HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/27/1998 - Special Minutes - Parks Board • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AND LICK CREEK PARK ADVISORY COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY,JANUARY 27, 1998 — 7:00 P.M. COLLEGE STATION CONFERENCE CENTER 1300 GEORGE BUSH DRIVE,ROOM 106 Board Members: Elizabeth Cunha, Chair; Debra Anderson, Vice Chair; Mike Manson; John Crompton; Gary Halter; Chris Barzilla,and Bob DeOtte; Advisory Members: Jim Manhart,Stephan Hatch,Lynn Allen,and Mark Shavers Visitors: Scott Shafer,Bob Wharton,and U. R. Stack The meeting was called to order at 7: 07 p.m. 1. Discussion and Consideration of a Master Plan for Lick Creek Park: Steve presented the proposed master plan as developed by the TAMU Recreation, Parks and Tourism Sciences 402 class and the Lick Creek Park Advisory Committee. He stated that he would like to have an archaeological study done and presented to Council before any development begins. He mentioned that Alston Thoms presented a proposal last year but was unable to do proceed with it. Steve stated that he would like to include the development of the plan, or a portion of it, in the next Capital Improvement Program in 1999. He stated that he also believes the City could receive a grant from the Texas ) Parks & Wildlife Department, or possibly other entities, for additional funding. Steve pointed out the wastewater treatment plant site, and the area around it that was previously identified for future plant development. He stated that future development may or may not occur at that site,which is adjacent to the park. Gary stated that the park was envisioned as a wilderness park when it was purchased in 1984, and he recommended to not allow bikes in the park. He stated that bikers will go on trails other than those specifically designated for bikes. Lynn Allen stated that if maps are provided at the bike shops that show trails at both Lick Creek Park and Lake Bryan, she believes that most bikers will go to Lake Bryan. She stated that Lake Bryan has many more trails than Lick Creek. She also informed the Board that less and less bikers are going to Lick Creek Park and more are patronizing Lake Bryan. John stated that initially the subcommittee agreed to recommend no bikes at Lick Creek Park. However,the use of bikes was reintroduced to encourage alternative ways to get to the park other than in cars, but not for the use of bikes within the park. He stated that they also wanted bikers to be able to get to the Visitor's Center which was across the park from where the entrance would be located. Therefore, a bike access through the park was proposed that runs along the sewer line. John stated that he agrees with allowing bike access into the park and to the visitor's center, but does not support allowing bikes on the multi-use trails. John motioned to accept the proposal limiting bicycles access up the west side of the park, along the sewer line, and towards the visitor's center and no where else in the park. The motion was seconded by Gary. Bob stated that the motion would not be serving the majority of the community by excluding certain citizens. Elizabeth stated that she thought it was unfair to make the motion, excluding bicycles, at this meeting instead of at the last meeting where a substantial number of bikers were present. She stated that at that meeting, the preliminary plan that was presented included a "multi-use trail" which included bikes, horses, and pedestrians. Chris voiced this concern about allowing bikes and horses on the same trails as pedestrians. After further discussion, Bob, Elizabeth, Mike, Debra and Chris thataittmd and the motion die& . John asked Steve to incorporate an ecological and an access point of view for Lick Creek Park in the plan. He also wanted to see fencing added to the proposal so that people don't get lost and end up in Pebble Creek. John also recommended having a managerial presence on site and to incorporate an operational budget into the proposal. Steve stated that they could possibly also have a junior or senior Parks and Recreation major to live at the park rent-free, in exchange for supervising activities at the park. John asked Steve to look at what would be reasonable to expect from grants and put in a lower monetary amount in the bond election. Bikes will be allowed on Deer Run Trail, along the sewer line to the wastewater treatment plant,and to the visitor's center. The Board discussed the enforcement issues regarding trail usage. They discussed the need to have supervision of the park at all times,not just 8 to 5. Mark Shavers commented that in the proposal a significant amount of funds was allotted for asphalt parking lots and roadways. He suggested doing those in phases r..... instead of all up front or using an alternative material. He also suggested putting the visitor's center closer to the main road instead of further in the park to save funding on the length of the road. He also mentioned that at the previous meeting only one person was interested.in allowing horses at Lick Creek Park and was not sure it was worth spending the money on an equestrian parking lot for one interested person. John motioned to adopt the plan as presented with amendments to include buffer zones and corridors, fencing, annual operational cost, three bike racks and also to get the funding down to $400,000 - $500,000 with phasing of the project. Mike seconded and the motion carried. 2. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. APPROVED: 7,4_efee‘Elizth Cunha,Board Chair /& / 6.17/-f Date • iliac Attest: ' VL Bridgette eorge CPS,Boar ecretary • 10 /qqb/ Da 8 •: e gyp. f 5 _ BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS .•.: ._A~ rye• r . F,° C OF THE BRAZOS VALLEY P.O. Box 524 Bryan, Texas 77806 1j OFFICERS • Chairman Marci Rodgers City of College Station Department of Parks and Recreation Chairman Elect Hugh McElroy, Jr. Board of Directors 1100 Krenek TapRoad Chairman Dave Stevenson P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842-9960 Secretary Dr. William Gaines Dear Park Board Members, Treasurer Linda Johnson On behalf the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Brazos Valley, I would like to thank ShawImmediat n e Past Chairman Ailey you for the opportunity to visit with you about the Club and its operations in your community. I am sure you know that we are currently running Club BOARD OF DIRECTORS programs out of the Lincoln Center and we are about to begin operations in Tim Bryan your renovated Teen Center, the old Shenanigan's, located adjacent to the Marty Criswell College Station Conference Center. Dr. Tommy Davis Jack Dillard We are very excited about these opportunities and in my time here at the Club Keith Ellis { r Ronnie Gilley we have made a concerted effort to bolster our presence at both ofthese sites. Please allow me thea pp tY ortuna to elaborate on this. Gary Guest Chuck Hancock In the last 90 days we have accomplished the followingtasks at the Lincoln Lynn Hickey David Hickson Center: James D. Ingram IV * Hired a Program Director to organize and coordinate Club program. Richard Lindsay This person will also work closely with the employees of the Lincoln Randy Martel Center to coordinate activities. Cal McNeil Darlene Nichols * Increased hours of current employees, two part time, to more greatly Emil Ogden enhance program possibilities at the Center. Ron Schmidt Monis Schulman * Hired a 20 hour per week gym instructor to run Club programs. Charles A_ Sippial Steven,Steele * Hired an extra work studyemployee, that now brings the total to Woody Thompson Tommy Vance four work study students, to help with the social recreation area. John Womack * Held meetings at least once every two weeks to address the needs of President the staff and Club members at the Lincoln Center. Kevin W. Bingham Honorary Board Member * Provided "Smart Moves"training to the staff of the Lincoln Center. Mark°e"nan' Smart Moves is a drug and alcohol abuse prevention program that Board Member Emeritus Pete Rodriquez Bill Erwin `4_ Member of Brazos County United Way teachesgoun people the negatives drug and alcohol brings to their y lives. The program preaches abstinence, and gives those who graduate from it the skills to cope with peer pressure and other outside forces which might encourage them to go to a life of drug and alcohol abuse. This training was provided at no cost to the staff of the lincoln Center. * Provided"New Professionals Orientation"training to the staff of the Lincoln Center. New Professionals Orientation explains the basics of the Club Movement. Program establishment and development, understanding the mission of the Boys and Girls Club,understanding - the Youth Development Strategy and the Six Core Service Areas • are a few of the areas covered in this training. We also have other training and staff development activities planned. For instance, we are going to provide a TEBNSUPREME Workshop to the staff of the Lincoln Center. The TBBNSUPRBME Workshop will give them hands on techniques to use in the recruitment of teens to the facility, and the program development that will keep them in the building once they are recruited. We currently have eight_employees, including work study, working for the Club at the Lincoln Center. We do believe that at this time, the numbers of staff people are adequate. We are constantly working on improving our f program delivery. We are doing this at all of our sites. We conduct director's meetings every two weeks. Lance Jackson and Cheletia Johnson, our program director, attend those meetings. I feel very good about the constant improvement of our Club program at the Lincoln Center, and I expect the numbers to grow as we continue to make improvements through program development and enhancement, as well as, staff development through training and on the job experiences. We are very excited about the opportunity we have been given to work with you and your staff in the establishment of the new Teen Center in College Station. We are committed to the success of this project. We are working very closely with your