HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/09/2001 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks Board 111111KOVAllr larciff 111111 " I fr; 111: CZler I I I 1.W1 - Ems& i4k,„ 44? 11.111 P. 0. Box 9960 1101 Texas Avenue College Stafion, TX 77842 11111NNL001741-11111111,11 Tel: 409 764 3500 11111111111111111111101110 Memorandum TO: Parks and Recreation Board Members FROM: Kris Startzman, Board Secretary tATE: January 5, 2001 14'JECT: Regular Meeting —January 9, 2001. The next Parks and 1 ecreation Board meef rig will be held at 7:00 p.m. at the Central Park conference Room (1000 Krenek Tap !,toad) on Tuesday, January 9, 2001. If you have any questions or changes to the minutes from the previous meeting, please contact me at 764-3414 prior to the meeting so that changes can ie made and passed out for approval during the meetint. Also, if you will not be able to attend the meeting, please fill out the attached Absentee Firm and fax it back to me at 764-3737 or email me at kista:EzimixacLcolegt"-sttioiLtcus several days in advance of the meeting in order to insure quorum requirements. Thank you and hope to see you there. Note: Included in the it oard packets is a fax from the Office of the Attorney General. Please note that there are two vges missing from that fax and they will be distributed during the Board meeting. Attachment: Home of Texas ABM University nisisinoniofoojisiinseienaofntrdAp..;iop.".iannnsitlasseaslaoaset zenssasnoaonamsgoommsosssssmewwaOFtCOLLEGESTATIONRnomoismasusnamtaaewmnmmouma IIIESSSEIBIEBIIIIIIEIItYN!Rad*tIRECRMTIQNADVISQRVMQzo,EnEsnaosnBEEEEsoet osswmoamszgsmymgomssjmmvosmsgssgndsfagR,EitSoiwgindatnsogosmnswsmmumzgsmmommnomom Tuesday,January 9,2001 SISIIIIIIIIIIEBEEIEEIOEIEIEEEEV4ESICI(*t+:*j*•*BEEEBasgooioinnEsnasnnnm 1000 nek Tap Road 7:00 pan, 1. Call to order. 2. Hear visitors. 3. Pardon—Consider requests for absences of members from meeting. 4. Approval of minutes from Regular Meeting of November 14,2000,Special Meeting of December 5,2001,ttnd Regular Meeting of tecember 12,2000. 5. Discussion,consideration,and possible action regard',ng the Parks and Recreation Board Goals. 6. Report,discussion,and possible action regarding a roller hockey lir skateboard park. 7. Report,discussion,and possible action regard'n g Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. 8. Discussion,consideration,and possible reappointment of members to the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee: • Carolyn Willittits • Cathy Watson • Barbara Cl'm I ons • JoeD. Fri klin 9. Discussion,consideration,and possible actio regarding joint ventures with other ago',cies. 10. Discussion,consideration,and possible action concern tig a special venue tax. 11. Discussion,consideration, -Id possible action regarding City Cot!, cil Vision Stat.:1n ent#4 (Cultural Arts and Recreational Oppont • Strategy#1 (More Emphasis on Making Parks More Intergenerational), • Strategy#2(More Interaction Between P ks Advisory Bait d and Pltinning ntnd Zoning ttnd Shared Vision:, with Council), • Strategy#3 (Continue to Update Comprehensive Plan Regarding Parks Systc,t), • Strategy#4(Con tectivity Between Greenways and Parks), • Strategy#5 (Continued Emphasis on Parks Maintenance to Qt,,,lity Standards through the Budget Process), • Strategy#6(Develop Progrnt,its t-id Facilities for Senior Citizens). 12. Consent Items: Capital Improvement Projects Report. —Discussion of next meeting date and agenda. 13. Adjo, The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for si interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To take arrangements call(979)764-3517 th, or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas posted on Int' et Website http://www.ci.college-station.tx.us and Cable Access Cha, el 19. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION Absence Request Form For Elected and Appointed Officers Name George Dresser Request Subn Ited on(date) 1/2/00 I will not be in attendance at the meeting of January 9, 2001 for the reason(s) specified: Out of town on business ,tv cAthl t Signature CL, AV.This request shall be submitted to the office of the committee/board secretary prior to the meeting date. o:boardiabsenteeform.doe City of College Station Parks & Recreation Department Fiscal Year 2001 Board Goals u Investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with CSISD u Support the implementation of a Greenways Oversight Committee to support the Greenways Master Plan u Establish policies and standards for re-appraisal of existing parks, facilities, and services offered by the Department L3 Encourage arboretum/garden parks and color emphasis in existing parks u Work on plans to make current and future parks intergenerational u Set up quarterly standards to measure perfo ance for maintenance and field use for neighborhood and community parks u Revision of the Surcharge Policy • Intergenerational ideas spanning all age gaps, but more emphasis to the Senior age group u Develop an Urban Forestry Plan for the City of College Station Investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with TAMU on facilities and programs u Explore the feasibility of a commercial ice skating rink u More interaction between Parks Advisory Board and Planning and Zoning Commission, and shared vision with City Council Li Monitor code review and revision projects currently underway with respect to codes impacting parks. u Identify areas of common concern between Parks Advisory Board and Planning and Zoning Commission u Review annually the parkland dedication ordinance. Keep current a file of other city parkland dedication ordinances and review annually ci Develop criteria for parkland dedication. What are the desired characteristics of a neighborhood park with respect to size, amenities, pedestrian access, vehicle access, lighting, vehicle parking, trees, open space, connectivity to greenways, connectivity to bikeways, drainage and retention ponds, ease of maintenance, location with respect to arterial streets and the neighborhoods served, etc. u Explore further the concept of advanced planning for neighborhood parks well ahead of the development in an area. L3 Identify, as a part of the City's Comprehensive Plan, the future general location of community parks. Determine time frames for when they will be needed. Estimate land acquisition costs. Develop community park acquisition strategy. Parks&Recreation Board Special Meeting Tuesday,December 5,2000 Page 2 of 3 u Explore opportunities and identify locations where parks could serve as the focal point for a neighborhood, subdivision entrance, city gateway, or arterial corridor. u Further explore opportunities for developer fees and/or parkland dedication for development of community parks. Find out what other Texas cities are doing. C1 Identify obstacles to quality parkland dedication by developers. Work to remove obstacles that are within the control of the City. u Schedule a joint meeting of the Parks Advisory Board and the Planning and Zoning Commission once a year. u Schedule a joint workshop meeting of the Parks Advisory Board and the City Council once a year. On-Going Activities • Implementation of the approved Capital Improvement Program u Implementation of the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan Parks&Recreation Board Special Meeting Tuesday,December 5,2000 Page 3 of 3 , Implementation of the approved II &ImpRroe -9. / " 4 9''ac°1.6C cl Improvement tion FY1 Rankings 19 ,,,t) i2 13.,,,, 49 P e ,. ,c, ,,,, Current Parks& eftI© 1 •aes Goals '''. de,k; 0 ,...)- P 0 0 P Ac, Program 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 Implementation of the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan 11 6 2 6 10 N/A 13 2 2 6.5 1 Investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with CSISD 3 3 3 8 8 9 3 5 957 Incorporate public art into the park system 13 7 4 9 14 8 12 10 10 9.7 Enhance the public perception of the Wolf Pen Creek ., 5 Corridor 12 9 7 10 11 12 14 3 8 4,.6 Encourage the early development of the former landfill site 6 , III on State Highway 6 6 12 6 13 13 10 9 9: 12 10 1111 Support the implementation of the Greenways Master Plan fr- fr' 8 5 3 6 8 7 7 5.8 -11.111 Establish an on-going re-appraisal of existing parks, fr facilities, and services offered by the depa ent 2 2, 8 2 5 6 114 4 3 4 Encourage arbore /garden parks and color emphasis in existing parks 10 5 14 14 12, 11 11 8 13 11 fr II - _ 10 Develop an Urban Forestry Plan for College Station , 4 10 9 7 7t 4 10 i 6 11 7.6, 1, 1111 , Investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with III: frfr TAMU on facilities and programs 7 11 13 11 9 Elll 11 14 11 1, 1111111111 Explore the feasibility of a commercial ice skating * k , 8 13 12 N/A 15 5 16 12 N/A 12 Other Suggested Goals Work on plans to make current and future parks intergenerational 6 6 14More interaction(schedule meetings)with Planning and Zoning and the City Council 4; 2 5 II Set up quarterly standards(perfo ance measures)for aintenance&use of athletic fields and parks 2 4 6 2 3.5 3.7 16Determine location and development of a skate board park , or outdoor skate facility 9 10 12, 4 7A - . Revision of the Surcharge Policy Plan Establish the perception that the Parks&Recreation 18 Department will not take left over pieces of land and that parks are an integral part of the building process and of im sortance to contractors 1 1 ° 19 Intergenerational ideas spanning all age gaps,but more , emphasis to the Senior Age Group 4 4 20 Maintain and update Parks Master Plan 5 5 5 ISet up meetings with Senior Advisory toard for input on development of programs for Seniors 7 7 22 Complete Bike Trails 11 ifr 11 elDevelop priorities for the next capital campaign(Bond election) 6 6 Evolution of Skateboarding r 1 A Look at the Design of Skate Parks Breakthroughembledscatenwheel material 1 :i,:,, .,-,::. • ,_.,,,,,,,,„-:-•."1--n4,-,r..