HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/10/1995 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks Board . ... : ::ti•:'•»:•.:ti•:{.�.�:.:tititii{ti •»:{til:•.tiff{ti'»:{:":':i`i.•.tiytii'4•:�Y,•tti:�ti•:•:•:::�..•:� wt 1i1ti1'{t 115 LY•`.�•�•.S`::'�tiii :L'S'::•. l .;t.. Y.�,k, �,� ":4:LS4:RYYtS.L11R..LS.:S•L•Y•.t... i' ' 'if:':.'';'::.::.'i...6r.:ii-m;::'''i;:iir iiiiiiii'ii"iv'i"ii"ii"ii":m"'"'"i":?'!"::;"11'g'iiii'ii'ii't:'iii'i'ii"iii*'i*iii'ii'ii'sKis'*l'ii'iiii'g'is"'*iiiiiiii: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillifilmilingiiiii.'iii'"i"ii*""il"""."linigilitiliti:olii. itii i•:ti:•ti'•:ti it'i•. 1 �LS Y w.......• :.11:. :L.iI:eiI:i•i:*I:.. •�:: y '•'ti{•'itii'itii•:i{w1+:iii•:ii•:•::ti •':.1.R11„....:ti:.Y.. .� � ti iti'L.iiiiti'ti'1�`i•::•»'til• 1. 1:`RS1"' •:.1::S.. mi ::Ni' � ••••:•».... S•S •Y- ..t1ti."::tiS„:ti ti{:ii{•:V:'- .:1. 1R�tYY�L�.„1r: �.. 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Public Hearin Concernn Pebble Creek Parkii: *. t:�S• 41:'1..,...»•:4•.:.1•�'• R.Y.L; •.Ss•..1 la a •4. Appointment of New Members to the Lincoln Center and Conference ti•:.RYtiff B1 • ti•;L44ti � '�;41. Center Advisor Committees 1�ti� y 1451': S :5- 4t.SS• 41.SR.»1115• 'iii:1�1�ILLS• '.4�,ytitiit4St' '"tirt•.L���S• S,'ti•.Y1.h'LS• S1:•4• 4�wY }41.,1LS.~tig�q 5. Ca ital Im rovement Pro ram Re ort :0 i`:.:4 y�ti�tL 1tiBBw iiiil �▪ {•.4qq�.�,�,� �tLt1•'LS "t,•'»L•4•„„St• S::1:411,:1:' iiiiiiii�tiS11Y•.»1htSS ti.• 1},S SYLr ,...zzi RRR•tt"••S„'11111 lig 6. Other Business/Board Concerns:14 11• 1.t':::SL.L�.LB1'�.,'1y:51:1,' :, titildiiiiL▪ 'ii B1•ti.y: ....ilig b::.:. R:SS { 1 7. Adjourn • ti Lt' L1.ytr�ti'Z. 111 SS •Ryi :.„..," ......... '.........li iliiiii...... .15�„B•1A1:q� tiy�• 1`•'11»1�� ,.. :::::.:::.:: ,••..„: igiiiird•:YS•.45,r :tti:.� 1141' 4 S.t •R4S{1ti ,::::iii:,j ItI :A ::11 ...id's:. ;- .,.,-,,i:.* K:::K::. 2.1 • w.1„L111•L. 11:r1L1S15L•:.•...:`.L.. �. .. 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Estimates for repairs are complete and construction plans have been distributed for bid beginning 11/6/95. Bid opening will be 11/30/95. Task: Project Design: July - September 1995 Advertise &Award: November 1995 Complete: April 1996 2. Sandstone Park Development Project Number: PKN/A Budget: $250,000 Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Design: In-house Comments/Status: The preliminary design for the park was approved by Council January 25, 1995. Construction plans were prepared by the Parks Planning Staff. Bids were opened July 6, 1995, with Marek Brothers as the low bid at $195,003. This bid was accepted by the City Council on July 13, 1995. Construction began in late August. Task:Project Design:February - March 1995 Advertise &Award: March - July 1995 Complete: Jan 1996 C.I.P.Report November 9,1995 Page(2) ( 3. PEBBLE CREEK PARK DEVELOPMENT Project Number: N/A Budget: $200,000 Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design: PARD Planning Comments/Status: Initial meetings with CSISD staff have occurred to prioritize needed facilities. The first public hearing to seek neighborhood input was October 10, 1995. The second will be November 14, at the Pebble Creek Country Club. Task: Project Design: 'September- December 1995 Advertisement &Award: January - February 1996 Complete: August 1996 • 4. LINCOLN CENTER/WAYNE SMITH BASEBALL COMPLEX Project Number: N/A Budget: $1,230,000 - 1995 Bond Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design: Comments/Status: After review of 16 proposals by Architectural firms, the staff recommended HSI Architects of Bryan to the City Council. The City Council approved this selection and negotiations will begin with contract approval possibly by the December City Council meeting. Task: Project Design: December 1995 - July 1996 Advertisement & Award: August 1996- September 1996 Complete:August 1997 ( PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING - PUBLIC HEARING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1995 - 7:00 P.M. PEBBLE CREEK COUNTRY CLUB 4500 PEBBLE CREEK PARKWAY, KALEIDOSCOPE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Gay, Chair; Bob DeOtte, Vice Chair; Carol Reynolds; Greg Taggart; and Debra Anderson MEMBERS ABSENT: Michael Manson, Barry Harding, and Nancy Crouch, Council Liaison • STAFF PRESENT: Steve Beachy, Director; Eric Ploeger, Asst. Director; Pete Vanecek, Senior Parks Planner; Pamela Einkauf, Senior Secretary VISITORS PRESENT: Maureen Hawkinson, John & June Brien, Ron & Jean Silvia, Ralph Smith, Davis YOung, Tricia Barina, Jessica Hodges, Susan Stahley, Erin Wright, Jeannie Miller, Angie Solcher, Kiki & Tom O'Shea, Larry & Jean Ringer, S. S. Koseoglu, Mark Reedy, Julie Baumann, Blake Bauman, Patsy Tegeler, and Eugene Tegeler ) I. CALL TO The meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes were amended to read the "High School" not the "Junior High School" regarding the use of the senior league fields at Southwood Athletic Park. The minutes were approved as amended. . k • k. L. k • L Steve informed the citizens that Pebble Creek Park would be considered a neighborhood park and explained the criteria established for neighborhood parks. Ric displayed a map showing where the potential park site would be located adjacent to the elementary school. Ric stated that the Jack & Dorothy Miller Park, adjacent to Rock Prairie Elementary, has been very successful and is similar to what would be constructed in Pebble Creek. The park property consists of approximately 4 acres, with an additional six belonging to the school, creating a 10-acre park. Ric mentioned that various school officials have been consulted to get their ideas on what the students from the school would like to see at the park. He mentioned that he would have several plans for citizens to look at, at the next public hearing. There is $200,000 identified for this park. Parks&Recreatopm Department Regular Meeting-Public Hearing October 10,1995 Page(2) Pete explained and showed some of the feature's that are typical in a neighborhood park. He mentioned that some possible features could include a playground, with a • cushioned service for handicap accessibility, jogging trail, practice fields, basketball court, volleyball court, area lighting,small gazebo, and landscaping. One visitor asked if the school district was helping build the park financially. Steve stated no, but said that the city is using some of their land to build the park on. Jessica Hodges asked how much the fitness centers were used, she would rather see funds used to create large walking trails. Pete stated that the fitness center is used frequently at Brothers Pond Park and that some of that equipment is currently being replaced. Trisha Borena would like to see some toddler swings and some slides for those that are three years old and younger. Maureen Hawkinson would like to see some half basketball courts to allow the smaller kids more playing time. She doesn't think they could utilize a full court as well because of the distance of running back and forth. Camille Bunting wanted to know if the open area of the park could be extended into the Business Park. She stated that the area there,is quite barren. Pete stated that he would have to check with Development Services because that area may be designated for something else. ) Ralph Smith would like to see a half basketball court with lights so that kids can play later in the summer. Kim Stuart inquired about rest rooms. Steve mentioned that those are not normally provided in neighborhood parks due to the close proximity of the users' homes. Kiki O'Shea stated that if rest rooms were provided, it could attract users from outside that subdivision. Tom O'Shea was concerned about the quality ,.of the playground equipment. He doesn't want to see equipment that deteriorates, in an unsafe manner. Steve stated that the department tries to purchase equipment that is safe and durable, with a 20- year life span, if possible. Mr. 0"Shea would also like to see adjustable-height basketball hoops. Patsy Tegeler would like to see adequate lighting for added safety for late night activities, such as walking. Steve stated that there is a city ordinance that states an eleven o'clock curfew for neighborhood parks. Steve mentioned that one of the major expenses to the park will be the trees and the irrigation system that will aid in the survivability of the trees. He also mentioned that if funds are not adequate to build everything wanted, designated space could be left open for additional courts or amenities at a later time. Parks&Recreation Board Regular Meeting October 10, 1995 Page(3) Mark Reedy was concerned about the conflict between the small and larger kids on playground units. He would like to see different play sites for both of them so there will be less conflict. He also asked if families could use the park while school was going on. Steve stated yes. Mr. Reedy also wanted to know who to call if the park needed something fixed or if it needed to be mowed. Steve stated that normally the Parks Department is the entity that takes care of the park and its equipment, and they should be called first for any problems that arise, Susan Stahley asked about the colors on the playground unit, and suggested using lighter