HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/21/1998 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks Board CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING JULY 21, 1998 -- 7:00 P.M. CENTRAL PARK CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 KRENEK TAP ROAD AGENDA 1. Swearing in of New Board Members 2. Presentation of Appreciation Plaques for Outgoing Members 3. Approval of Minutes: June 9, 1998 4. Hear Visitors 5. Discussion and Consideration of Proposed Steeplechase Subdivision Plat in Park Zone 5 6. Discussion of Board Goals 7. Capital Improvement Program Report 8. Committee Reports 9. Board Concerns/Other Business 10. Adjourn This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicapped parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call 409-764-3547 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. !! E S P. O. Box 9960 • 1101 Texas Avenue • College Station, TX 77842 ,• • Tel 409 764 3500 •'`.0:Vagea'agga MEMORANDUM July 16, 1998 TO: Parks Sc Recreation Board FROM:. /1 teve Beachy, Director of Parks Sc Recreation SUBJECT: Items of Interest 1. Welcome new members-At their July 9th meeting, the city council appointed five new members to the board. They are John Nichols, George Dresser, Dr. Sarah Birldiold, Susan Mien and Glen Davis. They join current members John Crompton and Chris Barzilla. The council appointed Chris as the chair for the 98/99 year. The board will appoint a vice-chair at the meeting on Tuesday. The board normally meets on the second Tuesday of the month, however, the July schedule was altered due to the timing of the ) city's council's appointments. 2. Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan-The city council also approved the revised master. plan for the Wolf Pen Creek corridor at their July 9th meeting. This revised master plan was developed as a joint project with Public Works, Development Services and the Parks Sc Recreation Department. It involved numerous public meetings and input from three separate appointed boards. This action clears the way to begin implementation of the master plan. 3. Xtra Education Kid's Art Academy Summer 1998 — The Arts Academy was created . to provide a creative summer program for kids. This pilot program targeted kids from the ages of 9 to 14 that had an interest in the graphic and performing arts. Three, week long sessions were offered during the month of June with a variety of courses available at each time interval during the day. Each student selected four courses to compile a full day of activities of their own choosing. A wide variety of topics were available for each student. Classes included Acting, Clowning, Stage Production, Sign Language, Photography, Drawing, Clay Sculpture, Painting, Voice, Paper Art, Crafts, Juggling, Wearable Art, Yoga, Culinary Arts, and selection of Dance classes. Each session concluded with a gallery showing of graphic arts that were produced by the students and a stage production by the acting, production, and voice classes. All parents and friends were invited to attend. Each student had the opportunity to participate in a variety of ways. A total of 67 kids of all ages participated in the Summer Kid's Arts Academy. The overall experience proved to be a very positive experience for all kids and parents Home of Texas A&M University involved. We anticipate creating a Summer '99 Kids' Arts Academy on a larger scale for the upcoming year. 4. Lincoln Teens take Lead on Trip — The "Nia" Panther Keystone Club of Lincoln Center attended the Southwest Regional Teen Supreme Keystone Conference in Wichita, Kansas on June 11th - 13th. The Conference addressed workshops about Teen Relationship, Job, Educational Careers, and Cultural Diversity. This year's theme was entitled "It's the cause in Oz". Local members who attended the Conference were President, Markesha Watson, Vice-President, Marcus Heard, Secretary, Wendy Phillips, Treasurer, Kylie Byrtle, Shalia Martin, Brodrick Gooden, Tywann Brisby and Dee Collins. Also, two adult advisors Voccia Calhoun, of College Station and Nelda Gilbert, former employee of the Lincoln Center, accompanied the members on the trip. Mr. Jimmy Gilbert, Part-time basketball official for the city of College Station, was the van driver. The purpose of this years Conference was to create an environment in which Keystoners come together to develop skills, exchange ideas, debate issues, share fellowship and take pride in being an integral part of Regional Youth Leadership movement. 5. Scouting Program at Lincoln Center Rejuvenated: Eagle Scout, Rudy Gonzales, on academic scholarship at Texas A&M University heads newly formed troop. Activities planned through June 29, 1997 which includes overnight camping trips, merit badge requirements, and at least one service project. Troop will participate in annual Juneteenth celebration and parade (Bryan, Texas). June 12th and June 20th. Meetings scheduled every Monday @ 7:00 p.m. Troop designed to meet needs of boys at risk and has untraditional and urban components. Cub scout Pack 4642 will meet on loose scheduling this summer. 6. The Swim Team practiced during the weeks of May,June, and the first two weeks in July. The team is a member of two organizations: Texas Amateur Athletic Federation and Northwest Aquatic League. They participate in meets every Saturday morning beginning the end of May and ending the middle ofjuly. They compete against Navasota, Brenham, Bryan, Huntsville and Livingston. The program is for boys and girls ages 5 - 18. There are a total of 102 participants this year, up by 35 from last year! Copies: Skip Noe, City Manager Tom Brymer, Assistant City Manager PARD Superintendents ......................................................................... .......................... ............................................................................. ............................................................. CITY OE COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT STATUS REPORT JULY, 1998 1. W. A. TARROW PARK / WAYNE SMITH BASEBALL COMPLEX Project Number: P K9 505 Budget: $1,230,000 - 1995 Bond Contract Amount: Design $87,990 er Project Manager: Eric Ploeger g Project Design: HSI Consulting Architects g Comments/Status: After review of 6s osa ro byArchitectural firms, the staff p p recommended