HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/09/1995 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks Board -„„,,,... , i 1 .2 -N. A, :.ii ;'. ,.iij :,J.,-.,._.i:.::..,.;,„,.,,:,,.,. II, „:„ 1 1,, .. ..... .„ ... _, „ ,,,„.. '4,-,,,„, ct y, .,' , '',-;,::,,k.,, , .),;,' T!.",,,':: ..?:. ,:,.,.. ,. :,,, ':fi. , '.:,:.,:: !I. ,,,. ,.: ..,..,:„ 1 :,,,„,„ .,.„.,.,:. :,,,,,, ;',1,' .,.,:, . ',,': .1:. I.i:,,E ;.',.: i .-i:,, .,,:, t: , i _, ,. .„ .:.'; Parks and Recreation Board ,,,, r.-..: „, ,.,.. , .,.. . 4,.: .,,,L, ,-„,„ .„ , .„., , , ,.„. .,:,.,: :,,,, -.,.; , ii, Regular Meeting g -.R: .f„.: ... .,„ .,,, „..,:., Tuesday, May 9, 1995 - 7:00 p.m. ..,,,.„, ,,, 1 ; :.:,:,, ,, „ .,..„ .„,:: Central Park Conference Room :„, .E.:., 1 ,,, r, ,,, - :.:,:. .„,,, 1000 Krenek Tap Road :,,,„ ,,,„ , .,:, :„..; :,,,i.: -1,.', ,:„ i ,. .,,, , ,f,,, ,i,., :!.--A! .,,,., ,,. ...„ .,, i: 1 l''i, tt,, 4 :.f,' 'i R: ! .:*,'i'i V, AGENDA .!, .1,, ) Iiiii 4: ,.,i, .„:„. ,.1:' . / 4, Iii :1' I . Call to Order ii.,.,, ''',..':: ,,,,. 7„...,,,..:,. ,ti;: . „,, , „.„. .,„ -,,,, ..-„, ',1 1 2. Approval of Minutes ,.,;„ ,..,,, ,,„ ..,.. ,.. ....,. ,, ....,,, „..; ,f, ;:, .'i. i „..„.,. ,.'i..:, ,, l': -c..' :,.,... ,i',,, g 3. Hear Visitors ,,,.. :,/,.• :.,.,, :„: ;:j: '1 ... :y. 4:1 „.., .„,,,,.. 4. Discussion of Bicycle Routes and Plans ..‘,..,'i.:‘,-':- - '.:; :, it, , ,, ....,.. .. . .4., ,,,-„, ... , 'i:,,, •,,,:) ;', 4 ;':,,,, -,,,,,, ,i.?., 5. Discussion of Proposed Park in Zone 3 ,:,, ,, 1 ...,,i ,:„. •:i4:, .;.,, t.: , ,g, .,.. ..„ 6. Discussion of the Board's 1995 Goals --:•:, r•,. • ':E, , „. ,,,,,, ..... .,-i,,„ „ .,,, • ::'', ....„ 7. Discussion of Neighborhood Park Locations .,,,,.. „q, ,,,, .,., „, 8. Discussion of 1995 Bond Projects . ..i., ;._,,i „,:&i i. W '., 9. Capital Improvement Program Report , .,,, ti, ',?. , 1: 1 ';,,,,, 1-1'..”: .,i .:,:” 1.0. Discussion of Future Meeting Dates and Locations if,! ii .i ,,,„ ',-t .,,,t 3i. "'-' :,:',:i 11 ., Other Business/Board Concerns :., ,,r i Xi .*'g .4 12. Adjourn ,... .7,,,. ii., ,,,,,, :i'i, ,,z ,, :,.,. ... ,, , .., _,„, f.,1,:: ,,,:„ ,,,, .,..-,, ,,,, ',,, ..-,,„;... ..... . ,,,v,:; ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,o.,,„„,,,,,.,,:„,„,„:„.„....,,..,..„.„,,..„.,.,,, ;„. _'.::-.:,,,t,c;:':. ,:.,,t'''''„ ' l'''''''' ,,,. ;,,,_, ,,,,_„:i: ?,.:,,;,,, ,,,:.„,,.,‘,„,, .,:,,,, -,-.:: ..q,,, '.i'''':',1'''' : 11 -- .. . , .. . WV! NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD (--- of the City of College Station Notice is hereby given that a (Regular)(Special)( REGULAR ) meeting of the PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD 1 of the City of College Station, State of Texas will be held on the 9th day of MAY , 1995, at 7: 00 (A44.)(P.M.),at 1101 SOUTH TEXAS AVENUE - COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77842 . The following subjects will be discussed, to-wit: SEE AGENDA DATED THIS THE 5th DAY OF MAY 1995. , ) CITY:1,, COLLEGE STATION, ,EXAS ,.,. , .r. oi z.. e , (ll BY ,,Jclkiiii -6.Z.',___i_.., CONNIE HOOKS, CITY SECRETARY I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board of the City of College Station, Texas is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said Notice on the bulletin board, in the City Hall of said City of College Station, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and said Notice was posted on MAY 5 , 1995, at 5: 00 o'clock (AM) (P.M.) DATED THIS THE .1t,cDAY OF C\ii\.* , 1995. CITYY COLLEGE STATION, , E £5 BY , SUSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME ON THIS CONNIE HOOKS, CITY SECRETARY THE 1,7\Cit\ DAY OFW.IIIA ,1995. ' ) ..2._ i W...r\r-Q_``,..3/4W . k lb k., NOTAR PUBLIC-BRAZOS COUNTY,TEXAS B . - My commission expires: 5 95 11111bia 05/05/95 12:06 V409 764 3737 CS PARKS & REC Z002 , • • , ,.. • .• 111- . , Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Monday, May 9, 1995 - 7:00 pm. Central Park Conference Room 1000 Krenek Tap Road AGENDA 1 . Coil to Order 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Hear Visitors 4. Discussion of Bicycle Routes and Plans 5. Discussion of Proposed Park in Zone 3 6. Discussion of the Board's 1995 Qoals 7. Discussion of Neighborhood Park Locations 8. Discussion of 1995 Bond Projects 9. Capital Improvement Program Report 10. Discussion of Future Meeting Dates and Locations 11. Other Business/Board Concerns 12. Adjourn .11 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT STATUS REPORT MAY 1995 1 . OAKS AND THOMAS PARK IMPROVEMENTS Project Number: PK9203 and PK0033 Budget: Oaks - $92,000 and Thomas - $29,000 Contract Amount: $118,000 Project Manager: Peter Vanecek Design: In-house Comments/Status: Oaks improvements to include improved lighting, bridge replacement, handicap accessible playground, sand volleyball court, and walkway improvements. Thomas improvements to include a swing set replacement and jogging trail/walkway improvements. Funding is 91 Bond. The low bid from Marek Brothers Construction was approved by City Council on October 13, 1994. This project is now complete Task: Project Design: June-July 1994 Advertise'8( Award: September-October 1994 ( ) Complete: April 1995 2. WOLF PEN CREEK AMPHITHEATER REST ROOM BUILDING Project Number: PK9404 Budget: $185,000 Contract Amount: Design Fee $14,500, JHW $172,260 Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Design: Patterson Architects Comments/Status: Council approved Patterson Architects for the project design February 24. The project was be bid on October 10, 1994, and bids opened on October 28, 1994. The low bid by JHW Contractors was accepted by Council on November 10, 1994. Additional site lighting and concrete walks approved in the FY94-95 budget were included in the JHW contract. This project is approximately 85% complete. Yet to finish is the roofing installation, lighting, and site clean-up. Task: Project Design: April-August 1994 Advertise & Award: November 1994 Complete: April 1995 C.I.P. Report May 3, 1995 Page (2) 3. SOUTHWOOD POOL RENOVATION Project Number: PK9502 Budget: $219,000 Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Design: Contracted engineering firm Comments/Status: The renovation efforts will be. designed by an outside engineering firm. An RFQ was issued and six responses were received. The firms were ranked by a staff committee and the highest ranked firm was recommended and approved by Council on January 12, 1995. The firm selected was Jose Gill Engineers of Austin, Texas. Unfortunately negotiations with Gil Engineering have broken down due to disagreemnts concerning contract language. The second ranked firm of HSI has been contacted and negotiations are now underway. Task: Project Design: February - June 1995 Advertise & Award: July - September 1995 • Complete: January 1996 4. SANDSTONE PARK DEVELOPMENT Project Number: PK N/A Budget: $250,000 Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Design: In-house Comments/Status: The preliminary design for the park was approved by Council January 25, 1995. Construction plans are being prepared by the Parks Planning Staff. Staff anticipates placing project up for bid in mid July. Task: Project Design: February - March 1995 Advertise & Award: March'- May 1995 Complete: November 1995 C.I.P. Report May 3, 1995 Page (3) 5. WOLF PEN CREEK AMPHITHEATER CONCRETE ADDITIONS Project Number: PK9502 , , Budget: $33,000 Contract Amount: $11,089.12 Project Manager: Peter Vanecek Project Design: In-house Comments/Status: This project includes widening the amphitheater driveway, additional walkways and spotlight pads. This contract was awarded to R.M. Dudley, Inc. Another portion of this project is to screen the dumpsters at the , , site. This will be done through the Public Services : Department as they have an existing program that pays a ( portion of the cost of these screenings. This project is complete. 1 Task: Project Design: January - February 1995 Advertisement & Award: March 1995 Complete: April 1995 6. BROTHERS POND AREA LIGHT Project Number: PK N/A Budget: $4,500 - Park Zone 5 Dedication Funds ( ) Contract Amount: $4,460 Project Manager: Peter Vanecek Project Design: In-house Comments/Status: This is the installation of an area light at the playground in response to staff and neighborhood concerns over vandalism. Task: Project Design: March 1995 Advertisement & Award: April 1995 Complete: May 1995 17,.�•.-+.r�� [ w ! r + .