HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/14/1996 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks Board CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 14, 1996 -- 7:00 P.M. CENTRAL PARK CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 KRENEK TAP ROAD AGENDA 1 . Approval of Parks & Recreation Board Minutes: December 10, 1996 2. Hear Visitors 3. Consideration of Sports Advisory Subcommittee Report 4. Review of Parks and Recreation Department Goals 5. Discussion of Parks and Recreation Board Goals 4. Capital Improvement Program Report 5. Other Business/Board Concerns 6. Adjourn -- MINUTES -- CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1997 - 7:00 P.M. CENTRAL PARK CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 KRENEK TAP ROAD MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Gay, Chair; Elizabeth Cunha, Vice Chair; Bob DeOtte; Carol Reynolds; Mike Manson; and Gary Halter MEMBERS ABSENT: Debra Anderson; and Hub Kennady, Council Liaison STAFF PRESENT: . Steve Beachy, Director; Ric Ploeger, Asst. Director; and Bridgette George CPS, Staff Assistant VISITORS: None present The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. ) I. Approval of Minutes -- December 10, 1997: Minutes were approved as submitted. II. Hear Visitors: No visitors present. Ill. Consideration of Sports Advisory Subcommittee Report: Bob stated that the subcommittee was about one month behind where they would like to be. He passed out a draft of the by-laws they produced for the board to review. Some discussion took place regarding some of the terminology in the document. After the document was reviewed, it was decided that changes would be sent directly to Bob so that he could present an original document ready for approval at the February board meeting. IV. Review of Parks and Recreation Department Goals: Steve reviewed the department's 1997 goals. One of the department's goals, the Internet homepage, had already been completed for the most part. Ric reviewed the details regarding the implementation of the homepage and mentioned that it will be a continuous updating process. He hopes to see on-line registration in the future for the department's programs. V. Discussion of Parks and Recreation Board Goals: Ron reviewed the latest goals from 1995 and indicated that some of those goals had been completed, but some needed to be kept on the list and completed. The following is a list of goals for 1997. 1. Conduct public hearings and oversee design process for Woodway Park. 2. Design small park that serves Spring Loop residents. 3. Lincoln Center/Wayne Smith Park Masterplan. 4. Implementation of the Sports Advisory Subcommittee. 5. Complete acquisition of the athletic park site and develop a masterplan. Parks Board Minutes January 14, 1996 Page 1 of 3 6. Develop a masterplan for Lick Creek Park. 7. Investigate opportunities for a park in Zone 10. 8. Help with the review and revision of the masterplan for Wolf Pen Creek. 9. Reconsider disc golf. 10. Youth programming for teens. Much discussion took place regarding Wolf Pen Creek (WPC). The board members were concerned with all of the development that has already occurred and would like to be active in making the WPC District move more towards the original plan. Steve mentioned that there is going to be a masterplan revision and also mentioned that the siltation problem will also be dealt with through the Tax Increment Finance program. Some discussion took place regarding a location for a teen center. Several members suggested locating it next to the junior high or high school. Bob mentioned that Ross Rogers mentioned the need for students to attend games in support of other class mates. He suggested talking with Mr. Rogers prior to establishing a teen center. • VI. Capital Improvement Program Report: The Wayne Smith Baseball Complex plans are almost complete. The project will not be bid until the last four pieces of property are acquired. The Welcome Sign/Planterbed/Irrigation/Lighting project should be completed in April. Lobby Reception Area Remodeling: This project will help facilitate program registration in the office by providing one area for registration instead of two. It should be complete by March. Steve mentioned some other projects going on in the city. Rock Prairie Road will extend to Wellborn Road just south of Jack and Dorothy Miller Park. A fence will be erected at the park along Rock Prairie Road. There will also be a sidewalk constructed between the Southwood Athletic Park baseball parking lot and the junior high school parking lot to provide access to more parking for their programs. VII. Other Business/Board Concerns: Elizabeth mentioned her concern about the lack of barriers between the Southwood t-ball baseball fields and the parking lot. She is concerned with kids running out in the parking lot while chasing balls. Steve stated that he would discuss this with Little League to resolve the matter. Bob mentioned that he was concerned about the last meeting that was scheduled for noon. He was unable to meet at that time and felt that he wasn't given enough notice. Mike agreed with Bob. Bob stated that he thinks the board should decide as a whole on moving the time of the meeting. Ron stated that meeting times are normally never moved, however, this was a situation that required a different time in order to be able to meet with Little League. He mentioned that Bridgette contacted all board members, and since a quorum would be present, the meeting was scheduled. Steve presented Gary Halter with a plaque for his service on the Historic Preservation Committee VIII. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Parks Board Minutes January 14, 1996 Page 2013 ..................... .......................... ...................................... ......................................... ....................................................... .................................... APPROVED: Ron Gay, Board Chair Date Attest: B ri dg ette George CPS, Board Secretary Date r, Parks Board Minutes January 14, 1996 Page 3 of 3 CITY OF CO GE STATI „ , Post Office o 9960 1101 Texas Avenue College Station,Texas 77842-9960 (409)764-3500 MEMORANDUM January 8, 1997 TO: Parks & Recreation Board FROM: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks & Recreation SUBJECT: Items of Interest 1. Christmas in the Park- The following is a recap of the Dickens in the Park theme for this year's festival. O Addition of the tent for the performing area. This allowed performances to continue all 10 nights of Open House. It also added to the old-fashioned air with the Dickens theme. • Addition of the sidewalk and gazebo. The new sidewalk provided a passageway for traffic so that we were able to "spread out” the staging areas for the various amusements at the park. It also allowed for full use of the park area as well as provided more areas for lighting displays. o Addition of the Dickens Village. The new sidewalk provided the perfect avenue for extension of the theme with the Dickens Village. We only completed four of the "mini" houses this year but were able to incorporate the existing pump house as well as the gazebo to complete the Dickens stroll. The beauty of the Village plan is that we can add to it in the future. • Addition of the Dickens Walk-around Characters. The Dickens characters added a charming touch to the entire spectacle. We were excited that officials from Dickens on the Strand in Galveston came to "check us out.' • Themed Coloring Book. Although this is only the second year that we have done a coloring book it gave our patrons a very special moment() of the event. With the help of the City Print Shop the quality of the book was superb. • Carriage Rides. This is the second year we have had the carriage rides throughout the park but because of the Dickens theme it made this portion of the event especially distinctive and memorable. • Flow of traffic. Because of the large number of patron that visit the park parking and the flow of traffic have always been a problem. This year with the addition of a sign at the entrance on Krenek Tap, a sign on the frontage road onto Krenek Tap, an exit sign at the intersection of Recreation and Parks, an exit sign onto the frontage road plus traffic attendants positioned at key areas along the path there were very few traffic problems. The advertisement in the Eagle as well as television talk show spots explained the traffic routing. ,ome of Texas Aettri.University • Attendance. Attached is an attendance count per traffic counters placed at the entrance and exit of the park. Below is an attendance estimate, however many people parked along Krenek Tap and walked into the park each evening so these numbers should be greater. 3 persons per vehicle = 81,447 3.5 persons per vehicle = 95,022 4 persons per vehicle= 108,596 4.5 persons per vehicle = 122,171 5 persons per vehicle= 135,745 5.5 persons per vehicle= 149,320 6 persons per vehicle= 162,894 .2. State Marker Dedication - On February 8, 1997 a State Historic Marker will be dedicated at Lincoln Center at 3:00 p.m. This marker is a subject marker for "African American Education in College Station". it will be the 45th marker in Brazos County. 3. Martin Luther King Celebration - Saturday, January 11, at Lincoln Center, the City will hold its annual tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. celebration. This event is free to the public and will commence at 7:00 p.m. in the gym. Recent additions to the mural, including Maya Angelou and Frederick Douglas, will be unveiled during this program. 