Section 3.1, Approval Procedure, and hold a public hearing and shall recommend to the Council such action as the Commission deems proper. b. Public Hearing A public hearing shall be held by the Planning and Zoning Commission before making a report to the City Council. 3-52 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 3. Development Review Procedures Section 3.19.Comprehensive ) 3. Cit.� Coun«iK Action a. Notice The City Council shall publish, posand mail public notice in accordance with Section 3.1, Approval Procedures, and hold a public hearing before taking final action on a petition to amend the Comprehensive Plan. b. Public Hearing The City Council shall hold a public hearing and approve, approve with modifications, or disapprove the application to amend the Comprehensive Plan. E. Limitation on Reapplication If a petition for a plan amendment is denied by either the Planning and Zoning Commission or the City Council, another petition for reclassification of the same property or any portion thereof shall not be filed within a period of 180 days from the date of final denial, except with permission of the Planning and Zoning Commission or City Council. Such reapplication shall demonstrate: 1. There is a substantial change in circumstances relevant to the issues and/or facts considered during review of the application that might reasonably affect the decision-making body's application of the relevant review standards to the development proposed in the application;'' or - - 2. New or additional information is available that was not available at the time of the review that might reasonably affect the decision-making body's application of the relevant review standards s tothe development pro•osed; o 3. A new application is proposed to be submitted that is materially different (e.g., proposes new uses, or a substantial decrease in proposed densities and intensities) from the prior application; or 4. The final decision on the application was based on a material mistake of fact. F. Appeal An appeal from any final decision regarding a plan amendment shall be filed with a court of competent jurisdiction within 30 days of the dedsion.|f no appeal is filed within 30 days, the decision shall be considered contractually agreed to by the applicant and shall be final. City of College Station,Texas 3-53 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Artide 4. Zoning Districts 4.1 Establishment of Districts For the purpose of this UDO, portions of the City, as specified on the Official Zoning Map of the City are hereby divided into the following zoning districtsBASE : ?PNINICa,DISTRICTS:, A-O Agriculture-Open Space R-E Residential Estate RS-8 Residential Single-Family RS-5 Residential Single-Family RM-9 Residential Two-Family RM-1 2 Residential Townhouse RM-18 Residential Multifamily R-MH Manufactured Home Park C-L Commercial Light C-0 Commercial Office C-G Commercial General C-H Commercial Heavy I-L Light Industrial I-H Heavy Industrial Special Purpose Zoning Districts WPC Wolf Pen Creek BP Business Park NG-T Traditional Northgate NG-C Commercial Northgate NG-R Residential Northgate C-U College and University PD Planned Development_ -4.4., 4•4„, 4, Overlay Zolijin: Districts— - - NC Neighborhood Conservation Overlay OV Corridor Overlay 4.2 Official Zoning Map A. The City is hereby divided into the above zoning districts, as shown on the Official Zoning Map, which, together with all explanatory matter thereon, is hereby adopted by reference and declared to be a part of this UDO. The Official Zoning Map shall be identified by the signature of the Mayor attested by the City Secretary and bearing the Seal of the City of College Station under the following words: 4-1 City of College Station,Texas Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10125/2001 Article 4.Zoning Districts Section 4.3.Replacement of Official Zoning Map "This is to certify that this is the Official Zoning Map referred to in Section 4.2 of the Unified Development Ordinance of the City of College Station, Texas." B. If, in accordance with the provisions of this UDO and Section 211.006 of the Texas Local Government Code, as amended, changes are made in the district boundaries or other matter portrayed on the Official Zoning Map, such changes shall be entered on the Official Zoning Map promptly after the amendment has been approved by the City Council and signed by the Mayor. C. Approved zoning changes shall be entered on the Official Zoning Map by the Administrator and each change shall be identified on the Map with the date and number of the Ordinance making the change. No amendment to this UDO which involves a matter portrayed on the Official Zoning Map shall become effective until after such change and entry has been made on said map. D. No change of any nature shall be made on the Official Zoning Map or matter shown thereon except in conformity with procedures set forth in this U[}[}. Any unauthorized change of whatever kind by any person or persons shall be considered a violation of this UDO and punishable as provided under Section 10,2. E. Regardless of the existence of purported copies of the Official Zoning Map which may frorntirn�totinnebernadeorpub!ished' the {]fficia| Zoning ��ap, vvhichshall be - -' located in the office of the Development Services Department, shall be the final authority as to the current zoning status of land and water areas, buildings and other structures in the City. The Official Zoning Map shall be available to the public at all hours when the City Hall is open to the public. F. An electronic version of the Official Zoning Map, kept as a GIS map in the Office of the Development Services Department, may be used as the Official Zoning Map. 4~3 Re Uacement of Official Zoning Ma . A. This UDO hereby incorporates the replacement Offii | Zoning Map described in Ordinance . [New map to beadopted cnt with new text.] B. In the event that the Official Zoning Map becomes damaged, destroyed, lost or difficult to interpret because of the nature and/or number of changes and additions, the City Council may, by ordinance, adopt a new Official Zoning Map, which shall supersede the prior Official Zoning Map. The new Official Zoning Map may correct drafting or other errors or omissions in the prior Official Zoning Map, but no such correction shall have the effect of amending the original Official Zoning Map or any subsequent amendment thereof. The new Official Zoning Map shall be identified by the signature of the Mayor, attested by the City Secretary, and bearing the Seal of the City and date under the following words: 4-2 City of College StationTexas Article 4.Zoning Districts Section 4.4. Rules for Interpretation of District Boundaries "This is to certify that this Official Zoning Map supersedes and replaces the Official Zoning Map adopted (date of adoption of map being replaced) as part of Ordinance No. 1638 of the City of College Station, Texas." C. Unless the prior Official Zoning Map has been lost or has been totally destroyed, the prior map or any significant parts thereof remaining, shall be preserved, together with all available records pertaining to its adoption or amendment. 4®4 Rules for Interpretation of listrict ioundaries Where uncertainty exists as to the boundaries of districts as shown on the Official Zoning Map, the following rules shall apply: A. Boundaries indicated as approximately following the center lines of streets, highways, or alleys shall be construed to follow such center lines. Boundaries indicated as approximately following platted lot lines shall be construed as following such lot lines. C. Boundaries indicated as approximately following city limits shall be construed as following such city limits. D. Boundaries indicated as following railroad lines shall be construed to be midway between the rails of the main line. E. Boundaries indicated as following shorelines shall be construed to follow such shorelines, and in the event of change in the shoreline shall be construed as moving with the actual shoreline. Boundaries indicated as approximately following the center lines of streams, rivers, canals, lakes, or other bodies of water shall be construed to follow such center lines. F. Boundaries indicated as parallel to or extensions of features indicated above shall be so construed. Distances not specifically indicated in a classification amendment shall be determined by the scale of the map. G. Where physical or cultural features existing on the ground are at variance with those shown on the Official Zoning Map, or in other circumstances not covered above, the Board of Adjustment shall interpret the district boundaries. 4®5 Application of District Regulations A. Uniformity The regulations set by this UDO within each district shall be minimum regulations (even where such minimum regulations are stated as maximum standards) and shall apply uniformly to each class or kind of structure or land, except as hereinafter provided: 1. No person shall initiate any development or construction activity, including site preparation, foundation forming, sign erection, construction, improvement, repair City of College Station,Texas 4-3 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 4.Zoning Districts Section 4.6. Newly Annexed Territory or demolition within a newly annexed area without first applying for and obtaining the appropriate permits or other approvals required _'� re|evant C� O�in��. -' 2~ No building, structure, or land shall hereafter be used or occupied, and no building or structure or part thereof shall hereafter be erected, constructed, reconstructed, moved, or structurally altered except in conformity with all the regulations herein specified for the district in which it is located. 4~6 Newly Annexed Territory A. Any territory hereafter annexed to the City of College Station not otherwise classified at the time of annexation shall be classified by applying the Agriculture-Open Space (A-0) District. B. No person relying on a claim of vested rights shall continue any development activity within a newly annexed area without first applying for and obtaining a building permit. C. Any person with an interest in pro eertywithin a newly annexed area may apply to the Administrator for a determination of the vested rights such person has, if any, to continue development activities initiated prior to annexation. Such determinations shall be based uson all pertinent fact , and upon the relevant decisions of state and federal courts. The applicant may submit any written evidence to the Administrator for consideration. The Ad inistrators written determination shall be final unless du|yappea|es to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. D. Any final action of the Administrator may be appealed to the Zoning Board of Adjustment pursuant to Section 3.1 1. 43 Residential D istri ct Purpose Statements A. Agriculture Open Space (A-0) This district includes lands within the corporate limits of the City which are not subdivided and are relatively undeveloped. This district is designed to promote orderly, timely, economical growth and to recognize current conditions. It is a reserved area in which the future growth of the City can occur. B. Residential Estate (R-E) This district includes lands subdivided for single-family residential purposes and associated uses. The lots are generally large (over 1 acre), and are not served by urban infrastructure. This district is intended to retain a rural character. C. Residential Single-Family (RS-5 and RS-8) This district includes lands subdivided for detached single-family residential purposes and associated uses. This district is designed to provide sufficient, suitable residential neighborhoods, protected from incompatible uses, provided with necessary facilities and services. 4-4 City of College Station,Texa Article 4.Zoning Districts Section 4.8.Commercial District Purpose Statements D. esidential Two-Family (RM-9) This district contains land which has been subdivided for single-family residential purposes and associated uses as well as larger parcels of property which lend themselves to two-family dwellings. This district is at moderate density. It may be utilized as a transitional zone between low density and other residential uses. E. Residential Townhouse (RM-12) This district contains land that provides for single-family residential living in attached units. Such units may be either on individually platted lots or larger parcels containing multiple buildings. F. Residential Multifamily (RM-18) This district provides land for development of multifamily units at low and medium densities. Manufactured Home Park (F1. /11) This district contains land that is located, designed and is to be operated as a site for residential uses in HUD-code manufactured homes. 4®8 Commercial District Purpose Statements A. Commercial Light (C-1...) This district provides small commercial sites for residential convenience goods and personal service businesses. No use that would adversely affect the health, safety, welfare or residential character of the neighborhood is allowed. Uses are be pedestrian- oriented in character. B. Commercial Office (C-O) This district provides for offices and related uses. The uses allowed have relatively low traffic generation. C. Commercial General (C-G) This district is designed to provide a location for general commercial and retail uses which serve the entire community and its visitors. D. Commercial Heavy (C-H) This district provides locations for goods and services that primarily serve other commercial and industrial enterprises. In addition, intense commercial uses that are not compatible with general retail are found in this district. 4.9 Industrial District Purpose Statements A. Light Industrial (I-L) This district is provided for high technological, light manufacturing, non-polluting industries, properly proportioned and designed for aesthetic appeal, with controlled City of College Station,Texas 4-5 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 4.Zoning Districts Section 4 10 Special Purpose DistrictPurpose Statement ' ! design of plant exteriors and construction materials. Not only site design and layout, but facades, materials, lighting, and apparent architectural aspects of the p 'ect are subject to review and approval. All vehicle access shall beThe paved. compatible with adjacent uses in any other district, dependinguponthedaracterof the operation and the conditions imposed. B. Heavy Industrial (I-H) This district is designed to provide land for manufacturing and industrial activities with generation of nuisance characteristics greater than activities permitted in the C-H and I-L zoning districts. Uses within this district are not compatible with residential uses and lower intensity commercial uses. Heavy industrial districts are to be considered and mapped on a case-by-case basis. 4.10 Special Purpose District Purpose Statements A. Business Park (B-P) This district is designed for office, research and light industrial uses meeting the standards and performance criteria established in this U[){}. These uses could be compatible with low intensity uses and all residential uses. In establishing this district, the City Council recognizes that some industrial uses developed under appropriate development controls may be appropriate neighbors for areas planned, zoned or developed residentially. These uses are those that will meet the performance criteria established in this UDO and have little or no impact on surrounding areas, thereby maintaining the character and integrity of neighborhoods. This district should be carefully located in areas where there is sufficient access to arterial-level thoroughfares. This district is not for general retail uses. Uses are intended to be those that are free from danger of fire, explosion, toxic or noxious matter, radiation, smoke, dust and other hazards, offensive noise, vibration, odor, heat, glare, or other objectionable influences that would render them incompatible with surrounding planned or existing land uses. B. lanned Development District (PD) The Planned Development Districts (PD) accommodate proposals for the same or similar uses to be developed as integrated units such as offices, commercial or service centers, shopping centers, industrial uses, residential developments or proposals where any appropriate combination of uses which may be planned, developed or operated as integral land use units either by a single owner or a combination of owners. A PD may be used to permit new or innovative concepts in land use not permitted by other zoning districts in this U[][}. It may also be used to permit development projects that existing districts do not easily accommodate. While greater flexibility is provided to allow special conditions or restrictions that would not otherwise allow the development to occur, procedures are established to insure against misuse of increased flexibility. This district is appropriate in areas where the land use plan reflects either the specific uses proposed in the PD or where the land use plan reflects mixed use as a land use category. 4-6 City of College StationTexas Article 4.Zoning Districts Section 4.10.Special Purpose District Purpose Statements C. College and University District (C-U) This district contains lands which are primarily located within the boundaries of the Texas A&M University campus. The district provides for advance consideration and planning by the City for development which might occur in relation to parking, traffic generation and any demands which might be placed on the City's administrative or service functions. D. Wolf Pen Creek Development Corridor (WPC) This district is designed to encourage development in a predominantly open and undeveloped area with drainage, erosion and flooding problems. It is designed to encourage the public and private use of Wolf Pen Creek as an active and passive recreational area while maintaining an appearance consistent with the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan. Development should enhance and preserve property values in the Corridor. The Wolf Pen Creek Development Corridor shall be considered a design district. E. Northgate Districts (NG-T, NG-C, NG-R) 1® Designated Design Districts The Traditional Northgate, Commercial Northgate and Residential Northgate Districts shall be considered design districts. 2 Traditional Northgate District (NG-T) Purpose This district is intended for areas in Northgate that may contain historically significant structures which are included in the Northgate Historic Resources Survey, as well as structures that are eligible for inclusion in the National Register for Historic Places. This district also applies to areas containing a diversity of pedestrian-oriented retail and entertainment businesses that are in close proximity to on-campus dormitories. This zoning district shall incorporate regulations in accordance with the Northgate Redevelopment Plan, which are designed to aid structural rehabilitation and pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use infill development in a manner compatible with the character of the Northgate area. 3® Commercial Northgate District (NGC) Purpose This district is intended for areas in Northgate containing larger retail commercial uses and undeveloped land. This district also applies to areas identified in the Northgate Redevelopment Plan as suitable for mixed-use redevelopment in close proximity to Texas A&M University. This zoning district shall incorporate regulations designed to aid mixed-use development and redevelopment in a manner compatible with the general character of the Northgate area. 4. Residential Northgate District (NG-R) Purpose This district is intended for areas in Northgate containing a variety of residential uses and structures, some of which may be historically significant and included in the Northgate Historic Resources Survey. This district also applies to areas determined to be suitable for higher density residential developments due to its City of College Station,Texas 4-7 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 4.Zoning Districts Section 4.11.Overlay Districts close proximity to Texas A&M University. This zoning district incorporate regulations in accordance with the Northgate Redevelopment Plan, which are designed to aid pedestrian-oriented redevelopment in a manner compatible with the residential character of the Northgate area. 4.11 Overlay Districts A. In General In the event that an area is rezoned to apply an overlay district, this district shall apply to all nonresident(a) property, and where applicable, to residential property. The underlying district establishes the permitted uses and shall remain in full force, and the requirements of the overlay district are to be applied in addition to the underlying use and site restrictions. B. Corridor Overlay District (OV) This district is established to enhance the image of key entry points, major corridors, and other areas of concern, as eeterrnined by the City Council, sy maintaining a sense of openness and continuity. In cases of conflict between this overlay district ans the underlying zones, the more restrictive regulation shall apply. The Corridor Overlay shall be considered a design district. 4-8 City of College StationTexas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 5 Use Regulations 5.1 Use Table A. Types of Use All of the Use Categories listed in the Use Table are defined and described in the sections immediately following the Table. 1® Uses Permitted By Right A "P" indicates that a use is allowed by right in the respective district. Such uses are subject to all other applicable regulations of this UDO. 2 Permitted Uses Subject to Supplemental Standards A "P*" indicates a use that will be permitted, provided that the use meets the specific use standards in Section 53. Such uses are also subject to all other applicable regulations of this UDO. 3 Conditional Uses A "C" indicates a use that is allowed only where a conditional use permit is approved by the City Council. The Council may require that the use meet the additional listed standards contained in Section 5.3, Specific Use Standards. Conditional uses are subject to all other applicable regulations of this UDO. Uses Not Allowed A blank cell in the Use Table indicates that a Use Category is not allowed in the respective district. C. Uses Not Listed The Administrator shall determine whether or not an unlisted use is part of an existing Use Category or is substantially similar to an already defined use. The Administrator shall use the Similar Use Interpretation Criteria (Section 5.2C) and the Purpose Statements for the zoning districts in determining new or unlisted use classifications. 5-1 City of College Station,Texas Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 eUtseusReeTguablaiteions ASection55° USE RESIDENTIAL v,.1 co7Ts . uN0Nu:ES:DE:TIA:DdiitSiToRunalCiTu:s: .. DISTRICTS IT *Note (.) — z 9.... ...a la z Z TABLE w. u u c=con ) w Standards 1 ., ev2 iw w Supplemental Specific Use . R ght P*=Pernl'-- use KEY: P=r! P P P P 5.3Q P Permitted Subject to Categ°rY Permitted by °,- ..--.4: g:, I,,,L'''- ily Detached P P P 5.3Q IZEIS11PfNT . Single-Family GroupHome P P P P p* Zero Lot Line Home P p 5.3H P -c a) ?. 6.3F 2 2 Two-Family Townhouse/Row.i P* cu a) Hinoguse ce Household Living Multifami dwell p* HHoUrfiDe-codeYMaHnuofmacetured p P Manufacturedpark C C P BoardingRooming House/House P C Group ConvalescentHome . or Nursing Living Housing Co-op C Dormitory - i •. House P P P r ity/Sorority AL p C IC A-- IN Services Li ,-CI V NIFtePransSsTelinTgLieTr 1(13N III C PU and Surface ENE " C 1111111111111111mignm......„Ein C.1131111111MI C C C Aviation C C III III CC C P P C C P P millm.......111111111111111111.111CPpcPP -0 and Terminasls.rvice P 0.) Community 0..) School, Public/Private P P P Educational •B radeusinBusiness School C C C 1.1ini....iilliMill...I.......m...u.7:iIuii C Ppp pp iiiisump Cp P P ce,3),,,, Facilities Ss School 1111 P P P 5.3K Government Facilities Health Care P ppPPPP ppP Institutions * P* P* P* P P P P of P ormimmormP ' P C IPnasrks and 0-pen Space P Withol,ndveoro33r1A00c00c00ueSssssFFeosooryrf less seoso r cPp Pc* P: IP* 111.11Pc Cr, p Ilp Cp p- r: miniii.6111P P Religious CC ‘-',„ pPPP C C ccessory. Institution PPPPPr Utilities MMainjoorr UUttlillittyy 5-2tyofCollegeDevelopment Ordinance printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) UnifiedCilo Article 5. Use Regulations Section 5.1. Use Table V5. 5,7Mlik;;=:-„t,',I4--t_ntiv.::::, g,Fsip.FNTIA-tbiqgle.3.5.!:7::::!i 4-ft„:1-. .t1;-1NONRESIDENTIAL DisifirCiti 6...: -0, ..,- Use Category Specific Use 1 -. :cx-,,r:2::.'1:2,'-'ci:'-'1:e: :-.tm:.--'--0 ,. r..5 (') t:.) C.) 26 -ij -:2 -1z. -z' *Note KEY: P=Permitted by Right P*=Permitted Subject to Supplemental Standards C=Conditional Use e7,om:m::otfcjormffANttkw:AvgtzmttozozmaamoRmgaz9-5vm:l;:,:zgw,z,,:„!;:,::::R„:,at,en,,---gt,-„,,,,,,k,,T4:ts,,,,,;:;_5R_th_t,41,z Day care(7 or more) P* P* P* P* P* P* 5.3E DDay Care(up to 6) P* 1111111.11 P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* IIIIIIIIIII C 5.4C ay Care In-home day care(4 and 1-_, P p P P p P P IIIIIIIIIIIIIII P 5.4C ewer) Eating P* P P Restaurant,Without 1111111111111111111111 II 111111 P 5.3L Establishments Drive-In Restaurant,With Drive-1n IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII P P IIIIIIIIII Bar/Night Clubflavern EntertainmenRiding amimmailiiiimaminsomplimomm Academy/Horse P p 11111111111111111111111111 t t Shooting Range, Indoor 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 P 11111 P P Shooting Range,Outdoor P* 1111111111111111111111111111111111 P* Ill P* P* 5.3P Office Medical or Dental II Office/Clinic 1111111111111111111111 P* P P P IIII C 5.31 Other Office 11111111111111111111111111111 P* P P P P P III C 5.31 sartment Hotel animmitimminouniusimaiiinis Overnight ' Campground P 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 -53, ccommodation Hotel/Motel IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIII P P IIIIIIIII ,,./a5 Parking, Parking Structure/SUrfal1111111111111111.111 p III p p ee' c Commercial lot A .amimi 1...- iiimmumanimimillim. P P 111111 C A nimal Hospital/ P P*11111111111111111111 * IIIIII 53B Grooming ' I Boarding/Care Facty/Kennel A nir'n'a 11111111111111111111111 P* III 5.3A Classes in Acting,Art, 11111111 III Retail Sales Dance, Music, P* P P P P 5.3M Photogra shy,Martial Arts and Service Convenience Store Immataiimaiimm P* 11111111 P 11111111111 P 5.3D HUD-code Manufactured 1111111111111111111111111111 Home Sales S5ion,goloeoRseFtail Tenant over 111111111111111111111111 p III Other Retail IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII P 1111 P P IIIIIIIIIIII P 5.3M Self-Service Storage C P P P City of College Station,Texas 5-3 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 5.Use Regulations Section 5.1.Use Table USE TABLE ::...'';,:.::,.',-',';i_.:,...i„,.;;,,,.:'',i[:..;.:..:::;;:'.,iE-,::IE':,i-':,'-.':i:'i'-,i.,'.':''...i.i'i:.i.','I;'i.i:',.'.:'i•'.'.,;,..'E'.,'I'.,'.'::.i'i',I,',,,'''•'',iiis':Hii:j.iis''''''''•''j,''',..'i':ii'f.AI.,,.'''.''.•.:i'.'i)t'bi4i.'.I*si,.",,,,.i,'...',,,:-'_..,Z.r.';,...r'.-I'.';.,i_-'.',•:,,:it:;::i.'!:,i'.'",,.'i,:1'-_',',,:';'-.:!:".:',i:r;i.1'iiik4til'bHt..N7iTi'.'.'xit,i.'i!:i,.'r!..o:''•'''''''-.'j''. .,.tRic*s.-...,'.'!ii,:'':'i,-,',...::',','i....,...,.-'...:'::,...:.s.,.:::,:'''.,:,.::'--:..::,..,'-.'.'.,.,.i:,-;,v'',';:".,;ts'':,,„t.1„',:.,'',.li'.'„.:!',t . , ,,,,,,„„.„,,,„,„ .., ''''-. ' ' '':"'-','''':,:':'',':.,a)',.,,,,::'1,',', -•; ::-.'-':,:, -;;,::::„:-=',:l..,i. 4:-:": :-:::::1:::'?Wr':::-Vg,,,q::::'''v.--::,,, P UseCategory SpecificUse ::',',:. ,'::1.,:-I--.:.:-1:i".'',,,:, ,,:,;:',:r..,"Ji'-'-e:',,_'.1:::..'.:„".:-,'',''''':i:':::::i•:::',::.';',i,,-:,..:',',-':',-',::',,::::-,,,,i,H:::,''':'..-,'.,-.',,,:,.',,,,,,:'-,.,:',.,,.. - 0 LI x ,,,.., ..., i ''-':,. ),-'.i:'-',,,',..'.-.:,::',.-;:o':..'-1. 21,,„.,,3';'::.'4. *Note KEY: P=Permitted by Right P*=Permitted Subject to Supplemental Standards C=Conditional Use Adult Arcade,Adult Cabaret,Adult Movie P* P*- 5.30 Sexually- Theater Ori-nted Adult Retail Store, Escort P* P* P* 5.30 Business Agency Adult Retail Store, P* P* P* -0 5.30 Limited a) ' L Automobile Sales and C Rental (1) ne Automobile Repair C P P Vehicle Sales Car Wash C P and Service Fuel Sales P* C P 5.3G Vehicle Services, Limited P* C 5.3R Other Vehicle Sales and C P P Service Eqagillikti4AP*11011,11W1,1111111112111,181111.1•31111.111111111141,11111,61211111111,111,1111111111111211 Light Industrial Services P P P Manufacturing afill Production P Warehouses and Freight Movement P P P -Tai Recycling Facility P L ' 5.3J , (1) Waste Related Salvage or Junk YardP Cr) 5.3N Service Other Waste Related P Services Wholesale Sales P P P P QIafR1,Igtl,,,,,,a,AI, Agriculture P -o Telecommunication p* (1) P* P* P* P* p* P* P* L P* 5.3S Telecommuni- Towers, Intermediate 'PA cation Towers Telecommunication ca) C C C C C C C Towers,Major 5-4 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 5. Use Regulations Section 52. Use Categories 5.2 Use Categories A. Basis for Classification Use es classify land uses and activities into Use Categories based on common functional, product or physical characteristics. Characteristics include the type and amount of activity, the type of customers or residents, how goods or services are sold or delivered and site conditions. The Use Categories provide a systematic basis for assigning present and future land uses into appropriate zoning districts. B. Principal Uses Principal uses are assigned to the catego . that most closely describes the nature of the Principal Use. The "Characteristics" subsection of each Use Category describes the common characteristics of each Principal Use. 1~ Developments with Multiple Principal Uses When all Principal Uses of a development fall within one Use Category, the entire development is assigned to that Use Category. A development that cona coffee shop, bookstore and bakery, for example, would be classified in the Retail Sales and Service category because all of the development's Principal Uses are in that category. When the Principal Uses of a development fall vvithin different Use Categories, each Principal Use is classified in the applicable category and each use '\ is subject to all applicable regulations for that category. 2~ Accessory Uses Accessory Uses are allowed by-right in conjunction with a Principal Use unless otherwise stated in this UD{]. Also, unless otherwisccessory Uses are subject to the same regulations as the Principal Use. Common Accessory Uses are listed as examples in the Use Category descriptions. 3~ Use of Examples The "Examples" subsection of each Use Category lists common examples of uses included in the respective Use Category. The names of these sample uses are generic. They are based on common meanings and not on what a specific use may call itself. For example, a use that calls itself"Wholesale Warehouse" but that sells mostly to consumers, is included in the Retail Sales and Service category rather than the Wholesale Sales category. This is because the actual activity on the site matches the description of the Retail Sales and Service category. C. Similar Use Interpretation Criteria The following considerations shall be used in making similar use interpretations: 1. The actual or projected characteristics of the activity in relationship to the stated characteristics of each Use Category; 2The relative amount of site area or floor space and equipment devoted to the ^ .. ,) activity; City of College Station,Texas 5'5 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 5. Use Regulations Section 5.2. Use Categories 2. Group Living efiiridgigfitMeaBikEegBMeelfOeen,,MaafaM.M, !fgaNgg,::Mqa,teaao ?017mpAgymiis gligwt.p.,,Niw-strAgti-PgPaRwywycx9f#A,vgmaltyz#,--srp,p,p'ic,,;.,%pgollp, qipt: do not meet the definition of Household Living The size of the group may be larger than NAitgitiate --,oriwrAi,:a•NVtiflriVotSoivvaxttotoi*o,vaoUMNSMRNNniuuFthe-m,Ktvagt:-:k4Ammnggegztg-I. average size w7mDA-AQ,MRL3Pvatgaewanwislarrangeoinmo,nthlyaOV3jongembasis.v,,,-i',Use&m;hgre'azqwn4* --„wkw„w%n,aw;-tlgifWEOIW3,,-7WOM-MlfNFAr.rn'gq-IVM4raOM/m-',,M*,v-V--:;tvac-mw-:40;::'k;vonngoatgKalwtwt-w ptwanvymayAtbeiaoaagedgfot wWottbt oat-bdCtdfnOtgrdfigid'erreAfreSirdMtia'KThby4reitbhf§id6tddqdat be a form of transient lodging(see Overnight Accommodations and Community Service categories) Z'6nefidii:Y.#arouwLtv-rh-gMfitfaVW'hatd4ftdakfrd:r.eatihtl4-regfdrrelfdatitg:,?;iThe i8Tddfigmay :OpointuWillatem,IKIV:SentmOtet Wai'reiRgaizEOggaltai fogsufgi3NV71;:,VRNOVVM°5;tSlnani tyggelmggrgss:4Ewpjmpjgrmtmatkig5ogi„,'fqs„hVgpmgtwo3fgwrgoggdg-LtaqiEatgaigkiaz•taaygg, iffxotnonlipailguetgaawoowvogatEitgtaotoittoctotgeooSsoat Examples of group living include Accessory uses commonly Lodging where tenancy may be boarding house/rooming house; associated with Group arranged for periods of less than convalescent homes; nursing Living are recreational 30 days is classified in the homes; dormitories; fraternities facilities,dining facilities and Overnight Accommodations and sororities; group housing; parking of vehicles for category. monasteries and convents and occupants and staff. Lodging where the residents co-op housing. meet the definition of Household and where tenancy is arranged on a month-to-month basis, or for a longer period is classified as Household Living. Congregate care facilities where individual units meet the definition of a dwelling unit in Article 11 are classified as Household Living. * These uses may be subject to additional regulations. City of College Station,Texas 5-7 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10125/2001 Article 5. use Regulations Section 5.2.use Categories E. Public' C i: vxlt*.tfv,tl c and "r-I,---tistn tfi-k gl i„„o,;7rk,' n a--,-::q:._ l -,i Use C:: t::z-_,.A:, -_,e gA-_---'q,-''-" .kl eS . Aviation rjSfac! pass.n7= cprvices and,., -ima--T-._„.:,,Neo:.;,;,'-,- r,,,k-'.mq ,.?i,-,„, --,:; ntaI qharait*klngc AV'atldng#Rtlnpttetgovgo*f"f0alsIT5ddp5,ikftifq,t4ihd.losw,!an, 4'-S. ,- 4 4, k,,, 4,- .„o„ i, ,,, ,91,,:,4,.:,,,' ,a,„1,, P f,::%,a,- i,. /-_-,e,6,,,-,.,t:„.,,-,,s *RMhdliq9PAetslgtatug*hap4dtionq4.roo- ;MaR4Avtatt9R464jtjOibe improved Passenger terminals for t7ii, ,: tsg; 4mpr:;; Accessory Uses* Exceptions ExamPiesinc,udeairpots; busAccessory Uses incl:deRus passenger stations for local l passenger terminals; andfreight handling areas, servicesuc" as mass transit stop s helicopterlanding facilities, concess.ons' officespari.ngand park-and-ride facilities are Airplane Fixed Base Operators, and maintenance and rueingcLassifieaasBasicutilities. flying schools and airshipment facilities. Also offices, privatehewterianding warehouses. parking, warehousing and facilities that are accessory to storage; car rental age ces anotherusemaybeconsidered associated with commercial Accessory Uses subject to all the air travel are classified as regulations andaPproyaicr.ten.a PassengerTerna1s* for helicopter landingfacilities. Aviationservice firms areWarehousing not associated with ,h engagedinsiragerepallrorair sh.ppinglsclass.f.edas servicIgo,drp1anes, Warehousing and Freight ne:,Loptersandrelatedmovement. aviationecupMe t, charter avat°nservces' andfIng related education. * These uses may be subject to additional regulations. I ora 5-8 printed 10/25/2001 ft) UnCifiietyd oDfeCvoelloiepgmeeSntattoiornd'inTaenxcaes * S eAcrtti locni e55.2 eUsetis eRCe ag fuel agtoi roi ne ss 2. Community Svk,e,,,,, ------,A,-'-,'--,--i,-: , ,,.„ ....ai:„,,,,,, ' ' se4:42.dif fitSW9gLIAIRFKiefi i-...; .--,,if:f-':',iqia'atrtable:_.,704t.,_Yfg‘ ,it4-'th-.--ijt-do-d-sort c:,Ih'iao-iv,bARI'traiitzt--g, fzv::-'i-' tib-itk,','op,RpjpdNipy,pv,--rt-,gw,--ia7:,o-vtiS,;jtq:FRRmb;,o,,„4eatpvi 1-v8-'6W:ite's-:arq:,-M§rg5,69Ir'-'4heYfOr,QYA-AI-AtVatiiittunit:YigqtR44,,w 'Bgo—rl*rRh4Aefa'r tr 86-M41•'q19.grltbk-tmAtt'n'itlt,16Kgodd-RtiPM1*10-VRIini#0671m iilalligidiOVPkttgi,zDgWA2tf,r--,-'ig.:EohgQ,two9-z9,-z,-,;tvovPttx-ifpdbtzifo7;IARt.4-t-4- a2a0-gtmiog counseling,;-:-tk - WftWth'e'igPD#R ,fv;,, . - : . :AM:r''''TIR*P4E,t4*'VVt:a14basJs,m lgf:h1gki9ALIAkz4wKtaVvcv,wgrovikdrtsmf#RKg-,):goi,inv. ,iWide;s;pgqt_44, o ..:,,„-n,-..w,tiz4. "*-k--41rh*h'aVe!'f,-M:eMP-gt<--;-m - ' IgtrlThegusg,a4YtP ,'-,fa"--dtatcesk,',4-,A,ev44v-,--ao,woom-eA:c,,.tfh,Irais:en-iqkqp,,i,_m6fFmgr.,i,i-bctomf:,t2v4-31N,-,-,=Rat,,-,b.".--:------,--7_, -M*03,1gairA-18Neilio:049awitoliturKi'MAgiabilksiomr. -7 ,7::;,__::::•.:,:„.,:::,,,L. -: ,..2 , Aggamt*-dk-ftgififavgipdt3-tce-tmprpKQE -,_7:7„----,', ,,- __:-,::,,,,,;:, :4'_EiCePtIPI1S51,- ---. _•,.-- - - ltW61.4.4:419'81P—t '14 ''''---- i-or_:uses., - , _ _. Ot4g4,,---.,.----,------- ' ,,, ,.: : ,;:::,:,,Accps.„ ,-,-,- -- -- . Exainjo'llaSt,--,--i--,IJ,v- -,;,----',14,----..;L:. Accessory uses may include private lodges, clubs and private areas;food o offices; meeting . classified as Retail clubs are senior centers; -- Examples include libraries; .museums; Sales smanmercial athletic or . and community cer.iters; Ydouthcicaliub facilities; hospices an so areas; parking, athletic facilities. service facilities. healthandareas and Sar Open Areas. Parks aredcSlearvssiicfieed as Parks a aas Institutions.Treatmenthereceten:earns tenancy are s arranged classified Uses w aao nndaare longerffio:pi taeh sr -si t oi of di emda or ean as heF Is boi dau es s i nes thoi aor i 1 ford or Group Living. * These uses may be subject to additional regulations. 3. Educational Factl.e.,_s„ -w'----h-utj-rfgi , . • f_• f'.--iddl'o4,14.9.P1,91.04,..kalf ' Vr:"'''-"--------',:i;''elementar;Y)-,,M ., - s-4-0, ----,ww•Efiu?,;.5i.kaw -s.v. R. -,1N::,f-z-A:ii4-',.47.;1,,,-.., ttrie..Tprim.,a,r,Y4,,,,.,..„-.:,44, :ehliafttat,t19VMKOMPV-':Pv--lirt:iii.siaite:;sch.pQj3t hV'&fgdd4$157:911K9ge1gplv.,Pwititt 94z,VijgfltAliKd*,g5$P,Y,N-SzgPwi*t9vtai-6duco,9P4!:wKwiwg*;*fid-:'-gt'CittYg ..adtqgg%Til '"finigSire.Pigtt%-_-ib*j**1-R.1P-,'P- --4,. 3'qfe-tie'ral'5::0f-1:VPQLe-,-...f,,,. ivi:ggisgRtvbfivuf, th-t-orretteKwATRi,.,,,...,,:,,,::, .. .,-,t,T.,:,,,,, ,,s-,inzimaw:,z7„,-..,a,,t.„.-IT, i---,g,i:5c'Plfifih'eVie-arnlqgLA .t 'fmultiple;1319g0 .-.2-----,1,-;;;---,,,,A,- --4 *a:a'tnVf-iii'stitttttmi& -:- Rlfk,-e-:,y:§-ettrogkQfPP.,,z-,----;----:::-7L;-:t:,;:-:-, „,---r-i-cY::; 40-4;i4Ji,iiiit- 9--'` ;4 ..itpli:aA'VATI-if&b-e-i.o:,.,ca-m„pm,,,-.1 --,----- * Excep„littb,,,,,,------- .fled as Day aEtp.rf!:,;lp'''''..'fc!ir2r.I'j:7;-::;;:::::'d':"-:2:;::;AA''Tce'*cAegs-a:sso-Q-rr'yY';''UP:e7;:;"';'''c"h"oi;"1;"'I- Preschools are class! Care uses. Examples include public an private daytime schools; include play areas., business,trade, vocational, dance and music schools; scpafoerttefraiacsil,itrieecsr,eaautdmitnoarlivarnnds boarding schools; and before-or after-school academies; . colleges include offices, academies; universities; day care.. Accessory arts colleges; c.ommdunmityedical colleges; nursing an housing for students, food schools not accessory to a ahealth send ryiscpeo,rtlasacbforaitliotiriees s, hospital and seminaries. maintenance,theaters, facil meeting tiea s areas, support ea ss,up rt ia . * These uses may be subject to additional regulations. City of College Station,Texas5-9 ( Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 5. Use Regulations Section 5.2. Use Categories 4. Government Facilities :Characteristics; Government ihaudes„offit6s,,storage, maintenance and otherfacilitiesfor the operation ofFederal, State or Local government. , „ „ „ Examples* Accessory Uses* Exceptions Examples include city hall; Accessory Uses include Passenger terminals for airports public/community buildings; storage, maintenance and and regional bus service are government offices; municipal fueling facilities, satellite classified as Aviation and Surface service facilities; maintenance offices and parking areas. Passenger Terminals. facilities; fire stations; police State, County or City parks are stations and emergency medical classified as Parks and Open and ambulance stations; Space. detention centers; lifeguard Water and wastewater facilities, services; post offices; and gas electric and other federal, state or local offices. infrastructure services, whether public or private, are classified as utilities. Waste and recycling services are classified as Waste Related Services. Facilities with more than 25 percent of the floor or site area devoted to warehousing, vehicle maintenance, or outdoor storage of maintenance equipment or vehicles shall be considered to have multiple principal uses. * These uses may be subject to additional regulations. . Health Care Facties Charactersflcs Helalth':(7,are----Faillities includeUses providing'medical or surgical cat..e to patients and offering •-• overnight Examples* Accessory uses!! Exceptions Examples include medical Accessory Uses include Uses that provide exclusive care centers and hospitals. out-patient clinics, offices, and planned treatment or laboratories,teaching training for psychiatric, alcohol, facilities, meeting areas, or drug problems, where patients cafeterias, parking, are residents of the program, are maintenance facilities and classified in the Institutional housing facilities for staff or category. trainees. Medical clinics that provide care where patients are generally not kept overnight are classified as Office. * These uses may be subject to additional regulations. 5-10 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 5. Use Regulations Section 5.2. Use Categories 6. Institutions Institutions provide a variety of housing facilities related to treatment programsaiaaaitliagaNtalta Examples* Accessory Uses* Exceptions Examples include some Accessory uses include Congregate care facilities where residential programs for drug and school facilities, meeting individual units meet the alcohol treatment and alternative rooms, parking and staff definition of a dwelling unit in or post incarceration facilities. residences (household Article 11 are classified as living). Household Living. * These uses may be subject to additional regulations. 