•�..t h` ,f�r.y F »r.,r f• +•; 8 1995 I1 Helnn.uth, [)lata &Kassabawm Iris. 6688 North Central Expressway,Suite 700 Arc Engineering,Architecture, En ineerin Planning, interiors, Dallas,Texas 75206--3912 g Graphics, Facilities Consulting Telephone:214 739 6688 Fax: 214 373 9523 Weekly Project Progress Report to: AlancrticifelMaisfenvtifaetillegmfitatitirk Donal Simpson, AICP (HOK} Tim Terry (HOK) Gary Jost, PE (B-A) Mike McKay, (CDM) , PE ........ .. Project File (94-317-122) from: Joseph A. Pobiner, ACCP date: 5 May 1995 period: 1-5 May 1995 project College Station Comprehensive Plan . .. . ..... .......: . HOK Project#94-317-122 1) Project Activity: Phase 1 - Ongoing Phase 2 - JP spoke with Jane Kee regarding the housing condition survey/count. Jane indicate the tracts/block groups were there were some concerns. Also indicated the city limit needs to include the Foxfire subdivision. JP will re-look at the specific block groups. Opportunftiesiconstraints analyses complete. ..:...::...... . ...:... .. .. .. ....................:.. ..... ......... :. Phase 3 - ::.... ...: . . .. .....:::.:.:........ • Water- CDM is entering processing land use and service area data to assign flows to nodes in the system. Evaluations have been added to the system nodes. Water use summary for the past 3 years has been:.entered to determine breakdowns between residential and commercialdemand-. • Wastewater- CDM is continuing with manhole entry and service area development. Phase 4 - (no activity yet) Additional Services: • Space Utilization Analysis - Presented draft report to City Council last week. Final P report to be submitted after City comments received and addressed. 2) Project Meetings: None during this week. 3) Areas of Concern: None at this time. Offices in: r ... .... ..t •ri.f.f 1 Lr 1 _,.--ii--- 31lYC !► •hl rti.lti Sn Frani •Lip; ltu1l/tti»Tlky •Hone Kong•Berlin•London .......................... ...................... {3`+4 Report Weekly Pio�t Pro 5 May1 995 College Station Comprehensive Plan Page 2 I 4) Upcoming Project Requirements: The following tasks are expected to be completed over the next few weeks: Phase 2 - Community Workshop#1 scheduled for Tuesday, 23 May 1995. Phase 3 - Continue modelling of existing infrastructure systems: R s 5) Project Progress: '. Task % Complete Task 1 Project Management 41% PHASE 1 TOTAL • 41% Task 2 Public Participation • • "75%..' Task 3 Base Map 100% Task 4 Review 1=xistinglP revious Studies 100% Task 5 Opportunities & Constraints'Analysis •- 100% Task 6 Alternate Growth & Development Scenarios 9% PHASE 2 TOTAL. . . 92% Task 7 Land Use Plan 30°!0 Task 8 Parks &Open Space Plan 20% Task 9 Urban Design Plan 20% Task 10 Thoroughfare Plan 18% Task 11 'mateModel. 18% ewter Model 18% Ta. rsk•12v�lasta • Task 13 Regulatory Analysis . i . 1 Task 14 Capital Improvements Program 2%. PHASE 3 TOTAL 23% Task 15 -Cornprehensiv&Plan.AdoptiOri' 0% • • Task 16 Comprehensive.'Plan Reports & Dearing s - o°!o• Task 17 GIS Implementation • . • 0% • Task 18 Space.Uiliation Study •• .• 90%,, •PHASE 4 TOTAL 25% TOTAL PROJECT . • •, . • . ; Submittedby• �se ='•s'4 h '. Pobiner, AICP Director of Community Planning The HOK Planning Group Irm • • r ' Interoffice Memo To: All Managers involv;. in t e Capital Improvements Program From: Kent Laza - I r, Date: May 3, 1995 5 ....Subject: Capital Improvements Budget Attached is a copy of the Capital Improvements Program budget for the next five years. This budget is intended to serve as a guideline for the sale of G.0.-and Revenue Bonds as g well as the scheduling of projects. My intention is to update the budget each year to reflect the changing needs of the city. If you have changes or corrections to the document, please forward those to my office so they can be included in the master copy. Thank you. Capital Improvement Projects Proposed Capital improvement Budget Last Revision - May 1, 1995 I. General Obligation Bonds - 1995 Authorization A. Street Projects FY 1994-95 FY 1995-96 FY 1996-97 FY 1997-98 FY 1998-99 FY 1999-00 Total Project Oversize Participation 150,000 145,000 155,000 149,000 599,000 WS Corridor 125,000 1,128,000 1,253,000 Major Thoroughfare Rehab 312,000 200,000 512,000 N. Forrest Pkwy 933,000 933,000 SW Parkway Rehab 92,000 900,000 992,000 Tarrow St. South 309,000 309,000 Rock Prairie West 495,000 495,000 Anderson St. Rehab 130,000 1,148,000 1,278,000 Kyle St. ROW 550,000 550,000 University Oaks Rehab 736,000 736,000 Graham Rd. Upgrade 110,000 1,532,000 766,000 2,408,000 A. Subtotal 1,140,000 1,930,000 1,403,000 2,307,000 3,285,000 10,065,000 • B. Sidewalks, Bi4trans, and Northgate Improvements I - • Misc. Sidewalk &Trails • 1 100;000 170,000 320,000 220,000 29.0,000 1,100,000 Northgate Improvements 300,000 200,000 500,000 B. Subtotal 400,000 370,000 320,000 220,000 290,000 1,600,000 C. Traffic Projects Traffic Signal Enhance. Projects 420,000 280,000 380,000 440,000 380,000 1,900,000 D. Drainage Projects Misc. Drainage 395,000 370,000 462,000 733,000 725,000 2,685,000 E. Library Services Library 700,000 1,200,000 735,000 2,635,000 F. Fire Station Reloc. Reloc./Const. Fire Station #1 935,000% 935,000, • .• - • - - - I ,::-.j•-'',.!"i . .,,,114•-:e_., Capital improvement Projects 1 : ::.,,,:.,•...--2 G. Parks and Recreation FY 1994-95 1FY 1995-96 FY 1996-97 IFY 1997-98 FY 1998-99 IFY 1999-00 !Total Project 4 Pebble Creek Park Development 200,000 i 200,000 Bee Creek/Central Upgrade 200,000 200,000 Athletic Park Acquisition 500,000 500,000 500,000 1,500,000 • Lincoln/Wayne Smith Imp. 80,000 1,150,000 1,230,000 Park Imp. and Dev. Linclon Center Maintenance Shop 4 4 G. Subtotal 280,000 1,150,000 700,000 500,000 500,000 3,130,000 H. Land Purchase for Public_Facilities ,--.- Public LandiPurchase 430,000 430,000 •.•..., • . . --..;••••;- ' • . - •---:-.--.. ., ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„:,•:„...,,,,.,,,,i,,,,,,,,m1::•..4wAr::•:, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4.1 ,,,,,,,,,,:v.w. .m.,:.m..,.7.A.itig.. „sr.. .,i,,,..„.i...:„. .:..3. iptvii.,.A.NA„..,,....,N, A..,..ifitiltit. mrits.,...„:.z,$.4.s.A....,:.,,,fin, :::•:,...,.;.- 10-00-10-M40.01.01MtUSLA,' m.y.',.10xtri.yit4.-:!i*timp-$4;.y:p::•w-AcW„':,:•?itez -- ,4„,:.5.,,t,y,„• iriFx6-,m„,i,'i,,,,,yA?xy,N:,„,, ..t„,,m,v,kp,:;.tm.,,y,;...i.-:,!:.:.m.trrx.y,xt,._„,„„js.._,,,,,k„_.., ,•t.....,„,. ..q.k... ,JL.a...,*,,:, .•-1 * Includes $880,000 of Drainage Funds from 1984 Authorization II. General Obligation Bonds - 1991 Authorization A. Parks and Recreation FY 1994-95 FY 1995-96 FY 1996-97 FY 1997-98 FY 1998-99 FY 1999-00 Total Project ...,:.:. Eastgate Park Improvements .86,000- - 60,000 ....,...-:,,,:. : •,',i.,....••,1-.i • Oaks Park Improvements p9,000 44,000 113,000 .--::•-',411,1 Central Park ImproverYlents 116,000 4,000 120,000 ,..,•,::. : .• .:., Sandstone Park Development 250,000 250,000 Thomas Park Improvements 66,000 22,000 88,000 • A. Subtotal 251,000 380,000 0 0 0 0 631,000 , B. Street Projects . . College Main Rehab * 800,000 800,000 Arnold Road 400,000 400,000 B. Subtotal 0 1,200,000 0 0 0 0 1,200,000 :::.z,.......:,„,,,,N,:::..,...,:-,:.:.:,..n":::,..,,, ,,,,.:.;=,wm.,,,----tlr--.3._.„..w::,,i.•,:.::i,..,,,,,,::,„.,:,,,I,,w,:,:„,m,:::xm,:x,:i,,v:i.*.,„i*,: . .. , ,,„:„..,.. . ., :,.. ,.„...mit::;.z.g&i.,,..„.,.;,..,.....:„..,„..,6:§agmp„v4,.zempsA.A.m..mwtail• • • i Aff:441:04,§14:4:1ILUMOMMIV's"WzDA**'c°4'."''''3Y.P.40iliaMi.ax&;.;: azd - ,%44:KWAKNV,:kr ' '‘*"':.`'\c:VW:\,.-V.,ta.t.WAtMes: •• -•• . -. * Includes funds from 1994 and 1995 CDBG ; ' ...., • . .....-. :, '„.......,,,,' 1 Capital Improvement Projects Ill. General Obligation Bonds - 1989 Authorization A. Street Projects FY 1994-95 FY 1995-96 FY 1996-97 FY 1997-98 FY 1998-99 FY 1999-00 Total Project East Rock Prairie Rd. Rehab 200,000 200,000 ... IV. General Obligation Bonds - 1984 Authorliation. :Ail A. Drainage Projects P1199495 FY 1995-96 P1199697 FY 1997-98 FY 1998-99 FY 1999-00 Total Project At Bee Crk. Sewer/Drainage Rehab , 142,000 142,000 i , . " . V. Utility Revenue Bonds .i. .. _ A. Electrical Distribution FY 1994-95 FY 1995-96 FY 1996-97 FY 1997-98 FY 1998-99 FY 1999-00 Total Project . i Distribution System Addition i 950,000 925,000 1,175,000 $1,260,00 1,305,000' 4,355,000 .. .,.;1 Industrial Park Electric Svc. 1 10,000 . 600,000 750,000 1,360,000 Residential Street Lighting 120,000 130,000 140,000 150,000 160,000 700,000 Thoroughfare Street Lighting 360,000 450,000 260,000 285,000 295,000 1,650,000 University Dr. Undrgrnd. Cony. 2,450,000 200,000 2,650,000 Thouroughfare Und. Dist. Cony. 200,000 1,387,000 1,278,000 2,312,000 1,800,000 6,977,000 Utility Svc. Center Improvements 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 100,000 SCADA Enhancements 25,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 150,000 Substation Add. & Mod. 350,000 75,000 75,000 175,000 75,000 750,000 Substation Addition (Finfeathed 1,000,000 1,000,000 Third Transmission Line 900,000 900,000 1,800,000 Underground Dist. Capacity 650,000 876,000 500,000 2,026,000 - Utility Cust. Inf. System 135,000 410,000 75,000 620,000 .. Utility Customer Service Center 1,500,000 500,000 2,000,000 A. Subtotal! 