HSI Architects of Bryan to the City Council. The City Council approved this selection. The contract was signedearly i n February 1996 and the initial meeting with staff took place on February 27. Designs were completed and were bid twice with the last being July 24, 1997. On both occasions bids came in higher than the budgeted amount. Staff, the architect, and the low-bid contractor worked to bring the project within budget. Changes in the parking lot paving, concession/rest room building specifications, and the parking lot area lighting resulted in sufficient reductions to allow the project to be within budget. The item was approved by Council on August 28, 1997. Progress on the project is picking updue to good weather. A change order to correct g p g problems with the subgrade soil in the parking area was approved by council on May 14, 1998. Task: Project Design: November 1996 July 1997 Advertisement&Award: July - August 1997 Complete: August 1998 2. BEE CREEK/ CENTRAL PARK SOFTBALL FIELD UPGRADES Project Number: P K9 801 Budget: $ 200,000 Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Peter Vanecek Project Design: Comments/Status: Bee Creek improvements will include all new fencing for the softball fields, new irrigation system, additional bleachers with covers. Central improvements include new taller backstops, bleacher covers, drainage improvements, a small shelter and dirt bins. Fencing and drainage improvements .are complete. Shade covers installation was completed in early Apri l.: Approxi mately $20,000 remai ns for completion of minor i mprovements. The remaining funds will be used to construct a shelter at the Central Park softball fields. Construction of the shelter will begin July 20, 1998. Task: Project Design: ,October 1997 -July1998 g Advertisement &Award: Complete: September 1998 OP Report 7/16/98 Page 1 of 3 3. LINCOLN CENTER GYM AIR CONDITIONING Project Number: CD1228 Budget: $75,000 Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Mike Martine Project Design: Rick Ravey Comments/Status: City Council approved $75,000 of Community Development funds to air condition the Lincoln Center gym. Task: Project Design: February/March 1998 Advertisement&Award: April 1998 Complete: A ust 1998 1: Pit , 4. TEEN CENTER Project Number: P K9 807 Budget: $300,000 , Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design: N/A Comments/Status: Qualification statements were opened February 4, 1998. A staff recommendation was sent to Council, for selection of an architect, on the February 26, 1998, Council meeting. Council accepted the recommendation of Patterson Architects of , Bryan. Preliminary design was discussed at the June Parks & Recreation Board meeting. ( ) The plan was presented to Council on July 9, 1998, and staff was directed to review the plans with the Teen Advisory Board and report back to Council. The plan along with the Teen Board recommendations will be presented to Council July 23, 1998. Task: Project Design: March - May 1998 Advertisement&Award: June/July 1998 Complete: August 1999 5. MADELEY PARK/LAND ACQUISITION Project Number: CD 1230 Budget: $ 150,000 ' f41/401& Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design: Comments/Status: An appraisal has been conducted on the L. A. Ford property and negotiations will proceed shortly. Efforts will be concentrated on the Ford property then on the Jaffar property. An offer was presented to the Ford estate in July, but was rejected. The Ford estate indicated they had another offer that they would take. ( ) Task: Project Design: Advertisement&Award: Complete: CIP Report 7116198 Page 2 of 3 5. SANDSTONE PLAYGROUND REPLACEMENT Project Number: RM9807 Budget: $ 30,000 Contract Amount: $ 20,821 Project Manager: Peter Vanecek Project Design: Parks Planning Comments/Status: Bids for the replacement playground were opened May 12, 1998. Council accepted the recommendation of R.M. Dudley, Construction of College Station. Installation of the playground will be completed in August 1998. Task: Project Design: April, 1998 Advertisement&Award: May, 1998 Complete: August, 1998 CIP SUPPORT PROJECTS 1. Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan ) . . OP Report 7/16/98 Page 3 of 3 ................. ...... .... r V7-- .. .-- July 19, 1998 Dear Mrs. Jenny Hartsfield • I have decided to write this letter to share with you how satisfied I am with the high quality of the Swim Program during the currently summer. After answering several times to the 1998 Swim Program Survey I realized it was time to make some comments in a letter instead of trying to write them in the small space provided for it on that little evaluation form. Considering the last question of that survey, which is regarding having received value for my investment of time and money, I realized I cannot figure it out how you can provide such a good organization, excellent facilities, dedicated staff and high capable instructors at only US$ 30.00 per person per session (or US$ 3.33 per hour). This amount is less than that necessary to hire a babysitter per one hour and, in the case of the kids, they are not only being watched, but also receiving instruction with two instructors! My kids and I are receiving such a great benefit which will last for our whole lives. Regarding to the ability and attitude of the instructors, it is important to mention my personnal experience. I am attending to my fourth session, the third with Misses Kelly Yawn and Vanessa Morgan. They make a good team. They are really focused in teaching the students how to swim; how to be safe in. water. They pay attention in each small detail of the development of the skills of each student, and help each one of us to improve our abilities in order to reach our goals. Even when everybody is swimming at the same time, they find a way to watch everybody individually, so that it looks like if we were having private classes. I am particularly impressed with Miss Yawn. She is outstanding. Besides her swim skills and her ability to teach, she is also very patient and positive. I recognize it is not an easy task to teach scared adults how to swim. I believe it is not easy to ask someone to swim and receive a "not me" as an answer, or tell someone to jump and hear a"no way"in response. Even though I did it several times to her, she was always