HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/13/1999 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks Board ) CiTY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING ........• April 13, 1999, 7 (DOPM 11111•1111111"1111n1000 Roofwgornonilimilioniummionimin 1. Approval of Minutes from February 9, 1999 (March 9, 1999 meeting did not • have quorum) 2. Discussion of the Open Meetings Act 3. Discussion of the Proposed FY00 User Fees 4. Committee report and discussion of the proposed Parks Master Plan 5. Discussion of Historic Preservation Committee request to review park changes in designated areas 6. Discussion of request and petition from Rock Prairie Elementary School 7. Consent Agenda - Discussion of Board Goals and Priorities - Capital Improvements Report 8. Set dates for: - Madely Park Tour - Public Hearing on Proposed FY00 User Fees 9. Hear Visitors 10. Adjourn The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas posted on Internet Website hftp://www.ci.college-stationimus and Cable Access Channel 19. o:boardiapri199.doc • F CITY OF COLLEGE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING April 13 1999, 7 OOPM ••.•••••••••••••••••..••••••••••••.•••••.....••••••.........•••••••••••••••.••••• 1000 Krenk Tap Road 1. Approval of Minutes from February 9, 1999 (March 9, 1999 meeting did not have quorum) 2. Discussion of the Open Meetings Act 3. Discussion of the Proposed FY00 User Fees 4. Diseus8ios n-en-d-e-onsider-ation-of-Public-Art-D-orranifforeity-Parks- VjS4/ 5. Committee report and discussion of the proposed Parks Master Plan Vd 6. Discussion of Historic Preservation Committee request to review park changes in designated areas 7. Discussion of request and petition from Rock Prairie Elementary School 8. Consent Agenda - Discussion of Board Goals and Priorities - Capital Improvements Report 9. Set dates for: - Madely Park Tour - Public Hearing on Proposed FY00 User Fees 10. Hear Visitors 11. Adjourn The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. ) To make arrangements call (409) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas posted on Internet Website littpdi_v_uww-ci-colle.ge:station,ix,u.s.and Cable Access Channel 19. o:boardiapri199.doc MINEMENIENNINMEN.rrRR.:r'ryr.,R{r.. :ff' R•'.' 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Staff Present: Steve Beachy, Director, College Station Parks&Recreation;Eric Ploeger, Assistant Director;Kris Startzman, Board Secretary;David Gerling, Parks Special Facilities Superintendent;Linda Waltman,Parks Recreation Superintendent; Curtis Bingham,-Parks Operations Superintendent. Board Members: Chris Barzilla, Chairman; Glen Davis; John Crompton; Sarah Birkhold; John Nichols; Susan Allen. Members Absent: George Dresser. Visitor: Mr. Trey Dyer, student, P.O. Box 6714, College Station, Texas 77840. 1. Approval of Minutes February 9, 1999. Chris Brazilla motioned for approval. Sarah Birkhold seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as written. 2. OpenMeetingsy Discussion of Act; Steve Beach said that the Board has been instructed ....................... by the City Attorney to abide by the Open Meetings Act. He instructed the Board to be in compliance with the act. He said that they cannot use"Other Business" or"Board Concerns" as standing items, they cannot discuss items that are not specifically on the agenda, and the agenda needs to be written in enough detail so that a reasonable person can tell what is going to be discussed at the meeting. The Board cannot conduct any meetings where a quorum is not present, and they have to insure that all of the agendas are posted through the City Secretary's office 72 hours in advance. He said that The Eagle has spoken with the District Attorney to determine if College Station is in violation of any meetings and to make sure that we are in compliance. Steve said that we very seldom have reporters at these meetings, but they can request anything from the minutes or the tape recordings at any time. The City Attorney said that it would be a Class"B" misdemeanor if there is a violation. The Eagle will follow the City's procedures on this and look for any violations. John Crompton asked if it would be feasible for the staff', when they call a week ahead of the meeting, to ask if the Board has any concerns for the next agenda. Steve said that the Board can call 24 hours a day, and leave a message on voice mail if they can think of something to put on the agenda. This would be the best way to handle the situation to make sure that we are in compliance with the law. Chris Barzilla said that this might be a good idea. This way, we don't have to wait a month between meetings to add an item to the agenda. He asked Steve if"Board Concerns" and Regular Meeting April 13, 1999 Page 1 "Other Business" were the onlyitems that changed with this act. Steve replied that they g were. He went on to say that if anyone sees the posted agenda, the agenda will clarify what the Board is going to be talking about. John C. suggested havingagenda item that discusses changing the date of a meeting if we gg an g do not have a quorum. The Board will have this as an agenda item for future meetings. John C. said that the downside would be that some of the people who could make the first meeting, might not be able to make the alternative meeting. The alternative date would have to be given to see if everyone could attend. 3. Discussion of the Proposed FY2000 User Fees: Steve said that this subject was brought back from a previous meeting. He said that this is going to be part of the budget process and will be brought to the City Council. This will be for the fees for the next fiscal year, starting in October. He said that last year the Board approved one item relating to the fees, the 25 percent surcharge on adult softball leagues, to help pay for capital items and improvements to the fields. He went on to say that one thing that occurred in the Capital Improvement Committee meeting this year, when working on the bond issue, was that there was strong recommendation from the Citizen's Committee to the City Council that bond issues not be used to finance future replacement or repair items, but should rather be incorporated as part of the on-going budget process. The 25 percent surcharge from the adult softball would fit into this recommendation. He went on to say that right now the increase is only for adult softball. John C. had sent a fax with a draft of the policy statement on the surcharges. This fax was not in the Board packets. Linda Waltman said that in a fees subcommittee meeting, there was discussion about possibly creating a charge for all user groups, including youth soccer, Little League and adult flag football leagues, but that it would exclude adult basketball and volleyball, because we utilize the school gyms for these sports. She said that a$5 charge was the amount that was discussed. She went on to say that a customer had suggested that we might take into consideration those families that have multiple children. One thing that the Department may want to decide is charging on a sliding scale($5, but no more than$15). David Gerling said that the Department has done this before with some of the other activities. Chris said that this would probably be better in order to cover funds, even though the youth leagues are pretty reasonably priced anyway. Linda said that Steve met with representatives from Little League (Ron Carter and Linda Jeffress), He mentioned this idea to Little League representatives, as well as to the Youth Soccer group. They were in favor. Glen Davis asked where the equity would be. Little League does not pay the City anything to use the fields. He asked where it would even out. Sara Birkhold asked if the additional 25 percent would go into a fund set aside for upkeep of the fields, the parking lots, the center buildings and the stands for each group (ex., soccer, softball). Linda said that the 25 percent would only utilized for adult softball. Glen asked if the $5 would be per player. Linda said that