-„.„--,,,.."4;- . Up and downs in safety ® First skate park in Florida in 41.At;i:Viiipitalli 1976 4101!**111111 litallaktaPt7. 1'.' Amanda Kludt&Sarah Gette Ramp skating evolved Skateboarding Today Steps to Obtain a Skate Park Celebrity names Remaining steps in Tony Hawk,,,, A l rce oa ldi ey gceo Stationmp l et e d b y Siteaio rnpelMaterial Participant petition RSectn ® Parks and Recreation poll . Budgeted money Choice of Company ® Manufacturing and Sales :44*.t.) 1:.'::::',l'It1:!?.. Outdoor/Indoor Facility :::ii,r4;744,', N' 0 Park Operation o Increased Safety Ramp Material Concrete: Insurance Selection ., ., , ,..„„.,...,„_, „ .„, •. ,, ,,,,,,,,„,. -------.4% - -- „. ., :-.— --- - Expensive -' . Permanent . Choose size: suggested 10,000 square feet . 1T:14 : 11 11:1,7601111111111 o Surface: asphalt or concrete Cracks Drainage A. bRE:avomne:PSystem: I';'1'414-41ft 11 Illii;aigllitkiiai*PIUP . Easy to change i'c 1 EtEn PRECI51 ,,,„------ - 7P1(1-1- GNI ENEdiME ,,,,---- BIG R ,Dy 1, ::--- ----- Ill, INC ''''' , ..... e mnanr_*9 - . nt.‘,.._,...----It" Choice - .... fi,t„...w. .._,... ..- Ice . Fu -f.-7:.;.-- . Forlim-sersvem. c°empianima of kits l personnel . Many options bly, me Site Design . Very similar Inc., Ranch • Daddy, ohn les®Big h &SP ® Examples: Ramptec , Inc.,Group,In yckasconstruction to:: ' c-- - a' 46 a ii_.„1,,,-,,,,,i-„,,t4-,4•1 ,- , ' amP tyiimmstieatmteedsbwuailrdre':::;3::s-zf::;;f.:: :4,7;"--47j:it''',''';::;:; . 5-yearand de!1,,,,,,,,-- . Easy to move and . r o** EQFaruesieessl Ramp system builder „,- update andservice , -::.",r.,J,:-,cha..n.:.,/- 17f'-'-4Tfr4:lz'9:,':::;:_,,r'i:'' ® Personalized Concrete . _. y professionals /_,„,:” 77-_,,,,,,,:,,,: :::. :'-;',-,:;.1,1•11-77:44ig'::::: '-- Endorsed I) r o• High-end builder 1 1,1 C 0 R P 0 R , Operation Full-service Private? DANC r IN p 0 Fl N A T E D H Park " „_,,,,,. * .. .... Open9 builder . Public 0 ... . Free conusultrastion with city andse !,;:k:::,-.1,--,- ; ,:.--4*(-•::',.le 7' . '5-',....4-ff3t7it,it:;::c;:4‘:.., ® Fenced in or ® Partnership with D PaerpkusrttuandeuRtsecreatton 2 Insurance Recommendation • Sign of Rules and Regulation Example: Spohn Ranch!! City of Chandler Skate Park Rules&Regulations THE SKATE PARK IS A SKATE AT YOUR • City policy OWN RISK FACILITY.THIS IS A NON- SUPERVISED FACILITY DESIGNED FOR SKATEBOARDING AND IN-LINE SKATING ONLY. 44, • SPAUSA carrier 'DKR) ITCFI'ECIM lE°L TEODRDIZEvEiDcVEtHICLES ALLOWED WITHIN THE SKATE PARK. SKATEBOARDING IA,sN,DCRSKAlTNsG ISA iI7IAzvI7griiGAD • WRIST GUARDS IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED AND SHOULD BE USED AT ALL TIMES.KNOW YOUR ABILI-TY AND SKATE ACCORDINGLY. Questions or Comments? Thank you for your time and attention! We really appreciate it. Amanda Kludt&Sarah Gette 3 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING To Whom It May Concern: The City of College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board will hold a public hearing to seek public input regarding the possible installation of a roller hockey and/or skteboard rnL at an existing College Station park. These types of rinks are growing in popul, ity, and there are currently no facilities serving this need in College Station. The public hearin!L will be held on Tuesday, January 30, 2001, dur7,,g a special meeting of the Colleg,7‘ Station Parks and ecreation Advisory Board. The meeting will convene at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers .f the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Aven, The meeting is open to the public, ind comments oh,i the public are invited. 0r interested persons ny respond to the Roller Hockey/Skateboard TnL project proposal by writing to the College Station Parks and Recreation Ieprtnient, P.O. tox 9960, College Station, Texas 77842. For additional information, please contact Eric Ploeger at 979-764-3414. LINCOLN RECREATI•N CENTER ADVISORY C*MMI FJ EE ATTENDANCE RECO*D: FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OF1999-2000 NAME Oct-99 Nov-99 Dec-99 Jan-0 JulAug-.00 Sep-00 A C Clark P . lem onsPP P P P Faye ails P _ P 0 T T T T T I T T T Joe D. Franklin P P P A P P P A A NP P MerllYn Rucker P P X P P P P P X NP P Maybelline Robinson 0 0 0 0 0 OP P A NP Debra ThomasP P P P CathyWatson ,P P P P P — P P P P Carolyn VVilliams P P P P P P P P P NP P Eleanor Williams 0 0 0 0 0 OP P P NP P Linda Preston P P P P P P T T T LEGEND present P_ absent A term expired ntr - altrnat ®not present no meeting i L1NCOL RECREATION CENTER ADVISORY TTE ATTENDANCEE 1, FOR THEFISC-AL YEAR OF 2000-2001 Oct-00 v- - Jin-. - - 1 A r y-01 Ju,- 1 J u - 1 IA C Clark B>Cly mond P ` Joe D. Franklin P A P P r6 n .0 r X ,i aybelline Robinson P P i Debra Thomas P P • P Cathy Watson P " ,Carolyn Williams P P P ',Eleanor Williams P P P ',LEGEND present P absent A term expired T no term falternate-notpresent no meeting (1 Application for City BA ards/Commssons IN 00, - - - Committees for Year , At.,0O ) C°11161 STAn°N CITY OF COLLEGE STATIS N i,'....E.4 SE TYPE roR, P-INT CLEARLY .„..,, , ,.. , ,,,,,„, ,i .- . N'A ME: °ft' i , J (i. 1 4 3 , TE EPHONE: .,,,--- -, '- ' SV H ADORE : ' LfillifiganarermintionlirlpiegjaNnire w Residence: i , . ..._.M ....., iling: have lived in Colielia Station yrs. Subdivsion_fr,- VOTERS CERTIFICATE NO. OCCUNATION OR N-EA OF EXPERTISE: 6:,, L16 iia. Z. ...„ _ ,, i , , , (if retired,please indicate former occupation or profession) EDUCATION (optionai : ':--d- $, ,14 ti,','Cti,/(ca.: LIU ( ,,, // ' . , ......„...._.........,............ ,...., ...., PROFESSIONAL AN 040* C*r:* .UNITY ACTIVITES: Ll,cif .DDTONAL 'ERTINE:,'T INFC/ MATO: :--EFERENCES: PLEASE INDICATE THE ;°ARDS, Co MMISSIO. S *A COMMITTEES YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVNG. (List in order of preference). Non- Standinl Com' ittees Standin. Committees 911 Erazos County Emerfancy Co- ,m. 0 Cemetery Co mitta Dist 0 Community Appearance Committee 0 B/CS Economic a evelopment BoeFd a Construction Board of Adjustments and 0 B/CS Tourism Council Appeals City Center Site Selection & Master Plan 10 CS Business Development Corporation Committee 0 Electrical Examining Board 0 Conference Center Advisory Cammiftee CI Facade Improvement Committee El Greenways Task Force 0 Historic Preservation Committee '....... 1 Lincoln Center Advisory Committee n Jointelliel Funding Review Senior Programs Advisory Committee Com ittee Library Co , mittee El Northgate Revitalization Board 0 Parks and Recreatit n zoard Planning and Zoning Commission Wolf *en T.reek Design Review ;oard Zoning Board of Adjustments . ' 7 , ' / i 4 , 1 i n ture of Applicant) (Da,1-) 6 7 0 (Sid Please ndicate if you are curre ' serving o a peardicommissionicommiftee Name of Board/Commission 4g-s' 4 1,11A) "- 0 e, id c - PLEASE RETURN THIS FOR , TO: CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CITY SECRETARYS OFFICE P.O. BOX 9980 COLLEGE STATON,TEXAS 77842 (rtit, Application for City Board /Commissions Committees for Year c--9.001 COLLEbt.STATION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY 4 - 1 1 ,,,,,,, - NAME: t 4 V lov 1 c t TELEPHONE: ', ' 16 -/ -2! (H) ' , 4 ADDRESS: tiii 5 I; ' II ,. d'Z' K1/445— IVI, (W) Residence: C5:1 4 - is i Mailing: 5- have lived in College Station yrs. Subdivision VOTERS CERTIFICATE NS. OCCUPATION OR AREA OF EXPERTISE: C1 -if r I 4 .‘,_ (If retired,please indicate former occupation or profession) EDUCATION (Optional): : 1111k Ijk: ,, ',..,-, U..% ; i , --r. .- . PROFESSIONAL AND/OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: , 11 rT i _ ' -- --) ADDITIONAL PERTINENT INFORMATION/REFERENCES: 4 ' - PLEASE INDICATE THE BOARDS, COMMISSIONS OR COMMITTEES YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVING. (List in order of preference). Non-Standing Committees Standing Committees 3 911 Brazos County Emergency Comm. 0 Cemetery Committee Dist. 0 Community Appearance Committee B/CS Economic Development Board 0 Construction Board of Adjustments and B/CS Tourism Council Appeals City Center Site Selection & Master Plan 0 CS Business Development Corporation Committee 0 Electrical Examining Board Conference Center Advisory Committee 0 Facade Improvement Committee gy- Greenways Task Force 0 Historic Preservation Committee Lincoln Center Advisory Committee 0 Joint Relief Funding Review Senior Programs Advisory Committee Committee Library Committee Northgate Revitalization Board in Parks and Recreation Board Planning and Zoning Commission Wolf Pen Creek Design Review Board . 0 Zoning Board of Adjustments er tpignature of Applicant) (Date) '4., Please indicate if you are currently serviqg on a boaril/porrirnission/Aommittee. Name of Board/Commission kin n t.1 - - - ljejUist v r''r, , I PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO: CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CITY SECRETARY6S OFFICE P.O. BOX 9960 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77842 (40 'tab d Application for City Boards/Commssons Committees for Year 7.