colors that generate less heat. She also asked if users would be able to use the rest rooms in the school. Steve stated that he did not know, that would be up to the school. Jessica Hodges also suggested that the playgrounds be split up for toddlers and the older kids. This helps diminish the conflicts. • The following is a list of amenities and the show of hands in favor of the item. Signage - no objections; pavilion, basketball court-(1-full, 2-half), walkways, area lighting, drinking fountain, practice fields, and landscaping/trees -were all unanimous; playground - 11; volleyball court. - 10; picnic units -3; exercise stations - 2; and rest rooms -O. Mayor Ringer mentioned that rest rooms are a natural attraction for vandalism. After some discussion the majority agreed that they did not want to see rest rooms at the park. IV. k. kA kekA k1 ti : : k k Sb CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEES: The board discussed the applications received for the Conference Center Advisory Committee. Carol moved to reappoint Edwin Holdredge, seconded by Bob, the motion passed. Greg moved to appoint Jennifer Pratt and Francene Lamb, seconded by Carol,the motion passed. The board discussed the applications received for the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee. Bob moved to reappoint R.A. Terrell and Elease Carter, seconded by Greg, the motion passed. Carol moved to appoint Malvonee Merchant and Linda Preston-Shepard, seconded by Bob, the motion passed. V. 'kr : * IA k 11 : 0 Ric stated that the design process is almost complete on the Southwood Pool renovation. Construction at Sandstone Park is continuing and should be completed in March. The Pebble Creek Park project will continue with public hearings. Ric mentioned that the Thomas Pool deck repair is in progress and should be complete soon. The Central Park scoreboards have been installed and have already been utilized during tournaments. The original exercise equipment at Brothers Pond Park has been replaced, The architect for the Lincoln Center/Wayne Smith Baseball Complex should begin designing the project by the end of the year. Parks&Recreatoprn Department Regular Meeting-Public Hearing October 10, 1995 Page(4) VI. • ek : k Bob mentioned that he had a discussion with Ross Rogers regarding the track at Tiger field. Mr. Rogers stated that they were thinking about repaving that track. Bob mentioned that the city was discussing the possibility of training employees to lay down the cushioned track material. Mr. Rogers was not,acceptable to the idea of hiring the city to lay the track for them. Carol mentioned that if that happened maybe the school would be more acceptable of the public using their track. She stated that there is a sign that says not to use the inner lanes. Bob stated that the school may close that track when the junior high gets their track Bob mentioned that the school will be putting in a girl's softball field across the street from the football stadium. He said that they may request the use of the Bee Creek softball fields for practice. Bob mentioned that maybe we could ask for the use of their baseball or softball fields in exchange for the use of the cities', Greg asked if anyone had seen any park related product from the HOK firm. Steve mentioned that the Planning employees are extremely disappointed thus far with the work from HOK regarding their work. Steve stated that hopefully there will be more information provided at the joint meetings with HOK. Debra inquired about Wolf Pen Creek, Steve mentioned that the dredge left when they completed their contract, which was for forty days. He mentioned that after the dredge left, Pete Vanecek and Ross Albrecht measured the depth of the fake, which, in most places, was 3-4 feet deep. Steve mentioned that a heavy rain will most likely creat another sand barge. He stated that until some drainage work is done upstream, the fake will continue to be the holding area for the sediment. Steve stated that a user fees subcommittee needed to be formed. Bob and Debra agreed to sit on that committee. VIII. ADJOURN: The Board adjourned at 9:14 p.m. • PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING/PUBLIC HEARING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1995 - 7:00 P.M. 1 /.---- ,) PEBBLE CREEK COUNTRY CLUB 4500 PEBBLE CREEK PARKWAY, KALEIDOSCOPE ROOM • , ‘.. 0111111•1111111111111111111111MINIMEEMIENIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IliiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ilmonionigeNkmeillEMBEISEINIMENIMESIONAbitiittgsiiiiiiIIIIIIIIM SERIPHONEiltigniliii ....niiiigi:$.....:::::iiggiasgoimiii.op.giiicaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim:::::,Ii::,,::,...