HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/18/1997 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks Board CITY OF COLLEGE STATION P S AND REC ATION BO ' GULL ' I ETIING MARCH 180. 1997 -- 7:00 P.M. CENT P P CONFE • NCE ROOM 1000 • NEK TAP ROAD AGENDA 1. Approval of Minutes: February 11, 1997 2. Hear Visitors 3. Capital Improvement Program Report 4. Board Goals Report 5. Board Concerns/Other Business 6. Closed Session 8:00 p.m. Discussion of Land Acquisition (LOC 551.072) a. Zone 2 neighborhood park site 7. Adjourn This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicapped parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call 409-764-3547 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. eie- CI Y E TA Post Office Box 9960 1101 Texas Avenue Coliege Station,Texas 77642-9960 (409)764-3500 MEMORANDUM March 12, 1997 TO: Parks & Recreation Board FROM: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks & Recreation s3tap 4, SUBJECT: Items of Interest 1. Emergency Management Academy 974)2 graduates 17 City employees! The second annual academy began January 14 and concluded on March 4. The 8-week, 32-hour course focused on emergency management responsibilities throughout the City of College Station. City personnel, as well as local and state officials assisted in the instruction of this course. Participants were educated in the following areas of emergency management: Introduction to Emergency Management, The Incident Command System, Emergency Operations Center, Family Preparedness, Critical Incident Stress Debriefing, Emergency Shelter and Mass Care, and Emergency Public Information. Participants were required to attend each 4-hour class and pass a 50-question exam in order to graduate and receive their certificate. 2. R. A. "Ray" Terrell- On Friday, February 28, our community lost one of its' community leaders. Ray worked for the College Station Parks and Recreation Department for 18 years. From November 15, 1974 through July 31, 1992, Ray served as our Gym Attendant at Lincoln Recreation Center. He also served on the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee and spent many hours in support of the programming that goes on at the center. The Department will truly miss him. Ray's funeral service was held at Lincoln Center on Thursday, March 6. 3. Big Event Day - On this day, community leaders will be touring College Station and Bryan to view economically and socially depressed areas. This will be coordinated by the Community Development Department and Lincoln Center will be a stopping point on the tour for orientation and group discussion. A presentation of services available in College Station will be viewed by the participants. H•me of Texas A&14 Unaversity 4. Pathways to Fishing - This event has become very popular with the school-age youth in this community. This year it will be held on March 22, at Central Pond starting about noon and running until mid afternoon. The "Aggie Anglers" are a tremendous help with this event. They solicit donations, design the promotions, and provide workers on the day of the event. This year we will be stocking both ponds for the event to handle the anticipated crowd. Just prior to this event is the annual Easter Egg Hunt which is sponsored by the College Station Police Department. It will be held at Central Park on March 22, starting at 10 a.m. For more information contact Janice Kemp at 764-3579. 5. The 8th Oral History Memory Lane 'Pertaining to the Military from 1900 to 1949" was a big success. Thirty citizens gathered at the Conference Center on Wednesday, February 19, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon to share memories, photographs and memorabilia. The citizens were divided into small groups with a moderator and note taker in each group. All of their discussions were tape recorded and videotaped. The notes will be transcribed into a written form. The goal of the project is to preserve our local history for our children and future generations. Other Memory Lanes in the series have included; North Gate, South Side, East Gate, Early Education part 1, Transportation, Early Transportation part 2, and The Old Days. The next Memory Lane is scheduled for Wednesday, July 16, 1997. If you can assist with the event by operating a camcorder, taking notes, or asking the questions (moderator), please call 764-3720 and ask for Grace or Sylvia. 6. The Amateur Softball Association recently honored thirty-two officials representing 26 cities across the nation for their excellence in conducting ASA National Championships in 1996. The representatives were honored for their overall excellence based on the review of facilities, officiating, tournament organization, hospitality and field maintenance. Tony Scazzero, Athletic Supervisor for the College Station Parks and Recreation Department, was one of the thirty-two officials honored for his efforts in hosting the 1996 ASA Men's Class C Fast-Pitch Tournament this past August 29-Septenber 2, 1996. 7. The Xtra Education program continues to grow every season. A total of 70 classes made this season, serving over 540 citizens during the Spring 1997 season. Approximately 20 classes have been canceled this season due in part to low numbers in registration in specific classes. The program has shown a profit of $8,623 this season. Some of the new classes that made this week included Microsoft PowerPoint, Baby-sitting, Photography II, and Baking with Yeast. ( ) Copies: Skip Noe, City Manager Tom Brymer, Assistant City Manager PARD Superintendents 1 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Parks and Recreation Board 1997 Goals (Listed in order of priority) o Complete acquisition of the athletic park site and develop a masterplan. o Help with the review and revision of the master plan for Wolf Pen Creek. O Youth programming for teens. o Lincoln Center/Wayne Smith Park Masterplan. ) o Implementation of the Sports Advisory Subcommittee. o Conduct public hearings and oversee design process for Woodway Park. o Develop a masterplan for Lick Creek Park. o Investigate opportunities for a park in Zone 10. O Design small park that serves Spring Loop residents. Reconsider disc golf. ( CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT STATUS REPORT MARCH, 1997 1. WAYNE SMITH BASEBALL COMPLEX Project Number: PK9505 Budget: $1,230,000 - 1995 Bond Contract Amount: Design $84,490 Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design: HSI Consulting Architects Comments/Status: After review of 16 proposals by Architectural firms, the staff recommended HSI Architects of Bryan to the City Council. The City Council approved this selection. The contract was signed in early February 1996 and the initial meeting with staff took place on February 27. The project has moved to the final design phase with cost estimates completed in late September. Completion of land acquisition is expected by late May allowing bids to be let. Task: Project Design: December 1996 ) Advertisement&Award: May 1997 Complete: October 1997 2. LOBBY RECEPTION AREA REMODELING Project Number: Budget: $8,400 Contract Amount: $8,150 Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design: Parks and Recreation Department, Planning Comments/Status: This project includes the remodeling of the counter tops and cabinets in the front lobby. This will help facilitate all program registration. Task: Project Design: January 1997 Advertisement&Award: January 1997 Complete: March 1997 CIP Report 3/12/97 Page 1 of 2 PARKS PLANNING CIP SUPPORT PROJECTS 1. COLLEGE STATION LIBRARY LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION DESIGN Budget $40,000 Comments/Status: Parks Planning is providing the design for the exterior landscaping and irrigation design. The expected bid date for the project is January 1997. 2. COLLEGE STATION FIRE STATION #1 LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION DESIGN Budget: $8,000 Comments/Status: Construction began in June 1996. The Forestry Division will install the plant material. The project completion is expected in April 1997. 3. THOMAS PARK SIDEWALKS • SIDEWALK DESIGN Budget: $53,000 Comments/Status: This is a Development Services project to put sidewalks on both the east and west side of the south end of Thomas Park. Parks Planning will provide design drawings for the project. Construction to begin the week of March 17. 