HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/09/1996 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks Board City of College Station Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting July 9, 1996 -- 7:00 p.m. Central Park Conference Room 1000 Krenek Tap Road AGE IA 1. Welcome and Oath of Office - New Board Members 2. Appreciation Plaque - Outgoing Member 3. Approval of Minutes 4. Hear Visitors 5. Parkland Dedication for Park Zone 7 6. Discussion of Teen Survey 7. Capital Improvement Program Report 8. Other Business/Board Concerns 9. Adjourn MI NUTES CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1996 - 7:00 P.M. CENTRAL PARK CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 KRENEK TAP ROAD MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Gay, Chair; Carol Reynolds; Gary Halter; and Elizabeth Cunha MEMBERS ABSENT: Bob DeOtte,Vice Chair; Mike Manson; and Debra Anderson STAFF PRESENT: Steve Beachy, Director; Eric Ploeger, Assistant Director; Curtis Bingham, Operations Superintendent; Bridgette George CPS, Staff Assistant VISITORS: Mayor Lynn Mcllhaney; John Friedman, Jr., Bury + Pittman, Inc.; David Owen, lnterGroup; and Edsel Jones I. Welcome and Oath of Office - New Board Members: Mayor Lynn Mcllhaney welcomed the new members, Gary Halter and Elizabeth Cunha, and performed the installation ceremony as they read their Oath of Office. II. Appreciation Plaque-Outgoing Member: Greg Taggart was not present to accept his plaque. Ill. Approval of Minutes: Minutes for the meeting of June 11, 1996, were approved as submitted. IV. Hear Visitors: No unscheduled visitors were present. V. . 111 0 *I• a •I1 ' a II • Steve said that Zone 7 currently has approximately 4.5 acres of parkland. He reminded the board that the preliminary draft land use plan depicts an additional 25 acres of parkland in Zone 7. He stated that the zone is bordered by Wellborn Road, 2818 and George Bush Drive. He informed the board that they could accept the proposed dedication of 3.5 acres or, since it is less than the required 5 acres, they could request money in lieu of the land. The current amount is $225 per dwelling unit. Mr.John Friedman,Jr., Consulting Engineer/Surveyor for Bury+ Pittman, Inc., stated that the 462 unit development they are developing is mostly designed for students. It will be a totally secured, gated community with basketball, volleyball, and tennis courts, etc., as well as a computer room. The development consists of a four-bedroom unit, each room is individually locked with private bath, with a common living area. A keycard allows access through the front gate and a keycard allows access into the unit, with separate keys for the four different bedrooms. The development includes 2, 3 or 4 bedroom units. The 3.5 acre proposal was adjacent to 5 more acres that could be purchased by the city for additional parkland. Steve recommended that if the board decides to accept the 3.5 acres as proposed, then he would suggest adding land adjacent to it to create an 8-10 acre park. He suggested putting in amenities targeted towards the population in that zone which would mostly likely be students. Edsel Jones informed the board, that in 1973 he developed a preliminary masterplan for the city showing that the land in Zone 7 be developed as primarily apartments due to that area's close proximity to the university. In this masterplan he identified a area of land designated for parkland. Woodway Park is Parks Board Minutes July 9, 1996 Page 1 of 2 located in that specified area. The entire tract of land, which has been reserved for parkland for the past 20 years, is approximately 13.33 acres. Mr. Jones stated that he should have contacted the current developers sooner so that they could have made an agreement to use the land already identified for parkland. Carol motioned to accept the 3.5 acre dedication, but that it be located adjacent to Woodway Park. The motion was seconded by Gary. Carol amended the motion to include that the city proceed in attaining the remaining parkland adjacent to Woodway Park. The amendment was seconded by Gary and was passed by the board. IV. Discussion of Teen Survey: Steve reviewed the teen survey that was distributed to the board. The packet included the 12th grade results, as well