4. Texas Public Pool Council & Certified Pool Operators (CPO) Course - The City of College Station will host the 15th annual CPO Course the week of January 6-10. The aquatics staff is responsible for the organization and planning of this conference and course. The workshop will offer seventeen speakers coming from as far as California and Atlanta, Georgia, and will be speaking on various aquatic issues and topics. There will also be nineteen vendors displaying and presenting their products and services. This year we had 55 in attendance for the CPO course and 85 for the conference. Pool industry individuals from all over the state look forward to this training every year. In fact, attendance from other states has grown every year. Copies: Skip Noe, City Manager Tom Brymer, Assistant City Manager PARD Superintendents ) CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT • CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT STATUS REPORT JANUARY, 1997 1. WAYNE SMITH BASEBALL COMPLEX Project Number: PK9505 Budget: $1,230,000 - 1995 Bond Contract Amount: Design $84,490 Project Manager: Eric noeger Project Design: HSI Consulting Architects Comments/Status: After review of 16 proposals by Architectural firms, the staff recommended HSI Architects of Bryan to the City Council. The City Council approved this selection. The contract was signed in early February.and the initial meeting with staff took place on February 27. The project has moved to the final design phase with cost estimates completed in late September. The project will be ready to bid in January. Bid dates will be dependent on property acquisition. Task: Project Design: December 1996 Advertisement&Award: January - February 1997 Complete: August 1997 2. WELCOME SIGN/PLANTERBED/IRRIGATION/LIGHTING Project Number: Budget: $11,000 Contract Amount: Project Manager: Peter Vanecek Project Design: Parks and Recreation Department, Planning Comments/Status: This project is located at Highway 60, west of FM 2818. Task: Project Design: February 1997 • Advertisement&Award: February 1997 , . . • • • • • .• . :Comp/gip: April 199? • . • •. r •. • ,• •• . •. ••• • • , ...• • • • •, . •• • , CIP Report 1/10/97 Page 1 of 3 III 3. LOBBY RECEPTION AREA REMODELING Project Number: • Budget: ..$7,000 act Amount: Cont�r • . Project Manager: Eric Ploeger �:. .. Project Design: Parks.d, d RecreativnrDeaarmert, Planning J s . of the counter tops and This ro'ect:„ includes the remodeling Comments/Status: p s will help ifacilitate-all '�: rogram registration. cabinets in the front lobby. This � Task: Project Design: January 1997 Advertisement&Award: January 1997 March : _ . rw Y. R • Y • • CIP Report 1/10/97 Page 2 of 3 ' PARKS PLANNING CIP SUPPORT PROJECTS 1. COLLEGE STATION LIBRARY LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION DESIGN Budget. $40,000 Comments/Status: Parks Planning is providing the design for the exterior landscaping and irrigation design. The expected bid date for the project is January 1997. 2. COLLEGE STATION FIRE STATION #1 LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION DESIGN Budget: $8,000 Comments/Status: Construction began in June 1996. The Forestry Division will install the plant material. The project completion is expected in January 1997. 3. SIGNS FOR THE INDUSTRIAL PARK AND THE NORTH TEXAS AVENUE ENTRANCE SIGN REPLACEMENTS Budget: $10,200 total Comments/Status: The Busirrp,§ Park sign will be replaced to establish a name change ) to the Business Center. The North entryway sign is being replaced because it was damaged during an automobile mishap. These should be installed the second week of December. 4. THOMAS PARK SIDEWALKS SIDEWALK DESIGN Budget: $53,000 Comments/Status: This is a Development Services project to put sidewalks on both the east and west side of the south end of Thomas Park. Parks Planning will provide design drawings for the project. 5. WOLF PEN CREEK MASTER PLAN BASE MAP REVISION Budget: N/A Comments/Status: This is an effort to develop a base map containing updated . information on.the,.WPC corridor. This will assist in the master plan • .• • . - • - updatingess: : • * • • OP Report 1/10/97 Page 3 of 3 P ks d Recreation Dep • ment 1996 Goals IMPROVE DEPARTMENTAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES CONTINUE PARK DEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVEMENT O CONTINUE TO PROMOTE TOURISM • PROVIDE ADDITIONAL PROGRAMS FOR YOUTH O DEVELOP A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR MUNICIPAL PARKS AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE O DEVELOP A MAINTENANCE PLAN FOR WOLF PEN CREEK • DEVELOP A PLAN FOR FUTURE CEMETERY NEEDS O CONTINUE TO IMPROVE EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS Improve Departmental Administrative Procedures I/Implement Field Purchase Order System on AS/400 Develop a Maintenance Plan for Wolf Pen Creek 0Implement all Purchase Requests on AS/400 •Determine what options are available to remove silt from 0 Implement Standardized User Survey Procedures existing lake X Complete Standardized Training Records Program S Determine potential funding sources to complete silt X Achieve Accreditation with National Recreation and Parks removal project Society 0 Determine short term land use for existing municipal property and assign maintenance responsibility Continue Park Development 0 Obtain cost estimates for silt removal and