4. WOLF PEN CREEK MASTER PLAN BASE MAP REVISION Budget: N/A Comments/Status: This is an effort to develop a base map containing updated information on the WPC corridor. This will assist in the master plan updating process. The first meeting for this process will be February 25 5. MASTER PLAN STUDY Budget: N/A Comments/Status: The City of College Station, the City of Bryan, and Brazos County are looking into the possibility of a joint venture that could include an athletic park, golf course, convention center, and fairground complex, CIP Report 3/12/97 Page 2 of 2 Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of College Station Parks and Recreation, I sincerely apologize for my behavior, which resulted in the destruction of your park (Bee Creek). There is no excuse for this behavior; not even the fact that I was under the influence of alcohol. I was wrong! This was a selfish, self-centered and an utmost inconsiderate act. To my knowledge,I destroyed two trees, a chainlink fence, the baseball diamond, and your well groomed lawn. I am sure there's more. I am currently serving one year at the Brazos County Probation Department. I am also paying$120.00 a month restitution for the damage I did to your park. Not only am I writing this for the court,but for myself as well, to relieve some of the guilt and shame that I carry around daily. I feel personally, I should never step foot on Bee Creek Park again. Please accept my apology. Sincerely, 40' - ,/ioriff:,00Applir Scott Lavender Min city 7/Tho . 500 N.MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 409/822-7511 P.O.BOX 3490 FAX 409/822-2674 BRYAN.TEXAS 77805 The Bridge, Phoebe's Home. Sheltering Arms,Community Closet. Providing a home for the homeless;being a friend to the friendless:giving hope to the hopeless. •.. - • • ,• . ••• d.-, OA' • •' , ••- • - . • •,. ,• • • • •- - • t211 February 4, 1997 Ms. Kimmie Davis, Director • Lincoln Center P 0Box 9960 • College Station, TX 77842 Dear Ms. Davis: ! enjoyed talking with Kelly this morning and appreciate the use of your parking lot for Cupid's Toy Box. As we discussed, Twin City Mission has a surplus of donated toys because of the generosity of our c.ommunity. Cupid's Toy Box is • • a project that will give a toy to each child that wishes to participate. The event will take place on Thursday, February 13th at approximately 4:30 PM. • lam working on a flyer that you can post on your bulletin board and will bring it by as soon as possible. if you have any questions or need additional • information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 822-7511. • Sincerely, prittet_ R4d. Paula Rails Volunteer Coordinator cc: David Girling Tom Jagleski 1);1/7C1/ .),1 :,•',)11 gat,',.? thirsty.7!1 / I ivils .1f7d v,)1: rt2 r• , ,`•'' fOr ;•'.'?.';1 •!" ! • ,. ..1 • \.14$4-'1, Cf. DISC GOLF... is the game of golf. * is played by "throwing" a flying disc down a fairway and "putting" into a basket. is scored by counting strokes (throws) to achieve par or better. courses are made up of 9, 18 and 27 holes. is a professional:sport and/or a leisure recreation._ * is fun for people of all ages. usually) * courses are free to play and located in public parks and on college campuses. . * is played with a variety of flying discs called drivers, putters and approach discs. . * usually takes approximately 1 to 2 hours to complete an 18 hole course. equipment cost is very low compared to other recreation facilities. courses are virtually maintenance free: courses can easily fit into most public park settings and create positive park traffic: can generate park revenue. * is a "Sport for Life"TM Disc Golf Specialties 0248 Litchfield Houston;Texas 77024• (713)461-DISC HISTORY. OF DISC GOLF by Jim Palmeri .,. & Steve Lambert ( 1940's i Yale and Dartmouth students fling pie tins from the Frisbie Pie Company as a recreational activity. '. In 1949,California inventor,Fred Morrison realizes that plastics technology can be used to make a disc shaped flying toy. That year, his first flying disc, the Pipco Flying Saucer,hit the market. , . 1950's , 1 1 i Early 1,950' -. pi.,!,.,ti ast coast,Pill Robs markets the Space Saucer in college campus book stores. In 1954 the first Frisby match was held at DartniOuth•Ctillege:.]Morrison improves his invention with , a second disc,the Pluto Platter with the now famous'Play catch-invent games"engraved on the back. Was disc golf one of these games? Late 1950"s- Wham-o begins marketing Morrison's Pluto Platter in 1957 using the name"Wham-o , .. .„.... , . ., . , e. ,,,.• .., " .. Frisbee";.- In 1958,.the firSt-litternational Frisbee ToUrnarrien(WaSheld in Eagle Harbor,MI. 1960's „,.... . . . . . • ,. , : . 4 , . , . , . ., •,, . „. .. : , . Copar Company of Chicago markets a disc called"Sky Saucer"that included a rule book for the game of"Sky Golf". 1964-Wham-o introduces the"Official'Pro Model"to be used for sports. 1964 thru 1969- George Sappingfield organizes several Frisbee golf events in southern California. r-• .". .a ; 1970's DiSt,entllusi4.st*iptroAuc!the concept.of24isc golf to,other,parts of the country. "Object Courses"using anything from lamp poles to fire hydrants as targets begin to crop'up in the Midwest and East Coast. 1971- The first"Frisbee Club"is formed in Rochester,NY;disc 0110143,dd on regular basis. \, 1973- Flying Disc World becomes the first magazine for disc sports. , ., .. . . , , . .., : .,. ,. . — . .. , '' . 1975-. Installation of the first,permanent disc,golf,course in Oak Grove Park,La Canada,California. Wham-o introduces the World Class 119g disc,'a marked improvement in discs for competitive sports. 1976- Ed Headrick invents the chain-style disc golf target and organizes,the Professional Disc Golf Association (PDGA). ' ; :'-',.•": ,. •1977- ,11.1e.first.PPG.A.tournaments are held in Mobile,Alabama and Northern New Jersey,the , ,• , ,.. , : t ., ., ,,, . _, . : modern era of disc,golf thiroetition begins'a. - '.- - ' ,, . •,. - . , ,, .. 1980's, , . , 1982-irthiPDGAbeC011ieS a.e.player-run orga.niztl,tion to sctkedule:tournaments and formalize the rules of play. Harold Duvall wins the first PDGA World Disc Golf Chai:*prisips. 1983- Dave Dunipace of INNOVA-Champion Discs invents the inadeth,golf disc,a plastic flying disc with a beveled edge rim for greater distance and accuracy. 1984- Disc Golf World sbegirspubl cation;the first,rp,gazine,for(1.i.c golf. 1985- 'The World Flying Disc Federation toiginbiOi'the first"World Championships"held outside of the UnitedSOtes,in Helsingborg,Sweden. Players from 21 countries attend. , . „. .. , , . ' ' •. ' Around World;players continue to lobby paOcs4epartTensand.collegecampuses for more disc • ii, ..,.. .,' golf courses. By the end of the decade,permanent4i,pc golf courSes are installed in the United States, Canada,Europe,Australia,and Japan. 1990's ,... i• . . . 1990 thru 1995-Ken Climb of Clearwater,Florida wins an unprecedented,six world championships establishing himself as the greatest disc golfer,to have ever lived. 1993- Lavonne Wolfe establishes the PDGA Hall Of Fame. 'ThO,PDGA begins to chronicle the history of disc golf. DISC GOLF continues to grow with more courses,more tournaments,more players and more fun! ( .• , , ., .. , .............. DISC GOLF COURSE DESIGN PRINCIPLES 1) SPACE and ACREAGE REQUIREMENTS:. A Full Service course requires up to one acre per hole. However, a Recreational Standard course can sometimes fit 2-3 holes per acre depending on terrain. 2) HOLE COUNT: Most courses are either 9 or 18 holes. There are several with 1 24 or 27 holes. Tradition appears to dictate that the number of holes be �, pp divisible by 3. It's better to install a well designed 9 or 12 hole course than to try =to cramp poorly a oorl designed 18 hole course on the same piece of land. • ' havea configuration for beinners and 3) LENGTH: ALL public courses should g g casual recreational players that averages no more than 250' per hole. This is a maximum of 4500' for an 18-hole course or 2250' for a -• o er. However, the preferred length range is 3600' to 4300' for the average setup on an 18-hole course. This is an average length of 200' to 240' per hole. No hole ................... should be shorter than 120' and 150' is the "normal" low end limit. ... .'.:...:. .'..:..... ......:..'. .. aN.'.. . ............. Longer configurations are achieved by installing alternate tees or target positions on several holes. Typical 18-hole course setups for advanced players range from 4500' to 6000 Course setups longer than 6000' are primarily for expert players la ers and tournament play. There is no maximum length,.:. allowed :.... .. .. ... . hole. The longest holes in the world are about determining par for a disc golf 4) PAR: There are several factors to consider for de g . elevation changes, density of hole. Length is usually the first consideration, but g , � terrain, use of doglegs, presence of water hazards and out of bounds areas are equally important l ern octant in determining par. The average par on-a hole is approximately .. :.... .. . .. one putting stroke plus one stroke for every 5) LAYOUT: Fairways should (almost*) never cross one another and should be far enough apart ...should u h so errant throws aren't regularly in the wrong fainway. sidewalks and other a s should not cross or be too close to public streets, Fairways areas. Tees and where non-players congregate. Avoid hazardous busy areas holes. A enough from the targetsf other h . ,targets should be far e and fairways o g golf disc course designer or architect can usually foresee most safety concerns regarding re garden course layout. (*In rare situations, fairways can cross safely.l . Consult a disc golf course designer.) 