-iiim::::::::-:::ii.1,:ii..iii:::::. figgi::::::i.iilii.i.i.c.,11..?:1,:licancgin:ici.i..0:::mii.,:iniogaii:o..illmimiri:INiliimill;:?:iciri..-:1::::::isi.iimi$:::::::goommip:::iiiiiiiii.oi:.:0:::11•.:::?::::::04.11:fiirili-ii$:im ,------,-----) o..,.,„...,, A p „,, 0,-,, 7 ,k,'•i'd:::,:i•-*'", Gq0—eir7t‘2„... — 6 d. 71 /!72- f. f164,4L cf... ,..-2- 4.7 00 -26 3 C, „,.----- / 1 , i j i5 ..'I./.e7,..;46 CO"\-.. 'f bialc, Cie t. .kf':... 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The dates for the tournament are August 20-24, 1997. At the annual ASA/USA Softball Convention in San Diego, California a.local delegation of Tony& Sue Ann &finer°,David Iludspeth,Alfred & Olga Macias, Marc Hamlin, Steve Pursley and local CVB representatives Merrill Kirpatrick and Shannon Sturm together manned a booth at the exhibitors hall and hosted a rousing hospitality evening for the conventioneers. Highlighting the weeks activities was the awarding of the 1997 ASA National Tournament sites. 113/CS prevailed over the cities of Springfield,Mo., Lawton, Ok., Lake Buena Vista,FL, Sacramento, Ca., Minot,ND. and Decatur,11.. The final ballot versus Prescott,Arizona was 191 to 61. This mikes 5 straight years 1993-1997 that B/CS will be host to an ASA National Championship. ASA National Championships held here were the Men's Class "A" Industrial Slow Pitch in.1993; the Women's Major& "A" Church Slow Pitch and the Women's Class "C"Fast Pitch in 1994,the Women's Class "C" Slow Pitch in 1995, and the Men's Class "C"Fast Pitch in 1996. B/CS received for the third consecutive year the ASA/USA Softball Award of Excellence for it's National Tournamentrating.. The rating was achieved by compiling the individual ratings given to the tournament by the participating teams, the tournament umpires,the tournament Umpire in Chief and the ASA National Office Representative to the tournament. During the ASA Region 7 (Texas State,Metro San Antonio,Metro Austin,Metro Houston,Metro Dallas and Metro Fort Worth)meeting in San Diego, Tony Scazzero was elected to a 1 year term as the ASA Region 7 Junior Olympic Commissioner. Texas ASA District 30 is proud to announce the results from this past weekends 1996 annual Texas ASA State meeting in Longview. Bryan /College Station to host two Texas ASA State Softball Championships in 1996 The Men's Fast Pitch (Major, A , B & C) State Championships This tournament is held at Central Park Softball Complex in College Station on July 19-21, 1996. We expect between 25 and 35 teams from around the state to participate this year, due to the Class "C" National Championships being held in B/CS. the Men's Class "C" Slow Pitch State Championships This tournament will be held at both Central Park Softball Complex and at the ]Larry Alan Parker Softball Fields in the Bryan Regional Athletic Complex on July 26-28, 1996. We expect between 120 and 140 teams from around the state of Texas to participate an this tournament. * previously announced 1996 ASA softball events in B/CS, � The Men's Class "C" Fast Pitch National Championships This tournament will be held at both Central Park Softball Complex and at the Larry Alan Parker Softball Fields in the Bryan Regional Athletic Complex on August 28- September 2, 1996. This national tournament boasts a field of 61 teams from all around the United States. • DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION ' MUNICIPAL ATHLETICS SECTION SAI NT t P A.V.I, CITY OF SAINT PAUL 175 City Hall Annex Telephone: 612-26670406 , ...-,,,..-, ..:...:. Norm Coleman,Mayor 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul,MN 55102 TDD 612-292-7083 . ,Facsimile: 612-292-7405 ...........eme.....1".„...... . , • October 6, 1995 Mr. Tony Scazzero . . 1000.Kenek Tap Rd • . . . • College Station, TX 77840 . Dear Tony, . I would like to express my thanks to you and everyone invloved for all the work you did on the Women's C National tournament in Bryan/College Station Texas. This was my 13th National tournament and it was the best I have ever attended. Everything from the barbecue to the rain hot line was first class. As the Commissioner of St. Paul Metro you can be sure that at the ASA National convention in late October, I will be telling others about my great experience in Bryan/College Station, ,., .. Texas. You'll get my vote on National tournaments for many years to come. Sincerely, 44 14'; if Olt 1 Deb Holtkamp . . Player, Nickel Joint Sports Bar • St. Paul Metro CornissiOner , . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . i . , ( DISTRICT ifittittatirur ottball logotiation COMMISSIONERS District No.1 HOWARD B. HONAKER, STATE COMMISSIONER PRESIDENT JOHN FARLEYCHARLES SMILEY 14972 Five Points Road 1350 CENTER LANE DRIVE P.O.Box 766 Perrysburg,Ohio 43551 ASHLAND,OHIO 44805 Ashland,Ohio 44805 (419)878-9931 (419)2894522 District No.2 (419)289-6103 TOM AMMON 1208 Northwoid UMPIRE-IN-CHIEF Lima,Ohio 45801 WARREN JONES JR. (419)224-9297 1230 Columbus Circle North District No.3 Ashland,Ohio 44805 DAVE WEAVER (419)2894978 1445 North Sayers Road Troy,Ohio 45373 (513)335-8625 District No.4 JOHN SPEARS 2234 Bevington Lane Hamilton,Ohio 45013 (513)887-9979 District No.5 DALE CARROLL 136 Warnecke Drive Clyde,Ohio 43410 October 4, 1995 (419)547-8944 District No.6 DAVE HONAKER 927 Woodview Drive Ashland,Ohio 44805 • (419)289-0876 District No.7 Dear Tony, RICK TORRANCE 918 E.Chestnut,Apt.A Lancaster,Ohio 43130 (614)653-2819 Thank youfor the nice comments in your recent District No.8 letter to me. FORREST RICE 146 Teatsworth Drive Chillicothe,Ohio 45601 (614)7754506 On behalf of my wife Mary and myself I would District No.9 like to take this opportunity to thank you, KEN MINROVIC 954 Thorndale Drive your wife Sue Ann and. your entire staff, for your -h Akron,Ohio 44320 (216)869-5639 wonderful hospitality and kindness shown both of District No.10 JOHN WEIDER us during our stay in your fine community. 2002 ironwood Circle N.E. Massillon,Ohio 44646 • (216)833-1556 . We in A.S.A. are very fortunate to have people District No.11 • ROB DOSS like you and everyone involved there in Bryan /P.O.Box 2135 • Zanesville,Ohio 43702 College Station that are willing to host our (614)453-5665 national tournaments. District No.12 BARRY TAYLOR 720 1/2 Third Street Marietta,Ohio 45750 Congratulations on a job well done in an (614)374-3494 District No.13 extraordinarily professional manner. CAL CAVALCANTE 8686 Bayberry Drive.N.E. Warren,Ohio 44484 Looking forward to seeing you again in San Diego. (216)856-7010 District No.14 JERRY WILLIAMS 1610 North 13th Street Ressec fully, Cambridge,Ohio 43725 (614)439-4011 4 I District No.15 MICHAEL HARDGROVE 6602 Eastlake Road Lisbon,Ohio 44432 Jo (216)222-2097 District No.16 DICK BURGMEIER 846 Wilfred Ave. Dayton,Ohio 45410 (513)256.3548 District No.17 LARRY FOX 207 Lakeview Court Marysville,Ohio 43040 (513)644.1395 • District No.18 GREG'PAONESSA • 426 Stafford Drive - Elyria,Ohio.44035 (216)365-6418 District No.19 • ROGER ZORN 2617 Eton Place Findlay,Ohio 45840 r, (419)422-2488 District No.20 STEPHEN SMITH 311 East Williams Ave. Belleiontaine,Ohio 43311 (513)592.0773 District No.21 • CHUCK LUTOMSKI 2321 Upton AFFILIATED WITH AMATEUR SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA Toledo,Ohio 43606 (419)474.5724 • AND THE U.S.OLYMPIC ASSOCIATION ..................... ................................................................. 1 • l I Attending Texas A&M University with a ' . 4 'i major in English, Thieu Brown spent this » 4, 1 '' summer with College Station Aquatics in the : tt 4 '• f ..-- areasof eguardi� andmaintenance. e. l i f ag aair erzcrarc 1.• �t, ,:'f '' 4 Steven Ti amonte also attends Texas ATI, i, 1 . i -.. l..� '•-, 4_ ' .,0::.,, ' rin Accounting. His position with r �� .� specializing g. t' 7{' •7. - .:a €s 1,7•r� i'1 •ce.. {I •,V 4 : • ! , r- 3`• ?I• q 7 a w,- I� ryj G 11. ll Aquatics included Accounting,ing, 2T1: : '�.. ; j< w�i�ii : C. 11 ;''1{ .it: rg °I•, �!F , :i College Station ,t %,! f•„' '.- :}r; ii- Y _• :ii r'v ii, s{`. `4 �yF; y`{R� [P, f . r.••. � R. • 9 �- Budget,Maintenance Security,and all 1 .i- '�": S i� .,,,'.'1,, =q. 1. and Security,f[ "�t r1�=f [�t [�T' �t �, �ai��ry�T' ��iS•� ��� '•'�'j�l: ,F". . !?E'f �: "•I Tik 1 related duties for the Aquatics Division, i n A graduate of Texas AFM University in by Thieu Brown Kinesiology, Vera Solis has been the Pools with research by Steven Tramonte and Supervisor for College Station since March,1987. i. Vera Satin • , .. .... -•�. ��". s•_ Ygy �i<I .:iP��$'�° �5"1���gC� 1�'It,`-#,• .x y -R, -3•--?" 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'rEg - t 5...:,,�' •:.1! ..1}fir:•... -_- ....�,,..I A.. • a;i.'.'..'w'••�:.....::*' c : 'r ».....�.l.h": ?-.:.:",,,',r-ti•fL..•�:.y...,-•- ..xi- »Ifw,. •r rE 1�: :�:, lr.;._.•e�;rs•s,r'•,r'A; .,:..r- .[ 7 .. i,,'. 1:a��.r,.ld�v:i,iYrerw"^i4':� �'1'++a'C„•'1 •r-,•:-,..'-�r-1:,r•• .4� ��. .�.. .. . _ ^.!' �L �++ � • ■ • '� •A"'t,r l • LM' ^ r. • _ C.• r'1G • •s. f •'11� ' • • . .r • • ..1 } .C• .,;. .yam .6'...^'�^. ;T.r �}�,,� s,. ,�1' Lrw:.t', .s,.r,•' •.1L ' -:T-�,.. rrJ .•�E""�....^ �«:5�r��•• �r..L..t':,•i...,,-,: • •--..L.��':�.L°.-.'i:."`.i'Gti1�i"r+`"'`..1"r"t_'.�++1.'w�=« ;•.;.