patient enough to find ways to make me overpass my own barriers and now I can proudly say, for example,that I can jump (not fall) from the diving board and have lots of fun, no sorrow. She can say "good job!" even when I am swimming like a portion of jam dropped on a table. She always does that before telling me what I should correct. This attitude encourages me and keeps me going ahead. As a result, I am learning how to swim correctly and I am very happy. I have been observing the progress of the kids with the other instructors and I can say they are having the same experience I am having. I can see they are learning fast and they are enjoying it. You really provided the College Station community with an excellent team of instructors. I wish to offer you my sincere congratulations for the organization of the classes, for all the highly qualified instructors, lifeguards and other members of the staff, all of this at a symbolic price of US$ 3.33 per hour. You are making my Summer in College Station marvelous. Thank you very much. • Best regards, Th Josiel U:- rruda Josiel U.de Arruda Texas A&M University Department of Electrical Engineering College Station,Texas 77843-3128 Telephone:(409)862-4064 e--mail: josiel@ee.tamu.edu .. , , r yiS i ....-- ..,,,...e ( ) ,,L6,:..,.1. / /0 3 /1 7 Z-.,, 7/).).k),,..,_ Li • I . i /Q-;--))1)6< /0 73(.. '76' 7/3 , .. i ,li,-•5:,,Z. I 1 G, 7O X 5 9 c., 0 , . 7k, /-27,J',/,..-7- ..5-..'6 i-,' •.:: , / ,..: T-)2-t/-.)- f..--)i,-)Li le±b-r-Z-;5 ,E,:'-e/ci.,,( .T.;' . ..„.. ., --_,, )2. - i)) . 77z14 :: j-:6'1(- -:-.5-0 1T7Ze-(2....k ">/0)-- /.e.._5i--6)1d)-)r .. 4,- -5--)X7-CZ----1-- \7-61'- 7)11) Cit:-(za"c4c.. / A1cLY.caz.4.L.. (0 ,) 1 1,3J r ,. 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ND kr)ivuL:br-- Co I ( , gIL4-1-DvLi-IX C. ,•,,. .• ..:•, June 18, 1998 College Station Parks and Recreation Dept. 1000 Krenek Tap Rd. College Station, TX 77840 To Members of the Board: I am writing regarding the fee increases in the swimming lessons offered by the city that have occurred over the five year period that we have lived here. When we first arrived, I was pleased to be able to put my three children into swimming lessons at $16.00 per session. In fact, I had them in two sessions each that summer. The next year the fees went up to $18.00 each which I could still afford to pay. Again the third summer, the i fees went up and so we put them in only one session for the summer. Last year, we were out of the area for the summer. So when I went to register my four children for lessons this summer and found that the fees had again been raised to $30.00 per session, I was outraged and refused to pay that much. I understand that there is a need to increase fees over time, but an almost 200% increase in five years is more than excessive! I believe that knowing how to swim is a vital life skill that every child needs to have. We are not struggling fmancially, but I can't afford $120.00 for lessons that five years ago cost half that. There are many others in our community who struggled paying the $16.00 per lesson. By raising the fees as you have, you have made it impossible for these children to have a chance to gain this life skill. I have heard that part of the reason for the fee increases is because there are more children wanting lessons than there is space for in the sessions. I believe there are ways of dealing with that problem other than financial discrimination! By forcing out families with less means, it appears you are catering to the many two income families who seem to use multiple swimming lesson sessions as part-time childcare during the summer. Increasing the number of classes, even if that cuts into some public swimming time and limiting the number of sessions per child per summer to one are possible alternatives. I believe that most people would even support building another pool facility to accommodate what will only continue to be a growing number of patrons in the community as long as you are reasonable in the fees that are charged and your management of those funds. I want you to know that overall, we have been very impressed with the quality of offerings provided to our community by the Parks and Recreation Dept. We have appreciated having these opportunities provided for our family. Sincerely, Kim Painter 1209 Lancelot Circle College Station, TX 77840 P.S. This letter has also been signed by other people in the community who feel the same way. /2 'V .4-)Yce/g1 C/ c/e J • ) ta 1 • C2'71- e ( CS. CaAjD e,„_A ). Lw-/0 • r \ IR N,, Tony Scazzero - 1999 Class "C" Nationals _..__. _._. ..__ Page From: "Alan G. Cieluch" <pitcher5 a©lyracorn.com> ` � s To: City of College Station.Parkrec(Tscazzero) cVY Date: 5/14/98 2:54PM Subject: 1999 Class "C" Nationals Dear Mr. Scazzero, I am writing to you from Dhahran, Saudi Arabia and am0ll "C" in ) . interested in entering a team the 1999 ClassFastpitch Nationals. I know that it is a long way off, but we have alot of work to do over here to 1/\ et read to o. Raise mone for the airline tickets, hotels, rental 1\12\i/ get g Y vehicles, etc. etc. I estimate the cost of bringing a team from here to be approx. $25,000. I am planning on entering team this year in the 45&Over tournament in Rockford, IL and have already secured a spot with the help of Mr. Porter and the Tournament Director Mr. Lockinger. But due to work commitments, the lack of a sponsor (haven't given up yet), and the unfortunate diagnosis of Colon Cancer of one of my players, we might not be able to make the trip. But after talking to most of the slow pitch teams in this area, I have sparked alot of interest and when the season is completed in about 10 days from now I will be holding some practices and clinics to get the fever started. I personally have pitched in 2 Fastpitch National Tournaments- 1988 Class C in Kingman AZ and the 1989 Class B in Sacremento (Mr. Radigonda was instrumental in securing a spot for my Air Force team from Osan AB, Korea in that tournament). Did well in the Class C, my team from Korea was 3 wins 2 losses. I was 3 and 1. The next year was not to good 2 straight losses, but was in both games lost only 2-1 and 5-3. I have continued to pitch and still throw 200-300 pitches a day and I am 51 now. I keep busy with softball over here and run clinics for Jr. High School Girls for all that are interested. I have had one success and she got a scholarship to Northern Michigan Univ. a few years ago. I also am into umpiring and was the Umpire in Chief of the recent Middle East Championships in Dubai, U.A.E.