6) COURSE MARKERS or SIGNS: A sign with the rules and complete course before the first tee.. layout should be prominently installed Y be clearly markers or signs should visible, especially to the beginner Disc Golf Specialties 248 Litchfield Houston,Texas 77024• (713) .461-Pl5C and recreational player. The marker or sign designates the starting point of a hole. They can be as simple as a wooden post with the hole number displayed in the direction of the hole. This is less expensive and generally works well when a community is first being introduced to the facility. Although more expensive, tee signs are recommended and should display the hole number, length, and preferred flight path. 7) TEES : Tee surfaces are made from a variety of mediums. These include natural grass/dirt, chipped woOd, fine gravel,.concrete, Astroturf, and rubberized playground surfacing. The less expensive tee surfaces, (grass/dirt, chipped wood and fine gravel), require maintenance from time to time. Although concrete, Astroturf and rubberized playground surface tees are more expensive, they are virtually maintenance free. On courses with alternate tees, the tees in the shorter positions should always be better or at least equal in quality to those in longer positions. For example, avoid designs where the long tee pads are cement and short tee pads are'grass or dirt. 8) FAIRWAYS: There should be a preferred flight path to each hole. Ideally, there should be more than one flight path (including rollers) to play several of the holes. Obstacles to the flight path should be on the sides and sometimes in the middle of the fairway. The obstacles should help define the preferred route. 9) TARGETS and TARGET AREA: Any well marked object, post or basket can serve as a target. Make sure targets do not have any sharp edges to injure players or damage golf discs. The preferred disc golf course'target is the fabricated basket. Targets permanently installed outdoors in a public park should be able to withstand heavy use and all weather conditions. For tournament sanctioning, the target must conform to Professional Disc Golf Association (ODOM technical standards. The target area, or"putting green" should not have too many obstructions within 30' of the target. An obstruction should not peso imposing that a player can't putt by altering their stance. A few small,obstpcles in a putting area that force a player to alter his shot by stretching sideways, throwing from a low stance or throwing over the top of or through any obstacles near a target are acceptable. These elements add a challenging degree of Officulty to the game. 10). GENERAL: Course design layout should include a series of holes that return the player to the starting point. The holes should vary in length and include a combination of straight and curvec! shots. Transitions between holes should be „ t convenient and if the park has both open fields and wooded land, care should be taken to design holes in both environment to increase variety. Good course design is fun, provides a sense of accomplishment and the desire to "do it again". Disc Golf Specialties 2445 Litchfield e Houston,Texas 77024 0 (713) 461-DISC • „:.. ..,..., . - illustrated.. by the number of disc golf courses in the United States) Number of ...• .••• courses • Over 100 01$..c.golf courses are locatedlocatedin Canada, Europe ancL.J4pan, that are not shown on the graph below. ;.•i'•••:.• •• 600 . •.:••••••• .::.• •••:. :••• •• • • H. • The data was collected from past issues of the PDGA Course Directory. Only courses with standard,permanent targets were counted. Currently and prior 500 to 1976 there have been countless "object courses" which cannot be quantified i'r•H:••.:•: • 4pciare not included on:the graph. • • • • • Thof directly..Telated to eexistingiog • .. • 442 '...•• 400 disc golf courses. •••..... . . ,..••• 409 • • , • 347..• ••••1:... .• ....•••••• • .:•••••• • • • • •••'• 328.:•••..i.. ••• ••••• • •.. • 300 •... 1 -• •••••:.. ..•.H.• •• ..• ::305. •• .•• .':.• ••••• • 2521. ... • •• • •••• .:.• •••••• •••• •••••• ••• 224:: ..• 200 • ;•.H 208 •1'. • •:40't- •• • i.• 180 •••" . 100 • :,..„••••• • •• 3 . • :..• ...• • ••• •• • • '•••• • •:•••.; ••••:.:;• • •••••:.: 1••1•.: • •..••••• .•• •..• . . , . ",.. • , ,••.. •• •.•.•.••..,. ,••_• •,., ,• :••••."•,.• ".• •.." • . •, ••• ,• • . . • .. . , . 1976 1977 .:1978 1979 1900 1.981: 12 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 .1994 1995 1996 •• Copyright INNOVA 19960'., DISC GOLF RULES for RECREATIONAL PLAY GENERAL Disc Golf is played like ball golf using a flying disc. One point:.Wcounted each time the disc is thrown and when a penalty is incurred. The object is to acquire the lowest score. (Without cheating.) TEE throws must be .completed within or behind the . designated tee area. (*DON'T THROW TILL THE PLAYERS IN FRONT OF YOU ARE...9PT OF RANGE.) spot directly underneath where the'pervious throw.:. • . landed, mark with a mini disc or turn over the thrown disc, directly towards th0::,..• hole or'dogleg. •,. THROWING ORDER.........After teeing-off, the player whose disc is farthest from:. •• the WO always throws first. The plaY(ir with the least amount:of throws on the previous hole is the first to tee-off on the next hole . •• FAIRWAY THROWS. Fairway throws must be.made with the foot closest to the holi0 on the lie. The other foot may be no closer to theh0.le...than the lie. A run-up and normal follow-through,after release,is POG LEG.........................A dog leg is one or more designated trees or poles in the fairway that must be passed AS INDICATED BY:ARROWS. Until the dogleg is • passed, the closest foot to the dog leg must be on thelie":.whpn the disc is released. •• . • .• PUTT 10' of the hole, a(player may not step past the Point of his lie in making his putt throw. Falling or jumping putt are not allowed. „. •••. . COMPLETION OF HOL.E. .A disc that comes to rest in the Disc Pole Hole® basket or chains constitutes successful completion of that ‘. ..,• .• .• UNFIAYABLE LIE ..• Any disc that comes to,.. rest.:',Iintireth..09 6' above the ground is considered an unplayable lie. The disc,...must:00;:proviiin from the new lie on the grouricic.1..ii-ectly underneath the unplayable (RELOCATE TO AVOID DAMA ,PE TO VEGETATION.) .•: . •s;•• .,..• z,. ..•:,..• ••.. , • . . ...• .. . ..••,., . . ‘,. OUT,.OF BOUNDS............OS...O.B. is visible between and:O.B. .if .lhrow .. • ..,.„ •• •F . . • ••. that lands out of bounds, must be played from point 310 Oput.0;10.••ifrom:..*MOre the. disc went out of bounds. Permanent water hazards and.public roads **always, out of bounds. . . . . . . ..• . . • ••.• .•,. . .. • 4 . •••• • • •••••. .4. • •• •• PENALTIES RECREATIONAL PLAYERS VVILL,N.Q17..BE PENALIZED FOR RULE .INFRACTIONS. Advanced, one throw for each ProfeOsion4l players will play by PDGA Rules. COURSE QOURTESY.......This is YOUR golf course,not THEIRS—THEY won't pick up,.triilh,.'help new players nor play by the rules. YOU are the one that makes It woes.'; By YOUR example, Disc Golf will change YOUR life and THEIRS too. Remember the most Important rule: THE MOST FUN WINS. TEE OFF & FLY FREELV JOIN THE ' RECREATIONAL PO* '0693, SHOREWOOD WI. 53211 ORDGA'95 • i.'6/wv040siGN • - c• ....._ , -, .. ,. . u T D . 0 . - A--, , ,_ • • .. ., ..:4 " . _ , . .. •T . . 1 , 0 ..,-. _r4..„ .R „ E , .- . -0,. , tit r R - . . . . . . . . . E " .,1'...,,,-,:...., 4 ., ,. . ' . . , . ' . ' . -. ' - ' OrFICIAL• :. .,., , _..L.... .. i ,,..s.- . . . , . . . ,..,..:-_,.........t f '-'-: '-4;''''''''''''';':—.' : . :-. - . ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '' '. . ' . ' ." . ' '. . :r. L ' PUPLICgION• -''' .• " .• . .. .., . ..�.:..' .. - . . . . . , - . .. .. ... . .. .. . _ . . . ,.. ...........„ ...,. . . ....,,,,. .. .. ... . . . . , ... _,,_. ..._ _ ........... yy ::. a t M �N ° G _ z" - - r ^Y a .... '.,����.... :. .. ... .......... ' :'-3-'4'''''''.1-. Z - a _w " K ,,i,.. ,- _ . ....„ ,..,_ .:__ , ,r 5� �� .w - r: ii-it-EAT'la �- N, .r .■ SOGAT _-�. •AS . ^i '1 ' , . S Y - L .. ' • M .;-.•, . 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'-727.-D—Amt,,Itit,c4.,...„,,,mv......„,7,.. - • •••••'...'...‘,::',.''....'..i...- •::::...Liii.. ..::.,:;,.......;:.,,..,::, :,......... ..,:.,....,,,. ----7.05.g.6-gg.',3fratniteib:51,"7,7--• , ‘i .- •-"-'''","4"'" :'4010z6,,,,, . ,...... -•'-',.•,•,:;;,,,,,,,f .-:,,-;,:,.77,7.5_,.,„.„.„.:„..„.'''''''' •.-'.....''"'..,:..„--...0 .... • ...,,-;,—;N---Rtc:-.m.xoat----._. ,.:...'----''',:-!:',. .- .•.-!?