�r .s _ .. ., . I . • In College Station,Texas,citizens of area for swimming,a baby pool,sun- ..,. , : ,--. ''''' }( �� s c he brutal, � � this .town have been floeking to bathing, and two diving boards, `'r• . ` the pool was a dry and } >iY Adamson Lagoon to experience. a Surrounding ,. wept l e u a s°IS ¢ . '� change from the ordinary and banal barren environment that lacked • ' pool facilities.Adamson Lagoon offers foliage,shade,and added little to the :. : : . , � ihoot � illmfierituros merciless' . , : `t,g .. .. a fiourishin pool,.with a semitropi- attractiveness of the setting.The pool g p `. • T :a h cal island lagoon theme that employs had.little more to offer residents than . '-' ::.:tree tofu the gg .' s:.the head .. .. .,.,:: fw' while maintain- an ordinar ooi found in local : ._ vtraterpark attractions, Y p '.:.:1� ern R1UllEBS hho1)e the conc c� � 1` a:familTyr oriented'atmosphere of apartment complexes.Unfortunately, _ ,` .. � .. ing J � s �' Adamson Pool lan 'shed with stag, s: .. fun for all ages. g- resuents fiitiiiseek rf e from these harshatzon funded geringly low attendance and rev-�; The City of College St g g Y tion o f a 5 o meter t e r L enue.Changes were needed to revive or chs the construction , , .`:. shaped ool.Adamson Pool was built this facility- p ' :.,.:. roe the coM� � [act oohs,vhch hi'ie little initially with aspirations of being a Pool supervisors and city officials' ;, toponder how the could. � competition pool with recreationalbeganY more To offer than the water anil lounge ohrs. usage. It offered citizens a spacious pump life back into this pool and sub- .'..k• ,,,.':.,:.: Continued on page 8 .i 6 t, Continued from page 6 ' city,sister A. Station,Texas, and itsin the center of the triangle created by San Antonio,Dallas and Houston,College nestled almostan, are home to Texas AB NI University, and (with completion in 1997) the �, small community Bryan, George Bush Presidential Library and Museum Center. "Aggies" (a nickname for collegians derived from the school's agricultural,roots)bear the brunt of many jokes,but in ' the area offersgreat anti uing,lots of Texas history,as well as fine old Victorian homes and offices. ces. reality q EVOROi 3 WF rr s ..4',-rifigil-Firiritir---4%.1. i -•.4{ �' r r °gid,` _ n 5 � .1 �x �k• RTL.'p i F.! 1410:4104,47.0,ZOtilki,ktiltiPt-tt,Arigkiat441,011.4tiArk rrilfl,VMtIC,Shgqtittt4*AOPOV.Wffi.g4.Vk'i'MPfgft,:MRTP;P;ffAr,,PEPilfiai'i'.:41,nita - k p s e $ J�.. ro i. r. 4'.'1'11/''''',.,'4''.-44.'"?-',EV" Ym i 1. ' V,„1 +:'� ,, .F,_,�d y X,,,,,,,b f F.F..y r � F xp�����.. � �r, / �.�'`��`.-��f•,.r�ig�•Ty°7�[�� lam•� •rfoFt "',•t'�,, .�-� A. : ��z.%\q'i,�I.�., I'•�•■'0 :1//4"1/11411;C4'107''''''11.7 M and risk znana e..�► �.;�;� �� '� ,,�" -�,��- �. ��� .� ,�r .,f�j ,�,��_..,t����1,1��� . ,., ���.°�,� �_�, safety concerns manage- ". ,' �:: i4L�; . .,,' 411 if`:�, i* + r"'�ir`/�) i.1i,•11,1;� , ��` ` or2V.,,i1 I �'°1g Y �,T': -t{° � 4';'" - 'Al: r,p'10 }Ill�4 I , '� r' 0 x�.ent, well as the goals and theme y r* •s;,. r. i ■�a �,.t:: q -'•• '•e-i:,'..;•zzeifilyo*-;''P,Pg. 7-.4--lis • . f l •+ r ' it !i a.s: , • • •, 2 71F,1 ;•WI7r9;'::,: s.st,,i,,,P4.-......,,,A.,.;'' If you have any questions about -,-y , -,,..,„„,,,,,„1,,,,,,...__,,,.,...,0 1,,,, .41*,,,, iii,,,,,..i,..,2,-,,.,y;,,,,-,,,,,-:'---4 ,ta,----.0,--!,-....-47Fi,,,,i,...•-4-,,,,-,-.::,-.4F.z.,,\,&-.4,3,.k,T_,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,, ,,,,-..*:.,..... ...,,,,yiv. .„-,,_ , 2-,,,,,,,,r,T,,,I.,,,,,tri-,*kt. .0fl ir.,,,irl-4,4:11,-,i.**Z-isz.,.r.--,1`1,w,,,W;•=4•,..:P,,,-, II.1„-rij:4',A., ""-%V.Pral,WP 4-1,-,411;',141-;feli,PIP-7''''';',-16' creating a theme pool in your area, ,_,iti,,,,,tr,...."2:;_,4.4rikie,..7,-',.,4,4„,i 'zrits,31:41.t,,,,,C..,..h#7,7.4,1,7,,,,,,,,,t.....),FC.,...,1 eifel,"::::,..,,,,, ,,......?'..,,,,..44.4,.,,,,,tV,W3.t.h,,4;),:3,41::-4'5,44- 11.••rAi.„..,Wc '..•:7-4'..4'....:Lii.:;CiPV•ZIN44.,v•-.-6, .,,,,;4,-.T.,,,,nniiii-,N577-.:•:{4...'4,,... .,),,Pity,-,--Fh...-,40.41;• -,...itt':',',---,:,..-- 141.-',",r-,,,4'..---ii.-4-4t.vweAk4...+-v,-A,A,'N,-,...C.tiy-itg,','',1., :42V 1‘51.-7,Mf:i#7 kft-,4V.0 3koi-m4,, ,,-,-pcia.:41, . , .??.10!;•-6,.-111-5:7Z--,tV±;101.- fis7-ity741.1----:*---atti-t please feel free to call the•City of College Station, Parks and , ,..z.- -•-•'-'''' ''':;.'*!, ,14 ,;',1'---L'-''''',i-rt;--,4::0i-1-`,:'igtAgaT-i.,,,Tli,,,, ,,..„,..,.. ....)-, ird ----. "-.---- ,.... , ....7..-,-,,,,,.r..- *- Recreation Department at 409-764-3773. . ....-1, mt., -F.14---''' 7;:-:r.p;If; ' -3:" -4•X***rti,,7'..,-,,,...::,-"- -:.--- ...-.- ,--'''-', 1, i, ,E1•;;.i' ' ,,,,t 17;:•,: 'O... '-,.....,__: _. __,-,,,,,,-, _ 1'' ql.';-;,-,-,--_,,,,-4,,.. ---,-4", , ._- :.