adults sign up as a team, and the youth sign up individually. The Board will move the topic of surcharges to next meeting. Linda noted that there is a Recreation/Sports meeting on Tuesday, May 25th. The Board will need to meet before then. John C. made a motion to approve the fees and table the topic of surcharges and move it to the next agenda. Susan Allen seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed 6-0. Regular Meeting April 13, 1999 Page 2 4. Committee Report and Discussion of the Proposed Parks Master Plan: Steve went over the implementation schedule for the Parks Master Plan up to City Council approval. He said that the Parks Master Plan subcommittee will meet on May 6th at 2:00 p.m. to review the final draft and to make any recommendations to the full Board. He went on to say that he would like to submit the plan to Parks and Wildlife before it is submitted to the City Council. One reason for this is to see if there is anything in the plan from their end that has been left out. Another reason is that they may have suggestions before it is taken back to the City Council for approval. Steve wants to have a public review period. Chris asked if the Parks Master Plan could be put on the Internet. Steve said he has thought about this, but does not know yet, due to the 11 X 17 sized maps that are in the document. He said that he will have to investigate this further. Steve said that we will have a formal public hearing and consideration of the plan on June 8th. From there, it will go to City Council. John C. asked if it is necessary to go to the Planning and Zoning Commission with the plan. Steve said that the Board could possibly do this during a joint meeting or during the public review period. He does feel that we should involve them in this process. Chris B. asked if we could give them a copy of the plan, and if they have questions, we could set up a meeting. Steve said that after the May 25th Special Board meeting, he will provide them with copies. John N. said that the Board could always arrange a meeting with our Master Plan subcommittee if the whole Board could not get together. Steve will contact the Development Services staff and let them know where we are in this process. He will provide them a copy of the Master Plan schedule and let them know that we will provide them with a final draft after the May 25th Special Board meeting. Steve thanked the committee for their work on the plan. ................:. 5. Discussion of Historic Preservation Committee Request to Review Park Changes in Designated Areas: David Gerling introduced himself as the staff liai 6. Discussion of Request and Petition from Rock Prairie Elementary School: Steve discussed the letter and petition requesting that the current track at the Dorothy Miller Park be replaced with a rubberized surface. Steve mentioned that there is not an existing budget source for this. It would cost around $60,000 to put rubber on the whole track. Chris asked if the $60,000 was to do the whole project. Steve replied that it was. He said that we would split the whole cost. This was originally a joint project between the City of College if Station and the College Station Independent School District. Chris and John N. asked we could get a price on what it would cost to go back to the track's original standard. Steve said that we could do this. Steve asked the Board's opinion on this matter. Chris asked if there is a way to get a grant for this. Steve said that he doesn't know of any sources he would have to explore this issue with Texas Parks and Wildlife. Chris asked if we could use asphalt instead of concrete. Steve said that you can, but is really hard to lay it. John N. said that if this is a standard maintenance decision, he will support it. He just wants to know if there is another strategy that is less expensive. Steve said that the only school at this time that has a rubber track is Pebble Creek. He said the park was originally built like that. Steve stated that if you did pour concrete, you could always add rubber at a later date. John C. asked if the Board members should take action on this. John N. doesn't want to go on record until the Board hears more on the subject. He would like to get more information from the School District first. Chris asked if there are any other types of track on the market. Eric Ploeger said that so far, Parks hasn't found any. He said that people don't like running on concrete. Parks phased out the current surfacing, which is a huge maintenance problem. Chris asked what the maintenance for the concrete is. Steve explained it is fairly minimal. John C. made a motion the Department pay for half the cost for the improvement, to a level where it doesn't require continued maintenance, up to replacing it with concrete. There was not a second to the motion. John N. asked if there was money in the budget for this. Steve said that supplemental funding could be requested. Sarah said the Board should look into other options and find out what percentage each party would pay. Steve said that if the Board feels that there should be a rubber track, then Parks will try to get the money together to do it. Steve asked the Board if they supported the request from the School District or if they opposed it. John N. would like some more information from the School District (who will pay for what)before he makes a decision. Steve said that there will be meeting with the School District and he will update the Board on what was decided. Glen mentioned that the Board should consider the number of houses that are going up behind Rock Prairie and phases of Edelweiss Estates more people will be using this park facility. Glen made a motion to support the rubberized cushion surface. John.C. seconded the motion. The vote was tied 3-3. Glen, John C. and Susan were in favor. John.N., Sarah and Chris were opposed. The Board agreed to find out where the School District stands before a decision is made. ............ Regular Meeting April 13, 1999 Page 4 7. Consent Agenda: Discussion of Board Goals and Priorities: Steve said that the City Manager asked the staff to check with City appointed boards to see if they have priorities that they want the new City Council to address. The Board will need to get those issues and priorities to Council before their retreat that will be held on May 17th and 18th. Council will use them in their process to develop their strategic issues. Steve said that the Board can discuss this during the next meeting. Steve said that one item that the Board may want to consider adding is the surcharge on fees. Capital Improvement Report: John C. asked about the flower beds on Walton/Texas Avenue. He said that there was $60,000 to put flowers in those beds and for landscaping, and he isn't sure why those beds are still empty. Steve said that is a highway contract. Eric said that they had a pre-construction meeting and the landscaping should be installed this spring. Steve said that the Highway Department has awarded the bid and the contractor has a certain amount of time to complete this. The job will also be guaranteed for a certain amount of time. John C. inquired about the status of the Arboretum and drainage project. He asked where, in the bidding process, the Department is. Steve said that this is out for bid. Chris B. inquired about the Athletic Park Master Plan that is on hold. Steve replied that the Board should get the draft for the Parks Master Plan done before starting on another master plan project. John C. asked about the possibility of contracting the Athletic Park Master Plan out. Steve said that we are going to have to contract parts of it out. John C. asked what the advantage is of doing it in--house, compared to contracting it out. Steve said that it could take longer if the project was contracted out. It may be the end of July or August before someone could be hired. Eric said that it would take as much time to hire and handle an outside firm to work on the Master Plan, as it would to do it ourselves. He went on to say that he didn't think that contracting the plan out would speed things up. John C. brought up the community park land purchase. Steve said that a meeting has been set up for the week of April 21st regarding this. S. Set Dates for: Madeley Park Tour: Steve said that this is an old item. Some of the Board members have not been out to Madeley Park or know where it is, so he would like to take the Board out to look at this site. This is the property that the Department is trying to acquire. Steve said that the tour can be done in thirty minutes. Chris suggested May 11th at 6:00 p.m. The Board can meet at Madeley Park at 6:00 p.m. and then come back to Central Park for the regular Board Meeting at 7:00 p.m. The Board agreed. Public Hearing on Proposed User Fees: This will be discussed during the next Board meeting. ............ Regular Meeting April 13, 1999 Page 5 9. Hear visitors: No visitors spoke. 10. Adjourn: John N. made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Susan Allen seconded the motion. All were in favor and the meeting adjourned at 8:38 p.m. Approve: Chris Barzilla, Chair • Date Attest: Kris Startzman Date Regular Meeting April 13, 1999 Page 6 , , ..„..,::, itStooggive,:-. 001410,::;001PIrw. 101101.0#6.4fsarettlitionow.,,.. ,,:s4..v.".i:44SNg.fi1tt(4,eo)..e'.:#.i)4l,%4s:i1-'2t0t.,_-.4,4*t_,,A,;%:%,xv,:=,.,k.:i,3d.6.:..,,;5-o,O.0:t,*!.e.,4.eh::::.l:::4.t.4di1eWm..00000.:i:iti:."k.,.4p0'k,%,„:,,1,.m,.004?i..,.t'i,....•t.-'.,0,z','...„4z:4:.i.l'.,i'- 0f0-.:.4:P.,--f:::::*,,:'0•ii0.,,f 0.0::I.: .:. 0,_..i,: 0.jk PItf0tt' r1 ,1vrPV/M0Ai . . Staff present: Steve Beacny, Director, College Station Parks enecreation- 1E0,,0.::,.„,00:.:.g:..s$:.,- , .:,r.:i-0j00.,i .Wc Ploeo'r, Assistant Director. ms starizman, Board secret- --; Da .:iv::., 0,i.,i:-.f0.i: 0d Gerling, parksSpe -aiFaciites Superintendent; Lnd waltnan' D 0..:i a:0.„:0--.::-:.,i:0:'.i§::0: rks Recreationsuperintendent; Curtis Bingham, Parks Operations Superintendent. Board Members: ChrisDarZilla, Chairman;an' ulen Davis' Co-Chairman; John Crompton; saranBirkhold' John Nichols; SusanAllen. Members Absent: George Dresser. Visitorsvr. Trey Dyer, student, P.O. Box i , College Station, Texas 77840. 1. Approval of Minutes 9, 99- Chris Brazil motioned ,or aP— ,0- F t 1lfPOrl0.feP , , ti'1:d'f9_itOs,bt1i0,0009i2F,-0V,Ppg,a„---,0oae10,,:1,p,5,i„s,'a1#-iet011,:,0V-i0atjof1,-t54gl-i0t01.g1,,d1om0—lr:-0I-io0i,,lC1-,,4,,oi-zf6ol0;fIt,-10i;-*is,tt1ot,rl0is!,„ao:1t,to-1:1t,0g,1pt.:1ili10,4le.t.„c1;t1„0-;030iiioi1':iWO1;-!tO,,11,r0ottt-.3.k-1tfwLsga!ie,iWo1o001it1a'loi;lf.:000z,0A;,1to0-i,,tik1i1r! l0ool41sg0Og,,Oielo0eots*oO4'0ge1lo,r0saos1SIowongPoe:0tt410geo,it0g1,ioa;„iog,,ageOig1,rO,0o1ifg,0Cg,p-,s-,;0:-,a,::e,p1i0itt1i1,,1m1z0'f1:11lg40gotsg;1--0-sr0,f-t,1vga0;1;,0#-is,,o,1,10,,s1,of,,;,,v0go;.Oi-gY0,p0v.€.o1;,:,ff,1oa'4ff6,00a,.u,00Zk0ot;A,wsttto1,slgp0o,0i,;eor0I4„0;jz0Ngosl,1;o0i10,tgo,P,i-u"0s,,.0,l,tItroj.1,0i0:i0sOf?-t,;0aa„,oS0:;0p-0ooO00:0o7 4S-o0,,1.z:;,00i,:,Ow::,,010-0til:0:g01rorg,1a41,0v07l0010fovo1g0c0fi1olte1s1-io0g01,r0O,.4,0.--0g5-O-ofgf0s0o0 00g0o0og.g-:00v-e1;l;.Oo-0or.0'.o-p1#t-g1-a-0,loosi,O1i1P0ao,5o0-0f00e-,0g1l0ozl. Sarah airkhoiu seconded hemoto eminutes were approved as written. 2. Discussion of open .eetiiAct: Steve we have been in frtdedb he Cril Attorney'toabIdeby he makesurehatwedreinc°ffilevithh 0PCeM "Other Business„ oriBoardcos” as st. hat are not specifically on .ra.enda1and hr enough detail s h reaso • 'le person can he meeting. we . .t co-du t anymeetinX16 we have to insure ' dl of are office 72hours inad He said that he Attorney to determine if 112geStat°n is ini 0 ' :i sure that we are in compliance. Steve said ti hese meetings, but they can requestw,Yiin recordiugsatany time. The o. Y Attorney s misdemeanor if found in violation. The Eagi d lookforany violations. John Crompton ifit would be feasible hestaff:wehNCar -v head of he meeting, to ask if heBoadhas any concerns for henextagenda. Steve said that thiswouldbe agood way to do it. He mraonedhat the Board can call 24housaday, and leave amessag_ on voice mail if they can think of something to ?1t on the agenda. This would be he ,est way to handle h- situation tomake sure that we are in compliance of the 1aw• oo'•itO1PogO,::p'oo' i!0-4'o-opr0E0"1-,i0gg,gP0lojot,;' wO ,1 , g -f 10 1, - g 5 .i Chris Barzilla said that this might be a good idea. This way, we don't have to wait a month between meetings. He asked Steve if "Board Concerns" and "Other '! Business" were the only things that changed with this act. Steve replied that it is. If anyone sees the posted agenda, this will clarify what the Board is talking about. 1 John C. discussed the idea of having an agenda item that discusses changing the date of a meeting if we do not have a quorum. We will put this as an agenda item for the next meeting. John C. said that the downside would be that some of the people who could make the first meeting, might not be able to make the alternative meeting. You would have to give everyone the date of the alternate meeting to see if they could come to that. 3. Discussion of the Proposed FY00 User Fees: Steve said that this subject was brought back from a previous meeting. He said that this is going to be part of the budget process and will be brought to the City Council. This will be for the fees for the next fiscal year, starting in October. He said that last year the Board approved one item relating to the fees, the 25 percent which was the surcharge on adult softball leagues, to help pay for capital items and improvements to the fields. Right now the increase is only for adult softball. John C. sent a fax on the surcharges. This fax was not in the Board packets. Li'da W-Itman said that in the fees subcommittee meeting there was discussio ''::0 't possibly creating a charge for all user groups, including youth soccer, Little L e and adult flag football leagues, but kit would exclude adult basketball and volley.10l .ecause we utilize the school gyms. She said that a $5 charge was the amadi lir at was discussed. She went on to say that someone suggested that we nag- t. e into consideration those families that have multiple children. One.thing th. we may want to decide is doing it on a sliding scale ($5, but no more than $15). 1,`'d Gerling said that we have done this before with some of the other acti 01% '-s. OW said that it was probably better for everything in order to cover funds, ev-. `I ough he youth leagues are pretty reasonably priced anyway. Linda said that Ste :.,,4 et with representatives from Little League (Ron Carter and Linda Jeffress). He -ntioned this to Little League folks as well as the Youth Soccer group. They were in favor of it. Glen Davis asked where the equity would be. Little League does not pay the City anything to use the fields. He asked where it would even out. Sara asked if the additional 25 percent would go into a fund set aside for upkeep of the fields, the parking lot, the center buildings and the stands for each group (ex., soccer, softball). Linda said that the 25 percent was only utilized for adult softball. Glen asked if the $5 would be per player. Linda said adults sign up as a team, and the youth sign up separately. Linda said that if you don't get the money up front, it is hard to collect later. The Board will move the topic of surcharges to next meeting. Linda noted that there is a Recreation/Sports meeting on Tuesday, May 25th. The Board will need to meet before then. John C. made a motion to approve the fees and move the topic of surcharges to the next agenda. Susan Allen seconded the motion. 