grounds and Improvement maintenance work 0 Complete Pebble Creek Park •Seek Guidance from City Council concerning utilization of •Complete construction of Sandstone Park Tax Increment Financing(TIP) district funds 0 Complete Southwood Pool Renovation 0Provide recommendation to City Manager and seek °Acquire additional neighborhood parkland in Zone 7 and authorization to begin preliminary work begin design process 0Submit budget request for FY97 based upon direction Develop a Preliminary Master Plan for the Athletic received from City Council • Complex °Solicit input concerning the Wolf Pen Master Plan and future development within the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor 0 Revise the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan and present Continue to recommendations to appropriate advisory boards and city Promote Tourism council for action 0Attend tourism training classes 0 Council adoption of revised Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan 0 Conduct two State and one National softball tournament °Implement park and drainage improvements upstream 0 Conduct a minimum of twenty events at the amphitheater from Dartmouth/Holleman intersection •Facilitate the annual Bluebonnet Street Rod rally •Bid on future regional, state and national athletic events X Determine economic impact of all tourism related events •Set up 7 tourist information centers X Develop a marketing plan for tourism Develop a Plan for Future Cemetery Needs •Cemetery Committee analyzes the options for future Provide Additional cemetery services Programs for Youth •Cemetery Committee makes recommendation to City •Meet with CSISD Superintendent Council 0Survey junior high and high school students 0Develop site requirements, size, and approximate 0Inventory existing public and private programs and development costs facilities *identify potential funds for acquisition and preliminary *Prepare cost estimates and recommendations development •Presentation to City Council (I/Identify potential locations and provide recommendation X Hire Youth Activities Coordinator if approved in the to the City Council budget process •Form Teen Council and begin implementation process for the programs Continue to Improve Emergency Preparedness Develop a Comprehensive Plan for Municipal Parks, and 0 Conduct the First Annual Emergency Management Landscape Maintenance Academy 0Form team to prepare plan •Coordinate an emergency exercise at Easterwood Airport 0 Determine needs for municipal landscape maintenance °Three employees complete the DEM Professional fknalyze alternate means of providing service Development Series Prepare staff recommendations °Implement the Emergency Information Systems Program °Council Presentation •Coordinate with Department of Public Safety to Host 0 Prepare budget request in accordance with Council Introduction to Emergency Management Course direction 0 Bid out maintenance or provide in-house CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 1997 GOALS • Continue Park Development and Improvement • Complete Implementation of City Council Strategic Issues • Plan and Implementation of Departmental Reengineering Projects • Implement Departmental Administrative Procedures • Continue Staff Development Continue Park Development and Improvement , • Wayne Smith Park construction Implement Departmental Administrative • Edelweiss landscaping Procedures • Central softball light improvements e Improve tourism reporting • Lemontree rest rooms • Track project and program operational costs • Central/Bee Creek bond improvement design • Develop a volunteer and internship program • Athletic park purchase • Implement the EIS program ( )40 Complete acquisition and design of Woodway • Implement department Internet homepage project Park Continue Staff Development Complete Implementation of City Council Strategic • Completion of DEM PDS - 2 employees Issues • Improve department computer skills • #9 -Wolf Pen Creek • Plan and conduct city-wide emergency • #15 - College Station Cemetery management exercise • #20 -Tourism • Conduct Emergency Management Academy for • #31 - Youth at Risk city employees Plan and Implementation of Departmental Reengineering Projects AR ks R, • Customer service delivery �"�: f,; • Youth program service and deliver RECREATION • Departmental marketing plan • Parks and grounds maintenance C0LLEqE STATION .............__, , Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. . , Tribute and Musical January 11 . 