---:-.-,...-,... -•.- 41-;•7'1„,.. te,-,.. '-11','*4.)1,1f.'7`.1",,i'2,4*, -, ,. -t-, '..,'—',-- -.,,,.:q-*F.17_,,s,....i,•,., •--.....- , .-.....•- .1 ,- :7,,,,cw...,,,,,,,4z,v,,,......,,,,,,,,,-.. —--•.1) ---• ( e 1•. Otlf-i:i. .t-i :1 iff,tillitaig44.9-142i:1' .....1 . , . 7.34•1?-- " '-'.''''-rr.:Z:.kftWiil',Z T:tii 0,*).i i 0'*-'' '.''..'rk,..7,L',::.1g1...;-4- ig:Ef:*'P..:-Zell:RI'gi,. ,,,,,,.. 0.1g.il . , ,,,-..,. • ,,,-.,;,„yg .11,IN:Til q:1''''''''i,itgin,••,,,-: -*--,-;,-,N'TiVi, e-'4., ii-a.Wk44 I:4-1'1412 NT? F:31,';112;!-? •`..-,.. '1:4-;:"'%.1-: .: '' ' ' ''.- ''*'* C.'...;.!.'17•'..V.'4' ',..';'.4-'''"'''',r 1,2,,,' ,e'r ii:ei,..1,-,,,,.,i.7-41:14.74 1. i„,,..1.•,.,,, ,,,,,i,,,.., -,,;:',.:' ' bi4,4,4,,A, ,T,„ ,,,,,,,,z,,,,c,1,,,„1,,i1,-;,,,,,,-,.,,,,,ci advisory board and residents of the '.:- :".4o1,,.; I:'Jit q.'''''' ,,'"7:-..""CYFAti raqtVig".1'61111 113.1 "-'1%*:', „,,.4.....S.X.r...,„_..._ , , .. ,:.,,.: ,, .`” .,.' .ftkij7.4 College Station area had finally real- ...,.., ''', ''' ' ‘...., .',.... ---, ,t.5r-4,,,,,,...1*-1-i,1 -4:,,,•'''...• . vi.r.,,,,,1 . '''.11'''''. . '.;"'•" '-i't ' ''' '1,3 ';'-.•• '''.1' ' ,," :.''''%: .* &i':''N \it 5+";;4 ized the dream of creating a pool with -..,-, ... it,r,.-ft- _..,,,,;"t,t,,,,._.-..-7i .: ..1,,t4-..;•r,.*:',lr."•...,?..4:6,- ,i0,-*:',i,t.....,:. *...if:-.1•;0;tiv:;'4-f; 7:'4!'-:';',4`',97:. sy:, :, ... „.. 1' •et'''''-.“.ilf.'•';')°Y!, . *---• '''-'4+-.-... .Y:::::.i•'.0--: ..-;,.; .-,-' .. ,:lsrc...:4-•";,I-',.:VI, .?4'. 1**'• 2:17jr';'-`:i 'waterpark attractions, while keeping. ...,„,.t..„ ..4 ..:0,,,,t,„,,,11....1, ..-,`-.4,7 .. .''',4,,,f,.*,,,T,.,,,,,,:,;,*.,---fr-r---,,,,,../,...%..., ..;:q.NI:ve.' . 'frk,ir. ''''77 -N.V.'''.3! ":'li'',..C'''''Pr',v. :"' "As ' '''''''I'":';'ii'''''' the family atmosphere Since the mi - ---,-, , ......;.- ..,_ ..._. . .,.... - -..,,,,..,..,-. -,,,,-,.1- '.‘: ...,.,..„--. 't,.*N." ,..' - =•:,- V-4:,4'-r;:--.7'•-•"',* .3'...,;.,1:...,..,,..._..A.. ,i:Jr:0.1.4,-, ,-,...--,,*;7,5::-. r. .-.1,- ---,-, - - ie 1 , '17,, "..,N.: „ ,sr-',- , , .0. '6'4'6'0, tial year this transformation has a*,7,--.. .;,%. ,- .,. ti---,t....k‘..-....1,k it:',::-',,27,i,;,:,,,,--.:j...„. ...:':- .i.':•%' 1, '„}=-Ver:,;-:fir: ''' ''''-:;',4 ' ...:_:::ItiNi:„6'Tt.;;:,:.°,,,Y..--°.:2,..-:.:4;.-,_,,:, .',.'; - eV''''''''";I-4741s.7:,..' 4.'•,i';..21.i.'1'111..: :_i .: ."...1:„A,A:::°.-g brought a rejuvenation m cominuruty ----.0i:,_-:::,-,%, ''..,.N(..,-.4,-'--.-.-.....,-74:;:i,,4., f'.,*--_,,,..•:V,C74.7.,N". ; 4,*.!'-'*U.''-i-".'. * •,,it1;4,117.:,-5,1,1,,4; 7... rvi 7,,-,t::,:,), , . i--.--- :";-_-,,,;:(Stf3-°,::-Z?4-4::.-3,-,,t.-.:.?i,,,i-,:g,,ii ,7, ..- „.-. `..,4;:„- ,a,:..,....:::iiT.N.,,,„1,,. ... 4..3 N.). and youth activities. More important- ..- -. ,..: '.t(-'-'ty:,-;'.....tf;E-rt:'-',.', ..;'f',..'.0,j4:"-:'-Y:,'.::;,;i:: -;--fW.-6-i-i'..,".- -:"Ii.4,,''L' ..-.4v.-4.7-1,-qhwith.. -..107.:\a'.. -,..-';..„ ....,9,, ,. ly, the attendance and revenues have ...-,..... :2Ti.•.„,.--,-...;:.:•- .7-f:-.tt-':r- -::;._-,:7,-,,, ,,/;*'."X .s4 ,- 4v...,, -: _:'''' . . -,-i-.1,. i• 1,..,- ...,,: -, 4, ,-..1,'Af-•:',- „,:4$* ---1;!„ ,,V,;, :=.--,.. ,''. .-„'i P-47:"4 .1/ilf= ,-, i'.1,.'' i r::.. -'; .'"*.::. '"-;',,,:.--•'-. ,-.'-',..,,- 21.'sn-i'-:, -. ,-, ..-V r**.i.V.FIAT-,:`,,,,,,','1 -, * • .4.4r ,tt,/I,/ ,,,. _.. nsen to record levels. i3.,;‘1;,..t.I', .,:•• "-.4 N:.=,;';:.';-,•1,.:i.,-„-e.4-cg.::/t-',L.:Eili-,T.,2-.A...!•;:-.,:::,,,iin-i--571,•4:-. .fj tt " I ,:".•-• . In the first year of operation after j0-' '.-*-1•7:-,-.Vier.,i?,45SARP,'.;"4:n. :0;:i'-::..,,t '`i : *I.:" i'' -'' . --,..-..,„-- ,-.=,...-. ,-,.,-,,,,,:,.. ,-,,,.- •• ,-..,,-. ,4. , 4 1. * % • . '1,1v.. '14":4.*Aiiii,* ; If/ t,,,.. , ''' -'3.''''. 'l f* .'.. ''''''f ."; '';''.'t'.: '''‘"11:74 t.:* '.'t:'' ' .* !7.,*- .... .: ' all these additions were completed, ,• ; -,,k, -s,-,,,,izv._-,-.,,, ,, ..,,,-?...,...,„* , ii!itr:- -gs.,...,,,, „KI:. ..., '..i.i...-.`.' P.'=:"' ''-',,rit'':'T-1 9i.,0:.-- 4:4744.- 4. 1'4'1 - Cf:' '-':.!'••'I attendance doubled and revenue = . .. ,.., .11-,..-:,-, ....v,-,:.,:: increased threefold.The year after the i ..::„.:,., —,,, .74,,,,„, .4,,-„,,,,,,-.,:i.,:iii.......,,P...:411-....,ki,4%, -.--..;:.,....13:4x#7,4?-'. big body slide was added, the pool --.:, ' ' 414 1 ..W.Irii'kk-,Qi:tli.;.,'. -: 'C',* :i.,.-:...'..t,. :4,t1.44/!' :i 7-42„. *,...,77.1...' !".lik,"*.• .'.*:517,''rirt....,,„..h= %. . , .., .1 . ``.1..1 .....,,,,:nct"Alt:;›,......:1....A;r6,....:4C:A..:,..0...., .......:...Ith continued to prosper, even consider- 14141:11-'1*.k.NRIN' et i•--.",-1171,•• •••/."4..