4. Committee Report and Discussion of the Proposed Parks Master Plan: - � John C. agreed to withdraw the item and come back when we have the Master Plan. Steve went over the implementation schedule for the Parks Master Plan up to City Council approval. He said that the Parks Master Plan subcommittee will meet on . . May 6th at 2:00PM. to review the final draft and to make any recommendations to the full board. He suggested the possibility of having a special meeting on May 19th. Someone commented that due to the length of the plan, a special meeting would be appropriate, to give the plan the kind of attention it would need. Steve said that it is 80 pages and growing at this point. He went on to say that he would like to submit the plan to Parks and Wildlife before it is submitted to the City Council. One reason for this is to see if there is anything in there from their end that we have left out. Another reason is that they may have suggestions before we take it back to the City Council for approval. He mentioned that he would hate for the plan to be approved by City Council and then take it to Parks and Wildlife only to find out that there was something that we didn't have in it. He also wants to have some kind of public review period where copies will be available for public view. Chris asked if we could put the Parks Master Plan on the Internet. Steve said he has thought about this, but doesn't know if we can yet, due to the 11X17 sized maps that are in the document. He said that he will have to investigate this. Steve said that we will have a formal public hearing and consideration of the plan on June 8th. From there, we can send it to City Council. John C. asid if it is necessary to go to the Planning and Zoning Commission with e plan. Steve said that we could possibly do this during a joint meeting or duri the ublic review period. He does feel that we should involve them in this proces-. e went on to say that there is a Planning and Zoning Meeting on May 19th. • ggested the possibility of making this into a joint meeting. There were conflicl:. schedules, so the Board agreed to have a special meeting on May 25th. Stev- ' check with Planning and Zoning to see if they would like to participate in *s ieeting. Glen asked if there would be any merit to having the Parks Board look a e plan prior to a joint meeting to make sure that the Board is in agreement e form and content. He didn't think that it would look good if the Board (Nde.ating and discussing it in front of the Planning and Zoning Commission. *s asked if we couldn't just give them a copy of the plan and if they have any questions we can set up a meeting. Steve said that after the May 25th meeting, we could provide them with copies. John N. said that. we could always arrange a meeting with our Master Plan subcommittee if the whole Board could not get together. Steve will contact the Development Services staff and let them know where we are in this process. He will provide them a copy of the schedule and let them know that we will provide them with a final draft after the May 25th meeting. Steve thanked the Committee for their work on the plan. 5. Discussion of Historic Preservation Committee Request to Review Park Changes in Designated Areas: David Gerling introduced himself as the staff liaison to the Historic Preservation Committee. He said that this committee is charged with preserving the history of the City, however, they're really not in charge of any discussion. They would like to be notified or given any information of changes in neighborhoods. That way, if there is an issue that isn't being looked at, they can bring it to the forefront of the discussion. They want to make sure that issues don't just go through without being notified. Steve said that a problem would be that the Board will we have to notify them every time we do something. He said that this could slow things down immensely. Chris suggested inviting the committee to the meetings if we are working in an area of interest to the committee. David said that this might be a good solution. If they could be notified of the happenings, they i can come to the meetings. Sarah asked if that isn't what posting the agenda does. , Steve asked if the board would like to respond this letter to the Historic Committee or to the Mayor. John N. said that he would like to go on record that the Parks Board is certainly interested in the historical aspect of the community and would be happy to work with them on any concerns that committee members may have. We will communicate through the committee liaison, and if they wish to come to future meetings, they are certainly welcome. John N. made a motion to send the Historic Committee a letter stating this. The committee was all in favor. Steve said that he would provide a memo. 6. Discussion of Request and Petition from Rock Prairie Elementary School: i Steve discussed the letter. He received a response from Jim Scales (the CSISD superintendent). Steve said that the City Manager will support this. He went on to say that there is not an existing budget source for this. It would cost around $60,000 to put rubber on the whole track, and if we are going to replace this, we should do it in the summer, not during the school year. Chris asked if the $60,000 was to do the whole project. Steve replied that it was. He said that we would split the whole thing (this was originally a joint project between the City of College Station and the College Station Independent School District). John N. asked if there was a reason for the school district to think that this could be a need at other schools . Steve said that he did have some conce about 's. He went on to say that if we do it for this school, then all the other sc`--•of i at have similar facilities might , request improvements. Chris and John N. as�� if we could get a price to go back to the track's original standard. Steve said th:A - could do this. Steve asked the Board's opinion to this matter. John N.li �-;, e idea of bringing it back to it's original standard. Chris said that it wo e nice to have a park with a good running facility. This would be another way to et in the door with the School. He asked if there is a way to get a grant for this. S e said that he doesn't know of any sources out there -we would have to ex = e�xis from Texas Parks and Wildlife. Curtis Bingham said that one problem s h!. this will be a high maintenance area.. Chris . asked if we could use asphalt instead •f concrete. Steve said that you can, but is really hard to lay it. John N. said that if this is a standard maintenance decision, he will support it. He just wants to know if there is another strategy that is less expensive. Steve said that the only school at this time that has a rubber track is Pebble Creek. He said the park was originally built like that. Glen asked what the life span was for the rubberized surface. John C. said approximately ten years. Steve stated that if you did pour concrete, you could always add rubber at a later date. John C. asked if the Board members should make an action on this. John N. doesn't want to go on record until we hear more about the subject. He would like to get with the superintendent to discuss it first. Chris asked if there are any other types of track on the market. Ric Ploeger said that so far, we haven't found any. He said that people don't like running on concrete. We phased out the current surfacing; it is a huge maintenance problem. Chris asked what the maintenance for the concrete is. Steve explained that you would have sweeping, edging, and then it ( .) is only a matter of replacing the concrete that would have to be replaced due to cracking - it is fairly minimal. John C. made a motion that we agree to pay for half the cost for the improvement, to a level where it doesn't require much maintenance (replacing it with concrete). John N. asked if we had money in the budget for this. • Steve said that we would request supplemental funding. Chris made a comment that kids running on concrete will all be wearing knee braces by the time they are in the 11th grade. A lot of kids run out there. Chris went on to say that there should be something better than concrete out there. Sarah said that we should look into other options and find out a percentage of whom would pay what. Steve said that if the board feels that there should be a rubber track, then we will try to get the money together to do it. John N. said that we shouldn't have to take any position on this until we hear what the superintendent has to say. Glen brought up the number of houses that will be coming up near Rock Prairie. There will be more people using this track. Glen made a motion tosupport the rubberized cushion surface. John C. seconded the motion. For the record, Sarah and John N. were opposed to this motion. 