-CC COLLEGE ST ATIO N CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PL ASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY ,,--,,,, -4,,,, , , ---- , NAME: - iri kJ, i ci I ': 1,1, r....1 ;)1C-d. r----,) TELEPHONE: WV/ _.,...- H ADDRESS: i I I 5:'''' ' 1 -'" ''')/P /01.1:2410 ' '''' ';'''''''' ' ,1,-4.., c:,--,'„„ 3-,A/'1 :,,,,,,-----_ W , , ,: , v,4 :,, ,- vAiv i i , k ,,:, -, P' -1--I '' ,,-1-- '' I Residence: _....„ Mailing: I have lived in.College Station , i yrs. Subdivision VOTERS CERTIFICATE NO. OCC PATON OR A-EA OF EXPERTSE: (If retired,please indiea‘te former oc&ipation or profession) EDUCATION (Optional : P'"OFESSIONAL AND/OR CS MUN1TY ACTIVITIES: if' rtfry ,) fait g 1 ADDITIONAL PERTINENT F -ORMATION/REFERENCES: PLEASE INDICATE T E .:0ARDS, COMMISSIONS OR COMMITTEES YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVNG. (List in order of .reference). Non Standin. Committees Standin. Committees _.1 911 Brazos County Emergency Comm. 0 Cemetery Co, -mittee Dst. 0 Community Appearance Committee BiCS Economic Develo!ment oard 0 Construction Board of Adjustments and B/CS Tourism Council Appeals City Center Site Selection & Master 'llan 0 CS Business oevelopment Corporation Committee El Electrical Examining Board Conference Center Advisory Co mittee 0 Facade Improvement Committee ,, Greenways Task Force CI Historic Preservation Committee 71 Lincoln Center Advisory Committee 0 Joint Relief Funding Review - 0 Senior Programs Advisory Committee Committee Library Committee Northgate Revitalization Board Parks an, Recreation Board 0 Planning and Zoning Commission Wolf Pen Creek Design raieview Board rt Zoning Board of Adjustments i I "I: 1 , i 11 ' i , ) i I/ / ' 4 i 1 ' '7 --- n 1 (. ry,i;'L ) )---fi,1_ ' i (Signature of Applicant) g (Date) Please indicate if you are currently serving op a boardicommissioniqpmmittee , Name of Board/Commission I, IA-„,';'f6(1,,ni PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO: CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CITY SECRETARYS OFFICE PO. BOX 9960 COLLEGE STATON,TEXAS 77842 41111%1417#00 Application for City Boards/Commissions ( Committees for Year ,;:24:141 1 COLLEGE STATION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY i i ei Ai , f„----4-7 NAME: 1:71,„, do e 0- A A 1 rcRiliti ki,i a/ TELEPHONE: 47 149 I 7119- " (H) ADDRESS: 1711 A.,f-4 1,,ix A k A kici 6 ii,-‘,„ fi i ft,, , ,-- 7,„ 71: c,,,, --,,,,. .---,. , c gi i 1 1,t, ' ` ' (W) Residence: -, Mein.: j" , 1: a ,,,,), I _haveA, ,, Dyed in Cone: Station : yrs. Subdivision VOTERS CERTIFICATE NO. I '21'21 OCCUPATION OR AREA OF EXPERTISE: 2 , - i 1 ---L,Ca - - r -, (If retired,please indicate former occupation or profession) EDUCATION (Optional): ,e Utz ' i,,,,k '4" ,,---c:(d,h, of„„. — lateal , I :ufer- iii- '- e4- Pact— PROFESSIONAL AND/OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: 61-L1 --- 11 k t ADDITIONAL PERTINENT INFORMATION/REFERENCES: PLEASE INDICATE THE BOARDS, COMMISSIONS OR COMMITTEES YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVING. (List in order of preference). Non-Standing Committees Standing Committees 1 911 Brazos County Emergency Comm. :, Cemetery Committee Dist. 0 Community Appearance Committee B/CS Economic Development Board 0 Construction Board of Adjustments and B/CS Tourism Council Appeals City Center Site Selection & Master Plan 0 CS Business Development Corporation Committee 0 Electrical Examining Board Conference Center Advisory Committee 0 Facade Improvement Committee Greenways Task Force 0 Historic Preservation Committee Lincoln Center Advisory Committee 0 Joint Relief Funding Review Senior Programs Advisory Committee Committee Library Committee Northgate Revitalization Board Parks and Recreation Board 0 Planning and Zoning Commission S . fl Wolf Pen Creek Design Review Board • 0 Zoning Board of Adjustments ...., „ .., -..,,, ,,, .---' „ 4 r---,- , i I, d 'MI 4 A I it, f411 , t? „ t ) ,ffi. ili 19 ei.1*# ' ' i 94;”" fr if (Signature of Applicant) (Date) Please indicate if you are currently serying on a board/commission/committee ..,. Name of Board/Commission PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO: CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CITY SECRETARYS OFFICE P.O. BOX 9960 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77842 PARTNERSHIPS WITH THE COLLEGE STATION RECREAHONDEFARTME The College Station Parks and Recreation is a long-time role model for developing partnerships. The benefits may be endless but they pale in comparison to the endless list of people and organizations that partner with this department. AAU Baseball Brazos Food Bank A&M Church of Christ Brazos Beautiful, Inc. American Red Cross Brazos County Clerk-Polling Place American Heart Association Brazos County Adult Probation Aie Brothers for Christ Brazos County Juvenile Justice Aie Sisters for Christ Brazos Valley Community Action A.stie Angler Agency A: ieland Soccer League Brazos County Community Adult A.:ieland Select Soccer Supervision Alpha Phi Omega Sorority Brazos Workforce Center Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Brazos Christian School African American Professional Bridal Assoc. of Brazos Valley Organization Blinn College Student Center Aerofit (Annual Masters Swim Tourn) Ba'Hai Community Arts Council of Brazos Valley Bluebonnet Girls Scouts Amateur Softball Assoc. District 30 Barbara Bush Center B/CS Chamber of Commerce CS/B Aquatics Swim Team (CSBA) B/CS Convention &Visitors Bureau CSISD Community Education B/CS Mayor's Committee for the College Station Independent School Employment of People with Disabilities District Boys 8c Girls Clubs of the Brazos Valley College Station Youth Soccer Assoc. Boy Scouts of America College Station Little League Bluebonnet Street Rodders College Station Police Dept. Bryan Independent School District College Station Community Vacation Bryan Parks & Recreation Dept. Bible School Brazos Magic Soccer Club Children's Miracle Network Brazos Valley Sports Foundation Concerned Black Men of the Brazos Brazos County Valley Brazos Valley Rape Crisis Center College Hills Baptist Church Brazos Valley Youth Soccer Christ Holy Baptist Church Brazos Valley Lodging Assoc. Community of Single Adults Brazos Valley Girls Softball Assoc. Central Texas Youth GospelWorkshop Brazos Valley Softball Umpires Assoc. Children Evangelistic Fellowship of the Brazos City Health Dept. Brazos Valley Brazos Heritage Society Brazos County Historical Commission Delta Sigma Theta sorority-TAMU Brazos Valley Council of Alcohol & Chapter Substance Abuse Delta Sigma Phi Sorority Brazos Valley Art League Elder Aid T U Athletic Department Endtime Pentecostal Missionary T A U Dept. of Recreational Sports Church-Bryan TX T A U Corps of Cadets T A U Education Dept. First Methodist Church T U S Dept. T A U Student Employees-Division of Girl Scouts—Kids Klub Student Affairs Girls Club of the Brazos County T A U Student Activities T U Girls Basketball International Assoc. of Assembly Teen Court Managers Twin City Mission-Star Program TRAPS-Minorities in Leisure Services Junior League TAAF Region 5 Junction 505 Texas Amateur Softball Assoc. Justices of the Peace Texas Parks &Wildlife Texas Agricultural Extension Service- Kid Fish Foundation "Walk Across Texas" "Wildlife & Fisheries" Lincoln Former Students Assoc. Texas Amateur Athletic Federation (TAAF) National Fire Protection Assoc. Texas Municipal League (TML) National Parks &Recreation Assoc. Texas Recreation &Parks Dept Neal Recreation Center Texas Historical Commission Texas Dept of Public Safety-Division of Planet Earth Celebration Emergency Management Pony Baseball Texas Public Pool Council Project Unity Texas Burgers Pleasant Grove Baptist Church United States Tennis Assoc (USTA) Restaurant Assoc. United Way Roans Chapel Baptist Church Universal Computer Systems St. Matthews Baptist Church Vision Temple Church of Christ Salem Baptist Church Wenonah's Pantry Washington Chapel Baptist Church 0:PARKS/81/641/PARTNERSHIP.DOC City of College Station/College Station Independent School District (CSISD) Joint Projects Parks and Recreation Department Joint Use Agreement: In 1987, the City and CSISD, entered into a comprehensive joint use agreement that provides the basis for cooperative educational and leisure programs for the community. This agreement outlines the provisions for the joint use of school and city facilities including scheduling, maintenance and liability issues. It also encourages the joint acquisition and development of school/park sites in College Station. Lincoln Center: Allows the CSISD to use the facility free of charge. City vans are used on a daily basis to transport students from certain elementary schools to the Lincoln Center. This allows the tutorial students to get to the center in a timely manner and begin homework assignments. In 1998, the City and CSISD joined together to provide a computer lab at the Lincoln Center. The hardware and software was purchased through a grant. The CSISD pays for the labor to maintain the equi.ment, as well as some of the instructors in the lab. The City maintains the building, janitorial services, additional instructors, and donates a portion of the Center Supervisor's time to coordinate and supervise the program. Conference Center: The CSISD has a special rate on rooms at the Conference