HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/30/1995 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks Board 01/26/95 13:04 $409 784 3737 CS PARKS & REC ++i HUMAN RESOURCES Z001/001 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD SPECIAL MEETING MONDAY, JANUARY 30, 1995 - 7:00 P.M. CENTRAL PARK CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 KRENEK TAP ROAD AGENDA I . Call to Order 2. Hear Visitors 3. Discussion of Issues Related to the 1995 Bond Election 4. Other Business/Board Concerns 5. Adjourn D (j-ciluOThAinl C, WM' NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE 1 1 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD of the City of College Station Notice is hereby given that a (Regular)(Special)( SPECIAL ) meeting of the PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD of the City of College Station, State of Texas will be held on the 30th day of JANUARY ...., 1995,at 7:on WO.)(P.M.), at MN KRENEK TAP RD. COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 , 1 i 1 The following subjects will be discussed, to-wit: SEE AGENDA DATED THIS THE 26th DAY OF JANUARY , 1995. CI . il.6F COLLEGE*STATIQ : EXA, / _iv! 4—i BY --' ' ''' ' — — • CONNIE HOOKS, CITY SECRETARY I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board of the City of College Station, Texas is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said Notice on the bulletin board, in the City Hall of said City of College Station, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and said Notice was posted on JANUARY 26, , 1995, at 5:00 o'clock (R.04.) (P.M.) DATED THIS THE a 1 si„ DAY OF lOks-C\1.51( , 1995. CIT ,,It COLLEGE SeTATION,7 / AS 1, .,.,.._ ( 4 BY SUSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME ON THIS CONNIE HOOKS, CITY SECRETARY THE ( S+ DAY OF . :S.NIN.L.L_Eiti ,1995. i 14.141:1,Tft•1***1° YVONNE S. CASARES '1 ) ia r 0---QUZLAS.da N ARY PUBLIC-BRAZOS COUNTY,TEXAS AUGUST 51998 My commission expires:0.-. 46 I or 4:,,t--....; Nobly Public,State of Texa ! ' v/Ny my Commission Expires ) ) 1did Illibbil ., ..., PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1995 - 7:00 P.M. CENTRAL PARK CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 KRENEK TAP ROAD MEMBERS PRESENT: George Dresser, Chair; Ron Gay, Vice Chair; Bob DeOtte; Greg Taggart; Carol Reynolds; Nancy Crouch, Council 1 Liaison MEMBERS ABSENT: Barry Harding STAFF PRESENT: Eric Ploeger, Asst. Director; Bridgette George, Staff Assistant I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Eric stated that the gentleman speaking out about Sandstone Park at the December 13, 1994, meeting was Jerry Miller, not Dave Youngblood as stated in the minutes. Also, Greg stated that he would not necessarily "like to see" more earth berms placed in Sandstone Park, as stated, but rather that he "suggested placing" more earth berms for sound barriers. This was one of the citizens' concerns at past public hearings. One spelling correction was noted. Also, Chairmen was changed to read Chairpersons. The minutes were approved with the aforementioned changes. III. HEAR VISITORS: No visitors were present. IV. CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF 1995 USER FEES: Eric stated that there were minor $5-$10 increases suggested for the user fees. All of those increases were in adult sports. Ron motioned to approve the fees, Bob seconded. The motion passed. V. DISCUSSION OF LINCOLN CENTER AND CONFERENCE CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEES AND APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRS: Bridgette explained that while reading the by-laws of both the Lincoln Center and Conference Center Advisory Committees several misspellings were detected. Also, instead of reading "Advisory Committee," the Lincoln Center is stated as an "Advisory Board." Bridgette suggested calling both groups "Advisory Committees" to be uniform. George suggested that the committees approve the revised by-laws first, and then the Board can review and approve them. Parks & Recreation Board Regular Meeting January 10, 1995 Page (2) Bridgette stated that Cynthia Williams was last year's chairperson for the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee and was also Lillian Robinson's suggestion for chairperson this year. Ron motioned to appoint Ms. Williams as chairperson, George seconded. The motion passed. Ron motioned to appoint Mollie Guin as chairperson for the Conference Center Advisory Committee, Carol seconded. The motion passed. VI. DISCUSSION OF BOARD GOALS FOR 1995: The Board discussed the following goals which are noted in "bold". Oversee design process and implement construction for Sandstone Park - This goal is essentially completed as far as the Board is concerned. This item will go to the City Council for approval on January 25, 1995. Conduct public hearings and oversee design process for Woodway Park - Eric stated that an offer was made in early December for the property adjacent to Woodway Park, but he has not heard back from the Legal Department regarding that offer. George asked Eric for a timeline to be submitted at the next board meeting regarding the design phase and construction of that park. Follow through on Park Master Plan process - Nancy stated that Council has added items to HOK's scope of work, including Northgate and the City's Facility Space Plan. It was Eric's understanding that they've been working on their base map and are still gathering a lot of information. George would like for Jane Kee to find out where HOK is as far as Parks and Recreation is concerned and inform the board members. Investigate neighborhood park for Foxfire Bob and Greg volunteered to work on alternatives for a park in that area. They will look at both the needs aspect and possible sites, and report back to the Board