(Slowpitch Only). I believe I can put together a competitive Class "C"team with the younger slowpitch players and some of the older players that gave up fastpitch when slowpitch was the only game in town. I have a nucleus of about 5 old retired U.S. Air Force players and if I can get about 10 younger players we should be OK. Even if we lost 2 straight games, the experience and memory of playing in the nationals will always be treasured. Very few of the players over here have ever played at that level. If you could let me know as soon as possible, if we could enter in a team in your tournament scheduled for the 1-6 Sept 1999. 1 notice in the the 1998 Rule Book that you have a limit of 66 teams. Hopefully your consideration in this request will be favorable. All my players are U.S. Citizens and all reside and work in Saudi Arabia. Alot of the players are from Texas and Louisiana because of the Oil Fields here. I personally work for McDonnell Douglas Services, a subsidery of Boeing. Please send your mailing address also and telephone contact#'s. Thank you very much for your time. Best wishes, )(Le, US 46 Al Cieluch ' Alan G. Cieluch )cr\it:° Monday, June 22, 1998 — Southwood Valley Pool Water Aerobics First, a gentleman was trying to swim laps in the designated water aerobic area. Our instructor politely let him know that there was only one lap lane from 7:00— 8:00 p.m. because we had been given the "lap lane plus" for water aerobics during that time. If he wanted to, he could for confirmation contact Vera, who was in charge but not there at the time. Secondly, a lady with a child was rude, both in actions and comments. She made comments the entire time that we were taking our class. These comments consisted of: • I paid to use the pool (this was insinuating that we were taking her space without paying). • I know three people on the City Council and THIS will be taken care of. • I have a Ph.D. in social work and I can handle THIS. • You don't want to get ME angry. She seemed VERY impressed with who she knew, as.she kept "name dropping" about who she could talk to about the absurdity of the situation. In addition to her comments, which made us feel very uncomfortable, she would toss her daughter into the.water (just as close to us as she dared without hitting us) so that water would splash onto us. I am making a supposition when I say that she was trying to get us to confront her where we could verbally battle it out. However, I am pleased that no one in our class (at least that I am aware of) acknowledged her in any way except to look(glare) at her. I felt her display was totally uncalled for and should not have taken place. This is not an example that I would want the children of College Station to adopt. I believe that the City pool is for the use of everyone and we should work together. By doing so,hopefully the needs of everyone can be accommodated. ilac2 dzr, Rct..v — / 40 7 C,‘ Anne V. Steele• • 409/690-0071 } w=lo i s•� I ,P • � i' ifja • . ' 404:41% .:. _ ..,i •° �:'t*"6 7•=: �i 24 •`•rCar4 Y:; L.r"' - • CS" n�Er���• �'kti"� �.d'•• 8•" f.:• "Fe • . 41:11 �r,..r �ws'�R r�►��r eFt`.�"a;�g:k�"d"���•.a.�,,ii:r=, .0. 0.. ale eie *0 tip 1166 fai S/194A. 1‘14-'14e D,:teteile4ave-e ',.}n ,.`4°r"'��p i•:7�.�p�7 fiA•Src.. iYnf+6w["i a}A��°Y ';%i-'e •i�"'»��P�:y��;..fry.f: 911,at, 16, 1998 00100flingiON A z RiNgt00)14.P.P.40 AM:6W ceitivio,pc-eateeqe, 93`advs,(cc 9Zeeiteatiani g5e,cv&rilt1911aduii : =76' ,91'crc-911,ceansalklatecb ce.eass.41999 reatity a }' mss, t ow i s o1i4i tt a n,to:tdi& 1998 (;)attic/11 en i av T.�it&8eco cgaulei2. c /au'v anat scr c th/+ee to,ma/ee' • di&c nt te'e e'th irc e'tbilieWt9-Cild110 toltia fi cry t& rx.t ipat . 77- r ar,again, orf allt jo u have,cpm tatiellid616 lie, &911/Toilsolitiatect ceea ss-41999 • June 18, 1998 Mr. Steve Beachy College Station Parks and Recreation 1000 Krenek Tap Road College Station,Texas 77840 Dear Mr.Beachy, I am witting in regard to the excellent job that Vera Solis does as pool manager. I am a member of the Water Fitness class and have been for quite a few years. Vera has always tried to meet our needs. Today the steps into the Southwood Valley pool were quite slick. Vera took them out and went to get some tape to wrap them so her"more mature"customers such as myself would not slip and get hurt. Her actions were above and beyond the call of duty. She has listened to our complaints over the years regarding pool water temperature and has always been very patient. f......". `� I just wanted you to know how well she represents your department. As a College Station taxpayer,I have no gripes about any taxes paying her salary. Hats Off the Vera! Sincerely, c_\\ Carolyn Kuehnle .4' 142 405014, I ,, Rgcf(Prairie ECeinentary Scfioo( ,, ° ;.�.. • College Station Independent School District 44 .,y '{�'• � F!i•.„:....a...•:3.+........i ,... Sii•7m'."+'r.a°:,.^'e."°ni.lid.�`:F x..-,-. p;.,F^°eok'aRA."a 1.:7,+..n d,. ,<.+'P+i',,....., ,,,, ,,,'j4 . Colne 7784 1 r 3400 Welsh Street 409-764-5570 F`AX 409-764-5488 ge Station,TX 5 - • irk ,. E i 4. :n"" '•:i""r• 4 Mraik)r i?le.) 1938 Dear Mr. Yackson, 12.ock Prairie.student Council would like to present with � $ 4.00. We ask in the. amount of��n��r a ��halarsh • • p that the tTione. be used to sponsor six students from + ock Prairie � r surr rr�r to n or parr . H� efulli, in elernentar t� pafor theirp � come we can s more children. the gars to sponsor. - • .. incerel,j, Ir 410 •0' 1 1 ........„. k.F. ) Wanda Lapham i tudent Council ponsor ,,:„.....;...,....._.•,,_.._,,„,„,,..„,....„;....„....„..... ..e,.r.,... Kip.. .. Y r .•,•• • ._.. .. ..... �.... .a r n 1.F...:1.„ -e .� .. .. . S ....... �•..... 'i �:;;:;r y•L.r.. ..,r, .....1 ". .. ! ... .. ...�. .. .. . .... y •,S�z:..l a� ::y.�:; sii. 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TX rie7g410 -.),V 33 Dear Gary, Just a note to thank y()it and your ri.,1.47,:ps:Aqii-st,,iitivipi,i 4...,(,),,,,(--5,,,,-..-rit•V-'4•Vg 1,1.r.-1 '.114.;4,14 irtAr%,:::04,,,-,::, 1-• 1 . ,. 1:€:=*".4u_.q.17VY.41;1(j1JIAIY:*5?.