7. Parks and Open Areas Cha acenshcs Pa K5 and Open Areas are uses or lane ocusing42:0;Not:A9M::*grimqatt-ij*,oty.,:ogotalgo00-a lo:in7d,gAij:j4ob4fidaOy:6MdE:e:-Oriiaa-gtWtoK*VgrI-f;A:-Xi-Ag.t4t0f66d''Ikl,QMT:o-waot a,.aEitvmt•ttotioesgagiausagofveg-xf:-4--,m-zmtw-azitttOS•RMSVZVIOaaoa fir6-Atfi.Vtagf:a-agiaiEiaAaootwulktitigkatf24tgLkitjAaagtaagllalg, Examples include parks; Accessory Uses may include Privately-owned golf courses are greenways; beach accesses; club houses, maintenance classified as Entertainment uses. publicly-owned golf courses; facilities, concessions, cemeteries; public squares; caretaker's quarters and plazas; recreational trails; parking. botanical gardens and nature preserves. * These uses may be subject to additional regulations. City of College Station,Texas 5-11 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 5. Use Regulations Section 5.2. Use Categories Religious Institutions Religiou §Ati'stittitib-riS#ritfigrj*t-'?Eyjckin?ee, 8'titil".1:upa,kreitachie9rir'raeh.°dactivitiesuses such as schools, daily daycare, gyms, .outreach facilities must be Associated principal ..f..::,„toe*itto::d,l:s:,'is:g:p:aizaIe4prtKiOa;=0:S:gs-- Exampl_es_ ----A:c-'c-e';s-,;'r : Exceptions y or secondary : _ _ Examples include a sanctuary or Accessory uses include Schools for primary similar building devoted for congregation halls,weekly education are classified as primarily to assemblyreligious school facilities, Schools. religious purposes. church offices, playgrounds Daily day care is classified as and ball-fields, day care Day Care. during services and parking. Gyms and community centers are considered Community Service. * These uses may be subject to additional regulations. 9. Utilities service. , infrastructure services that need to be located in or) rsthealrea''VY-hPr*:1:bUtility uses generally do not ., service is provided. regularly have employees at the site. _ Examples* Accessory Exceptions sees:sm%y, , : Examples of major utilities - yards buildings includeMaintenance Accessory include water towers; radio and parking and control, are classified as Industrial television broadcast towers; monitoring, data or Services. waste treatment plant; andtransmission equipment. utility offices are classified as electrical substations. Offices. Examples of Minor Utilities include water and sewage pump stations; stormwater retention and detention facilities; and telephone exchanges. * These uses may be subject to additional regulations. 5-12 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 5. Use Regulations Section 5.2. Use Categories F. Commercial Use Categories L Day Care OgeietWigfWaiiigttgggt*CM:at-MV4-,%iazia:M: :NaWgk-SZWaM-NL-M-VZ:;IZiZig*a t7g4y:,;,omiwxpL9wgwwpfostingia;99;:ARR:Lwi9pzt9pwmo;4prviRgyj;cg:w-4ypA-mwcag :Egdrifiafi:jkw:Aoatlikitwtfwt,:tislrerigtzfAttoivfO61041RkkslaliExamples* Accessory Uses* Exceptions -ii-Rigkitgtafgad Examples include preschools; Accessory uses include Day Care does not include day care and child care centers; offices, recreation areas and public or private schoor ls o nursery schools; latch key parking. accessory facilities operated in programs;and adult day care connection with an employment programs. use, shopping center or other principal use where children are cared for while parents or guardians are occupied on the premises or in the immediate vicinity. In-home care for six or fewer individuals is considered a Home Occupation subject to the standards set forth in Section 5.4. * These uses may be subject to additional regulations. 2. Eating Establishments Characterllstllcs i;f:MilineattimadittaldotArgfttf*:x9,b4P:600:14Examples* Accessory Uses* Exceptions talltaitNtaMMagilfa-Waingfil Includes restaurants with or Accessory uses may include Barbeque stands are classified as without drive-through service; drive-thru facilities, customer Open Air Sales. fast food establishments; yogurt and employee parking areas, Nightclubs and bars are or ice cream shops. and valet parking facilities, classified as Entertainment. Food services for off-premises consumption and pizza delivery are considered Retail Sales and Service. * These uses may be subject to additional regulations. City of College Station,Texas 5-13 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 5. Use Regulations Section 5.2. Use Categories 3. Entertainment Entertainment uses are large, generally commercial uses that provide continuous recreation or entertainment-oriented:,4.4itj-9;.rt:i:*,..--.:1#:d0y::pr..rjm4rliy take---place.Joutdoors. number of struçturs that are arranged together in an outdoor setting. Examples* _ Accessory Uses* Exceptions Examples include sexually- Accessory Uses may include Exhibition and meeting areas oriented businesses; arena or restaurants, bars, with less than 20,000 square feet coliseum; bars, nightclubs and concessions, parking and of total event area are classified taverns; commercial maintenance facilities. as Retail Sales and Service. amusements; private Banquet halls that are part of entertainment facilities; private hotels or restaurants are riding academy; privately-owned accessory to those uses, which golf courses; golf driving ranges; are included in the Retail Sales miniature golf facilities; private and Service category. country club; shooting ranges Publicly-owned golf courses are and indoor firing ranges; classified as Parks and Open privately-owned tennis facilities; Areas. and publicly or privately-owned active sports facilities such as ballfields and basketball courts. Also indoor continuous entertainment activities such as bowling alleys, game arcades, pool halls, dance halls, theaters and membership clubs and private and fraternal lodges. * These uses may be subject to additional regulations. 5-14 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 5. Use Regulations Section 5.2. Use Categories 4. Office charactensocs - - Office uses are characterized by activities conduaed in an orfice setting and generally focusing on to:sArfpmgpAqiigkOAttlfVrOfOlgQvdfMgdtc4lrthtiftfIAa(a*rAqPfAlitaitgk-,I;; c,Za-giggZOI Exam 0 101,!.1:,- Accesor -,:j:Exce 0 tions Examples include professional Accessory Uses may include Offices that are part of and services such as lawyers, cafeterias, health facilities, located with a principal use in accountants, engineers,or parking,or other amenities another category are considered architects; financial institutions primarily for the use of accessory to the firm's primary such as lenders, savings and employees in the firm or activity. Headquarters offices, loans, brokerage houses, banks building. when in conjunction with or or real estate agents; adjacent to a principal use in administrative offices;data another category, are considered processing; sales offices;travel part of the other category. agencies; radio and television Contractors and others who stations/studios; medical and perform services off-site are dental offices and clinics; included in the Office category if medical and dental labs; and equipment and materials are not blood-collection facilities, stored outside and fabrication, services or similar work is not carried on at the site. Government offices and facilities are classified under Government Facilities. * These uses may be subject to additional regulations. I. Overnight Accommodations Cha actcrstrcs MAdjogigpimarangaipt;OPITARISY. M.M4114.N.Nictialf5-.19.1,4gatM,1,e4,5g,,, ,, aAtrAim, Examples* Accessory Uses* Exceptions Examples include hotels, motels, Accessory uses may include Bed and breakfasts are inns, extended stay facilities, and pools and other recreational considered a Home Occupation. conference centers that include facilities, limited storage, overnight accommodations. food preparation and dining facilities, laundry facilities, meeting rooms, conference centers, off-street parking and offices. * These uses may be subject to additional regulations. City of College Station,Texas 5- 5 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 5. Use Regulations Section 5.2. Use Categories 6. Prkin , Commercial Characteristics:loettaekllagV-Ita-RlgaRaMnleatmvtx.ogmw,;:zut.::zvm:aa,:,:iatuiomantg::KCBSIBBU gqioiagijiaktpzgfot#j*otpizkpikotjfqtiggyr**it400-oo4,g::ioasioqtth**,optgeggiag .iwsoo4qoitdtutijootimi -oi-sf-Ot*,:y',4-4payi,inot-J,b0,-igh':,drgedo-f4;f:atttgyjkat,ogovtdos:.-,fbpthmt-aanomaat iaccessory 1.01 0•41106tiffirUS: 4dditegaWittee:Ipariktogiforpeoptemot',,i:tonnectedAathelurs6tsfusn #110111,11Iiiallilioom66icialipAiogi!ita:otoogoatesioanasammungansoialtionnsomp Examples* Accessory Uses* Exceptions Examples include short-and Small structures intended to Parking facilities that are long-term fee parking facilities shield parking attendants accessory to a principal use, but and mixed parking lots (partially from the weather, that charge the public to park for accessory to a specific use, partly occasional events nearby, are not for rent to others) including considered Commercial Parking structures, ramps and surface facilities. lots. Also park and ride lots. Parking facilities that are accessory to a principal use are not considered Commercial Parking uses, even if the operator leases the facility to the principal use or charges a fee to the individuals who park in the facility. Sales or servicing of vehicles is classified as Vehicle Sales and Service. Wrecked, damaged or non- operational vehicle parking is considered Waste Related Service. * These uses may be subject to additional regulations. 7. Retail Sales and Service Retail Sales and Service firms are involved in the sale, lease or rent of new or used products to the general publ'c. They may also provide personal services or entertainment, or provide product epair or services for consumer and business goods. Examples* Accessory Uses* Exceptions Sales-Oriented. Stores selling, Accessory Uses may include Restaurants are classified as leasing or renting, consumer, offices, storage of goods, Eating Establishments. home and business goods manufacture or repackaging Laundry and dry-cleaning plants including alcohol; appliances; of goods for on-site sale and are considered Light Industrial art; art supplies; bicycles; books; parking. Services. building/lumber sales; landscape material sales; clothing; dry goods; electronic Sales, repair and service of equipment; fabric;farm supplies; consumer motor vehicles, furniture; garden supplies;gifts; motorcycles and light and groceries; hardware sales; home medium trucks is classified as Vehicle Sales and Service. improvements; household equipment rental; drive-in sales; _ HUD-code manufactured home 5-16 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 5.Use Regulations Section 5.2, Use Categories Characterishcs Retail Sales and Service firms are involved in the sale, lease or rent of new or used products to the general public They may also provide personal services or entertainment, oi provide product repair or services for consumer and business goods Examples* Accessory Uses* Exceptions household products;jewelry; sales are classified as Vehicle marine and fishing equipment; Sales and Service. monument;off-premise food Entertainment-related retail sales; office equipment rental; activity is classified under optical; pets; pet food; Entertainment. pharmaceuticals.; plants; printed Stores selling sexually-oriented material; rental vehicles and material are considered Sexually- equipment; stationary and Oriented Businesses. medical and dental supply stores; trailer equipment; videos; food sales for off-premises consumption and pizza delivery. Persorllal Service-Oriented. Commercial gardens; classes, acting/art/dance/music/ photography; dry clean/ laundromat; emergency medical care offices;copy shop; funeral home; laundry and dry-cleaning drop-off establishments; photographic studios; photocopy and blueprint services; hair, tanning and personal care services; health clubs and gyms; taxidermists; animal hospital/care facility,veterinarians. Repair-Oriented. Repair of TV's, bicycles, clocks, watches, shoes, guns, canvas products, appliances and office equipment; photo or laundry drop-off;tailor; locksmith and upholsterer. City of College Station,Texas 5-17 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 5. Use Regulations Section 5.2.Use Categories 8. Selfervice Storage Self-Service Storage uses provide separate storage area for individual or business uses. The storage . ..:„--;.„,..,„,..„....„- m-toa5Irg:Ide.-5);grlg,aitQtallQw:-,3-prirtvAIg,,,AsggsA,,tbygbgggaqntgfp,r5s.,pjipgte:;QkfgRQYaPgi'PAT§QrAAPTPPgftYcaz-*ct Examples* AccessoryUses* Exceritions, - Examples include facilities that Accessory Uses may include A transfer and storage business provide individual storage areas living quarters for a resident where there are no individual for rent. These uses are also manager or security and storage areas or where called mini-warehouses, leasing offices and outside employees are the primary storage of boats and movers of the goods to be stored campers. or transferred is in the Use of the storage areas for Warehouse and Freight sales, service and repair Movement category. operations, or manufacturing is considered a separate principal use. The rental of trucks or equipment is also considered a separate principal use. * These uses may be subject to additional regulations. 9. SeXtiaiiy-Oriented 4,,usiness Businesses meeting the definition of Sexually-oriented business as set forth in Article 11. Examples* Accessory Uses* Exceptions Examples include adult arcades, Accessory Uses may include Retail sales or personal services adult movie theaters, adult retail offices, storage of goods and that do not include sexually- stores, and escort agencies. parking. oriented materials are considered Retail Sales or Services. * These uses may be subject to additional regulations. 5-18 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 5. Use Regulations Section 5.2. Use Categories 10. Vehicle Sales and Service toriwefgofjw-iRgw_p-ogpx--,:xido-Agvi;:-ota.4Ago-ekmk-ag-paeggg V::eqrt::i'e,§6iOzieeA-"!:-daeSpibVi'd&UiYett-if§:eNie:egifth.rr:tot(*v--:e:hrdlesYg:h-ey4:,,al§0:-,mayiriG14d6jirg15b4tR:M gg&teeltfS'§'§e'hTgeveh-tellfghv:'at&'ftiedid'm.drtjcks?an:d_-to,ther:Xo.n.-5amiep-mQtqrixeh:icjps-ts,p.gITAs:,,;- ,,fa ,:iayoa,,,sg.o-vma,o5fmu,,tmqmoov:o;-gt,:vgiza-w,,:mf4Atwwgki-smwtcf-IA:gaogii,z-nitngm-ivgczwzazaT motorcyclesyagsEomoxsargvavozgoimtagaAfgvmtiwos.-tiogmgggamstifaaqiaovgoaausisoa,v 0,4* AccessoryUses* Exceptions Examples include full-service, Accessory Uses may include Refueling facilities for vehicles mini-service and self-service gas offices, sales of parts and that belong to a specific use stations; automobile rental; sales vehicle storage. (fleet vehicles) are considered or leasing of consumer vehicles accessory uses if they are located including passenger vehicles, on the site of the Principal Use. motorcycles, light and medium trucks and other recreational vehicles; major recreational vehicle sales; car washes; quick lubrication services; standard vehicle repair; transmission or muffler shop; towing service; auto body shop; alignment shop; auto upholstery shop; auto detailing;tire sales and mounting; tire vulcanizing and retreading and other limited vehicle services; HUD-code manufactured home sales * These uses may be subject to additional regulations. City of College Station,Texas 5-19 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 5. Use Regulations Section 5.2. Use Categories G. Industrial Use Categories Li Light Industrial service in p7S,e. lrgqljl*ijconsumer lihil16"atIPP,114,het,t*"4llitigtri;'";1Mf§. Firms that seMce consumer goods do so ': by mainly providing centralized services for separate retail putlets, Contractors d building maintenance services and sirnila uses perform services off-site. Few customers, especially the general public, come to the site. Examples* Accessory Uses* Exceptions = Examples include tool repair; Accessory activities may Contractors and others who electric motor repair; large include offices, parking and perform services off-site are vehicle repair; farm equipment storage. included in the Office category, repair and storage; repair of if major equipment and materials scientific or professional are not stored on-site and instruments; building, heating, fabrication or similar work is not plumbing or electrical carried on at the site. contractors; printing, publishing and lithography; exterminators; janitorial and building maintenance services; fuel oil distributors; research and development; testing and development laboratories; sign shop, laundry,dry-cleaning and carpet cleaning plants and photo- finishing laboratories. * These uses may be subject to additional regulations. 5-20 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Section Article es eRce Categories 2. anuctur i - and Prcbducticm Novut Mfa ng characterllstics Manufacwnng and Pioduction firms are involved in the manufacturing, p ocessing, fabrication, packaging or assembly of goods Natural, man made, raw, secondary, or partially completed :!3materials2)!mo-,be used Products may be finished or semi finished and are generally made for the ,,„ wholesale for transfei to other plants, or to order for firms or consumers Goods are are a subordinate part of ales Relatively-- few generally il-f--dVitMi*.wr.di**tViVMIAk19A4k:mzia4--44;o11:s1:aa&b:aiw-Apw:WRMU-dSe customers come to the manufacturing site Some emissions steam may be produced by these activities Examples* Accessory Uses* Exceptions manufacturing of goods to be Examples include processing of Accessoryactivictiaefsetmeraiyas, general public I d as food and related products,. includeoffices, primarily on-site and to the sold including apparel; catering parking, employee establishments; concrete recreational facilities, Retail Sales andarSeecrvaicsesre batching and products and warehouses, storage yards, Manufacture and production of asphalt mixing; electric repair facilities, truck fleets goods from composting organic machines; food processing and caretaker's quarters. material is classified as Waste plants; instruments and Related Service components; welding shops; woodworking, including cabinet makers; production of chemical, rubber, leather, clay, bone, plastic, stone, or glass materials or products; movie production facilities; production or fabrication of metals or metal products including enameling and galvanizing; office equipment and supplies; storage tanks, manufacture or assembly of equipment, instruments, including musical instruments, appliances, precision items and other electrical items; production of artwork and toys and large- scale sign manufacturing * These uses may be subject to additional regulations. 5-21 Unified Development Ordinance City of College Station,Texas (Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 5. Use Regulations Section 5.2.Use Categories 3. Warehouse and Freight Movement phligteiFtplit,11,111.18111,11111161111111,1101,111111,,,MAIRIIIIII1131111111 i-ip4f-ooi:..,:o-#T1fooAfimIII.,;oml!f,;"ij.f!i,!piojyofi'o:philocsioit?!imoioo,"o!!g000!poofgeg iiiouiouoiopoftgifioglg000i*ro'MqrjaUOOjjycfigOimoii;rifjgotor the final consumer, except for some will-call pickups. There is little on-site sales activity with the customer present. Examples* Accessory Uses* Exceptions Examples include separate Accessory uses may include Uses that involve the transfer or warehouses used by retail stores; offices,truck fleet parking storage of solid or liquid wastes household moving and general and maintenance areas. are classified as Waste Related freight storage; cold storage Service. plants; storage garage; Mini-warehouses are classified as warehouses; including frozen Self-Service Storage uses. food lockers; parcel services; storage of mechanical or maintenance equipment; storage of construction equipment and materials; storage of landscape materials; storage of plumbing equipment and materials; carting and crating; and the stockpiling of gravel or other aggregate materials. * These uses may be subject to additional regulations. 4. Waste Related Service iwagt6RiratedgSeitc6sairezihagiiiteitiedihjiiteithei:aie;,:olidb,I,b.4.4:idiwait .lrgmf,qthpp-,dpfdisposal on the site or for transfer to another location, uses that collect sanitary wastes, or uses that meag lligbifoaaoloodotirgoodg,tiotgiloaitbitgioitigifiogoji,o4*jaetddllfifolliEaa lgEobttreotsllersusnIIIEIIII,sgtAggoIoryilV.*eagsfisIIIIIIIf8rootj#otfsiEasctssizgsEsig Examples include waste transfer Accessory Uses may include Disposal of dirt, concrete, or composting, hazardous recycling of materials, offices asphalt and similar materials storage facility, and repackaging and non-decomposable materials is recycling facilities and salvage transshipment of considered fill. and junkyards. by-products. * These uses may be subject to additional regulations. 5-22 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 5. Use Regulations Section 5.2. Use Categories 5. Wholesale Sales Wholesale Sales firms are involved in the sale, lease, or rent of poducts primanly gitdai-Liiiiiigfiitfib'Air6t3tdrdffditidr bdsiaegez§Nlh6:aS'e:sl'oMpha-M2e:::-rattiStt6S'dte's:-,kor order takraptu rihdwaghirhsdfdatei''-diVtApdrd8A-itBbtrthlggf**Vemi-gvi-wotib'erog:efiA6AW::goh' taltpabhWtpbb-ti -alog .et,go,ogem-reoaiMlagatitt;4*.1lA:%,o•-aowvkgipoAk,?IMttantrg*tn ifdtqqibftafOtbggtgittaedger;PAqggmntitgipxqktdfwPDIVz:QtLddtyArgdgipithzsggwmgwsl gxomorotNitii:MaEiaKN,Mz-*o-s-owv_oegNVi&;Qh;if*okr000:ataglimaiz,,Aglg Examples include sale or rental Accessory Uses may include Firms that engage primarily in of machinery; equipment; heavy offices, product repair, sales to the general public or on trucks; building materials; warehouses, parking, minor a membership basis are classified special trade tools;welding fabrication services and as Retail Sales and Service. supplies; machine parts; repackaging of goods. Firms that are primarily storing electrical supplies;janitorial goods with little on-site business supplies; restaurant equipment activity are classified as and store fixtures; mail order VVarehouse and Freight houses; wholesalers of food, Movement. clothing, auto parts and building hardware. * These uses may be subject to additional regulations. Other Use Categories Agriculture lArtgottotopavAmootopg51,wat PORIPTIMPYPIMMIEDggpMappulgArtxp,pplggipigats, aaimmit Examples* Accessory Uses* Exceptions Examples include breeding or Accessory uses include Processing of animal or plant raising of fowl or other animals; dwellings for proprietors and products are classified as barn/stable for private animal employees of the use and Manufacturing and Production. livestock;animal boarding and animal training. Plant nurseries that are oriented • kennels; catfish farm; riding to retail sales are classified as academies;crop production; Retail Sales and Service. farming; pasturage; truck gardening and wholesale plant nurseries. * These uses may be subject to additional regulations. City of College Station,Texas 5-23 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article.. 5. Use Use c e sRegualtaetgiooesnris Section 52. __ ,,.,..,,,,,„".,,,,,..,..,....,",.:,...„,""mmailial•011et 2- Teieco,-,1- m1„ 9 n:,':,',„-)'-'„'.:-„,A,,,-„,-.,:T,-'.•t:-,..:'- c,,....:,•..,,;,::.,..a,,:-.....f.:tw_: 1 g99it,P',','."_:,,,'k,,i,!ig_;,:„,,,is:!_:n,!__,,;:tin••iE,a"„A•tt:.,'-r:::_,c.'fj-•-e?il,,,:g:f,,,...•:i;t'g!!,tt7ChAr#Ftett8fca Tergg9aauwotopfAPttRIIIPFiiidthdevices, .',:... -d,i, .,..,, equipment,i':;.:_;,':;.:r::,,':,::„:',','.,.i,,':,,,jci.• ib:',"l:L:-„ 4,,..;:m„-,,-„,:,,„„,,,,. m,„,— ,:..ii:::,.,,,;.,...„..,.,,,;,,.!;.,: i' iii.:„.,9:r:„,:,, rN,..... i!i, :. .„-..,_..:- ,.,.:;_, tic ii':1lt. ..,,,1,:,:,„,t.supportingtjgilUIIIctiritwpEQ0iIfflplpl9hlbhllIllttPaaJ91tili1•jfIjlI " i6;0i ttltqgPPlr1lxFrii8bKkiiiIPlil‘ltgnairploiopjiamfPr!ir1•it7:p7d6a: Ig46 Ii"lr ;Flrs!1Iilb":"r!!P?P!7ihiliiutdppAgptei!o";,o1,h " iFy4ii:j;:!!!h!:oost,.!:!klIP1ta?tl ,thl1'It, iici1itteL:soafi,7i,s1rjll"d,ALStgriliP , l:edb4neq:: :ii:aijtFet8i XrhhedtmPal1Lflydfipth)irptF'"toifp!PF1Pr!7tProtheraantitnei :4oFHil: "P15YIm. Examples* AccessoryortuE„gfiptipp Examples include broadcast Accessory use may includeReceive.pniyantenasare not towers; telecommunications transmitter facility buildings. included in this category; towers; and point-to-point Radio andtelevision studios are r e microwave towers. classified intheOn.cecategoYt' and Radio and televisionbroadcast facilities thatare ?ublicsafety facilities are classified as Basic Utilities. * These uses may be subject to additional regulations. 5-24 City o printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development leeStation,STexas Ordinance Article 5. Use Regulations Section 5.3.Specific Use Standards 5.3 Specific Use Standards The following specific use standards apply to those uses listed on the Use Table in Section 5.1 with a "P*". The City Council may impose these or other conditions during conditional use permit review. A. Animal Care Facility • • • • • An animal care facility is permitted in accordance with the Use Table in Section 5.1 and subject to the following standards: 1. Animal Care Facilities shall be located a minimum of 500 feet from existing or future residential areas; and ® Adequate measures will be imposed to mitigate noise transmission beyond property lines, including, but not limited to, noise-deadening construction and/or deep open-space buffering. 3® Only facilities that are entirely enclosed, soundproofed and air-conditioned shall be permitted. Animal Hospital An animal hospital is permitted in accordance with the Use Table in Section 5.1 and subject to the following standards: 1 Only facilities that are entirely enclosed, soundproofed and air-conditioned. 2 Grooming and temporary boarding of animals (not overnight) shall be permitted if the activity is incidental to the hospital use. C. Car Wash A car wash is permitted in accordance with the Use Table in Section 5.1 and subject to the following standards: 1® Bays shall not open onto an adjoining roadway. 2 In the C-L District, no more than 1 bay shall be permitted. D. Convenience Store A convenience store is permitted in accordance with the Use Table in Section 5.1 and subject to the following standards: 1. Landscaped buffers adjacent to any property zoned or used residentially shall be provided in accordance with Section 7.5; 2 All lighting shall be designed and installed to prevent glare or excessive light spillover onto adjacent properties. No source of illumination shall be allowed if such source of illumination would be visible from a residentially-zoned district to the extent that it interferes with the residential use of that area; 3. Gross floor area of a convenience store shall not exceed 3,500 square feet; and, 4. See subsection G below for use regulations for convenience stores that sell fuel. City of College Station,Texas 5-25 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 5. Use Regulations Section 5.3.S ecific Use Standards E. Day Care A day care facility is permitted in accordance with the Use Table in Section 5.1 and subject to the following standards, whether or not in conjunction with another use: 1. Outdoor play or instruction area shall be enclosed by a fence or hedge no less than six feet in height. 2. A landscaped hedge or fence shall be provided along any rear or side property line adjoining any residentially zoned property not used for a similar purpose. Any such hedge or fence shall be designed and planted so as to be at least six feet in height, and, further, the fence or hedge shall provide a solid barrier between the day care facility and adjoining residential property. F. Duplex A duplex residential development is permitted in accordance with the Use Table in Section 5.1 and subject to the following standards: 1. Such residential development shall be part of a larger project of which the residential component does not exceed 50 percent of the land area of the project; and, 2. A site plan for the project is reviewed in accordance with Section 3.7. G. Fuel Sales A fuel sales establishment is permitted in accordance with the Use Table in Section 5.1 and subject to the following standards: 1. The primary use of a fuel sales establishment in any district in which it is permitted shall be the sale of fuel with incidental sale of sundries. No vehicle repairs shall be permitted; 2. All lighting, including lighting for canopies, shall be designed and installed to prevent glare or excessive light spillover onto adjacent properties. No source of illumination shall be allowed if such source of illumination would be visible from a residentially-zoned district to the extent that it interferes with the residential use of that area; 3. An eight-foot high visual barrier or screen, not less than ninety-five percent opaque, shall be provided between the fuel sales establishment and any adjacent residential district; and, 4. No more than two facilities offering fuel sales at the intersection of a major arterial with a minor arterial shall be permitted. The two permitted facilities shall be located on opposite sides of the major arterial. H. HUD-Code Manufactured Home A HUD-code manufactured home is permitted in accordance with the Use Table in Section 5.1 and subject to the following standards: 1. The units shall be the only habitable structure on the lot on which it is placed. ) 5-26 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 5. Use Regulations Section 5.3.Specific Use Standards 2 The roof shall be pitched with a minimum vertical rise of 21/2 feet for every 12 feet of horizontal run. 3, The roof shall have eaves that project a minimum of 12 inches from the exterior wall. 4® The wheels, axles, tongue, towing apparatus and transporting lights shall be removed prior to final installation of the unit. 5. The unit shall be placed on a permanent foundation consisting of masonry or concrete. 6. Skirting or a curtain wall, unpierced except for required ventilation and access door, shall be installed and maintained so that it encloses the structure. The skirting must be a continuous, complete, opaque and rigid surface that lends permanency t the appearance of the unit and totally screens the crawl space under the unit. 7® Steps to the ground level with handrails and a permanent landing shall be provided at each outside doorway. All electrical service equipment shall be mounted on the structure. I. Office An office, including medical or dental office or clinic, is permitted in accordance with the Use Table in Section 5.1 and subject to the following standards: ]® The maximum size of an office in the CL District shall be 2,000 square feet., Recycling Facility A recycling facility is permitted in accordance with the Use Table in Section 5.1 and subject to the following standards: 1 Large Collection Facilities Large collection facilities may be located in any commercial district upon receipt of a Conditional Use Permit, and shall be a permitted use in any industrial zoning district. Any facility located within 500 feet from property zoned or developed for residential use shall not be in operation between 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Light processing, including compacting, baling, and shredding, must be directly related to efficient temporary storage and shipment of materials. No facility as described in this subsection shall abut property zoned or developed for low density residential use. a. Parking A minimum of six spaces shall be provided, plus one space per employee and for each vehicle of the facility. City of College Station,Texas 5-27 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 } Article 5. Use Regulations Section 5.3.Specific Use Standards �-- b~ Signage Each container shall be clearly marked to specify materials that are accepted. The name and telephone number of the operator, and the hours of operations, shall be conspicuously displayed. All sign regulations of the district in which the facility is located shall apply. c. Screening Each facility shall be screened from the public righby operating in an enclosed building with no outside storage or by operating within an area enclosed by an opaque fence at least eight feet in height. K. Religious Institution A religious institution is permitted in accordance with the Use Table in Section 5.1 and subject to the following standards: 1~ A religious institution in or adjacent to any residential district shall have all of its vehicular entrances and exits on a major street or on another thoroughfare. 2. Where a religious institution includes more than 3,008 square feet of indoor accessory uses, buffers shall be installed and the religious institution shall be treated as a commercial use for the purposes of compliance with the provisions of Section 7.6. \ / �~ Restaurant A restaurant is permitted in accordance with the Use Table in Section 5.1 and subject to the following standards: 1. The maximum size of a restaurant in the [-L District shall be 1,500 square feet. 2. Proposed restaurants located more than 500 feet from the property line of a lot in a residential zoning district or a lot containing a residential use shall be allowed by- right; 3. Proposed restaurants located within 500 feet of the property line of a lot in a residential zoning district or a lot containing a residential use shall require review and approval in accordance with the Conditional Use procedures of Section 3.15. 4. Distances shall be measured from the nearest property line of the subject parcel to the nearest property line of a lot containing a residential use or located in a residential zoning district. M. Retail Sales and Service Retail sales and service is permitted in accordance with the Use Table in Section 5.1 and subject to the following standards: 1~ The maximum size of any retail sales and service establishment in the C-L District shall be 2,000 square feet. 5'2e City of College Station,Texas printed 1025/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 5. Use Regulations Section 5.3. Specific Use Standards N. Salvage or Junk Yard A salvage and junk yard is permitted in accordance with the Use Table in Section 5.1 and subject to the following standards: 1® Salvage or junk yards for pipe, sheet metal, automobiles, lumber, etc., shall be visually screened on front, rear and all sides; and 2® These uses shall have a solid six-foot high fence. O. Sexually-Oriented Businesses A sexually-oriented business is permitted in accordance with the Use Table in Section 5.1 and subject to the following standards: 1® General A business is not exempt from regulation under this UDO because it holds a license or permit under the Alcoholic Beverage Code authorizing the sale or service or alcoholic beverages or because it contains one or more coin-operated machines that are subject to regulation or taxation, or both under State law. 2 Single Adult Use Per Location There shall only be one sexually-oriented business permitted on a single premises. 3. Measurement a® Stock in Trade The number of items in stock in the sales and display area at the time of a site inspection. The number of sexually oriented items shall be calculated as a percentage of total items. b® Sales and Display Area (1) The entire interior floor space of a business establishment devoted to sales and display, including aisles, measured in square feet at the time of a site inspectic:I. The floor space devoted to sales and display of sexually oriented materials shall be calculated as a percentage of total sales and display area. (2) Where sexually oriented materials are physically separated from other materials by an eight-foot wall, the separate sales and display area (including any aisles) shall be compared to the total sales and display floor area. (3) Where floor area includes a mixture of sexually oriented material with any other material, it shall be counted as sexually oriented. Any such area shall include one-half of the area of any aisles adjacent to the display or sales of sexually oriented materials. City of College Station,Texas 5-29 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 5. Use Regulations Section 5.3.Specific Use Standards 4. Supplemental Standards a. Adult Cabaret or Adult Retail Store (1) Any performance area shall be at leastwenty-four inches (Z4") in alevation above the level of the patron seating areas and shall be separated by a distance of at least six feet (6') from all areas of the premises to which patrons have access. A continous railing at least three feet (3') in height, securly attached to the floor, and located at least six feet (6') from all points of the live performance area shall separate an performace area and patron areas, Should any court of competent jurisdiction find the six foot (6') separation to be unconstitutional, and there is any less distance of separation that has been found constitutional or which the cor finds constitutional, then this provision shall be deemd amended to provide for that lesser constitutional separation. b. Adult Arcade, Adult Movie Theater (1) All aisles shall have theater runway and aisle lighting which illuminates the entire floor surface of the aisle at a level of not less than 0.2 footcandles. (2) All theater view areas, projection rooms, viewing booths or rooms shall be equipped with overhad lighting fiscures of sufficient intensity to illuminate every place to which patrons are permitted access at an � \ illumination so that any patron may be observed from a manager's or employee's station. (3) The interior of an adult arcade and/or adult viewing booth or room shall be configured in such as way that there is an unobstructed view from a manager's or employee's station of every interior area of the adult arcade and/or viewing booth or room. (4) All ventilation devices in or between adult viewing booths, viewing stations and/or rooms must be covered by a permanently affixed ventilation cover or grill. Ventilation holes, portals or airways may only be located one foot (1') from the top of the station, room or booth walls or one foot (1') from the bottom of the station, room or booth walls. There may not be any other holes or openings in the station, room or booth walls or between stations, rooms or booths. c. Limited Adult Retail Store The store shall separate all sexually oriented material from other sales and display areas using an opaque wall at least eight feet in height. Such an area shall incorporate a management-controlled system of access to e ^' '^ only ^'persons over the age of 18 years are allowed to enter. The owner or operator shall have the affirmative duty to prevent the public display of sexually oriented material at or within the portions of the business open to the ( .) 5-30 City of College StationTexas Article 5.Use Regulations Section 5.3.Specific Use Standards general public. The store shall not advertise or hold itself out in any forum as "X ," "adult," "sex," or otherwise as a sexually oriented business. ® Lighting Any Sexually-Oriented Business shall be equipped with overhead lighting fixtures of sufficient intensity to illuminate every place to whichpatronsare permitted access so that any patron may be observedfrom a managers or employee's station. Separation Requirements a. Measurement The following separation requirements shall be measured from the lot line of a sexually oriented business to the lot line of a protected use or other sexually oriented business listed below in a straight line withoutregard to intervening structures or objects. Where a multi-tenant facility such asashopping center is involved, measurement shall occur from the boundary ofthe leasehold interest instead of the property line. b. Protected Uses For the purpose of measuring separation from sexually oriented businesses, "protected uses" shall include the following: (1) Public or private elementary or secondary schools; (2) Public parks and playgrounds; (3) Public or private community centers; (4) Public or private college or university; ( ) Indoor or outdoor stadiums; (6) Religious institutions; (7) Hospitals; (8) Public Libraries; (9) Chartered museums; and (1O)Cultural entertainment facilities. co Distance Requirements The following distance separation requirements shall be observed. Any Any Residential - Other Type 1 -Other Type Sexually Oriented Business Protected Use - District Adult Use Adult Use Type 1: Limited Adult Retail N/A N/A N/A N/A Store, Escort Agency Type 2:Adult Arcade, Adult 1,000 feet 500 feet N/A 1,000 feet City of College Station,Texas 5-31 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 } Article 5.Use Regulations Section 5.3.Specific Use Standards Cabaret; Adult Movie Theater Adult Retail Stor d. Specific Nonconforming Use Provisions A sexually oriented business lawfully operating in conformance with this UDO shall not be rendered a nonconforming use by the location, subsequent to its lawful establishment, of a protected use listed in paragraph b above in violation of the distance requirements in paragraph c above. P. Shooting Range, Outdoor An outdoor shooting range is permitted in accordance with the Use Table in Section 5.1 and subject to the following standards: 1. The minimum distance from any firing point measured in the direction of fire to the nearest property line shall not be less than 500 feet and at least 3,000 feet from any existing dwelling unit. 2. A site plan must be submitted and approved that illustrates the general design of the facility, including but not limited to, shooting areas layout, parking areas, proposed and existing buildings, sound deflection devices, absorbent barriers, and other safe . provisions. -- - 3. A landscape plan shall be submitted and approved with the facility construction � \ plans. Such plan shall indicate the location and types of plantings to be made to aid in noise suppression and visual enhancement. 4. All facilities to be designed and constructed in accordance with nationally recognized guidelines for such facilities, such as the National Rifle Association's The Range Manual: A Guide to Planning and Construction. 