as the comments given by the students. A total of 2068 surveys were returned, out of the 2,700 students enrolled. Steve mentioned that 21% of all students enrolled said that they wanted to see more concerts. He mentioned that the department will now determine how to utilize the survey to best serve the students. One comment that surfaced frequently was that they believed no results would be derived from the survey. Steve also pointed out that some students stated their interest in serving on a teen council in conjunction with the Parks Department. Elizabeth asked about a place for inline skating or skateboarding, she noticed several comments on the survey. Steve mentioned that there is no area designated for that in College Station. He said that is usually done on sidewalks. It is discouraged on surfaced courts like tennis and basketball because it ruins the courts. V. Capital Improvement Program Report: Ric reviewed the CIP report. He stated that Pebble Creek Park is still on schedule to be completed by the opening of that school. Maintenance for that park has not been established. No other new information was reported. VI. Other Business/Board Concerns: Elizabeth mentioned that a swing was broken at Central Park. Steve stated that he would check into it. She also voiced her concern regarding the t-ball fields at Southwood Park. She stated that there is no barrier on one side of the field and kids are running into the parking lot to get the balls. Steve mentioned that those were temporary fields set up for t-ball. Ron mentioned that little league formed the league without asking if there were fields available to do the league. So the department, in conjunction with little league, developed the fields the best they could to accommodate the games. Curtis mentioned that the department has already put up berms to help keep the balls from rolling out into the parking lot. VII. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. • Parks Board Minutes July 9, 1996 Page 2 of 2 frilii Prim NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE (------- PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD of the City of College Station Notice is hereby given that a (Regular) (Special) ( REGULAR ) meeting of the PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD of the City of College Station, State of Texas, will be held on the _9...th day of JULY , 1996, at 7:00 M.)(P.M.), at WOO KRENEK TAP RD. COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 . The following subjects will be discussed, to-wit: SEE AGENDA Dated this the 5th day of JULY , 1996. rf CITY/F F COLLEGE STATION, Tr AS Byi 4_ /4'AiLir—0 n J'." ,- f"-,.iiiipm_.* E HOO S, ITV SECRETARY --- I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the regular meeting of the Parks and Rnreation Board of the City of College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said Notice on the bulletin board in the City Hall of said College Station, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and said Notice was posted on JULY 5, ., 1996, at 5:00 o'clock ( (M.)(P.M.). Dated this the \6- ' day of .---:- ' , 1996. CI ,* COLLEGE STATION ,17 A 5 By _Ali 1-4/sr- -'.—L. LL,,,,,„, al-ONNIE HOOKS, CITY SECRETARY SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME ON THIS THE ..0--7C\r1Y OF ,-.. LA k ' , 1996. ) , \ k % 1 N,k ili, 1 4 W.lilt .4140 NOTARY -BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS hide My commission expires: es --.- -9(2) 1,....A. City of College Station Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting July 9, 1996 -- 7:00 p.m. Central Park Conference Room 1000 Krenek Tap Road AGENDA 1. Welcome and Oath of Office - New Board Members 2. Appreciation Plaque - Outgoing Member 3. Approval of Minutes 4. Hear Visitors 5. Parkland Dedication for Park Zone 7 6. Discussion of Teen Survey 7. Capital Improvement Program Report 8. Other Business/Board Concerns 9. Adjourn f,„ N. ITY S F C GE S A TI Post Office Box 9960 1101 Texas Avenue Coilege Station,Texas 77842-9960 (409)764-3500 July 5, 1996 MEMORANDUM TO: Parks & Recreation Board FROM: k: eve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT: ITEMS OF INIEREST 1. Jana Wood has just completed the Certificate of Proficiency in School-Age Care from Concordia College - St. Paul, Minnesota. This five course, twenty- credit program was the first of its kind in the nation. Jana participated in the first Ten Day Intensive Certificate program sponsored by the college in St. Paul, June 6-16. During her course of study she learned that Kids Klub is not just a place for kids to go after school, Kids Klub acts as the extended family and must be committed to facilitating positive development in College Station's children. Kids Klub is proud to have a director who holds one of the first Certificates of Proficiency in School-Age Care in the nation. Jana plans to participate in the first BA program in the nation beginning October 1996, this program is also sponsored by Concordia College. The degree will be obtained via computer and will take about 15 months. 2. Splash Bash: On Saturday, June 22, we had our first Splash Bash for teenagers 15 to 18 years old. It was extremely successful! We had 104 kids come and participate in the event. The radio station, KTSR came and provided prizes and music for the event. The kids were able to participate in games such as: 3-point shot, slam dunk contest, joust, a biggest splash contest. Some local business donated prizes for the event. Sonic gave free burger baskets, Hastings gave free movie rentals, FedEx donated airplanes, Double Dave's donated free pizza rolls coupons. The next two Splash Bash events are July 20, and August 10, 1996 3. Jr. Lifeguard: There are 45 kids participating in this year's Jr. Lifeguard program. The kids have been participating in activities to teachthem lifeguarding skills. We had the paramedics out to give a demonstration and a tour of the ambulance. Two supervisors from Schlitterbahn are coming talk to the students about working at a Waterpark. The students will get a chance to try snorkeling with Sea-U-Underwater. We are taking a field trip to Schlitterbahn on Saturday the 29th of June. The kids will tour the back part of Schlitterbahn and then go on the rides and have fun. iome of Texas A&M University 4. Family Swim Night: There are two Family Swim nights scheduled this year for Adamson Lagoon. They are July 11 th, from 8 - 10 p.m. and August 8th, from 8 10 p.m. All passes will be accepted and there will be a 1/2 price entry fee of $1:50. 5. July 4th: On July 4th, Mix 104.7 will be out at Adamson Lagoon with the party barge. The party barge will have hot dogs and cokes. We will have games such as; greased watermelon, piñata, pie eating contest, bubble gum blowing contest, balloon throwing contest, and more. We will be open from 12-6 p.m. 6. Oral History - Memory Lanes: The Historic Preservation Committee and the Conference Center Advisory Committee want to record and document memories of our history for future generations. Eventually a book of the Memory Lanes will be printed and available at school libraries. The next project will be the 6th event, in a series of recording oral histories for the project, and will be held at the Lincoln Center on Tuesday, July 30, from 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon. This project will focus on "The Old Days'' around College Station 1929-1940 regarding travel, shopping, farming, gardening, teachers, students, schools, churches, neighborhoods, businesses, nearby towns, and world wars. The 7th event will be 'Early Education in Our Area" 1929-1940 regarding teachers, students, school buildings, school staff, employees, textbooks, busing, etc. It will be held at the Conference Center Wednesday, July 31, from 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon. Memory Lanes will take approximately two more years to complete. Future recording events will include: Military/project housing, early TAM faculty and staff, campus kids, and sports. 7. Back-To-School Fashion Show: The Shenanigans Teen Center in cooperation with TARGET is sponsoring its 9th annual fashion show on Friday, July 26, 1996, from 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m. at the Conference Center. Teens grades 5-8 will model Fall fashions from Target. Admission is free and drinks will be provided. Everyone is invited to attend. 