Center. The fees and deposit are waived Monday through Friday 8am — 5pm. Times other than M-F 8-5 would require fee charges but the deposit would still be waived. Equipment usage costs are billed to the user no matter the time of day. The alternative school meets at the Conference Center and Teen Center periodically at no charge. Pavilions: Pavilions are rent and deposit free. The heaviest use is at the end of May for class parties and outings. In fiscal year 2000, we had 41 rentals for this purpose. It is a great time for the students and teachers. Staff time for check-in and clean up after the event is absorbed by the City. City Pools: The summer camp program utilizes the three outdoor swimming pools. Thomas and Hallaran pools are at no charge and Adamson Lagoon is at half price. Class parties are given a 60% discount ($100 vs. $250). A family swim pass ($200 each) is donated to each school (9) annually for their PTO or PSST fund raiser. Kids Klub (1987): The financial aspects are handled by the CSISD and the City handles the programming, training, and supervision. The program pays for itself, except for approximately 2/3 of the School Age Care Specialist, which the City pays for, and CDBG funding supplements low-income participants. A facility use agreement allows the Kids Klub to operate at six CSISD campus locations and the CSISD Natatorium. College Station Junior High School Natatorium (1995): CSISD reimburses the City for lifeguard costs only during the time CSISD programs are in the pool (4th grade, 7th grade, and swim team). The City covers supervisory costs. All chemicals and repair costs are covered by the CSISD. Youth Basketball: The aforementioned facilities joint use agreement allows the City's Parks and Recreation Department to use CSISD gym facilities to conduct youth basketball leagues for children of all ages. Xtra Education (1996): The CSISD provides classroom space for classes along with utilities and a building attendant. The city is allowed to mail the flyers out using the CSISD bulk mail stamp, but the City covers the cost of postage. Capital Projects: Jack & Dorothy Miller Park: half of the property was purchased by CSISD next to Southwood Elementary. The City obtained an additional 5 acres in 1988 and the School District provided $75,000 toward the development of the park. Pebble Creek Park: The developer gave 4.2 acres for parkland next to the school property. CSISD dedicated 6 acres and the 10.2-acre park was developed with $199,000 from 1995 municipal bond funds. Part of the Pebble Creek Park is located on CSISD land adjacent to the elementary school. At Pebble Creek Park and Jack and Dorothy Miller Park sites, mowing, trash removal, tree maintenance, playground maintenance, etc. are provided by the City. These are both joint use sites that are used for schoolyards during the day and are parks at night. Willow Branch Tennis Courts: (CSISD property): $125,000 in park land dedication funds (the total cost of the project is $222,531). The remainder will be paid by CSISD. Completion is expected by December 2000. Four courts and a small parking area are included in the project. Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater: A&M Consolidated Orchestra Concerts have no fees for the facilities or staffing. 2 Parks and Athletic Fields: Daily maintenance of two Senior League baseball fields for a 13 game season from mid January — mid April. The adult soccer fields at Southwood Athletic Park are used to support the Junior High football program and physical education classes. The football team practices and plays approximately two games each week. Lining the field and trash removal are provided at this site. Bee Creek softball fields are utilized by the JV and Varsity softball program for tournaments. Past usage has included practices and games. Central Balifields are the site of two High school Girls Softball tournaments each year. This includes preparation of the fields, relocation of bases, trash and litter removal, installing temporary outfield fencing, and electricity for ballfield lights. College Station Fire Department Risk Watch: The pilot program is being continued one more year at College Hills Elementary. All involved like the program, but want to get one more year under their belt before the decision is made to expand the program to other campuses within the district. D.E.A.D.: With the great success of the DWI awareness program, it looks like this will be done every three years. Everyone involved feels it will lose impact if conducted on and annual or biannual basis. Planning will start in the spring of 2001 for a possible fall of 2001 program. Fire Prevention Week (FPW): FPW is an activity in the schools. As in the past, all elementary students will receive a program during FPW and we will hit the fifth and sixth grade campuses later in the month. Career Investigation Classes and Fairs: This is a presentation given to the 7th and 8th grade students where firefighters and paramedics talk to the students and give them information on their career choice. We also attend the joint BISD-CSISD career fair held in the fall at the Brazos Center and provide the same information. General Fire Prevention Classes: We provide classes on a request basis from all campuses dealing with items from fire extinguishers use by kitchen staff to lab safety for high school students, and anything in between. CSFD provides, at no cost ambulance standby at the high school football games. College Station Police Department (CSPD) Educational Programs: D.A.R.E. - The CSPD currently has four officers that are certified to teach the D.A.R.E. curriculum. All fifth grade students are taught the 14 week long "core" course, and all third 3 grade students are taught a shorter version of the course. We have taught this program since the mid 1980's, at no expense to the school district. School Resource Officers (S.R.O.'S) - We currently have four SRO's assigned to schools throughout the School District on a full-time basis (two at the Highschool, one at each middle school). All SRO's are teaching Criminal Justice courses in the classroom and the highschool students earn college credit through Blinn for taking the course. These Officers use much of their free time mentoring and being role models to the students. CSISD reimburses the City for 75% of the SRO's base salary and benefits. S.A.V.E. - This is a two-session curriculum, which is taught to students at the 4th, 5th, and 6th grade levels Jr. High Police Academy - Patterned after the popular Citizen's Police Academy, the Jr. High Police Academy teaches Criminal Justice classes at the Middle School level and allow students to learn more about law enforcement. Support Programs and Projects: Campus Crimestoppers: - Patterned after the popular Crimestopper program this program awards students monetarily when their tips lead to the arrest and conviction of a criminal offender. Students hold fundraisers to raise money for the awards. Each year the SRO, a teacher, and a select number of students attend the State Campus Crimestoppers Conference. John E. Kennedy Memorial Scholarship - Established in 1993, in memory of CSPD Major John E. Kennedy, the $500.00 scholarship is awarded each May to a graduating senior who has chosen to pursue a course of study in the Criminal Justice field. School Crossing Guards - CSPD hire, trains, equips and supervises the people who serve as the school crossing guards at 14 different locations throughout the city. Escorts to Football Games - For the past several years, one marked patrol unit has accompanied the highschool football team, band, and Pep Squad busses to all out of town varsity football games. Enforcement Efforts: Proactive Truancy Program - SRO's notify regular on-duty officers when students are suspected of being truant, and steps are taken to locate them and take them to school. Teacher In-Service Training - Police Officers inform the teachers abut the latest gang and drug trends in the community to enhance their knowledge and recognition skills. Off-duty Security at Athletic Events - The School District hires off-duty Police Officers to conduct security at home sporting events. 4 Other School Functions - CSPD Officers participate in other special events such as the "D.E.A.D" simulated fatality DWI car crash, provide security at school dances, the "After Prom Bash", and other events as requested. Public Communications & Marketing Department Channel 19: The City and school district share the cable access channel on a 50/50 basis. The City programs information for every top half of every hour and the school district programs information for the bottom half of every hour. Therefore, each entity airs their information 30 minutes of every hour. If needed, the entities devise schedules to air videotapes that run longer than 30 minutes. Satellite Downlink System: The City and school district entered into an interlocal agreement for the City to utilize CSISD's satellite downlink system to download educational and information programs to air on Channel 19. These programs are kept in a shared video library. Distribution of Information: The school district is a valuable tool for the distribution of written City information. Distribution through the students enables the City to get information to a large portion of the community. All school district publications are posted and distributed throughout all City facilities. Public Communication representatives meet as needed to discuss potential combined marketing opportunities. All press releases are distributed to each entities Public Communications Department. City Secretary's Office Conducts elections for the School District. Human Resources Job Shadowing Program: Program in which junior high students "shadow" a City employee for one week to learn more about a particular career. Teen Apprentice Program: Funded through the CDBG the City provides 8 low to moderate-income highschool kids with summer work in various City departments to gain job skills. OTIS BVCNet is a joint effort involving CSISD, BISD, COCS, COB, Blinn College, Brazos County, which allows for a fiber optic loop between the entities and crates an internet portal for all. Print/Mail does printing jobs for CSISD. 