5. The entire perimeter of all outdoor shooting ranges shall be fenced and signed to reduce the potential for trespassing into firing zones. Warning signs identifying the range shall be posted around the perimeter of the parcel or parcels on which the shooting range is located at intervals of not more than 75 feet. Q. Two-Family or Townhouse A two-family or townhouse residential use is permitted in accordance with the Use Table in Section 5.1 and subject to the following standards: 1. All units shall be sited on an individual platted lot. R. Vehicle Services, Limited A limited vehicle service facility is permitted in accordance with the Use Table in Section 5.1 and subject to the following standards: 1. No bay doors shall face onto a public right-of-way. 5-32 City of College StationTexas printed 1025/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 5. Use Regulations Section 5.3.Specific Use Standards S. Wireless Telecommunication Facility (WTF) A wireless telecommunication facility is permitted in accordance with the Use Table in Section 5.1 and subject to the following standards: L. Purpose The purpose of this section is to establish clear regulations pertaining to Wireless Telecommunications Facilities that are consistent with Federal and State law. The City Council of the City of College Station finds that: a® It is in the public interest to promote competition in high quality telecommunications services,and the availability of broadband transmission services to all residences and business, b. It is in the public interest for the City to protect the public safety and welfare, safeguard community land values, promote orderly planning and development and preserve historic sites, structures and areas. Wireless Telecommunications Facilities should not be allowed to detract aesthetically from the visual quality of surrounding properties or the City; and c® The proliferation of Wireless Telecommunications Facilities negatively impacts the appearance and character of the community. Therefore the City should endeavor to minimize the size, number and obtrusiveness of antennas and towers. Collocation and stealth technologies are strongly encouraged to mitigate negative visual impacts and reduce the total number of towers within the City. 2. WTF Categories In order to expedite the siting and review process, WTF's have been divided into use categories. The review process is more thorough as the intensity of the use increases. a. Unregulated Facilities The WTF's listed below are not regulated by this UDO and do not require review or approval. This does not exempt these facilities from other applicable City Codes, Ordinances, and Permits. (1) Direct-to-home service antenna, citizen's radio band antenna, amateur radio antennas. (2) Parabolic antenna less than 2 meters in diameter. (3) Omni-directional antenna (whip antenna) 6" or less in diameter and not extending more than 12' above support structure. (4) Directional antenna 1 meter or less measured across the longest dimension and not extending over 12' above support structure. (5) Public safety tower or antenna. City of College Station,Texas 5-33 Unified Development ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 5. Use Regulations Section 5.3.Specific Use Standards . � b. Intermediate Facilities (1) New transmission tower less than 35 feet (10.5 meters) in height. (2) Parabolic antenna over 2 meters in diameter. (3) Omni-directional antenna (whip antenna greater than 6" in diameter and/or extending 12' above the support structure. (4) Directional antenna more than 1 meter measured across the longest dimension and extending over 12' above support structure. (5) Attached WTF's. c. Major Facilities New transmission tower greater than 35 feet (10.5 meters) in height. 3. General Regulations a. Setbacks The standard setbacks for each zoning district will apply to WTF's with additional setbacks or separation being required in the sections below. To protect citizens in their homes, transmission towers shall be placed a distance equal to the height of the tower away from any residential structure or RS-8, R5-5 or RM-9 district boundary. b. Proximity To Major Thoroughfares (1) To preserve and protect the City's major thoroughfares and entrances to the City, additional setbacks are placed on WTF's roposed to be placed near these areas. The setback for these areas is determined by measuring from the centerline of the right-of-way of the thoroughfare. Applicable thoroughfares include freeways and expressways, major arterials and minor arterials, as shown on the Thoroughfare Plan. (2) Intermediate WTF's must be 150' from applicable thoroughfares. (3) Major WTF's must setback from applicable thoroughfares by the height of the tower x3. C. Separation Between Towers In order to prevent tower proliferation and protect the City's natural beauty and skyline, the number of transmission towers per square mile has been limited. New transmission towers must be placed a minimum distance from existing towers as described here: (1) New transmission towers 35 feet or less in height shall be separated from existing towers by a minimum distance of 1500 feet. / \ . ''. 5'34 City of College Station,Texas printed 1025/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 5.Use Regulations Section 5.3'Specific Use Standards /_- (2) New transmission towers more than 35 feet and less than 100 feet in height shall be separated from existing towers by a minimum distance of 2500 ft. (3) New transmission towers 100 feet or more in height shall be separated from existing towers by a minimum distance of 3500 ft. d~ Height Limitations (1)' All WTF's are subject to the normal height restrictions for each zoning district where permitted by right. In any zoning district where a tower is a conditional use, the allowable height is determined through the review of the visual impact analysis. (2) In no case shall a proposed transmission tower exceed 1SO' within the city limits, except where a height variance is granted by the Zoning Board of Adjustments to allow a tower or antenna that demonstrates a hardship that can only be remedied by locating on a proposed site within the city limits. e~ Landscaping, Screening and Aesthetic Standards The following requirements shall govern antransmission tower or any parabolic antenna larger than 2 meters. (1) Landscaping: Refer to Section 7.5 Landscaping and Tree Protection. � ) Plant materials aeffectively ens the WTF site from - -� view of the public right-of-way will be required. (2) transmission shall maintain a flat (not shiny, reflective, or ~ = be ~FAAvvhhany appUcab|es�mdards of the glossy)'- ( ' ^^` galvanizedsteel isnot |e). tower,If an antenna'is'in��|edon a supportstn�ctureother than a the antenna and supporting electrical and mechanical equipment must be of a neutral color that is identical compatible with, the color of the suppo ��in structure �so as �m make he antenna and related equipment as visually unobtrusive as possible. (4) WTF's shall not be artificially lighted with .e exception of motion detectors as security lighting, unless the FAA or other applicable authority. If lighting is required, the Ci may review the available lighting alternatives and approve the design that would cause the least disturbance to the surrounding properties. (5) Towers may not be used to exhibit asignage or other advertising fa Special Districts and Overlay Districts Special districts have been established in the City for the purpose of protecting their historical significance and aesthetic qualities. In some cases WTF's are allowed in these areas with the following restrictions. CityCollege 5-35 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 . . Article 5.Dme Regulations Section 5,3.Specific Use Standards To preserve the aesthetic beauty and architectural significance and promote economic growth, intermediateuse WTF's (except new transmission towers) are allowed in the listed districts. They shall be placed behind the imaginary front of the most major (largest gross floor area) structure on site or behind any building face abutting a right-of-way. AddidonaUy, they must be located out of sight of public right-of-way either by screening, strategic siting or stealth technology. These requirements pertain to the following special districts: (1) Northgate; (2) Wolf Pen Creek; (3) Overlay Districts; and (4) PD (except PD-H). g. Stealth Technology Desig Any WTF with appropriate stealth technology design approved by the Planning & Zo/`ingCommission //`ay be located in any zoning district. Approved WTF's do not have to meet the additional setbacks for tower separation (section C.4) or thoroughfares (section C.3). h~ Attached WTF's { � WTF's may attach to the exterior of any non-residential and non-historic building within any zoning district provided the antenna and antenna support structure or equipment is mounted flush with the vertical exterior of the building or projects no more than 24 inches from the surface of the building to which it is attached and does not raise the height of the building more than 10 feet and does not violate the maximum height restriction of that zoning district. The attached WTF must be textured and colored so as to blend with the surrounding surface of the building. 4~ Review Process a~ WTF Registration All intermediate and major WTF's must be registered with the City. b~ Site Plan Review Site plans shall be submitted pursuant to the provisions of Section 3.7. All property owners within 500 feet of any property line of the host site for the WTF site shall be notified by the Planning Office. In addition to the requirements set forth in Section 3.7, the following is required: (1) A WTF Facility Plan drawing that identifies the location, height, and type of all existing applicant-owned wireless telecommunications facilities in Brazos County and the proposed facility must be submitted. 5-36 City of College StationTexas Article 5. Use Regulations Section 5.3, Specific Use Standards . � (2) The location, type, and height of the proposed facility. At least three collocation alternatives to the applicant's development proposal along with proof of a genuine effort in collocating on or attaching to an existing support structure. A certified letter addressed to potential lessors is required in addition to evidence that demonstrates that no existing tower or support structure can accommodate the applicant's proposed WTF. Any of the following may be submitted as evidence: (a) No existin structures are located within the geographic area required to meet applicant's engineering requirements. (b) Existing structures are of insufficient height to meet applicant's engineering requirements. Cc) Existing structures do not have sufficient structural strength to support applicant's proposed antenna and related equipment. (d) Electromagnetic interference would be caused between the proposed and existing facilities. Ce) The fees, costs, or contractual provisions required by the owner in order to share an existing structure or to adapt an existing support structure for sharing exceed those for new tower development. (0 The applicant demonstrates that there are other limiting factors that render existing structures unsuitable. (3) A visual impact analysis, presented either with drawings or photographs. `- -� Four vi } yati shall be b i d looking rd the (typically north, south, east and west), including site and the surrounding properties sured from the the point ofthe tower distance---to a �'~~ �� equal to three timesofdrawing will depict a ""/ ..= view showing the entire height of the proposed tower and the structuother objectcontributing to the skyline profile. The proposed tower, drawn to scale, shall be included in the view. (4) Certification of compliance with FCC regulations and emission standards. (5) Notification of an impending Environmental Assessment required by the National Environmental Protection Agency (N EPA) and a copy when the assessment is completed. (6) A letter addressed to the City declaring an intent and willingness to construct a proposed tower that would allow at least 2 other service providers to locate there. c~ Conditional Use Permits Some m ' r \N7F'srnustreceiveacmnditinnalusepennitunderthe procedures set forth in Section 3.15. In addition to the standard guidelines, City of College StationTexas 5'37 Article 5. Use Regulations Section 5.3.Specific Use Standards the following additional factors shall be considered by the City Council when determining whether to grant a conditional use permit for a WTF: (1) Height of the proposed tower, surrounding topography and surrounding tree coverage and foliage as they relate to: (a) skyline impact, examining whether the proportions of the structure appears to dominate or blend in with the surrounding environment. (b) shadow impact, whether or not the proposed tower will cast shadows that would prevent the reasonable use of enjoyment of surrounding properties. (2) Design of the tower, with particular reference to design characteristics that have the effect of reducing or eliminating visual obtrusiveness. (3) Proximity of the tower to residential structures and residential district boundaries. (4) Economic impact on adjacent and nearby properties (5) Proposed ingress and egress. (6) Availability of suitable alternatives and/or existing support structures. 5. Abandonment � \ Any WTF that is not operated for a continuous period of 12 months shall be considered abandoned, and the owner of such a facility shall remove same within 60 days of receipt of notice from the City notifying owner of such abandonment. If such facility is not removed within said 60 days, the City may, remove such facility at the property owner's expense. If there are two or more users of a single WTF, then this provision shall not become effective until all users cease operations on the tower. 5-38 City of College StationTexas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 5, Use Regulations Section 5.4.Accessory Uses 5.4 Accessory Uses A. General The establishment of such accessory uses shall be consistent with the following standards 1. The accessory use shall be subordinate to and serve a primary use or principal structure. In combination, all accessory uses shall contain no more square footage than 25 percent of the habitable floor area of the principal structure (with the exception of garage or carport areas devoted to the storage of vehicles, which shall not be included in the calculation and may exceed the 25 percent restriction); 2. The accessory use shall be subordinate in area, extent or purpose to the primary useserved; 3. The accessory use shall contribute to the comfort, convenience or necessity of occupants of the primary use served; 4. The accessory use shall be located within the same zoning ditrict as the primary use; 5~ Accessory uses |ocatedinresidentia] disthdsshal|notbeusedforconmrnercia} purposes ther than legitim Home e Occupations) and 6~ Accessory apartments may not be rented to other than bona fide servants employed on the premises and members of the family of the occupant(s) of the principal structure. Single meter service shall be provided to each buildable parcel. B. Accessory Buildings and Structures No accessory building or structure shall be erected in any required setback area. Excluded from this requirement is any portable storage building or structure if the Building Official has determined that it does not require a Building Permit. C. Home Occupation A Home Occupation is that Accessory Use of a dwelling that shall constitute all or some portion of the livelihood of a person or persons living in the dwelling. 1. Bed & Breakfast A bed and breakfast facility shall be considered accessory to a single-family dwelling. No more than four unrelated individuals may occupy the property overnight. 2. Exclusions to Home Occupations No Home Occupation shall be permitted that does any of the following: a. Changes the outside appearance of the dwelling; b. Is visible from the street; City of ! / 5-39�o| S�hon Article 5. Use Regulations Section 5.4.Accessory Uses C. Generates traffic, parking, sewerage, or water use in excess of what is normal in the residential neighborhood; d. Results in the Off-Street or On-Street parking of more than two vehicles at any one time not owned by members of the occupant family; e. Creates a hazard to persons or property; f. Results in electrical interference; g. Is a nuisance; h. Results in the outside storage or display of anything; or, 0~ Includes employment within the home or on the premise of persons other than members of the occupant family. 3. Prohibited Home Occupations The following are prohibited as Home Occupations: a. Barber, beauty and other personal service shops; b. A imal hospitals, stables, or kennels; c. Dance studios, schools; d. Mortuaries; ~ � Private clubs; — ' f. Repair shops; g. Restaurants; h. Automobile paint or repair shops; 0~ Doctor, dentist, veterinarian or other medically related office; or j. Rooming/Boarding House. D. Recycling Facilities 1. Single Feed Reverse Vending Machines Single feed reverse vending machines may be located with a permit either in the interior or immediate exterior of commercial, industrial or public facilities. 2. Small Collection Facilities Small collection facilities may be permitted when established on an improved surface in conjunction with an existing commercial or industrial use or public facility. The host facility must be in compliance with all City codes. No facility may occupy more than 500 square feet, nor occupy more than five parking spaces of the host site. All vehicular and pedestrian circulation aisles shall be unobstructed. 5-40 City of College Station,Texas printed 1025/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 5. Use Regulations Section 5.4.AccessorUses a. Setbacks Setbacks Each facility shall be set back at leasten feet from any riline when located in front of the host use. Side, side street, and rear setbacks established for commercial uses shall be maintained. Containers intended for 24-hour donation of materials shall be at least 40 feet from any property zoned or developed for residential use. Attended facilities within 100 feet of residentially zoned or developed property shall operate only between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. b~ Landscaping A small collection facility shall notbe placed on the host site in such a manner as to impair the landscaping required for the subject site. c~ Parking One space will be required if an attendant is provided. Occupation of parking spaces by the collection facility and attendant shall not reduce available parking spaces below the minimum number required by ordinance for the host site. d. Noise Noise levels shall not exceed 60 dBA as measured at the property line of residentially zoned or developed property, otherwise noise levels shall not exceed 70 dBA. e~ Signage Each container must be clearly labeled with a sign, limited to one per container and no larger than 20 percent of the side upon which the sign is placed, to provide information pertaining to the typf material to be collected within the container, and the name and telephone number of a person responsible for maintenance who may be contacted at all times. E. Satellite Dishes 1~ Less than One Meter A satellite dish of less than one meter shall be permitted as an accessory use in all districts, subject to the following: a. No such dish shall block a required exit or other means of emergency egress; b. No such dish shall block the visibility triangle at intersections; 2. Less than Two Meters A satellite dish of less than two meters, but larger than one meter, shall be permitted as an accessory use in any district except residential districts subject to the following: City of College StationTexas 5-41 Unified Development Orinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 5. Use Regulations Section 5A.Accessory Uses a. Such dish shall be subject to the height and setback requirements applicable to buildings in that district; b. Such dish may be allowed in a side yard or rear yard by approval of the Zoning Board of Adjustment but such dish shall in no case be allowed in a required front yard or front setback area; c. If located in any district other than I-H, such dish shall be screened from view from the street with an opaque fence, extensions of building walls or dense landscaping. 3~ More Than Two Meters A satellite dish of more than two meters shall not be allowed in any primarily residential district and shall be allowed in other districts only after review by the Zoning Board of Adjustment, subject to such conditions as it may approve, and subject to 5.3S (Wireless Telecommunications Facilities). -_' 5~42 City of College StationTexas printed 1025/2001 (Draft) Unified DevelopmenOrdinance Article 5.Use Regulations Section 5.5.Temporary Use 5.5 Temporary Uses A. Purpose Temporary Uses, as set forth below, are declared to have characteristics which require certain controls in order to isure compatibil | other uses in the district within which they are proposed for location. B. Temporary Concrete Products Temporary facilities for manufacturing concrete or concrete products may be located in all zoning districts where they are directly associated with construction in the area. Retail sales of concrete products shall be prohibited in co 'unction with temporary concrete plants. The production site must be returned to its pre-construction state following completion of the associated p 'ect C. Temporary Residential Sales Offices and Model Homes The following regulations shall apply to the conduct of temporary residential sales offices and model homes within residential zoning districts: 1. Temporary residential sales offices and model homes may be located within a residential district as part of an on-going residential development; however they shall only be located at the end of a residential block on the periphery of a subdivision or at the entrance to a subdivision; 2. Any temporary residential sales office or model home shall be removed or converted to a use permitted within the district when Certificates of Occupancy have been issued to 80 percent of the associated residential units or when use as a sales office or model home has ceased; 3. Model homes for new subdivisions shall only be occupied for residential habitation after all business activities have ceased and upon sale of the home and shall comply with the applicable residential parking standards at that time. D. Temporary Parking Lots for Site Planned Facilities This section applies to development or redevelopment for uses other than single family, duplex or townhome residential uses. 1. When additional parking, in excess of what this UDO requires and/or in excess of what was installed when a facility first opened, is necessary to accommodate business or patronage that was unanticipated when the facility first opened, this parking may be supplied using the standards below. All such parking lots must receive site plan approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission following the site plan review procedures outlined in Section 3.7. If these standards are allowed, the parking lot may exist on a temporary basis, not to exceed 12 months. The beginning date of the 12-month period shall be determined by the Commission. There shall be no appeal of the decision of the Commission. City of Co|ege Station,Texas 5-43 Article 5. Use Regulations Section 5.5.TemporarUses 2. Standards Temporary Parking Lots are subject to the following standards: a. The surface of the parking lot may be gravel or some other temporary material as approved by the Development Engineer; b. The lot must be designed to accommodate drainage in accordancevviththe City's Drainage Ordinance. Curbs, gutters or other improvementmay be required where necessary to comply with drainage regulations as approved by the Development Engineer; c. Entrance to the lot from any public right-of-way is at the discretion of the Commission based on recommendation of the Development Engineer; d. When entrance is allowed to the lot from a public right-of-way, that portion of the entrance located in the right-of-way must be paved with an all weather surface as approved by the Development Engineer; and e. It must be shown that steps will be taken to prevent the blowing of dust onto adjacent properties and the tracking of mud onto public rights-of-way. 3. Review By The Planning and Zoning Commission The Planning and Zoning Commission shall take into consideration the following when reviewing any request for a Te porary Parking Lot: a. Safe and convenient trafic control and handling, both internal and external; [` } b. Assured pedestrian safety; c. Efficient and economic access for public utility and emergency vehicles; d. Runoff, drainage and flood control; e. Impact on adjacent land uses; and f. Whether in a particular case the above standards will be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare. The Commission may impose any additional standards necessary to the protection or preservation of the public health, safety or general welfare. 4. Future Compliance At the end of the twelve month period the lot must be brought up to full compliance with parking lot standards, as approved through the applicable site plan review process. If no site plan is approved within two months of the expiration of the temporary parking lot approval, the lot, including all paving material, must be removed and the area no longer used for the parking of vehicles. If the lot is removed, the area must be sodded, seeded or hydromulched with grass within ten days of removal. Driveway access shall be removed and curb and gutter replaced. 5-44 City of College Station,Texas Article 6 District Development Standards 6.1 General The following standards apply to all zoning districts, except where expressly stated to applt to specific districts. A. Visibility at Intersections in all Districts On a corner lot in any district, nothing shall be erected, placed, planted or allowed to grow in such a manner as materially to impair vehicle driversvision at intersections, within a triangle defined by the property lines and a line joining two points located 20 feet back from the property lines intersection; except that fences, walls, and/or hedges may be permitted provided that such fences, walls, and/or hedges do not impair vision from three feet to six feet above the curb line elevation. B. Minimum Requirements No building plot shall have lower or less stringent standards or dimensions than those prescribed for respective zones in this Article. C. More Than One Principal Structure on a Lot or Parcel 1 In any single family residential district, no more than one structure housing a permitted principal use may be erected on a single lot or building plot. 2 In all other districts, more than one structure housing a permitted principal use may be erected on a single lot or building plot, but yard and other requirements of this UDO must be met for each structure as though each were on an individual lot or building plot. 3 A minimum side setback of 7.5 feet is required for each building or group of contiguous buildings. D. Access Required 1 Every building hereafter erected or moved shall be on a lot or building plot with direct access on one of the following: a® a public street; • b® an approved private street; c® a public or private street via a public alley; or d. an approved private access easement. 2 All structures shall be so located on lots or building plots as to provide safe and convenient access for servicing, fire protection, and the required on-site parking. E. Major Recreational Equipment For the purpose of these regulations, major recreational equipment is defined as including boats and boat trailers, travel trailers, pick-up campers or coaches (designed to be mounted on automotive vehicles), motorized dwellings, tent trailers, and the like, and cases or boxes used for transporting recreational equipment, whether occupied by such 6-1 City of College Station,Texas Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 6.District Development Standards Section 6.2.Residential District Standards equipment or not. No such equipment shall be used for living, sleeping, home occupation or household purposes when parked or stored on a residential lot or in any location not approved for such use. The storage area for such equipment shall be a pad of asphalt or concrete. A minimum six-foot high screening fence shall be placed around the equipment or parallel to the front, side and any property lines abutting streets. 6.2 Residential District Standards A Residential Dimensional Standards The following table illustrates the dimensional standards that apply in the City's base Residential districts: Residential Zoning Districts I. Standard 11S-13 :2M-9 -; -1IM-1 2 Lot Dimensions 5 8,000 5,000 3,500 2,000 2,000 Lot Area, Minimum 1 acre acres SF SF SF SF SF Lot Width, Minimum — 50 feet 35 feet 20 feet 20 feet Lot Depth, Minimum 100 feet 100 feet 100 feet 100 feet 50 25 Minimum Yards feet feet Front Yard 50 feet 50 25 feet 25 feet 25 feet 25 feet 25 25 feet Rear yard 25 feet feet 25 feet 25 feet 20 feet 20 feet fet 20 feet Side Yard 20 feet 25 7.5 feet 7.5 feet 7,5 feet -- Street Side Yard 15 feet feet 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet 25 15 feet feet 35 Height, Maximum 35 feet 35 35 feet 35 feet 35 feet 35 feet 35 feet feet feet Dwelling Units/Acre Maximum Gross — 0.84 3.08 4.34 6.21 10.14 ?? 10.14 Maximum Net 1.00 6.00 8.00 9.00 12.00 18.00 24.00 Building Coverage, Max. — 45% 40% 55% 55% 55% 65% Minimum Open Space — 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% B. Lot Dimensions 1. Lot Area a. Exceptions No building permit or development approval may be issued for a lot that does not meet the minimum lot area requirements of this UDO except in the following cases: (1) Nonconforming lots may be used in accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 9.4. 6-2 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 6. District Development Standards Section 6.2. Residential District Standards ( ' (2) Utilities using land or an unoccupied building covering less than 1,000 square feet of site area shall be exempt from minimum lot area standards. b. Absence of Sewer or Water In the absence of public water or public sewer, no building permit shall be issued until the lot meets all applicable requirements of this UDO and the Texas Department of Health and Environtal Cot | A septicsysternthat has been approved by the Brazos County Health Department may be permitted if an exception to sewer service has been granted uner Chapter 11, Section 2 of the City's Code of Ordinances. C. Required Yards (Setbacks)��� 1~ In General a. No structure that is taller than eight feet in height and that has a roof structure that completely or partially blocks the view to the sky shall be located within the required setback area unless specifically allowed in Section 6.2C.3 below. b. No part of a yard, or other open space required in connection with any building, building plot, or use for the purpose of complying with this UDO, shall be included for any other building, building plot, or use as part of a yard or open space ^ \ / 2. Side Yard Reduction a. Development with no side yard setbacks on both sides is allowed only for townhouses, rowhouses and nonresidential uses. b. Construction on interior lots with no side yard or setback is allowed only where access to the rear of the building is provided on the site or by dedicated right-of-way or easement. Such dedicated right-of-way or easement shall be a minimum of 20 feet in width. 3. Features Allowed Within Required Yards The following features may be located within a required yard: a~ Trees, shrubbery or other landscape features. b. Fences and walls. c. Driveways may be located in front and street side yards. d. Sidewalks may be located within any required yard. e. Utility lines, wires and associated structures, such as power poles. f. Mechanical equipment such as air conditioning units, pool pumps and similar equipment. City of College StationTexas 6-3 Article 6. District Development Standards Section 6.2.Residential DistricStandards g. Uncovered porches, uncovered steps to building entrances, uncovered patio decks and uncovered balconies may extend up to six feet into any required front, rear or street side setback. h. Openwork fire balconies and fire escapes may extend up to six feet into any required setback. i. Sills, belt courses, cornices, buttresses, chimneys, flues, eaves and other architectural features may extend up to 18 inches into any required yard. j. Balconies or decks located more than eight feet from the ground may project up to six feet into the required front yard. k. Paved areas for parking that cover less than 50 percent of the required front yard may be permitted, provided that a continuous three-foot hedge or berm shall be required along two sides of the parking area, one of which shall be between the parking area and the street or sidewalk. I. Accessory structures that do not require building permits. m. :us stops that offer shelter from the ele ents. Such shelters may be located within a front or side street yard. Shelters may be located within a public right-of-way if a Private Improvement in Public Right-of-Way Permit has been duly issued. All such shelters must comply with the sign regulations in Section 7.3. 4. Contextual Front Yard Setback Where an existing block was created by plat prior to July 15, 1970, a new single- family dwelling unit shall use the adjacent lots to determine the appropriate front yard setback. The new dwelling unit shall be set no closer to the street than the closest neighboring unit, and shall be set no further back from the street than the furthest neighboring unit. 5. Side Yard Setback Reduct0oms on Narrow Co ner Lots Where the front, interior side and rear setbacks of the underlying zoning district reduce the buildable width of a corner lot to less than 40 feet, the inistrator shall be authorized to reduce the required front setback on the longer street side as much as necessary to increase the buildable width to 40 feet. In the event the street sides of such lot are of equal length, the reduction shall be made on the side which lies on the shorter side of the block. 6. Reduction for Public Purpose When an existing setback is reduced because of a recent or pending conveyance to a federal, state or local government for a public purpose and the remaining setback is at least 50 percent of the required minimum setback for the district in which it is located, then that remaining setback will be deemed to satisfy the minimum setback standards of this UDO. For the purposes of this paragraph, such conveyance shall have occurred within one year immediately proceedinsubmittal 6-4 City of College Station,Texas printed 1025/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 6. District Development Standards Section 6.2. Residential District Standards for site plan approval, or be anticipated to occur within one year of site plan approval. D. Height 1. Measurement Building height refers to the vertical • distance between finished grade, or the base flood elevation where FLAT applicable, plus: SHED Ridge a The average height levelLine ------ between the eaves and ridge line of a gable, shed, hip or 14sssi(...:0 Eave ' - gambrel roof Line f h® The highest point of a mansard HIP Deck E roof; or Line C. The highest point of the coping GABLE Ai 1 of a flat roof. ..- fr` 2. Exceptions to Height Limits gl Unless otherwise expressly stated, MANSARD GAMBREL the height limitations of this UDO shall not apply to any of the following: , . Electrical power transmission lines; h® Flagpoles, belfries, cupolas, spires, domes, monuments, chimneys, radio/television receiving antennas or chimney flues; or c. Bulkhead, elevator, water tank, or any other similar structure or necessary mechanical appurtenance extending above the roof of any building where such structure does not occupy more than 33 percent of the area of the roof. E. 'welling Units/Acre 1 Gross Density The gross density is calculated by the total number of dwelling units on a site or subdivision by the total land area (in acres) of the parcel or subdivision. 2® Net Density The net density is calculated by dividing the total number of dwelling units on a site or subdivision by the net area (in acres) of the site on which the dwelling units are located. Net area shall be calculated by reducing the total land area of the site or subdivision by subtracting out any required or proposed open space. 3. The number of dwelling units allowed on a site is based on the presumption that all other applicable standards will be met. The maximum net density established for a City of College Station,Texas 6-5 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 6. District Development Standards Section 6.3.ConventionaResidential Development Requirement district is not a guarantee that such densities may be obtained nor' �| � ' ~^ inability of a development to achieve the stated maximum density be considered sufficient justification forvaryin� oroth�nwise adiustin� oth�rd�nsi�\ mr- intensity dimensional standards. F. Maximum uUUdUn10 Coverage The portion of a site covered by principal and accessory buildings ctures, as measured from the outside of the building or structure at ground level, shall not exceed the percentage of the net lot area shown in paragraph A above for the district in which the use is located. G. Minimum Open Space - � 1~ Minimum open space is required in all residential development where the lot size is smaller than one acre (see 6.2A). Open space areas may include recreational lands, wetlands, natural stormwater management areas 2. In the NG-R District, open space may also include urban elements of open seace such as plazas at the discretion of the Administrator. 6.3 Conventional Residential Development Requirements A. Development Density ( \ All conventional single-family residential development shall not exceed the overall gross density for the district as set forth in Section 6.2A. B. Two-Family Development 1. The minimum lot width fore two-family dwelling may be reduced to 30 feet/unit when all required off-street parking is provided in the rear or side yard. 2. Where parking is provided in the front yard, an eight-foot landscaped setback shall be required between the property line and the nearest side of the parking pad. This eight-foot setback area must be landscaped and contain a three-foot high screen consisting of a continuous berm, hedge, or wall. In addition, an eight-foot landscaped setback shall be required between the dwelling unit and the nearest side of the parking pad. 3. The minimum front yard setback may be reduced to 15 feet when approved rear access is provided, or when side yard or rear yard parking is provided. C. Townhouse or Rowhouse Development 1. A minimum side setback of 7.5 feet is required for each building if it is on a corner lot or at the end of a row of townhouses. In the case of interior lots between end townhouses, no setback shall be required. 2. The minimum front setback may be reduced to 15 feet when approved rear access is provided, or when side yard or rear yard parking is provided. 6-6 City of College Station,Texas printed 1025/200/ (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 6. District Development Standards Section 6.3.Conventional Residential Development Requirements D. Multifamily Development 1 A minimum side setback of 7.5 feet is required for each building or group of contiguous buildings. No side setback is required for interior units. 2® The minimum front setback may be reduced to 15 feet when approved rear access is provided, or when side yard or rear yard parking is provided. E. Accessory Structures The following requirements apply to all single-family residential development. 1® Garages and Carports Garages and carports require a minimum rear setback of 20 feet. A minimum side street setback of 20 feet is required for garages or carports that face onto side streets. 2 Accessory Buildings or Structures for Living Quarters a Accessory buildings or structures used for living quarters for family or servants must meet the minimum rear setback for the district in which the accessory building or structure is located, as set forth in paragraph A above. b® The maximum size shall not exceed 25 percent of the area of the principal structure. For the purposes of this calculation, the square footage of a garage shall not be considered part of the principal structure. c® On lots with approved rear access, all setbacks shall be measured from the nearest boundary of the access easement or alley. When a private rear access easement separates parking from the accessory dwelling, there shall be a five- foot rear setback measured from the edge of the easement closest to the dwelling. On all other lots rear setbacks shall be measured from the rear property line. In no event shall more than 30 percent of the rear yard area (that portion of the yard between the rear setback line of the principal structure and the rear property line) be covered with accessory buildings, structures or uses. 3 All Other Accessory Buildings and Structures Accessory buildings, structures or uses other than garages, carports and living quarters for family or servants require a minimum rear setback of 15 feet and a maximum building eave height of 8 feet is allowed. 4 Residential Fences a® Residential front yard fences (those fences located between the road right-of- way and the front setback line) shall be limited to six feet in height. Fences not located in the required front yard shall be limited to eight feet in height. b® Residential fences of wood, chain-link or similar material less than eight feet in height; and, fences of brick, stone, concrete or similar material less than six feet in height shall not be construed to be structures, nor shall they require a building permit. City of College Station,Texas 6-7 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 6,District Development Standards Section 63.Conventional Residential Development Requirements ® Residential fences in any design district shall be approved by the Design Review Board. ® In the case of fences or walls, height shall be measured from ground level on the higher side of the fence or wall. F. R—MH District Design Standards 1. Dimensional Requirements RWiti District Park Area, Minimum 2 acres Density, Maximum 10 dwelling units per acre (gross density) Building Coverage, Maximum 40% of parcel Setbacks Manufactured Home to Public Street 25 feet Manufactured Home to Lot Line 15 feet Manufactured Home to Interior 10 feet Street, Parking or Common Area Separation Requirements Between Two Manufactured Homes 15 feet Manufactured Home to Private None Required Storage tuilding 2. Site Plan/Landscaping Requirements The construction, reconstruction, alteration, or enlargement of a manufactured home park must be pursuant to an approved site plan. In addition to the requirements contained in paragraph 1 above, the following development requirements shall be provided: a. suffer Yards (1) All manufactured home parks located adjacent to property developed as residential, commercial or industrial uses shall provide screening of six foot high fences combined with a 20-foot landscaped area along the property boundary line separating the park and such adjacent uses. Four canopy trees (minimum 2" caliper), 16 understory trees (minimum 4 to 5 feet in height), and 24 shrubs (minimum 2 to 3 feet in height) shall be provided for every 100 lineal feet of common boundary. (2) Parking areas may be located within common parking areas or on individual HUD-code manufactured home lots, provided that the parking required for each HUD-code manufactured home must be located within 200 feet of the home. (3) Each HUD-code manufactured homes lot shall have access to public utilities, and it shall have vehicular access to either a public right-of-way or private drive. 