1997 7:00 p.m. . .. Mistress of Ceremony . . his. Danielle Jones . _ Prelude Look How Far We've Come with the Lord Opening Selection Lift Every Voice and Sing Scripture/Prayer Bishop M.C. Wiilliams j Opening Remarks • � � Mr. Steve Beachy • The Occasion . Mr. Christoper Davis , " I Have A Dream" Lt. Larry Johnson - Skit E.E. P. C. Introduction of Speaker Mrs. Barbara Davis-Cooper Speaker Mrs. Shirley Payton Lincoln Former Student Class of 1966 • Inspirational Singing Local Choirs Presentation/Closing Remarks Ms. Elease Carter Benediction/Prayer Rev. Steven Sims Closing Song "We're Gonna Make It Refreshments will be served Marjorie Clark Hillier 708 Esther Boulevard Bryan, Texas 7780 - / ' -19- kab 17W / , /4ee_e74.1gc. 9 ,4 verA) aza / dy4.41zeiZe. d2cet., 64,1 ace,p, „,le...4;413Iu6 ) --teceideeLed 4771-) It.f,4E44- -71e Azg cra,) etkeu.;, ezied A76' VsaZat .............................................................. Y� I .;i• okfThe College Station Sports and Recreation Association Mission The purpose of the College Station Sports and Recreation Association shall be to coordinate and foster the planned activities of the various independent athletic organizations and city sponsored leagues, in an effort to provide the citizens of College Station with the opportunity to participate in quality amateur sports programs on or in quality athletic facilities. Name The name of the association shall be"The College Station Sports and Recreation Association;" herein after referred to as the"Association." Membership 1, Membership shall consist of a representative appointed by each recreation/sports organization within the City of College Station which desires to use facilities under the jurisdiction of the College Station Parks and Recreation Department/Parks and Recreation Board. The appointed representative must have the authority to commit the represented organization with respect to • involvement and scheduling. Membership is mandatory for any organization wishing to'use the city's athletic facilities, which requires a users' agreement with the city. 2. New organizations desiring membership in the Association.must petition and meet with the Association ninety(90) days prior to the meeting at which membership is conferred or denied. Each organization must have Association approval for scheduled use of city athletic facilities for either practice or games. 3. Minimum membership requirements include the following: a) a written constitution and governing bylaws b) a roster of officers c) an annual financial report d) evidence of serving primarily the citizens of College Station e) the name of the proposed representative who must be a reputable citizen of College Station. If the president, or other designated primary director, of the organization/club is not a citizen of College Station, the president may attend meetings as an ex-officio member, but the organization representative must also be in attendance. • ...• • 4. The appointed Chair of the Association shall be a member of the College Station Parks and . : * Recreation Board, appointed for a two year term by that board. For the first year of the term of office the chair must be a member of the Parks and Recreation Board; for the second year the chair may have completed the term on the Parks and Recreation Board. No later than the second year of a Chair's term, a Chair designate shall be appointed. .................................... r 5. An organization shall lose standing and the privilege of scheduled use of city facilities if the representative misses a scheduling or policy meeting unless the Association Chair has been F I notified in advance that a substitute will be representing the organization. The-substitute must p g have the authority to duly represent the organization. 6. Each organization shall notify the College Station Parks and Recreation Department and the Association Chair immediately upon the change of representative. Authority The Association derives its authority from the Parks and Recreation Board, of which it is a duly constituted subcommittee. The Parks and RecreationBoard shall have the authority to reject organizations for membership and/or to require a different representative. Appeal of actions by the Association shall be to the Parks and Recreation Board. Parks and Recreation Board decisions are final. Rejected applications for membership may be resubmitted after ninety(90) days. 1. The Association shall require satisfactory evidence of compliance with requirements. The Association shall have the authority to reject applications for membership if an organization is unable to satisfy these requirements. 2. The Association shall have the authority to exclude from membership org.n i nations which promote activities which are in conflict with the mission statement of the Association,the Parks and Recreation Department,the Parks and Recreation Board, or the City of College Station. 