5 OAG-I RD a 001/012 ( -.....- . ( . . -.....„ . i . OFFICE OF THE AnORNEY GENERAL FA C1 I it E COVER SHEET CON NOTICE Tm w,„ , _ 1 . - . ‘-'m is ... . k my ato W ft -a .7 of ft 2 2 —,- - a . if. mo a ft' - , -. -..."," . :L; _. .ft my . - , .i. -..', ."'a ..'''. i - .:a ( - Wft 1 '4 .*- 4 .. . 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Q le s ® � i ° e a ♦1, inconsistent a L .e 1l§ tte Ir • 1997. r 1 1 „. . m n,a. ,::',;!;.::.:',.:.!:..:::,*:',.!..', . :;,.. . 0 i,*,,,,t1',;:;';',,,,:a.i; I „: I. ii„. r Ir. !r ' . ' t .., " 1.1 * i''''' :',.,:' yJ.!iJ1.j1 a,l"ir tl . fIR : 1) ..f.. ...J E tI fi1 . m a..-.....—.rf �� .. ... :I.:, 1 r �l 4 ' a . r' .,:. '' . : : 4.401.g tto 44Z1 OAG-I RD IL Alternative Tax Initiatives For Local Deveiopmenr Z004/01.2 Ci /Counq. Venue Project Tax D ang the 1997 session the Texas Legisi e passed House Bill 92, the sports and community venue project legislation.167 It has been suggested that the°Elgin,' intent of this legislation w to provide cities and counties with greater authority to fi ce the constzuction of stadi n facilities for professional spans te rn However, as finally enacted,the bill provides cities and counties with broad aH is2rity to finance a wide m4y of economic development projects in addition to the constuction of sports stadiums. In paticular,H e Bill 92 pe Is cities and counties to propose the adoption of a flL rber of new revenue so es to fiirice any economic development project authorized by law. Cities uid counties may choose to propose a venue project tax if they are interested in diversifying the so es of revenue they have to promote a specific economic developm.m project. The venue project revenue sources that can be adopted include a sales tax,a hotel occupancy tax,a shoterrn motor vehicle rental tax,an event parking tax,an event: missions tax,and a venue facility use tax. Additionally,the venue sales tax nari be sed in crctin limited cases even if the city is already at its maxim sales tax rate; in this circuntxance,the le islation allows the voters to approve n automatic reduction of another nxlsting sales tax to make room for the nue tax. Before a local goy ant niJiy use any of the taxes authorized by House Iill 92,both the tax and the venue project on which it will be spent must be approved by the voters. The proceeds m such a tax may be spent only on the approved venue project. The sports and community venue legislation added Chapter 334 and Chapter 335 to the Local Government Code and Section 321.508 to the Tax Code. WithTh these provisions, cities and counties are authorized to propose at an election both the approval Q!CeTu1mI public projects and the revenue sources that would fkmd those projects. A city or county may undertake a venue project under Chapter 334 only if it receives approval of the project and its financing at such an election. At this election,the city or county must specifically indicate which of six different taxes or fees it will use to pay for the costs of the prject. Aitanmafively,two or niro cities,two or more comities,or a coMbinaton of cities and counties may create a"spoits rid coiinunity venue distict"wmter Ckirpter 335 of the Local Govamrnent Code. Subject to voter approval,such a distict may carry out hie se type of projects and propose the same cing m ds as an individual city or couriity could under Chapter 334. • FLanily, Seddon 321508 of the Tax Code allows a city to propose at an election the dedication of up to 25% of its exiating sales tax to pay off debt issued to fmance one or more economic development pmjcct located in the city. Eligibility to Undertake a Venue Project Chapter 334 of the Texas Local Government Code appears to apply to all cities and counties in Texas,with certain special conditions set forth for the City of Houston and Harris County.'" The • 2000 nomic Development Handbook 0 Office of the Attorney General 56 esu 4'11, OAGIRD a Akernative inmares r or Loan uvesuppg.8 005/012 • legislation otherwise applies to cities and counties regardless of population and geography and can be udlized even if the city or county is already participating in a rapid r- sit authority or is c iF ently at its limit for the local sales tax. In,the case of an entity that is at its m, local sales tax rate, the ballot would have to indicate which sales tax would be reduced to accommodate the newly prosed sales tax to ftin the venue project. Periiiisib1e Projects Under Chapter 334 • • Chapter 334 allows ; city or cünty to undermie a"venue project" The Lerrvenue project" is defined as a " enue and related ir tiructure that is pLrrneiI, acquired, established, developed, consructed, or renovated under this chapter! The tern.' "venue" is defined as being one of the folio g: L Arena,coliseum,stad" ,or other type of area or facility:if* a. That is used or will be used for professional or at- sports,or for co n ity and civic and c, !table events; and b. Where a fee for airniion to these eve=will be c1urged; or 21 Conventi n canter or a related improvement that is located in the vicinity of the • convention center. The t "related improv eat"is used rather broadly nid includes such things as civiccenr hotels, auditoriurris,theaters, opera or music halls, exhibition halls, rah, sal halls,parka, os,inweuins,or -v.;or 3. Tourist development area along an inland water way; or 4. A ,,Avnicipal parks and rcrndon systeii, improvements or additions to a parks nd recrmition syste , or an area or facility that is past áf a murid1pal parks and recreation syst However,it appears that neither the motor vehicle rental tax nor the local had tax authorized by Chapter 334 may be used as arevenue source to pay for avenue project of this nature; 71 or 5. Any other economic development project anthorized by law. (This category appears to allow the use of the authority provided by Chapter 334 for any project that would be authorized under any other Texas economic development statute.) Section 334.001 defines the t- "related infrastructre"to include ary onsite or off-site pray,. ents that relate to and enhance the urn,value,or appeal of a venue,and any other e s ndi - that is necessat7 to con, et or improve a venue.. - statute lists the folio g ex is pies of improv: rients that would qualify as related mimic stores,restaurts, onsite hotels,concessions,parking, _ sportation facilities,roads, -ter or se _-r parks, or environ ental r- nediation. 2000 Economic Development Handbook Office of the Attorney General 57 / VI/ 1:0:Id V512 475 4421 OAC-IRD 006/012 IL Alternative Tax Initiatives For Local Development A city or county may only use Chapter 334 to construct a project that falls within the definition of the trrct"venue"or wthin the definition of"related infrast re.." However, once the venue facility is constructed,state law pe its the facility to be used for an event that is not related to one of the abovedescribed venue purposes,such as a co unity-related event1/2 Also,if an Already existing facility wuld qualify as a venue project under Chapter 334,a city or a county may use the authority ted under Chapter 334 to aid that facility even though it .s originally constructed or underJen under the authority of other law."1 Procedure for Authorizing a Venue Project Step One: The city or county must obtain approval for the project from the Comptroller's Office. Before a city or county may have an election to undertake a venue project,it must obtain approval of the project from the Comptroller's Office." The Comp Ber reviews the project to detcrrnne whether the proposed financing •itild'Iba ve a significant negave fiscal impact on s ::te revenue." To obtainthis approval,the city or county must send to the Comptroller a copy of the resolution proposing the venue projwt.'" This resolution must indicate each proposed project LflLi each method of financing for the project' Within 14 days of the Comptroller's receipt of the resolution, it must pedorri the required analysis and provide the city or county with wriuen notice of its decision."7 If the Comptoller determines that the resolution would have a significant negative impact on state revenue,the Comptroller must indicate in writing how the local goverminent could change the resolution so that there would not be such a negative impact. If the Comptroller fails to provide the required Finalysis in less thaai 30 days,the resolution is considered to be -ppoved by the Comptaller. If the Comptroller finds that a venue project resolution wilt have a negative impact on state revenue, the involved city or co .ty has 10 days to