8. "Annie Get Your Gun"- The first theatrical performance conducted at the Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater was a great success despite some difficulties associated with adverse weather conditions and set design. Over fifty kids participated in this production as part of the 'Summer Youth Theater"program organized by the Recreation Staff. Critical support for stage design and set up was provided by personnel from the Forestry and Parks Operations staffs. Approximately 2,250 people attended the three performances. Four performances were originally planned, however, rains resulted in the shortened schedule. The production received high praises from the Eagle, parents and other people who attended the event. We will analyze the results of this activity to determine how we can improve future productions. 9. Tourist Information Centers - The Parks and Recreation Department has been given a new role as liaison to the Convention and Visitors Bureau. As part of a comprehensive effort to enhance the local tourism industry, four Tourist Information Centers are being established in municipal buildings this summer. They will be located in the Conference Center, Police Station, City Hall and the f Parks and Recreation Headquarters at Central Parks. Each location will feature framed maps of Bryan/College Station, Texas A&M and the State of Texas. Also, brochures and photos of local attractions will be displayed. Distinctive signs will be located on each adjacent street to direct visitors to the information centers and the front line staff will be given a one day 'tourism" orientation to emphasize the importance of this industry on our local economy. 10. Paving Improvements - Thanks to the Public Works Department, we have three sites with new asphalt overlay. Bee Creek Park, the Cemetery and part of Southwood Athletic Park all received an overlay and new striping. This is the result of an approved budget request that was submitted last year. These improvements make a tremendous difference in the appearance and use of the facilities. This type of work will be an annual maintenance item for all parking areas and park roads to increase the life expectancy of our paved areas. Copies: Skip Noe, City Manager Tom Brymer, Assistant City Manager PARD Superintendents CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT STATUS REPORT JULY, 1996 1. PEBBLE CREEK PARK DEVELOPMENT Project Number: PK9504 Budget: $200,000 Contract Amount: $194,169 Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design: PARD Planning Comments/Status: Initial meetings with CSISD staff have occurred to prioritize needed facilities. Public hearings were held October 10 and November 12, 1995. The preliminary site plan was approved by the school board on November 20, 1995. The plan was presented to the City Council on December 13, 1995. Competitive bids for the park's construction were opened April 15, 1996, The project was awarded to Marek Brothers of College Station, Construction started the week of May 13, 1996, Task: Project Design: January- February 1996 Advertisement&Award: March -April 1996 Complete: August 1996 2. LINCOLN CENTER/WAYNE SMITH BASEBALL COMPLEX Project Number: PK9505 Budget: $1,230,000 - 1995 Bond Contract Amount: Design $84,490 Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design: HSI Consulting Architects Comments/Status: After review of 16 proposals by Architectural firms, the staff recommended HSI Architects of Bryan to the City Council, The City Council approved this selection. The contract was signed in early February and the initial meeting with staff took place on February 27, The conceptual design phase has been completed and the preliminary design phase has begun. The preliminary design is expected for review in mid- J uly. Task: Project Design: February-September 1996 Advertisement&Award: September- October 1996 Complete: August 1997 CIP Report 7/5/96 Page 1 of 2 3. CENTRAL PARK POND SITE IMPROVEMENTS Project Number: N/A Budget: $37,500 Zone 3 Parkland Dedication Funds Contract Amount: $14,435 -Tx-Con Project Manager: Peter Vanecek Project Design: Parks Planning Comments/Status: This project includes sidewalks to include handicap ramps, a picnic shelter with slab and picnic tables, a handicap accessible drinking fountain, a new slide in the playground and electrical work. Preliminary plans are currently being reviewed. Some of the work will be performed by parks' crews and the