staff to make this a success. The Teen Advisory Board has played a large role in this project, and we plan to work hand in hand with • Shannon Waddell and his board on the development of the program. We are currently visiting with students at Consolidated High School about the teen center and are prepared to staff the facility with one full time and two part time employees. We have a proven track record of success in working with teens. We plan to have that same success in College Station. We are very excited about this opportunity to work with the Department of Parks and Recreation to help our young people. I would like to close by thanking Steve Beechy, Linda Waltman, David Gerling, and Shannon Waddell for all of their assistance and their willingness to work as partners with the Club to enhance the lives of the young people we serve. Sin • y)irs Kevin W. Bingham President • ( CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT STATUS REPORT FEBRUARY, 1998 • 1. W. A. TARROW PARK /WAYNE SMITH BASEBALL COMPLEX Project Number: PK9505 Budget: $1,230,000 - 1995 Bond Contract Amount: Design $87,990 Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design: HSI Consulting Architects Comments/Status: After review of 16 proposals by Architectural firms, the staff recommended HSI Architects of Bryan to the City Council. The City Council approved this selection. The contract was signed in early February 1996 and the initial meeting with staff took place on February 27. Designs were completed and were bid twice with. the last being July 24, 1997. On both occasions bids came in higher than the budgeted amount. Staff, the architect, and the low-bid contractor worked to bring the project within budget. Changes in the parking lot paving, concession/rest room building specifications, and the parking lot area lighting resulted in sufficient reductions to allow the project to be within budget. The item was approved by Council on August 28, 1997. ) Much of the underground utility installation is complete. The slabs for the two structures on the property have been completed. Task: Project Design: November 1996 -July 1997 Advertisement&Award: July - August 1997 Complete: June 1998 2. BEE CREEK / CENTRAL PARK SOFTBALL FIELD UPGRADES Project Number: PK9801 Budget: $ 200,000 Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Peter Vanecek Project Design: Comments/Status: Bee Creek improvements to include all new fencing for the softball fields, new irrigation system, additional bleachers with covers. Central improvements include new taller backstops, bleacher covers, drainage improvements, a small shelter and dirt bins. Many of these improvements will be bid as separate items with fencing improvements first. The fencing, backstops, and Bee Creek dugout roofs will be installed Dec. '97 - Jan. '98. Fencing will be installed by Marek Brothers of College Station. Bleacher covers and concrete additions were bid in January 1998. Staff recommendations will go to the City Council February 12, 1998. ) Task: Project Design: October 1997 -July 1998 Advertisement&Award: Complete: September 1998 CIP Report February 5,1998 Page 1 of 3 3. LINCOLN CENTER GYM AIR CONDITIONING Project Number: CD1228 Budget: $75,000 Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design: Rick Ravey Comments/Status: City Council approved $75,000 of Community Development funds to air condition the Lincoln Center gym. Task: Project Design: February/March 1998 Advertisement&Award: April 1998 Complete: June 1998 4. TEEN CENTER Project Number: PK9807 Budget: $300,000 Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design: N/A Comments/Status: Qualification statements were opened February 4, 1998. A staff recommendation will be sent to Council for selection of an architect for the February 26, 1998, Council meeting. Task: Project Design: March - May 1998 Advertisement&Award: June/July 1998 Complete: August 1999 CIP Report February 5,1998 Page 2 of 3 PARKS PLANNING CIP SUPPORT PROJECTS 1. COLLEGE STATION LIBRARY LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION DESIGN Budget: $40,000 Comments/Status: Parks Planning is providing the design for the exterior landscaping and irrigation design. Construction on this project began in March, 1997. Also providing specifications and bid documents. Landscaping to be installed in January/February 1998. 2. COLLEGE STATION BUSINESS CENTER ($1,500,000) PHASE II LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION DEVELOPMENT Budget. $300,000-400,000 Comments/Status: Preliminary energy/drainage studies are being performed at the present time. After the engineer completes his plans, then the landscape design will begin in January or February. 3. UTILITY CUSTOM SERVICE BUILDING LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION DESIGN Budget: $30,000 Comments/Status: Landscape and irrigation design plans and specifications will begin in August, and should be completed by November 1997. Installation will be bid out as part of a general contract for this project. CI?Report February 5,1998 Page 3 of 3