-:.,:t.::::(,,?;..4.,-,5,,,t':,:q:ilfi,:f:::.4k.::,,4:.,,,..,E:i.a,,,,„:...,...„;:ii.,::..„..„i..,,..... . --:-..---Towiglillali.:-.. .-!i•------ -----,,,y,ly.•-4f4.=.;M.I.'•AK:::i'..':t:k..kgfi:g,*'.f:'.'j",',rl•iiW4:4..;j.i,,P;,'..,i°',j:,:.::',k..i•.:.•'(:....:.,..:;,...:..•..,,,, • , • ---,-.....-44Arivkily-lito-----:,.. • ..a.,,,z,,,s1;,,i':4- 7:,, R:Ii2•Nil,t1w::-.-4.. .:NA.4.'il','t*LiEq,:.1:.;:l.§,-ii.:•••ilq, ,i:7''''' ..:..-......,..,.:„:,:,„„:.' ''''''.' 1 • ^ - ....,..,,,...„...,,.:!..„.,...i,..:.:.,.....,/,,,,,!.-:.;-,.:,. ."7"'"'t 7:-.4:77:::51%;'g..?,..-1..-4::.-17.7.,:i4447...:,.,2,:::?..,..0M,: :::Mliigit.,,Z,V..R..,„ . ,hitri-,:i. ....: ' • o����o�n� siItYviNe gmZe ArA. .., , , nidentified Flying Objects have Not too bad for throwing a plastic saucer --- been sighted throughout many into a metal basket! . _ . _ . parks across the United States. The History of Disc Golf: A New ' * - You may think this Orwellian sce- Sport for the 21st century natio would strike fear into the . . hearts of parks and recreation depart- In 1949,the original nalflying. disc,called rnents.On the contrary.these UFO's are the'Pluto Platten”was invented by Cali- _ not aliens from another dimension, but fornian Fred Morrison. Morrison then 4- ' '-'74-7=::::-'..Y:11.--• golfing discs being thrown by a growing sold the rights to toy manufacturer ,-•:,::-.:,-,-.,•i.,.•-1,„. - ViIirr47::::q-,7,z-,-.„. v. number of people who play this new Wham-0,Inc.in 1957.Wham-0 renamed T .3;:'M:*i 1141-441%;317k1lil :7:2-P1r1' . sport.Today, there are more than 400 it the"Frisbee"after observing Yale Lni- 0;W:Ag'7.-P.'iflt, disc golf courses throughout the Unites ve.rsity students playing catch with alu- . .,,- ..1-,e-A,i; States.Another 100 courses are located in minum pie pans from the Frisbie Pie •.-. -..,----•-,-,:r,.,%a.",..=‘„._- -‘- ., - ---rtir....--...A.,.:...,..e%,:tsid ,,, 1-• , i‘ 4-1;i1 Canada,Europe,and Japan.Many parks Company. Cries of"Frisbie!"would be .. •_'-:...----,'6ft. .-4,3,1 i- and recreation departments have discov- heard when one of the pie pans was '1.:-•":-.4.,...:?''' ered that installing a disc golf course uti- thrown too close to other students. ' . lizes idle park space.and in times of se- Wham-0 CEO Ed Headrick then patent- --:# vere budget constraints, is an economi- ed the Frisbee;over 200 million Frisbees , cally feasible option for self-supporting have been sold to date.He went on to in- ) family recreational activities, vent the disc golf basket in 1975,as well In 1976, only three disc golf courses as the Popular"super ball.. Headickis existed in the United States. Currently, known as the"father of disc golf"and s pi. 442 disc golf Courses have been installed the sport's mostvisible spokesperson.He e in 47 states.Over 100 courses have been has personally designed over 200 disc a ..7.,_,,.-1,...,,,,,..•a*.....,,.. • .installed since 1992.This disc golf fever golf courses across the w.orld.and antici- ha' hit Texas and California the hardest. pates that more parks will discover the .. .. . Texas has 39 operational disc golf cours- benefits of installing courses in thef u •7 .,*:, --.: , .'' '- ,.: :r.'-1,-,!..'.,- -'''''''':;;-:..-: es and California ha. 33, including the ture. .,-..,-_-,-, - r•-., ,- ,-..- - -, .-. i world famous DeLaveaga Disc Golf "Park directors frequently tell me how .-*' course in Santa Cruz considered by the course improves their parks envi- ---,:.,.......- 2Irvi'll,.if,,0,' -171-'---:- .:-:-.:- , :-i many to be the best disc golf course in the ronment,"says Headrick."Van. dahsm,andk . . •-_,-..---,.. -- —- - f"*":eti.. ..--4rc4'-'-';'hi'7- .: °.' ,.* world.Of all the U.S.cities.Orlando has unwelcome use decreases since the par the most discs golf.courses---. eight---while is better used.And disc golf players have '---,"'- ' - Tulsa, Cincinnati. Austin, and Mobile proven to be courteous and noted for ,_---.--_--:-... each have fives picking up trash that is not of their own ktiii:;52::::;'=1.i,i-: As disc golf grows in popularityso origin.Disc golf is one of the most popu- - does its recognition as a legitimate tour- lar senior citizen games in Japan and iss, nament sport. Today, the Professional the perfect sport. for someone whol7., Disc Golf Association (PDGA) has a looking for physical conditioning in pleas- membership membership of 10.780. Last year. the ant surroundings. includingsnthe p 1 si- PDGA sponsored over 175 tournaments cally and mentally disabled. • . over 000 in prize money.The ...i.th i.:4300. No Clubs, Balls or Tee Times Japan Open. for instance, is the richest tournament with a purse of$25,000.The Playing disc golf is much like ball golf leading money winner in 1995 was FI,o.ri- in that each player attempts to complete.: da's Ken Climo.the"Michael Jordan of a round in the fewest number of"strokes - disc golf.who won over$90.000 in cash. (throws) as possible. Instead of expen- P & R AUGUST 1996 * a ° I ... � � � '°r--------'4.—. :°.�°n a`..•xr,.;.u,:r„:t'��'".�-�'�"'.�'ns„^c=•irk"•"�a',';..„�g�.,'�,`rs��x::34'�.�R.K✓w. .. e o-cf:r pw1^,a-F H' adtiY--+_ 5.. _ i0` �.x ��•. r��.: ."L.. .�: P.v°..Y�,.e.„ „'R^.p. ^�• °}"':: .a x` «w-rc•••" ^c hp�.r•:.''��e''��.'w Via. x•�.L .. ..t..^-]�.•Y p.J'-f �e %'eN� f�+;1 d w ,d..k'eC,..Y �..�+” �1�.,- 8i°S'�q'a !, t' .:"•3n:�t:t'.. . ..r':'}° .���.=F eYt Y.. 'S;'•ry-'�. .{'. ?k. ,I"r• :`@M.•..e ..�'.�.d•°.Po. p`5'�N�i{' 3 .^�� tb' . '...,-c`."..°P:i".Y.�':dw'# � ..4 . �^t?"."L.6x.r6'.,.. .-a ,5F"TiF�:".•� ..;t•��,-� y.i. .&y. _"a.m•�C �. ..g r"wY� .;•FS/ g{ ""u'Y'..n..tx ��•.•y, . s.a � i_-•rv�.r•,,..� �•�,T..a .r. K•.-- p*e. 'rpg m ..4�"'- �.wW ...,�'e.1-:"L••b. x }• Vii« .�.wC�w P;. rk- •o�.•.� °t:' .'9. gra.i �/'�•�•� ..d We�£�W'.�" ..Yii Y, .•Y r... 7 .:.A ..•i°" ,i.„ s.;.:°'i.: r-i,a Y".: .may' .r. ow.>' S� I. " ..4. •M••;".� ., :._r.r 4':° '° r•.::F•:' as.�..5,.'-P a�'�':i�::`t��'S•'..an°r.r._.. r�. ..�.Ss�..�'.I•:cF...•G" ':%8$d: Y°�c.;x=...x."®�a � +.�Q.::.e°°:�tiP='�.�' '(".�C�. �' '�-•F- Ya. °.4-..5;::'nZ (.f - _x8✓m.r „Fz-. ,r."L'w,�n "/¢'Ea�b"""� prp e&,.,•&.,;'-x+•l^i�'• be..$. :;'R� _Mr""TI•.e *', ��e t..� Kiri.. ' . ".'x. �v,••" --�x' .fir: ...� s°'.r�• i•r.:.F 4.�..���j::�,��::..�; .,„Kr.4��-a" rr •§�4"�w�`:•..s"�„n-wi,�F•rRr..'�.r^'-�•'m'„. s:: • ..�§:�'K!&�A��;+g fir .i_�.�� ".M.S.a';ryaw�"��ac'�.P- .�^� �'..'' +�..� 4:• .. a; cs• e .:.'? e—b..!"..L' gr.- ps5 `. "' ', . ..".-,:l. ii'a•k v�q.gii•w ` ,.r..,s.�s ::xee a.i„L i"fie•. ".�_, »�.�'n"'"€Mi2k"r°••a.x3.�:$. .„a,x. ..A:"�.� a.sr5 d.....5,�.,.`� -„Z""..'r,�a.,r'sa�..:•1."w.a•}',.,''ti",xy..�.r•..¢-�_.•�e.s.F"rh. ._r��:�acera3r!�:¢.s•.�cr)..✓:..:.'•.x=.wa3 t:;:x�.:w: ii Y. w�"ex•a...,.a.L,�e.rs.fsr.....:o-r_..-,:�..8•.�«.w��iC4R-'".^r.._._A+�?::s;.E.a.:.......8:s:�..2�.r..e.:'�Ee a.r:x...rx .�r,.w.a,v.:.«�Sa.�.....xwb..�..[.,,...,.sM _,tC.s.. .w Installing a disc golf course can provide recreotio at o relatively low cost. - gr_.= "``;;::`„,:,e:":.:A`m •..:„.,,:' sive clubs and balls,players use their arm quire any specialized grounds mainte- r I.t:-: : .:,a-=r :pai.a. A Hance. �, .:.,�z” rn E and a golfing"disc"(retail price$8-$9} -• :.[ r:. • a$'R' golfing disc is smaller and heaver than a s• �; , x Can Disc Golf Fever Cure the ��•w `� �.e `��'°:'•�,�.:'F!n4'.•w.'F'x�." .:�•�■'ll c"CL' .,: ';•��7H.x,'F. ■ ■ "Frisbee" w � • .. �� -�. =:-;;w. .-"_ •�. .: Ra dF:.$:e: traditional Frisbee disc. It has bevel- Park�� �-� �,�.-.......E p._,.e-:w q�:��; t' _ :,;w:--� .• p:�:..:.ekf.: Park Budget Shoes' rd---i*t*C.''',:-..;--: ,.`p =ry_" edges and comes in a variety of weights �` §.: •'e' -}�?• °:;::',w and styles, Many parks across the country operate. t�•=:1: . A typical disc golf"hole" under very tight traints.. ::•....,:',.:-:',..:,:,,.,.•.::' 1.. i I ,. has a teewoffbudget.cans Tes��': ; 4 ;.�: x:. C:. �. �-� : ...... .,..:1:::::::,,:..,.::,.:.:.H.:.. .:', ! area for the dive �• _� an u shot"r tv the timonyfrom arks ersonnel�.indicate r y 6 z' a a°:w• E.."fir. h ..4':' Zc:...;eye. :"�:• P w..ir `fr� �.� _ b S•.+fir.. ,„@:, _ basket anda �,. ''''': 4�n.a� >E:.• "putt"into the basket' a�ecu-' � n� that disc vlf coursed can �' Rip �:�.• g •in 1e :t^': �.,�y,.,`4• +.ASF .o•'����: ^,.�e .As'� ... .. .. iy�'.Ry�.,f,''�d:�.^�., � aid �%�°. .tr:';n.r.�e.y 6.'..'...•t.-'':.s..;�i.�..'. ;S-.. .. ' �FTr� °�'' F'"'V. .q:�aii. .�.:yjC•�i�IGI,:` ,# .'i.;MPS �.y.> w� 11,w ■ yz.�F �7 :r`?-. �"�al�: °x'. "'"x':]'a s....._� ::F'�•.:�'�'.`=d�-��,�"�-�., i•.z.3,' � 1'F � 1'!. _ . = .,�° .:,.. . .�:° °.R fve-foot tall basket consists of a metal �r.�'I'll"1. ._.+,.-....Y C-•, -P.;:," ��• ... nomically � self-suppertxng'•..; fac�#�es . =w~„- it � =A •,,T. .:.,.,_.•� pole, an attached circular basket and a '�"h dofl evenue can be j ousand5 of ars�n r • topplate with an arrayof hanging chains discs course e A !:"1;�d',.... _r:�p' � g. made from sales of.gplfing , .. iltit,.:7:,,,,qserve to"catch" i �.