•;:t:1:i4'ifi,'4',51t-V-14,N'Fl.fit.'Y.,4;'TO ii3Wi*:.0":0 Zt'j.4i,A: stafffor taking tne time to tarn ()I 1 ,,,i,-A,;....t..41‘4.-4.....%4,,,,. ',.,-,,ftii,./ /,Kt tile park lights at Pebble Cu eck p.,ii k --4,17,4-:,-;'?;*'ttt''',..61:1":'tZe'''.M.!::,. .K-r;:':•A'n-!,:fr,7:-').."4 q,Ti*,-4, ',.ti i if:-.1.114.:::::AI",7te;;%WA'::",I;`.•. .,=.--,-1.1.e,,....,,,i,-;r1,..,.. ..1 v•:.2,J.•,,,,,,,,,•A$1,10,1L,.. i;•,1.1.3.Z•f..;,-;.i.,;,...04 strZeli?' -SYi".4p-:.i;:it,::: on Saturday For our star,J;(17.inLi. niti.ilt .,..,„.....,-.:-..y.....,,,.,.....L.,:.4,,..,1,,e..,...,-.."..p.3.,,,,r,..‹,..i.,5„4,..If fti'..,ii:....",::f:',:l.it:t.1,:;:','''':.-.F.• . 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June 23, 1998 College Station Parks and Recreation 1000 Krenek Tap Road College Station, TX 77840 Dear Sir or Madam: I wanted to write and tell you what I thought about your recently organized program,the arts academy for ten-to sixteen-year-olds. My son Reed, who is thirteen,participated in the session from June 15-19 and thoroughly enjoyed it. The activities were interesting, challenging, and appropriate for that age level. In fact, such a program is sorely needed for kids of that age; previously, any arts programs I knew about were geared for younger children only. Reed had a very good experience and hopes to go again next year. Please consider offering the program in future years; our kids need more options in the summer than just sports! Thank you for offering the program. Sincerely, t.jig jos..Q. Susan Nessler 2902 Bolero Ct. College Station,TX 77845 694-7226 .................. July 19, 1998 Dear Mrs. Jenny Hartsfield I have decided to write this letter to share with you how satisfied I am with the high quality of the Swim Program during the currently summer. After answering several times to the 1998 Swim Program Survey I realized it was time to make some comments in a letter instead of trying to write them in the small space provided for it on that little evaluation form. Considering the last question of that survey, which is regarding having received value for my investment of time and money, I realized I cannot figure it out how you can provide such a good organization, excellent facilities, dedicated staff and high capable instructors at only US$ 30.00 per person per session (or US$ 3.33 per hour). This amount is less than that necessary to hire a babysitter per one hour and, in the case of the kids, they are not only being watched, but also receiving instruction with two instructors! My kids and I are receiving such a great benefit which will last for our whole lives. Regarding to the ability and attitude of the instructors, it is important to mention my personnal experience. I am attending to my fourth session, the third with Misses Kelly Yawn and Vanessa Morgan. They make a good team. They are really focused in teaching the students how to swim; how to be safe in water. They pay attention in each small detail of the development of the skills of each student, and help each one of us to improve our abilities in order to reach our goals. Even when everybody is swimming at the same time, they find a way to watch everybody individually, so that it looks like if we were having private classes. I am particularly impressed with Miss Yawn. She is outstanding. Besides her swim skills and her ability to teach, she is also very patient and positive. I recognize it is not an easy task to teach scared adults how to swim. I believe it is not easy to ask someone to swim and receive a "not me" as an answer, or tell someone to jump and hear a"no way"in response. Even though I did it several times to her, she was always patient enough to find ways to make me overpass my own barriers and now I can proudly say, for example,that I can jump (not fall) from the diving board and have lots of fun, no sorrow. She can say "good job r" even when I am swimming like a portion of jam dropped on a table. She always does that before telling me what I should correct. This attitude encourages me and keeps me going ahead. As a result, I am learning how to swim correctly and I am very happy. I have been observing the progress of the kids with the other instructors and I can say they are having the same experience I am having. I can see they are learning fast and they are enjoying it. You really provided the College Station community with an excellent team of instructors. I wish to offer you my sincere congratulations for the organization of the classes, for all the highly qualified instructors, lifeguards and other members of the staff, all of this at a symbolic price of US$ 3.33 per hour. You are making my Summer in College Station marvelous. Thank you very much. Best regards, Josiel Josiel U.de Arruda Texas A&M University Department of Electrical Engineering College Station,Texas 77843-3128 Telephone:(409)862-4064 e-mail: josiel@ee.tamu.edu City of College Station Parks & Recreation Board 1998/99 Chris Barzilla, Chair ('99) [1] 2111 Chippendale College Station, TX 77840 (H) 693-9951 (W) 800-392-4109 (F) 281-396-6111 John Crompton ('99) [1] 1000 Rose Circle College Station, TX 77840 (H) 696-0825 (W) 845-5320 George Dresser ('99) [1/21 501 Fairview Avenue College Station, TX 77840 (H) 696-4361 (W) 845-3327 Dr. Sarah G. Birkhold ('00) [1] 1811 Laura Lane College Station, TX 77840 (H) 696-2534 (W) 845-4318 John P. Nichols ('00) [1] 1317 Angelina Court College Station, TX 77840 (H) 693-2517 (W) 845-8491 Susan B.Allen (`00) [1] 1118 Merry Oaks Drive College Station, TX 77840 (H) 696-1994 Glen A. Davis ('00) [1] 602 Ivycove College Station, TX 77845 (H) 693-6264 (W) 361-6229 From: Curtis Bingham To: Rploeger, BGEORGE, PEINKAUF, EBAKER, RALBRECHT, Pr... Date: 7/15/98 12:00PM Subject: Aggieland Select Banned From City Fields The following attachment explains the history and the current situation concerning Juan Vasquez and his Aggieland Select youth soccer club. The "banning from City fields" only pertains to Aggieland Select (AGS). It does not pertain to other youth soccer groups such as Magic, Stars or College Station Youth Soccer. So far, I have had one call from a concerned parent from the Magic Soccer League. There may be more calls from confused parents who have children playing in Aggieland Select and other leagues also. If you wish you may direct any of these calls to me. CC: Sbeachy ( Bridgette George-JVASQ EZ.DOC Page ',.,,,..,,...,...T...,.,,�..