1,635,000 5,395,000 4,562,000 4,849,000 4,617,000 5,080,000 26,138,000 • , a .--- _ . i Capital Improvement Projects .,... . ., .. B. Water:Service, FY 1$9495 FY 1995-96 FY 1996-97 FY 1997-98 FY 1998-99 FY 1999-00 Total Project -•':::1:.: Oversized Lines 50,0001 50,000 50,0.00 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 Sebesta Rd. wI Frontage Line 355,3501 355,350 . . Water Well #5 and Line 125,000 1,250,000 1,375,000 #1 High Service Pump 100,000 315,000 415,000 Cooling Tower #3 and Pump 145,000 955,000 1,100,000 SCADA 25,000 25,000 25,000 75,000 . . . Distribution System 250,000 500,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,750,000 Utility Infrastructure Master Plan 40,000 40,000 :,...,... .--:;- . ..- B. Subtotal! 845,350 1,825,000 570,000 - 1,570,000 300,000 300,000 5,410,350 1 . ":41 C. Wastewater Service Oversized Lines 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 180,000 • 7-:;,':::' Graham Road Extension 243,000 243,000 Greens Prairie Interceptor 250,000 750,000 1,000,000 Texas Ave. Widening 225,000 125,000 350,000 Collection Rehab 275,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 2,275,000 Eastgate 500,000 500,000 Bee Creek Rehab II 375,000 375,000 Carter's Creek WVVTP Improvements 7,231,500 1,586,300 8,817,800 Lick Creek WWIP Improvements 750,000 2,500,000 3,250,000 ,...., SCADA 100,000 50,000 50,000 200,000 Utility Infrastructure Master Plan 40,000 40,000 .-.• --: C. Subtotal 8,144,500 2,666,300 830,000 2,030,000 3,030,000 530,000 17,230,8001 ift. gritarkYALONIVIONIMMOPIRMIEPACCIROMingligNIMPRIMUNMINDIMMEMIRMI • ..',•.i.4.:', a ! I „-----. • r .:4:23.ATO Capital Improvement Projects '''k$,;-tv A:c41, i Wit: VI. Certificates of Obligation A. Electrical Distribution FY 19.94-95 FY 1995-96 FY 1996-97 .FY 1997-98 FY 1998-99 FY 1999-00 Total Project 800 MHZ Radio System 1,732,000 796,000 • 2,528,000 B. Business Park Phase 1 1,000,000 1,000,000 C. Public Buildings Renovate City Hall 75,000 525,000 600,040 D. Management Services Public Safety System Enhanc. 95,000 648,000 743,000 Work Order System 10,000 100,000 110,000 AS/400 Replacement 575,000 575,000 GIS System Enhancement 30,000 20,000 50,000 Imaging 7,000 200,000 200,000 407,000 D. Subtotal 0. 717,000 948,000. 220,000 0 0 1,885,0001 �r. lr�a otagtomagmeaulimegmenammeatmegargromormitammv‘mycclauto•ti•.�;,;.;•.itii•.�;. .y ti�.r•• K�.r•.•rrsyti::Sy'+••�:y�•�ti•,.atiiti:S�. ... -r.,, a-r+�,�s.�sz,.m��-.-._:1;:•••4=f. h;.•ti.S.4�,r .SSi.'h. 1, •.S •t-rrr.�r r�.rr�-.Fx-r n._.�r rad srr»r;r��z,;..n. _�ra: xrsrrs:.r�rs.m.:.., n.. �.sz=:...z-r�s•=,. _!.r •a::v: ..4iiisi4• '.S .•.ti•'•.:: :SSi•.S•`{•.S•. •.4•. h4v::• •.L• :44\44SSS• h4. : 4 S :4 .iitSS,.i44\•stiyyti•gtis i hi' ti4: 4 L4• : <4t<• : 4i{� •.v "-`i .i• s=�}• `'.Y. J: '1:' :. •�• SS S \ ��=S 1. .S •�t5 4.S hSS�S\SyS q�\q��S S S+� R�1� \h � �� .ti S .�::{•: •4. •i•.•Shi•:'S .•'.•.S; •rh4..S•. •`.f. SSSS. SY.•.SS4{4 .S `SS�4 44• ,■.•t• ': :y4 tt \ i \�iti\SSSSii`S N4 4S i 4 ♦ •S•.S• •S•.�••• •.S'{ S••.{. .S•. •\�iS' �444S4;hS' ii 'S \'S•ti` i\ ■•:4:••.ti:'` i•.{{••4v:�ti•iSSSS'::�{4. .4•:•, •:SS i4S•f \ S 4 1 \SiShSSSSLSS hS •�S�'o••' �� .SJ.{s•' ' 4'�` m y 4ySS•.�ti4•. s , ',r i, m4q +S4Y Sry�{Shti{{tib'�'S'{ititi{tiL444GS•4hSiM1•'SRti�StiM1titiM1titiSti{titiltii'i�ti{{ti�\tii1�{tib►i4titi�� y'aiS?�1SYi`4h�S'sS'k�\S�"ah\tii �VSi4litiii {SM1S��4Y■ � ��Hyy14tiS�4'a'tihSM1;Sh���L144�h14S144'.i4414SSLS\\ � T iy4y� �� `ti'S=\+� ��S�S S�i --•.••••y�_.� • Ill. General Fond .:.: A. Parks and Recreation FY 1994-95 FY 1995-96 FY 1996-97 FY 1997-98 FY 1998-99 FY 1999-00 Total Project Brothers Park Exercise Equipment 7,000 7,000 Southwood Pool Renovation 135,000 74,000 209,000 A. Subtotal 0 142,000 74,000 0 0 0 216,000 B. Public Buildings Facility Maintenance Building 205,000 205,000 C. Management Services Computer Networking 181,000 125,000 161,000 35,000 70,000 572,000 •4SS•.:.�.SSStiSS•.5�.1�L:tiSS•:.LS4•.4S•.L Rti•.SLSSR:414LSS•.S4S4hS�.S1h•.4�.4;.4'.Sti4S�,}S}SStiSStiSS�• -. •.S• S• 'S• 4h• •LL\S 4.4S• S•: S4S':=S L' •.'.' ••4' '• R >4•. .544. :.i...�.•: .S•.S• i.S�S��S• :•tiS�• :S•. S•. •}S•.4�SSLSSR• •.S• '.4� by S, �i .'�::•.jh •SR; 4 ;.fry i SLS 4 ii i.i•44��S h4S:\4�4ti34 S. '.444SS�5`4�SS ti' .S•.�.:'.•.:'::�` }�ti•:•.:•.•.:•.:�.SSSS:.:•.S•�•• ,:S.S{ti44S..44LL•i ..\•h'..S.S• •..4::S':.:•:.• .S. •S4. t.h .� � �. ::1r SS•••••.i .:=4 •.14i 4• •.•. y4'•':.hi••.S. 7�'� 44SS 44SS444 r Si•.•r'.444.4ti;.i •i •:.SS•.•.::4:•.S::ii...S•SSS::•.S',44:•.',:• •.SSS'.5::�: •'.S4S L4 S, � ■ Y.S'.4;S:•✓:•:{•.4:•: r•.•y, •SS ��. 'SS•.\SiySh.S S SY:.:. Y: SSS•.`i4. 44 L •i��' '�Yr.� .:4•.'S•.•.•: '.SS•.tiS•.•SS•.:S4'••: SSS•.SS':.•s L4S4:•. 77}}i��►► �� y •� •'T•� i":�' S '•ti�'•'�'4':r•• •'hS1`4's•S'i.•i`h4' •SS ••i S' \ S S S•• •4 •k •tititi Ltiik� wS��S•t••tit4.�S� �.�Sy.�ykLti�ZkS��tiLtiL54ktiL■4�ti��y.4.��Sk���S.�ti�;.titiStikti�tik�ti�'StiL�4�Lti��ti� �V4� ...............:'.•....•.ti•.SLS./:...':ti'..•.•.h.:4:tiS•.ti}.:S•.R4.=`.•.i,.R.4.4.ti444..,4...SS...}.r.i�4.�h.�.•aS4•..4 y.S.4.i y.•:•:ti4.��A�.S.4L�r4SrtS•L'�•.SL4tiSltiti'�4.'.�SSh.�h:•4.4.S.SLL�•'S'.i•.�titi�S�.1tiS \S.� 4. .,µ1a Capital Improvement Projects VIM Hotel/Motel Fund A. Parks and Recreation FY 1994-95 FY 1995-96 FY 1996-97 FY 1997-98 FY 1998-99 FY 1999-00 Total Project Wolf Pen Creek Concrete Additions 33,000 33,000 Wolf Pen Creek Lighting Additions 16,000 16,000 Wolf Pen Creek Loading Project 3,000 3,000 Wolf Pen Creek Restrooms 14,000 171,000 185,000 .....-••...............••......... •• .. ................................... i.TRIAINZ:giMPFAXAM:iiiiegEliONNISPARNAMAPPINUMMAIMINMOMattdRikaMEVzt 1X. Parkland Dedication Fund A. Parks and Recreation FY 1994-95 FY 1995-96 FY 1996-97 FY 1997-98 FY 1998-99 FY 1999-00 Total Project Anderson/Gabbard SBA Tree Grant 13,000 3,000 3,000 2,000 21,000 ••; Brothers Area Light , 5,000 5,000 • Zone 7 Project 288,000 288,000 Lincoln/Wayne Smith Acquisition 80,000 80,000. 1 rigaitaiNg• klgkaINEMIMBnRgtqaOjnngggtg,ggitggalangiggrntMKMEnktVnAIEaat•M-3 • •:; • Capital Improvement Projects XI. Unfunded Projects A. Business Park FY 1994-95 FY 1995-96 FY 1996-97 FY 1997-98 FY 1998-99 FY 1999-00 Total Project Phase 11 3,000,000 3,000,000 • B. Parks and Recreation Lincoln/Wayne Smith Improvements 60,000 60,000 = Lincoln Center Maintenance Shop 25,000 425,000 450,000 .,:�.;,: Vit• Park lm ro ements and Development 1,000,000 1,000,000 p '=tir `: ate••^u� B. Subtotal. 0 0 0 60,000 25,000 1,425,000 1,510,000 .' y C. Northgate Improvements Misc. Land Acquisition 400,000' 500,000 900,000 D. Fire Station Relocation Relocate Fire Station No. 2 935,000 935,000 '. •.:..��:� .. •...... ....�• •:...� ........•.R.::.'::::..........':.......:.S•:'.�:::'':. ... .. .......... ... ,•1••::.•..�.�.y�'' ..5� .�.,, 'tiV "SSati•�titi:•:`,�i\ .ti' "{a � ..S.�.�....��....��..�.�..��. ..R•.....Lti�.�.L�LLL..1151. ..�..�S�... �'.4', "ti•..3�L...SLS S+��, ";:Sti'.{•.. 'L�• .�. a LSh. .1•. .S•...S•. ..Y:.Lh .L.Lti..h•LS: \• `..ti1hS\..S` .11h. 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' F 4 . • _ - , _ ,• . , r. ,. , . . .."., Registration types Total number registered: '� 51 Regised fate Total re isteredbymail: 583 3/0 ,,,,,, Total registered by w528 =e�,':',.: . ,.r tea.:;ci'+: �"+r' s�..��� 'l:., '' ,.':,,,, ,. - ~'� :4.°w�, �;p.,_;`:. � • ,a�t:T"':r.�p.,"r:,tea�°'j'o°.F�e.I=. Total registered 40 ,,., ,, r. .:!:''';'y':;.: _.�.,.: r. ?' 4.._:i:�' °meq'• ,....„,, •,...,., Zee q.,•x.,..>,.••.' :s . ,..: - --_:-. : . ..,._ rhe istered byn�a 9 i= �45% ttended v alk in registration 51% Player counts by division .� 300 258 249 243 250 - ,° :,;:;-,-...7, ,,,,,,,z,,,,,:i I.::: `: 38 79 68 �� rYs€ ,Y 124 113 111 r; 105 }:� ,.,. .: sa 58 as :�: 58 ..:�•,_ � �Y::Y -1 ��,��; .'€_�• `'loan ����, 42 31 '$ :!... pper ))`5�,--a"•'v 37 •�.� ��. '3: �-�'.� '-'°"r s�:"4v i to ?za„�-s#� ern �'s� kf s.., 'gn�f ��+°3� tsK-".3 0 �'i.> �x gib. y•-'' }o - �. +ea e'' f- xr.E3-_. _'.x 1-.c-',,i.:, id,.'1' .;.r• �•';' ��'�- 7. . �y£,- '_: ',' r +'$,xis ��-� ^ y3..W'rr ,4.-. - Y�"j P=; F•r•'- dFn�'8l. ?����.t ���k9 • ���G•� ,s'���` n r:_ig ��°s ..r.��'�. fir;�.. ��F:�'�: -':'''''r i;•=-.s 1 Wrball Jrmin LP tenor Major 13 14-15 Total ®National 0 American ................. 11 • 1 WI Q N C�7 r. i.-P, . C.0 H © ,�ow'N4^-�.....ti�lek:�`'.,..i�-.��SsY.a�,�ti+':.afuH%'.F'a��s w.