�:���5��� wh�tch the disc and tirofes•and s �onsoredtounients ,:��. Ma< arrile�..lef i^r. :...,.fir° rn.■1' - � P entry i��..., ..... ■ •� Y r x ! ►a:w•.= 1 �.. rat uato the basket floor.The catchingfed- B n Park and:Recre- m��: w s.." Berrien Cou (MD el. .�^.'..P i"F"•...,qe waslNj'.r•°.i5��.J�1r��s ... . .. �'��� ���. �t.: ��"';:..a•.Vis= 'r� '•.c :.i. ��F-'�s•„ « ' �:;E-. ,M:, .'�rw�•:�•:C•'1�J:r"" 6.w.4cA" 6.i� �1('�! {.■.=r„1.. °,Fk:=e !'y�. r.k �.Y;: °"pr �F�. P:'. !.;.: M1.circ: "�:�-" tore created b the chains.ns referred to anon De artmient Director Ranidall Round ti&�r�*::.�".:'nd"'W isx; ._b:��`::;S- o{.n:•°�"•'sT"-^�..s.ju',"�;,�:'l«•.� y.,.�:-�Y:•!• R � .�..�yi a.yr��.•^' 1N ..xd�`•^'..Y-r•••5. .'�,k..a; -q ITr.r., �;--.f, .. «" .. = ,•tr -.-:. k." ex •• to aur deli h aur disc p.: : ... "=,•�, as chauz-su plains," uc.h g ..„4,;,r.,.....„.„.—:...-: . wr m r' 'i :'rat f g; __ :�. : golf course:has o .wn _�1:;:. � '-''' ...p a. " alien to b6 a d nn- afr"• �r 'i �z; st®V iii sc Gia fF Comic: . . ■ •r 55�� :°s��r... �..�P>!�¢¢.Y�&#"A',T• i�..,��,.�.R4 e P'.... "�5•:9�=: 'i;,�a•b..r-'re`.°.8`"� g .. � :4:6 .:�': "'?S[�..:g3:gw i..�.-M.Y"- .F^,^a.7,r� "� " ■/�''■/�■��y���■ �V .� F�, " •��r.K,w,d ^k:s g... •-X-•.s e,tiw• � W VtiM1 i r come ro�.uc�u� �actnv�,.r r,especiallycr�n 'y"�Iy.^ "�R'F.".18.E�z',.;:• •::::if i:•:...A:r..s. t.'e 4' x •¢' : P g.. V '�'$" :�%r::i�•�"�.�m ..;�+ca F..�..g ,Y�:lk 4n" 5�_ s6s':",.iy. 'S.-�n,,,��'Ay.s•.{.�, ..' .. �'.t `" a.t.5&gm ."S":':��- «�-.• �,"g.:,.�.�.-,.�5:a: "•�;� .:i: ;8....`5.n e' ' / ■ �- �.,� : ...�-.,.'. �:.�. ®xmum Perk Usage to d W:�h ae£r ....�: ," _ _ _ competition for tax �- f -�•� cal gra en M the fierce c mp � N:/�'. F;89•;!•f"r+.- ..�¢ rgr`�ysi, ' ..rr,c'+. s:'/.> ' ' 'a.�• }�{�g Cost r °".ti.,L�rr ...;,S[.�f:`MSwI' w�1+"..•`'S.C.:„.:�i%��.-„ •'3:'wt+��s:��.�; Minimum ►Yi®�w� N°qµ�r Fer ap.• ..P. ~ :.rxbJCR-•.'.'P..2r.%°.....n„.�,."-. k ..gym ,.....„...•:„...,..,.„.„....-.,,,,,,,,,..,.„..,.:,„.„ dollars to sup ort public recreational ser- 4;:'p-'.`��° ^r3*�=�w''' :�:��^dpz .;r.. N��i►r '`°tl . " " ra .: :a'_._ok ..«.=C•w m"":sr,...,.—„,.pF.F .. °9F: ..................................... r 1 47 -.. ..- • . • - • • -.•‘-•„,-...r . •--•-•-:. '-'4,-- .:,-'. •;....'-,i-1,;-':--:.._. ...-:-..•'..:!:.•.--.-... .'._-.•..liF74.•.:::.-.. :':-- ..dl!';17*. .. '-;-•• '' ' ' • • . . - - - - - ictivitiespeoplefor of ail ages and skill levels „ , . , . ...:...:. ) , -. :.... .:....: ,. . ... ...... - , . . ' assist us in maintainin it■I am veryhap- 0'Low installation cost and low land- g .. . For additional information on the sport py with-the usage of the course (50-75 scape maintenance pday) w Profit center forparks facingbudget. a}'dis� ol• people perY�and believe that a have - �. * g improved the quality of the park's leisure cuts Ands Lehmann f :: ,, ' ` V� The• Disc God'Specialist experience .” High usage decreases park vandalism P "Our exp erience in installing a disc golf F■D.G.A.#2094 course : as :..:been very positive. says From the standpoint of e disc golf " . Gene;Hackett ,director of the City of player using the park,the benefits are: Disc Golf Specialties Crystal (MN) Parks and Recreation De- .-0 Low cost of equipment:about$8 for "f, ..�$Litchfield ': "Ouragolf disc,instead of hundreds of partmentr maintenance department Houston,Texas 77024 012 finds that upkeep on the course is mini- dollars for:golf clubs,shoes and balls. (713)461-DISC . .......... ?i3 7 iSC voice mail mal.The local disc golfers have main- 0 Low cost of play:most disc golf 8-D tweed the course area and have offered courses are FREE,where greens fees.:-.: :•: free community programs generate at golf courses can run as high as to -. : .:more-interest in the sport.The course $200■ ' Hudson has not been vandalized and general park Minimum playing time:typical 18- Marketing/Finance ;'- hole disc golf round about one - .vandalism has been reduced. attributetakes d .:those facts to the number of people in the hour to play compared to four to five hours for ball golf. .ark playing disc golf." p .. g -- In evaluating recreational investment � ®.:Excellent low-impact cardiovascular Disc Golf Specialties , : ■ r ■ alternatives, park directors should con- exercise:walking through beautiful 248 Litchfield Houston,Texas 77024 . sider some of the proven benefits of a disc parks,-which'is easily done by people J2!2C461-DISC (713) golf:course: of all ages.® S,PLeIALITE� (713)76 -DISC Voice Mail ......... .. • • 'a ' ' ' 0 Y a& 'i ' : '''''' - ' \oz ' . ' ' '' '' .i•-,'..;.- .:::.::::'..•- :-. . ' ' ' ',-.:. '' :. -, ' ..- . , -' , :,:.:2 . '. . . •tux6A°,1‘,4%0.41 lts$‘% .tilts ' ' - a ' ' , ' , to : , , ; r...„...,.,.i...:-,,,,...,,-,i,::,,..-,...,,,.....,:.....,..::....4:: :....::: :...:._,. ..,,....,..,;:,:.......,....... , ,, '-:..i.: - , . . 2 ., , ,, n o pportur.iY r for state-cif fhe-cart ecrucc.c..�r. parks, a in grounds, c ' ' '-''- - Al 1444.'w:stilliktis ••• : ' ., ,, , ,. ', ' . . - - . . :facilities maintenance . -. -- -- PACIFIC soPTEYWEST , : . . management py'act1Lr s /4AINTENANCE ANAOEMENT s. :, . .and h�1C7..C] T�.. SCHOOL '' ,: ' A NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED SCHOOL . November 17-22, 1996 .LOCATION: UCLA CONFERENCE CENTER, LAKE ARROWHEAD, CALIFORNIA ^ .... .:.:: . . ......: .. Sponsored ;National Recreation and Park Association California Park+5-Recreation Society Park Operations Section ' 1111:)R43 , . CALL OR WRITE FOR A BROCHURE: ` NR PA PACIFIC SERVICE CENTER : `. `. 350 S 333RD ST.#103 :: :;-: FEDERAL WAY.WA 98003 OFFICIAL CORPORATE SPONSOR 1(800) 796-NRPA FAX(206)861.3929 f r. 1j, w pl 'Z ilii.!- s 1: '..-':_::.•.•,-1.: w\M " • .. .. ._ f .:+ i.:. t rTr!F.. �•,r�,,. ,� .'..,kt...wf: V,'; + ,/ it. i. N .?!- i;-x,•r.. •::J" ... ':•:::': rm _._. ;. � + ... ,+';�' 'cr.,. Y '�"y i i' I.=�, i•,.!n ,�,�1. l.a :;i; l.L" t y $. ,,11'f'°}. ltir,f N a. ay� �jI` �!": r...` Z"r s3 d ,i 3..• +�:e }',r� r.R .a! �: .. k . is} ,!•{ .1 -. f% ;.n )7 +1• . F '•'],:"+_R f. 3■�,.•�.»7_ �'1,. !•f . i.�. tt h�4 •1'' 'k. • ,. � Y h iS• `` . i.• '• may. r ;`•: �� ! '•tl� . '," ,••4R• " 714 �+• . '`.Y !% it 1 yy '�' r[. r. ti r • �i• - �',' �.., !'. 1. -f ''dam.•- •en i � .kL:i •'r •-i• r L• y 11 .4• ii •Yi• � ti 1 R' T i• e . r:"r ► 7- l�1•5• i 1 .' �• •� i •t'•.�ti x. tie •: " 's :r 1 ate,_ y s. .-ft-, 1 i •�y,1. ~i I F •t .�° ,.Sri•+• -S �rN .ii !r -.It ��3: i' r, w •r, - r � t' •� t r �n � i 1�• k 'T r ! � 'i7 i i ►� '?' r� 'a � •=� - .� 1 d �Z x•r' 1+ r .{Its. i• r , N1 S ii" - ��• ., - •{'�'- les•.:�. _. y .. �-j •Z •i -1•- • .:•tti•'r -.t: a 9% - ._.. ■.,..!°. -. :"•• l �s r-. ►. tir'- Y !....'' .f. .r.i ,•.. ° , ��' .•' asc •''•{ , �'•. .� w7�.�>f.• 11.....1 +[ =•. ►.. ,f'1,••1.4•-.. 'i i �`• ','at...- ' %'•r.•0 r- "► ;": nl:: +' {,, .I�s !.1 li..T,'1t' ...r . .,1" 1:'•. r. r. l r•r• 4'••� .�,� -J r. .--. ( •J...,...r;,-",. .! .$1. ► `/ • r•:r��'.,•.•,f v'/a,. 1 �"l��� �1': 1 , .i'i:-t••�l. :s..a.r•, f ti 't. 7,• ••i... • . r - �•ti:. !lit ,■ •'rl J�r'• � rS... .�•., ••,{ :t +s ••«" re;w ,•...•.�.• .......� ' . :' -i'• t44. f �•t, i '►i i4 Si '"N:.• .}�■�:�.,�.. ._ : •tii : „ ;'-: '� rr r':, , �, r~ a f t 'lt� '�. •�• ��• � '.y 1 A 1 wr 'r' 1, �I r rF �.' � 7r.. +� r i•.� t :>Ew-r �°iw' �� +4 a•,.0• f �F Jam+ .. ��■7j� ►.0. f ►tL. `:S • i�4.•' : •,7 , •, ,• 1..•M .. ••+•�' " --'t."':"';'1 _ Vii..; r,. • l .. .:.t..x iy.•�My..�r"�.,ty,• �� .:..:...: � 4J� 1 { ... --i���r' .. • r' •i • •. 1 4 , r -, .. ;. ....� . .:.:1�: j,,, p over thee tars than firt A ioneer mid / . .' ' less i a r _, •,..,....,,,,.....,.. �•ii:� •. eci: t �,,_ thc.5 ataiar/''� •t ici tl,c. veteran in.the game of " ...{:i :. i ...�.�.r,i,......�'...� .. .+•'..S..'-!.1:41....'..-,..'14,",i' �'.:_ }; it�:.._.. f �. ;t1; ° 7....i.,''''. r�otlhers.hh�.ve.�� .. .�•rl�: ,,,k/9i M��r.�.■.R..w.,.�.:_i. .. •�f e�.�1..�►1..� •r't, w_.. . _... ........... Y been to � i./���. Grill.,which���V�L '.:: r.ti,Tk ».Fr. Cr,• ".r'..� .•1 event has never bC t , .. h c , �■- , � 1 •,. 1. +. ... .:..:►:;w;sFrisbee s _-- • ,....,4=4-k...a i ,l Ireland} and partly to sup- us call Golf,she's [ s. y �.7x • _ fro �1�:" i Th. k. ,. 1 �i .• ;_ '��_� kport and ran°aote�growth the.first woman Disc Golf ° :.: K@d .i .tii , • better-. ': L if. ° • . • .:tn other parts ofEurope architect. " 1. 110) •, `' .1 t rather than simply liningThe 20-year-oldgame ° 6'. 'sit"abs*• •.:p L' • •+ .'4r .. r J r _ d- h =.� wasinvented EdHea .�• � � • =� theirown pockets. in �n e by -�-�� �� c yr � 4 r Vy .. „-_,Y.':.;...1'-, •rr• i •i• _ 5°t .y" s�, . ,.1 :�. whopatented the �{ � k s a�e or- etc .,. ., :. The Belfry� A tvery •t- :•-- ...-•-‘,,,,,,,i � `F a _ �_:� � hole the a .f _.....:.:._ � .,._.�. • , ...._..._ __.._•._�..._:�-i...__t�.,_.m a golf course..To go disc.. r�e r= _. .s. � ,,1� 3t L - -.-e.. �:_ dincou � +ice- �:� w .:• •;';''''''q-:71';';',:a41--f': � 4•' r 1 • .i 'i' d1' -„'. Fs.'a<fi{' .. fir. 1 i .� �/-. �6�. >.:_6 �= .