�rrrz...:,'-rt��^^r^-:....,,..,.... ...,rri......�,......,_., .uw y,.,. '�,•-._, �*""",7. ..._...;:r--,r:.*,;�r,. 1-....,. ,,,,.r...,, y,�---nr•a�"".r'w:r....�.-ss:-rw.-�---:,-r,r:rrmrrrr-r;,'ssr�. ....--:-r;--n--"r>'•u.,1 .:,:-,;�-„�'r-r;r=.•.••......,.:-.s,:m rr:r:--nrr.............-:-f,.:...,m........,..,,,,,.rn,.,.,,..,.,.,.' NOTES CONCERNING JUAN VASQUEZ AND HIS AGGILLAND SELECT CLUB On April 28, 1998 Juan Vasquez attended the College Station Sports and Recreation Association (CSSRA) meeting. At this meeting he said he was starting a youth soccer group called Aggieland Select Club (AGS). He was told that he would have to sign a User's Agreement in order to use the soccer fields for his youth group. The User's Agreement states what is expected of the field user, what the City will be responsible for and requires proof of insurance, team schedules and a copyof the"By Laws” the club plays under. Juan made no effort to submit the information required for the User's Agreement. On June 18, I discovered the AGSp ractice and tournament schedule on the Internet and saw that Juan had scheduled unauthorized AGSp ractices and tournaments for the Central soccer fields. According to the schedule he had already had three tournament (two on May 16 and one on May 30). He also had AGSp racticing on the fields Monday through Thursday since May 18. With the discovery of the schedule the East District Parks Operations supervisor had verified that on the AGS May 16 and 30 tournament dates, the Central soccer fields were used, but had not been scheduled. He also verified that on many of the Aggieland Select practices dates, he noticed the fields being used, which had not been scheduled for play. The Parks Operations supervisor and a crew leaderP uestioned some of the spectators as to who was putting on the tournament and q each time the answer was"Juan Vasquez". I sent Bob DeOtte, head of the College Station Sports and Recreation Association, a copy of the schedule I found on the Internet. Bob said he would talk to Juan about it. It was decided that Parks staff would have a meeting with Juan and discuss the situation. On June 22, Linda Waltman (Recreation Superintendent), Paul Rucker (East District Parks Operations Supervisor), and, myself, Curtis Bingham (Parks Operations Superintendent) had a meeting with Juan Vasquez at the Parks and Recreation Office at Central Park. Juan was told that he was using the fields without approval. It was again explained that he would need a User's Agreement in order to use the field for his AGS youth soccer group. He verbally agreed that he would not use the fields until he had followed proper procedures and signed a User's Agreement. From June 22 through June 26 all Central soccer fields were reserved for a youth soccer camp. On June 29 and 30, I noticed unscheduled youth soccer groups using the central soccer fields. Mier asking a spectator on June 30, I found out that the group was Aggieland Select and the spectator pointed out Juan Vasquez who was coaching from the sideline. I brought this to the attention of Linda Waltman and our Director Steve Beachy the next day. It was decided to consult the City's Legal Department about the situation and inform Juan that, due to breaking his verbal agreement, the City would not sign a User's Agreement with him for Aggieland Select and that Aggieland Select was banned from using any City fields for practices, games or tournaments. j Diana DeFrancesco, coordinator for the Brazos Valley Youth Soccer Association D&P, was .... ...........«n.......................r.........................«....«......»......r..............n...n.........».......r....nwr...........r.n....«..n.......n.•.r.,n......n......r«.«.r....«..««...nn«..,•...........n..r..r.....«.«................i....».:i....r..n•....r.r...............n..........n.................rr..r..... ...r....rr..ro .E informed of the situation with Juan and AGS. On July 1, I called Juan and told him about our decision concerning the AGS and told him he would receive a follow upletter and an invoice for the days he had unscheduled use of the fields. y I also told him he needed to pay for past seasons for his adult "Aggieland Soccer League" and that it would be included in the invoice. He said according to what Bob DeOtte had told him and according to the "By Laws" of the CSSRA he did not have to pay if he met the association's requirements. Also, in so many words, he felt we were being very unfair with him and wanted to know who he could give his complaint to. I told him I would find out and call him back. I checked with Steve Beachy and Bob DeOtte and it was decided Juan would need to bring his complaint to the CSSRA and, if he was not satisfied with the associations decision, he could then complain to the College Station Parks and Recreation Board. He was also informed that he will have to continuep aying for his adult soccer league's use of the fields. On the afternoon of July 2, Juan came in and paid a two week rental fee for use of the Central soccer fields. The transaction was made through Emily Baker who was unaware that AGS was banned from using any City fields. That same afternoon, after discovering this, I called Juan and informed him again that AGS would not be allowed to use the fields and the reasons behind the decision. I informed him he should come and get his reservation money back or it would be 7 to 10 days before he got the money if we had to send him a refund check. Juan again said we were being unfair and asked why we were doing this to him. I tried to explain that AGS was an organized group which required a User's Agreement and he was deliberately playing on the fields without it and had made no effort to submit the necessary information for the agreement. He said he had been trying to get a copy of their insurance, but had no luck. He complained that other youth groups used the fields like he does and we have done nothing to them. I explained that I had no knowledge of other leagues having unauthorized use of our fields and if found out, the situation would be address. I told him other leagues periodically use our fields, but they pay reservation fees to do so. He asked why he could not do that and I explained that he would be having organized use of the fields for his league play