7. Consent Agenda: Discussion of Board Goals and Priorities: Steve said that the City Manager asked the staff to ask City appointed boards if they have priorities that they want the new council to address. We will need to get those issues and priorities to council before their retreat that will be held on May 17th and 18th. They will use those in their process to develop their strategic issues. We can discuss this during the next meeting. John C. brought up #8 of the Board's Gt .!!. (investigating the use of a commercial property fee for community park devel. • ent). He said that we might want to bring this into consideration. Steve said thN One item that we may want to add is the surcharge on fees. — Capital Improvement Report: John C.-fa ed about the flower beds on Walton/Texas Avenue. He said that we had '.:0,000 to put flowers in those beds and landscape, and he isn't sure why those '. s are still empty. Steve said that is a highway contract. Ric said that they had f-41/4p e-construction meeting and the landscaping .should be installed this i• ' g teve said that they have awarded the bid andthe contractor has a certain am•A t of time to complete this. It will be guaranteed for a certain amount of time. ohn C. asked about the status of the arboretum and drainage project. John C. asked where, in the bidding process this was. Steve said that this is out for bid. Chris asked about the Athletic Park master plan that is on hold. Steve replied that he would like to get the Parks Master Plan wrapped up and underway before we start on another master plan project. He said That we have to at least get the draft for the Parks Master Plan done. John C. asked about the possibility of contracting it out. Steve said that we are going to have to contract parts of it out. John C. asked what the advantage is of doing it in-house compared to contracting it out. Steve said that it could take longer if the project was contracted out. It may be the end of July or August before we could hire somebody. Ric said that it would take as much time to hire and handle an outside firm to work on the Master Plan, as it would to do it ourselves. We didn't budget for this originally. Ric said that he didn't think that this would speed things up. John C. brought up the community park land purchase. Steve said that a meeting has been set up for the week of April 21st regarding this. .......................................................................... . 8. Set Dates for: f — Madely Park Tour: Steve said that this is an old item. Some of the Board members have not been out to Madely Park or know where it is, so he would like to take the Board out to look at this site. This is the pr- erty that we are trying to acquire. Steve said that this tour can be d.,e is thirty minutes. Chris suggested May 1r1 at 6:00PM. The Board can meet at Nl7, ■ 'ark at 6:00PM and then come Park for the Board Meeting`; r:o 0PM. The commi Krisstar zrnan- pm).i -Le a Cvm.pl ante Pa e From: Steve Beachy To: Superintendent Group Date: 3124199 2:41 PM Subject: Open Meetings Act-Legal Compliance Please ensure that the following procedures are implemented for all appointed advisory groups: 1. Do not use "other business or board concerns"or similar wording in the agenda. 2. Do not discuss any items that are not specifically listed on the official agenda. The agenda items need to be written in enough detail that a reasonable person can tell what will be discussed at the meeting. 3. Do not conduct any meetings where a quorum is not present. 4. Ensure that all agendas are posted through the city secretary's office at least 72 hours in advance. Violation of the open meeting act may be classified as a Class B misdemeanor. If you have any questions about these or other related issues, please contact the legal department or the city secretary's office for clarification. Thanks! CC: Connie Hooks, Emily Baker, Gracie Calbert, Harv... ............... • &liegeStation 4 e ' •• ff.:111111.10tr. • :1{ 1,. . F.L:4'!"! 11!... - - toile ....eservation Cottittattore -• March 5, 1999 • • • • • • Mayor Lynn Mcilhaney College Station City Council Members •. 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77840 • • Honorable Mayor and Council Members: The City of College Station's Historic Preservation•Committee •respectfully requests that, • . henceforth: 1. It be allowed to review the following issues when they would affect or-impact any of the city's three currently recognized historical areas - Northgate, Southside, or Eastgate: a) Any proposed zone variance changes; • b) Any proposed in-fill development; Any proposed changes to.parks; - . , d) Any proposed changes to zoning; • e) Any proposed changes to.existing streets, f) Any proposed drainage changes;and 2. They be allowed to put forth recommendations to the City Council, thePlanning and Zoning Commission, the Parks and Recreation Board, and the Community Appearance Committee, before action is taken-orf:any of the above issues.; The Historic Preservation Committeecurrently defines the boundaries for the•historic areas as follows: Southside Historic Area: George Bush Drive tO Anderson Street, .Anderson Street to Holleman Drive, and Holleman Drive to Wellborn Road with a sweep to include the state streets. Eastgate Historic Area: Texas Avenue.to University .Drive, University Drive to the Highway 6 Bypass, the Bypass tO Dominik Drive. Northgate Historic Area: University Drive to Wellborn Road, Wellborn Road to South College Avenue, South College Avenue to the city line. Le(cour--N •viF3,%!•. gs.A. T.o.(Box 9960 + College Station, gexas r7842-9960 (409)764-3773 , . ... Your consideration in this matter is greatly appreciated. College Station Historic Preservation Committee .- 24.62fir.6.—,- De iorah Jasek, ommi ee hair Dennis Maloney, Vice C 4 ir (Ii -‘04t 6,11,1,2 AT 111.1 14 ---- Bi Lancaster Elton Abbott, Jr. ar . . 1 .1 tiA ' • Dock Burke Marga -t Griffith i4'4- Joan Perry '--- --------------.--- Rebecca Bi-'? - 'j4e1:: fr, ' i,-- _,_ c'•jta,u)--r) eel.41-4-o--7-L.2 Russ-II Duke Shawn Carlson, Alternate pe copy: Planning and Zoning Committee Parks and Recreation Board Community Appearance Committee _ - i RpckjPrairie EtemerLtaryScFtoo( � College Station Independent School District ,•n r . �y 3400 Welsh Street 409-764-5570 FAX 409-764-5486 College Station,TX 77845 f. o v '�T scKao March 1, 1999 Mr. Steve Beachy Parks and Recreation 1000 Krenek Tap Rd. College Station, Tx 77840 Dear Mr. Beachy: The Rock Prairie PTO Board, many Rock Prairie parents, other members of the community, Y and I are requesting that the current track at the Dorothy Miller Park located behind Rock Prairie Elementary School be replaced with a "rubberized surface" similar to the surface on a portion of the track at Thomas Park as well as alongTap Krenek Road. Due to the heavy use of the track with our Roadrunners Program, the track has literally worn away. In addition, heavy rains have caused the track to wash.away because of the sloped land in the park. The present deteriorating condition of the track makes it quite hazardous to our students and anyone else using it. With a "rubberized surface", students at Rock Prairie will be able to have significant use of the track at more times during the year as they pP artici ate in physical education classes. Further, this "rubberized surfacing" would allow even more use of the track during after school hours and on weekends by students as well as members of the community engaged in walking and running activities. Your consideration in this matter to upgrade the track to a higher standard in order to maximize its use is greatly appreciated. Please let me know if there is anything else that needs to be done to facilitate this project to reality. Sincerely, RECEnllE coi?Th , Nancy Thornberry, Principal Enclosures: Rock Prairie PTO Board Signatures Rock Prairie Parent and Community Signatures CITY SECRETARY'S OFHCE cc: Lynn Mcilhaney, Mayor George Noe, City Manager College Station City Council sak-a}-}9— 4 DR. NANCY ANN THORNBERRY Excellence In Education---An Investment In The Future JIM SCALES, Ph.D. Principal Superintendent of Schools 5 x:r ,, i'e,,J-,:rz rti •aror;$Xe'er, 'gxk ?d�' ?4: ' 5 =9�1 sf ! .y4:,g 6'°�H 4p•7'r' E5'°�S.'p s�ppa �F ./+- . ST TIO COLLEGE ••i •reL: is L • 1101 Texas AvenueCollege Station,TX 77842 i.