`A'a6i:-..:..... P t A's k'•,a t ie: ey i,"') ye .eewy ax;pd"reF^' & .dn i.'° "�'r...--n � .L�4"��Fy'°a'»rRf iR`"i. � �,."." rMll. ;oma' .,.. • Astros � : pry-�_"'r';e • :5,,,,,:.4‘ Astros = w s , : :°:ef :. .-. "ii, Braves '.a7sv,eTh#-�.�aN,;�:.::�w:««aa«',e.•z�:�-b�-r°�_.w� ��� Blue Jays �- x.:F :r-' wntis:..Sr.sso.i:N. (7'a , Z ' r--- Braves a... :8:.::F:_•.'.;.�.�..w&i.v:.....::r..r'.4ea..>y,"a::•:.:w,�P:d a:*'n.... ;.;:.c.ir¢+ .A Brewers :;;;;,,,,':',::.---...::;....,,:,.1.::-,.,a¢: -......,-.w. ..a.....Yw.aen,e:.....� w L:e'Cardinals „.a.::S:3=�F:-.::=a:F'.;.-eer:x,_-.p, _f=,x::',..�.6Y�a1(,x� �.n;awi r, 0 Cubs :::::,,,:',:i_.77,-,::::2-i...--,•,::::,,c'-::::::',::;..._"..:m'b:ttie.�a m`:�.r: '4 Cubs w�p -7::.:.:S:"'x+.:.-6S�°.:: ,•&}nc. ,ac,,N+-a'�'7 ::�4�:Fq..��.,•f::w 8 . Dodgers ET 7c3 Dodgers .w�Mis•�.. �b[. ��R'4dx.,-..°;„'-..i.-..;5•'° �.•- . o e '.... � ,.',-.7;.:::.L.,;,:.:,::::,2 s G,FF.wF:�Y�w�sS^exti: •-..°.:�..ve R�'^iMR/ GiantsryGiants i y$.rvr;:g_.MaC6:wsh'A :,...._�,a p::,�!:::„,:g%.,:,vy n: � � Giants •y��T�w;er"•ticd.:w:�F �aJS:aa�....,.:c..:.,�..'e4$.,:.T�5d�.z:4yx�f 'i ta W Indians ,,,-..,:,,,,•....:..:...,.”.:a'S`• Pwi k'F FK::rpc:.,:..r_b a.a.Cr'�wpZ � Mariners $ ;h.t'�$'e6;.: g,�=.S;marFyA,"'�^.!` .:.`ate:. � .,. , 73 8 �.3µ;u£a,„,+d. L.�%de.b��R�, r..r. •.,,s-aY..'-'°'-$-' ,Ys°sa"ie?c e:x�+�P•x '° ,w � g i Marlins `° •m x ,::,:._. xg f- � .., Marlins . 1--- . c,, r) }s ��• �.�.a;,x9��-'�,-�:-;s">-«'R'sir.-..,....--��,. �4�"$�..,� � � �w Met �:7:rY�r=,: r .a �. 0 .:::,..,..= w._:, :gi- . 4:;: •'1 .=. Orioles :a...»ew::",...�5-''.�•�ly..�;::s.wY•e9�r•Cle`•w•^,�..:�'.4:•_n...=.^,°*;xy.C.'P-.°..;':.ra•.'M•gi,.a\k "e it: Mets a�Exn.�5a if:.7� R�-f:Kc:k fi-as. •Fs- �:A s°eiak�.".w..n�•vrs"` g�::�:E&a.* � °��r;�c- "'rac.;s'""'&'�3�"" :�j2SS' `, �..Z �" Pirates ::.,--:L. &=..� ;: e � Orioles ` . :_.� a : 4 .�,. � � �h�`�''�'x�",���:��i;�r �: �.,:�::mss: 3 Rangers P:.r „,9 e nv:'xw::.ri b. -z>=.k - Ns:;'7=9"^N,eai' Rli Pirates 1...17.!"-Za,727:'..::ZNPJ:.:',1.;...,...:" 74 Red Sox va a;,R e;,kn�p:{.an = 'iM'.e�.."rxY--�»i�`,ti;.S.«:w.e.: � :`". Y�:tXsa-er?:i Rockies >�s~a wiy3ef�,�-��'+�Y.�•^r:,•6•,'�x�„ys.'G.v�w:rt[":'`a.�aF5wr{r'�� �r'e.{S$i�vfiM',.A:••w,.,b�§ r .� Rangers ���� en�:.?:":;,.�.e5 ��6.ew.e:::�-.f::�°f,iir� :g r;. ) ;�4roea��M� "`•lwe .^?'� v�i%r-�..i.� r�� �r.e g"� �.aa:.p ,; ,�;,.•.,��.&"� '� Twins '-:::::f.:,,,,,,,..:-:,,_,::-,,„s:. r W ak r r r r �;"•(ev ?.:' ti �.. y, di'i g w� a r '�=�?yT,I:. 9 1 .;. �: '�wr...�..;.E�uc.c}':�...„...--.---cS�'Y Red Sax �✓ �€�,;."_.. 4 o-8•a2�.wo-s�s gFP.�T"6 §+�. �:��'�''4:eVFA��?:a:F.ee�R�t�d'�.+�°a+NF:9i:eiis White Sox .:::,..:....::-.:.,:l..,--„-,_..Vi Fae> i,,sF3;eR3:YP[�s � .i.) Reds 21Z1 s3��:�k:ti.T:'�:.by..g.. .ww . &, Yankees no-,o•%P -d °;.o.-- ,a i -- Ef$ d { .war Rockies itg-i...f,:,.±:::,... ,:,,:iz':.,::::::::ii .P White aSF¢�,e .. �� ":�� ;,ssx Yankees Y$ 5 `4 , i i L � , 1 (3) 0, C PO 0) 0) 1-11° A's :L. .--4t Blue Jays (14) Astros Braves w't.) Cubs Indians :-ct• ()I Dodgers Marlins 0 Giants Orioles Icl 170 Indians Rangers 3 lola -4 r Reds '": 0,) Marlins (.4 Mets ft Rockies CD Orioles 74: Fit Phillies Pirates Rangers Reds Rockies Twins White Sox 74: Yankees :ACCD 0 CA) CP A's 4.13 Astros iJJ 17\3' Braves -;..;.j Cardinals - 0 co Orioles 0 Phillies CD .91 rD4* Rangers ) Rockies • Twins White Sox 1`) rhitr • TO: RON CARTER (COLLEGE STATION LITTLE LEAGUE) JUNIOR LEAGUE (13 YRS.) 4nzerican: 1. A's - 13 2. Orioles - 13 • 3. Rangers - 13 TOTAL PLAYERS= 95 National: 4. Marlins - 14 5. Dodgers- 14 6. Rockies 14 7. Astros - 14 • SENIOR LEAGUE 14 & 15 YRS. (4172eriCan: 1. White Sox- 14 2. Indians - 14 3. Royals - 14 4. Twins - 14 TOTAL PLAYERS: 95 National: 5. Pirates - 13 6. Astros 13 7. Reds - 13 BIG LEAGUE (16, 17, 18 YRS.) American: 1. College Station American - 13 National: TOTAL PLAYERS: 26 2. College Station National - 13 COMBINED TOTAL PLAYERS JR., SR., AND BIG: 214 • Printed by Bridgette George 5/08/95 8: 16am From: Jane Kee To: Bridgette George Subject: Parks Board - OTE 5/05/95=10:47am== Fain MacDougal will be at Tues. mtg. to discuss the property on Texas north of Mile Dr. Ed will be there for bike stuff. Ya'll have fun. I'll be home yelling at my kids. We still gotta get those t-shirts that have "I yell because I care". • ) Drfp.ff I i . ...iiiiigNifilli.111;1::;::":11.1•::::::i.:':jii..il*:': niiiii.i.:g.iiii.iiiiiiij*.i:illininiitiiiii$$$.1::iTiiiiiiiiii!:.*Militiniiigitiliniff:'griggilii.51116.1:111VIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.111111.1111111.1115115111111111111 '',, :11•.:::::i11:::iiiiill'ilii.iiiii'il:iiliiii'ilAiNiii‘iiiii,iii::aii.,:i'ff::iiigiWiliiiiii?,,ii:i:i.:::::i.:::if:*:,:i.:::',.:',:iff.if::::i*i:>,i'v,,-.*K*i:i*i*.i*i*KA:if§:K*K..0::*:•::•.iii;K:f:::::iii:::::*::::,...i.:::i:?:,*:*:,......„i.,:*,,,,:......;:;:,,,,,,,,,,...,:i,,,,:o.,:i.:,,),,.:**ii..,,,,,,.*.fi:,,i.,..i.ivf.::,:??,,:*...:,...:*:,,,:::::_i*,..,,i.,:i.i.m.0::::.:,,$,..:.:1:ig.::::::::ii*:. :,:f.,,,,,:..ii,:::::::,::::: ::.*:::.:),,i,....*.......i.:::1...:::::::).:....:,:::::i.:,....,.....::,,,..,:iiiii?: ''.i:-g':'':::':':';':':'Miiif::':*":'i'K:*i'i*P':ii::::::':$i.;:'-::il':'I'-.::',::M::ll'sl'i-T;i't:',::*':i$i'-,i::?:,n':: :',:?;.:,:ii.:',iViii::: i.:ii..i'::*::.::.:ii,i•-::::?im: .i$i$:;t:-.i.ff:::iini,i*..pi$p';,:;,.; f-.,;.,: :...*;i;,;.::;;;.„;w:.,:i•,,;i*:.;:::.,,.:::,,,,..,:',;i•,,';,,:l,.*,.::::... ::T;:.;:;,:,;.:.-.•,,;,.,:,::-.;....<..,;,;::.;,.,:...:,.:-.-:.::..::;::::•.,;.:;,;:;:;.;::.,.,-.;-,;,.,:,;, ;,;..;'::*,..,.,,-,s:..:.,,,,: .,,,:-.,.y':,,:,.-.,,,:..,,,.,,..,,...•.,,,,,.::::...,i,i:i::.::::..;:.:i:...,,::::,i:i,i;i,i:i-,i..: 1 '-g:.:::::':',:ii.:,::::::•-.1M:iiiii 1 ....•.....-.+.••••• , isi.:::::'::::.:::::.*if:**:::::i*:::',*;:, •:•,,,,,,,,,,....,,,, I ..' ,.....,..,.."•....,.....,•••••. . ',:,',..:.M....::::.:.:...:•;,:,..,,,:,,,,,, i•:•:;:,.%:::::::::::::::::::::::*:::::,.. ', .iiiiiii::EgiiiigiliiiiiiIiiiii.:iiii:- . . •,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 ::.ii.,.:::::::,:::::.:::;•ii;iii.:',,U.: '''-'i'i'...:": ::.1$::::::::::::::::':::i'H i Iiiffigigigitr - —"i•;.!:g:,:..iliiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiii::1:, i v•••••,..............,•••• '..,. .......".••••••• , •..•••••,....•••••••...• . ..•,..,„......•.,...•• . ..•••••••••.,..•••••.. , PARKS & RECREATION BOARD ..,..„..........,.........„....„ , „,..„„........ , Iiiiiii,A.,......:?:::::!:::::::,:::,:::,:a. ••••••••...•.......•.,. , ••,•..•...„•„..•,•.... , ...„.......„....„......„. , ......."........•...... , ...•..••........,.••.• , ..................... ,. .,...,.............. . ....„..„..,.,,,,,..,. ••.....•.„..........• GOALS FOR 1995 ...„,,,,,...,,...:...,:„:„...:„....::::,.....„. „ .„•,,,.....,,.....,....„....,„ , ,,,...•................ •••••,......."............ -.::::,:,,ii,,i,......;,,,::,ii,i.,,,,i.,1,i.,11:,,,:i •,i, .,."...•••••..•.. ,,,....„..„,„:.„,,..„.,:::,„„:....„:::„.,,, „.......„,„„....•,,..„•.,. , ,.„.....•.,.„.„........,....,..„, •,.....,.......•.......,, ...:.,,, ,i,i,:::::,..,:,,:::;.1:::.,:,,i,i.,::,,,.,;:,ii, ,,,,,, •••••..••............. .....,...,,•,.............„.„. ................,,,...,. Oversee rgdesign process and implement construction for. '•-i,pi.:1.-„11:,1,1'..,..:.;iiiiiiiali: i.' ,,..::i.*.i..i:i.,;:::iiiiiiiiiiiiitkiiif•ii:::„.,i, •:§§:iiiiii:iiiiiiiIiiiliiiim, I, ..,:,..„4„:„.„..„...„......-........„:„ . Sandstone Park. - ...„...,,,,,...,,.,. ...,,•..:,....:..::::.•,...:•, ,, 1 ........••••••._.,.„,... ..::,1,,I.:::::":„-,,i-J1.41;11•-:1.,Ii-.,;• • ••••••••••••••••••, .,i.i..;::.,-,...i.,:...q.:,.. iiiii•iiiiiiii..• i ...."..111:::::m1:11.::•iliiiiiiiii:ii,, ::.:,.......:•::,..,:-..r..-,..i.,i11:ii::.iii 1, * Conduct Public hearings and oversee design process for .,..,....,„....„...w.,,, •••_,.....,....•„,..,...,„ ........,...............„ „.................„•........,,,• 'e,i.:,::::•••:;::.:::.;:.1,.:::.i.iii.;:ili:::.iii...iii.::::: Woodway Park. ...•.............••• „„..,„„,...„..„,„•,.. ......•.....•••.•••, .......•...•,........ ....................,.. ........„............,..,....._.„.• ..,J....,-,.,...:,:•,::::,:i?..?..,,,,,•-:.:.,.:iii::.:.„.,..,. ,. ..,i....i...i....:,,..,.:.,•:i.:1,.:.,!...,...,:,,...,.......,•,.•,..,,,... 1 :iliiililMieglif$: * Promote success of Bond program. -..:;::-..i,,,,,i,i:,:;,::::.....,i,„:•:::-..i,:..,:..,..:::,:.,;•,:. , ........•••••••••.••,.. : .....••••••••...,.....• ...................... • ... ,.......,............• : •••••••••••,„,„,..„.... Follow through on Master Plan process. . ..,:orm:::,:ii::;:: ::;_iii:•::ii, .........,..„.„.„:„..„ - ••:-..i•;:,iiii.:1•.ii.i:gi:iii•iii•i•i.i..„ •••••••.........,,,...„. • ••••••••„.