6-8 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 6. District Development Standards Section 6.3.Conventional Residential Development Requirements 3. Permits Required In no case shall a new or reintroduced mobile home, as defined in Article 11, be permitted for placement in the City. The placement or replacement of an individual HUD-code manufactured home within an approved manufactured home park shall be pursuant to a Location Permit issued by the Building Official and Administrator. The application for such a permit shall be accompanied by a location plan including the following information: a. Location plan showing the dimension of the site, required setback lines, the placement of the HUD-code manufactured home, the designated parking, and • • • . • any existing structures on the same or adjoining lots. b® A signed, dated application, requesting permission to locate the structure on the lot. c. A legal description of the location of the property within the City. d® An indication of the proposed delivery route to the designated site. Deliver routes shall not include residential streets, unless the designated site has sole frontage on the affected residential street. An Electrical Permit will also be required before any electrical service may be extended to a HUD-code manufactured home. Application shall be in accordance with the most current edition of the National Electrical Code. 4 Accessory Uses The following accessory uses shall be permitted in the RMH zoning district: a. Laundry buildings; b. Maintenance buildings; and c® Recreational areas. 5. Individual HUD-Code Manufactured Home Requirements a Skirting All HUD-code manufactured homes within the park shall be skirted with brick vinyl, or other solid skirting materials within four months of occupancy of the lot. b. Trailer Hitches All trailer hitches and other devices designed to aid in the transport of the manufactured homes must be removed within four months of occupancy of the lot. City of College Station,Texas 6-9 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 6. DistricDevelopment Standards Section 6.4.Alternative Single-Family ResidentiaDevelopment 6.4 Alternative Single-Family Residential Development A. Purpose The alternative development options of this section allfor variety in development standards while maintaining the overall character of a single-dwelling neighborhood. These options have several public benefits: 1. They allow for development which is more sensitive to the environment; 2. They allow for the preservation of open and natural areas; 3. They promote better site layout and opportunities for private recreational areas; 4. They promote opportunities for affordable housing; and 5. They promote energy-efficient development. ~ General The alternative deelopment options listed in this Section are allowed by right in any single-family residential district unless otherwise expressly stated. The project must comply with all of the applicable development standards of this Section. The project must also comply with all other development standards of the base zoning district unless those standards are superceded by the standards in this section. C. Development Density Alternative single-family residential development shall not exceed either the overall gross density or the maximum net density for the district as set forth in Section 6.2A. D. Zero Lot Line 1. Demcri 'don A zero lot line development is where houses in a development on a common street frontage are shifted to one side of their lot. This provides for greater usable yard space on each lot. These developments require that planning for all of the house locations be done at the same time. Because the exact location of each house is predetermined, greater flexibility in site development standards are possible while assuring that single-dwelling character is maintained. 2. Procedure Zero lot line developments are allowed by right. Review for compliance with the standards of this section shall occur during the subdivision platting process. Restrictions that assure the minimum distance between houses and any required easements must be recorded on the plats of the applicable lots. Proof of such recordation must be submitted as part of the building permit application. 3. Setbacks The side building setback may be reduced to zero on one side of the house. This reduction does not apply to the street side setback or to the interior side setback - ' adjacent to lots that are not part of the zero lot line project. The reduced setback 6-10 City of College Station,Texas printed 1025/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 6. District Development Standards Section 6.4.Alternative Single-Family Residential Development '. may be located anywhere between the lot line and the minimum setback required for the district. The remaining side yard setback shall be equal to two times the side yard setback required for the district. . � 4, Additional Standards a. Distance Between Houses - ' The inimum distance betvveen all buildings in the development must be equal to twice the required side setback required by the underlying zoning district. A deed restriction must be recorded on the deed of each applicable ot` `to ensure continued compliance vvith this setback. b~ Eaves The eaves on the side of a house with a reduced setback may project a maximum of 18 inches over the adjacent property line. In this case, an easement for the eave projection must be recorded on the deed for the lot where the projection occurs ���� ance _����t An easement between the two property owners to allow for maintenance or repair of the house is required when the eaves or side wall of the house are within four feet of the adjacent property line. The easement on the adjacent � \ property must provide at least five feet of unobstructed space between the furthermost project of the structure and the edge of the easement. d~ Privacy If the side wall of the house is on the property line, or within three feet of the property line, windows or other openings that allow for visibility into the side yard of the adjacent lot are not allowed. Windows that do not allow visibility into the side yard of the adjacentlot, such as a clerestory window or a translucent windoware allowed. All materials within three feet of the prope line shall be fire-rated to meet building code requirements. E. Cluster Development A cluster development is a residential subdivision in which the lots are allowed to be smaller (in area and width) than otherwise required for the underlying, base zoning district, but in which the overall density cannot exceed the maximum density limit for the underlying zoning isth Through the cluster development option, a subdivision can contain no more lots than '-would otherwise be allowed for a conventional subdivision in the same zoning district, but the individual lots within the development could be smaller than required in a conventional subdivision. Smaller lot sizes within a cluster development are required to be offset by a corresponding increase in open space. City of College Station, Texas 6-11 Article 6. District Development Standards Section 6.4.Alternative Single-Family Residential Development 1. Conflict with Other Regulations If there is a conflict between the cluster development standards of this Section and any other requirement of this UDO, the standards of this section control. Where no conflict exists, a cluster development is subject to all other applicable requirements of this UDO. 2. Where Allowed Cluster developments are allowed in all zoning districts. 3. Approval Procedure Cluster Developments are subject to the subdivision procedures set forth in Section 3.12. 4. Lot Size There is no set minimum lot size (area or width) requirement within a cluster development. Individual lot sizes must be adequate to meet all required density and development standards. Minimum lot sizes may be established by the Planning and Zoning Commission during the subdivision process. 5. Setbacks and Building Separations The minimum setback standards of the base zoning district apply along the perimeter of a cluster development. All detached structures within a cluster development must be separated by a minimum distance of ten feet. 6® Open S•ace a. On-Site Open Space Cluster developments shall be subject to the minimum on-site open space standards of the base zoning district, if applicable. b. Common Open Space (1) Minimum Requirement. Common open space is required within a cluster development to ensure that the overall density within the development does not exceed the maximum density allowed by the underlying zoning district. Common open space must be provided in an amount at least equal to the difference between: (a) The actual, average lot area per dwelling unit within the cluster development; and (b) The required lot area per dwelling unit for conventional development within the underlying base zoning district. (2) Use of Common Open Space.Common open space must be set aside and designated as an area where no development will occur, other than project-related recreational amenities or passive open space areas. The Planning and Zoning Commission may require that up to 50 percent of 6-12 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 6. District Development Standards Section 6.5.Nonresidential District Standards required common open space be useable recreational space, if deemed necessary by the Planning and Zoning Commission to ensure adequate recreational amenities for residents of the development 6.5 Nonresidential District Standards A. Nonresidential Dimensional Standards The following table illustrates the dimensional standards that apply in the City's nonresidential districts. NO44104004i4j:x9:06gipjOittsz, 01-7 T:5') iL Lot Dimensions Lot Area, Min. — none none none none none Lot Width, Min. 24 feet 24 feet 24 feet 24 feet 100 feet none Lot Depth, Min. -- 100 feet 100 feet 100 feet 200 feet none Minimum Yards Front Yard 25 feet 25 feet 25 feet 25 feet 25 feet 25 feet Rear yard 15 feet 15 feet 40 feet 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet Side Yard — 40 feet — Side Yard, St. 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet 25 feet Maximum Height 35 feet 35 feet 35 feet 35 feet 60 feet 60 feet Max. Building 50% 50% 75% 75% 75% 80% 1 Coverage Nonresidential Zoning Di tricts Standard NG=T NGC W Lot Dimensions Lot Area, Min. ?? Reserved Reserved Reserved Lot Width, Min. Lot Depth, Min. Minimum Yards Front Yard Rear yard ?? Reserved Reserved Reserved Side Yard Side Yard, St. Maximum Height ?? Reserved Reserved Reserved Max. Building Coverage ?? Reserved Reserved Reserved B. Lot Dimensions 1. Lot Area . Exceptions No building permit or development approval may be issued for a lot that does not meet the minimum lot area requirements of this UDO except in the following cases: City of College Station,Texas 6-13 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 6. District Development Standards Section 6.5. Nonresidential DistricStandards (1) Nonconforming lots may be used in accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 9.4. (2) Utilities using land or an unoccupied building covering less than 1,000 square feet of site area shall be exempt from minimum lot area standards. b. Absence of Sewer or Water In the absence of public water or public sewer, no building permit shall be issued until the lot meetall applicable requirements of this UDO and the Texas Department of Health and Environmental Control. A septic system that has been approved by the Brazos County Health Department may be permitted if an exception to sewer service has been granted under Chapter 11, Section 2 of the City's Code of Ordinances. C. Required Yards (Setbacks) No @art of a yard or other open space required about or in connection with any building, building plot, or use for the purpose of complying with this UDO shall be included for any other building, building plot, or use as part of a yard or open space. 1~ Side Yard Reduction -~ - Development with no side yard setbacks on both sides is allowed only where � \ access to the rear of the building is provided on the site or by dedicated right-of- way or easement. 2. Features Allowed Within Required Yards The following features may be located within a required yard: a. Trees, shrubbery or other landscape features. b. Fences and walls. C. Nwrivevvays may be located in front and street side yards. d. Sidewalks may be located within any required yard. e. Utility lines, wires and associated structures, such as power poles. f. Mechanical equipment such as air conditioning units, pool pumps and similar equipment. g. Uncovered porches, uncovered steps to building entrances, uncovered patio decks and uncovered balconies may extend up to six feet into any required front, rear or street side setback. h. Openwork fire balconies and fire escapes may extend up to six feet into any required setback. U. Sills, belt courses, cornices, buttresses, chimneys, flues, eaves and other architectural features may extend up to 18 inches into any required yard. 6-14 City of College Station,Texas Article 6. District Development Standards Section 6.5.Nonresidential District Standards j. Balconies or decks located more than eight feet from the ground may project up to six feet into the required front yard. 3. Contextual Setbacks Notwithstanding the front setback requirements of the underlying zoning district, the front building wall of any structure or addition to a structure may be as close to the street as the front building wall of a structure located on any lot that is immediately adjacent to the subject lot. If the subject lot is located between two developed lots, the front building wall of the structure that is set back further from the street shall apply to the subject lot. 4® Side Yard Setback Reductions on Narrow Corner Lots Where the front, interior side and rear setbacks of the underlying zoning district reduce the buildable width of a corner lot to less than 40 feet, the Administrator shall be authorized to reduce the required front setback on the longer street side as much as necessary to increase the buildable width to 40 feet. In the event the street sides of such lot are of equal length, the reduction shall be made on the side which lies on the shorter side of the block. 5 Front Yards on Narrow Streets Where a lot abuts a dedicated street that has been accepted for City maintenance with a right-of-way width of less than 50 feet, the required front setback shall be measured from a line measured 25 feet from the center of such right-of-way. 6® Reduction for Public Purpose When an existing setback is reduced because of a recent or pending conveyance to a federal, state or local government for a public purpose and the remaining setback is at least 50 percent of the required minimum setback for the district in which it is located, then that remaining setback will be deemed to satisfy the minimum setback standards of this UDO. For the purposes of this paragraph, such conveyance shall have occurred within one year immediately proceeding submittal for site plan approval, or be anticipated to occur within one year of site plan approval. D. Height 1® Measurement Building height refers to the vertical distance between finished grade, or the base flood elevation where applicable, plus: a® The average height level between the eaves and ridge line of a gable, hip or gambrel roof; b® The highest point of a mansard roof; or c. The highest point of the coping of a flat roof. City of College Station,Texas 6-15 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 6. District Development Standards Section 6.5. Nonresidential District Standards 2. Exceptions to Height Limits Unless otherwise expressly stated, the height limitations of this UDO shall not apply to any of the following: a. Electrical power transmission lines; b. Flagpoles, belfries, cupolas, spires, domes, monuments, chimneys, radio/television receiving antennas or chimney flues; c. Bulkhead, elevator, water tank, or any other similar structure or necessary mechanical appurtenance extending above the roof of any building where such structure does not occupy more than 33 percent of the area of the roof; or d. Cellular towers erected in accordance with all applicable sections of this UDO. E. Maximum Building Coverage The portion of a site covered ey erincipal and accessory buildings and structures, as measured from the outside of the building or structure at ground level, shall not exceed the percentage of the net lot area shown in paragraph A above for the district in which the use is located. F. C-1.. District ,/esi• n Standards The following special restrictions are applicable to all development located within C-L Districts: 1. Maximum building floor area shall not exceed 10,000 square feet. 2. No C-L zoning district shall exceed 2 acres in area. 3. Adjacent C-L zoning districts shall not exceed a combined total of 2 acres in area. 4. A retail sales and service use in the C-L District shall be limited to 2,000 square feet of floor area per establishment. 5® Minimum lot depth on a site of one acre or less site shall be 150 feet; on a site greater than 1 acre in size, minimum lot depth shall be 250 feet. 6. No restaurants providing on-premise consumption or commercial amusements shall be allowed. 7. Special Restrictions a. In reviewing a project, the Design Review Board may require traffic and parking impact studies, a review of existing occupancy, and other reasonable data to determine the impact of the project. 6-16 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 6. District Development Standards Section 6.5. Nonresidential District Standards G. B-P District Design Standards 1. Performance Criteria for All Uses a. Buffer Yards (1) The buffer yard is a combination of setback and visual barrier with the plantings required thereon. Both the amount of land and type plantings are designed to separate different zoning districts from each other and to separate different types of land uses from each other. Buffer yards shall be located on the outer perimeter of a lot or parcel, extending to the boundary line. They shall not be located on any portion of an existing or dedicated public or private street or right-of-way. The building setback area may be contained within the buffer yard area. (2) Buffer yard areas shall be excluded from the land area used to calculate landscape point requirements under Section 7.5B, and the plantings thereon do not count toward the required landscape points. (3) Buffer areas shall be irrigated. Irrigation is optional when using the buffer yard with the masonry wall or when existing natural vegetation is used to meet buffer area requirements. (4) tuffer areas may be used for passive recreational activities or storm water management. They may contain pedestrian, bike or equestrian trails provided that no plant material is eliminated, the required width is maintained and all other regulations are met. In no event, shall any active recreation activities occur such as swimming pools, tennis courts, etc. (5) No parking or building shall be allowed in any buffer yard area. (6) No required buffer yard plantings shall be located in any storm water detention area. (7) Buffer yards must be in place prior issuance of any building permit in the B-P District., Buffer yard plantings and any wall details must be approved by the Administrator prior to installation and must meet the specifications in the City's approved plant list for buffers and wall specifications. Fifty percent of buffer yard plantings must be evergreen. b. Buffer yards are required in the following circumstances: (1) When this district abuts residentially zoned land or land that has been platted for residential development, (2) When this district is separated from residentially zoned land or land that has been platted for residential development by a street (any required streetscape plantings shall be counted toward any required buffer yard plantings) (3) When this district abuts land that is not zoned or developed for residential uses, but where an existing residence(s) is located within 100 City of College Station,Texas 6-17 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 6. District Development Standards Section 6.5. Nonresidential District Standards feet of the B-P District boundary line, the buffer yard shall extend 100 feet along the common property line and shall be placed in such a location as to maximize screening of the existing residence from the proposed development and any adverse impacts of the development. This buffer yard location shall be established at the time of site plan approval and must be in place prior to building permit issuance on the B-P District property. (4) When this district abuts non-residentially zoned or developed property there is no buffer yard requirement. (5) In cases where the property does not equal a multiple of 100 feet, the buffer yard planting shall still be required, based on a percentage of the length present. If the buffer yard area is already heavily wooded then additional plantings and irrigation may not required. Calculations that result in portions of trees or shrubs (.5 or greater) shall be rounded upward. c. Minimum Lot Dimensions: The minimum lot width and depth shall be 100 feet each, but the minimum lot area shall also be 20,000 square feet. d. impervious Surface: Impervious surface is a measure of land use intensity and is the proportion of a site occupied by impervious surfces including, but not limited to, buildings, sidewalks, drives and parking. No more than 70% of ( \ a lot or site in this zoning district shall be covered with an impervious surface. e. Floor Area Ratio: Floor Area Ratio (FAR) is a non-residential land use intensity measure analogous to density. It is the sum of the areas of several floors of a building compared to the total area of the site. The maximum FAR in this district shall not ezceed.50. f. Building Setbacks: The minimum building setback from all prnlerty lines shall be 30 feet. When abutting non-residentially zoned or used land the rear setback may be reduced to 20 feet. g. Building He^g,`tc No portion of any structure or building in this district and within 75 feet of an existing platted residential property line or within 100 feet of an existing residence on an unplatted tract, shall exceed one story or 20 feet in height. When greater than 75 feet from a residential property line, the maximum height shall not exceed 2 stories or 35 feet. h. Building Materials: All main buildings shall have not less than ninety (90%) percent of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and window walls, constructed or faced with brick, stone, masonry, stucco or precast concrete panels. i. Lighting: All exterior lighting designed for security, illumination, parking lot illumination or advertising shall be designed pointing downward to ensure that it does not extend into adjacent residential properties. Nighttime lighting shall be low level lighting and so situated as to not directly or indirectly extend into adjacent residential properties. 6~18 City of College StationTexas printed 1025/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 6. District Development Standards Section 6.5. Nonresidential District Standards j® Utility Service: All new utility services or upgrading of existing services shall be installed underground according to City standards. k Signs: Any detached or freestanding signage shall meet the criteria established in Section 12 of the Zoning Ordinance relating to low profile signs. Materials shall match building facade materials 2. Any applicable State and/or Federal regulations regarding the following criteria shall be followed as well. a Noise: All uses and activities conducted within this zoning district shall conform to the requirements and limitations set forth in the City of College Station Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Section 2: Noise. b Odors: No operation shall permit odors to be released which are detectable at the property line. c® Outdoor Storage: No outdoor storage shall be allowed in BP that is greater than 1,000 square feet or 10 percent of the area of the principal building, whichever is less. The height of merchandise, materials, and equipment stored or displayed shall not exceed the height of the screening fence or wall. d. Other District Regulations: Uses should be designed to provide adequate access and internal circulation such that travel through residentially zoned or developed areas is precluded. All processes are to be conducted inside buildings and there shall be no outside storage or business activity. Any business operations occurring during the hours between 7 p.m. and 6 a.m. must meet all the performance criteria established in this section, as well as limit vehicular access into the site through a designated access point that mitigates any adverse impacts of the traffic on surrounding residential areas. 3 ksditional Standards This section may be applied to any conditional use proposed in this district when either the Administrator or Development Engineer believe that the existing performance standards contained in this UDO are insufficient to address the proposed use because of its technology or processes and thus, will not effectively protect adjacent existing or future land uses, one or both shall so advise the Planning and Zoning Commission in writing. In such cases, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall hold a hearing to determine whether a professional investigation or analysis should be performed to identify and establish additional reasonable standards. If so determined, based on the information presented at the hearing, the Planning and Zoning Commission will identify the areas to be investigated and analyzed and will direct the staff to conduct the appropriate research necessary to develop standards for successful management of the new project. Any and all costs incurred by the City to develop additional standards shall be charged to the applicant and included as an addition to the cost of either the building permit fee or zoning application fee. City of College Station,Texas 6-19 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 6. District Development Standards Section 6.6.Planned Development(PD)Districts 6®6 Planned Development (PD) Districts A. Permitted Uses Any use or combination of uses previously authorized by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council through the PD zoning process is permitted in a Planned Development District, with the exception of those prohibited uses listed in paragraph B below. B. Prohibited Uses The following uses are not permitted in any PD District: 1. Sexually-oriented businesses; and 2. Mobile or manufactured housing. 6®7 Wolf Pen Creek District (WPC) A. Dedication/Development of Drainage and Pedestrian Accessways [EDITOR'S NOTE® reserved for pending dedication ordinance.] B. Fill Materials 1. Fill materials must be placed or stored in accordance with a site plan approved by the Design Review Board. 2. Fill must not be placed over existing utility lines without permission of the City of College Station. 3. Fill must not be stored or placed under the driplines of any tree three inches or greater in caliper. 4. Stored fill materials must be maintained in an aesthetically pleasing manner. 5. Materials may be hauled in or excavated for lake construction. C. Miscellaneous Structures and Street Hardware 1. Miscellaneous structures and street hardware shall be designed to be part of the architectural concept of design and landscape. Materials shall be compatible with buildings, scale shall be good, colors shall be in harmony with buildings and surroundings, and proportions shall be attractive. 2. Lighting in connection with miscellaneous structures and street hardware shall meet the criteria applicable to site, landscape, buildings and signs. D. Development Criteria 1. General a. This Section is intended to ensure that development occurs in compliance with the Master Plan for the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor. Pertinent to appearance 6-20 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 6. District Development Standards Section 6.7.Wolf Pen Creek District(WPC) is the design of the site, building and structures, planting, signs, street hardware, and miscellaneous other objects that are observed by the public. b® These criteria are not intended to restrict imagination, innovation, or variety, but rather to assist in focusing on design principles, which can result in creative solutions that will develop a satisfactory visual appearance within the city, preserve taxable values, and promote the public health, safety, and welfare. C. In order to create and then preserve a distinctive atmosphere and character in the Wolf Pen Creek Development Corridor the following elements shall be considered in the review of all projects and proposals for development: 2. Utility Service All new utility services or upgrading of existing services shall be installed underground by the developer according to City standards. 3. Lighting a. On-site lighting shall be positioned to reduce glare and undesirable light. A listing of acceptable fixtures and lights will be made available and will be those typical fixtures and lights used by the City's Parks and Recreation Department. Sodium lights shall not be installed or used in the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor. Lighting to provide security or crime prevention or as a requirement for insurance shall be allowed. b. Exterior lighting shall be part of the architectural concept. Fixtures, standards and all exposed accessories shall be harmonious with building design. 4. Garbage a. On-site garbage collection points shall be identified on the site plan. Owners shall be encouraged in the joint use of property garbage collection agreements. Collection points may also act as vehicular access points for park maintenance vehicles. b. Building service areas and garbage collection points shall be screened from the creek corridor, trail system, parking areas, and dedicated streets and shall not be within 20 feet of the minimum reservation line. Screening shall consist of living plant materials, fences and/or walls. S. Relationship of Buildings to Site a. The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition with the streetscape and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and parking areas. b. Site planning in which setbacks and yards are in excess of zoning restrictions is encouraged to provide an interesting relationship between buildings. City of College Station,Texas 6-21 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 6. District Development Standards Section 6.7.`Wolf Pen Creek District(WPC) ' ` | C. Parking areas shall be treated with decorative elements, building wall extensions, plantings, berms, or other innovative means so as to screen parking areas from view from public ways. d. The height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing (or anticipated) adjoining buildings. e~ Setbacks shall meet those of the C-G, General Commercial District for all commercial uses. f. All developments adjacent to Wolf Pen Creek shall orient the principal building façade to the floodplain of the creek and have pedestrian access to the trail system. 6. Relationship of Buildings and Site to Adjoining Area a. Adjacent buildings of different architectural styles shall be made compatible by such means as screens, sight breaks, and materials. b. Attractive landscape transition to adjoining properties shall be provided. c. Harmony in texture, lines and masses is requid. Monotony shall be avoided. cl~ Joint vehicular access agreements from dedicated streets are encouraged and may be required by the Planning and Zoning Commission upon recommendation of the Design Review Board. � ) e. Park access easements for vehicular and pedestrian traffic shall be indicated on the site plan. f. Elevation drawings showing the side of the building facing the park space shall be provided at the Design Review Board meeting. g. All developments adjacent to Wolf Pen Creek shall orient the principal building facade to the floodplain of the creek and have pedestrian access to the trail system. 7. Building Desig a. Architectural style is not restricted. Evaluation of the appearance of a project shall be based on the quality of its design and relationship to surroundings. b. Buildings shall have good scale and be in harmonious conformance with permanent neighboring development. c. Materials shall have good architectural character and shall be selected for harmony of the building with adjoining buildings. d. Materials shall be selected for suitability to the type of buildings and the design in which they are used. Buildings shall have the same materials, or those that are architecturally harmonious, used for all building walls and other exterior building components wholly or partly visible from public ways. e. Materials shall be ofdurable qua|ity ' 6-22 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 6. District Development Standards Section 6.7.Wolf Pen Creek District(WPC) f® In any design in which the structural frame is exposed to view, the structural materials shall be compatible within themselves and harmonious with their surroundings. g Building components, such as windows, doors, eaves, and parapets, shall have good proportions and relationships to one another. h® Colors shall be harmonious and shall use only compatible accents. • Mechanical equipment or other utility hardware on roof, ground, or buildings shall be screened from public view with materials harmonious with the building, or they shall be so located as not to be visible from any public ways. j. Monotony of design in single or multiple building projects shall be avoided. Variation of detail, form, and siting shall be used to provide visual interest. In multiple building projects, variable siting or individual buildings may be used to prevent a monotonous appearance. 8 Landscaping Landscape elements included in these criteria consist of all forms of planting and vegetation, ground forms, rock groupings, water patterns, and all visible construction except buildings and utilitarian structures. In addition to the requirements of Section 7.5, all landscaping shall meet the following: a® Where natural or existing topographic patterns contribute to beauty and utility of a development, they shall be preserved and developed. Modification to topography will be permitted where it contributes to good appearance. h® Grades of walks, parking spaces, terraces, and other paved areas shall provide an inviting and stable appearance for walking and, if seating is provided, for sitting. c. Landscape treatment shall be provided to enhance architectural features, strengthen vistas and important axes, and provide shade. d® Unity of design shall be achieved by repetition of certain plant varieties and other materials and by correlation with adjacent developments. e Plant material shall be selected for interest in its structure, texture, and color and for its ultimate growth. Plants that are indigenous to the area and others that will be hardy, harmonious to the design and of good appearance shall be used. f. In locations where plants will be susceptible to injury by pedestrian or motor traffic, they shall be protected by appropriate curbs, tree guards, or other devices. g Parking areas and traffic ways shall be enhanced with landscaped spaces containing trees or tree groupings. h. Where building sites limit planting, the placement of trees in parkways or paved areas is encouraged. City of College Station,Texas 6-23 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 6.District Development Standards Section 6 7 Wolf Pen Creek District(WPC) i. Screening of service yards and other places that tend to be unsightly shall be accomplished by use of walls, fencing, lanting, or combinations of these. Screen ing shall be equally effective in winter and summer. -. In areas where general planting will not prosper, other materials such as fences, walls, and pavings of wood, brick, stone, gravel, and cobbles shall be used. Carefully selected plantshall be combined with such materials where possible. `. ' 9~ Signs Commercial projects shall follow the requirements of the [-G, General Commercial District and multifamily projects shall follow the requirements for apartment identification signs in addition to meeting the following: ^ ` a~ Every sign shall be designed as an integral architectural element of the building and site to which it principally relates. b. Every sign shall have good scale and proportion in its design and in its visual relationship to buildings and surroundings. c. The colors, materials, and lighting of every sign shall be restrained and harmonious with the building and site to which it principally relates. d~ The nurnberofgraphic elements on a sign shall be held to the minimum needed to convey the sign's mjor message and shall be composed in ( \ proportion to the area of the sign face. e~ Each sishall be compatible with signs on adjoining premises and shall not compete for attention. f~ Identification signs of a prototype design and corporation logos shall conform to the criteria for all other signs. E. Maintenance 1~ Continued good appearance depends upon the extent and quality of maintenance. The choice of materials and their use, together with the types of finishes and other protective measures, must be conducive to easy maintenance and upkeep. 2~ Materials and finishes shall be selected for their durability and wear as well as for their beauty. Proper measures and devices shall be incorporated for protection against the elements, neglect, damage, and abuse. 3~ Provision for washing and cleaning of buildings and structures, and control of dirt and refuse, shall be included in the design. Configurations that tend to catch and accumulate debris, leaves, trash, dirt, and rubbish shall be avoided. 4. Major maintenance activities that occur after a project is complete shall be reviewed by the Design Review Board. These activities include any exterior painting other than minor touch'up, replacement of light fixtures or standards, major fence or landscape work or replacement. The intent here is to insure that the development standards of this UDO are maintained throughout the life of a project. 6-24 City of College Station,Texas printed 1025/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 6. District Development Standards Section 6.8. Northgate Districts(NG-T, NG C, NG-R) Northgate Districts (NGT, NG-C, NG-R) [EDITORSNOTE: Reserved for pending amendment.] 6®9 Corridor Overlay District (OV) A. Setbacks All buildings will be set back 40 feet from the right-of-way. Where parking is located in the front of the building, there shall be a front setback of 20 feet from the right-of-way to the parking area. E . Signs 1. Signs shall include no more than three colors and two lettering styles. At least one of the colors must match the predominant colors of the building. For the purposes of this section, black or white shall be considered as colors. 2. Freestanding signs shall be limited to the restrictions of Table I, but shall not exceed the height of the building. 3. No flags, pennants, banners, or other wind-driven devices will be permitted except for a 30 day period during the opening of an establishment. C. Electrical Utilities 1. All future feeder lines along University Drive shall be installed underground. 2. Overhead distribution lines may be permitted along rear property lines and no farther up side property lines than is necessary to access the rear property line of an adjacent property. 3. All customer service facilities (primary or secondary) within the Overlay District shall be underground. • Storage Outside storage or display shall be screened from the roadway. E. Screening If parking is in front of the building, it must be screened by: 1® An earth berm that measures three feet in height with a slope and profile that is easily maintainable; OR 2. A planting strip that is continuous and measures three feet in height at the end of one growing season (vegetation used for screening purposes shall not accrue points toward the landscape requirements); OR 3. A masonry wall that matches the architectural style and color of the development; OR 4. A combination of any of the three screening methods mentioned above. City of College Station,Texas 6-25 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 6. District Development Standards Section 6.9.Corridor Overlay District(OV) 5. Walls and planting strips shall be located at least two feet from any parking area. Screening must be maintained during the life of the development. Where the street and the adjacent site are at different elevations, the Design Review Board may alter the height of the screening to ensure adequate screening. Dumpsters shall not be visible from any right-of-way. F. Special Restriction for Gasoline Service Stations In cases where the underlying zoning district permits gasoline services stations and a station is proposed, the following restrictions shall apply: 1. Activities Restricted a. No major emergency auto repair. b. No body, fender, or paint work. c. No sale or rental of vehicles. d. All activities except fuel pumping and air and water facilities must be conducted within an enclosed building. e. Service bays and car wash bays shall be oriented to face away from any right- of-way. Where this is impossible, screening methods will be required. 