3. The Association shall have the authority to schedule seasons and special activities, such as tournaments, which use facilities normally under the jurisdiction of the Association provided that such activities do not conflict with activities scheduled by the Parks and Recreation Department staff. Such facilities include: • For soccer Anderson Park Southwood Athletic Park Central Park • Thomas Park Lincoln Center Jack an.d.Dorothy Miller Park .. . : . Georgie K. Fritch Park • r : • . ' - . • • For youth baseball Southwood Athletic Park Wayne Smith Park Brothers' Pond Park Georgie K. Fritch Park Gabbard Park ® For youth softball Bee Creek Park Lemon Tree Park Fairview Park 4. Schedule requests are to be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Department for review. The PARD staff will check the master calendar for possible conflicts then pass to the Association with a recommendation and for final consideration. The Association will endeavor to resolve schedule conflicts, but in general,requests for one time rental use will take precedence over practices and regularly scheduled games will take precedence over both. The priority for scheduling will be as follows: {These priorities should be reviewed by Steve, PARD staff, and probably the legal department. Is there anyone else?} 1. Emergency maintenance 2. Interagency agreements between the City of College Station and the College Station Independent School District 3. Regularly scheduled games of Association members 4. One time rentals 5. Scheduled maintenance 6. Scheduled practice 7. Non-scheduled, non-essential maintenance 8. Non-scheduled practice ) 5. Removal of membership for other than the reasons metnioned above shall require the recommendation of the Association and the approval of the Parks and Recreation Board. Cause for such action may include, but is not limited to, actions by the member which are inconsistent with the objectives of the association. • Organizations / Clubs eligible for membership: 1.College Station Little League 2.Brazos Valley Pony League 3.College Station Soccer Club 4.Coliege Station Stars Baseball Team 5.College Station Knights Baseball Team 6.Texas Heat Baseball Club 7.Brazos Magic Soccer Club 8.Arn.erican Stars Soccer Club 9.TAMU Men's Soccer Club l o.Aggieland Soccer League 11.B oys and Girls Club of College Station 1 Z.College Station Parks and Recreation Department Athletics Office • College Station-Bryan Swim Club • • Youth Tennis Lessons • Basketball Youth Adult? • Softball Youth: girls Adult • Flag football Youth Adult 13.College Station ISD Athletic Department • Baseball(Southwood Senior League Fields) • Softball(Bee Creek) • Tennis • Football.(CS Junior High--Adult Soccer Fields) 14.Rugby(included because of conflict with other youth sports) 15.Bryan- College Station Women's Tennis Association 16.National Junior Tennis League 17.TAMU Student Organizations • Sororities • Fraternities 18.TAMU Intramural Department ,4. PARKS PLANNING CIF' SUPPORT PROJECTS 1. COLLEGE STATION LIBRARY LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION DESIGN Budget. $40,000 Comments/Status: Parks Planning is providing the design for the exterior landscaping and irrigation design. The expected bid date for the project is January 1997. 2. COLLEGE STATION FIRE STATION #1 LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION DESIGN Budget: $8,000 Comments/Status: Construction began in June 1996. The Forestry Division will install the plant material. The project completion is expected in January 1997, 3. SIGNS FOR THE INDUSTRIAL PARK AND THE NORTH TEXAS AVENUE ENTRANCE SIGN REPLACEMENTS Budget: $10,200 total Comments/Status: The Business Park sign will be replaced to establish a name change ) to the Business Center. The North entryway sign is being replaced because it was damaged during an automobile mishap. These should be installed the second week of December. 4. THOMAS PARK SIDEWALKS SIDEWALK DESIGN Budget: $53,000 Comments/Status: This is a Development Services project to put sidewalks on both the east and west side of the south end of Thomas Park. Parks Planning will provide design drawings for the project. 5. WOLF PEN CREEK MASTER PLAN BASE MAP REVISION Budget: N/A Comments/Status: This is an effort to develop a base map containing updated information on the WPC corridor. This will assist in the master plan updating process. C1P Report 1/10/97 Page 3 of 3 PARKS & RECREATION BOARD GOALS FOR 1995 * Oversee design process and implement construction for Sandstone Park. Complete. * Conduct Public hearings and oversee design process for Woodway Park. On hold. * Promote success of Bond program. Complete. * Follow through on Master Plan process. Complete. * investigate neighborhood park for Foxfire. Complete * Develop concept plan for large athletic park (pre-bond election). Bond ) election successful. Identify potential sites. Complete. * Design small park that serves Spring Loop residents. * Investigate opportunities for additional park land. * Examine the impact of annexation on park needs. * Develop concept for Lick Creek Park. Class project completed. * Significantly increase the use of Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater. Complete. * Revisit the Parkland Dedication Ordinance. Complete * Move forward with the Lincoln Center/Wayne Smith Park Masterplan (as much as possible). In progress. ) (No goals were established for 1996) January 9, 1997 • 0 goglip jil °)1.7 6 q T '111 -I' e - (2 I' 41 \ G ?°( G.-) Yf ' to � , 1Q1;. Ft -6- (() 0.1 3 . 6 x. \\-- (di,:-‹ \\\( r\ \I _/0 (k) got _ - i\ IN 06 )(1 ; \k" 6 (} ‘14 7 / I) 1 '.1\)( 1)1:5 1 4 t) i)Z(1 .n,1.