„.„..„„._............., i•iiiiiiimpiiim:::,,,..:.,,i,•is:. — ii•..:::::,::..i.'„1.,.....::..siiii::iiiiiiii .,,,..:...,...,.1:1,•,..ii.:.i.im.::iiii.iiiiii.i Investigate neighborhood park for Fo3dire. .,•,•:i,i,..i.,i,i:.:•:..i,.;:.-:,:•:•..,i,,,.,.-:3i:•-ii.,i,i i,;•i.:-:..::::::.:.1.-.i...1.,:::ii.ii.:ii..,:. .-..,:1-•!..-: ...• .....,...,.......„....„.„ (.-' :':iliiiii.11111.-iin -;,..:1:i.i.,...::••••,..:•11:m.....•::-.•io ...•...............,. „..........•„•,....•••. .,..............„..,. ....,.............••••... i„,••••.....„••••••••••....,,_ Develop concept plan for large athletic park (pre-bond election). Identify potential sites. .........••......„. .. .........••••••••••.••• ..........„,„,......„....,....,..„ ••••..•.,...,....:„.„.„.... w.,......„,,...:...„.„.....„ ......•••.••••..•••••••• .„...,„..,..,„„„......„., ...-:.--••••-... ,......,...,,..„„....•• ',,.:.:',•1?•:?:i.;q::...:.•::illiiiii?:in •••,.........„....,....„.,„• Design small park that serves Spring Loop residents. •i•i•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iii.1::i;,. '....ii,.....;i:•.-impimigi:, ••§:i,iiiii:i.:ii:if..:i:.:•.*:.:.isi:;. giiiiii::::111:•:I:iiiiip.; ;;:..t.- ::iillii,iYi.::11:. ii•i'.iii.illiii:iTiii * Investigate opportunities for additional park land. ....„....„...„„„...„......„„. .....••••••••••••••..•. •••••...,„:„.:...„,.:.,„•,:„.....:.„ .,:,..:.,:mi:ii...,..:,.,,,.H.i.,.. ii.,..i..i,•1:ii.i,:::::iii.li..0:iiiii.i.,iii.:::: •,...,•••••••••••••••.••• .....::.,•...:1,.i.11::::.1:::1:ill-,..i-•:';:..'. Examine the impact of annexation on park needs. ........,•,•.........• ,....•,.,„..•,•,..„„...„...„ :,..•.,:,..iili:,,,,..1...i.ilimi.ii;,,.:,:,.,•:.,.'il ..„•„„,..„,.„.„......„„„„ •••...................„ ..........„..........,. ..„-g..,:.i.-•iiiii,a...?::•ffi:.:..;.-,y•ii... ••.....•••••..,•••••.. i.i.,1:-.i.,,ifr.1,:,...ilii.-::::;.1. :i.:iiiii.: . , Develop concept for Lick Creek Park. i*.:-.i.,:.:,:i,:igi,..,..;•im... „:„•,..„,.....,,.,..,„..,,. •i.i:gii.ini:-•iT.iii..::::.i:i,:i.:•:,'.L. ...;..'.i,:iiiligiv:iiiiiiiii:::•ii..„ ....iiiriliiii::::::::::,.t,..::,.iii.,,J1,•• Significantly increase the use of Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater ..11,..,i.:.T:.:...fi,•;,....eiiiiiiiiii..... •••••••.........„.......,....,„ ••...w.„:„....,..........,..,.. ....igil?.-irgi.ili.i.lii•iliiii.i.li:::: (Double)). ................................... •••••....•••••••••••• .•.........„,......„...,,,•,.:..„:•:, ......,..........••••.•••, ...........„.....„.,..„.„..., iiiimi.i.i.:::::::..i.:,1-:.:::.. .m....... .:.1.•...ii.:.:10-.:.i,,,:',i..„1".:.iiiii. •••••••••••••••••••„.. ::.:,..,•:i:i,.::::.:i*:.,.::.*K*K-i::. ,.::•:„......„:„.....:.:•:.:•:.:•:„ :i-:-...,.,•:.:.,,•:ii.if•iii:iii....ii.::.:•,....::::,..,,,, ii: :....•-.......Ti.i...:iiiiii.ii.:::::.,.!..9.'i,!'.2,.:.!:: * Revisit the Parkland Dedication Ordinance. :i.,i,•img,i:::i.i.-.,:ifi•::::-..::1 : ••„...„„„.,....„..,„...„ -::.i...,::•'•:::,..:,:i.c:iii:-..i.-... ..,..i,.. ......--g... ,i,-...:::: ::::.ii::::::::i.,:: :::::::•ii:Aiiii. ! i•iiiii:Ii.illiii.1;:i..:ki.:: ..i.::::;:i.i.olm:::••••iiiiii:::?: ...,......•.••••••.••••• * Move forward with the Lincoln Center/Wayne Smith Park , iiiiiiiiiiik•i-•i•::::.::.:..im ....„....„•,.....,....„..... i ill::::::iiiii:Elpiiiiiiiiiii•--.. Masterplan (as much as possible). ...„.....„.„.„.„......„„.„ 1 i..„,::,...,:--;•••:::..:i:,:::.:.:.:.i.,:iiii,i;ii: .,,,,,,,-,::,,,,..,,i,i,.::::,....-•...„..:, .:::•:•:•,,,,....„:„..„..„......„:„....: i-i.::i.*:::':::::,..i...1;i,.:IiiiiiiiIiii ...........v,i.„:,*.ii.i,i,iii,,i.*,i,iil, :::,:....:,:lii...:::-.•.:ii.,:iiiiiiIiiiiiiiii ••••••••••••••••• -.„,::::::..:,:f.'f.,...,,,,,,:::::., ( ::::.:::.,:mii:::.::::,•,:iii•ili:: ,...............•.,..„..•....„•,..., .„„........„,,,„_.,....„.„ \.,. .•;....,,,i,,,.:m*i-......iii:::.,::.,,,,, .----•...„.i,.:K*i...1,:::::::,,,,,,...,::: -1:-.*.g:::„Aiii.,:il,',,.i,.:1 '....-.E.i..i,•iiimiiiiiiilillill.*I., . ,,i..-•.i,,aii......,:i........:..:.i.:*:,::.:-:..,•.,;.i ii.-.:1:..i.1:.1il.imio.,iiiiii.....••....,................„:„....,.„......:.:.„...•.„...„...:..:.„......,............,..„.„..„..„....„...-...„-.....„...-...,....-.....--.-...,.-----....--„..,.....,..„....,............•.......„...„..,....................,......-.,.....,.....„...,.....,„.„,.:-....;„:„:-.:„.„:„•.......„:„.„:„.„,.::„...„:•:,:::„,:„.„.„:„•„....„„:„,„:„„,.,if,i,,i,,,if,,mw,i '.i:i..i'i':::'i.::.:,i-i.i.i:i'i*i*:,i'i.i*Y.,ii'?:::.:,,,,,:::":•:;:::,*::::;-i-•:.::;::.:.•:,:-:•K:i*:*E.,:::..i'••:.,i*i:i:i,K.:K.•.:.:,.::if,::i,,,:,•.,..,•,.,:i:::i*:.,...i.,..:-::::;.*:•*:.:•::i::•:x,•:-:,..:*.f::E,.:i,:•,:-:is•,:•::•.:::':*:•:.::i:',i:.?:-:i,...:•.:,•:.::•::.--•i::::.,i:::,„i*i:i*:::..;K::.*:.:i*i::.:::i:i:i:::.I*1-::::;i*i,:-.i-.i:i::...:i*i*i,.i:...:.*im:.i:i*i:i*;;?.i*i:..i,:i-..i:i,•.i-.i:,I,:....:.:.i*i,i,i::i,.i.*.!:.i.:i,:,,i,i,:,.i.,.•.,...i,i„i-:*,:.::,:,:,:,,...,..-::,,,,,,,::,,:,...,:,:,,,:.,:,::..„,,,:::,.,:,,:„::,„:.,::;:::,:,:,,,:,...,:.„..„,,:.,: - ...,,,....---.%•%---.-••--%.........,..,-.•.„.....,-...,..........-......„.....................,.....„..........-...-.--..............,..•••••......."..,...............,.........„„•••••„•••••„••••••••••••.,...„•.....„......„,„......,..,.....,..•.••••••••...........•„•••........w..,......,...,...,,,,,.....,„,.....,..........,.........„....„..„.......„....... ..,,,,,,....,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,......,....„,„,..........,....•-................---..........,....„........--......................„..:„.„..„.,.......,..,„.......„_.......w.„.......„...„..„....„.,......„„„„.......„_..„...:•:„...,....„........„.,.....„„...,„.„.„...,•„....,„„...„.......,.....,„..,...„.„„,„..„......,...„..._,........,..,.„,„„:„..,,,,„.,......,....,.,...,.......,,,,m.„, ...........................,..•...—•,.„--.-..„........,..„...„...•••...„..............•....,••_•....,.....ww.„.„,:,...,...,.,.......".............,....„..,„..•••••••••••.,•....••••••„....„....,„..........................,.......„..,...,„...,....... iiiim.m..:m.i::::,::::i::iiiiimili.:.i.i:?:...i:i:.1,•iii.iiiiiimg.-•igiiiia::-::.i.lini .:::.::::.i:::-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,iiii,ii:i.„;:.:.:.:5•f:::i.,:;i:x..,•ii-:i..,,..-.,:•...iN,.-:::.:.:•:.:•,•:•,•:..:•:•.,,,-...„:::•:„,,,:::::,:::...„.„.,:....,...:....:.;.:.:•:::„....,.,:,.:.::::::;.:.:.:::„...,:.,,.:„.,....„......:.,::::.....,...:„,,,..:.,..,,,,...,..,•:,-•:„.,,,,,„,...i.„•:„.:„...::.,....:,•:•:•:•:,.:•,•,„„:•:„...„,..,,..:„..„:::„.,....„......„,„,.,,,:„...,,,,,,,.„.,,,.... :imi:i:i*:•;:.-1*,.*:•*i:i-•i.•:.;i*.i:::K,,i,:,$ii:.•:::•,...,•:. :i,,,.:',:i:i:i*mit.i*J;i.,,K*.i*.:**i:i.*i,•,,,,,;:x,-.,:.*:,,,,,,,,:::::.::::.,:::::,,,,,,,,:i*K:im.*,::ii.:K*,,,,:::,,,,,,..*:•.*:.,.:::im:i:iiiwi:iff•;:,•,,,,:s.,:i:::i:K:1:::::,..„,,,,,,::::::,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.;,..:::i*,::::.:,::.mi*.1,2.1,:::,:iv,,,:§:1*Kim.,:i,..,ii:Kvp::,„*§:i•i•,..i.*...*::::•i::,::::.,..,„i:::::•.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:;:::::::::::::::::::: ..,iiii:::f:iiiiiiiigi-miiiiiiii:i::mi,„:.t:::;,:...::i,iiii.iniiiiiiiiiiir:iiimli§i?',. ilii:iiiiiiiiiigiiiiiiaiiiiiimim:.-,ii,.i.:.:iiimiiiiiiii-:ii:•iiiiii:.i:•R.: :::iKif:g:c:mi:•iii:m.:iiii:i:::::::...,:. ::•k-:iiiiggiliiiiiiiiii:i:.:•i:•::•:.ii:• :,-,.iii:.iiiiii:.iiiiii:s.igi-.:.1:•:imK,:,-.,o...>::,.,...,•:i:is.::i:;.:iq:*i:K:N•i:K:.i:i:-•,-.:.,:x::.::••xm••:•-•:.:m.::i•i•.,-.,.-.:,..,::,:i:'•:,:i:i,.•:,•:•,..-:•i,.:K::::.*:.:K-.!:K:m ............... • ‘., F Hellrnuth9 Obata&Kassabaurn, Inc. 6688 North Central Expressway,Suite 700 Architecture,Engineering.Planning, Interiors, Dallas,Texas 75206-3912 Graphics,Facilities Consulting Telephone:214 739 6688 Fax: 214 373 9523 Week!!, Project Progress Report to: Janes Kee :AICP (City of College.Station) Donal Simpson, A1CP (HOK) Tim Terry (HOK) Gary Jost, PE (B-A) Mike McKay, PE (CDM) Project File (94-317-122) from: Joseph A. Pobiner, A1CP date: 7 April 1995 period: 3-7 April 1995 project College Station Comprehensive Plan HOK Project#94-317-122 1) Project Activity: } Phase 1 -- Ongoing Phase 2 - Housing count/condition survey 75% complete - HOK staff to be in College Station week of 10 complete April to surrey. All opportunities and constraints digitized with P the exception of topography. HOK working with City staff to receive digital topographic data files for incorporation. Phase 3 .........:. • Water- CDM is entering pipe e and system data into model and has developed an outline for the water section of the final report and a draft introduction. • Wastewater- CDM is identifying service area connections for entry.into the model, continuing to enter pip data as it is received from the City (currently about 750 pipes), and is about 80% complete with digitizing the existing land use data. Phase 4 - (no activity yet) Additional Services: • Space Utilization Analysis- Ongoing. • Drainage Utility Master Plan-To be done under separate contract directly with CDM. 2) Project Meetings: None during this week. 3) Areas of Concern: None at this time. Offices in: New York•Washington.D.C.