appeal the negative ruling"' Such an appii is ag:iin made to the Comptroller, an.d the Comptroller would have another 10 days to provide a new an*sis.. If the Corriptoller's'ruling is still nel itrve,the analysis mug ; include iorTratron on how the local gormrrnniient could cnge the resolution so that thcre suld not he a negative impact on state revenue. If the Comptroller falls to provide the required analysis wi 6. less thvi 30 days,the rwoludon is automatically considered approved, If the Comptroller's Office continues to hold that the venue project iruld have a ne the iinpact on state revenue,the city or county would be unable to order the required election on the venue project.'" Step Two: Certain cities must also obtain approval from the local transit authority. If a venue project resolution cont s a proposed sales an,the city or county must det ine if that would result in the reduction of a sales tax rate that fonds a musit authority cre.,n , under either 2000 Economic Development Elmdbook Office of the Attorney General 58 1O 441 OAG-IRD Q007/012 IL itherpgarbe I'm initiatives Pop Local rilopmt pter 451 or Chapter 452 dale Texii Transportation Code.' This issue would only wise lithe r a was subject to a r it ority sales tax and if the adoption of a venue project sales tax uld place the city or county beyond the two percent cap for the local sales tax. If these ch o games • would arise because of the proposed venue project,the city must send the tansit authority a copy of the venue resoluthn for approval by the authority. This resolution must designate each venue project and each method of financing that the city or county proposes to to ce the project."' If the proposed financing for the venue project would not cause a reduction in the tr isit authority ales tax,this approval from the tansit authority is not mg * ed. Within less thri 30 days of the rai it authority's receipt ofthe resolution,it must dennme whether the reduction in the irrnsit authority's tax rate would have a iificiit negative Impact on its ability to provide ssr1ces or uld impair y existing conircta.' The writ authority must also prone the -vtitten ru1ts of its an 1yis to the city or county within this 29day period. If the au • Elk ails to pmvids thsu.nnyis within the regInred period,the awJiiinty is deemed to have oved the rest)]. Also,ifthe iraasit authority's rating is negative,it must state how the city or county could ckuAge the V1.us project resolution so that th would not be a negative impact on the vansit authority's ability to provide tran3It service orftilfiil existing conturants. If the luraritalt aut1itrity finds tiat a venue project resolution would have a negative impact on the authority's ability to pr vide service or wiiuTtd impthexisting conrants,the irvoIved city or county may appeal the negative Ming within 10 days.' Such an. appcalis again rne to the tiaiislt authority, ud the authority must provide a new analysis within 10 days of its receipt of the appeal. If the transit authority's Ming is still negative, the analysis must include information on htsc the local govrnunent could change the resolution so that there would not be a negative impact on the authority's ability to provide service or fulfill existing conturacts. If the tracst authority fails to provide the requiredysis within 10 days,the resolution is automatically considered approved. If the trawit authority continues to find that the venue project would have a negative impact,the city or county woulEl be unable to hold the rNuired election to approve the proposed venue project Step Three: The city r county must bold an election on the venue project. In order to undacudre avenue projec,a city or county must receive voter approval of the project and the proposed me. of fiiunchig the project.' As discussed ave,the local goverurient carLnOt proceed with such an election without approval from the Comptrollers Office and,if applicable,from the local ruut authority. Once it has received the rquired approvals,the city or county iiiy order the required election. The order calling the election must meet all of the following criteria: Allow the VttImu to vote separately on each value project; o Desi ,14 the Mlle project; 2000 Emu ic D- lowed dbmk.Office elide Attorney Oenwed 89 W1.1,6 410 VIZI OAG I RD RI 008/012 11: Alternative TaxIniaarrves For Local elopmenr Desi te each method of firiA1cing authodz.d by Chapter 334 that the city or county ts to use to f ce the venue project and desiglate the - rate for each method; Allow the voters to vote an the we proposition or in separate propositions) on each method of firtan g authorized by Chapter 334 that the m - acipality or county - ts to use to cetheprojectandthem >ii rate of ; h method. In a •lion to the ave requirements for the election order,there is mg ed wording for the ballot proposition.The ballot must be printed to allow voting for or ; aingt the following proposition: "Autho (insert n of city or county) to (a ert darripdon of venme projec6 and to impose a tax at the rate of (inseK the Ope oft"and th u,izrni rote of the tx)for the purpae of financing the venue project.' If iiuiore than one method of—rLariclng is to be voted on in one p- shim the ballot must be printed to pi at voting for or aret the proposition: "Authorking (insert eame of city or county) to (znsert description of venue proled)and to impose a tax at the rate of (," -art 'arh typo of tar end the trtaxwalm rate cif each tax)for the"aaze of fuiitancag the vane projt." If the iiuc project is for upmvements or ad itions to an cxiag park or recreation facility,then the description of the project in the ballot propositi n must identify e- park or recreaon facility by auine or loc ;on. If the venue project is for the t uisition or improv ,ent of a new park or re "lion facility,then the demon of this rjed in the ballot Just specify the general location WkLP the n- park, rratiou sy trr.or facility vill'W locatedlia.the venue project ind • s or athitious to all paits aiàL or recreation halides of the city,tit, the ballot proposition d ripdon nwd not coWun the na or location of the facilities The Texas Elmtion axle goverii %e pmcethir. for holding an election nada Chapter 334. A city Will wait to ckck with the Elections ion at the Secrxary of Stite's cc if the city has any ons aWut the requii- meats of the Election Code. The Elections Division iiay be ched by phone at(800)252463. 2OW Economic veicmt Handbwk 0 Office qtthe Attorney nrd- 60 12/15/00 1615 V512 475 4421 OAC-IRD euutuviA I. Alt alive To 4 g Atm For Local '- elopmem Imposing a Sales Tax Under Chapter 334 General Authority to Impose a Venue Project Sales Tax If approved by the voters at an election on the issue,a city(by 0 = cc)or a county(by order)may ipose,reiuce,or repeal a sales tax under authofity of Chapter 334.1" As indicated - Her,a sales tax may not be impond unless both the venue project and the tax itself have been approved at an election. Ballot Propoddou to Adopt a Venue Project Sales Tax The adopfion of the venue project sales tax - in the - ballot propsidon that osm the value project. The ballot must'W ted to allow vofing for or ag the folio g proposion: "Autbe lug (ie e' of cky or con ) to &seri descrWon of venue project)and to impose a at the rate of .ent the vpe of and the of the tax)for the p 'ose of&awing the venue project." Ifin' - Ong method of cing is to be voted on in one proposilion,the .= Lotmuatbeprinted to m. at vof for or ag. the proposition: a •Autho (Wert name of cfry or co ) to (Wen docriptkx of venue project)and to impose a W.at the nte Cert each type apex and the a am rag of each tax)for the PutPose of financing the venue project." Increasing the Venue Project Sales Tax Additionally, a sales tax that was adopted under = er 334 to be..t a venue project y be incre if the incr = e is a ved at an e1econ2" If th- is an election to approve an a r- e In the ales tax to fund a venue projw.,the ballot wording must a. u van g. for or against the folio prosion: The adoption a a sales and use tax for the p se of financing c .ert detcrOdon of venne project)at the rate of of one percent(insert rate)" Me rate ofthe sales tax imposed or incr = -ed Imaa Chapter 334 can only i one-fo eighths, or one.half of one percent. With ce exceptions, r issues cone- ai 2000 Economic Developmem - dbook Office of the Attorney General 61 12/15/00 16:15 e512 475 4421 a AG 1RD L010/031 11. Alternative Tax Fw Local Dwelopment 'station of a Chapter 334 salm tax by a city are governed by the provisions of Chapter 321 of the Tax Code. If the Ch. r 334 sales tax is imposed by a county, Chapter 323 of the Tax Code generally govri a the nistration of the tax.' Effective Date of Venue Project Sales Tax A sales , imposed under Chapter 334 CLU ot take effect until at least one full a rr ter the city or county has sent notice to Compftoller of the election results,'" After one full q expired, the tax will then take effect on the first day of the nextcJendar qu:irter. The Comptroller is reansible for collecting the sales tax and remitting it to the city or county,which must then deposit the money into the venue project fund.'92 Tenmiundon of Venue Project Sales Tax When.all bonds in obligations payable from money in the venue project fund re paid,the venue project saIss iiiix mtbe lisha!" Mternatively,If the full rnouofmoneyneeIed to pay these obligations,excluding guirane int, -st,t been set z ide in avucil account Mica c to pay these obligations,the sales tax must ended. Additionallya city or county may aolishthe Chapter 334 Nies tix on Its own motion 1egardlesa of the ctu5 for the tzri.ninaiTon of the sales tax,the city or camty must notit'the Comptroller of the tax's aWition not Wer thit. 60 days before the date on which the tax is set to expire. Application of TwPercent Local Sales Tax Cap to Chapter 334 Sales Tax Gen- y, itc law requires that a mks 1xeS,when combin „not exceed a total rate of two pereot in any ates. However, a city or c.wiiy is not auto ccally forbiddm, it adopting or ircreasing a ales tax to ptr ue a Chapter 334 venue pmjmt menly bcanm the adopdon of the tax would cause the pombined Imal sales taxes inan area to excrad this twpercu.nt cap.1" gate law allows the adoption of the veicic ales tax to awre the local Wes tax rate of one of the ithjic g a .torides in the accat to'W a In other words,if is = -= y at ibiiax loesi ales tax(two icr ')oranu sadvenue pNjwt eladon would paca the 1 'ty beyond the udcauira lxth ales tax = the venue project sales tax el ;on is also ' ted 4ted as an election to the tax rate of- = ority. Only of g snty are eligible to have sales tax aMo is .; ;catty in this mctur. 