-`100e; • P. �. Box 9960 g Vis Tel 409 764 3500 'rive rG+a.Sd r e�yy -.'CR: �1 :i'✓-.ip:$s•�� , ���� Cd � 'fer.•p g5^.4'vn wY..1"� '4 F-3`z,,�`r.• ;� �T `�.'�:�4�•T 9c: ��u-°Y-4'i.:�,e.," April 8, 1999 Dr. Jim,Scales Superintendent College Station Independent School District 1812 Welsh Welsh Street College Station,Texas 77840 Dear Dr. Scales: The city has received a petition from Nancy Thornberry, principal of Rock Prairie Elementary School, requesting the replacement of the existing crushed stone track at Jack & Dorothy Miller Park. The petition requests that the new tract be covered with a rubber cushioned surface to facilitate the schools"road runner"program. The existing crushed stone tract was installed in 1989 as part of the original construction of the park and has experienced erosion problems in several areas. Preliminary cost estimates to convert all of the tracks and conecting side walks to a rubberized surface is approximately $58,000. This includes the replacement of 6,235 square feet of crushed stone track with concrete @ $2.75/sf and 8,600 square feet of rubberized surfacing (a $4.50/sf plus 5%contingency. This number may be reduced by offering a "phased" approach over several years. Installation should occur during the summer months to avoid schedule conflicts with the school activities if at all possible. This park was jointly developed by the city and the school district. Under the terms of the agreement, improvement costs are to be shared. We need to know if the district supports this request and if any funds will be committed. The city may be able to provide some funds for this project dependent upon city council approval. Please review the attached information along with a copy of the petition. Please let us know what the district would like to do in this matter. Contact me at 764-3413 if you have any questions. Since R ly, "/,Ze :Le- __:_. teve Beachy Director of Parks & ecreation copies: Skip No; City Manager City Council Parks &Recreation Board Home of Texas A&M University . .. .. ... . „. JACK ""_ , ,,,: .,.,. ,.•, , , , ,ip,, ,., 11, .7 ...., ,.,,, .„,_.,:..... _., ., . .,, - , _ _., , OTHY MILLER PARK . :,., „..:,,.. ,:: ::,., ..:.....,..,......_...,...,._,.... -,... - 10,, 4- ,', ,•,, - -, - I.... .....(. , i .1i:.,:-/.;::,::,.:::;.•. ..-.•., .,.• 1P• 1',,.-,,i:..!1,. :.,,..::::•;...,,•,..1:•,-,•i,...,...,•..:...,•,.,.• .,.. . . ...... .. ... • :•..:',71'' ''',.::.•::.''..:' •::::: :: ••,!,.'.........-- ':'.!......• • . • . .:...,. ....' 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' ''7.I r';':'77:•.* '1.-L—=:"1:--id-ir";'.-'—.----- *el!.'...1.'-11:°1'.4 CLASSIFICATION: Neighborhood Park .:',7,44,-'(:1.,•:••••••'• ',"..,-;„__.-.;•74!: ::: •,.....:.',.t.•‘_•:. . • .,±'..7:...,...,. .,.-7...:.r.rt.7..:f7. 7'...."'•'. *7.1.c. ADATE ACQUIRED: 1988 pf,,c. it...j,..'a,ti .:,%tr.,Lir:FA;;zirfp:4.,..•).-4.f‘i.. Y.:;• '5F.F.,,,,, ia.-:3.n.f,‘•;.;c4,1t.4. ...it,, ,,..-.ktir..i:....::,•;:,..;,, i ,;.,.;,4....,;:,-,A.711:.,,A2.4,41r7.4 .5.7.,„:;77,,:....2.7,3j4,,,,,,;41.4,V.,.:4,-.41`;..?af':"Lif•L'4,S47417.',:.Z.t,rgiIi7;.;,::P..:4t7;:Z'?-' ' PURCHASE PRICE: Park Land Dedication- 5.0 Acres. Purchase. Price for 5.0 Acres q - 4 . , Iii*.,•,9.,y„,,,..-1/4.,i-.,givo..-:44:,, ,,,,'..7,...,..,,',6,,ift4i*,,,lett,,$!.-si.V,Ak;:,-tito.t,,,y:4:4,,',...44,Y4',:z.-!..zei-3125:',,t.,.::::,,e;',:tt,,i3- $75,000.00 * . . , ,fA,.. , ,,,,, 7. . .. ,,, .,..7.,17.:i,:• .-, ,,E-.74 ..,igkhvz,-, 4:..,..!.#.,..si,..,.••=,,,,,,,,,,!-.,,,, 't4.7.ix-,:::,,,c4;7,..wny..A,•4.,44.,,,,--0.:s,:.,.,,,,t4/4...,,,,..,.,,,,,, PARK DESCRIPTION:. This park, formerly known as Westchester Park, was the first joint-use project for the College Station Independent School District and the City of College Station. The cooperative effort between the two entities led to the design and implementation of a facility that would „--•••••••. 7 ''•• serve a dual purpose; during school hours the park functions as a school playground and playing \•-••••••••••••••••••••/ fields;the remainder of the time,as a regular city park for use by the general public. The park has two playgrounds, shelter, basketball court, 1/3 mile jogging track with fitness court, picnic tables, and practice fields for baseball and soccer. Future improvements will be implemented as the area around the school and park develops. Partial funding for the development of the park was provided by the College Station Independent School District in the amount of$75,000.00. The park was renamed in 1994 in honor of Jack and Dorothy Miller for their dedication to the community. Iron fencing was added in 1997. . DEVELOPMENTAL DATA: CONTRACT DESCRIPTION DATE COST 1. Full Park Development 1989 $86,648.00 2. Iron Fencing 1998 $13,648.00 TOTAL $100,296.00 ,... . . ,, ... 11-35 , Additional Concrete . (1,247LF X 51 = 6,235SF) @ $2.75 = $17,146 • Rubber Cushioning = (8,600SF© $4.50) = :IR,700 Subtotal $55,846 Contingency @ .05% . $58,6382792 Total (--- -. .------- ,.....------* ...---- --Cf.---T-- ..-----o'bC3 - 1110 PRACTICE BALLFIELD 1 ..42:01h, PLAYGROUND ................-.•......• 1 \ . r i 0 JOGGING TRAIL . Li • IP •••.,.•... ••••.•• ••••... ••• •• .... .••.. .._,.....,,,........ ,..,...:.—,3.,,,,,,_ . .._......_,..• •-,,, , ‘.. ... . ...000, 0 , ....inc..... NOT TO SCALE , r"--- -0 ,,P. I I Or? . 1 - '4! 1,1 - I PrENYHTI 1 0 > MS al i ‘.../ R 1 I Fi COLLEGE STATION ELEMENTARY SOIOOL i, i r-- I I U i4 I BASKETBALL COURT 1 0-- - t 1 1 0 •- PRACTICE BALLFIELD 1 •,:, 1 n 8 _ .,,.. . ......._...L L..,_ PICNIC A mar UNIT FITNESS.._ -COURT / - ' :F.:*. :. >,....\1111 0 E .4 ..•.. 0 .,. L.,...L - . „... \ i , , . PAV 1 L ION • l't . , PLAYGROUND , . . • 4 t , . \ /00•1001N11 • 0I P k SOCCER FIELD 1 PARKING N\ - •• •,,,,,,,------- 607' • ,-.„--,,,,,--,---- ' ,____ ••.--............••...... . ,....•.mir.. ......mii• ••elm.",amowi 1.4..••• •-.0••...... ....... •* • a........0 640' ROCK PRAIRIE ROAD ' " ' '• Existing Concrete . COLLEGE STATION, T EXAS , dY .--. PARKS a RECREATION DEPARTMENT D J ACK & DOROTHn DIRECTOR Stotion Beach). / MILLER: i ) CITY OF COLLEGE S'TA'I'IOIV PARKS 1RECREA"g"ION DEPARTMENT �! CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT STATUS REPORT APRIL, 1999 1. TEEN CENTER Project Number: PK9807 Budget: $400,000 Contract Amount: $358,200 Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design: Patterson Architects Comments/Status: Qualification statements were opened February 4, 1998. A staff recommendation was sent to Council, for selection of an architect, on the February 26, 1998, Council meeting. Council accepted the recommendation of Patterson Architects of Bryan. Preliminary design was discussed at the June Parks & Recreation Board meeting. The plan was presented to Council on July 9, 1998, and staff was directed to review the plans with the Teen Advisory Board and report back to Council. The Council approved the recommendation of the Teen Advisory Board to add funding to the project during the August 27, City Council meeting. The project was bid on January 7. Bids were opened January 22, 1999, and Marek Brothers Construction, Inc., was the low bidder. The slab for the I' building was pored on April 7, 1999. Task: Project Design: March - November 1998 Advertisement & Award: January 1999 Complete: August 1999 2. MADELEY PARK/LAND ACOLTISITIt?N Project Number: CD 1230 Budget: $ 150,000 Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design: In-House Comments/Status: An appraisal has been completed on the Jaffar property. A title report has been