•Greenville.SC•Atlanta•Tampa/Orlando•St.Louis•Dallas•Houston•Mexico City•Kansas City•San Francisco•Los Angeles•Tokyo•Hong Kong•Berlin•London • J•.; Weekly Project Progress Report 7 April 1995 College Station Comprehensive Plan Page 2 • •••,•.•—• • •• •••• • • ..„.. . , . . . . •• . . 4) Upcoming Project Requirements: The following tasks are expected to be completed over the next few weeks: r: ••1. Phase 2 - Complete topographic analysis and housing count/condition survey. • • • • Phase 3 - Continue modelling of existing infrastructure systems. • • 5) Project Progress: . : . • ,•. • .• . Task - .• •%.00100100 Task 1 Project Management • • • .PHASE I TOTAL 36% . • Task 2 Public Participation • • • Task 3 Base Map 100% Task 4 Review Existing/Previous,Studies:•••• • -••••••••, ••• Task 5 Opportunities & Constraints Analysis• • ,•‘• •• •,717ask..6••• -.'7::'Alternate,•Growtiv&Development•Scenarios• • PHASE 2 TOTAL 87% ••••,i •.• •-• Task 7 Land Use Plan 30% Task 8 Parks & Open Space Plan ' 20% Task p Urban Design Plan • 20%Task . • 10 Thoroughfare Plan,.:•• . . ...Water kilo:del ...• • • . • ........ ..• • • .. • Task 12 Wastewater Model . .•1137.4... . : Task 13 Regulatory Analysis 8% Task 14 Capital Improvements Program 2% ....:•••••':'•• • •' • . •PHASE 3 TOTAL •• . .. •.• • •••.• •• • '•, •• r • • Task Comprehensive Plan ,:••• •• ••••• 9%....,• . . • • •••,.. • ,,,•,...• •• -• • Plan Reports Drawings . . n • ..• • • Task.17GIS . • ., .Q.%, =•• • • ...• . . . ..• . • . . Task 18 Space UtilizationSttidy •30% PHASE 4.TOTAL 4"TO' • 1 1 TOTAL PROJECT • • ••• •• '48.0A; •• ••'.••'•• Subrn1!...70•by,.., ,• • •• .• • • • •••'..' .• .• • ...• Joseph A. Pobiner, AICP • • ,••-:.. ,•: • •••,, Director of Community Planning The HOK Planning Group irm • • • • • . . . . . , . . • • • . „ . . . . . • . •• . . • Hel. nnuth, Obata&Kassabau m, Inc. 6688 North Central Expressway,Suite 700 Architecture,Engineering,Planning,Interiors, Dallas,Texas 75206-3912 . Graphics,Facilities Consulting Telephone: 214 739 6688 Fax:214 373 9523 Weekly Project Progress Report ,�. . �� - fo�stat"on to" Jane<<KO.e,='AICP:a:(C V;of �' i.__,). Donal Simpson, AICP (HOK) Tim Terry (HOK) Gary Jost, PE (B-A) ..:.......... Mike McKay, PE (CDM) Project File (94-317-122) from: Joseph A. Pobiner, AICP date: 14 April 1995 period: 10-14April 1995 project College Station Comprehensive Plan HOK Project#94-317-122. 1) Project Activity: Phase 1 - Ongoing Phase 2°'- HOK staff in College Station week of 10 April - field surveys now complete. Housing map being prepared. Hol{working with City staff to receive digital topographic • • data files for incorporation. Phase 3 • Water- CDM is entering processing land use and service area data to assign flows to nodes in the system. Evaluations have been added to the system nodes. Water use summary for the past 3 years has been entered to determine breakdowns between residential and commercial demand. ■ Wastewater- CDM is continuing with manhole entry and service area development. Phase 4- (no activity yet) Additional Services: • Space Utilization Analysis- Ongoing. 2) Project Meetings: None during this week. 3) Areas of Concern: None at this time. Offices in: New York•Washington,D.C.■Creenviile,SC•Atlanta•Tampa/Orlando•St.Louis•Dallas•Houston•Mexico City•Kansas City•San Francisco•Los Angeles•Tokyo•Hong Kong•Berlin•London #1,5f3 r1 Hellin.uth, Obata&Kassabaum,I.C. 6688 North Central Expressway,Suite 700 Architecture,Engineering,Planning,Interiors, Dallas,Texas 75206-3912 Graphics,Facilities Consulting Telephone: 214 739 6688 Fax:214 373 9523 Weekly Project Progress Report to: Jane Kee, AICP (City of College Station) Donal Simpson, AICP (HOK) Tim Ter (HOK) Gary Jost, PE (B-A) Mike McKay, PE (CDM) Project File (94-317.122) from: Joseph A. Pobiner, AICP date: 21 April 1995 period: 17-21 April 1995 project College Station Comprehensive Plan HOK Project#94-317-122 !.. ..e.n. L.....r .a.. ..E..s..• i.s, .. ...ec..... .., r.e...t.......•..F f 1) Project Activity: Phase 1 - Ongoing Phase'2-Analysis of hosing condition completed and report sent to Jane Kee (19 April). Housing condition map digitized and will be transmitted to City week of 24 April. Phase 3 - • Water- CDM is entering processing land use and service area data to assign flows to nodes in the system. Evaluations have been added to the system nodes. Water use summary for the past 3 years has been entered to determine breakdowns between residential and commercial demand. • Wastewater- CDM is continuing with manhole entry andservice area development. Phase 4 - (no activity yet) • Additional Services: ..... .: ... • Space Utilization Analysis- Ongoing.... 2) Project Meetings: None during this week. 3) Areas of Concern: None at this time. Offices in: New York•Washington.D.C.•GreenyillicSC•Atlanta•Tampa/Orlando•St.Louis•Dallas•Houston-.Mexico City•Kansas Cite•San Francisco•Los Angeles•Tokyo•Hong Kong•Berlin•London a . •rig n- A'� ... F 1. a eb .f:'. .... aba�un. TI1.G. 6688 North Central Expressway,Suite 700 �e�.hnutl�., ��ata�bass g g Architecture,Engineering,ineerin ,Plannin , Interiors, Dallas,Texas 75206-3912 Graphics, Facilities ConsultingTelephone:214 739 6688 Fax:214 373 9523 Weekly Project Progress Report to: .„0.40,0P:AfairtaTOVirdZirzlEiY.f.lit:tra Donal Simpson, AICP (HOK) Tim Terry (HOK) Gary Jost, PE (B-A) Mike McKay, PE (CDM) Project File (94-317-122) from: Joseph A. Pobiner, AICP date: 28 April 1995 period: 24-28 April 1995 project: College Station Comprehensive Plan HOK Project#94-317-122 1) Project Activity: Phase 1 - Ongoing Phase 2 - Housing condition analysis complete. Maps to be transmitted to City week of 1 May. Topographic hic To ra analysis 85%complete. phase 3 • Water- CDM is entering processing land use and service area data to assign flows to nodes in the system. Evaluations have been added to the system nodes. Water use summary for the past 3 years has been entered to determine breakdowns between residential and commercial demand. • Wastewater- CDM is continuing with manhole entry and service area development. Phase 4 - (no activity yet) . :..:.::..... Additional Services: • Space Utilization Analysis Presented draft report to City Council 27 April. Final report to be submitted after City comments received and addressed. 2) Project Meetings: None during this week. 3) Areas of Concern: None at this time. TZECEIVED MAY 19in Offices in: -- . ., ...- •......... ► ... ..T•it- I Irv fin.•fit rlin•i,on drir1 Helimuth, Obata&Kassabaum, Inc. 6688 North Central Expressway,Suite 700 Architecture,Engineering,Planning, Interiors, Dallas,Texas 75206-3912 Graphics,Facilities Consulting Telephone: 214 739 6688 Fax 214 373 9523 Weekly Project Progress Report to OREPIMAterittliNtraarelitsW09 Donal Simpson, AICP (I-10K) Tim Terry (HOK) Gary Jost, PE (B-A) Mike McKay, PE (CDM) Project File (94-317-122) from: Joseph A. Pobiner, AICP date: 28 April 1995 period: 24-28 April 1995 project: College Station Comprehensive Plan HOK Project#94-317-122 1) Project Activity: Phase 1 - Ongoing • Phase 2 - Housing condition analysis complete. Maps to be transmitted to City week of 1 May. Topographic analysis 85% complete.. Phase 3 - . • Water CDM is entering processing land use and service area data to assign flows to nodes in the system. Evaluations have been added to the system nodes. Water use summary for the past 3 years has been entered to determine breakdowns between residential and commercial demand. • Wastewater CDM is continuing with manhole entry and service area development. Phase 4 - (no activity yet) • Additional Services: • Space Utilization Analysis-Presented draft report to City Council 27 April. Final report to be submitted after City comments received and addressed. 2) Project Meetings: None during this week. 3) Areas of Concern: ( None at this time. RECEIVED MAY Offices in: New York•Washington.D.C.