Facilities Maintenance Department. Tx-Con construction was low bid for the concrete work and installation of the drinking fountain Task: Project Design: April 1996 Advertisement&Award: June - July 1996 Complete: September 1996 4. BASKETBALL COURT RESURFACING Project Number: N/A Budget: $5,800 Contract Amount: $5,400 N-Line Traffic Maintenance Project Manager: Peter Vanecek Project Design: Park Planning Comments/Status: This project includes the resurfacing of the basketball courts at Lincoln Center and Wayne Smith Park. This project was re-bid and awarded to N-Line Traffic Maintenance of Bryan. Task: Project Design: April 1996 Advertisement&Award: May 1996 Complete: June -July 1996 CIP Report 7/5/96 Page 2 of 2 I ,, Pool Attendance and Revenue 1 1995 1996 Thomas Pool Attendance Revenue Attendance Revenue May 537 858 1,164 2,944 June' 3,785 4,229 3,568 4,838 Totals 4,322 $5,087 4,732 $7,782 Southwood Pool Attendance Revenue Attendance Revenue March 443 2,860 closed for renovation April 2,488 7,346 closed of renovation May 5,138 13,157 316 412 June* 8,064 10,155 6,835 13,187 Totals 16,133 $33,518 7,151 $13,599 Adamson Lagoon Attendance Revenue Attendance Revenue May 2,832 12,083 4,644 24,678 June* 13,908 35,170 12,882 35,200 Totals 16,740 $47,253 17,526 $59,878 CSISD Natatorium Attendance Revenue January 1,339 608 February 2,592 635 March 2,047 671 April 2,782 603 May (closed 5116-613 1,437 191 June " for repairs) 608 38 CSISD 9,712 BISD Athletics 525 Aggie Swim Club 1,525 Totals 10,805 $14,508 * as of June 24 " as of June16 City of College Station rarks & Recreation Board 1996/97 Ron Gay,CHAIR (5/97) [2] 2802 Wilderness South College Station, TX 77840 (H)764-9130 (W)268-7947 Carol Reynolds (5197) [2] 1104 Rio bravo College Station, TX 77845 (H)693-2898 (1361-5251 (F)823-0352 Bob 1)0(X-to (5/98) [2] 1208 Haines College Station,TX 77840 (H)693-9709 Michael Manson (5/98) [2] Texas A&M Dept of Biology College Station,TX 77843-3258 (H)693-9548 (1845-5158 Debra Anderson (5197) [1] 2413 Carnation Court College Station,TX 77840 (H)764-6807 (1361-6534 Elizabeth Cunha,VICE CHAIR (5/98) [1] 4019 Tiffany Trail College Station, TX 77845 (H)690-0742 Gary Halter (5/98) [l] 1204 Ashburn College Station, TX 77840 (H)696-5512 (W)845-2152 Hub Kennady,Council Liaison 426 -Farrow, Suite 106 College Station, TX 77840 (H)693-6359 (W)846-7880 • , • • . • . • Al• - . . . . . RECEIVED JUN 1 1V- ,' ‘A- '• „ 1 . , "I. I .. OST • June 7, 1996 • Mr. George K. Noe City Manager City of College Station P. O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842-9960 Re: City Use of Parking Facilities Dear Mr. Noe: • As you undoubtedly know, the City of College Station has been utilizing a portion of our parking area for events held at the Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheatre. At one time both parties were attempting to consummate an appropriate contract to provide. for this use by the City. There are a number of considerations that have led us to determine that we are unable to execute a formal agreement in this regard. At this point in time it is our desire to informally allow the City to continue it's use of this area subject to our continuing review of any negative impact this use might have on our operation of the center or.the rights of our tenants. We do however, expect the City to police the area after events to maintain the area in, a .clean and safe condition and to repair any damage occasioned' by this use. In addition, -we feel very' strongly•that the City should extend its insurance coverage to include liability claims'that may arise from events that are held at the City owned facility.that also involves the utilization of our property and we are proceeding on the . express understanding that the City will in all events indemnify us and hold us harmless with respect to any claim, loss, cost, damage-or expense arising in connection with this use of the . property. • • As long as this continued use does not in our sole judgement and discretion,negatively effect our • . j)usiness operations or those of.our tenants we will,allow the.City its continued use of this area . on a permissive basis without any financial consideration. • • . • • • • • CBL&ASSOCIATES PROPERTIES 1500 HARVEY ROAD • COLLEGE'STATION,TEXAS 77840 • (409) 764:0060 • FAX (409)'696-0977 • . . . • • , • Mr. George K. Noe ( June 10, 1996. Page • I hope that this is acceptable. Should you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me. S.I cer, t. • William R. S* is • General Manal,er • WRSicid • • cc: Roxanne Nemcik, City of College Station Chuck Ellison, Rogers, Miller, Ellison and Holt Jerry Sink, CBL and Associates Properties, Inc. • • • • • • • • • • e%%don Litt, !.