which would require a User's Agreement. With much discussion Juan still could not understand what is meant by "organized use" or the difference between periodical use and seasonal use. Juan then asked to use the fields for one more week to give him a chance to find other fields to use. I agreed and informed him that the difference in the two week reservation fee he paid would be mailed to him. On July 7, Juan faxed us his changed schedule for his adult Aggieland Soccer League (ASL). It was noticed that he had an Aggieland Select team scheduled to play on July 12 and July 19. I called Juan and informed him that we were going to stand by our decision that no Aggieland Select team is to use the fields. Juan explained that the AGS team was playing an ASL team and he :figured there would be no problems with it since it had nothing to do with AGS. After some discussion it was decided to allow the AGS team to play on July 12 (due to the short length of time to reschedule), but he would have his AGS team play someplace else on July 19. Juan also assured me that he would not schedule any AGS teams for anything on City fields. 4 ,: ,7 �9..g-i, \,-,2 .-•.i^. ¢r 4:1s.'3'S„'s•.7§.”, '-'1,, ,-•: •,-,,7-,, ,-,'''',';-a1,-, �.� s^.„}�F.,�'9M�,5''°e�R,`�7�; a',"�3. S,,. Vi • ... , n- °R �X `s �.. A x , : E -s 7 rS5 yr.. ? .,`' ,i,':''1:4'4:'.. eFk'P myr �� z- . ir :q- l._ R '4 iv., 11,_yE '�� `P. Lr , ! i . i'a�..• • . .•a: i . �f , ,:,-,,::;, ;',i''' '�{ i �e..egos , .'“,:',.*:1--:-._go, . : I ;' ;: P ❑. Box 930 f l D Texas Avenue - College Station. T,�: xy, = '•:;''''F b-w',':',S''.: a' � Tel 4D9 764 3�D❑ ,Akh>w.n My_p�rq T,:w�e:H s•e,ti e<..�o�'Ro.^.r•i++k e°��,-�-:^�, "" zd ci.'�$Sr'cfF •� }..e-8�a `",g..:c.:s��"y 7:iC' June 29, 1998 Jonathan Coopersmith 1811 Shadowwood Drive College Station,TX. 77840 Dear Mr. Coopersmith, In your letter to Mayor Mcllhaney, you asked about the safety of the City and school playgrounds. The Parks Operations Division of the College Station Parks and Recreation Department maintains 35 playground units in 25 of our 29 neighborhood parks. Two of these parks are in joint use with the College Station Independent School District(Pebble Creek Park and Jack and Dorothy Miller Park) and one park is in joint use with Texas A&M University( Hensel Park). All City maintained playground units go through a monthly safety inspection and any problems are noted. Also, while performing routine maintenance tasks in the parks, employees note any problems with the playground units. Repairs are made immediately, if possible. If repairs can not be performed soon after being reported,the deficient piece of the playground unit is isolated from use until proper repairs can be made. Sometimes citizens will report problems which are corrected as soon as possible. The majority of the playgrounds units have pea gravel for the fall surface. We are in the process of adding ground recycled rubber to the pea gravel in our older playground units to improve the cushion of the surface. The construction of the playgrounds is contracted out. The manufacturing and the installation of the play equipment must meet specified federal guidelines. Over the years some design problems have been noticed with,the older wood playground equipment and the problems have been resolved. The older playground equipment is being replaced as funds become available. The newer playground equipment is safer and more durable. The play surface of our newest playground units is made of an all rubber cushion that provides access to wheelchairs. As playground equipment is replaced this type of fall surface may be used at selected sites in the community. Since the College Station Parks Department is not involved with maintenance of the school playgrounds that are not part of joint use development, I recommend that you contact the CSISD administration concerning their policies.. Please, feel free to contact me at 409-764-3411 if you have any questions or concerns about the City parks. Sincerely, Ca.',14 Zi fc1.-- 'ILL? • •- Curtis Bingham Parks Operations Superintendent Home of Texas A&M University (41_0_01-CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Conference Center 1300 George Bush Drive College Station, Texas 77840 (409) 764-3720 Grace Calbert FAX: (409) 764-3513 City of College Station Conference Center Supervisor, and City of College Station Memory Lanes Oral History Project Coordinator June 15, 1998 PSA For Immediate Release City of College Station to Hold Oral History Project Memory Lane--A&M Campus Early Faculty, Staff and Support Staff On Wednesday, July 15, 1998, 9:00 a.m.to noon, at The College Station Conference Center In an effort to preserve College Station history for future generations,the City of College Station is holding oral history project Memory Lane No. 11. It will cover A&M Campus Early Faculty, Staff and Support Staff. Needed are people who worked on the A&M campus during 1900 to 1949 to share their memories. An example would be faculty, secretaries,registrars, maintenance, cleaning, heating, grounds, carpentry,painting,post office,mailroom, dairy, cafeteria and any .....................:: others. If they cannot attend,their descendants are welcome . The informal discussion, Wednesday, July 15, 1998,will take place from 9:00 a.m.to noon at the College Station Conference Center, 1300 George Bush Drive. Please bring your memories,photos and memorabilia to share with others. If you know of anyone we need to invite to this event or for more information,please call 764-3720. Admission is free and refreshments will be served. The project is under the direction of the City of College Station Parks and Recreation Department's Historic Preservation Committee and the Conference Center Advisory Committee and staff. The project began in 1994 with two or more oral histories or lanes held each year through 1998. There have been 10 other oral history memory lanes covering the period 1900 through 1949. They have included North Gate,East Gate, South Side,Early Education Part 1,Early Education Part 11, Transportation, The Old Days, Military,A&M Campus Kids, and Churches. A written and illustrated book of all eleven oral history memory lanes is upcoming. It will preserve College Station history for generations to come. -end- } - \ Q,„ 3927 Hawk Owl Cove College Station, TX 