\," ° A 64 ' Str' n Cfc‘ 4 kjc‘" (36 " I/ . ) ( I 16„ t / 1;' ., � orov, Fliv71 NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD of the City of College Station • Notice is hereby given that a (Regular) (Special) ( REGULAR ) meeting of the PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD of the City of College Station, State of Texas, will be held on the 14th day of JANUARY , 1997,at 7:°° (Agitc)(F'.M.),at 1000 KRENEK TAP RD., COLLEGE STATTOK; TEXAS 77840 • The following subjects will be discussed, to-wit: SEE AGENDA Dated this the 9th day of JANUARY , 1997. CITY ,IPA, COLLEGE STAT N, TEXAS ) By - CONNIE HOOKS, CITY SECRETARY I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board of -•the City of College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said Notice on the bulletin board in the City Hall of said College Station,.Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and said Notice was posted on JANUARY 9, , 1997, at 5:'" o'clock(g.M.)(P.M.). Dated this the i 5 1 day of glik.1 \ (Q%..SN&.. , 1997. My, F COLLEGE STA. t N, TAS 4.42 411- ' * By CONNIE HOOKS, CITY SECRETARY SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME ON THIS THE,)51 DAY OF C‘ 1997. il i 07-st YVONNE S. CASARES k a • ie k 4 * 1*. Notary Public,State of Texas f NO Y PUBLIC-BRA2OS COUNTY, TEXAS — My Commission Expires AUGUST 5,1998 My commission expires: 5 had" IOWA • • FEE-11-1997 15:44 P.02 { The College e Station Sports an � d Recreation Association Mission The purpose of the College Station Sports and Recreation Association shall be to coordinate and foster the planned activities of the various independent athletic organizations and city sponsored onsored leagues, in an effort to provide the citizens of College Station with the opportunity to participate in quality amateur sports programs on or in quality athletic facilities. Name The name of the association shall be"The College Station Sports and Recreation Association;" here after referred to as the"Association?' Membership 1. Membership shall consist of one representative appointed by each recreation/sports organization within the City of College Station which desires to use facilities under the jurisdiction of the College Station Parks and Recreation Department/Parks and Recreation Board. The appointed representative must have the authority to make binding decisions on behalf of the represented organization with respect to facility use, scheduling and overall involvement. Any organization desiring to use athletic facilities requiring a user's agreement with the city of College Station must be represented in the Association. 2. New organizations desiring membership in the Association must petition and meet with the Association ninety(90)days prior to the meeting at which membership is conferred or denied. Each organization must have Association approval [or scheduled use of city athletic facilities for either practice or games. 3. Minimum membership requirements for an organization include the following: a) a written constitution and governing bylaws b) a roster of officers c) an annual financial report d) evidence of serving primarily the citizens of College Station e) a representative who must be a..rep/gable citizen of College Station. If the president, or other designated primary director, of the organization/club is not a citizen of College Station, the president may attend meetings as an ex-officio member,but the organization representative must also be in attendance. 4. The appointed Chair of the Association shall be a veteran member of the College Station Parks and Recreation Board, appointed for a two year term by that board. For the first year of the term, the Chair must concurrently be a member of the Parks and Recreation Board who has ' served for at least one year; for the second year the chair may have completed the term on the Parks and Recreation Board. During the second year of the term of the incumbent Chair, a successor shall be appointed. FEE-11199? 15:44 P.03 5. An organization shall lose standing and the privilege of scheduled use of city facilities if the representative misses a schedulingor policymeetingunless the Association Chair has been �► notified in advance that a substitute will represent the organization. The substitute must have full authority to duly represent the organization. 6. Each organization shall notify the College Station Parks and Recreation Department and the Association Chair immediately upon the change of representative. Authority The Association derives its authority from the Parks and Recreation Board, of which it is a duly constituted subcommittee. The Parks and RecreationBoard shall have the authority to reject organizations for membership and/or to require a different representative. Appeal of any actions by the Association shall be to the Parks and Recreation Board. Parks and Recreation Board decisions are final. Rejected applications for membership may be resubmitted after ninety (90) days. I. The Association shall require satisfactory evidence of compliance with requirements. The Association shall have the authority to reject applications for membership if an organization is unable to satisfy these requirements. 