•„; 04, I CSLL,';;".;;.T. At, -147s 4iavoo June 25, 1996 FAX MEMORANDUM: Steve Beachy, Director Parks and Recreation Department City of College Station (Fax: 764..3737) Dear Steve: We regret to inform you that we will,not be able to accommodate the College Station Little League Summer League this year due to insufficient numbers. The Summer League was scheduled to run from July 9 to August 9. Please inform the proper personnel accordingly. We appreciate your continued support of Little League and have a great rest of the summer!!!!!! Hope to see you on the baseball playing fields next year. Sincerely, Ronald G. Carter Chairman College Station Little League L 'd SV80 S18 60V NOdd VAILY'L 9661.—LO—L • .1 June F. Cooper 900 Val Verde Dr. A College Station, TX. ( 77845 . • June 28 , 1996 Mr. Skip Noe , City Manager City of College Station 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX. 77840 Dear Mr. Noe , During May 1996, 1 talked to you about the poor condition of the roads in the College Station City Cemetery. You said that you would taIlcto. Mr. Mark• Smith, - Director of Public Services , to see what could be done about the situation. In a few days , Mr. Paul Urso, Superintendent of Streets and Drainage , called me to discuss his plans for improving the cemetery roads.. The following day, the holes in the roadswere filled and, within two weeks , the roads were completely blacktopped --- a beautiful and esthetic improvement. thank you and the other two gentlemen for your prompt action and attention concerning this matter. ( ) Mr. Delmer Charanza, Sexton of the College Station City Cemetery, and his two caretakers , Mr. James Schroeder and Mr. Joe Achoa, Sr. who have done such a marvelous job in seeing to the beauty of the cemetery, must also be commended for their conscientious efforts . All of you gentlemen have worked together to make our citizens proud to have such a beautiful resting place for our loved ones . Sincerely and With Many Thanks , June F. Cooper cc : Mark Smith Paul Urso Delmer Charanza James Schroeder Joe Achoa, Sr. ( ) .................. June 26, 1996 Dear Vera, Once again, I'm late in getting out a letter of thanks to you for all your help in making our 1996 team "Attitude Award" pool party in May another great success. This was the third year that our team had our "Attitude Award" party at Adamson Pool. And for the third year in a row, it was superb. Needless to say, it was as wonderful as the first time. First, setting up the arrangements was a snap. Secondly, I never doubted that you folks would be ready for us that night and therefore never felt the need to call and constantly check up on things. And finally, the guards did their usual great job of keeping everyone happy while they where they were there. But the best thing of all was that the kids had a really great time. It always amazes me that there are actually kids in this town that have never been to Adamson Lagoon. I love to watch their faces as they enter the pool. It really says a lot for the time and effort tha-(you folks put into making the pools in this town such as enjoyable place for the kids. Our thanks go to you all: Vera, for making the arrangements so easy; and the guards that night, for making it so easy for us and so enjoyable for the kids. Many thanks, and just put us on the calendar for next year! Have a good summer! iJan Fed:the-Ern Jaguar Science Teacher Willow Branch Intermediate School JIM RAMSTAD WASHINGTON OFFICE: •V,: ' THIRD DISTRICT:MINNESOTA ,,,4 103 CANNON HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON,DC 20515 WAYS AND MEANS ,,...\iTh.' • 10 (202)225-2871 ,,--------1-:-Air,,;, COMMITTEE 'il!A;:a), it:.:';. DISTRICT OFFICE: t .4; TRADE SUBCOMMITTEE /I, 8120 PENN AVENUE SOUTH,#152 BLOOMINGTON,MN 55431 OVERSIGHT SUBCOMMITTEE (612)881-4600 • Congre55 of the Jnjteb _ tat gouge of Repregentatibe0 June 15, 1996 1 J,etaington, ii e 20515-2303 .0. 