•Greenville.SC•Atlanta•Tampa/Orlando•St.Louis•Dallas•Houston•Mexico City•Kansas City•San Francisco•Los Angeles•Tokyo•Hong Kong•Berlin•London Iieffinuth, Obata&Kassabaum,Inc. 6688 North Central Expressway,Suite 700 Architecture,Engineering,Planning,Interiors, Dallas,Texas 75206-3912 Graphics,Facilities Consulting Telephone: 214 739 6688 Fax 214 373 9523 Monthly Project Progress Report to: a-zTt.W? c3i tESTRIMPA, Donal Simpson, AICP (HOK) Tim Terry (I-10K) Gary Jost, PE (B-A) Mike McKay, PE (CDM) Project File (94-317-122) • from: Joseph A. Pobiner, AUCP date: 30 April 1995 period: 1-30 April 1995 project: College Station Comprehensive Plan HOK Project#94-317-122 1) Project Activity: Phase I - Ongoing . Phase HOK staff in College Station week of 10 April to complete housing condition survey/count. Housing condition analysis/count completed and report sent to Jane Kee 19 April. Housing condition map 90%digitized (to be transmitted to City week of 1 May). All opportunities and constraints digitized with the exception of topography (slope analysis approximately 85% complete). Phase 3 - • Water CDM entered pipe and system data into model, developed an outline for the water section of the final report and draft introduction, and processed land use and service area data to assign flows to nodes in the system. Evaluations added to the system nodes. Water use summary for the past 3 years entered to determine breakdowns between residential and commercial demand. • Wastewater-CDM identified service area connections for entry into the model,entered pipe data received from the City(about 750 pipes),continued with manhole entry and service area development,and is about 80%complete with digitizing the existing land use data. Phase 4 - (no activity yet) Additional Services: • Space Utilization Analysis HOK staff presented draft report to City Council 27 April. Final report to be submitted after City comments received and addressed. 2) Project Meetings: None during this week. • Offices in: . • fr- _ _ r;, . NIVIPIPS•Trikvn Hnnq Kring•Berlin•Londnn elp CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Post Office Box 9960 1101 Texas Avenue 1104 College Station,Texas 77842-9960 (409)7643500 April 5, 1995 Dr. Ray M. Bowen, President Texas A&M University 805 Rudder Tower Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-1246 Dear Dr. Bowen: The City of College Station City Council is interested in working with Texas A&M University on a joint park and roadway project in the vicinity of West Holleman. At present time, the City staff has discussed this possible venture with mid-level management at Texas A&M University and so far, the reaction has been largely positive. The Council has placed the development of a park and roadway facilities in this area high on its list of priorities. We believe that creating a neighborhood park in this area will benefit both A&M and the City of College Station. I appreciate your consideration of this matter and would be more than happy to answer any questions you have. I look forward to discussing this with you at your convenience. Please feel free to call my office at 764-3541. Sincerely, 41111• 11161' Larry R n. Mayor cc: Dr. Jerry Gaston Dr. Rick Floyd Tom Brymer John Woody Cathy Locke Glenn Schroeder . Steve Beachy Eirey Ash Home of Texas A&M University April 10, 1995 ue-----T> 1 Saint ichaelis Aca ' e sa y Tha s You Dear College Station Parks Rec, Th -ks to you , d o other contribut rs, we had a very successful "Evening In Tusc , y" on April lst. With yo donations the event raised $9400 in scholarsht funds. We ap,a reciate yo f ) support of o effort to offer deserting students the S . A "experience" and e•ghly successful classical c °cu. . We hope you ell consider joining us again next year. Again, we th _ you. Sincerely, S Auctio Co I 1 if Ite Please note: Yo item raised $50 for us! ( ) v..A,iE........ • 11,,,_-- ' , *,-.• 114: 4P_,. , ./ _,.._ i EXAS COMMISSIONERS PA, KS AND IL'VI 'LIFE DEPATMENT ANDREW SANSOM LEE M.BASS 4200 Smith School Road o Austin,Texas 78744 , 512-389-4800 Executive Director Chairman,Ft.Worth WALTER UMPHREY Vice-Chairman Beaumont April 24, 1995 MICKEY BURLESON Temple RAY CLYMER Wichita Falls Mr. Steve Beachy YGNACIO D.GARZA Director, Parks and Recreation Brownsville P. 0. Box 9960 RICHARD(DICK)HEATH College Station, TX 77842-9960 Dallas TERESE TARLTON HERSHEY Re: Wolf Pen Creek Phase I Houston Project Number 20-00329 SUSAN HOWARD-CHRANE Boerne Dear Mr. Beachy: NOLAN RYAN Alvin We have noted your annual status report for the referenced project. Your efforts to maintain and operate PERRY R.BASS this facility for your citizens are commendable. Chairman-Emeritus Ft.Worth Thanky ou for your cooperation. ) • Sin :rely I i . ...- im Hogsett Chief Grants-In-Aid TH:RAM: lb i 1 ....,,; n0 0: 4 • April 24, 1995 College Station Parks and Recreation 1000 Krenek Tap Rd. College Station, Tx 77845 Dear Sir or Madam, The Laboratory employees of the Scott & White Clinic would like to thank you for your donation of the yardsticks and coffee mugs. We had a wonderful luncheon for Lab Week and culminated the affair by drawing for door prizes donated by local merchants. The yardsticks and mugs were given by drawing to 11 employees of the laborat,9ry. The yardsticks were especially coveted by everyone; its a clever idea. Thank you so much for helping make National Laboratory Week special. Sincerely, Alicia Gale Supervisor - Scott & White Laboratory SCOTT&WHITE CLINIC COLLEGE STATION ) An Association Affiliated CLINIC With Scott and White Memorial Hospital and Scott,Sherwood and Brindley Foundation 1600 University Drive East College Station,Texas 77840 409/691-3300 Post-It'"routing request pad 7664 OAMID f i ROUTING REQUEST Please , - READ Tv °1244441 )46-44141 HANDLE 64A-Cd APPROVE4111,,, .' and .r■c1,4 ... ,01 FORWARD RETURN KEEP OR DISCARD R VIEW WITH ME Date `.7.19'6 From eida.ct Thank you for your business.We are glad to be of service to you. Please help us to serve you better by rating your experience at the College Station Conference Center. . 1. Was your event handled in a satisfactory manner?Yes No If no,please tell us what problems you encountered. 2. Was your overall experience at the College Station Conference Center: Below Expectations Above Expectations (check only one box) 1 2 3 4 • ❑ C[ I 3. We would also be pleased to ave any comments y u may wish to make: a / a,K.61/1 "Wil Cff . M. -7:A 44= .11J-0,441 C ■ -. n? ' ,44- d(ge,tigAzy Nat/Optional: . ..: .. __. � ��._ Event:. �, . 96', Thank you,Colle t i.. tation Conference Center St. ' Kids Klub Parent Survey Survey conducted 4/6/95 - 4/10/95 Twenty-two children left the Kids Klub program between January 1 and April 1, 1995. Staff attempted to survey these families by phone. All but two families were contacted. Below you will find the survey results and the number of students from each site. Rock Prairie 7 Oakwood/Willow Branch College Hills 1 Southwood Valley South Knoll Survey recorded by: Stephanie Anderson Results compiled by: Jana Bishop Reason for leaving Kids Klub: To save money. Felt staff needed more training in first aid; blood borne pathogens. Wanted child to learn to stay home alone with older brother. Father no longer working overtime and is home after school. Oldest son now at home because football season is over. Wanted her to start learning the responsibility of being home alone. Moved Money Mother took a part time job so she could spend more time with child after school. Moved to Bryan district. Mother quit work to be at home with child. Brother at home, live one block away and can walk home. Grandmother staying with them, wants him to spend more time with her. Wanted to do taekwondo full time; couldn't afford to do both. Divorce; children moved to Oklahoma. # disconnected. # disconnected. Children moved to Oregon. Child thought he was too old for Kids Klub. Father was going to be home during those hours; he wanted to be with son. Mother home with new baby. What could we have done to better serve you? More training in first aid. Feel it is an excellent program. Really enjoyed the program. No problems. No problems, enjoyed the program. The program was fine. Program was great. No real problems with Kids Klub. Michael loved it. Was a wonderful program-no problems. No problems. No problems. Liked the program. Do you feel that Kids Klub tuition Is reasonable? Yes, but felt was paying too much considering children only there for an hour and a half each day. Yes, just had personal financial problems. Yes Were you pleased with the relationship the staff established with your child? Yes, but they should take their job more seriously than they do, and be more careful in the things they do. Yes Yes Did your child en joy attending Kids Klub? Why/Why not? Yes Yes, would ask parents to wait until 5:45 pm to pick her up. She asks me to go back to work so she can return to Kids Klub. Yes Was a wholly positive experience. Yes Comments: Blood borne pathogen training should be more than 5 minutes and should be taken more seriously. Need to explain why receiving training so staff will take issue more seriously. Wish we had known about it earlier; had been here a year before we found out about program. * Considering re-enrolling. Have used Kids Klub since first year had it; no problem. Enjoyed program. Mr. Beckwith seemed very pleased with the program and thought this survey was a good idea. * Only concern was that child came home several times "banged up a little", but that it probably was unavoidable. Possibly too many kids actively playing in closed area. Offer possibility of child being enrolled only 2 or 3 days a week or a "drop-in" type program. * 95% chance Michael will return to Kids Klub in the fall. * Withdrawal had nothing to do with your program. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS & RECREATION POST OFFICE BOX 9960 COLLEGE STATION,TEXAS 77842-9960 (409)764-3773 MEMORANDUM I May 1, 1995 To: Charlie Shear, Assistant Director of Mmanagement Services From: Eric Ploeger, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation • Subject: Facility Maintanence , ) Charlie, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you and your staff for the effort put forth in adding PARD structures to your Facility Maintenance activities. The planning work between your staff and the PARD staff began about a year ago. Visible results are now well underway. This partnership will yield great results for the Parks Department user groups and go a long way toward preserving important infrastructure. Budget preparation time will also be reduced. Your staffs efforts are always positive, professional, and effective. Thanks! Copies: Linda Piwonka, Executive Director, Management Services Group Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation ( i We provide good things in life! wik, it# . , 04 44 a 441z* itix ,Pv: firi 4 5,*w gri4 OA Et a ItiZ .,--,,, , ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, r,x, V%RI C9,:i 1 0: '17424'' VA Cle. f Ate r;'W ;,:l --- i .., ,,,,,, ,,,,,,z :: ,,,,, te Af 0 BEST!AIX OF THE 80's & 90's • i(KYS May 1, 1995 Mr. Steve Beachy Manager of Parks&Recreation 1101 Texas Avenue South College Station, TX 77845 Dear Mr. Beachy: Just a note to thank you for all of the outstanding support College Station Parks& Recreation Department gave us in conducting the First Annual Children's Fest on April 22nd. Sheila Walker and her staff were simply outstanding!! We could not have done it without them. ( ) As you know, more than 3,500 people attended the event, even though the weather was not conducive to outdoor activities. We hope to make the event an annual affair and look forward to working with you, Sheila and the others in your Department on other projects in the future. If there is anything we can do for you, please don't hesitate to call on us. Best personal regards, m Willi., ' . Rice WRIV/s cc: Tom Brymer, Interim City Manager 1101 Texas Avenue South College Station, TX 77845 ( t KKYS (FM) . P.O. Box 4132 . Bryan, Texas 77805-4132 (409) 823-5597 FAX (409) 823-7578 ::-;:,;i::, . ., _ , .., ;.: .,„, .,,,, ;f. •,, q . . . . -=fg .,.._::..,..:, „ ,. b. . . J 1 1 F ' A l _kj UK; . ___ ,Thno ` l 1(irotir j___ i 4._jodol-yo )--)1oR 4Yi?Y)0 -)R, (Y) ' ,•. •.,-•. .y-�o.,:.:.1I,G^ a n e�1. i-».'.L4,:='a�.°k ii::ide,e:.s'IYt,.-L•..,,.,ii.r a.vd;4%::S:it .":3; 'J'” r:t'f:ii 4 l•1i E:s�:.33i 01014S la -00 .7' .,., .,0. ,,..„ _,..,,,,,, . ,‘ ,_ 1::.1 •• . 0 .„.",,, U ,,,,.,V i.- ;0 pL( u-a'.?q n'an-pq 4-1 Lit r ), i 1 .., i'a. . \„.. „.,,,. ,,,„. ..,..„, . ....,.... ..„.,..., , ...„..,,,,,, ..• ;..,..„..„.,.,... .., : • i . - 4-_. .....,.... ..... ,,,- „...:0 ..v..,. -F.bt-D' 1 PA9_1_. J'a\a IL.. rgr bi Li V P-,. --„, Nt.,,, ,, .r. .. /,,,,;,, ,, , ,r''.. 1 I C() A 9 S )9 G N.., 'i•-•,,,,.. 4.- - V.,.:4 ,,,,„i 1 1 vate4 I,Tr milt D2. iJa --; 0 q:1).1)al° , r ?wtti: . si, ,, r o U° A ,,4,.it,,::,, \k„,,,„t,A . ,, ,r 1 00d. ))) .)w-vj --o , ki \-NoJ ?CI \ ,,.. ..k) ,7,91 dg-m0 ' ' \ \ \-,,,,.. laS-Ulq \ \is, ,,,.. Di :_ jy)g K ? 4--.)-) p ' 1 Q0 U'OS UP\3C\ V °4-1) N \9.;" ,,,..,,,,./1/,//// f 1 tjUi+'H 10 0-1) S3 \/°C—ell \I'V .* - / U 1+iClac --6(-) Ja.-- -- MO 1 Li °A--L... N iJi?it)i.a0 UCR --fja-ft)J V U- 10 N /// 14,40-4 110-(it j VA. . [A 0 IH LT 7 sJJ•7( (,,,/ 1 _ .... . , ... . . ... ,. .............. . ,.:.:,.::_-_- ., . 1�J. . . JACK FIELDS RECEIVED AH:: 1 1 P.'-_,,.,: comM1TTEE ON ilill DISTRICT,TEXAS COMMERCE • . . SUBCOMMITTEE ON TELECOMMUNICATIONS Congregi4 of tbe '::.,: .' iliteb 'i:., tateAND FINANCE CHAIRMAN : . , jf)oufse of Aepregentattbefi - Villacibington, 'C 20515-4308 March 24, 1995 A' , The Honorable Larry J. Ringer Mayor City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College ' Station, Texas 77842-0960 Dear Mayor Ringer: Thank you for expressing your views on funding cuts affecting summer youth programs. As I'm sure you know, there are numerous summer programs for young people which are administered by various agencies and departments of the federal government . If you will provide me with more details including numbers and titles of the legislation calling for these cut, I will be able to provide a more complete response to your concerns. Thank you again. I look forward to your further correspondence. With all best wishes, I am Si cer1 y, ,(' 90 ) " A t FIELDS •-r of Con606' 25. gress ' ^ 1 JF:rf • 7 / . s di) z . i 4 EC . [-J-9 0 6 1995 i 'till( ir f, "-..-- . , . _ . PLEASE RESPOND TO: Cl 2228 RAYBURN HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING 0 9810 FM 1960 BYPASS WEST 0 300 WEST DAVIS 0 111 EAST UNIVERSITY DRIVE WASHINGTON,DC 20515 SUITE 165 SUITE 507 SUITE 216 (202)225-4901 DEERBROOK PLAZA NATIONSBANK CONROE NATIONSBANK A&M HUMBLE,TX 77338-3599 CONROE,TX 77301 COLLEGE STATION,TX 77840 (713)540-8000 (409)756-8044 (409)846-6068 Fax:(713)540-7233 Fax:(409)756-8696 Fax:(409)846-6275 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION era , LINCOLN RECREATION CENTER POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1000 ELEANOR COLLEGE STATION,TEXAS 77842-9960 (409)764-3779 April 24, 1995 • Ms. Cindy Swords National Safety Associates P 0 Box 752270 Memphis, TX 38175-2270 Dear Ms. Swords: Thank you for purchasing the new NSA Family Encyclopedias for the Lincoln Recreation Center. ) We believe the students, community, and staff will enjoy the current information contained inside these visually detailed encyclopedias. We were certainly appreciative of your commitment to provide quality information for our tutorial program. We have returned the owner registration cards so that we can remain informed on the updates to the encyclopedias. Thank you for your generosity and prompt response to our request. We will remember your generosity for years to come. Respectfully, 0 1 I Kimmie Habternicheal Lincoln Center Supervisor ... ........................ May 9, 1995 Blaine Buenger 3322 Bluestein Circle College Station,TX 77845 Stephen Beachy Director College Station Parks and Recreation PO Box 9960 College Station,TX 77842-9960 Dear Mr. Beachy: ! I am writing this letter in appreciation for the excellent services provided by College Station Parks and Recreation. For the past few years, my wife and I have thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful parks which abound in our area. Now that we have a one-year old child,we appreciate even more the well-kept,easilyaccessible, and superbly designed settings which these parks provide. Having searched other cities and towns of various sizes,it is safe to say that College Station's parks and recreational facilities are a cut above the rest. At our present location,we have at least six park&recreational areas within about a 5 mile radius--Bee Creek,Lemon Tree, Southwood Athletic Park, Central Park,Brothers Pond, and Cy Miller. In fact, there seem to be numerous locations readily available in all areas of College Station. We have been fortunate enough to take advantage of these opportunities: playing basketball,trout fishing, and swimming; letting our little girl enjoy the fields, swing-sets, and ducks; reserving a group shelter for an outdoor party; and simply walking along scenic paths,enjoying the greenery and quiet setting---whatever the case (and this is not an exhaustive list),we have been able to do so in welcome, attractive surroundings. All this is to say that your services have played a major role in making College Station a pleasant home for us. Thank you for your contribution. Your hard work is appreciated. Sincerely, afe4,-;,x- /:57-tte-fre-A, Blaine Buenger