�� e.Belfry once even version of calf s fl���tiek 1 .. ,�- .,, �� ,;.�'�' EU th 13e f �, �(w. .. . .. :r. --.'4:4'.- .;;-'"'-,''..i-; tir ;.�.'; ���{..� i �, - . , ,'p�-Pc""R !Y''.tr. �.�:6'° � L•L .t. i':'-.4;;, � It's a five-foot- _ ra twice,is forgivable.al le.But � -r ,e; 't'; ■i •.f a r��,. .j�.. r d"•let F - � .7 , iM -e 'i "x' :Ir i 'r. '.w .A 1 r 1' � .-1.'�q�r ti �4 r a• "w• "eY,. F,- r1• in1 Sti .R- r. •A eii^'V with a chain bas- tall ole e R:-� five -•..F° x.. !: .�" c�t�r times in home •3' = il, -.:-li"•tii. :.C.�L;r'.,` , ��'.� .#'�'..,` • c3• R,;.;:� ,7� yy -`" ` •- pathetic. ket iaitci which lavers toss "b-»,,, dq ••, i Q !,••4►7�., .�ri •! •'fir=fin•, •• •l'� 1.�• Cups�s really a hetic a �, ".C. '•a.-° ", •4 1►, r� ` Ti `�'_r • .F:',--+ ";:.. .. ro , tf� p ';c�� re,i .'k•ti°x 7 1•;ryjr}Nr �y, ■,C ��"r'"rx��. ° ';! s' ... -rF' :7• 7.•►-"^� �� -[ ■ AO•L Te•i•� a'+`.i.•'_� via.r�..•s`.'_�:..r..... :�.,,a gl. . :_,:,.�. ,r..,:,..t ..�. : ,i= '''...'''':_,:-••• _ �K 4 The ladies are facingan the disc. ,�� ;:°•,,:txl.�t I�f: ,' .�x. .rf =■.-:;I :-._� :�,�= : - .... :'i's r'a�. 'yii-• 4{t'::•i G"...;,;;� ,+'..5: x�t _='•�•i••�w r' 'x.��- T -s s.• ,a• I• ,fi• ":,• °xx*Y <N .$5 wy tirti+i , .a p..; ��...ye.s:CM .r ',,'.; •rsl'" {-;:•i i•6',.. ri� =�; 'l!,.� t}�r-.. :f. .r 'N' •/• „.,'�'•- �, ., �.'�� ..,�i= =r�•: !.r+ - •���"- even worse situation as the Asa nye that's at�' rY�/r ''t.•�i�: r.•=<< +: ,-....,),:i.,L:� •T,.".� i.:•!• i •,x t..,:. �.'- `r t'3-+ z„: ►,��i, _ �', :tii-• � x`". v � .,':tea' :;,,� ,:; :s. _..€4`,=:,r<..e;.°. .z. - �':yt- •i ~�' .liw :::� ". � y;. r, w ....,. r are ��. -�. �.�:: :g", ��.a-, %=: .�� •-.#�� .fY�: 1.^y§� �.�.i- ,;..r•, women S equivalent to the terned after.xolf,the,re- w "�'7""" .I'■ r e f r - -.,'- .;'.,.=7•t-► .+.1•r s���:r'� =:f, t►'" tii .. fix i��'^;: _,p T....:::; ::.z ` ' :;.-. '' r•` g.,w " *;'e;z g: Le the olhein Cup, many similarities. isc . x Ryder � • c or , ;�.:._-:. ::�:.p` �►. ���•,: `:.;..4'•,'''.:'`-.---.,-;•',.,,-.-.::'-.4 .,.-:�.��: Courses ai•r nin �•-� '•��. : iar-:�-� . is bei�� taken to 5t. Pierre usually • ,.ii-�',• •'^• nyy Vii^,-C �'.F! �H�H. , .. t.kq •P•�n�A..,.•:!i .... f_d` 'j:•..tis''„,..,...',...,,,...• -,.....,-,,-,:74,:,.•.::.., h _�: ?• f R ••••:S A �.! • ...,. ;" tH.'.c :i .,�: fir• :'. - the 1 hairs. Par has tradition ' .- � �� '�� to Che s�o� �1ales at - pn� ,:��� �: ► ... r SFr+" w°`•. •�• 6'...,:,-;.---,.j';-,.':=;;;.• �r's l•fr•r.'."S•. - tl.R�e 11►'r� �.i.c :i�l•lr�� ..'Y�!'• i..■ rI �a x.:- w,..;::= 7on each hole Po•, end of September. ]'li�tt ally been. , L f• ��..<"r��y1.,��� ..• v .�.l Y/• r' r� -LS r+ ... ,� 'K�hi`'i:L,:.::.•r1.,��•.o-�1�i���v�3° '�?w• Fid' ��:'�• r.r;!�<<� 'ter< r - • " �`■�, �; .,--11;:=.� W eWomen s PGA for i :1-•qs- . �.;:IR �•Q4..'±.,.'... _- }, i_•�r�.:: as the-Women's total of 54 for an 16-w ,..•ray_... .;•... .= _:". ...�r:.l.; .1.--,° .'_ -�' .. t +11� r i'; �-._ h °. : European Tour office hole course. In the begin- 1,..,........ 4..x.1i...s�• c 4•Y.'l� ,,..,�-,1.f ""+ '�;',�•.wq'^t, W..M;.;�; f:.p:�4: .:-m _ . .{,;,.. M. r.�,.;..,F;", . think.in . St.Pierre is a xis ti Sags Lehniati xi,the a-" �' ` game was played with a perfectlypleasant little re- �•� plant i;allies and saw a ._ ,,.t.�"�'l,,� sort layout. It even hosted single.ordinary Frisbee. 4 r''"" ■' ),•••=4:5,',....'-':14,:-E.::.- • .•r° , Loci''. ■ :Ii ..E,•I t.i or so folks,all Belfryblues.:44,,,,,s,,,,e-7-4...": ' 3 but then some designers • art event on the P GA Eu-t _ •fir ..,,,,.:.,..:„.„,ti,,,,,,,,,,. ] ' :•t'�•tl c�•c its()i transplants and -:`'� 'f.` '' "�'` • ropean Tour for a few came up with a bevel- �. ,'' I int gill athletic rele,that There is some unsettlinyears.But it's basicallyjust edged disc that revolution- he � � L realized he was capable • news from overseas.The a deer park with a few ized the game. i or much more. He will British PGA proclaimed fairways mown through, As in golf,you tee off 1 1 attend t� tit year's.,ti.sa that the2001 staging of .... :..�7,�.q,x�"Y•'•t•:":...ry`y-:°_x :.�. �.si•'..r-�:-.s_F°�:•.• ��';g"-4,...: c• y:.�•:;;-:_:•.• . not a suitsble venue for _� , • f- � �� � = •. • I. too.ALi,r,. I-�5,at the that biennial choke fest the world's best golf- "w, ._„-,:,,,,,;.4.--,,,_,,,..,,L...-:::;,..,..,,,,,:,"r-:•;.ir. ��..,.....:7,-,--.--1:-:• L 'kfS L :Li'-trst�•ofUtdt campus the Cu ,will be ers. Sandwiched in• . w, " e �.r;* • , . -4iir � iri~ et. held once again�t the drea- between the two .�.� : prs;■• ' m.,: - - ` .i. -e.".�,;�; ,:�-'y.;��".`�.�.`...9a.a";�'."..;l�*._,..'��..•••_isP�i• =;-'^.•.".so.r,.+Y.�':..s ;�.►�':tic..;.�_•.:tiy;j.,�=.-.'�."�mtay=,�X.�.-:"..a�•..qy».�1.:r.'1.•.•.�""''�ia"'YFT:om"..�:.,s'"g_"`:.�.._'-:��Y.a'"^;'.�F`x:°i':•':l y,�•s��...,f:,�t:�_A.f�Ma� .:.:a�z�'••t1' �f''�:ti'a+,:e,.::•�",i:�: .,;•" ... _ :~ : • q °:Witl i sharpened sense �� Midlands track wheremagnificentAnericai �:�:=����.■ 1• •.t .r;-„,,r'4'-• �j�u.,�,.�w�:�_ :�{�.I ..1 •��jr. i.,4•l ,• , "•- A �'. °r:.�r3:�:IS,...,•,-.:,!-.-1:4- ,:.":,...,.,...... r.: a..y • w• , �i-'` • • .• �T mortality(lie Likes they are headquartered,the venues The Green- •;-', � � ._ •.ni� .. ., t...,.r ..:.�" n ttmoNtt )1essry dugs Belfry. brier(1994)and -; _ ,•.,:: r. : � �� J }IS!..,,,,,..'.,;-.6.4.1,!‘„,_-_!.4 I �� 7•� .:1 1 -twein ,anil dwlforever), Yes,the Bellihas in- MuirfeldVilla�e ,1, R :y�11.1rttt rx tl .-� � ,''.1,...11,--.s.:.=-_,; �4t �:fL'�� �'�,• ' " : . i ! 347 .there have been times when deed produced three ter- �1991it looks truly - Z." ': •t.,-� r ..' �^:. fr .w lie has felt like bolting school ribcally exciting Ryder out of Ince � � t .:., " . : , ,. AV-4.4:%,:.; r�i ,, .:; . ,■:'-iw{ i{ rn 'p1*-t !: and preparing full-time to be Cups.And yes it offers n :�• • r, , -!..,.r'w),r.y_'Z' ir ' .: = :;1_.il.•'yr � .,..,4%,..,,•;,.,,,,,,.„. ,^ i■ .,ti,.,, _i .9: ,ii Ilf♦ wa zopro. N ,however, plentyof dranal with holes :, . * ? r ., r : lit;:_w:,:.{'eart; , r _:. -:: . i, he's seC Ct college, 1��ybe like 10 and 1b But this is _ -, ;w t ' ot Slut's' usinefffuLiiic a European tear .With the Architecture critic speaking,since lie's had so whole of Europe at the RonWhitten has r o 1 GA s disposal,you would stumbled across}etrv ;• :,l: { ,� _ _ i tett rli practice talking t _ ,.- .,.. r - �7 � ? •& ''',6r.�'j+�•'4rr.Y"•���+4,7,, •a6-'•. ''��"S: •k-+,s^,„ .{:"' 7.1.-..... ." L diversion • ..... r ._.. a n; {rr. think theyshould feel obli- anothergolfwr• �. rr ' only golf for g • .....,•.. -• r'.=.• •�k i:.t.,•/-i.? -...', ►i.�.. qs X' ° But i r ti gated to move the event in Texas.His report: �.�sm:_:'a. >:�; -:-Y• tiw•: i: 5 •:�F-' } `' from •" 4.. - -_ ,,.., /'� � �.tsunaes f a �j� l • { loaf. Eric vot vs. He makes it around,partly in recd il- F: a neophyte golf arrhi- •�� Tiepower sound simtx le• Like ans out tion of the European ply- , . gamey ', �►..:�_; ;."".. is�ho has faced the brink and trs(Spain makes sense next teas come in every ._. :,.^.,,......;•" aro.--,- ::. ,..,... ......--t.,,,,..:_,,} can now recognize new year,but Irish players have week,but the re- braypolt y:'' ; sume of Andi Leh- ' :.=Club` utsid ape '�'ow�ii;:5 t1t� �=,-: 1 things in life,he sounds made a much bigger con-- :� -_ - '�:.,;�rw.; ,:�;,� i ; ,i -Afric •.are lout . the Ryder mann of Houston is. j`•-= a; �tii�r;�ntxquatl• .:���•--":�,'°�'' 1 c.l•x to t Berri tt;. tribution on to .-fi • _ :�=:. - menacingtowers.of arcoa,,,....v.;',:...--... ., , t :t•. .r ..•.• s' ,,`°;:::^r:'4:, iI',y"•fir.:w-'L •T•;;,•i:.. - .,tot nuclear;po r.piax4:p:, lf. "►J . .,,: •:r.... •' - •l ei.°f�'"•.lye r„,-_ r 16 AUGUST 799 /GOLF DIGEST ___w. _.�_._._ _....._w....' _:._ ._ �71 i f 1 ...;• :.:`-..:!,.::',-:... ^� �;f, �"°�'i'x..�:�;;:x�-�s�;b� gero•¢�;4t �A° ��•:x:-,.„z� �:.W Wg:`t,� ��m^�x;;�:;-a-rr='� t ":a:>!,.r„„fig= €o�..rte, e:•};u.'=`�.; ..,g G�...�;r,'.�w-?���s �xi ,:".7',2,-"'74.'':`',*-',,'::?.: `-' r R7� .,;�ug;a":'=:,o€ y t S �.° �.r C. i t s..gw�r. [;�e i��yq,' .ars: -`.�3'y wt_ .r�•-'.. �'r� � � .r .au. • =1Y°: °fi .e"--.; �•Y :i.:.:..r •}:.. i -:gi F- ^Fse -.� _ .. ,�+ i w `..i.:::;:::.,-,-.' 6:e- '':'-!,17:' ems- •.■ 1"Y •vY!' •/:--"�•' �r;-,.•.'r • :•r•:" M•• 'v.•a q �` "•F i� ^^4•� p r Y t;F. y jj 1 a ..+` $, "f'-'iA-' �t a - y, FL. T r.Fi+. Rr i. : (-- 1 8- `�° _ ►.",'r"' - •! F•t-' �. _t�•+ i :11 �M r'•.Ati�• .� �• -r{Y'• �.•t.t:i'_`r R.• .�'!'t-JYM•��'t. t1w .''-�."•- a•'k.-._ :i.l{ { �Y d• :�1.�ynp:--7•,�°sir '1�•..� � h. r n.y 3 ..�:'..�F'" ':f`••'rJ f••• �♦ •s....rd•+ , � { 4 '`• _ �:'''.:a . A •rr. •• •�• ��' a + f7 } � /. .�5�" °.Ek•' i a fix:.F•'.�,j{E: "$� II'. :; N .'I`•:x' "..!'.," �r.A•.. ',--- \ .l x.i �_ !�I • � .I•i+ 1 1. .f .7...•�°.+ �-°r. <'"��-A• "y h da F.� 7s a .S'a.,.., m" L 1F �r '.a� r�. �` .,».r,',�yy�' .7 J'a'-...E •r F,"• -f;.-'"n' '•-.=+ .lir:. 1 r +....v-.#n.._,.. t,.'f ..S r �"i_rr':W"•_ jr•► - .a='s." . . li.: •h� �- 1 -i • f •:.t�. ■_�• �. .. �,i� ..:•;r:w .