2. Setbacks Front Side Rear Side Street Main building 40 feet 25 feet 25 feet 25 feet Fuel pumps 50 feet 25 feet 25 feet 25 feet Canopies 40 feet 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet 3. Storage and Display a. No outside storage or display of merchandise. b. Storage tanks must be located below grade. c. No outside storage of vehicles. d. Ice and vending machines must be enclosed in a building. e. No additional advertising within view of the R.O.W. 4. Signs a. Sign height shall be restricted by the provisions of Table I, but shall not exceed the height of the building. b. One detached sign and two attached signs will be permitted. c. No freestanding fuel price signage shall be permitted. 6-26 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 6. District Development Standards Section 6.9.Corridor Overlay District(OV) d. Signs for air, water and other similar services or products must meet the criteria for exempt signs. G. Building Colors Building colors shall be harmonious with the existing man-made or natural environment, and only compatible accent colors shall be used. All colors shall be approved by the Design Review Board. Elevation drawings and color samples must be provided by the applicant. City of College Station,Texas 6-27 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/2512001 Article 7 General Development Standards 7®1 Off-Street Parking and Loading Standards A. Purpose It is the purpose of this section to establish the guidelines for off-street parking spaces consistent with the proposed land use to: 1® Eliminate occurrence of non-resident on-street parking in adjoining neighborhoods; 2. Avoid the traffic congestion and public safety hazards caused by a failure to provide such parking space; and 3. Expedite the movement of traffic on public thoroughfares in a safe manner, thus increasing the carrying capacity of the streets and reducing the amount of land required for streets, thereby lowering the cost to both the property owner and the City. Off-Street L'arking Spaces Re. uired 1® In all districts, for all uses, at the time any building or structure is erected or enlarged or increased in capacity, or at any time any other use is established, there shall be provided off-street parking spaces for motor vehicles in accordance with the requirements specified herein. 2® Where off-street parking facilities are provided in excess of the minimum amounts specified by this section, or when off-street parking facilities are provided but not required, said off-street parking facilities shall comply with the minimum requirements for parking and maneuvering space as specified in this section. 3. It shall be unlawful to discontinue or dispense with, or cause the discontinuance or reduction of, the required parking facilities apart from the discontinuance of the building, use or structure, without establishing alternative off-street parking facilities, which meet these requirements. C. Dimensions and Access for Site Planned Facilities This Section applies to any development or redevelopment for uses other than single family, duplex or townhome residential uses. 1® Each off-street parking space for automobiles shall have an area of not less than nine feet by twenty feet and each stall shall be striped. 2. An eighteen-foot paved space may be utilized where an additional two feet of unobstructed area is provided for vehicle overhang. An eighteen-foot space may also be used when adjacent to a sidewalk provided that the minimum width of the sidewalk is six feet. 3. Each parking space and the maneuvering area thereto shall be located entirely within the boundaries of the building plot except as set forth in Chapter 3, College Station City Code. 4. All parking spaces, aisles and modules shall meet the minimum requirements, as shown in the following table. Provided in the table below are the minimum 7-1 City of College Station,Texas Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.1.Off-Street Parking and Loading Standards standards for two parking stall width options, nine-foot wide spaces and ten-foot wide spaces. PARKING SPACE AND AISLE DIMENSIONS latrati tAngle W401):$1C'70:0:011$41111CFMMOy_T:-: '1';'WWtW*41.!M AO:-AVte151 45 9 feet 21.1 feet 12 feet 20 feet 12.7 feet 54.2 feet 62.2 feet 45 10 feet 21.1 feet 12 feet 20 feet 14.1 feet 54.2 feet 62.2 feet 60 9 feet 22.3 feet 15 feet — 10.4 feet 59.6 feet 60 10 feet 22.3 feet 14 feet — 11.6 feet 58.6 feet — 90 9 feet 20 feet — 25 feet 9 feet — 65 feet 90 10 feet 20 feet — 24 feet 10 feet — 64 feet Parallel 9 feet 9 feet(width) 12 feet 24 feet 22 feet 30 feet 42 feet Off-street parking spaces (90 degree only) that abut a landscape island may be reduced in length to 18 feet provided that the island is a minimum of four feet in depth and protected by wheel stops or curb® 6. Off-street parking spaces (90 degree only) that abut a sidewalk adjacent to a building may be reduced in length to 18 feet provided that the sidewalk is a minimum of six feet in width. 7. The width of the alley may be assumed to be a portion of the maneuvering space requirement for off-street parking facilities located adjacent to a public alley. From the public right-of-way, there shall be a 24 foot setback to act as a landscape reserve. Existing trees of four inch caliper or more must be preserved (these may count toward street tree requirements). Parking may be allowed in this area but at a maximum of seven contiguous spaces and only if they are screened. More than one series of seven spaces may be permitted if a substantial amount of reserve remains intact and if the location of parking does not interfere with other streetscape requirements (See Section 7.5C). 9. With the exception of accessory structures, paved areas that are not arranged as parking spaces may be permitted within the 24 foot landscape reserve, but at a maximum of 1134 square feet and only if the area is screened. More than one series of 1134 square feet of pavement within the reserve may be permitted if a substantial amount of reserve remains intact and if the location of parking does not interfere with other streetscape requirements. Entrance driveways are permitted to traverse the reserve area and are not considered part of the reserve. 10. In no event shall pavement be located within 6 feet of a right-of-way, unless the pavement is part of an entrance driveway. D. End Islands for Site Planned Facilities This Section applies to any development or redevelopment for uses other than single family, duplex or townhome residential uses. 7-2 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.1.Off-Street Parking and Loading Standards 1. A raised island, encompassing not less than 180 square feet in area, shall be located at both ends of every interior parking row and at both ends of every peripheral parking row, regardless of the length of the row. E. Interior Islands for Site Planned Facilities This Section applies to any development or redevelopment for uses other than single family, duplex or townhome residential uses. 1. All interior islands shall be evenly distributed throughout the interior of the parking area . 2. For every fifteen interior parking spaces, 180 square feet of landscaping must se provided somewhere in the interior rows of the parking lot. Interior island areas may be grouped and configured as desired provided that circulation aisles remain clear. Interior islands may have sidewalks through them. 3. End island areas that exceed the minimum required may be counted toward the interior parking island requirement. F. Parking Lot Islands for Site Planned Facilities This Section applies to any development or redevelopment for uses other than single family, duplex or townhome residential uses. All parking lot islands must be raised at lease six inches and curbes, with the majority of the area of each island planted or treated with enhanced paving. The bottom areas of planted islands must be contiguous with uncompacted soil. G. Off-Premises Locations for Site Planned Facilities This Section applies to any development or redevelopment for uses other than single family, duplex or townhome residential uses. For any new use, building or structure where the required off-street parking cannot be provided on the premises secause of size or location of the lot or building plot, such parking may be provided on other property under the same ownership in fee simple or under a perpetual easement which commits the land for parking for the use, building or structure, not more than 200 feet distant from the building site provided the proposed parking area is located in a district where parking lots are permitted for that use. H. Requirements Apply to All Parking Areas Every parcel of land hereafter used as a public parking area, including commercial parking lots, automobile, farm equipment, HUD-code manufactured home, trailer or other open-air sales lot, shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the requirements in this Section. City of College Station,Texas 7-3 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.1.Off-Street Parking and Loading Standards I. Surfacing for Site Planned Facilities 1. This Section applies to any development or redevelopment for uses other than single family, duplex or townhome residential uses® General Except as otherwise provided, all off-street parking areas shall be constructed with a minimum allowable parking lot pavement of one and one-half inches of asphalt pavement of top on six inches of limestone base. In the case where concrete pavement is desired, the concrete shall be five inches thick, except that all designated fire lanes shall be six inches thick. The reinforcement within the concrete section shall consist of number four (#4) bars on eighteen inch centers, centered within the pavement thickness. A six inch raised concrete curb shall be required around the entire perimeter of the lot and around all interior islands. There shall be no pavement edge without curbing except for short distances as needed for drainage only. Designee for pavement and curbing must meet minimum standards as depicted in Section . Variances to the standards shall be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. All off-street parking areas shall be installed graded to drain and maintained so as to dispose of surface water accumulated within the area. parking spaces shall be so arranged and marked so as to provide for orderly and safe parking of vehicles. 2. Non-Public, All-Weather *rive Surfaces Temporary or permanent drive surfaces that are required for emergency access or turnaround for emergency vehicles must be constructed to function under all weather conditions. To accommodate a project during construction, phasing, or permanent installation, drive surfaces that do not meet the requirements for permanent pavement surfaces may be allowed at the discretion of the Development Engineer for the specific conditions stated below: 3 Temporary Ali- eather Surface (During Construction) A structure under construction must be accessible by an all-weather drive surface. This surface may consist of the permanent pavement as described in Section 9.2.D or may consist of four inches (4") of limestone base with a one-course seal coat as specified in the Texas Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Construction of Highways, Streets and Bridges, 1993 Edition, Item 316. This temporary all-weather surface must be reworked or replaced to meet the permanent pavement standard as described in Section 9.2.D. prior to issuance of a Certificate Of Occupancy. 4. Semi-Permanent All-Weather Surface (During Phasing) In cases during phasing of a large project, emergency access and turnarounds often must be added as a temporary measure until additional phases are constructed. These emergency access areas may consist of permanent pavement as described in Section 9.2.D., or may consist of six inches (6") of limestone base with one-course seal coat as specified in the Texas Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Construction of Highways, Streets and Bridges, 1993 Edition, 7-4 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 7.GeneraDevelopment Standards Sectio 7.1. ParkingandLoad�g8��da,do Item 316. If the semi-permanent surface is used, the six-inch (6") curb is not required, and these areas must be gated or protected from public usage and signed for emergency access only. When the additional phase is constructed these areas must be removed or reworked to meet the permanent pavement standards as described inSecton9.2.D. . 5~ Permanent All-Weather Surface (Permanent) In some development scenarios, an emergency access or turnaround must be constructed to meet emergency access purposes and is not required for public traffic, service vehicles or sanitation vehicles. In these cases, the area required for emergency access only may consist of permanent pavement as described in Section 9.2.[)., or may consist of six inches (6") or limestone base with a two-course (2) seal coat as specified in the Texas Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Construction of Highways, Streets and Bridges, 1993 Edition, Item 316. If the seal-coat surface is used, a six-inch (6") curb is not required, and these areas must be gated or protected from public usage and signed for emergency access only. J. Temporary marking Lots for ''� Site° Planned Facilities See Section 5.5D. K. Num ser of Off-Street Parking Spaces equired L \ In computing the numbe of pa king spaces required, the following rules shall govern: 1~ Parking requirements measured based on square footage shall be based upon the gross floor area, unless otherwise stated. Service areas such as mechanical rooms, restrooms and closets shall be included in the calculation of "gross floor area" for determining required parking spaces. 2~ Where fractional spaces result in computing required parking spaces, the required number of spaces must be increased to the nearest whole num ger. 3. The parking space requirements for a use not specifically listed shall be the same as those for the most similar to the proposed use, as determined by the Administrator. 4~ Whenever a building or use constructed or established after the effective date of this Chapter is changed or enlarged in floor area, number of employees, number of dwelling units, seating capacity or otherwise, such spaces shall be provided on the basis of the enlargement or change. Whenever a building or use existing prior to the effective date of this Chapter is enlarged, said building or use shall then and thereafter comply with the parking requirements set forth herein. 5. In the case of mixed uses, the parking spaces required shall equal the sum of the requirements of the various uses computed separately. 6. Where requirements are established on the basis of the number of seats, such requirements shall be based on the seating capacity permitted by the Fire Code and approved by the City's Fire Marshal. When determining seating capacity for a City of Colege Station,Texas 7-5 Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.1.Off Street Parking and Loading Standards building, use, or structure utilizing bench seating, each 22 inches of bench shall be considered one seat. 7. Where a manufacturing/industrial use has more than one working shift of employees, parking facilities shall be adequate to accommodate overlap requirements during transition periods. 8. When the developer of a large-scale development can demonstrate that such development will require fewer parking spaces than required by the standards of this section, the Administrator may permit a reduction in the number of required parking spaces for the development. Such a reduction in parking spaces shall be justified through the development of a parking study prepared by a professional traffic engineer or transportation planner and submitted to the Administrator. The balance of the land necessary to meet these requirements shall be held in reserve as an undeveloped area, to meet any future needs generated by an expansion of the business, a change in land use or underestimated parking demand. MINIMUM OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS se nit Space er Unit Plus S ces For Apartment 1 Bedroom BR 1.5 2 Bedroom BR 1.5 2 Bedroom (each BR less than BR 1.25 132 sq. ft.) 3 Bedroom BR 1.0 Airport As determined by the Administrator Banks 250 S.F. 1.0 Bowling Alley As determined by the Administrator Bus Depot As determined by the Administrator Church Seat .33 Convalescent Home Bed 0.5 Duplex Dwelling '1 Bedroom DU 2.0 2 Bedroom DU 2.0 3 Bedroom DU 3.0 Dormitory Person 1.0 Day Care Center 250 S.F. 1.0 Fraternal Lodge 75 S.F. 1.0 Fraternity/Sorority House Person 1.0 1/30 S.F. meeting room Freight Station As determined by the Administrator Funeral Parlor Seat .33 Game Court Center Court 4.0 Gasoline and Fuel Service 300 S.F. 1.0 Group Housing BR 2 As determined by the Administrator Health Studio 150 S.F. 1.0 Hotel DU 1.0 Hospital As determined by the Administrator Home for Aged Bed j .5 1 7-6 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 7®General Development Standards Section 7.1.Off-Street Parking and Loading Standards Use Unit Spaces Per Unit Plus Spaces For Laundry 150 S.F. 1.0 HUD-Code Manufactured DU 2 Home Motel DU 1.1 Motor Vehicle Sales & Service Office/Sales Area 250 S.F. 1.0 Service Area 100 S.F. 1.0 Medical or Dental Clinic <20,000 S.F. 200 S.F. 1.0 20,000 —50,000 S.F. 225 S.F. 1.0 > 50,000 S.F. 275 S.F. 1.0 Motion Picture House Seat .25 Night Club 50 S.F. 1.0 Office Building 250 S.F. 1.0 Personal Service Shop 250 S.F. 1.0 Private School or Commercial 100 S.F. 1.0 Studio Retail Sales &Service 2505.F. 1.0 Restaurant (includes Fast 65 S.F. 1.0 Food without drive-through) Restaurant with drive-through 100 S.F. 1.0 Rooming/Boarding House Person 1.0 Sales Display 250 S.F. 1.0 Single Family Residence DU 2.0 Shopping Center** 150 S.F. 1.0 (75,000 S.F. or less) Shopping Center** 200 S.F. 1.0 (More than 75,000 S.F.) Townhouse DU 2.0 Theater Seat .25 Truck Terminal As determined by the Administrator Veterinary Clinic 300 S.F. 1.0 Warehouse 1000 S.F. 1.0 L. Parking and Storage Areas for Certain Vehicles Move to 9414df Recreational Vehicles and Traders in a Commercial District Where a campground is permitted in a commercial district, vehicle site parking- related requirements are as follows: a. Minimum recreational vehicle site area is 1,000 square feet. b. Minimum recreational vehicle site lot width is 24 feet. ® There shall be a minimum eight-foot separation of recreational vehicles from each other and from other structures. City of College Station,Texas 7-7 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.1.Off-Street Parking and Loading Standards do No part of a recreational vehicle or other unit placed on a recreational vehicle site shall be closer than four feet to a site line. ® Each site shall contain a stabilized parking pad of shell, marl, gravel or other suitable material. f. At least one automobile parking space shall be provided in the park per recreational vehicle site. At least one parking space shall be provided at the recreational vehicle site. Each parking space shall be composed of stabilized compacted material such as shell, marl, gravel, paving or other suitable material. Each parking space shall be at least nine feet wide and 20 feet long, exclusive of maneuvering area. M. Loading Requirements for Site ',planned Facilities This Section applies to any development or redevelopment for uses other than single family, duplex or townhome residential uses. Each Off-street parking space for truck unloading shall have an adequate unloading area. Every building (or part thereof) erected or occupied for retail business, service, manufacturing, storage, warehousing, hotel, mortuary, or any other use similarly involving the receipt or distribution by vehicles or materials or merchandise, shall provide and maintain on the same premises loading space in accordance with the following requirements: • :Noitie-***7-40ig--4,Q4- rjg--„5:04,-(0* Less than 10,000 0 10,000 —50,000 1 50,001 -- 100,000 2 Each additional 100,000 1 Off-street loading spaces shall meet the following design requirements: ® Each off-street loading space shall be a minimum of twelve feet in width and 45 feet in length, with a vertical clearance of at least fifteen feet. Such spaces shall be at grade level or lower and on the same parcel of land as the corresponding building, use or structure. 2. Adjacent public rights-of-way and private properties shall not be used for maneuvering. All maneuvering shall be contained on site. Maneuvering areas for loading facilities shall not conflict with parking spaces or with the maneuvering areas for parking spaces. 3. All loading areas shall be adequately screened from all rights-of-way and from any residential areas. 7-8 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 7.General Development Standards '._ Section 7.1.Off-Street Parking and Loading Standards N. Alternative Parking Plans for Site Planned Facilities 1. This Section applies to any development or redevelopment for uses other than single family, duplex or townhomme residential uses. Scope An Alternative Parking Plan represents a proposal to meet vehicle parking and transportation access needs by means other than providing parking spaces on-site in accordance with the ratios established above. 2. Applicability Applicants who wish to provide fewer or more off-street parking spaces than allowed above shall be required to secure approval of an Alternative Parking Plan, in accordance with the standards of this Section. The Administrator may require that an Alternative Parking Plan be submitted in cases where the Administrator deems the listed standard to be inappropriate based on the unique nature of the use or in cases where the applicable standard is unclear. 3. Contents Alternative Parking Plans shall be submitted in a form established by the Administrator and made available to the public. At a minimum, such plans shall detail the type of alternative proposed and the rationale for such a proposal. '.. 4. Review and Approval Procedure The Planning and Zoning Commission shall be authorized to approve, approve with conditions, approve in part, deny, or deny in part approval of Alternative Parking Plans and shall follow the procedure set forth in Section 3.14 for subdivision plat approval. S. Recording An attested copy of an approved Alternative Parking Plan shall be submitted to County Recorder's office for recordation on forms made available in the Department of Development Services. Proof of recordation of the agreement shall be presented to the Administrator prior to issuance of a Building Permit. An approved Alternative Parking Plan may be amended by the Planning and Zoning Commission pursuant to Section 4 above. 6. Eligible Alternatives A number of specific parking and access alternatives are described below. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall, however, be authorized to consider and approve any alternative to providing off-street parking sph site of the subject development if the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction isfac ion of the Planning and Zoning Commission that the proposed plan shall result in a better situation with respect to surrounding neighborhoods, city-wide traffic circulation and urban design than would strict compliance with otherwise applicable off-street parking standards. ) City of College Station,Texas 7-9 Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.1.Off-Street Parking and Loading Standards a. Shared Parking.The Planning and Zoning Commission may authorize a reduction in the number of required off-street parking spaces for multiple use developments or for uses that are located near one another and that have different peak parking demands or different operating hours. Shared parking shall be subject to the following standards. (1) Location., Shared off-street parking spaces shall be located no further than 500 feet from the buildings and uses they are intended to serve. This distance limitation may be waived by the Planning and Zoning Commission, if adequate assurances are offered that van or shuttle service shall be operated between the shared lot and the principal use. (2) Zoning Classificati n.Shared parking areas shall be considered accessory uses of principal uses that the parking spaces are intended to serve. Shared parking areas shall require the same or a more intensive zoning classification than that required for the most intensive of the uses served by the shared parking area. (3) Required Study ad Analysis.The applicant shall submit a shared parking analysis to the Planning and Zoning Commission which clearly demonstrates the feasibility of shared parking. The study shall be provided in a form established by the Administrator and made available to the public. It shall address, at a minimum, the size and type of the proposed development, the composition of tenants, the anticipated rate of parking turnover and the anticipated peak parking and traffic loads for all uses that shall be sharing off-street parking spaces. The Administrator shall have the authority to require a revised study and analysis should conditions change that may result in a change in site parking conditions. (4) Shared Parking Agreement.A shared parking plan shall be enforced through written agreement among the owners of record. An attested copy of the agreement shall be submitted to County Recorder's office for recordation on forms made available in the Department of Development Services. Proof of recordation of the agreement shall be presented to the Administrator prior to issuance of a Building Permit. A shared parking agreement may be revoked by the parties to the agreement only if off- street parking is provided pursuant to this Section, or if an Alternative Parking Plan is approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. (5) Revocation of Permits. Failure to comply with the shared parking provisions of this Section shall constitute a violation of this UDO and shall specifically be cause for revocation of a Building Permit. b Off-Site Parking. The Planning and Zoning Commission may permit all or a portion of the required off-street parking spaces to be located on a remote and separate lot from the lot on which the principal use is located, subject to the standards of this section. (1) Location. No off-site parking space shall be located more than 500 feet from the primary entrance of the use served, measured along the shortest 7-10 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.1.Off-Street Parking and Loading Standards legal, practical walking route. This distance limitation may be waived by the Planning and Zoning Commission if adequate assurances are offered that van or shuttle service shall be operated between the shared lot and the Principal Use. (2) Zoning Classification. Off-site parking areas shall be considered Accessory Uses of Principal Uses that the parking spaces are intended to serve. Off-site parking areas shall require the same or a more intensive zoning classification than that required for the use served. (3) Off-Site Parking Agreement. In the event that an off-site parking area is not under the same ownership as the Principal Use served, a written agreement among the owners of record shall be required. An attested copy of the agreement between the owners of record shall be submitted to County Recorder's Office for recordation on forms made available in the office of the Administrator. Proof of recordation of the agreement shall be presented to the Administrator prior to issuance of a Building Permit. An off-site parking agreement may be revoked by the parties to the agreement only if off-street parking is provided on-site pursuant to Section , or if an Alternative Access and Parking Plan is approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. .-' (4) Bicycle Parking. The Planning and Zoning Commission may authorize a � \ reduction in the number of required off-street parking spaces for developments or uses that provide bicycle parking or that make special provisions to accommodate bicyclists. Examples of accommodations include bicycle lockers, employee shower facilities and dressing areas for employees. c. Valet Parking. The Planning and Zoning Commission may authorize valet parking as a means of satisfying otherwise applicable off-street parking standards, provided that the following conditions are met: (1) An automobile shall be retrievable from its parking space with the movement of a maximum of two additional vehicles; and (2) The Administrator, with the assistance and approval of the Development Engineer, certifies that the valet parking shall not cause interference with the public use of streets or ways or imperil the public safety. d. Transportation Management Plan,The Planning and Zoning Commission may authorize a reduction in the number of required off-street parking spaces for developments or uses that institute and commit to maintain a transportation management program, in accordance with the standards of this section. (1) Required Study.The applicant shall submit a study to the Planning and Zoning Commission wh h | | indicates transportation management activities and measures shall be provided in a form established by the Administrator e available to the public. City of College Station,Texas 7-11 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.1.Off Street Parking and Loading Standards (2) Transportation Management Activities There shall be no limitation on the types of transportation management activities for which reductions may be granted from otherwise required off-street parking ratios. The following measures shall serve as a guide to eligible transportation management activities. (3) Posting and Distribution of Information.The distribution and posting of information from transit agencies and other sources of alternative transportation may be cause for a reduction in otherwise applicable off- street parking requirements. (4) Transportation Coordinator.The appointment of a Transportation Coordinator with responsibility for disseminating information on ride- sharing and other transportation options may be cause for a reduction in otherwise applicable off-street parking requirements. In addition to acting as liaisons, Transportation Coordinators must be available to attend meetings and training sessions with the City or transit providers. (5) Off-Peak Work Hours.Employers that institute off-peak work schedules, allowing employees to arrive at times other than the peak morning commute period, may be eligible for a reduction in otherwise applicable off-street parking requirements. The peak morning commute period is defined as 7:30-9:00 a.m. (6) Preferential Parking.The provision of specially marked spaces for each registered car pool and van pool may be cause for a reduction in otherwise applicable off-street parking requirements. (7) Financial Incentives.The provision of cash or in-kind financial incentives for employees commuting by car pool, van pool and transit may be cause for a reduction in otherwise applicable parking requirements. 0. Vehicle Stacking for Site Planned Facilities This Section applies to any development or redevelopment for uses other than single family, duplex or townhome residential uses. The vehicle stacking standards of this section shall apply unless otherwise expressly approved by the Development Engineer. These minimum vehicle storage requirements shall remain in force, unless the applicant can present a traffic study from a professional engineer that provides verifiable evidence to allow the reduction of these minimum stacking lengths. Deviations from these requirements shall be approved by the Administrator. In Minimum Number of Spaces Off-street stacking spaces shall be provided as follows: Minimum_ ; Activity Type Stacking,Spacs Measyre rom Bank teller lane 4 Teller or Window 7-12 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 7®General Development Standards Section 7.2.Access and Circulation Standards Minimum Activity Type Stacking Spaces Measured From Automated teller machine 11111.111M Teller Restaurant drive-through 6 Order Box Restaurant drive-through 4 Order Box to Pick-Up Window Car wash stall, automatic 6 Entrance Car wash stall, self-service Entrance Gasoline pump island Pump Island Other Determined by Development Engineer based on Traffic Study 2. Design and Layout Where the above stacking is required, they shall conform to the following standards: a. No stacking space may occupy any portion of a public right-of-way; b. The minimum eavement lane width shall be twelve feet; ® Stacking spaces shall not be used to satisfy any of the off-street parking or loading requirements except spaces at gas stations, where one space per pump may count toward off street parking requirements; d. Stacking lanes shall not interfere with parking spaces, parking aisles, loading areas, internal site circulation or driveways; and ® A twelve-foot by-pass land is required adjacent to the stacking lane to allow vehicles to circumvent the drive-through lane. 7.2 Access and Circulation Standards A. Location of Existing and Planned Transit Routes Any proposed development shall take into account the location of existing and planned transit routes and provide vehicular and pedestrian connections to any transit points within or adjacent to the development. B. Easements L Utility Easements Uniform and continuous easements shall be provided along lot lines for utility service. Easements for water, sewer and storm sewer lines shall be at least 20 feet in width. Other utility easements (for other than water, sewer, and storm sewer lines) shall be a minimum of five feet in width when abutting the street lot lines and at least three feet in width when abutting interior lot lines. City of College Station,Texas 7-13 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/2512001 Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.2.Access and Circulation Standards 2 Emergency Access Easements Emergency access easements shall be at least 24 feet in width. Emergency access easements may be divided by lot lines. 3 Street Access No use shall be permitted to take direct access to a street except as allowed in this Section. a® Local Streets All residential uses may take direct access to local streets. Nonresidential uses shall not take direct access to local streets, provided that any lot located within a nonresidential subdivision or any parcel adjacent to a street within a nonresidential subdivision may take direct access to the local street internal to the subdivision, and provided that any corner lot abutting a local street and an arterial or collector street or freeway may take access to the local street if such access is required by the highway authority having jurisdiction. b® Collector Streets No single-family dwelling shall take direct access to major collector streets, except when no local street is or can be made available. A single-family dwelling may take direct access to minor collector streets that serve primarily residential purposes. c® Arterial Streets No residential use shall take direct access to arterial streets. When uses take access to an arterial street, the point of access shall be directly across from another existing point of access, or spaces at least 500 feet from any intersecting street or other point of access to the arterial. d. Share,' Driveways A shared driveway may be required by the Development Engineer at the time of platting, or as a replat of the affected lots. 4® Cross-Access Easements a® If a parcel is to be developed for any nonresidential land use, a cross-access easement shall be provided by the property owner to adjoining properties that front on the same street and that are, or may be, developed as nonresidential land uses. b. Cross-access easements shall have a minimum width of 30 feet and shall be situated parallel to the street right-of-way line abutting both parcels. Access easements shall be maintained by the property owner. c. The property owner shall provide appropriate documentation of a good faith effort to extend the access easement through all immediately abutting properties. If such an effort fails, the portion of the easement on the subject 7-14 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.2.Accesand Circulation Standards '-'- site shall be developed and designed to ensure future connection to the neighboring properties. d. Where a cross-access easement is granted, no permanent structures that would interfere with the proposed access shall be permitted in the easement. Some improvements such as medians and parking islands may be constructed within an access easement if it has been demonstrated that adequate circulation and cross access has been accomplished, and that all applicable standards of this UDO have been met. e. The Development Engineer may waive the requirement for an easement of access required above in those cases where unusual topography or site conditions would render such an easement of no useable benefit to adjoining properties. - | f~ The Development Engineer may approve the vacation of an easement of access in those cases where adjoining parcels are subsequently developed with a residential use. C. Design Requirements and Standards 1. Minimum Access Each parcel of land which legally exists on the effective date of this Chapter and which abuts a street right-of-way shall be permitted at least one access point. An exception shall be made for all properties developed prior to [original subdivision ordinance date??] which have no access. 2. Additional Access The Development Engineer may require more than one access point onto a collector or arterial street for a single parcel during site plan review provided that the number and location of access points onto local streets and the additional access points onto collector and arterial streets must be approved by the highway authority having j risdiction over the roadway from which access is being taken. 3. Width of Access The width of access driveways shall be determined by the highway authority having jurisdiction over the roadway from which access is being taken. However, in no case shall an individual driveway width be greater than 35 feet, except that the width of a landscaped center median shall not count towards this standard. Where a highway authority has not established drivewa width requirements and standards, the standards and requirements of the Texas Department of Transportation shall apply. 4. Closure or Relocation of Existing Access Points The Development Engineer, in conjunction with the highway authority having jurisdiction over the roadway from which access is being taken, shall have the City of College StationTexas 7-15 Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.2.Access and Circulation Standards authority to require the closure or relocation of existing access points where multiple access points to the site are available. 5® Curb Cuts at Intersections A curb cut for a corner parcel at the intersection of any streets shall be located the maximum practical distance from the center of the intersecting streets, without intrusion into any required buffer. The number and location of the curb cut must be approved by the highway authority having jurisdiction over the street from which access is being taken. Where a highway authority has not established curb cut requirements and standards, the standards and requirements used by the Texas Department of Transportation shall apply. D. Driveway Access L.',cation and Design Policy 1. General a® It shall be unlawful for any person to cut, break, or remove any curb along a street except as herein authorized. b It shall be unlawful for any person to construct, alter, or extend, or permit or cause to be constructed, altered, or extended any driveway approach which can be .used only as a parking space or area between the curb and private property. c This section shall be deemed to be supplemental to other sections regulating the use of public property, and in case of conflict, this section shall govern. d® Adequate sight distance shall be provided for a passenger motor vehicle making a left or right turn exiting from a driveway. This determination shall be made by the Development Engineer. e® The specifications and guidelines set forth in this policy are to be applied to driveways providing access to commercial and multifamily developments. Single family and duplex residential driveways are excluded from this policy unless otherwise indicated. f. As determined by the Development Engineer, engineering judgment shall override the recommended dimensions set forth in this policy if warranted by specific traffic conditions. 