1)A cri conual di- -d under Tens Civil S - s 2370c-4;and 2)An industtial developmefit corporation area iad under Section 4A or 4B ofT S "4 tes Aricle 5190.6. Ilth - is only one such authority , sales tax is affected,the ballot proNsition for the adoption of the Chapter 334 sales tax must et . ly state ua the uected • g authotity's tax rate 2000 EIé LaeInsnt Muk Office of the Attorney General 62 t 4 AAP .101.4 car 441 OAGIRD 011/012 will be reduced. If more than one such ung authority's rate is affected,the Chapter 334 sales tax election must allow voters to choose which authority's tax will be reduced. The sales tax rate of the chosen taxing authority is then reduced to the highest rate that •uld allow the locality not to exceed the twopercent cap. If another taxing entity's sales tax is reduced automatically at such an election, the - g entity's sales tax rate is reduced throughout the entity's j -sdictiona A authority does not have the power to red - its sales tax rate only in one part of its j 'sdiction; the rate must be •*fa thro •out itsji sdictiort Howe ,the g authority's sales would automatically inc -e if the Chapter 334 rate is later reduced or later expires. Special rules also •ly if the sales tax rate of a aansit a my would be affected. These rules are di ed below. Required Withdrawal from a Transit Authority To Adopt a Venue Project Sales Tax lithe enactment or incriSe of a C h tar 334 sales tax would cause the combined local sales tax rate to exceed two perc .t and the tisg entity whose sales tax mid have to be reduced is a rrit- a rity, ial mks apply. Specifically,before the Chapter 334 sales tax is imposed,the city or county imposing the tax must wiCAraw from the Lruit auhrity. Thr- are two types of trSit authorities to which this rule applies. The first type, called a"rapid t ansit authority, is crted der Chapter 451 of the Texas Tritorthtion Code. The s8ciDd type,referred to as a"regional t ortation authority,"is created under C iter 452 of that code. The rules are slightly different for each type of • . s sit authority; they discussed separately below: 1.Chapter 451 Rapid Transit Antholity. As noted a. ve,if voters choose to red - the sales tax rate of a -it auth ty in order to' ; ct or Ticcre a Chapter 334 venue project sales tax,c special dures must be folio d-196 lithe transit authority is org -d under C pter 451 of the T 'on Code,a sep te election must first be held on the issue ofwiJArwing the alected cities from the it authority. The C pter 334 sales tax may not be imposed in a city unless the voters of that city have - ously approved Cr city's wi. awe from the vt authority. Once a city has voted to withdraw from the sit authority,the t it iOrity no longer has any duty to provide services within the city unless required to do so by federal law. In con icLa ,an el, on to decide whether a city will wi aw from a Chapter 451 riaL it authority,a city must follow the requirements of Subchapter M in Chapter 451 of the T po on e. 2.Chapter 452 Regional Transportation Athority. If voters will be asked to reduce the sales tax rate of a transpo ion -- ority org under Chapter 452 of the Texas o e in order to e t or increase a :ter 334 venue project sales tax, &ff IA procedures must be folio d. The election to =a:srove or inc a e the Chapter 334 venue sales tax is treated as an election to " w from the . ion authority '" The ballot language at this election must clearly state that the adoption of the Chapter 334 sales . will result in.au atic withdra ofthe county or city from the a sportation authority. 2000 Eon. •lc Development k Office of the Attorney General 63 OAGIRD ; '1 W5.1Z 475 4421 0)012/012 Aliernative Tax Initiatives For Local Deuelopment Even if the voters choose to withdraw.from the transportation authority by approving the Chapter 334 tax,the city or county still may not impose the Chapter 334 mles tax until the county or city's financial obligations to the trarisp. Lion authority satisfied in acco rce with Subchapter Q of T sportation Code.Chapter 452. In conducting an elector" on w - er to withdraw from a Chapter 452 ir .sportation autholity, a city must follow the rag 2 ements of Subchapter Q in Chapter 452 of the Tr rsportanon Code. 2000 Economic Developrneoc Handbook a Office of she Attorney General 64 tx,.».-. <rur.< r.>:::. r ,.rt: ':_,ter,.:.... ...,. ..... ✓„-:... .x*..-re-,... .. n.,,.,,:.. .r.-_ - T.'z _ PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT CIP PROJECT LIST FY 2001 x ..:. .. r. ,,.. ...^K` .. ..xi••:. t.._n..,k.......`).S Y h, ..:. ... , _ Y, x. .,. ... ., f.'a':`aJ ..X^{`,.,.. t3-et' rrtirt_ ...:.: c.. ,.. ..»' ._,.c.' .,F* ,.n.... r,. .,, .,.._,,..3... ..< ....,. . .,. ..✓,,.. SPROJECT F 1 .„..,,,:...a..................A.... ,.:.:.::... -...r..,. .. « ':: :..:., ...... , PRIORITY& .PRt,aJ ECT • S T4 T SNUMBER.._..a.. yr,- .-.-., BUDGET UDGET SOURCE 3 Brison Park Improvements PK0100 $54,600 '98 1 Brothers Park Improvements In Construction PK0084 $32,000 '98 G.O. 1 Business Center Landscaping Project In Design GG9705 $250,000 G.O. 2 Castlegate Park Design In Design 1 Cemetery Land Acquisition GG9905 $275,000 '98 G.O. 3 Central Park Improvements K0101 $17,000 '98 G.O. 2 Community Park Acquisition Underway PK9948 $520,000 '98 Bond 2 Gabbard Park Improvements 0102 $78,000 '98 G.O. 1 Hallaran Pool Filters & Coating (FY '01) Out to bid PK0106 $120,000 FY '01 2 High School Tennis Court Lights (FY'01) In Negotiation PK0109 $91,500 FY '01 Indoor Grant Application for Joint CSISD Project Suspend until 1 Lemontree Park Playground Complete PK0066 $22,000 '98 G.O. In Progress 1 Lick Creek Grant Application Due 1/01 '98 G.O. Grant $126,265 C5 C.D.B.G. 2 Lick Creek Trails Grant Project Approved Funds Awaiting 2 Lincoln Improvements Arc itec 12 $90,000FY '01 Proposal 2 Merry Oaks Improvements PK0103 $37,000 '98 G.O. Replacement 1 MerryOaks Playground Replacement lacement In Construction K0088 $25,000 Funds yg p 2 Millenium Winds Improvements (FY'01) In Design $7,195 FY '01 2 Oaks Park Bridge PK0067 $28,000 '98 G.O. 1 Parking Garage Landscape Plan Complete c. . 1 Raintree Park Improvements In Construction PK0068 $44,000 '98 G.O. 3 Shenandoah Park Development $48,000 Ded k. E ... PRIORITY& PROJECT STATUS PROJECT ROJLCT BUDGET FUNDING ..., NUMBERSOURCE5 .....J...,.. ., .. is ...,.,.... ...... ....... ..,u..:. _ ......::. ...,... ,.. ...'r x m Southwood Soccer Field 1 Renovation (FY '01) Bids Underway FY '01 1 Thomas Park Improvements Complete PK9931 $34,000 '98 G.O. 2 Thomas Pool Improvements PK0104 $19,000 '93 G.O. Thomas Pool Leak Investigation 1 Repair (FY '01) Underway PK0107 $25,000 FY '01 1 Veterans Park Phase I In Design PK9941 $2,120,000 '98 G.O. 2 Veterans Park Water Feasibility (FY'01) Underway PK0110 $25,000 FY '01 1 West District Maintenance Shop In Construction PK9927 $501,000G.O. 1 Willow Branch Tennis Courts In Construction PK0074 $125,000 2 Woodway Park Development $468,600 OTHERS 1 City Center Concepts Complete 1 City Hall Atrium Underway GG0102 $8,500 George Bush at Wellborn Road to Texas 3 Avenue Medians 2 Northgate ate ark (FY '01) 2 Raintree Land c uisition 2 Venue Tax Issue 1 Wolf Pen Creek trails In Design 1 Wolf Pen Creek Design Charette Complete WPC TIF Public Hearing Skateboard/Roller Hockey Park Jan 30, 2001 PK0073 $162,000 FY00 SLA PRIORITIES #1 ® In progress currently or will be in r ss before January 1, 2001. #2 ® In progress before August 1, 2001 #3 -- In progress after October 1, 2001 O:/parks/Projects/CIP/cip2001.doc City of College Station Parks and Recreation Board Current List of Subcommittees: Fees __ _______ Glen Davis, Bill Davis, John Crompton Veterans Park & Athletic Complex_00__e_Glen Davis, John Nichols, John Crompton Joint Ventures with CSISD Chris Barzilla, Glen Davis Joint Ventures with T U_o__.__e_.John Nichols, George Dresser Lick Creek Park _ _00_0______Laura Wood, John Crompton Other committees members are currently serving on: Sports and Recreation Association....... _o_o__.__ O._ _Glen Davis ___0___ _0__e_o_(Jon Turton will serve once Glen's term expires) Con ununity Attractions Corn nittee.. . 