�n'•'.t:::i.a.',; :Kvez. ."$s ra"�agree sr.•�.., � t € ,./w i� �• • '�'y}� ••., .� °I r=�•}' h'`(.•MSQ .h� n11F�,■►r�.• ►• .�N N:i `T� : rs. • ffvvsf�' +.� f`^�. ■ f !.•LE"'� '.1 �.r ti}anS '•i•� - 'r 'i !s< $ '. •d5f'.„«ei. .t . '9 " 7f �• '� ,r� .■.� .1■� .,T,- aa � �.- :s c:i=,' Y»° ..:g :�Z �.`"" r%� _:�, '!•'° g':•�>' '1' �1 • } r4. �• rC- �".rF1'•' i'+ s. �■• M r� 6•r �, r..`r i• -k•F+ lay• --�:., r •z•..i:'.'e`i�..�.• j °:. �:i �-;; ••. '3 1y �f 1.r6I r►#' •c.r r�" � ,u .�r / f�• .r. ^.y„•...- t ,f �:��. •,ar �•��.k,;`-;.0 W xR i' b< :.a:°tI^ � Mr.rra � S •�i..J• �• ,,,_y .� +sr••� .�K,:-'•:'"�:S.+� .i a:. ii' • '�.'y. . � {- .- --1';',:~,,,''::\-.-:'''''--:i;,. ss. 8.'4° s-S•1 z'�: °a. a +•. •••w' -':S st'•r.. .i! ...`"�"'�:" a•L'�''"1 ..• r •a G." „! .}„°:•i ;-�r'.:.1.- ., s%a. •4-• er "='J"^ �e�- � c�iP-L �'• '4'rk ,i' "n: •F rt F• .� .J+.. ■ ..� "f a r .� t^-•V :1 Tu•- .T...r 3 3 Y :Cre :f "5° 4 rW .r• °°yy �z .�y'� ,....,-.:_:,i,,, '.�i� M• S ..'w �•,, -�;.fir r.'.. ' •=�••y' .ti r 't ....cYx• 1:+. "i' gs =�§ � �:;..1"�;..°..,� i••+il r -� gid'�r .��: .1'1 ,!+- * ^r+I?�°`e�• a" :`5r.•'° tea •y • � ■ •-i e•�'' •vC .sem. M.� .d.. •a" _i t�� i ••.4 :.s •.•'. i ^-.i: , ;7:7,';i:::::',:",,,_-:•.;<:,-;.:.: ;-•• .p . a.v ' --.x:' t. ti• -•.•.... a..:i'r-1 .1J'.!-.`�i ��f-• :�C'•.:•a, r.�.. 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'� sW m ti='• r �'" •:,..:14-L'-----'7,-,i-r„ . .'w. � /'1 •F X11' Z6'�a.- ''� :� ~d• {, � is - ,f". �:' (.,•s:... ;�•- +�. t '' i7 • cps a•..� 1 Z.itir• -•'• . _ _ ,J ;r• .•• .s\ °fie t.• .fes•�F °i :..),'''.2:--'41-71,41•"'" _ �: .. .•� s•a_r.• 1 -i`-i11••"i�,•' r� �• ..� r•- r.• :i'^"^•r•.,, - �' `�.. ��_.• •�.:.;� «3.' µTa. 1•"_ :i .;• ".+. r---•-- _ til � --7s ,r tt• �,f •1•. r-1 a y;:.•...r;•v� ��: '�.f..t�..r ..yw- �r.' •aa. .ir%�+® ...., : �•ec ��2:' a • •k.. ii .� -.. •.T"• "� a- :... -e ::JK":"•...� ,•�: `:', .u-f i•:�-e'•. �ws.- y, .iii .F]r i� .a• re-. �•4'M•• r` •'s• -+�. t- ir�" � le t� i.. :�: .'C'r. ,1-.a .i�.•4'► !..•w `'�.i..r!'::.... •f __s•.•.i "r-'ti•,..,te.». .�c:;"iw•y,:�:7.y-.a: •.S&1.;�..y° as (T< f•' i- a.« r %. �v i .a rY:� -'t.4.. }• �rf. r.. ♦�.:•f to .1:� •: �i r..', e`5. � .1...A.,-..� �j�,•rr.? f�rr „ � '7 •:(., •r:rlt.d '•w•,7• rr"fin ir--IL-�v'�.at^ r.•_ rN". r -"�sa f •.:.!'. ;.,tr.--.:=�.rr_:r.-a .Lr ll f:t aQ r.•'y.,":: .'R4:.:;•. Mit: P'" - r .cry "�. if. ":" r 'i.7... k r •.w...�r fi •ri'r'' t Le•, ..a- s +�Y-^.:cf� •�S:s ro" '•t•. ..1 ,-'•riA r..?S L' -...•.aiwi!L::w ... t'�rx 1•rsw-`M�•1. ''•e$ '�•-x•'t-.:.J. ..+i-'.;.z s.y.::;�,."•r.�b .zs' -r ��• ;.l Mr :: `a-^.x;., ".. ..�.aoe-.: !;T•..c.^-r.a...�,.rr�.e v r!:'r, .L ,mac lrz.fi-C� `,g• t•sm * 5. •� P %�I•~"�.t�r�L•1}:L"r !- •`!"��.• t e"� ,•I.�yea �,&n• � aa••--._4.,......f_..4_...b=x_i.:«� .-,...�--r.i F:°i.=_�w.7ays.l`T�S�Mi,«...".n:�P.F.,.,.p..s...,F aY:":@:�•�x.w.:'..,xd...�^kwr�..�, �.��. �:fit,,,,,,:.::,,_..,,,'±v �="'• •-4-.-:...-,:-:4,-;:=,-,:---,..-7.-z- ,._./.,,-.±.. �,��"P x:i �x_AI..p��i:': - .. .. 7.-'1 ^i}�u : :. •�` •�k°/:w"��"� '^'�•-��\!��•.S..=I':e:..�.�F' [-..c`.:°S�.��.• A'x�s�itlw�-.�7•�"y�". • 1�•!d•�'e.:..R ID"e�.....�,w �� :•. �. `.k i "� ...mi:^�'S p...e ..��t Mr. � • f. "�'Ra N 4'�r L■1. � �SP N T:r ; ,.; Archy Andi fact not counting roll Tli� l �z ir• iii- I iinil- :nth: '� i It d � ► ..%a"�"'. •�:R °.v t==•`..:»��°� • ... -- - .N•�•-r il..ks: .{• e, '-.,:e.,,. x".p.. r :+4•r:F;�"..°c %•• •K:' ...°�ti..r: - �i.•.-1 ••---4•-' :'• rd"d : _� Lehmann wants . , . ,• . =__ � r: �: ,m e a:. , Audi say!there are:�na' . ilii• `v i l . ball "1,t".in c.y. m.x $. ;:P x iy i S� :-.,,,;';';',:':.-;,:i::::',,,;.!''--"7 , ■ i•illia;.-'.,,. . as :Y " � :'�=- '.:t_t �''� `s•;',-.:�•-' ;.*�.�,k::��t•�'"1�'ih•i�..d-e:.W '.Y=}:S• t Sr "sw t -• P ''''''":"':'-'1:-' �.�` :�, 1 ,,-,,,:‘ ,,t'.',,-..,,,,..,;,,-,.-,".,:..,--..--,.. jj.-,=�,A ..g ::;:'e. disc us ..U f. U disc-- r� r•yip /{ A ^� ^�r� r s. Fr •�' "1j•_ -7„f�:. �'s?'r'�^ni-•.".f•r�Ci..ti�:r�:G°:e',,..r. s'•-'•' " olf arclaatec€s 117 2 i�1��������� �l;L�� A��i �({ii � .F. «,�a .... .. - p.�.:.��r.. �' 9� '•�i. "•!•s�:�.Y e..,�;" - ..7 �di j:f.: w Em'a.•�:`-:-pY,"..;;�'e'° a @..s , •r x, i.r •. ,,.7.--;,-..-:','.--, ....,,, iw.�.vc.rl^ aSc., a_ e' f. »'f`:��� .-...,.,".ter° x •"♦• -'" .v.a,,.m.:� ;�• .Y `8.-�. �,� y"•• '.�'�. :.-.4-:1,-- �;e`9'^.:• ef•. "." .in'n j"•.":.meq:r�.._�..,F...'d•. ekE. 1• H7 x_ }: eyn •:A}�ef'.. ew'{N:<<r' - G•6'e. e�Y✓nyc�,■.,,,,-,::,';'=':-.T;;..„;;-.,-.77:,,,. ..ng.."�'rF..ES•...Rd.:.&'pc:.- W��-x"�:{r:rc";::n• course. the countr • Hier`qtr •� +� 5'• �/` } t••4} :k� _ �.s.• <�. .��}.:_•`t• .rp:R--r:„..Er',=�s-.7.,' ;yr.:�:ftr1'''ewz•}w,"�r .,'••S.• .,��:`•:' 4 ��R dL Silt! R..L.A��l��1�Ll�t don L •L.i�L� � ""�s�r i'":-,..4. : •' � �.;w�?�'r•�[ '+'.; •s! m°:.,4. .•rF'n'1 i�+w�rw:i, ■ P- i ` ��. ;, ::= .�' -r�;-.�- �;Wk�w°•"���.;•e � ped 1 C) ro Cc[s so far, Ices ����-ball�i� lie water, ,r eaa ,r. .�r: 1e� t � mss"'.$ r ••�,y.'., .^, i �i.« ..Lar r"��'S4�' yw,.r:• x.i�j'�".t6:'S,°L � � V yy a wr �.y 're 'r?!_�• zr='.:f�'teP •�",,,:....,°-,11... ;r::of`M+-�.$• x ''�•a:', ,ff .L•;T!awi... ..�y€,. , .. e._ sr.. _.a, �+-�.• -,/," :Nti .r.•.;'•q^�y w�..n:�-'.•"• �....i:-oS�:=i:�_ > -4-4•;;-'1 �ii• �, l:S >F.E^ `�•P^ may -, r,`°� '-� Vii'=�n'm:r° �• 3 r°� r. rx• r a.t mak:•; '^•: e r• I..s„ wi h drvr ars s}�e hooks for z , s .. .n :. ri _.• - :�-:.,; tae a 5ill�]e t3�i o •..�•`.� :-i•F'i ..tiY:4^":!..-,74.7' 4Fi ��'� z•'" ,,,-.',,,,;,,..,...,,,:::.•....-:',-'..•,..',',,,:' .5" you 1 e`roar club,to , •::' i•`i a•..�. -y�• �'+.f.•„�r^C.. :..„ L...+:. .ez }�evp_e•S•' • E ° � --....;..,-:,1-;.....„1..:' 8 ��r M:. a s.tremel thin . •g x r ,r:�.,�M, tlun that re ul r f�r :�: �', ;"Cr: `F` M.�:�-��.. .1-:':.:''"-,..:::,i--.--,:,',- y - .::d tt,.:� a vl � Lehmann desi ���clo� 1yA s,� � .c,,`ab: t:•5... •,:,.°"':f•=.a `4 'i.. V � � 1i"! �. �t rr�i,''" 's•'`„r• ':•_ ��••• r"'.:e..f.i•- �_^-r'.*ra."=�-:�.._.�'�T•,E• �•,y„- �r'.. os �� �'•'ti-,�4'^ «i::,r �f•r:3 4 r•t°'•#S�".G%:<.e's ���g,E "...rs i '�. look � . disc design for chatec s r " -e?a.a i rc}"- e t'KR,g ..:a '� t As>"�'<6 F.._ •�. .Fp "V:. to �• "� .�' �-6: t : � -•. �. o�M-.n gt far ��� r st�- �-�: A .,eaFb „;-,:',:,-1-:::-, � 9:.!■` ..;� :�; : . bolts that res‘and cir� ��, 3x ' + :.: .�• S;{..._•; "` :.'."•y'. i.-�'w° • • .`F,a•. 'r ',7-"� ; +.:j u '.•qvr`- �`C•.ti:.o:l�. ; A. ; ■�:'.f•' ._a,. 'rL.r;.�.'..�a:e.rM..r da..';' �1.. - ? � «,�.,'v,�.�q.. .17.f�.a�°�:,c<V.:.` .: ..z•a•;�Lr.i°.M� •:-r x-s. a,r .���i.:•.w,.:Rs. 1 .•�S (� J a �r f.:'° '. . k �, •tti. ;F distance•l S± ❑.Y �r terrain r ' .��.,::,�-. � nb :�u .e , � ��� .h�r. " y �c�nd�e;.,c.ta-- shczts l•3itir goiter, tall a S .:r i--::G6• ;,, : :rsz : o ,q„a,, •, s1Fy�_ :r•-::,,,::--- "• p:--:,:.7:-::: -',-'',.- ,: •r_ I: a?'� L-t , i :r 2fe i�{,.°. �A cd�v< a '�yQ�•'� �.. w 6" 3 1•S } � <:;-• --tw r• -»,}"e.,r-:: ."/ r..':::_:•,; f • r. as �p S.F. ; : 9.� wd.3 �'.., ,.a ,3....'..:.. P t :�, l •_; x�' Ana ,. �:,.w . n�o�/a closer to non��I7d sufhcleiit lend 1 , Win. �.:E::° �P- ro�..:r:_r; ; -� w,;.-� =r' hook.] vzt.'r. :lilC�a�:18C `': � � •'¢^•::aR, R:+S• :Yp E�.`-iM1 Gs'�6•:..R+n�i se• R.�'... . „ " •'�i i.. 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E L...%-• �. 6-Si.�4}�I t: 7 r ,- •'y 1 .. �� !. x`7; :.,�;.. ,�,. `` a e drive ism the •is at A nes Mu itt Park its innaey.{l:i is mice.AI • - , �� ; ►� _ 3�t3-�fn Houstonthough ,1- �• i�F.:��� 1"-.'*...;•1:' •:t�,�.��• �_���� at range. iii --anal it took the discs cost��'to .. . " .:r- . . a�;r°�', ': ;' �, ..'' 'Z%-,,,;1: Theworld recordher and fve ears to ger- t tu,nacast disc courses tirow , ,�. .. • r ,�..• - `s <; �,, ,,., ,:. distant 656suade the ct a build still r��. car tht p l•i ai= i .� � e is t �•# a ,,• �;� ry �t s f i•L 4,f t.a+P°{�: :�w�1►r•i S+• £:i"tom•_" +��f r ;.°ate° .. ' ,.. ��.r �.~�R O+ "• i•.�'d+ ',-.-.14.L''... �: �'5,:�$:°.:"�r"ir�s�s.xYM:.?°y,..rS�••"rr-??•��r5i���"S•,�v"�-��,,,'1,,,`gi. .v{$${ • .. •-I,' �NI Id :•• Ire y_+,Y,. r.M•=='CI k•.^�f F�,�•,'��•"r{"-w�.�'+'""'$^'.:.C:S�••'w•'.-j balls I have fished out❑f Diadartied out of the rauI dM1hag-mil-Am.th - N` ,.m'aryr::-�-xf, _ �; .,x.k� .fix:,- P. g '�:�.°!.� max' �-»�' rr;.,�,��.•�-_--'�„y f�-•R�."µ>a�°.., .t r.;"�/• ,��.+. !s���:•.�i,- i' a.x [..r f. �-r 1+ •'.xt ;,tF:s°a'}i� �•.+r r�r�,la•r il.,i'� rThat 0--s �- �''� g °ary qce off stone ills or gouged with my :~#t:x ��t:��.c�!:.r:•�'.:+�s<"s.F�te�' §Mfr«�"-`IYgy,��"■rap'"'"��s�_:.+4• bas I hf�vL.bvunL.w►.rd r r � � iron,balls have found in peculiar places,such as undern atl BY DAVID w� a soda machine at a rest stop n a l ighsva:Exposure to the ; la sun has nude some of then)softer.thaii blackboard At the driving range at my local club,golf balls are chalk.The worn corporate logos on so i e of thri x arc promiscuously available.There s a big steel bin,like a ._ as familiar as faces in a yearbook. I keep them all in a junior Dump Aster,and we can help ourselves.The balls bucker beside my back dear.When rhe bucket is more '') don't pap up automatically on rubber tees,the way they than half full, feel rich;if it d ps below half empr,;I ■ do at sonic ranges,but they night as well. Sonic golfers feel poor.