2 Location of Driveway Access a® In making a determination as to the location of driveway access, the Development Engineer shall consider: (1) The characteristics of the proposed use; (2) The existing traffic flow conditions and the future traffic demand anticipated on the development and the adjacent street system; (3) The location of the property; (4) The size of the property; 7-16 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 7.GeneraDevelopment Standards Section7�'�c�e�and�hcubt�n8��da,dn '._ (5) The orientation of structures on the site; (6) The number of driveways needed to accommodate anticipated traffic; (7) The number and location of driveways on existing adjacent and opposite properties; (8) The location and carrying capacity of intersections; (9) The proper geometric design of driveways; (1O)The spacing between opposite and adjacent driveways; (11)The internal circulation between driveways; and (12)The speed of the adjacent roadway. b. Driveway access to arterials shall not be permitted for parking or loading areas that require backing maneuvers in a public street right-of-way. Drive way access to collector streets for commercial or multifamily developments shall not be permitted for parking or loading areas that require backing maneuvers in a public street right-of-way. c. One curb cut shall be allowed for access to single family and duplex residential tracts. More than one curb cut may be allowed upon approval by the Development Engineer. y^' - dForconn�raccess to residential tracts shall be taken from the lesser ) ~ tracts, stneet. Access notes on plats shall supersede this requirement. The determination as to the lesser (or greater) street shall be based on AASHTO criteria for functional street classification. e~ No cuts through a left turn reservoir of a median shall be permitted in order to provide for left turn movements to driveway approaches. f. Driveways in right turn lane transition areas shall not be permitted. g. When a commercial or multifamily development abuts more than one public street, access to each abutting street may be allowed only if the following criteria are met: (1) It is demonstrated that such access is required to adequately serve driveway volumes and will not be detrimental or unsafe to traffic operations on public streets. The Development Engineer or his designee may require the submittal of a traffic study which demonstrates that such access is required. (2) The minimum requirements for comer clearance for commercial or multifamily driveways are met. 3~ Spacing of Driveway Access a. Application of the driveway access location and design policy requires identification of the functional classification of the street on which access is ) City of College Station,Texas 7-17 Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.2®Access and Circulation Standards requested and then applyingiiithe appropriate spacing requirements. The City of College Station Streets are classified as follows: (1) Major Arterial, (2) Minor Arterial, (3) Collector; and (4) Local Street. b. Major arterial, minor arterial, and collector streets in the City of College Station are indicated on the Thoroughfare and Transportation Improvement . . . Plan:The functional classification of any street in the City not indicated as an arterial or collector street on this plan shall be determined using the functional street classification defined by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHT-0) "green book", A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets. co Driveway access spacing shall be measured from the center line of the proposed driveway pavement to the nearest edge of the roadway of the adjacent or opposite driveway or street as indicated in the illustration below. 04 .! if,Z, Op °site ,.,-:,e Left PO 25°) La,,,'''. tn? .1._ ,4 Opposite _ 1 ...... - - _ _ _. _ _ - ._ ._ _ _ - .-. Acilacont 4 AdlOC-Mt _____01 -a - -- - Left Right --- ''\ '- ''‘. I 13 g 1 a a a ir,... I I u s> 1 a a a ca Propo:ed Drive d. Opposite right driveways shall be located no closer than the minimum requirements of the table below. Opposite Right Driveways , __ ass! Ica ipri ,wiimum pacmg eet) Desirable Spacing(feet) Major Arterial 300 400 Minor Arterial 225 350 Collector 175 300 Local Street 125 225 . . e.. Additional opposite right spacing over and above that set forth in the table below may be required if it is determined by the Development Engineer or his designee that there is insufficient left turn queue storage or weave maneuver 7-18 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.2.Access and Circulation Standards area between the opposite right and proposed driveway. This determination shall be made under peak traffic conditions. f. A minimum of 125 feet shall be required for opposite left driveways for all street classifications. g. If the centerline of an opposite drive is less than 15 feet from the centerline of the proposed drive, the drives form an intersection and the minimum spacing requirements shall apply for the closest drive. ® Adjacent drives shall be located no closer than the minimum requirements of the table below. Adjacent Driveways Street Classification Minimum Spacing(feet) Desirable Spacing(feet) Major Arterial 275 350 Minor Arterial 230 300 Collector 185 235 Local Street 150 190 4. Freeway Frontage Road Access ansi Location Re fAilirements: a. Driveways shall not be closer than 250 feet from an exit ramp as measured from the striped gore of the exit ramp to the centerline of the drive. b. Driveways shall not be closer than 100 feet from an entrance ramp as measured from the striped gore of the entrance ramp to the centerline of the drive. c. Driveways shall be located in accordance with the "Operations and Procedures Manual" published by the Texas Department of Transportation, Sections 4-601 and 4-602. d. Permits shall be approved by the Resident Engineers Office of the Texas Department of Transportation, in conjunction with approval by the Development Engineer. e. These guidelines apply to existing and planned interchanges. .1. In addition to ramp spacing, driveways on frontage roads under the jurisdiction of the Texas Department of Transportation shall also meet the other requirements of this chapter as major arterial streets. 5. Corner Clearance a. No residential driveway approach shall be constructed within 30 feet of the comer of a street intersection. This measurement shall be taken from the intersection of property lines at the comer. b. At intersections of arterials with channelized right turn lanes with yield control, a comer clearance distance in accordance with those set forth in the City of College Station,Texas 7-19 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.2.Access and Circulation Standards illustration below shall be required for the first downstream driveway when adjacent spacing requirements can't be met due to lack of frontage and all means to acquire shared access drives or cross access easements have been exhausted. This distance shall be measured from the channelized median to the nearest edge of the proposed driveway as indicated in the illustration. street ______ ____ .,, c. When the requirements of Tables 1 Channelized and 2 cannot be met due to lack of frontage and all Right—Turn Lane R means to acquire shared access driveways or cross sireet access easements have been exhausted, no commercial driveway approach may be located closer to the comer Radius Clearance 0 than 75 feet on collector streets, 100 feet on minor 50 200 g 6) arterials and 120 feet for major arterials. This 75 230 c.) o Z.3 100 775 measurement shall be taken from the intersection of property lines at the comer. When these requirements can't be met due to lack of frontage, the driveway may drive be located such that the radius will begin at the farthest -----) property line. 6. Shared Access a A joint private access easement may be required between adjacent lots fronting on arterial and collector streets in order to minimize the total number of access points along those streets and to facilitate traffic flow between lots. The location and dimensions of said easement shall be determined by the Development Engineer. b. Private cross access easements may be required across any lot fronting on an arterial or collector street in order to minimize the number of access points and facilitate access between and across individual lots. The location and dimension of said easement shall be determined by the Development Engineer. 7-20 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance A rfed-�®7 triare.val nnuctiranemard Cil,arvrialreic street Tangency--1/ Point Curb Return Radius (R) Approach Maximum of 30 feet and Width Minimum of 15 feet. Max. 36' 1.4in. 24' drive 7. Geometric Design of Driveway Access a. All driveways shall meet the City of College Station's Standard Specifications for Street Construction. b. Curb cuts for driveways shall not be permitted in the curb return of an intersection. c. The curb return radii for driveways intersecting at right angles with the roadway and without a deceleration lane shall be as follows: (1) Curb return radii for residential (single-family and duplex) driveway located on local or collector streets shall be between 2.5 feet and 10.0 feet as shown in Figure 3. Flare type residential driveways must also adhere to these dimensional criteria. Residential driveways located on arterial streets must adhere to the specifications set forth in (2) below. (2) Curb return radii for commercial and multifamily driveways shall vary between 15 feet and 30 feet as shown in Figure 4. (3) Curb return radii for driveway types not included in (1) or (2) above shall be determined by the Development Engineer. d. The maximum width of residential driveway approach, shown in Figure 3 and measured at the property line, shall not exceed 28 feet in width, while the minimum width shall not be less than ten feet. Tang enc-y street Point _)) Curb Return Radius (R) Straight flare to connect Approach for Collector and Local tangency points of curb Width Streets Is Maximum of return. Max. 28° 10 feet and Minimum of Min. 10° 2.5 feet. drive e. The maximum width of commercial and multifamily driveway approach for two-way operation, shown in Figure 4, shall not exceed 36 feet, except that the Development Engineer may issue permits for driveway approaches greater than 36 feet in width on major streets to handle special traffic conditions. The City of College Station,Texas 7-21 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.2.Access and Circulation Standards minimum width of commercial and multifamily driveway approach for two- way operation shall be not less than 24 feet. f® The combination of two driveways for residential circular drives shall not exceed 28 feet. g The angle of driveway approach shall be approximately 90 degrees for two- way drives and between 45 degrees and 90 degrees for one-way drives. h A minimum driveway throat length of 25 feet for collector streets, 40 feet for minor arterials, and 55 feet for major arterials, as shown in Figure 5, may be required to allow for traffic entering the site to be stored on site in order to avoid a queue of traffic from the development from being out on the roadway causing delays to the through traffic stream. The driveway throat length shall be defined as the distance from the street to the first point of conflict in the driveway. L For the benefit of traffic safety and flow on collector and arterial streets, access points may be required to be designed to prohibit certain types of turning movements. Driveways not meeting the spacing guidelines in Tables 1 and 2 may be designed for limited access by the addition of a median to the driveway. Examples of the types of limited access driveways recommended are shown in the [APPENDIX]. parking drive parking First paint of conflict Street OIL feet ----- Collector 25 Driveway Throat Length (OIL) Minor Arterial 40 represents distanc. from Major Arterial 55 street to first point of conflict. street j. For the benefit of traffic safety and flow on collector and arterial streets, tapered or channelized deceleration lanes for vehicles turning right into high volume or interjection type driveways may be required if warranted as per the criteria set forth in the graph for warrants for right turn lanes shown in the [APPENDIX]. Design of right-turn deceleration lanes shall be in accordance with the AASHTO Green Book on auxiliary lanes. 7-22 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.2.Access and Circulation Standards k. The spacing requirements for driveways not meeting the specifications in Tables 1 and 2 may be lessened or waived if tapered or channelized deceleration lanes are used. I. Access points on arterial and collector streets may be required to be signalized in order to provide safe and efficient traffic flow. A development may be responsible for all or part of any right-of-way, design, hardware, and construction costs of a traffic signal if it is determined that the signal is necessitated by the traffic generated from the development. The procedures for signal installation and the percent of financial participation required of the development in the installation of the signal shall be in accordance with criteria set forth in the City's Traffic Signal Policy. E. Northgate Access and Circulation Reserved. City of College Station,Texas 7-23 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 7~3 Sign Regulations A. Purpose The purpose of this section is to establish clear and unambiguous regulations pertaining to signs in the City of College Station and to promote an attractive community, foster traffic safety and enhance the effective communication and exchange of ideas and ^ `commercial information. The City Council of the City of College Station hereby finds the following legislative facts 1. The proliferation of signs creates commercial confusion and makes it difficult for travelers and motorists to locate the goods and services they seek; ` c ~ The increasing height of signs within the City is an endless for a higher and more visible ign, and a reasonable limitation on th ' ' of signs is necessary to prevent visual pollution, a] windstorm damage, r death; 3~ Excessive height in signs creates clutter and is unsightly and offensive to the members of this City Council and many, if not most, of the citizens in College Station. The establishment of a reasonable maximum height for signs will allow effective communication, prevent altitude competition and will not penalize smaller business concerns which may not be able to compete for aerial superiority; and 4~ Reasonable provisions pertaining to size, scale, location, design, lighting, permanency and maintenance are necessary to avoid visual clutter, preserve and --\ improve the appearance and character of the community, to avoid traffic problems t ~/ caused by distracting signs or structures in close proximity to streets, which compete with traffic signs and signals for the attention of motorists, and to prevent deterioration, disregard and abandonment of signs or structures. B. Applicability 1~ The City Council recognizes that signs are necessary for visual communication for public convenience, and that businesses and other activities have the right to identify themselves by using signs which are incidental to the use on the premises where the signs are located. The City Council herein seeks to provide a reasonable balance between the right of a person to identify his or her business or activity, and the rights of the public to be protected against visual discord and safety hazards that result from the unrestricted proliferation, location and construction of signs. This section will insure that signs are compatible with adjacent land uses and with the total visual environment of the community, in accordance with the City's Comprehensive Plan. 2. The City Council finds that the rights of residents of this City to fully exercise their Rights of Free Speech by the use of signs containing non-commercial messages are subject to minimum regulation regarding structural safety and setbacks for purposes of trffic protection. The City Council seeks herein to provide for the reasonably prompt removal and disposal of such signs after they have served their purpose, and yet to avoid any interference with First Amendment freedoms, especially as to persons who are of limited financial means. ( .) 7-24 City of College Station,Texas Article 7®General Development Standards Section 7.3.Sign Regulations ® The City Council finds that instances may occur in the application of this section where strict enforcement would deprive a person of the reasonable use of a sign, or the reasonable utilization of a sign in connection with other related property rights, and herein provides for such persons to have the right to seek variances from the requirements of this UDO for good cause. The City Council finds that it is imperative that enforcement officials apply this section as it is written, in the interest of equality and fair and impartial application to all persons, and that the use of the Variance procedures shall remain the sole administrative means to obtain any exception to the terms hereof. C. Summary of Permitted Signs The following signs are permitted in the relevant zoning districts of the City: ccojj Apartment/Condominium/Manufactured X X Home Park Identification Signs Area Identification Signs X X X X XXX X XXXXXXXXX Attached Signs XXX XXXXXX Development Signs X X XXX XX XX X X X X XX X X X Directional Traffic Control Signs X XX XX X X Freestanding Signs 1 XX XX X X Home Occupation Signs X X X X X XXX Low Profile Signs X XXX X X X X Non-Commercial Signs XXX XXXXXX XXX XXX XXX Real Estate, Finance and X XX X X X X X X X X X X XX XX X Construction Signs Roof Signs XX XX X X Subdivision Sign XXXXXXXX X X X X X X X City of College Station,Texas 7-25 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.3.Sign Regulations D. Prohibited Signs The following signs shall be prohibited in the City of College Station: 1® Portable and trailer signs, temporary freestanding signs. 2. Off-premise signs, both commercial and non-commercial, except on City of College Station property where there has been a determination and minute order of the City of College Station City Council which finds that the display of the sign does as follows: a. Promotes a positive image of the City of College Station for the attraction of business or business or tourism; b Depicts an accomplishment of an individual or group; and c. Creates a positive community spirit. 3 Upon such order, the City of College Station can authorize, upon approved construction plans, the following: a® A sign on a City of College Station water tower; b® An entrance sign to be located on City of College Station property such that it is visible from the Highway Six East By-pass; or c. A sign to be located on City rights-of-way. Said sign shall be displayed for a period ordered by the City Council or as may be decided by it from time to time. 4® Signs painted on roof tops. 5 Vehicle signs except as permitted in Section 7.3M. 6. Banners or flags containing copy or logo, excluding the flags of any country, state, city or school are prohibited in residential zones and on any residentially developed property (except when flags are used as subdivision signs). 7. Signs and displays with flashing, blinking or traveling lights, changeable copy, electronic message boards, or erratic or other moving parts, either internal or external to the premise, and oriented and visible to vehicular traffic, provided that time and temperature signs are permissible if the maximum area and setback requirements of this section are met and if the commercial information or content of such signs is restricted to no more than eight square feet. 8 Any signs which are intended to or designed to resemble traffic signs or signals and bear such words as "stop", "slow", "caution", "danger", "warning", or other words, and which are erected for purposes other than actual traffic control or warning to the public. 9. Any sign which emits sound, odor or visible matter. 10. Banners in residential zones and on residentially zoned property, except that they shall be permitted only twice a year, for a total time period of 30 days, and further provided there is only one attached banner per property. Banners shall be treated • 7-26 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 7.GeneraDevelopment Standards Section 7.3. Sign Regulations as attached or freestanding signs, as applicable, when used on commercial or industrial properties. E. Signs Allowed Without �� Permit The following signs are exempt from the uirements of this UDO: 1~ Signs that are not easily read from beyond the boundaries of the lot or parcel on which they are located or from any public thoroughfare or traveled right-of-way. Such signs are not exempt from the safety regulations contained herein and in City Building and Electrical Codes 2. Official notices posted by government officials in the performance of their duties; government signs controlling traffic, regulating public conduct, identifying streets or warning of danger. Bulletin boards or identification signs accessory to government buildings or other buildings are subject to the provisions of this UD{]; 3. Temporary signs erected by private property owners for the purpose of warning of a dangerous defect or condition, or other hazard to the public; 4. Non-commercial signs on private property or works of art that in no way identify or advertise a product or business, or by their location and placement impede traffic safety; 5. Temporary decorations or displays, if they are clearly incidental to and are customarily and commonly associated with any national, local or religious celebration; 6. Temporary or permanent signs erected by public utilities or construction companies to warn of the location of pipelines, electrical conduits, or other dangers or conditions in public rights-of-way; 7. Signs carried by a person and not set on or affixed to the ground; 8. Outdoor advertising display signs for sponsors of charitable events held on public properties. These signs may be displayed for the duration of the event or not more than three days with approval of the City Manager; 9. Flags used as political symbols being the United States and Texas flags only; 10. Flags used solely for decoration and not containing any copy or logo and located only in multi-family, commercial, and industrial districts or developments. In multi-family developments, such flags will be restricted to 25 square feet in area, 30 feet in height, and the number shall be restricted to no wire than twelve flags per building plot; and 11. Balloons and/or other gas filled objects located in any zoning district; which balloon and/or gas filled object shall not exceed 20 feet in height and shall not contain or display any logo but shall be used solely for decorative purposes. City of College StationTexas 7-27 Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.3.Sign Regulations F. Sign Standards The following table summarizes the sign standards for the City of College Station: Setback - Maximum Maximum Height from Sign Type- Area(SF) (ft.) R-O-W Number Allowed „ 7 7,7 _ Apartment/Condominium/Manufactured 100 10 10 1 per building plot Home Park Identification Signs 1 per 10-50 acre Area Identification Signs 16 4 10 subdivision or 1 per phase Not to exceed 1 1 per frontage or for foot from top or multi-tenant site 1 per Attached Signs 100 wall, marquee, or primary entrance per parapet to which it tenant, is attached Development Signs 50-foot ROW 35 60-foot ROW 65 15 10 1 per building plot 70-foot ROW 150 Over 70-foot ROW 250 Directional Traffic Control Signs 3 4 4 1 per driveway 1 per building plot Freestanding Signs Varies, see 7.3R below where lot exceeds 75 feet of frontage Home Occupation Signs — — 1 per dwelling unit Low Profile Signs 30 4 10 1 per 150 feet if no freestanding sign Non Commercial Signs — 10 Pedestrian-Oriented Signs Real Estate, Finance and Construction Signs 1 per frontage Up to 150-foot frontage 16 8 10 (Real Estate) Greater than 150-foot frontage 32 8 10 1 per property (Finance) 3 per property (Construction) Roof Signs 100 10 10 1 per building plot if no freestanding sign Subdivision Sign 150 15 10 2 per subdivision 7-28 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.3.Sign Regulations G. Master Sign Plans 1. Compliance with Master Sign Plan All signs on all properties containing multi-tenant buildings, Planned developments, and all multi-building or multi-occupant commercial development shall comply with a master sign plan approved in accordance with the procedures in Section 3.6 as well as the applicable requirements of this UDO. 2. Master Sign Plan Requirements a. All individual signs of a similar type and function within the development shall have a consistent size, lettering style, color scheme and material construction; b. All signs shall meet the size limitations, location requirements and other applicable requirements of this Section. 3. Effect After approval of a master sign plan, or an amended master sign plan, no sign shall be erected, placed, painted, or maintained, except in accordance with such plan, and such plan may be enforced in the same way as any provision of this UDO. 4. Conformance with New or Amended Master Sign Plan Signs that do not conform to a new or amended master sign plan shall be brought into compliance within the time specified in the approved master sign plan. 5. Conflicts In case of any conflict between a provision of a master sign plan and one or more provisions of this Section, the provisions of this Section shall control. H. Subdivision and Area Identification Sign 1~ Area Identification Signs shall be permitted upon private proin any zone to identify multiple-lot subdivisions of ten to 50 to the requirements set forth in paragraph F above. Area Identification Signs may also be used within a large subdivision to identify distinct areas within that subdivision, subject to the requirements in paragraph F above; 2. Subdivision Signs shall be permitted upon private property in any zone to identify subdivisions of greater than 50 acres, subject to the requirements set forth in paragraph F above; 3. Both Area Identification and Subdivision Signs must be located on the premises as identified by a preliminary or master preliminary plat of the subdivision. Subdivision Signs will be permitted only at major intersections on the perimeter of the subdivision (intersection of two collector or larger streets). At each intersection either one or two Subdivision Signs may be permitted so long as the total area of the signs does not exceed 150 square feet. Banners or flags may be utilized as Subdivision Identification Signs but the overall height shall not exceed 60 feet; and City of College Statmn,Texas 7-29 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed W/25/2001 Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.3.Sign Regulations 4® Indirect lighting is permissible but no optical effects, moving parts or alternating, erratic or flashing lights shall be permitted. Landscaping valued at 250 points shall be installed around each subdivision sign. Adequate arrangements for permanent maintenance of all signs and any landscaping in conjunction with such signs shall be made, which may be through an owners association if one exists or is created for this purpose. 5 All signs shall be setback as shown in paragraph F above except in areas where a Private Improvements in Public Right-of-Way Permit has been issued. L Apartment/Condominium/Manufactured Home Park Identification Sign 1® An apartment/condominium/manufactured home park identification sign may be either an attached sign or a freestanding sign. It shall be placed upon the private property of a particular multi-family project in the appropriate zone a established in Section C above subject to the requirements set forth in Section F ; 2® The apartment/condominium/manufactured home park identification sign shall list the name and facilities available and may have leasing or sales information incorporated as a part of the sign; 3 An apartment or condominium project must have a minimum of 24 dwelling units to qualify for an identification sign; 4. Indirect lighting is permissible, but no optical effects, moving parts, or alternating, erratic or flashing lights or devices shall be permitted; and 5 Any manufactured home parks existing at the time of this UDO that are non- conforming may still utilize an identification sign meeting the provisions of this section and Section F above. J. Development Sign 1® A development sign may be placed only on private property subject to the requirements in Section F above; 2® A development sign for a building project shall be removed if the project has not received a Building Permit at the end of twelve months. The Administrator may renew the sign permit for one additional twelve month period upon request. Once a Building Permit for the project is received, the sign may stay in place until 75 percent of the project is leased or a permanent sign is installed, whichever comes first; and 3® A development sign for a proposed subdivision shall be removed if a preliminary or final plat has not been approved by the end of twelve months. The Administrator may renew the Sign Permit for one additional twelve month period upon request. Once a plat has been approved, the Sign Permit is valid as long as a preliminary plat is in effect, or in the absence of a valid preliminary plat, for 24 months from the date of approval of a Final Plat. 7-30 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 7.GeneraDevelopment Standards Section 7.3.Sign Regulations K. Directional Traffic Control Sign Directional Traffic Control signs may be utilized as traffic control devices in off-street parking areas subject to the requirements set forth in Section F above. Logo or copy may be permitted but shall be less than 50% of the area of the directional sign. No directional traffic control sign shall be permitted within or upon the righof any public street unless its construction, design, and location have been approved by the City Traffic Engineer. L. Portable Signs Portable Signs are not permitted within the City Limits of the City of College Station. M. Vehicle Signs Signs that are displayed on motor vehicles that are being operated or stored in the normal course of a business, such as signs indicating the name or the type of business, that are located on moving vans, delivery trucks, trailers and other commercial vehicles are permitted; but only if the primary purpose of such vehicles is not for the display of the signs thereon, and only if such vehicles are parked or stored in areas appropriate to their use as commercial or delivery vehicles, such as service areas or locations close to the business building away from public traffic areas. In no case shall such vehicle be parked within 50 feet of any public right-of-way. 8�ea0 Estate/Finance/Construction Signs , > I. One Real Estate Sign not exceeding sixteen square feet in total area (exclusive of stakes and posts) may be erected at any time while a property is offered for sale or lease to the public. Properties with a minimum of 150 feet of frontage shall be allowed one Real Estate Sign not exceeding 32 square feet in total area. Properties with a minimum of two acres and frontage on two streets shall be allowed one real estate sign on each frontage street with the area of the sign to be determined by the amount of frontage as stated above. 2~ One Finance Sign and three Construction Signs (for a total of four signs), not exceeding 16 square feet in total area each (exclusive of stakes and posts) may be erected once a building permit has been issued on a property. Properties with a minimum of ten acres and 1,000 feet of frontage shall be allowed one finance sign and three construction signs not exceeding 32 square feet in total area each. 3. Real Estate, Finance and Construction Signs may be either attached or freestanding and only those visible from the street are limited in number. 4. All such signs shall be maintained by the persons in control of the premises so as to remain erect and in good repair. Such signs shall be removed by the property owner or other person in control of the premises if they are damaged, broken or incapable of remaining erect. 5. Such signs must be removed by the owner or person in control of the premises when either the property has sold or been leased and/or when performance under the construction contract or subcontract (in the case of Construction Signs) has City of College Station,Texas 7-31 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.3.Sign Regulations been completed. In all cases, Financing and Construction Signs shall be removed prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. 0 NIon-Cornmercial Signs This section does not regulate the size, content or location of non-commercial signs except as follows: 1® No commercial message shall be shown on any non-commercial sign. 2® No non-commercial sign. a® May be located within public road right-of-way of the State of Texas; b® May be located off the premises of the property owner who is displaying the sign; c May exceed the restrictions set forth in paragraph F above; d® May be located within any sight distance triangle as defined by this UDO or where determined by the Administrator as a location that would hinder intersection visibility. This provision is necessary to avoid clutter, proliferation, and dangerous distraction to drivers caused by close proximity of such signs to automobile traffic, to avoid damage to automobiles which may leave the paved surface intentionally or by accident, and to avoid the necessity for pedestrians to step into the roadway to bypass such signs. No regulatory alternative exists to accomplish this police power obligation. 3® In the event that any non-commercial sign is located in a public right-of-way of the State, it shall be removed by the City. 4 All non-commercial sign addressing a particular event shall be removed within ten days after the event. P. Horn- Occupation Signs A person having a legal home occupation may have one sign on the building or porch of a residence. No permit is required. 1® The sign may contain only the name and occupation of the resident; 2® It shall be attached directly to the face of the building or porch; 3 It shall not exceed two square feet in area, shall not be illuminated in any way, and shall not project more than 24 inches beyond the building or occupation may display a Home Occupation sign on the face of porch; 4 No display of merchandise or other forms of commercial communication shall be allowed within a residential area, unless same are in existence prior to the adoption of this section in connection with a use which is presently a lawful non-conforming use within the district; and 5. Such non-conforming signs may be maintained until the non-conforming uses of the building cease, subject to the requirements for maintenance herein. 7-32 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.3.Sign Regulations Discontinuance of the use of such a sign for more than three months shall prevent future use, even if the non-conforming use of the premises is continuous. Q. Roof Signs Roof signs shall be regulated as freestanding signs. R. Freestanding Commercial Signs L All freestanding signs shall meet the following standards: a. Allowable Area Allowable Area For Freestanding Signs Frontage(Feet) "Maximum Area(Sq. Ft.) 0-50 25 51-100 50 101-150 75 151-200 100 201-250 125 251-300 150 301-350 175 351-400 200 401-450 225 451-500 250 501-550 275 I 551-600+ 1 300 b. Allowable Height Allowable Height For Freestanding Signs Distance from R-0-W(Feet)- Max. Height(Feet) At least 10 feet but less than 15 4.5 15 20 8.0 20 25 11.0 25 30 14.0 30 35 16.0 35 40 19.0 40 45 21.0 45 5 23.0 50 55 26.0 55 60 29.0 60 65 31.0 65 70 34.0 70+ 35.0 co Frontage (1) For the purposes of this Section, frontage shall be considered the number of feet fronting on a public street to which a sign is oriented. City of College Station,Texas 7-33 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.3.Sign Regulations (2) On corner lots, the frontage street shall be the greater street as classified on the thoroughfare plan. Where the two streets are classified the same, the applicant may choose the frontage street. d. Area For the purposes of this Section, area shall be considered: _ LL7TTPRE5.] _ (1) The area in square feet of a WIDTH WIDTH single face sign, or one side r I EMBLEM , of a double-face sign, or , OR 1, 0 CIRCLE half the sides of a multi-face ' DECAL , L J sign. _ i WIDTH WIDTH (2) The area of a freestanding sign is the area enclosed by ODD SHAPE 1 ODD SHAPE the minimum imaginary / rectangle or vertical and WIDTH Af WIDTH horizontal lines that fully r- — contains all extremities, i MULTIPLE I exclusive of supports, of a ELEMENTS LOGO - -- - - - -- - - - - _ horizontal view of the sign. -- -- WIDTH e. Distance from Curb For the purposes of this Section, the distance from curb shall be measured in feet from the back of curb or pavement edge to the nearest part of the sign. f® Height (1) For the purposes of this Section, height of a sign shall be measured from the elevation of the curb or pavement edge. (2) No freestanding sign shall exceed 35 feet in height. 2. Freestanding Commercial Signs are allowed only on developed commercial property established in the appropriate zone as set forth in Section C above. One freestanding sign shall be allowed in the CO zone only when the premise has a minimum of two acres, subject to the requirements set forth in Section F above. One low profile sign shall be allowed in the CO zone when the premise has less than two acres subject to the requirements set forth in Section F above. Height, area and setback requirements for all other freestanding signs are found in Tables 7- 1 and 7-2 above. 3. A premise with less than 75 feet of frontage shall be allowed to use one low profile sign. 4. A premise with more than 75 feet of frontage shall be allowed to use Table I standards for one freestanding sign rather than one low profile sign. 7-34 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 7.GeneraDevelopment Standards Section rs���nRe�u�huny 5. A premise with more than l58feet of frontage shall be allowed to use Table I standards for one freestanding sign many number of low profile signs as long as there is a minimum separation between signs of 150 feet. 6. Premises with less than 75 feet of frontage may be combined in order to utilize signage corresponding to the resulting frontage as described in the preceding two paragraphs. 7. Up to 60 percent of the area of a freestanding sign may be a reader board (with changeable copy). 8~ The sign applicant may elect the frontage street where two streets at the corner are classified the same on the thoroughfare plan. If on two differently classified streets, then the greater shall be considered the frontage street. 9. No more than one freestanding sign shall be allowed on any premises except when all of the following conditions are met: a. The site must bezoned [-G, [-H, >-LorK-H. b. The site must be 25 acres or more in area. c. The site must have 1,000 feet (or more) of continuous unsubdivided frontage on any major arterial street (as classified on the thoroughfare plan) toward which one additional freestanding sign may be displayed. ) 10~ ;alloons or gas-filled objects may be used for display or advertising for special events with no required permit. Maximum height 60 feet. One use allowed for three days maximum time per premise per 30 day period. 11. Any sign where two or more panels have separate supports extending to them shall be considered to be more than one freestanding sign, even where only one main support extends to the ground. S. Attached Signs 1. Attached signs are commercial signs under this Section. 2. The maximum size of an attached sign shall be 15 percent of the wall surface for a single-story building, or 15 percent of the wall surface below the second story for a multi-story building. 3. An attached sign: a. Shall advertise only the name of, uses of, or goods or services available within the building to which the sign is attached; b. Shall be parallel to the face of the building; c~ Shall not be cantilevered away from the structure; d. Shall not extend more than one foot from any exterior building face, mansard, awning or canopy; e. Shall not obstruct any window, door, stairway or other opening intended for , ) ingress or for needed ventilation or light; CityCollege Texas 7-35 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.3.Sign Regulations f® Shall not be attached to any tree or public utility pole; and g® Shall not be hand-painted if serving as a roof sign. T. Flags One freestanding corporate flag per premise, not to exceed 40 feet in height or 100 sq ft in area is allowed in multi-family, commercial, and industrial zones or developments. U. Fuel Price Signs Service stations will be allowed, in addition to one permitted freestanding sign, one fuel price sign per site, the area of which shall not exceed 16 square feet and will not be included in the allowable area of any freestanding sign. This sign shall follow the setback requirements for a freestanding sign and shall not be located within the right-of- way. V. Signs for Conditional Uses L® Signs for conditional uses shall comply with the regulations for the zoning district in which the conditional use is permitted. An applicant wishing to propose signage using the requirements of a zoning district different from the one in which the conditional use is permitted must receive approval from the City Council as part of the conditional use permit process. 2® After receipt of a recommendation of the Administrator, the City Council may permit the requirements of a different zoning district to be used for the purposes of signage when the Council finds: a. That the proposed signage is compatible with signage allowed in surrounding zoning districts. b® That the proposed signage meets the intent of this section; and c. That the proposed signage is in harmony with the development policies, and goals and objectives embodied in the Comprehensive Plan for development of the City. W. Abandoned, Damaged or Unsafe Signs 1® The provisions of this section shall apply when in conflict with the provisions of the Building Code, but where the provisions of both ordinances are not inconsistent, the enforcement of either shall be permissible and remedies or penalties cumulative; 2® All abandoned signs and their supports shall be removed within 60 days from the date of abandonment. All damaged signs shall be repaired or removed within 60 days. The Administrator shall have authority to grant a 30 day time extension where he determines there is a reasonable necessity for same; and 3. Discontinuance of use or removal of any non-conforming sign or any sign in connection with a non-conforming use shall create a presumption of an intent to 7-36 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 7.General Development Standards S�cdo�7�.Qpen8pace abandon said sign. A non-conforming sign that is damaged and not repaired within 60 days shall be presumed to be abandoned. 7~4 Open Space A. Criteria All land proposed for dedication or as open space shall substantially meet the following criteria: 1. It is not encumbered with any substantial structure; 2. It is not devoted to use as a roadway, parking area (paved or peripheral), or sidewalk; 3. It is left in its natural or undisturbed state, if such a state is compatible with use of the land described in Section 4 below or properly planned and landscaped according to approved plans. (Facilities for the pursuit of passive types of recreation, such as picnic tables, are permissible.) 