77845 • June 30, 1998 David Gerling Special Facilities Superintendent p College Station Parks 86 Recreation P. O. Box 9900 College Station, TX 77842 Dear Mr. Gerling, Yesterday my son, Kyle Pulliam, completed the Level I of the Junior Lifeguard/Aquatic Sports Camp. I write this letter to you to commend you for the excellent course and the superb instructors. Thieu Brown, Will Owens, and Vera Solis did an excellent job as teachers. They were mature and managed the students well. The course itself was planned so well--varied and quite interesting to the students. Canoeing, scuba diving, and a trip to Schlitterbahn in New Braunfels were highlights of the course for my son. As a parent, I was delighted to see an emphasis on CPR and water safety. The free pass to go swimming at Adamson Lagoon for the month, also, was a real motivator for the kids to practice swimming, too. Thank you for developing this excellent course, and for hiring instructors who were mature enough to teach it. Although I do not know any of the instructors personally, I would request that you put a copy of this letter in the employment file of each of the instructors mentioned above. They are to be commended for their good work. Sincerely, /pia = Katie Pulliam kp ...,,r. ,r.r.. «.,�...,.r.r..,...,.....r.,.,....«...«..,........».....,».«.«......,+...,......r.......r.«..,.•.«..«,.r.......»......»....».r.rr...r.».r.»...„.r....«.«.»...«..�.............rr.r..»...».,..,...ar...rr...r..........:'.»..«,................«.r.....».».,».»....,r....«,�...«...�......».r..,.•.....«........».r.».,r..,.»rr«..,......«..............»...».» ... w»»,»,; .rr 3 ri d9 etie G e o r9 e 9 8AT H S U R.X LS « r r....«...,.«»�........«.»...«.r.....r�r,...........r....r.rr,.r,..rr.r.rrrrr Pap "' 1 .'Rn. .........».». ..n'm»m..r,...»..rrnr.m.... ..................:itsw:-.-rrtrrrnrmr.-�xxr x�'7'tiw::s:rf�:9T.ZmZrmTr.mr:fisr^'�'-^:rW r.`r'.";;:::in'.::r.7:rf:fla:lrinlns ........., r..:nrmnrrfimrrrnrs':ttt.:.X71;ttt:tr.:::::::•i•nrrrrn:rrm:..... ......... ,,� Participants Returned Surveys Satisfied Customers Percent Satisfied Biggest Complaint TAB Paint Ball 45 30 30 100% No complaints TAB Open Gym 11 8 7 88% Bad night of play Playing 5-6 yr.aids with 88,1.) Youth Basketball 797 120 118 98% left too much of a gap in age. 5-6 yr.olds not aware on court. Adult Basketball 108 9 9 100% Facilities not adequate SPRING Adult Basketball 0% FALL - r TAB Basketball 0% TAB Volleyball 0% TAB In-Line Hockey 0% Adult Flag Football 0% Youth Flag Football 0% Participants Returned Surveys Satisfied Customers Percent Satisfied Biggest Complaint tl Adult Volleyball 89 28 25 89% First Place Tie Breaker Rule SESSION 1 Was Not Clearly Stated Adult Volleyball 0% SESSION 2 Adult Volleyball 0% SESSION 3 Adult Volleyball 0% SESSION 4 TAB Weight Lifting 0% Advanced Swimming 30 6 6 100% No Complaints Swim Team 0% Totals 1080 201 195 97% 1 . ....................................................... JUL-14-98 TUE 01 :27 PM TERRY L TONEY CPA 409 532 1341 P. 01 . • rf Y Toney,CPA V[ J wharton,Texas 774t88 ',' •TerrY r:L 1'1:Toney' .CPA ' '. ,... . ,_. . . . . .. 9 , . r •, . }t ne 409.532,5 P by 233 .,_.._,... • ... .... .. . r Fax:449.532.1341 ,,,,••::1;.:',..'.:,..,:r.,,i,-,:-.••:.';:,.._ F ' Tot Tony Sero From Terry L.Toney Fax: 409.76&3737 - Date: July 14, 1998 Phone: 409.764.3736 s: [Click here and type number of pages] • Re: 18&under Division B TmC: [Click here and type name] 0 Urgent 0 For Review f 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle 'Comments: Our team truly enjoyed the tournament this past weekend. Of course we would have } liked to have played a few more games,but we didn't get the breaks we needed. I have been to a lot of state tournaments over the last 20 years and 1 think that this past weekend was one of, If not the best organized and run tournament that I have seen. I was even more impressed when I received In the mall today the results and the completed bracket very few times in the past years has any district been as efficient as yours, not only In reporting the results but in running the tournament Good job, Finally, if the huge number of teams that finished ahead of our team (Wharton-Lady Tigers) cannot continue on to regionals and nationals,our team would love the opportunity to participate. f. '.,.oh,#,*:,,:raiwt,:i.,.-piVJ.-ef'`,''•*,--?;'•':'-- ;',4.t.'4.::;', *,i' , ' -',,'_%=,,','I _,`,, it i'4b' °R,,,,-;:- :----'-:-.', , : ,, „,„? , . ,,- -,---,-,-,=,,, - , ,, ',- INV (..... COLLEGE STATION P. 0 Box 9960 - 1101 Texas Avenue - College Station, TX 77842 Tel 409 764 3500 , . ( July 9, 1998 Sandra K. Ford, Executor L.A. Ford Family Trust . CERTIFIED: RETURN 1805 Briarcrest . RECEIPT REQUESTED Bryan D( 77802 RE: Purchase Offer for 2.7053 Acres of Randall's University Park Addition Dear Sir: The City of College Station is interested in acquiring the above property in the Chimney Hill area for use as a city park from the trust. Please allow this letter to sa serve as anofferofLot T to purchase your property on Chimney Hill Drive, a 2.7053 acre tract being part 3, Randall's University Park Addition, College Station, Brazos County, Texas, TheCity e of College Station's offer for this property is $20,000 and is based upon an independent appraisal which indicates this amount as the fair market value.. This offer is subject to the following terms and conditions: - 0 the environmental site assessment that shows no environmental problems affect the property or preclude its' use as a park; • the offer is contingent upon City Council approval; O the offer is contingent upon proof of ownership; • the Buyer to pay for survey work necessary for the closing on the property; O the Seller to convey the property through General Warranty Deed; o the Seller to pay for title insurance; 411, O taxes prorated at the date of closing; ® seller to convey marketable title. ...., r-' i • . ,---*1 1 ( ili1 \ } Please respond on or before Thursday, July 23, 1998. 1 Sincer>ely, _ x •0' ,----' - . ti , 0/4-i Eric Ploeger W \I L ,, fil n ill 0 Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation City of College StationCI011-1 U-' F cc: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation Roxanne Nemcik,Asst, City Attorney el/ , \\\ _( ! (' j9tj l'Aik)/ 4)f' Home of Texas A&M University()) \65L, 1 to A V1 \ )(ai ,.,4%