2. The Association shall have the authority to exclude from membership organizations which promote activities which are in conflict with the mission statement of the Association,the Parks and Recreation Department, the Parks and Recreation Board,or the City of College Station. 3. The Association shall have the authority to schedule seasons and special activities, such as tournaments, which use facilities normally under the jurisdiction of the Association provided that such activities do not conflict with activities scheduled by the Parks and Recreation Department staff. Such facilities include: • For soccer Anderson Park Southwood Athletic Park Central Park Thomas Park Lincoln Center Jack and Dorothy Miller Park Georgie K. Fritch Park • For youth baseball Southwood Athletic Park Wayne Smith Park Brothers' Pond Park Georgie K. Fritch Park Gabbard Park FEE-11-1997 15:45 P.04 • For youth softball Sec Creek Park Lemon Tree Park Fairview Park Gabbard Park 4. Schedule requests are to.be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Department for review. The PARD staffwill check the master calendar for possible conflicts then pass to the Association with a recommendation and for final consideration. The Association will endeavor to resolve schedule conflicts,but in general,requests for one time rental use will take precedence over practices and regularly scheduled games will take precedence over both. The pri ori ty for scheduling will be as follows: These priorities should be reviewed by Steve, PARD staff;and probably the legal department. Is. there anyone el`e) 1. Emergency maintenance 2. interagency agreements between the City of College Station and the College Station Independent School District 3. Regularly scheduled games of Association members a. Recreational and inclusive leagues, in other words leagues which do not have tryouts which may exclude some from league participation i. Youth ii. Adults b. Competitive and select leagues; leagues which may eliminate some from participation based upon some criteria for selection i. Youth rr , A u is 4. TA EJ Athletic and Recreational Sports 5. One time rentals 6. Scheduled maintenance 7. Scheduled practice 8. Non-scheduled,non-essential maintenance 9. Non-s ch a dul ed practice 5. Removal of membership for other than the reasons metnioned above shall require the recommendation of the Association and the approval of the Parks and Recreation Board. Cause for such action may include,but is not limited to,actions by the member which are inconsistent with the objectives of the association. Governance The Association shall be subject to all the laws, regulations, and policies to which the City of College Station itself is subject. Furthermore,the Association shall adhere to the ordinances,policies, and regulations of the City of College Station, albeit the Association shall have the prerogative to petition the appropriate authority when the consensus of tile Association is at variance with established law or policy. FEB-11-1997 15:45 P.05 Amendments ( Recommendations for amendment of this document may be made to the College Station Parks and Recreation Board which shall render final approval. The formulation of recommendation shall require two meetings,one of which may be scheduled as a special meeting. The first meeting will constitute and initial reading of proposed changes and the second meeting shall he necessary for passage of the proposed changes. Such recommendations can only he made if a quorum exists at both meetings. The recommendation must pass with a two-thirds or greater majority. Meetings Meetings shall be scheduled bimonthly on dates to he determined by and for the convenience of the membership. Such meetings will be announced in the calendar posted at the Parks and Recreation Department Central Park office and shall be open to attendance by the public. The Chair shall call meetings to order and serve as moderator for the meeting. Meetings shall adjourn after business has been conducted and upon the call by the Chair and passage by the membership attending of a motion to adjourn. Meetings of the Association shall be conducted under Roberts'Rules of Order,the most current edition. A quorum to conduct business will consist of sixty percent of members and actions shall require a simple maj 49 47 60 J 4fi `� . .11 „i ,......., 40 39 �s�q� � r' a30 3s C7R - o; 29 Ilitalli 20 4 t # 36 mmrium9 26Ao,0.4, # alp! 6 ll; z6A00,87 m4. 17 4110Vo*.. # ��� Vil. 110 f''°H� 9 6 � 111111 �r ALL 2.7053 Acres �-t $30,000 ���� (Taxes have. S. been paid sinceIlk �9� 19943 ,. tioilooN, 10110%t4i16 �.p©l8 t y O Mr.Mradely ��a 4 5.16 acres ���4 (NO TAXES OWED) 11. RRGua,, Shabeer Jaffar ORsvE 3.306 Acres $75,000 Ott or h RANDALLS "University Park" .