4. It is capable of being used and enjoyed for purposes of informal and unstructured recreation and relaxation; and 5. It is legally and practically accessible to the residents of the development out of which the required open space is taken, or to the public if dedication of the open /-- space is required. B. Homeowners Association Homeowners associations or similar legal entities that are responsible for the maintenance and control of common areas shall be established in such a manner that: 1. Provision for the establishment of the association or similar entity is made before any lot in the development is sold or any building occupied; 2. The association or si ilar legal entity has clear legal authority to maintain and exercise control over such common areas and facilities; and 3. The association or similar legal entity has the power to compel contributions from residents of the development to cover their proportionate shares of the costs associated with the maintenance and upkeep of such common areas and facilities. C. Special Provisions in the NG-T and NG-R Districts Development in the NG-T and NG-R districts shall be permitted to use impervious areas such as patios, courtyards, pedestrian areas, etc. to meet open space requirements. The area between the right-of-way and the street adjacent to a site in these districts may count toward the open space requirement where that area is fully improved in compliance with the Northgate Redevelopment Plan and a Private Improvement in Public Right-of-Way Permit has been issued. City of College Station,Texas 7-37 Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.5. Landscaping and Tree Protection 7.5 Landscaping and Tree Protection A. Application of Section 1. The landscaping requirements of this section apply to all land located in the City of College Station and proposed for site development, but do not apply to single- family, duplex or townhouse uses, except as follows: a The requirements of this Section have limited application to properties developed for duplexes, as follows. (1) A minimum of 200 points of landscaping as calculated in this Section shall be provided for each new duplex unit; and (2) The maintenance and completion requirements of this Section also apply to duplex uses. The sites need not be irrigated, however, native vegetation that is drought resistant shall be used. b® The landscaping requirements of this Section shall apply to manufactured home parks, but not to individual HUD-code manufactured homes on separate lots. Landscaping requirements shall become applicable to each individual lot at the time of site plan submittal. 2® All landscaping/streetscaping requirements under this Section shall run with the land once the development has begun and shall apply against any owner or subsequent owner. 3 The landscaping requirements of this Section apply to all unsubdivided property, improved subdivided lots other than single-family, townhome or duplex lots, and to other improved lands where principal buildings are being added or replaced within the City. 4. Any building permit application for construction of a principal building which is received after the date of adoption of this UDO, must conform to the requirements of this Section. 5 Each phase of a multi-phase project shall comply with this Section. 6 No variances or waivers to the requirements of this Section shall be permitted. . Landscaping Requirements 1. The landscaping requirements shall be determined on a point basis by the following: a® Landscape Points required: 30 points per 1,000 square feet of site area; b. The minimum number of points for any development is 500 points; c Flood plains may be removed from site size calculations but then the existing trees within the floodplain may not be claimed for points; and d. Projects may be phased with the phase lines being drawn 20 feet beyond any new site amenity. The portion left for subsequent phases shall be of developable size and quality. 7-38 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 7 General Development Standards Section 7.5. Landscaping and Tree Protection ® Point values will be awarded for any type of canopy tree, non-canopy tree and shrub, provided that the species claimed for point credit are not listed on the Non- Point Tree List as prepared by the City Forester. Accrued landscaping points are expended on landscaping material with the following point values: (all caliper measurements are at twelve inches above the ground) Plant Material Point Values Plant Material Points Accrued (per Tree) Installed Size Caliper(Inches) New plantings 75 1.5 to 2 Canopy Tree 150 2.1 to 3.4 300 3.5 and larger Non-canopy Tree 40 1.25 and larger Shrubs 10 Min. 5 gallon Existing Plants* Trees Not Within :arricade Area Canopy Tree 35 2 to 14.5 Non-canopy Tree 40 1.25 and larger Trees Within Barricade Area Canopy Tree 200 Between 4 and 8 300 8 and larger Non-canopy Tree 75 Between 2 and 4 150 4 and larger *To receive landscape points, all existing trees must be in good form and condition and reasonably free of damage by insects and/or disease. 3. One hundred percent coverage of groundcover, decorative paving, decorative rock or grass is required in parking lot islands, swales and drainage areas and the 24 foot landscape reserve unless otherwise landscaped or existing plants are preserved. One hundred coverage of groundcover or grass is also required in all unpaved portions of street or highway right-of-way on or abutting the property and adjacent property that has been disturbed during construction. If grass if to be used for groundcover, 100 percent live grass groundcover is required whether by solid sod overlay or pre-planting and successful takeover of grasses. ® Every project must expend a minimum of 50 percent of its point total on canopy trees. ® For existing plants, a health appraisal, shall be required, by the City Forester an urban forester, or ISA Certified Arborist, ® Every development must employ an irrigation system. All irrigation systems shall be designed and installed by a State Licensed Irrigator, as defined under Chapter 34, Texas Water Code, administered by the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission. City of College Station,Texas 7-39 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.5. Landscaping and Tree Protection 7. Additional Point Credits a® A ten percent point credit will be awarded where the irrigation system employed is a recognized water-conserving system. b. A ten percent point credit will be awarded if 25 percent or more of parking area consists of enhanced paving. c. A ten percent point credit will be awarded for every one percent of site area devoted to special facilities (water features, etc.). 8 All landscape materials shall be installed in accordance with the current planting procedures established by the most recent addition of The American Standard for Nursery Stock, as published by the American Association of Nurserymen. 9. Separation Requirement a Canopy trees must be planted at a minimum of 20 feet from other canopy trees, and b. Live Oaks (Quercus viginiana) must be planted at a minimum of 35 feet from other Live Oaks and a minimum of 30 feet behind the street curb. 10. 10 ispersal Requirement Landscaping must be reasonably dispersed throughout all visible areas of the site. C. Streetscape Requirements 1. Along all major arterials and freeways, one canopy tree for every 25 feet of frontage shall be installed. Two non-canopy trees may be substituted for each one canopy tree. Canopy and non-canopy trees must be selected from the Streetscape Plant List and may be grouped as desired. One existing tree (minimum four-inch caliper) may be substituted for each new tree. New trees must be planted within 50 feet of the property line along the street. Existing trees must be of acceptable health, as determined by the City Forester, an urban forester, or ISA Certified Arborist. 2. Along minor arterials, collectors and local streets, one canopy tree for every 32 feet of frontage shall be installed. Two non-canopy trees may be substituted for one canopy tree. Canopy and non-canopy trees must be selected from the Streetscape Plant List and may be grouped as desired. One existing tree (minimum four-inch caliper) may be substituted for each new tree. New trees must be planted within 50 feet of the property line along the street. Existing trees must be of acceptable health, as determined by the City Forester, an urban forester, or ISA Certified Arborist. 3 Three hundred additional points shall be provided for every 50 lineal feet of frontage on a major or minor arterial. Driveway openings, sight clearance triangles, and other traffic control areas may be subtracted from total frontage. 4. Driveways and areas located within a required clear sight triangle shall be excluded from the canopy tree requirements in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 above. 740 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 7.GeneraDevelopment Standards Section 7.5. Landscaping and Tree Protection 5. Parking areas adjacent to a ROW shall be screened for any development if parking is located between a building and a street ri . Screening is required along 100 percent of the street frontage (such as ten shrubs for every thirty linear feet of frontage), with the exception of areas within the City's sight clearance triangle. Screening may be accomplished using plantings, berms, structural elements or combinations thereofand must be a minimum of three feet above the parking lot pavement elevation. This requirement also applies to parking lot additions/expansions of 25 percent or more. 6. Dumpsters, concrete retaining walls where more than six vertical inches of untreated concrete are visible, off-street loading areas, utility connections, and any other site characteristics that could be considered visually offensive must be adequately screened. 7~ Vegetation must be set back 20 feet from any driveway curb and 45 feet from the curb at intersections of streets. The unobstructed vertical field of vision must be between 2'G" and 9feet inheight. D. Streetscape Plant List 1. Canopy Trees Cedar Elm (Ulmus crassifolia) Live Oak (Quercus virginia) l _') Winged Elm (Ulmus alata) Water Oak (Quercus nigra) Chinese Pistache (Pistacia chinensis) Post Oak (Quercus stellata) Burr Oak (Quercus macrocarpa) Golden rain Tree (Koelreuteria pan iculata) Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum) Willow Oak (Quercus phellow) Red Oak (Quercus shumardii) 2. Non-Canopy Trees Red Bud (Cercis canadensis) Tree Yaupon (Ilex vomitoria) Crabapple (Ma/us species) Tree Crepe Myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica) Shining Sumac (Rhus copalina) Possumhaw (//ex decidua) Hawthorn (Crateagus L.) Bradford Pear (Pyrus species) Texas Mt. Laurel (Sophora secundiflora) City of College Station,Texas 7-41 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.5. Landscaping and Tree Protection Mexican Plum (Prunus mexicana) Rusty Blackhaw viburnum (Viburnum rufidulum) E. Landscape/Streetscape Plan Requirements I.. When a landscape/streetscape plan is required, the landscape/streetscape plan shall contain the following: a® The location of existing property lines and dimensions of the tract. b® A north arrow and scale. c® Topographic information and final grading adequate to identify and properly specify planting for areas needing slope protection. d® Location and dimensions of existing and proposed structures, parking lots and drives, sidewalks, refuse disposal areas, fences, and other features as determined necessary by the City. e® Location, size, spread, type and quantity of all proposed landscaping materials, along with common and botanical names; and, all screening required by this UDQ. f® The location of existing and proposed utilities and all easements on or adjacent to the lot. g® An indication of adjacent land uses, existing development and roadways. h® An irrigation system plan. L Landscape information: (1) Landscape points required for site and calculations shown (2) A table showing the size, type (canopy, non-canopy, shrub) and points claimed for proposed landscaping. (3) Location of landscape plants on plan. j. Streetscape Information (1) Streetscape points required for site and calculations shown. (2) A table showing the scientific and common plant names, size, type (canopy, non-canopy, and shrub), and points claimed for proposed streetscaping. (3) Location of streetscape plants on plan. k. The location and diameter of protected existing trees claimed for either landscape of streetscape requirements, and an indication of how the applicant plans to barricade the existing trees from damage during construction shall be subject to the following requirements: 7-42 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 7.GeneraDevelopment Standards Section 7.5. landscaping and Tree Pr.tection '-. (1) Prior to land development or redevelopment, or any construction thereon, the developer shall clearly mark all qualifying and significant trees to be preserved; (2) The developer shall erect a fence around each tree or group of trees to prohibit the placement of debris or fill or the parking of vehicles within the drip line of any qualifying or significant tree; (3) During construction, the developer shall prohibit cleaning of equipment or materials within the drip line of any tree or group of trees that are protected and required to remain. The developer shall not allow the disposal of any waste material, such as, but not limited to, paint, oil, solvents, asphalt, concrete, mortar, or other harmful liquids or materials within the drip line of any tree or groups of trees that are required to remain; (4) No attachments or wires of any kind shall be attached to any tree, except those used to stabilize or protect such tree; (5) Grade changes of one inch or greater require additional measures to maintain proper oxygen and water exchange with tree roots. With grade changes in excess of six inches, a retaining wall or tree well of rock or brick shall be constructed around the tree not closer than one-half the distance between the trunk and the drip line. The mid-point of the retaining wall shall be constructed at the new grade. Grade changes . / ' gnea1er than one inch may not be made without the prior approval of the Administrator; and (6) If a patio, sidewalk, drive or parking lot is proposed within the drip line of an existing qualifying or significant tree, material such as a porous pavement shall be used to allow the passage of water and oxygen to the roots of the tree. F. Maintenance and Changes 1. Landscaping/Streetscaping shall be maintained and preserved in accordance with the approved Landscape/Streetscape plan. Replacement of dead landscaping/streetscaping must occur within 45 days of notification by the Administrator or his delegate. Replacement material must be of similar character and the same or higher point total as the dead landscaping. Failure to replace dead landscaping, as required by the Administrator, shall constitute a violation of this section of the ordinance for which the penalty provision may be invoked. 2. Landscaping/Streetscaping Changes to Existing Sites a. If changes constituting 25 percent or more of the number of canopy and non- canopy trees are proposed, a revised landscape plan must be submitted for approval. Planting must occur pursuant to this approved landscape plan. b. Revised Landscape/Streetscape Plans shall meet the requirements of the � ) Landscape/Streetscape Ordinance in effect at the time of the revised landscape/streetscape plan submittal. City of College Station,Texas 7-43 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 1025/200/ Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.6. Buffer Requirements G. Completion and Extension The Administrator or his delegate shall review all landscaping for completion in compliance with this section and the approved landscape/streetscape plan. Landscaping/streetscaping shall be completed in compliance with the approved plan before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. However, the applicant may receive an extension of four months from the date of the Certificate of Occupancy upon the approval of an application for extension with a bond or letter of credit in the amount of Five ($5.00) Dollars times the number of landscape/streetscape points required for the project. Failure to complete the landscaping/streetscaping according to the approved landscape/streetscape plan at the expiration of the bond or letter of credit shall constitute for forfeiting the bond or cashing of the letter of credit by the Administrator or his delegate. Also, failure to complete the approved landscaping shall constitute a violation of this section. During times of excessive drought, the Administrator may postpone the landscaping requirements without requiring a financial guarantee. In such instances, the Administrator shall grant only a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy until the required landscaping has been installed. evoew and Approval Landscape plans shall be reviewed by the appropriate staff or reviewing body. I. arking, Storage or Display Parking, storage or display of vehicles or merchandise on required landscape/streetscape areas or required islands shall be considered a violation of this UDO. 3 Alternative Corn Permitted These landscaping provisions are not available for variance consideration by the Zoning Board of Adjustment, however, variations to the requirements of this section may be approved if the landscape plan is sealed by a registered landscape architect. Such plans must show reasonable evidence that the requirements as set forth in this section were used as a guide. 7.6 Buffer equirements A. Applicability Perimeter buffers shall be provided on parcels abutting developed (platted) or developing (in the process of platting) sites in accordance with the standards of this Section. Sites located in the NG-T and NG-R Districts shall be exempt from this Section. B. Relationship to Other Landscaping Standards Landscaping provided to meet the buffer landscaping standards of this Section shall not be counted towards meeting a project's landscape point requirements. The area of a site dedicated to a perimeter buffer shall not be included in calculating a site's minimum landscaping point requirements. 744 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.6. Buffer Requirements C. Required Buffer Width and Screen L Buffer width shall be measured from the property line. The minimum width of required buffers and required screens shall be as follows: Abutting Parcel Single-Family Multifamily Develo 0 ing Use Residential Residential* Non-Residential Single-Family Duplex Screen B Screen A Multifamily 10 feet Screen A or B Screen A Commercial 15 feet 10 feet 5 feet** Screen B Screen A Industrial 25 feet 15 feet 5 feet Screen B Screen A * includes duplexes ** none required when property line is in an access easement 2. Screen Type A A solid wooden fence with a minimum height of six feet is required to be placed on the common boundary line. 3. Screen Type A solid masonry, concrete or EIFS (Exterior Insulation and Finish System) wall with a minimum height of six feet and a maximum height of eight feet shall be placed on the common boundary line. D Plant Material Unless otherwise expressly stated, a minimum of one five-gallon shrub at a minimum of three feet in height shall be provided per three linear feet of landscaping buffer. A minimum of one two-inch caliper canopy tree shall be provided per 25 linear feet of landscape buffer. All landscaping planting areas that are not dedicated to trees or shrubs shall be landscaped with grass, ground cover, or other appropriate landscape treatment in accordance with Section 7.5. E. Parking Area Screening When off-street parking areas containing five or more spaces or service or utility areas serving nonresidential uses do not share a common boundary but are visible from and within 200 feet of residential uses, the parking area shall be screened from view. Screening may be accomplished using plantings, berms, structural elements or combinations thereof, and must be three feet above the parking lot elevation. City of College Station,Texas 7-45 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.7.Stormwater Management F. Maintenance All landscaping materials and fences shall be maintained by the owners of the property that was required to install such landscaping materials and fence under this Section. 7.7 Stormwater Management A. General Provisions and Applicabinty 1. Lands to Which the Flood Hazard Protection Apply This section shall apply to all lands within the corporate limits and the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of College Station, Texas as adjusted from time to time by the action of the City Council. 2 Establishment of City Drainage Policy and Design Standards a All design, construction plans, as-built construction plans, plats, zoning change requests, site plans, building permit applications and all items relating to stormwater flows shall be in accordance with the approved Drainage Policy and Design Standards. L. Proposals for amendment to or revision of the Drainage Policy and Design Standards shall be submitted to the City Council by the Development Engineer. 3® Establishment sf Devriopment Permit Issuance of a duly approved development permit shall be required prior to any development, as defined herein, to insure conformance to the provisions and requirements of this Section. a® Exception The following uses shall be exempt from the permitting requirements of the ordinance but must otherwise meet all of the requirements of the ordinance and the Drainage Policy and Design Standards: (1) Customary and incidental grounds maintenance, landscaping and gardening; (2) Improvements by a homeowner on property used as their principal residence where that property lies outside of the designated Area of Special Flood Hazard; and (3) Uses by a landowner of their property for bona fide agricultural purposes where that property lies outside of the designated Area of Special Flood Hazard. 4. Compliance No structure, permanent or otherwise or land, shall hereafter be located, substantially improved, platted, replatted, subdivided, have its use changed, or have its drainage pattern changed, without full compliance with the terms and 7-46 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.7.Stormwater Managemen provisions of this section, the Drainage Policy and Design Standards, and other applicable regulations. The provisions of this section shall apply to and be binding on any and all persons, firms, or corporations who singly or jointly seek to develop, redevelop, grade, regrade, excavate, landfill, berm, dike, or otherwise change existing land within the corporate limit of the City, or its Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. a. Interpretation In the interpretation and application of this section, all provisions shall be: (I) considered as minimum requirements; (2) liberally constructed in favor of the governing body, health and safety, and (3) deemed neither to limit nor repeal any other powers granted under State statutes. The Development Engineer shall interpret and apply this section. If the Development Engineer determines that the meaning of a word, provision or requirement is unclear, or that its application to a particular circumstance is uncertain, or upon written request for an interpretation by any interested party, the Development Engineer shall prepare a written interpretation or determination, setting forth the reasons, explanations and conclusions regarding the interpretation. ~ Abrogation and Greater Restriction This section is not intended to repeal, abrogate or impair any existing easements, covenants, or deed restrictions; however, where this section and another conflict, or overlap, whichever imposes the more stringent � \ restrictions, under the interpretation of the Development Engineer, and subject to the provisions of interpretation defined above, shall apply. c. Methods of Reducing Flood Damage In order that the purposes of this section shall be accomplished in accordance with Section 1, the following methods, measures, requirements, and practices may be utilized by the Development Engineer in accordance with the Drainage Policy and Design Standards: (1) Limit peak stormwater flows after development to that which existed before development; (2) Limit, control, or prevent changes in the path of stormwater flows across or away from a site or development; (3) Limit, control, or prevent alterations to existing watercourses and drainage facilities either inside or outside existing Areas of Special Flood Hazard; (4) Limit, control, or prevent the alteration of natural or developed Areas of Special Flood Hazard, channels, or protective barriers which are necessary to accommodate flood waters; (5) Limit, control, or prevent the use of existing or proposed drainage easements such that the easement remains useful for its intended purpose; .', City of College Station,Texas 747 Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.7.Stormwater Management (6) Limit, control, or prevent the construction of barriers which may increase flood hazards to other lands or facilities; (7) Establish or cause to be established adequate drainage easements and/or rights of way to control development and limit potential flood damage and protect existing or proposed drainage facilities; (8) Limit, control, or prevent dumping of refuse, fill, garbage, grass clippings, brush, waste concrete, or other materials in existing drainage facilities including swales, streets, inlets, ditches, storm sewers, culverts, etc.; (9) Limit, control, or prevent filling, grading, clearing, dredging, paving, berming, or other earthwork which may increase stormwater flows, change drainage pathways, increase erosion and sedimentation, or increase flood hazard or damage from flooding; (10)Lirnit, control or prevent development which is dangerous to health, safety or property by causing increases in water surface elevations, velocities, or flowrates which exist prior to such development; (11)Limit, control, or prevent development which is vulnerable to flood damage or require that said development shall be adequately protected against said flood damage at the time of construction; and (12)Require adequate maintenance of drainage facilities such that they retain their capacity for conveyance of stormwater flows. d. Warning and Disclaimer of Liability The degree of flood protection accorded by the requirements of this section is considered reasonable for regulatory purposes and is based on scientific and engineering considerations which are consistent with accepted engineering principles and practice. Floods from stormwater flows can and will occur which are greater than those indicated or referenced under this section, and water surface elevations may be increased by man-made or natural causes beyond the scope of this section. This section does not imply that land outside the areas of special flood hazard, or uses permitted within such areas will be free or protected from flooding or flood damages. This section shall not be construed as warranting any such protection or freedom. This section shall not create liability on the part of the City, the Development Engineer of this chapter, or any office or employee of the City, or for any flood damages resulting from reliance on or compliance with the provisions and requirements of this section or any administrative decision lawfully made thereunder. e. Exception Development shall be required to comply with all applicable provisions and requirements, and all applicable ordinances and regulations in effect prior to 7-48 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 7.GeneraDevelopment Standards Section 7.7.Stormwater Management adoption of this UDO. Developments shall be considered in an approval process given one or more of the following conditions apply: (1) An acceptable application for Building Permit has been filed with all requirements for that application having been met within 90 days of the date of adoption of this UDO; (2) An acceptable Final Plat, with all construction drawings, has been submitted, subject to the requirements of Section 7.12, within 180 days of the date of adoption of this UDO; and (3) An acceptable site plan has been submitted, subject to the requirements of this UDO, within 90 days of the date of adoption of this UDO. B. Special Provisions 1~ Establishment of Areas of Special Flood Hazard The basis for identification of the Areas of Special Flood Hazard shall be the most current engineering report entitled "Flood Insurance Study for the City of College Station, Texas" as accepted by FEMA and the Federal Insurance Ad inistration, including the accompanying Letters of Map Revision (LOMR) and/or Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA), Flood Insurance Rate Maps and Flood Hazard Boundary Maps showing the floodway. The current report is dated January 2, 1981; however, any revisions, amend ents, or updated studies accepted by FEMA and the Flood Insurance Administration shall be adopted by reference and are hereby declared to be a part of this section. The most current Flood Insurance Study shall be used for all determinations of flood insurance rates, floodways, and additional revisions as they become available. The current Flood Insurance Study, FIRM, FHBM, along with any revisions or amendments shall be maintained and made available by the designated Development Engineer of the Stormwater Management Program. 2. Revision or Aonendmment of Flood Insurance Study Any revision or amendment to the Flood Insurance Study which is requested by a land owner in the City shall be submitted to the designated Development Engineer of the Stormwater Management Program in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Drainage Policy and Design Standards. All requests for Map Amendment must be approved by the Development Engineer in writing prior to their submission to FEMA. If modification of any watercourse is involved, an effective Conditional Letter of Map Amendment shall be on file with the Development Engineer prior to any development. All submittals to FEMA shall be made at no cost to the City. 3. Areas of Special Flood Hazard In all areas of Special Flood Hazard where base flood elevations have been determined in accordance with this section, the following provisions shall apply: City ) ofCo 7-49 Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.7.Stormwater Management a All new construction, any substantial improvement to a structure, and appurtenances shall be securely anchored to prevent flotation, collapse or lateral movement; b® All new construction, any substantial improvement to a structure, and appurtenances shall be constructed in such a manner as to minimize flood damage; and, all electrical, heating, ventilation, plumbing, and air conditioning equipment and other service facilities shall be designed and/or located so as to prevent water from entering or accumulating within the components during conditions of flooding, c New and replacement sanitary sewage systems, including but not limited to septic tanks and drain fields, package treatment plants, etc., shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the system and discharges from the system into flood waters; d. New and replacement water supply systems including wells, treatment plants, distribution facilities, etc., shall be designed to prevent infiltration of flood waters into the system; e Solid or liquid waste disposal sites or systems shall be designed and located to avoid contamination from them during flooding and to avoid impairment of their operation during times of flooding; f All new construction or any substantial improvement of any residential structure shall have the lowest floor, including any basement, at an elevation at least one foot above the base flood elevation, and certification that this standard has been satisfied shall be submitted to the Development Engineer, said certification shall bear the dated seal and signature of a registered professional engineer or registered public surveyor on the form provided by the Development Engineer; g. All new construction or any substantial improvement of any commercial, industrial, or other non-residential structure shall either have the lowest floor, including basements, elevated at least one foot above the base flood elevation or the structure with its attendant utility and sanitary facilities shall be floodproofed so that the structure and utility and sanitary facilities shall be watertight and impermeable to the intrusion of water in all areas below the base flood elevation, and shall resist the structural loads and buoyancy effects from the hydrostatic and hydrodynamic conditions. Certification that this standard has been satisfied shall bear the dated seal and signature of a registered professional engineer on the form provided by the Development Engineer; h. For all new construction and substantial improvements, fully enclosed areas below the lowest floor that are subject to flooding shall be designed to automatically equalize hydrostatic flood forces on exterior walls by allowing for the entry and exit of floodwaters. Designs for meeting this requirement must either be certified by a registered professional engineer or architect or must meet or exceed the following minimum criteria: A minimum of two 7-50 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.7.Stormwater Managemen openings having a total net area of not less than one square inch for every square foot of enclosed area subject to flooding shall be provided. The bottom of all openings shall be no higher than one foot above grade. Openings may be equipped with screens, louvers, or other coverings or devices provided that they permit the automatic entry and exit of floodwaters; and i~ In areas of special flood hazard where base flood elevations have not been established, base flood elevation data shall be generated for subdivision proposals and other proposed development, includinanufactured home parks and subdivisions which are greater than 50 lotor five acres, whichever is less. 4. Manufactured Homes in Areas of Special Flood Hazard The following provisions are required in all Areas of where base flood elevations have been determined: a. No HUD-code manufactured home shall be placed in the Special Flood Hazard area. .~ All HUD-code manufactured homes shall be anchored to resist flotation, collapse, or lateral movement and shall meet the followingrequirements: (1) Over-the-top ties shall be provided at each of the four corners of the / \ HUD-code manufactured homes; (2) On manufactured homes of 50 feet in length or less, one additional over-the-top tie shall be provided approximately at the mid point; (3) On manufactured homes of over 50 feet in length, two additional over- the-top ties shall be provided at intermediate locations; (4) Frame ties shall be provided at each of the four corners of the manufactured home; (5) On manufactured homes of 50 feet in length or less, four additional frame ties shall be provided at intermediate locations; (6) On manufactured homes of over 50 feet in length, five additional frame ties shall be provided at intermediate locations; and (7) All components of the anchoring system for manufactured homes shall be capable of carrying a force of 4800 pounds without sustaining permanent damage. c. For new HUD-code manufactured home developments; expansions to existing HUD-code manufactured home developments; existing HU[]-code manufactured home developments where repair, reconstruction, or improvement of the streets, utilities, or building pads in which the cost of repair, reconstruction, or improvement exceeds half of the value of the streets, utilities, and building pads before the repair, etc. has commenced; and for { � HUD-code manufactured homes not placed in a HUD-code manufactured home development, the following are required: City of College Sta |on,Texas 7-51 Article 7,General Development Standards Section 7.7.Stormwater Management (1) Stands or lots shall be elevated on compacted fill or on pilings such that the lowest floor of the HUDcodemanufactured home will be above the base flood elevation and shall be no more than one foot below the base flood elevation. Certification that this standard has been satisfied shall be submitted to the Development Engineer; said certification shall bear the dated seal and signature of a registered professional engineer or registered public surveyor on the form provided by the Development Engineer; (2) Adequate surface drainage and access for a hauler shall be provided; and (3) If a HUD-code manufactured home is elevated on pilings: (4) Lots shall be large enough to permit steps. (5) Piling foundations shall be placed in stable soil no more than ten feet apart. (6) Reinforcement shall be provided for pilings more than six feet above the existing or finished ground level. 5® Floodways Located within Areas of Special Flood Hazard established in this section are areas designated as floodways. The floodway is an extremely hazardous area due to the velocity of flood waters which carry debris, potential projectiles and the potential for erosion; therefore, the following provisions shall be required: a Encroachments shall be prohibited, including fill, new construction, substantial improvements of existing construction, structures, HUD-code manufactured homes, or other development. Variances requested on this standard shall be accompanied by a complete engineering report fully demonstrating that the encroachments shall not result in any increase in water surface elevation or flood hazard upstream, within, or downstream of the encroachment location. The engineering report shall conform to the requirements of the Drainage Policy and Design Standards and shall bear the dated seal and signature of a registered professional engineer. b. Exemptions for the requirements of Section may be made in the following cases: (1) Customary and incidental routine grounds maintenance, landscaping and home gardening which,does not require a building permit, zone change request or variance from the provisions of this UDO; (2) Emergency repairs of a temporary nature made on public or private property which are deemed necessary for the preservation of life, health, or property, and which are made under such circumstances where it would be impossible or impracticable to obtain a development permit; and 7-52 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 7.GeneraDevelopment Standards Section 7.7.Stormwater Managemen (3) Temporary excavation for the purpose of maintaining, or repairing any public street, public utility facility or any service lines related thereto. c. All new construction or substantial improvements of existing construction shall be subject to the methods of flood hazard reduction. d. When a regulatory floodway has not been designated, no new construction, substantial improvements, or other development, including fill, shall be permitted within zones designated /\|+\3Oand AE on the communitys FIRM, unless it is demonstrated that the cumulative effect of the proposed development, when combined with all other existing and anticipated development, will not increase the water surface elevation of the base flood more than one foot at any point within the community. 6. Areas of Shallow Flooding Located within the Areas of Special Flood Hazard established in Section are areas designated as Areas of Shallow Flooding. These areas have special flood hazards associated with base flood depths of one to three feet where a clearly defined channel does not exist and where the pathway of flood waters is indeterminate and unpredictable; therefore, the following provisions shall be required: a. All new construction or any substantial improvement of any residential structure shall have the lowest floor, including basements, elevated at least one foot above the depth number specified on the community's FIRM. \ � b. All new construction or any substantial improvement of any commercial, industrial, or other non-residential structure shall either: (1) Have the lowest floor, including basements, elevated at least one foot above the depth number specified on the community's FIRM; or (2) The structure with its attendant utility and sanitary facilities shall be floodproofed so that the structure and utility and sanitary facilities shall be watertight and impermeable to the intrusion of water in all areas below the base flood elevation, and shall resist the structural loads and ' buoyancy effects from the hydrostatic and hydrodynamic conditions. Certification that this standard has been satisfied shall bear the dated seal and signature of a registered professional engineer on the form provided by the Development Engineer. c. Adequate drainage paths to guide floodwaters around and away from proposed structures shall be provided for all proposed structures on slopes in Zones AH or AO. 7. Zero-Rise Floodway Provisions [EDITOR'S NOTE: to be inserted following staff discussion.] City of College StationTexas rez Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.8.Residential Protection Standards 7.8 Residential Protection Standards A. Applicability 1 The standards of this section apply to all multifamily and nonresidential development when such development occurs on a site located within 150 feet of any residential district. Residential protection standards shall not, however, be triggered by property that is public right-of-way, railroad track, roadway, median or public utility easement, regardless of its zoning. 2 Notwithstanding the applicability provisions of this Section, the following are specifically exempt from compliance with residential protection standards to the extent indicated. a® Structural alteration of an existing building when such alteration does not increase the building's square footage by more than 1,000 square feet; b® Structural alteration of an existing building when such alteration does not increase the building's height by more than ten percent; c® A change in use that does not increase the number of required off-street parking spaces; or d® Sites located in the NG-T and NG-R Districts. . Site Design The following additional site design standards shall apply to development that is subject to Section 6.2. These provisions shall not apply to uses that are accessory to uses permitted by right in a residential district. 