ordered and an offer will be made based on the appraisal. The project is now on hold pending further review by the Parks Board. Task: Project Design: Advertisement & Award: Complete: CIP Report o:board/cip/cip.doc 8-Apr-99 Page 1 of 3 1 3. WPC LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS Project Number: PK9505 ) Budget: N/A Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Peter Vanecek Project Design: In-house Comments/Status: Improvements for the northwest corner of the Dartmouth/Holleman intersection. Development of a flowerbed, sign, and handrail improvements to compliment the existing development on the southeast corner. This project was reviewed by the WPC Oversight Committee on January 11, 1999. The Committee recommended that the project be reviewed by McClure Engineering who is contracted to conduct the drainage engineering in the corridor. After review, it has been decided to delay this project until McClure Engineering can complete its conceptual design of the corridor. Task: Project Design: Advertisement &Award: Complete: 4. ATHLETIC PARKMASTERPIAN Project Number: Budget: $ f ) Contract Amount: Project Manager: Project Design: Comments/Status: A meeting with leaders of the soccer community was held in October. This was to discuss needs and ideas to begin master plan development by the planning staff. A similar meeting with experienced members of the softball community was held. Concepts will be developed for public hearings and Parks and Recreation Board discussions. This project is on hold until the Parks Master Plan is completed. Task: Project Design: Advertisement &Award: Complete: 5. ADAMSON POOL RENOVATION Project Number: N/A Budget: $ 65,000 Design Contract Amount: $51,100 Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design: Waterscape Consultants Comments/Status: Waterscape Consultants completed a conditions report on the condition of Adamson Pool along with recommendations for renovations in May '98. Funds CP Report o:board/cipicip.doc 8-Apr-99 Page 2 of 3 for renovation design were budgeted in the FY98-99 budget. The design contract was approved by the City Council on December 10, 1998. The design process began in January, 1999. Budget numbers are expected by May, 1999 for the upcoming budget process. Task: Project Design: January-June 1999 Advertisement &Award: August - October 1999 Complete: May 2000 •6. ' Ai _p 4__.t .t k, Project Number: PK9910 Budget: $ 213,000 Parkland Dedication and 1998 Bond Funds Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Peter Vanecek Project Design: In-house Comments/Status: The first public hearing in the design process was held October 19, 1998. The second was held December 8, 1998. The final was held on January 12, 1999. Approval of the site plan will be requested of council during the February 11, 1999 council meeting. The project bids will be opened April 20, 1999 and a recommendation forwarded to Council in May, 1999. Task: Project Design: October- March 1999 Advertisement & Award: April 1999 Complete: October 1999 7. .1 u_tak Project Number: PK9927 Budget: $481,000 Design Contract Amount: Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design: Holster and Associates Comments/Status: Request For Qualifications (RFQs) for an architect have been received and a selection was referred to the City Council during the February 11, 1999 council meeting. Holster and Associates was selected to complete the design. Task: Project Design: March - June 1999 Advertisement & Award: July 1999 Complete: January 2000 CIP Report o:boardicipicip.doc 8-Apr-99 Page 3 of 3 Lincoln Recreation Center Advisory Committee Monthly Meeting Agenda Monday, April 5, 1999 Time: 6:00-7:00 p.m. Lincoln Recreation Center 1. Call to Order—Roll Call IL Approval of Minutes from February 1, 1999 Board Meeting IlL Petitions or Communications from Board and/or Visitors o Project Unity Presentations—Ella McGruder &Yolanda Taplin o Board Comments on W. A. Tarrow,Wayne Smith Park dedications and Gospel Musical (attachments) IV. Treasury Report—Williams V. Other Business/Board Concerns o Status of Gym A/C and Heating—Jackson o Status of Scoreboard Project—Jackson o Consideration of purchase of African Software o Juneteenth Considerations • o Fundraising for Lincoln Recreation Center Sound System o Lincoln Recreation Center funding needs (Ideas to be presented to Morning Lions Club) o Lincoln Recreation Center Community Development FY-2000 Announcements and Reminders: ) The next Lincoln Recreation Center Advisory Board Meeting is scheduled for May 3, 1999, at the Lincoln Recreation Center. Lincoln. Recreation Center Advisory Board Regular Meeting Minutes Monday,March 1, 1999 Tithe: 6:00 p.m. Lincoln Recreation Center Board Members Present: Linda Preston-Shepard,Carolyn Williams,Cathy Watson,Barbara Clemrnons,Faye Daily,Merilyn Rucker Board Members Absent: Rev.Joe Dan Franklin and Rev.A.C.Clark,III Staff Present: Lance Jackson LFS Representative: James Steen Visitors Present: None } I. Call to Order ® Meeting was called to order by President Linda Preston-Shepard. H. Roll Call O All Board Members were present with the exception of:Rev.Joe Dan Franklin and Rev. A. C. Clark,III III. Approval of February 1,1999 Minutes • February 1, 1999 Minutes were approved with corrections. 1. Correct spelling of Barbara Clemmon's first name, 2. The correct name of the park dedication from Ray Terrell to:W. A. Tarrow. IV. Petitions or Communications from Visitors O Faye Daily made motion and seconded by Carolyn Williams to donate $50,00 for the Annual Easter Egg Hunt held at the Lincoln Recreation Center(LRC). • Steen will contact the Poultry Science Center regarding donation of eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt. V. Reports • Treasury Report Williams informed the board of the current Savings Account balance of$2,043.64. Williams then told the Board she has checked into transferring the Savings Account into a Checking Account. The local Banks do not have a non- 2 ..:................ profit checking Account. Williams then asked for input from the Board; on whether or not to pursue the Checking Account with imposed fees. Preston-Shepard asked the Board to delay action until she checked with Rita Taylor at First Federal Savings regarding a non-profit checking account, and to place this item on the Agenda for discussion at the April.Board.Mee ting. Board agreed to postpone action, pending the discussion with Preston-Shepard and Rita Taylor of First Federal Savings. Other Reports: • Status of Gym A/C and Heat Construction—Jackson reported to the board everything should be up and running by March 5. • Status of Score Board Project Jackson informed the Board he met with Coke representatives and signed a 10-year agreement with them. Jackson elaborated on the terms and conditions of the agreement and informed the Board the Coke Machine would soon be installed at the LRC;the new scoreboard would be installed and the current scoreboard would be retained as a souvenir item. VI. Other Business/Board Concerns: • Steen informed the Board of the upcomi 3 • Clemmons suggested having a Project Unity Speaker speak at the April Board Meeting. t � Jackson will schedule a Project Unity Speaker at the April Board Meeting. p g • Board will work on draft letter to be submitted to Parks Board g reg ardin the issue of the lack of available parking, (letters should be submitted to Watson or Preston). • Board looking into the availability of space for future expansion needs of the LRC. • Board will look at ways to publicize the positive image and programs of the LRC, (possibly someone do a feature on the LRC). Announcements and Reminders: +� March 19-21 Basketball Tournament Scheduled at the LRC, Board Members encouraged to volunteer as concession workers,etc. • April 6, 1999 from 4:00-5:00 p.m. the Wayne Smith Baseball Field Dedication (attachment). ® Steen commented on the success of the field trip to the TAM U UT Basketball game, and volunteered the services of the Concerned Black Men's group for chaperons on future field trips. Jackson informed the LRC Advisory Board of the addition Ms. .... Joyce Taplin; (of Project Unity) Ms. Taplin. will serve as a Community Resource facilitator,housed at the LRC. Williams made motion and seconded by Clemmons,Meeting was adoumed. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Next Advisory Board Meeting—Monday,April 5,1999 at 6:00 p.m.Lincoln Recreation Center WA. Tarrow Park Dedication Program Welcome and Opening Remarks Steve Beachy Director of Parks & Recreation History of the Park& Corridor Eric Ploeger Assist. Director of Parks& Recreation Comments from the ? Lincoln Former Students Association President of the Association Comments from the Chris Burzilla Parks& Recreation Advisory Board Chairman of the Board Presentation Lynn Mcilhaney College-Station Mayor T. Acceptance and Comments Reverend DeFarris Gooden By Tarrow Family Refreshments Lincoln Center Staff Wa •e Smith Baseball Field Dedication Pro. ram Welcome and Opening Remarks Steve Beachy Director of Parks& Recreation History of Fields Eric Ploeger Assist. Director of Parks& Recreation Comments from the Linda Jeffrees College Station Little League Chair of the Little League Board Comments from the Chris Burzilla Parks&Recreation Advisory Board Chairman of the Board Comments from Former Players Rick Crow Former Player of Coach Wayne Smith Presentation Lynn McIlhaney College Station Mayor Acceptance Smith Family Member Ceremonial First Pitch Mayor McIlhaney and Others Refreshments Concession Stand If • CONFERENCE CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE Regular Meeting Tuesday,April 13, 1999, 5:15 p.m. College Station Conference Center MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT Mollie Gui n(Chair), Fran Lamb, Jennifer Pratt, &Ed Holdredge MEMBERS ABSENT Jenny Honeycutt Eileen Sather STAFF PRESENT • Grace Calbert, Supervisor Kien Fox, Secretary/Scheduler HEAR VISITORS CALL TO ORDER Mollie Guin called the meeting to order at 5:25 p.m. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Mollie requested the minutes of March 9, 1999, be reviewed. The minutes were reviewed. Fran Lamb moved to acccp minutes as presented. Ed Holdredge seconded the motion. All in favor and motion pas. :._. OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS 6 Month Client Registration —Kim mentioned the upcoming 6 Month Client Registration. Call- in to set an appointment to register will begin on Monday, May 3, 1999. The registration itself will take place on Friday, May 14, 1999. This registration gives clients that meet on a consecutive basis a :mss:.. . to reserve rooms in a 5 month block. Agenda Items *Kim :.,;.,:sented a memo from the City Council office regarding the open meetings act and our roll as a advisory committee. The main point of the memo was that we can not include an"Other Concerns" item on the agenda. All items to be discussed must be specifically listed. Any concern brought to the committee that is not listed on the agenda must be tabled until the next meeting. REVENUE REPORT The month of March 1999, was a significant increase over revenue for March 1998. March 1999, revenue was $10,682.83 versus the$8,160.61 from March 1998. With half of this fiscal year completed, the revenue thus far totals $63, 99.12. This puts the Conference Center on course for another record-b reaki: s year in regards to revenue. Fran questioned if there has been any client response to the increased business. Grace mentioned comments from the c1ie:Its regarding the difficulty to find a parking space when the Conference Center is fully booked. Kim also mentioned that many clients have commented on the fact that they have to reserve their rooms sooner or the room they need may not be available. ADJOURN Fran moved that the meeting b e adjourned. Jennifer seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m. next meeting will be held at the College Station Conference Center on Tuesday, May 1 1, _ i,L 5:15 p.m. Kimberly Fox, Secretary Lincoln Recreation Center .„ Advisory Board Regular Meeting Minutes Monday,April 5, 1999 Time: 6:00 p.m. Lincoln Recreation Center Board Members Present:. Linda*Preston-Shepard,Carolyn Williams,Cathy Watson,Barbara. Clemrnons,Faye Daily,Joe Dan Franklin,A.C.Clark,III and alternate Board Member,Merilyn Rucker Staff Present: Lance Jackson LFS Representative: James Steen Visitors Present: Ella McGruder&Yolanda Taplin(Project Unity Workers) Call to Order.and Roll Call • Meeting was called to order by President Linda Preston-Shepard;all Board members were present. IL Approval of March 1,1999 Minutes • March 1,1999 Minutes were approved with the noted corrections of$2,093.64 for the current Savings Account balance,$50.00 donation for Annual Easter Egg Hunt. III. Petitions or Communications from Visitors • Ella McGruder, Administrative Assistant, Project Unity provided information on Project Unity and the services provided. McGruder then introduced Ms. Yolanda Taplin, Project Unity worker that would be housed at the Lincoln Recreation Center. • Steen thanked Board members for their attendance at the WA. Tarrow Park dedication and urged their continued support. Steen informed members Rev. A. C. Clark, III would attend the Little League Opening Ceremonies and throw the first pitch at the new Park IV. Reports Treasury Report—Williams distributed a handout and informed the Board members that Rita Taylor of First Federal Savings will assist in setting up the checking account and it should be implemented by next month's meeting. Other Reports: ) • Status of Gym A/C and Heating—iackson informed the Board that the A/C and Heating Project has successfully been completed. 2 • Status of Scoreboard Project—Jackson informed Board Members the Scoreboard has been ( completed and a public unveiling will be scheduled. V. Other Business/Board Concerns: • Consideration of purchase of African Software—Jackson was unable to contact Linda Ray regarding the software purchase,will have details for the May meeting. • Juneteenth Considerations-qackson informed the Board, the length of the program would be approximately 1-1/2 hours.Barbara Clenimons will be the Mistress of Ceremonies.Jackson is narrowing the list for the Guest Speaker. • The Board voted unanimously to pay for meals of guest speakers and have some'reserved seating available for special events. It was also decided the Speaker, their guest and.board members would dine at Old Country Buffet. • Lincoln Recreation Center Sound System—After discussions between Jackson and Board members,it was decided Jackson would bring current budget information to the May Board meeting for member's comments.Jackson will include the purchase of the sound system in the current budget request. • Lincoln. Recreation Center funding needs Jackson informed Board members he would be discussing with the Noon Lions Club the LRC's needs; Educational and Enlightening activities for pre-teen and teens. • Lincoln Recreation Center Community Development FY-MOO—Jackson discussed the need for on-site programs with the Board and asked for suggestions. Board Suggestions for Community Development activities include the following: • Adult and youth Computer Classes • Sports classes/camps for the youth(basketball,baseball,football,soccer) • Adult fitness classes • Clemmons suggested Jackson should check with the College of Education at Texas A&M University for possible class instructors and other relative information. • Draft Letter for Parks Board regarding additional Parking Space—Preston asked members to provide drafts directly to her, Watson or Jackson for discussion at the May Board meeting. Laison to Parks Board Meeting—Board members expressed a concern with Jackson that the Parks Board Representative was not attending the LRC Advisory Board Meetings. The Board members offered the following suggestions: • Joint meeting with the Parks Board/LRC Board Members. • Member of the LRC Advisory Board attend regularly scheduled Parks Board Meetings. Clemmons made motion and seconded by Rucker, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.