“..,- ,,:,-A. Ai ,,...... . ,.v.„. 1.......,.....,..-.....,_-„.„.,-,..,.1.,3, . 1/4 'V V i),.1.4fL; • .i•:. ."'•,''' ''... %1'1' . - ''''..4***''''''4-'' mg the large increases in the previous — ./...g- ,i?,-7.;:, .,...,•••.......,..,-,,41,,1,:,./.4„.,;‘,,,,,,?.,2, .........c.,.. .,, ,,,,,-....,,%. .."..il'it' ..4' ; )1'7414.4.,,,:„*.v..,3-_.1„„,,,t47.7A-1,.,,,,*:,„;-_,,51.** .:***,,,,,--..-,-.-.---.*-- kz...311"414e4d.;;arilipabity474,tiji,..,-A-,,,,,, ..z-67.4....V.t;....a.-?,,,,,,; ;:*:.71..:..!* ,,,-.4, •" . -.11i --;:"-",.c.-.f.... year, when attendance increased by R...-.trAt*r-,.. ..-7,;4-3.,,,4%,...41-,igc.,-41.':,*.7.,At,31.;:.-i,114'4.0,4'ili.:-,.--'„7:-/:;44:',`"'-t•-.04;,, . *.-- fv * 70% and revenues by over 200%.,_.:414:z.:-4 ..., $41,r"t.:1. ./i14,.) '-'47;W:,14-'.. -.P`..,-4:..1,.P4 le.‘13-7t77,it:?;',„,"-;':1,,.!..ri;;:-...<4....r...:;,.. :-.- ..,,, . , ., • ..: .z.,... . -t ....itrri -41 -V'i,:i.,7,7,A-.. f.,.:. ii.:47.'-'- ',-:,; ---.. .,--.irt,,.' "-:--.' %.k" , ' -.14 These dramatic increases are attrib- 4..-- -:b'''''''..4-i:- ..,'*-f-1,--7.;i';--z:,-i.V.-'VV-.,.. 13; ''-...---, :,7-,,,.......N1,. .3.-N -"! .,'..4,1,1 --..-rs.„.. 7:::-...,...„,,,,,..e,..4,-,,,.. . ,., ,,,,,,4,,...0...., t-,.....4-4%-Z!.,1:•,".2.1":.:,,I;.S41,-.1'‘'''''''''41,:•''''',- '-4`:"' --,,,.0,,,-"-tvr.:-'14"'„,..-.r..0,7A ' ..4, .-'441.,41.,-A: ,..4,..• N.. - `• . -er•-,71-----...,„„, '14.-iiic...'-141 transformation. Ki..4*,,,......) , • - ,S. it ,,'.',,-,,.* v.,-0.. '''.'-t;,.: .k. .4ziVq:10:;;f, -.a.t...:.;,--ki-;--/42 :-' :". .7.:::i.:,'''. w-,,c,siv,:f,s,,..,;,k,,,m.i,-x.,-,., •,4 _I 1, ..., - *--73,,,•-r- ..-. .,:....„=„,-..,'....# ,..„..,......,.,,„,-.,...,,,..,„:„ ?.,,,,,,,...,, , • - ,....,,,,‘ :,.- .. . , ----.7,..•-z..-'"'ry. • .A,....„ •P" • ..,:,- ,, ;A'- -- I'L, Vit.sr.F.tw..7'.- ,' e- .., .: i "i"*. • .. ' Continued from page 8 attendartce andrevenues,the transfor- mation of Adamson Lagoon contin- ues.At the beginning of this summer, a miniature waterfall, surrounded by • ii ,-; wallowing in the shallow waters. A were needed and a height require- an array of colorful plants and flow- „.` floating lily pad walk connects the ment helped reduce the possibility of ers, was constructed in the pool area z shallow and intermediate sections of an accident. by the City's forestry crews. A wood- the pool.This attraction tests balance During this same year, smaller. en deck accommodates the many sun- .., , and dexterity for guests of all ages. changes and renovations expanded the' . . bathers who hope to catch a few rays These three attractions generated a theme of a tropical lagoon. Additional poolside. Other attractions and reno- newly found interest in this local city shade structures,walks and a wooden vations are in the making, continuing bridge were built to accommodate the innovative trend. -, pool and increased the enjoyment of the customers. Additional lifeguards more parties, while providing better The road to success was definitely a were strategically placed to monitor access to the new attractions. learning experience for all. To accom- • Numerous decorations enhanced modate the increase in attendance,the -, the safety of guests. The biggest phase of this transfor- the desired theme. A ship's anchor entrance was revamped to control . • • sits near the entrance, nets contain- arriving and departing guests. mation was realized in 1993. A float- ing snake and frog were placed in the ing imitation lobsters; seahorses, Additional safety signs and precau- . shallow and deep ends, respectively, starfish and crabs drape from a ceil- tionary markings were placed inside - f, Children of all ages spent hours of fun ing, lending atmosphere to the foyer. the pool. Special considerations were floating on these animals. A large ser- Ring buoys,complete with hemp and needed to secure the lily pads, .flota- pentine body slide,which is normally ship's'names hang around the com- bles and other attractions. Finally, parks, became the most popular "I - found at larger water and amusement plex. Along the fences, metal poles additional guards,cashiers and secun- , resembling ship masts sport colorful ty were hired. 'I -. flags. Wooden barrels filled with attraction for riders of all sizes enjoy- All in all, the metamorphosis of ing the thrill and rush of high speeds. plants spill tropical flavor into the Adamson Pool from flat to a family- Once , I again,precautionary safety mea- pool area. oriented waterpark has paid huge div- sures were taken. More lifeguards After three years of work, the idends for the City of College Station. ( \- 1 it,i4 P ',,, i 10 , I 1 ; -