0_0_0 Laura Wood Art in Public Places___ — _moo__ John Nichols Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Glenn Schroeder (George Dresser, Alternate) Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Monday, December 18, 2000 M TES Members Present: Phyllis Dozier, Wendell Horne, Betty Horne, James Boone, Billy Lay, Mary Jo Lay, Bill Kling, Florace Kling, A ie Lee Finch, Vallis Broussard Members Absent: Bill Lancaster, Mary Lancaster, Joa a Yeager, Carol Parzen, and Helen Siegel Staff Present: Marci Rodgers I. Bill Lay called the meeting to order at 10:05 am IL A sproval of the Minutes: The minutes fro the November 27, 2000 meeting were approved as circulated. III. ' eport "Senior Friendly" brochure: In Carol Parzen's absence Wendell Horne spoke for the committee and explained that the brochure had a new look. The focus had been changed from educating the business co unity en the senior clientele base to stimulate them into becoming Senior Friendly. The new focus will hopefully attract businesses to see the benefits of serving the senior population. Wendell Horne suggested that the committee might want to look at a second brochure to educate the co iunity on the senior population. Suggested changes included: In the first colu strike the word "surprising". The phrase should read, "Retirees are moving to College Station at an increasing rate". In the second colur change first phrase to read, "Merchandise for seniors" Wording in second colu needs to se in a larger font and in brief statements. The lower half of second column should list recognition for Senior Friendly Award recipients such as certificate and recognition at a City Council Meeting, public recognition in the newspaper and city publications and decal for store window. The third colu should read "Tell us about you business" and omit top paragraph . Marci will contact businesses and present final draft at the January eeting. IV. Senior Nee's Assessment time line: Marci passed around copies of the Eisenhower Leadership Development Program proposal for Senior Pro u ams and Facilities for the City of College Station. Steve Beachy submitted the proposal and the students for the George Bush School of Government and Public Service will vote on the projects and if we are selected the students have been asked to research and identify what facilities will be needed for seniors in our corn rnunity. Also, what type of orograms should be provided and if a potential exists to orovioe these facilities and services through cooperative programs. December proposal submitted January Selection or rejection by students May 8, 2001 Make recons recoiiirnendation to Parks and Recreation Boarsi June 28, 2001 Make recommendation to City Council V. Senior Services Coordinator " eport: Copy on file The coni mittee expressed an interest in attending the T1' A S conference, which will oe held at the Del Lago Conference ani Resort on Lake Conroe in February. The committee will atteno one day of the conference and travel in the city van. VI. Nextmeeting: Monday, January 29, 2001 (teen center) VII. Adjourn: The meeting ende e at 11:00am Senior Services Coordinator Report December, 2000 Senior Christmas Light Tour: Thirty—eight individuals signed-up for the tour which was scheduled for Tuesday, Dece ber 12, 2001. The forecast of severe winter weather dictated that we cancel the event. We have rescheduled for Monday, December 18th and the only change will be that the George lush Library will not have an open house. Class Schedule for Winter/Spring: We will be offering 18 classes next session along with free tax help for seniors. Registration begins on Mon.ay, January 22, 2001 at the Parks and Recreation office. A copy of t e XTRA Educatio, brochure will be inserted in the Sunday edition of the January 21st EAGLE. Time Line for Senior Facility and Program Recommendation December 2000: Submit proposal for Eisenhower Leadership Development Progra January 2001: Selectio for project will be selected or rejectei by students May 8, 2001: Make recom endation to Parks and Recreation Board June 28, 2001: Make reco endation to City Council Senior Program Goals FY 2000-2001 These goals are new ideas and programs for the 20002001 fiscal year. I will continue to promote awareness of the position, senior service coordinator, to the community and work with other agencies to benefit the older adult population. I will strive to offer quality programs and classes to eet the desires of older adult. Create and Distribute Senior Friendly Award Brochure to Retail Businesses )- Work with senior advisory committee on information and guil elines for award )> Print and Distribute brochure to business community Promote aware ess of Senior population as a significant economic clientele base • Recognize b sinesses that are Senior Friendly Leisure and Aging Branch of Texas Recreation and Parks Society )> Begin Networking with other cities • Become more active and participate in workshops Senior Needs Assessment > Provide assistance in gathering and distributing information as needed Utilize Senior Advisory Committee as a resource for Council Vision Statements concerning seniors Collect and 11,rganize Senior Population Data • Research population in College Station and Com iunity utilizing 2000 Census ureau > Categorize ages and resiiency • Create a mailing list of particip nts involveaf in city programs Steve Beachy- Rainbow Trout in Central Pond Page 1 From: David Gerling To: Parks Date: 1/5/01 9:14AM Subject: Rainbow Trout in Central Pond Yesterday I was notified by TPWD that 2000-3/4Ib rainbow trout will be delivered to Central Pond sometime during the day of Feb. 6th. The official stocking date for that pond on the internet is Feb. 8th, but anglers can begin fishing as soon as they arrive. Rules for fishing Rainbow Trout in Texas Public Waters 1. A Texas fishing license w/a freshwater rainbow trout stamp is required for all anglers 17 to 69 (born on or after Sept. 1,1930) 2. Anglers born before Sept. 1, 1930 are exempt from having a license (ie., they don't need one at all). 3. Anglers under 17 are exempt&do not need a license as well. 4. Daily bag limit is 5 per angler per day. Maximum of 10 in possession at one time. There is no length limit. If questions arise, I can be reached at 764-3730. Or you can call: Texas Parks &Wildlife fisheries division at 822-5067, or Game Warden office @ 260-1372. Steve Beachy-Youth Soccer Fields Renovation Updatedoc Page 1 Youth Soccer Fields Renovation Update, January 5th 2001 • Irrigation bid completed and awarded (Z Water Works, Bryan), materials to be delivered in mid January. Old irrigation heads were removed in early December. • Soil Analysis and Turf Management Consultations were done by Thomas Turf Services, Inc. in November. This was to dete ine Type of soil amendments to use to create a better growing medium for the new turf, and discuss ways to better drain the fields. Also provided was some management practices for the future. • Specifications were written for the purchase of required soil amendment (sand mixture) and sent out to bid in Mid December. Low bid is to be presented to City Council on January 1 1 th. • Specifications were written for the Laser Grading and grass sprigging and put out to bid mid December. Bids are presently being reviewed and References checked. Expect to go to City Council in February. • Existing turf was treated with herbicide in Nov. and is presently being excavated with assistance from Public Works. Some grade and drainage work is also being done. Expect to finish by Jan. 8th. • Over the next couple weeks we will add Gypsum and till existing soil. After Council's approval we will start having the sand delivered to the site to start mixing with existing soil. Down the road we have the rough grading, installation of the new irrigation system, final grade (Laser Grading) and installation of new turf(sprigging). DEC-11-2000 15:.51 WMHLLLY LNUINLEK5 'JCJ ti-ND CJ..)t) t'.02/0,5 E Craig Konkel, P.E. U O'Malley Engineers, I ®0 Robert C. Schmidt, RE. Ed Add;cks, P.E. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION VETERANS PARK AND ATHLETIC FACILITIES OE JOB NO. 675.01-RB DECEMBER 11, 2000 PROJECT SCHEDULE Approval o Pre iminary Plat 01/04/01* Submit Conceptual Drawings to Parks Department 01/05/01 Submit Final Drainage Report to Development Services 01/15/01 Receive Parks Department Review Comments on Conceptual Design 01/22/01 Submit Preliminary Drawings to Parks Department 02/05/01 Approval of Final Drainage Report By Development Services 02/15/01 Receive Parks Department Review Comments 02/22/01 Submit Final Plat, Final Plans, and Specifications to Parks Dept. 03101/01 Receive Review Comments on Final Plat, Final Plans, and Specifications by Parks Department 03/15/01 Submit Final Plat, Final Plans, and Specifications to Development Services (and P & Z) 03/23/01 Approval of Final Plat, Final Plans, and Specifications by Development Services (and P & Z) 04/19/01* Advertise For Bids 04/20/01 Open Bids 05/22101 Award Contract 06/14/01* KA675-01Mtetter‘project schedule.doc 203 5.Jackson P.O. Box 1976 Brenham,Texas 77834-1976 (979)836-7937 FAX(979) 836-7936 DEC-11-2000 15:32 O'MALLEY ENGINEERS (5(J 6,5b Y'J,5ED H.O3/03 Project Schedule — Page 2 Contractor's Notice to Commence Work 07/16/01 Construction Completion 07/16/02 'Scheduled Meeting Date of P&Z and City Council K\675-01REAlettenproject schedule.doc TOTAL P.03