1® Setbacks a® From Abutting Side and Rear Lot Lines Development on lots adjacent to the side or rear lot lines of lots in any residential district must observe the minimum setbacks for the abutting or adjacent residential district. b® Front Setback When new development occurs on lots adjacent to the side lot line of a lot in any residential district, the new development shall observe the same minimum front setback that applies to the residential district lot for a distance of 50 feet from the residential district lot. In such cases, no buildings, parking spaces, loading spaces or dumpsters may be located within the required setback. c® Recreational Setback No swimming pool, tennis court, ballfield or playground area shall be permitted within 50 feet of any residential district. 7-54 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7.9. Nonresidential Architectural Standards d® Parking Setback Parking and loading shall not be located within ten feet of any residential district. 2® Building Height Any nonresidential structure within 100 feet of a developed residential use or existing single-family structure shall maintain a maximum height equal to the maximum allowable height of the residential district. 3® Visual Screening of Dumpsters Dumpsters located on property subject to the residential protection standards of this section must be completely screened from view of property in any residential district by buildings, fences or walls that are at least as tall as the dumpster. This provision shall apply to all dumpsters, including those used for the collection and storage of recyclable materials, whether public or private, and other collection containers, such as grease containers. 4 Vending achines Each internally illuminated machine located within 100 feet of a residential district shall be screened from view from all streets. Machines that are not internally illuminated and carry no commercial message are not subject to this standard. C. Modification of Requirements The Zoning Board of Adjustment may reduce or waive one or more of the residential protection standards imposed by this Section if they find that reduction or waiver is appropriate and shall not harm the surrounding area. Requests for waivers shall be considered in accordance with the variance process in Section 3.10, however, no specific findings shall be required. 7®9 Nonresidential Architectural Standards The following subsection applies to all base zoning districts other than the base residential districts. They shall also apply to the special purpose zoning districts unless specific requirements in those districts are more stringent. A. Applicability The design standards of this section shall apply to non-residential uses located in all residential and commercial districts with the exception of the NG North Gate District, including non-industrial planned developments. B. Building Orientation Except as otherwise expressly required or unless necessary to avoid site access through an alley adjacent to a residential district, the front or side facade shall face the adjacent street abutting the front property line and be set back not more than 50 feet from the adjacent street. The main entrance shall face the adjacent street or face a connecting walkway with a direct pedestrian connection to the street. City of College Station,Texas 7-55 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.9.Nonresidential Architectural Standards C. Building Design Buildings shall have architectural features and patterns that provide visual interest, at the scale of the pedestrian, reduce massive aesthetic effects, and recognize local character. D. Building Mass 1 Single, large building masses shall be avoided. 2 Structures where all building elements are less than 35 feet in height, with walls of more than 1,500 square feet, and with a floor area exceeding 50,000 square feet must incorporate fascias, canopies, doors, windows, pilasters, columns, horizontal and vertical offsets, varying textures, material and color variations, decorative cornices, murals, graphics, arcades, building setbacks of three feet or more or other design features to break up large wall surfaces on their street facing elevations. Wall surfaces must visually be divided by such features into areas of 750 square feet or less. 3 Structures with building elements above 35 feet in height shall have no wall surface longer than 100 feet without a break: a recess or offset measuring at least 20 feet in depth and one quarter of the building in length or a series of recesses or offsets, at intervals of not more than 40 feet, that vary the depth of the building wall by a minimum of four feet. Not less than 25 percent of the building wall shall be varied in this way. The objective of this standard is to avoid large, undifferentiated wall surfaces. Smaller offsets at 40 foot intervals are an acceptable substitute. E. Mechanical Equipment Screening All roof mounted and ground-mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened from view or isolated so as not to be visible from any public right-of-way or residential district within 150 feet of the subject lot, measured from a point five feet above grade. Roof screens, when used, shall be coordinated with the building to maintain a unified appearance. This provision shall not require that screening be taller than the objects being screened. F. Multiple-Building Developments Each individual building within a development shall feature common characteristics including, but not limited to, consistent rooflines, use of compatible proportions in building mass and outdoor spaces, complementary relationships to the street, similar window and door patterns and the use of complementary building materials in terms of color, shades and textures. Monotony of design in multiple building projects shall be avoided. Variation of detail, form and siting shall be used to provide visual interest. The use of different textures, complementary colors, shadow lines and contrasting shapes may also be used to provide visual interest. G. Building Color Color shades shall be used to facilitate unifying the development. 7-56 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.10.Outdoor Lighting Standards 1. Predominant Exterior Colors The use of black, gray, fluorescent, primary and/or secondary colors is prohibited as the predominant exterior building or roof colors. Earth-tone colors are examples of acceptable colors. 2. Building Trim Colors a. Building trim and accent areas may feature any color(s), limited to ten percent of the affected facade segment, with a maximum trim height of 24 inches total for its shortest distance. b. Neon or neon type tubing shall be permitted as provided for in Section 7.10. An approved lighting plan consistent with the provisions of Section 7.10 shall be provided. H. Prohibited Materials 1. Concrete finishes or pre-cast concrete panels (tilt wall) that are not exposed aggregate, hammered, embossed, imprinted, split-faced, or covered with a cement- based acrylic coating shall not be used as exterior building materials and shall be prohibited on all exterior walls. 2. Metal panels shall not be used as exterior building materials and shall be prohibited on all exterior walls, except in industrial districts. 3® Mirrored glass with a reflectance greater than 40 percent shall be prohibited from covering more than 40 percent of the exterior walls of any building. 7.10 Outdoor Lighting Standards A. Site Lighting D esign Requirements All lighting fixtures designed or placed so as to illuminate any portion of a site shall meet the following requirements: 1. Fixture (luminaire)® The light source shall be completely concealed within an opaque housing and shall not be visible from any street right-of-way. 2. Light Source(la p). Only incandescent, florescent, metal halide, or color corrected high-pressure sodium may be used. The same type must be used for the same or similar types of lighting on any one site throughout any master-planned development. 3. Mounting. Fixtures shall be mounted in such a manner that the cone of light does not cross any property line of the site. 4. Illumination Levels.All site lighting shall be designed so that the level of illumination as measured in foot candles (fc) at any one point meets the standards in the table below. Minimum and maximum levels are as measured at any one point. Average level is a not to exceed value calculated using only the area of the site intended to receive illumination. City of College Station,Texas 757 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.10.Outdoor Lighting Standards e of 1:* Le'Ve-f- YP 1g,, e, v f4ximuri) eve Canopy Area Lighting 2.0 fc 12.00 fc 20.0 fc Commercial Parking Lots 0.2 fc 1.50 fc 10.0 fc Residential Parking Lots 0.2 fc 1.00 fc 8.0 fc Walkways and Streets 0.2 fc .75 fc 8.0 fc Landscape and Decorative 0.0 fc .50 fc 5.0 k Lighting Required for Specific Uses L Roads, Driveways, Sidewalks and Parking Lots All roads, driveways, sidewalks and parking lots shall be sufficiently illuminated to ensure the security of property and safety of persons using such areas and facilities. Where such roads, driveways, sidewalks or parking lots fall on private property, the responsibility for lighting such areas shall fall upon the developer. 2. Entrances and Exits in Nonresidential and Multifamily rojects All entrances and exits in buildings used for nonresidential persons and open to the general public, along with all entrances and exits in multifamily residential buildings containing more than four units, shall be adequately lighted to ensure the safety of persons and the security of the building. 3. Residential Protection Standards All lights used by development that is subject to Residential Protection Standards must be arranged and controlled so as to deflect light away from any residential district. Any light or combination of lights that cast light on a Residential district may not exceed 0.4 foot-candles (meter reading), as measured one foot inside the lot line of any residential district lot. 4. Commercial Parking Lot Lighting All commercial parking lots shall be required to provide lighting meeting the standards of paragraph B above during night-time hours of operation. 5. Canopy Area Lighting All development that incorporates a canopy area over fuel sales, automated bank machines, or similar installations shall be required to provide lighting for the canopy area meeting the standards of paragraph B above. For the purposes of this Section, the canopy area shall be defined as that area immediately below the canopy. Remaining areas shall be lighted according to the applicable standard in paragraph B above. 7-58 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.11.Outdoor Storage and lisplay C. Roof Lighting 1. Application a. An application for a permit authorizing a project including the use of roof lighting shall include a roof lighting plan containing sufficient information to determine whether the roof lighting, if installed as proposed, will meet the standards and intent of this Section. b. Whenever a roof lighting plan is submitted pursuant to this Section, it shall be referred to the Design Review Board to obtain the Board's approval, approval with conditions, or disapproval of the roof lighting plan. 2. Roof Lighting Standards a. All bulbs or tubing shall be encased so that the bulb is not naked and that direct glare is prevented. b. Complete outlining of the roof is not permitted. c. Lights shall not run along the highest peak of a roof line, except that perimeter lighting around the top of a flat roof is allowed. d. Roof lighting that qualifies as a sign under this UDO is prohibited. D. Excessive Illumination 1. Lighting within any lot that unnecessarily illuminates and substantially interferes with the use or enjoyment of any other lot is prohibited. Lighting unnecessarily illuminates another lot if it clearly exceeds the requirements of this Section, or if the standard could reasonably be achieved in a manner that would not substantially interfere with the use or enjoyment of neighboring properties. 2. Lighting shall not be oriented so as to direct glare or excessive illumination onto streets in a manner that may distract or interfere with the vision of drivers on such streets. 3. Illumination using bare illuminated tubing or strings of lights that completely outline or define property lines, sales areas, roofs, doors, windows or similar areas in a manner that is not primarily for safety purposes is prohibited. 4. All lighting fixtures used to illuminate an off-street parking area shall be arranged so as to direct or shield the light away from any adjoining residential premises. 5. Lighting used to illuminate parking areas shall be arranged, located or screened to direct light away from any adjoining or abutting residential district or use or any street right-of-way. 7.11 Outdoor Storage and Display A. General Outdoor storage and display shall be allowed in any nonresidential district in accordance with this Section, except where expressly prohibited in this UDO. Any City of College Station,Texas 7-59 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.11.Outdoor Storage and Display merchandise, material or equipment situated outdoors shall be subject to the requirements of this Section. No outdoor storage, rental, or sales may result in subsequent off-site parking, sales, storage or display. For the purpose of this section, outdoor storage and display shall be broken down into three types, as follows. B Categories of Outdoor Storage and Display 1® Outdoor Display Outdoor display shall be allowed adjacent to a principal building wall and extending to a distance no greater than 5 feet from the wall. Such storage shall not be permitted to block windows, entrances or exits, and shall not impair the ability of pedestrians to use the building. 2. Limited outdoor Storage Limited outdoor storage shall not exceed 1,000 square feet or 10 percent of the total site area, whichever is greater, except in C-H and M Districts where additional outdoor storage, sales, and display is allowed so long as it is completely screened from view outside the site by a solid opaque wall or fence at least six feet in height. 3. General Outdoor Storage. General outdoor storage shall be allowed in unlimited quantity, subject only to the location restrictions below. C Exceptions 1a_ Vehicles for sale as part of a properly permitted vehicle sales use (including boats and manufactured housing).shall not be considered merchandise, material or equipment subject to the restrictions of this Section. 2. Waste generated on-site and deposited in ordinary refuse containers shall not be subject to the restrictions of this Section. 3. For the purposes of this Section, areas enclosed by solid, opaque walls on at least three sides and covered by a solid, opaque roof shall not be considered outdoor where the open or fourth side is not oriented to a street right-of-way or residential district. D. Location of Outdoor Storage and Display 1. Unless specifically authorized elsewhere in the City's Code of Ordinances, all outdoor storage and display shall be located outside the public right-of-way and/or at least 15 feet from the back edge of the adjacent curb or street pavement. 2. No outdoor storage or display shall be allowed in required side yards. E. Allowed Storage Table The three types of storage shall be allowed in the districts designated in the Table below. 7-60 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 7.General Development Standards Section 7.12.Safeguard Controls A-0 WPC 1.L. r NG C.0 USE C-0 OV 1.H mom. 111311111 Outdoor Display 1.1. Limited Outdoor Storage 11=1111 General Outdoor Storage Mil 7.12 Safeguard Controls No machine, process or procedure shall be employed on any property in the City, in which: A. Emission of smoke, dust, noxious, toxic or lethal gases are detectable beyond the perimeter ofthe property; B. Materials are stored or accumulated in such a way that they may be carried byrainwatertoxic, in natural drainage channels beyond the limits of the property, which are noxious, radioactive, contain oil or grease, wood, or cellulose fibers, hair, feathers, plastic or have a pH factor above ten or below five; C. Vibration is discernible beyond the property line; and D.. Noise above the ambient noise level is discernible beyond the property line. City of College Station,Texas 7-61 printed 10/25/2001 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) Article Subdivision Design and Iiprovements 8.1 General Provisions A. Scope and Purpose This Article shall govern all subdivisions of land within the corporate limits of the City of College Station, Texas, and within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City as established by the Municipal Annexation Act. The subdivision of land is a major factor in the process of sound community growth and ultimately becomes a public responsibility in that the streets must be maintained and various public services customary to urban areas must be provided. The welfare of the entire community is thereby affected in many important respects. Therefore, it is to the interest of the public, to the developer, and to the future owners, that the subdivisions be conceived, designed, and developed in accordance with sound rules and proper minimum standards. It is in the intent of these regulations to encourage the growth of the City of College Station in an orderly manner. lat eqwred The subdivider of a tract of land located within the City limits or in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City shall prepare and submit for approval a plat of the subdivision in accordance with this Section. Unapproved Final Plat No City approvals, including but not limited to building, repair, plumbing, or electrical permits, shall be issued by the City for any structure on a lot in a subdivision for which a final plat has not been approved and filed for record. D. Noncompliance with Standards No building repair, plumbing or electrical permit shall be issued for any structure on a lot within a subdivision in which the standards contained herein or referred to herein have not been complied with in full. E. No City Maintenance The City shall not repair, maintain, install or provide any streets or public utilities or services in any subdivision for which a final plat has not been approved and filed for record, nor in which the standards contained herein or referred to herein have not been complied with in full. F. No Utility Service The City shall not sell or supply water, gas, electricity or sewerage within a subdivision for which a final plat has not been approved and filed for record, nor in which the standards contained herein have not been complied with in full. 8-1 City of College Station,Texas Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 8.Subdivision Design and improvements Section 8.2.Subdivision Design Standards G. Grandfather Provisions The provisions of this Section shall not be construed to prohibit the issuance of permits for any lot or undivided tract or parcel of land upon which a residence exists and was in existence prior to the passage of the City's first subdivision regulations on July 15, 1970. 8®2 Subdivision Design Standards A. General 1® Community Assets In all subdivisions, due regard shall be shown for all natural features such as trees, watercourses, historical spots and similar community assets (including greenways), which, when preserved, will add attractiveness and value to the property. 2. Suitability of Lands The Planning and Zoning Commission shall not approve the subdivision of land if, from adequate investigations conducted iy all public agencies concerned, it has been determined that in the best interest of the public, the site is not suitable for platting and development purposes of the kind proposed. Land subject to flooding and land deemed to be topographically unsuitable shall not be platted for residential occupancy, nor for such other uses as may increase danger to health, life, or property, or aggravate erosion or flood hazard. Such land within the plat shall be set aside for such uses as shall not be endangered by periodic or occasional inundation or shall not produce unsatisfactory living conditions. 3. Reserved Strips Prohibited There shall be no reserved strips controlling access to land dedicated or intended to be dedicated to the public. B. Engineering and Construction Standards 1. All construction on streets, alleys or easements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with City engineering standards and specifications, and in particular regard for the street regulation section. 2® All streets, water, sewer and drainage facilities shall be designed and constructed to and through the property in question. 3. Where City engineering standards do not specifically cover a design or construction issue, the Development Engineer shall have the authority to enforce other nationally recognized standards. C. Subdivision Access 1. Large Tracts or Parcels When land is subdivided into larger parcels rather than ordinary building lots, such parcels shall be arranged so as to allow for the opening of future streets and logical 8-2 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 8.Subdivision Design and improvements Section 8.2.Subdivision Design Standards further subdivisions. If the Comprehensive Plan of the City requires principal streets to cross the subdivision, the right-of-way shall be dedicated to the public. 2 Required Subdivision Access Points a. A subdivision of 49 lots or less may provide access to the existing public roadway system via a single access point. b. A subdivision of 50 lots or greater shall provide access to the existing or proposed public roadway system via two access points at minimum unless extreme natural conditions, as determined by the Development Engineer, make such connection infeasible. c® Subdivisions of 250 lots or greater shall be required to provide three or more access points to the existing or proposed public roadway system, subject to review by the Development Engineer. The third and additional access points shall be shown on the plat and construction plans for the development; however, construction of the street may be postponed to a later phase of development. The Planning Commission may require the construction of any access point at the time of approval of the final plat. D. Streets 1. Street Layout Adequate streets shall be provided by the subdivider such that the arrangement, character, extent, width and grade of each shall conform to the City's Comprehensive Plan and shall be considered in their relation to existing and planned streets, to the topographical conditions, to the public safety and convenience and to their appropriate relationship to the proposed use of the land to be served by such streets. 2. Relation to Adjoining Street Systems Where necessary to the neighborhood pattern, existing streets in adjacent or adjoining areas shall be continued in the new development, in alignment therewith. Whenever connections to anticipated or proposed surrounding streets are required by this section, the right- of-way shall be extended and the street developed to the property line of the subdivided property (or to the edge of the remaining undeveloped portion of a single tract) at the point where the connection to the anticipated or proposed street is expected. The permit-issuing authority may also require temporary turn-arounds to be constructed at the end of such streets pending their extension when such turn-arounds appear necessary to facilitate the flow of traffic or accommodate emergency or service vehicles. Notwithstanding the other provisions of this subsection, no temporary dead-end street in excess of 1,000 feet may be created unless no other practicable alternative is available. 3. Street Jogs Street jogs with center-line offsets of less than 125 feet shall be avoided. City of College Station,Texas 8-3 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 8.Subdivision Design and Improvements Section 8.2.Subdivision Design Standards 4 Half Streets No half streets shall be platted or constructed. 5® Dead-End Streets Dead-end streets shall be prohibited except short stubs to permit extension. Temporary turnarounds shall be required where the street stub exceeds one lot or 100 feet in length, whichever is greater. The developer shall provide a sign at the stub declaring that the particular street shall connect with any future development. 6® Cul-de-Sacs Cul-de-sacs shall not exceed 600 feet in length to beginning of the cul-de-sac radius, and shall terminate in a turnaround with a minimum right-of-way radius of 50 feet, and with a minimum outside edge-of-pavement radius of 40 feet. 7. Street Intersections Acute angles between streets at their intersections are to be avoided. 8 Principal Streets on Master Plan Where a subdivision embraces a principal street as shown on the City's Master Plan, such street shall be platted to maintain continuity in the approximate location as shown, and of the type indicated. In certain cases the City may have constructed a street through the area to be subdivided, in which case the subdivider shall develop the necessary street intersections at his expense, in accordance with the requirements of this section. The Planning and Zoning Com ission may require that, where practical, residential lots adjacent to arterial and collector be platted or restricted so as to prevent driveways opening into such streets. 9 Minor Streets Minor streets shall be laid out to discourage their use for through traffic. 10® Private Streets Private streets, where applicable, shall be designated on the subdivision plat and shall meet or exceed City standards for design, construction and maintenance. 11® Geometric Standards, Street Design Criteria Design criteria for streets are shown in the following table. 8-4 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 8.Subdivision Design and Improvements Section 8.2.Subdivision Design Standards Residential Street c6110:ctor;str-ge_1:: Arterial Street - - min - M ricir Major' Criteria _ Alley Urba& Minor Major - -(uridiirided) (divided) _Right-of-Way2 24' 50' 60' 70' 90' 90' 120' Access and Utility — — 6'each 6'each side 6'each side 6'each side 6'each side Easement side Pavement Width3 20' 27' 38' 48'or 54' 70' 70'or 74' 94' Traffic Lanes 2 2 2 3 or 4 5 4 6 Lane Width 10' 12' 11'or 13' 11 /16/4 11/16'4 11/16'4 11/16'4 Shoulder Width — — — Continuous Two-Way No No No Yes(12') Yes(16') No No Left Turn Lane(width) Parking None Limited Only w/o none none none none bike lanes Median None None none none none 16' 18' Min.Grade 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% Max.Grade 8% 8% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% Min. Horz. Radius 200' 200' 400' 500' 850' 850' 1,050' (center line) Min.Tangent 0' 0' 100' 100' 100' 100' 250' between curves Sidevvalks5 None one side both both both both both Design Speed (mph)6 30 30 30 35 40 40 45 Bike Lanes N/A N/A permitted permitted N/A permitted Limited Volume Range 200 to 1000 to 5000 to 10,000 to 10,000 to 20,000 to Guideline 1000 5000 10,000 20,000 25,000 45,000 (vehicles/day) I I I I 'Residential streets may be designated as either"through"or"internal"(see definitions) 2 Right-of-way width listed herein is a minimum,additional right-of-way or easements may be required. 3 Pavement width is measured from back of curb to back of curb. For streets with shoulders,the pavement width does not include the shoulder width. 4 Wider lanes required on outside lanes only. 'There are no sidewalks required on rural residential streets or rural collectors that are wholly contained within the subdivision. 6 For "internal"residential streets,the design speed may be reduced. This may allow for a smaller horizontal radius. Advisory signage will be required by the developer. City of College Station,Texas 8-5 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 8.Subdivision Design and improvements Section 8.2.Subdivision Design Standards ALLEY RESIDENTIAL 24' 20" 2'i 11,5' 27' ' a .... , , 13,5' 13.5' . 10' 10' - _ 1 T • T1 R1.1 d ' 'CI- - d in'a. Evtos c: . - - 4 11-4R(i /e <Re. • .1 on one f« oily) MINOR COLLECTOR 60' 11' r 313" 11' • 84 I 1,1" L.,_ II' 14 tr D; `14 •4 , > 1 1 CI c21 01! GO' L.,................................,_---....................... 1 111 . .: Ili BIKE 12' i 71 BIKE d oqi 'CI' 02 TIM o2 _ ALK MAJOR COLLECTOR 70' 4 „..,_ ' 8' 8 54 16' U , 11' 16' - 'd TVEZU Ti ' a (2),„, 11 * SI AIX SI1',€VALK OR 7(r 4 11' 40' 11E BIKE \S IICVALK SI i ALK 8-6 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 8.Subdivision Design and Improvements Section 8.2.Subdivision Design Standards MINOR ARTERIAL 90' ' -- 70' 10' 274 16" 27' 10' 11' .1 16' _- 16' i 11' • ' > rugzu_ SI DCVALK SIIX:VALK OR 90" 74' 84 294 - 16 29' 0' >1 '1113111111121.11111111: `, 1r ' It c7 - - - - • , .,B EKE . i -8'ME r d- ,,,c).... ,c).... ,.r , ° el i \ if ,,_ -ALK s , „ .. , _ OR 90' , - - • 10' , 70" 10" 16 ,', 11' ',, 16' ' 11" , 16' ' -- , „ > ,,.,,, ' ,' ..- s ,.. ' ...,-.2?, ct, „ d MAJOR ARTERIAL - - 944 134 31Y 10' 313' 1 12" .•if 5; 16 11' 11" • 11' % 11' 16" ... _ 20 d ,, , 11, „. <:::?' -(:)- 1::?•.. , P • THZU < \STEC-VALK T ILICVALK-if City of College Station,Texas 8-7 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 8.Subdivision Design and Improvement Section 8.2Subdivision Design Standards 12~ Street Names New streetshall not only be named so as to provide continuity of existing street , but shall be named to prevent conflict with identical or similar names in other parts of the City. New streets shall not be named after any living person. 13. Alleys a. Alleys may be required at the rear of all lots intended to be used for business purposes and may be provided in residential areas. b. Alleys shall generally be parallel to the street, shall be not less than 20 feet wide and shall be paved under Development Engineering standards. The right-of-way for alleys shall be dedicated to the public. c. Where two alleys intersect, or where an alley turns, additional width may be required to allow turning of vehicles or guying of utility poles. d~ No dead-end alles shallbe permitted. e~ No alley shall connect a residential area to a commercial area and no commercial vehicular traffic may take place in an alley that serves residential land uses. f~ In all alleys, overhead easements of at least four feet in width shall be provided on each side of the alley right-of-way over which the aerial electric and communication lines must hang. This easement is not required when the electric and communication lines are placed underground. E. Blocks a d Lots 1. Blocks a. Blocks generally shall be platted to provide two tiers of lots with a utility easement or alley between them, with proper regard for drainage channels, wooded areas and other topographical features lending themselves to attractive treatment. b~ Block length shall not exceed 1,200 feet in single-family residential areas and shall not exceed 800 feet in other areas. In blocks over 800 feet in length, and at the end of cul-de-sacs that abut an existing or future school, park, greenway, trail, bikeway or street, there shall be provided an accessway as hereafter defined. 2~ Lots a. Side lot lines which make acute angles with front lines shall be avoided where practical. In general, an arrangement placing adjacent lots at right angles to each other shall be avoided. b. Lots abutting accessways shall be treated as corner lots. c. Lot size and setback lines shall be in accordance with zoning requirements, except as follows in paragraph d below. 8-8 City of College Station,Texas printed 1025/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 8.Subdivision Design and Improvements Section 8.2.Subdivision Design Standards d® In the case of a replat involving a subdivision or portion thereof created prior to July 15, 1970, each lot must meet or exceed the average lot size and lot width of the lots along the street frontage of the surrounding block.. F. Pedestrian Facilities 1. Accessways Accessways, where required, shall have a ten foot right-of-way, dedicated to the public. A six-foot sidewalk shall be constructed in the center of the right-of-way conforming to the Development Engineering standards. 2 Sidewalks a Sidewalks shall be required on both sides of all streets having a right-of-way width equal to or greater than 60 feet. A sidewalk shall be required on one side of all streets with a 50 foot right-of-way with the exception of cul-de-sac streets. A sidewalk may be required on cul-de-sac streets if needed to provide through pedestrian access to existing or future schools, parks, greenways, or streets. Sidewalks shall be placed within the right-of-way as determined by the Development Engineer and when so specified. b The subdivider shall construct all sidewalks according to one of the following placement alternatives: (1) Sidewalks shall be placed against the back of curb and have a minimum paved width of six feet; (2) Sidewalks shall be placed such that a minimum six foot buffer/green space is maintained between the back of curb and the inside edge of the sidewalk. Sidewalk paved width shall be a minimum of four feet for this location. and (3) The subdivider shall assure that these minimums are sufficient to meet the anticipated pedestrian demand in the area. [North gate exemption??] . • c Given that a combination or variation from the two placement methods is necessary or desired or that an obstruction is located within the paved area, the following criteria must be satisfied. (1) All radii in the transition section must be a minimum of ten feet. (2) All transition sections must be approved by the Development Engineer. d® In order to provide safe and adequate access on City sidewalks, all sidewalks shall meet minimum clear width requirements around all obstructions, natural or manmade, as described herein. Clear width shall mean the distance as measured from the outside edge of the obstruction to the outside edge of the sidewalk or from the inside edge of the obstruction to the inside edge of the sidewalk. If the clear width is to be obtained between the inside edge of the sidewalk and the obstruction, given that the sidewalk is placed against the City of College Station,Texas 8-9 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 8.Subdivision Design and Improvements Section 8.2.Subdivision Design Standards back of curbthe clear width shall be a minimum of six feet. In all other cases, the minimum clear width shall be four feet e. All sidewalks must be constructed concurrently with the thoroughfare or, if the thoroughfare is already constructed, prior to acceptance of any improvements. f. Waiver or partial waiver of the requirements of this paragraph 2 may be granted by the Planning and Zoning Commission when it has been determined that satisfactory alternative pedestrian ways or pedestrian/bikeways have been or will be provided outside the normal right- of-way; or that ' unique circumstances or unusual topographic, vegetative, or other natural conditions prevail to the extent that strict adherence to said requirements would be unreasonable and not consistent with the purposes and goals of this UDO or the Comprehensive Plan. G. Bikeways 1~ General Bikeways shall be required in accordance with the Bikeway Master Plan. Bikeways shall be required between lots on cul-de-sacs that are adjacent to existing or future schools, parks, greenways, streets, trails or other similar bikeway co nections. Bikeway facilities are planned and located to integrate with the existing City street � \ and park system. The facilities shall be strategically located so as to minimize their numbers and to provide bikeways to certain areas or neighborhoods within the City. 2. Types of Bikeways There are three types of bikeway facilities that shall be utilized, as follows: a. Bike Path A facility completely separated from auto traffic and within an independent right-of-way or within the right-of-way of another facility. b. -ike Lane A facility where part of the roadway or shoulder is striped, signed, and marked for exclusive or preferential bicycle use and where vehicle parking is not permitted, unless otherwise specified. c. Bike Route A facility designated by signing to help make motorists aware of the presence of bicycles which share the right-of-way with motor vehicles. ) 8-10 City of College Station,Texas Article 8. Subdivision Design and Improvements Section 8.2.Subdivision Design Standards 3 Bikeway Location Criteria Bikeways shall be located to integrate with the existing and future City street, greenway, and park system. Important criteria used in determining bikeway facility types and locations are: a. Safety in terms of existing street width; b. Existing and potential demand for use; c. Continuity and directness; d. Spacing in relation to other bikeway facilities; e Location of schools and other public facilities frequented by bicycle riders; and f Location of linear parks and greenbelts. 4. Geometric Design Criteria for iicycIe Facilities All facilities shall be designed to meet or exceed standards set forth in the "Guide for Development of Bicycle Facilities" published by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). Signing and pavement markings for such facilities shall be in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Geometric design criteria for each type of bikeway facility are as follows: a Bike Routes (1) The placement of bike route signing identifies bicycle compatible streets that will serve as bike routes. Bike route identification and directional signs shall be located and installed as indicated on the Bikeway Master Plan. (2) Bike Routes provide an important function in that they provide for continuity in the overall bikeway system. Bike routes will occur on local and collector streets that meet the criteria in paragraph (4) below. A minimum of 16 feet outer lane for collector arterial streets measured from the outer lane line to the back of curb shall be required for bike routes. A typical bicycle compatible street is shown below. cM) . (1,4 K4 - 14,4 (kVA r„.. „ ._ ,4 ....1 ---------- „,„..,,,,,,,,.. ..., . _ 1 T 1,14,, 01,42T b., ma (p-a 41,a gr(cto, 114cj ".• t II- P` Z . • • • < 16 Minimum For Cotioclor and Arterial Stoo4fig City of College Station,Texas 8-11 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 Article 8.Subdivision Design and improvements Section 8.2.Subdivision Design Standards (3) Bike route signing shall not end at a barrier. Information directing the bicyclist around the barrier shall be provided. (4) The roadway width, along with factors such as the volume, speed, and type of traffic; parking conditions; grade; and sight distance shall be considered when determining the feasibility of a bike route. Roadway improvements, such as safe drainage grates, railroad crossings, smooth pavements, maintenance schedules, and signals responsive to bicycles, shall always be considered before a roadway is identified as a bike route. b. Bike Lanes (1) The bike lane is located within the vehicular roadway in the outside lane and is intended for the exclusive use of bicycles. Bike lanes in the City of College Station shall be developed as one-way facilities and carry traffic in the same direction as adjacent motor vehicle traffic. (2) Two-way bike lanes are not permitted. (3) A one-way bike lane against the curb requires a minimum of five feet measured from the edge of avement, not including the gutter. The bike lane shall be delineated by a continuous painted stripe. The diamond preferential lane symbol (as designated in MUTCD) shall be located immediately after each intersection to inform motorists turning of the restricted nature of the lane. ileteedroriowdroaroodroarosiroir...wwwwwwwwwwwwweismisois ..54: 14.4.r$1.4.4,14 ( ) omi * • cAdte< 9111111.111111 11111111111110 uhroisrokowdouroosoirsirailowwwwineiblkwohnowermumpeosts 111111.11111ift V -1-4--L4444H "-G—Taitli a • (4) Striping and signing configurations which encourage these crossings in advance of the intersection, in a merging fashion, shall be provided. (5) Adequate pavement surface, bicycles safe grate inlets, safe railroad crossings, and traffic signals responsive to the bicyclist shall be provided 8-12 City of College Station,Texas printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Ordinance Article 8.Subdivision Design and Improvements Section 8.2.Subdivision Design Standards on roadways where bike lanes are designated. Raised pavement markings and raised barriers shall not be used to delineate bike lanes. (6) In general, parking in bike lanes is prohibited. However, parking may be permitted in a bike lane in specific areas during specified times. Where parking in a bike lane is permitted, signs shall be installed to provide notice to bicyclists of when parking is allowed. Parking in a bike lane shall be limited primarily to spillover parking for public uses or events, but parking for non-public uses may also be considered. NOTE:Lane Lines Shan NicX Oveilap ?cf., City of College Station,Texas 8-13 Unified Development Ordinance(Draft) printed 10/25/2001 _ I s P.40 Cro4 43 kW ,....., e..4. c4...,.kul ' 5 ill w , ti, ' , a it . " I t3U<E1 i 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I j \ , Typtcal p-Th vf through Werctarf , Opttoimat 414 hi 4,44eiciP-4. I goi rrrten-q4":( tit— , ,,,,,“ o kg g 1 , \ ' oir .4 I I 4, 414,4oubttc its.. r - 1 . .,`.., e._ 1 ( .4' 4 at 1 4 ILA" ou epac, it 7111.62,14: .0.,„ ,I... ,,r,ii ,. uust, , ——;,-- 1 elKt mil' 6,ab.aco 4coPP4 1 S1KEL PARKING LANE BEyCOLA','ENSE RIG --TTURNONLY LANE RGHTTURNONL • . -ip-L'-. ' , 3 ' ' 1 1 i. ' ' crezfIcaz. 8/KC,',..1_esaii 1 \ ,.4, of T j. ' - 4 I, ' . pcifi of I , ,, , I \ fficacigh btcreg-et ftir . 4,p bac. 4,0414 I 1 \ i l' , dvtri , 4-1,11.71147144' • 1 1 1 4 /f 1 1 A . I '41'' ' 3' '4 ik..._ eso I .. 1 , 4 41`s-- i 1 161KE ,.. I 1 awc OPTIONAL DOUBLE RGHT LANE BECOMES RIGHT—TURN—ONLYR LANE GHT—TURNONLY LANE 8-14 City of College Station,.Texasanc printed 10/25/2001 (Draft) Unified Development Or in e