° �' look u between shots.As soon as one ball you s end more time❑n aif yo owl 4 scarcely pp prat • e shoty o ,� gone,they toe another into place. • the. all.You aim at some r small,checkyour i ` g �P' •1 often do the same thing myself.when my swing - and take a practice swing You look at your target turns sour, attempt a frantic intervention;churning again.You visualise the shape of the shat.Because you a e_ the desperate hope that have to ick upafter yourself „..,„„-..,,7.7.7-.7.7, -�F,=f----.- , throu�la tEva or three buckets in �- .•�_E= at some Dint uanti wall upthe balance into uala a j _ :_�b,•, _ �.Mr+ �F}'yiVy V T /_y/ C{` I[ i SYlgn ;... gr w•1..u:, -';',•'.1.,s i � �I q �y '7. 1 a think abr�uY wLi r■Y�tight- !F r�Q fR�ii.�°""�"_¢i ��'.'p��f:�'F�p.g. -/�.as', .- .,q S. Ir 1� :'r•P c �-..-M:Bs[ _ moi•"q �'. and Ya1•aL]�"hook or shank orb.slice w.ill admit defeat and go en our.landinpattern =` T° E.a=n•-"r:rd. �.• 'f•p .r ,n§ �u...;.i'..t.-.-:.... f c° ass a Before we got the un,you could hat balls onlyBecause you ace the •-1='..Y:--,.!-.7.: ° 'r•.. T1.,--.A1,.,,,--_.-,-,-',..,-.1-': fr`•"•.,r.' .: :�€f■t`S•.• �-.'.r;T��!;q,ryqµ.e:.a•"��� _... '"te■x.' I,d• aa.• ".."."-..is \ "'•. .:. rr '1"a when the pro was amun tv dole them out a bag at a •• - yardage as.„ u et iev y our �:,`�r�:-.. .-�,�.°:� ,r �f, r �3 tint¢ oti r we all practice mo re But do we titrate balls you:. - * how far your S_ r-4 --.- -' _„_x r � � e prat c �w��;� ���., �better? iron rallygaes:You learn what f' ?=�., - r� •;••''. •■• '" •i-s.�:..:i ze;.�:ri•�a�P k. /:s,�y g\-�•►.�!r z,. ,�°:.;s'•' mat too many years ago,there were ago range balls at • the Win does:t.your shots '. : ,„FM,-g.. ,� Y !."..,a - � r• �b..,,�';� ','-r-`r rC r�^Y�` i:Ir...,,eJryi�µr my club. In fact there was no range. golfers who and whatlit doesn t dv.You 1,6`.i,. :'' __: •;"_': _ i , Ei�z.p�•t:, !-•1';�.P.: tiF'�».=3�r r w+- 'i a•zted to practice had to use their own balls,and they have time to think about what °�`A� r ,.,,•;.?., dF; l had to hit thein across two fairways to a narrow field = o areu a 'f° ,�{`"' .•rr '• ,.----'-.o'-C"."_: �R pp i ••`�, �.M!'�4-"y ori" �x1. • a=•¢z:i:.':.xs- '"r .tizi� a / •• .. . d � mown.field • no F'-p ��.� °\-.1 jlsj p..•. Ea.°- P..,•r'T � ��SrL"i that slicers on the sixth tee viewed as an o taonal land-.. In a'cru e d of ;,wP ° " "y'`° ' , �y .:33rv^. t� :;'-'-.1..7.7 `'-'-' w xis: "y�,i R: ��.:f f.�i•�.i. .g.i' .� �,r• watch •�• ?r I ing area.Concern for the skulls of fellow nniembers � . long ago,I, ed a gray-- ,,,.e� �.��:. ,� °: .�-;:4- _ Yr -•ws;. - promoted cvtaapact swings and careful attention t❑fun- haired golfer ca ec three or ;:.�l.,,r4-4.4„,!:F.•4,;, ,; .eg. �, ,' n:e�r bay ;g.vib,41.-=•,-,' •::a fir � 1 '1.-;-",,,-,..,-.;,,,,, �:�•y .;".:i�,.�F`k;:`.„',s •_�••�[:i` F•x. ] en b 1 rhe h he had { +'y •� ."�!j You can[[�• �+ �..t a few of the old �ix��ers four dot alts c � �:. ;� � Tom= F�E........�_ f�:� w� daaa a aralsr rF DU still l w7�L. c !-=. a-.v7:i.:i�>.=s;•F'E:w::';;�i:�icf,`..fr;Sl�.ab�p� fie. r.. [i shag bagshanging among the rafters in the bag spent rhe previous hour hitting. , ro�anl.T`lae bas inside them are so old and brown they`••. He walked in a loose spirit around his target,using a wedge seem like• golf-ball fossils■ - = -.to'flap each ball in• to an opera bowling bag that he held in his Turin the weeks in early spring and late fall, • other hind■-lr•3e•never bent over.He seldom dropped a ball. w•' when the range is open but the bin is lacked we still • There was a rhythm to what he was doing,and that rhythm, balls the old--Fashioned way,those few of us•who • you got the feeling,a ras the back ( .) bone of his game. I tried rF ' • don't nand sha our own. l,have a collection of • the same#lip:later,and couldn't pull it off. In another genera-- & Lpractice balls I have built over Several seasons.There are :;: •tion or two,wall there be anyone who can? �.�- �'S AUG 15T 1998/GOLF DIGEST rc" . Tv' �:Y L✓� ....4- hit or- ABOUT DISC GOLF SPECIALTIES... Disc Golf Specialties (DGS) is a corporation owned by Andi Lehmann and Jim Hudson of Houston, Texas. Andi is "The Disc Golf Specialist", plays as an Open Pro Woman and is P.D.G.A. #2094. Jim is a professional in the business environment, plays as a Pro Master and is P.D.G.A. #10538. DGS specializes in the education, promotion and construction of disc golf and disc golf courses. The company has done numerous promotions and demonstrations for the education market, parks and recreation departments and special events. "The School Of Disc Golf " instructional was produced by DGS. In 1996, DGS was invited to present the program at the annual Directors of Health and Physical Education Conference for the state of Texas and the annual state teachers conference as well. • DGS designed, and along with the Houston Flying Disc Society, produced a fundraiser and donated the equipment for the first disc golf course located in the city of Houston. ) DGS installed the first DisCatchee" disc golf course on an elementary school campus in the U.S. The 9 hole facility is located at Cedar Brook Elementary in Spring Branch Independent School District. DOS provided information and worked with University of Houston to produce a.6% minute segment on alternative sports for a PBS program called Video Workshop. DOS designed and installed the first disc golf course in Galveston County at Jack Brooks Park. DGS has assisted in designing courses in other states and has worked with landscape architectural firms including Carter and Burgess in Dallas, Argus Architectural in New Orleans, Liewelyn, Davies and Sahni in Houston and the golf course design firm Riviere-Marr, Inc. Andi Lehmann was featured in the August '96 issue of Golf Digest as one of the top 10 disc golf course architects. DGS donated equipment and supervised installation for Clinton Park Disc Golf Course in Houston as a pilot project to gauge interest in the sport in a large urban area. The result is the current project that includes design and installation of 17 additional disc golf courses and implementing a city wide league program in the summer of 1997. To date, this is the biggest event in the history of the sport. Disc Golf Specialties 924E3 Litchfield Houston,Texas 77024• (713) 461-DISC i - - ,.: 4% rr 1 C.1 ,:1 ;iv PPM , 1 , 4 . , , ., NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE (---- PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD of the City of College Station • -, ------) , Notice is hereby given that a (Regular) (Special) ( REGULAR ) meeting of the PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD , of the City of College Station, State of Texas, will be held on the 18th. W day of MARCH , 1997,at 7:00 (A. (.)(P.Mj,at 1000 KRFNFK TAP RD_ CO1 J Frf STATION, TEXAS 77840 • • The following subjects will be discussed, to-wit: SEE AGENDA Dated this the 12th day of MARCH , 1997. CITY •F COLLEGE STATI 0 N, T A 5 , „" 4 , ,.A )4,,, -; . (i. Silig,•':i,4i,,,#1,,4',.tg '--.t,t.',---1 Fr. Tik----r ...,;,t -' By s' • CONNIE HOOKS, CITY SECRETARY I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the. regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board of the City of College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said Notice on the bulletin board in the City Hall of said College Station,.Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and said Notice was posted on MARCH 12, 199 , 1997, at 5 :00 o'clock X)M.j(P.M.). Dated this ICIof 1997. theday �. , CI Al F COLLEGE STATION, A S . + 1 ,,,,, / l i / B( AEIf ...... , w r' -, "- 0IE HOO�. ",`,. S CR A RY Kt 4 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME ON THIS q) \ . ,-7--,.-.5—.,-,-.7.7—]-7,,, THE4 DA o� ���7w .w. r,• .4Y.dlm�1��+�ftwc ,, QNNE$•CAMIBE i ' j Notary Roue,State of ens . . F ;y �am�n��ion Expires NO Y PUBLIC-BRAZOS COUNTY,TEXAS .. j�� V..........._„...., +]Ir L r �, �C:.jry,rrE ..:•1rr•r..�.rw w Yw^ rahmid My c•; mission expires. —S CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MARCH 180 1997 -- 7:00 P.M, CENTRAL PARK CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 KRENEK TAP ROAD AGENDA 1. Approval of Minutes: February 11, 1997 (.' 2. Hear Visitors 3. Capital Improvement Program Report 4. Board Goals Report 5. Board Concerns/Other Business 6. Closed Session 8:00 p.m. Discussion of Land Acquisition (WC 551.072) a. Zone 2 neighborhood park site 7. Adjourn This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicapped parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call 4.09-764-3547 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989.