4 Jana Wood . cio Concordia College 275 North Syndicate Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 Dear Jana: On behalf of all the people of our area, please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your graduation from Concordia College's School-Age Care degree program. The knowledge and experience you have acquired through this program are sure to be beneficial as you continue to pursue your professional goals. But it also true your training will allow you to perform important work which our area, state and nation so desperately need. There is no price we can place on properly trained school-age care providers. In this day and age, with ever increasing majorities of two wage-earner families, we must have an adequate supply of properly trained child care providers who can help young children grow up to be both emotionally and socially healthy. If our society does not produce enough care providers, like yourself, for school-age children, then we will face much more complex difficulties at much higher costs for society down the road. I want to offer my highest praise and congratulations to you for boosting the number of highly qualified and well-prepared individuals who can properly provide this care. Your efforts in this program make me proud to represent our area in Congress. Congratulations again on this very special day. Please let me know if I can ever be helpful in any way. . iiicer,ely,, iRAMSTAD mber of Congress • ". :pta PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER . „ . : „. tiory I�3Tail,.,.... ........, ittlyori t.qvt,Ite IV of , pz- ,73,...,,z,,,,-„,.,„-, .,. t tolv". 4 ....., 7 1,1„;,. "*„. 4, --, 1 , 1 '*':'''. '''''??'- ',.,. illt 3,i r.e. ik , ,-, . ... -k„ ,I. ,,,,,, ,.., ..,,.. -:,. ,,.;., ‘...,,,„,„._ „,.,,„: 1 rr,. N (*);.'/„..,„,•,,,,,„., •'�� �E, P.✓���v r.� �� �g�� ryye f......, .,:,._,.1,, .: _,,=i. „..,..: - , , • ..,,,,,„ ,. K , , ,.,. ...s. .,..,. ... , ..,.. -/;:ika,,.i ii,„Liviu- „.,..„,. v,,,,, 'MI',': ,:eA,„:::, x •* .Ick „ :;:,., ,. Pa:. ;: „... ..„:,.„., „,....,:.,„,..,„:„.„. ' .-!' ."'”. c...... 1 404"e).11.N. *e:s :z•. ,. 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Walker -- Trustee .- Phone: 512-328-0011 ‘,..f � •yrs: ill 3.5 acre tract 911k Existing . R-1 zoning Requested zoning, R-5 •, Ti�S A et m utitvERsirr •‘ /111/:".43.:-. V . . WOODWAY . VILLACE . ',,¢, ,,,,.•..,.. • .: l_ R"r 4 4 .IR.N a`MN a NN rN wR�.+...r.....� -.... , ,/ . -....::::::::::::::-:-::::-.7.-:-:-.:.:-.. - ...rrwrrrwrw.rww.�. ,, � :,:." w w MI rY 1.RI►RM r r ... ri " :.�. -.w..syesawe. : ,..... , # r. r rw..wrr w...�w �-,,,,N. • �:.. 1 ..w r �....r w�►,NI s�M Nr _...r w r-&i .ti/wr-- r- .;•, ,,,,_,..„...,...„.,...,...:_,...,_:_,_:_:_y...- ,..4*,,... 1..•,. � �•� j . , • ...r...."...r.rw.nwr.rw.+wrr ' w� ............r............w....fir •.► ,- .. . ,,,,4,4,:, '. .. 444,--' i . {/�� � NNf .NI wT.R"r�w w re r�w sr sl rr • ,,'‘ •...,. ...,' Pic/cm-AY :: 'OT CATION AREA ,-,--:-..7-:-::-:-..--..-47. .._w .....�.... . 4 .�_ .� �� Nom7:�NNI..��q ,'� ��.:►� ....:.. "M.`..ate. """. /PAteiffs,.,:. � fir., . 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OUTSIDE CITY 1MITS City of College ,...,:,i.,,.:.at..-_,A. :,,,•!, , ,,.. .., ,;,,l,TV Pr, ry CASE NUMBER: 96-108 ACTION REQUESTED: REZONING PLANNING DIVISION • ATHLETIC FACILITIES • COMPREHENSIVE PLAN RECOMMEIVDATION AMEN/TIES EXISTING FROM PARKS BOARD Basketball Courts 20 1 per park except mini parks; 2 per community park Racquetball Courts 0 Private sector " - Tennis Courts 12 - (1 per 4,833 population) 60 total, including a tennis center Sand Volleyball Courts 7 outdoor Delete low-dollar capital item to construct (1 per 8,285 population) Baseball Fields 9 - (1 per 6,444 population) 27 total (Little League) Each field accommodates 150 players. Approximately 1,300 current players. Softball Fields 8 - 4 Adult, 4 Youth 12 adult (1 per 7,250 population) ayDuth Current demand would support 20 total 6 Adult fields. Youth field numbers are adequate. Football Fields 0 4 total Soccer Fields 18 - (1 per 3,222 population) 36 total Swimming Pools 3 outdoor 6 total (1 per 19,333 population) Recreation Centers I - (1 per 58,000 population) 3 total • 11/riciathipark/faciltes/18-Jul-96/pe