by the April meeting. Some discussion took place regarding whether or not a park was even needed since most of the home sites were two or more acres in size. Carol suggested finding a way to access Sandstone Park from the Foxfire subdivision without having to travel on a busy street. Design small park that serves Spring Loop residents - This park is located adjacent to the Bryan Wastewater Treatment Plant and is susceptible to foul orders when the wind blows that direction. There are no other parks that serve that area. Dr. Stephenson has approached the Board to purchase that specific land. The Board is reluctant to sell the land without first establishing another site for a park. The Board also discussed keeping a portion of that land for a park. George asked for staff to take a look at the site and submit proposals for alternatives. He also stated that he would like the Board to take another trip to that area. Bridgette informed the members that at a previous meeting the Board motioned to recommend to Council to sell the property and use the proceeds for other parks in that zone. That item has not gone to Council yet. George stated that before sending it to Council for approval, he would like the Board to have specific goals for another park in that area. Parks & Recreation Board Regular Meeting January 10, 1995 Page (3) Investigate opportunities for additional park land - The Board discussed looking at areas that are currently not served by parks and also looking at possible park sites at future subdivisions. Nancy suggested the Board look into a park with the George Bush Library. Nancy also suggested that the Board produce a plan for future park land acquisition. She stated that it would be beneficial for the Board to have a plan stating how many acres it would like in a certain section one year, and so many acres in another section the next year, etc. The Board would like to be more proactive in the park site selection. George and Greg will work on this issue. Examine the impact of annexation on park needs - Nancy stated that the service agreement says that the City will provide all the services in the annexed area that are provided in other places, which means the City will have to pay for a park in that annexed area. She suggested the Board produce a policy recommendation.of what to do with parks regarding annexation. She stated that this is not currently addressed in the service agreement. Develop concept for Lick Creek Park - Nancy stated that she is going to make the suggestion, "To double the size of Lick Creek Park," at the council retreat. Carol thought it was a great idea. Nancy visited Stanley Park in Vancouver which is 1,000 acres and includes room for a zoo, ballfields, etc., on the outer edges, and yet while in the center of this park you are isolated from all the noise. George asked staff to research and summarize discussions and concepts that have taken place in the past regarding Lick Creek Park. Nancy suggested that staff get maps of Stanley Park. Bridgette agreed. Significantly increase the use of Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater - Eric mentioned that the season begins in March. George asked for a report on the events scheduled and promotional efforts by staff at the next board meeting. Eric stated that he would have Sheila and Linda give a report on it. George asked if the bathrooms would be finished before the season begins. Greg informed the members that the pink building block would be sandblasted just as the original building block was. VII. DISCUSSION OF 1995 BOND PROGRAM: Nancy mentioned that the bond election would be held March 25, 1995. She also stated that on the following Thursday night there would be a public hearing and City Council would probably vote on the bond issues that evening. She encouraged the members to come if they wanted to voice their opinions on park issues. The Board discussed some concerns over the $500,000 which was cut from the original $1.5 million the Board asked for to purchase land for a large athletic complex. They also discussed the fact that they need some visuals to present to Council. Nancy stated that the Board should mention the economic impact this facility would have on the community and have the facts to back it up. George asked Bob if he would spearhead the Board's activities on the bond election by letting the Board know when certain athletic groups meet, so that the Board could make a presentation in support of the bond election. Bob agreed. George would like the members to submit letters to the editor for publication. Bob stated that he would also try to get The Eagle to do an editorial on park issues. Parks &Recreation Board Regular Meeting January 10, 1995 Page (4) Eric stated that he would get staff to do a visual concept plan for presentation at Thursday's meeting. Nancy reiterated the impact visuals have on people compared to written documents and suggested doing the plan in 3-D if possible. Bob stated he would pick up a site plan from Eric that Thursday morning before the noon meeting. Bob stated that he would like to get Chase Sanford, the boy who wrote a letter to Steve regarding Sandstone Park, to speak to Council on Thursday. Several Board members decided to meet Thursday at noon to discuss their plan of action for Thursday evening. Nancy mentioned that Council may drop Wolf Pen Creek from the bond election, and those funds may be available for the park issue that was cut by $500,000. She did mention that Council may implement a drainage district, but those funds would not be available until next year. Those funds could be used to work on future lakes at Wolf Pen Creek. VIII. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM REPORT: Eric stated that no other changes have occurred since the submitted C.I.P. Report was delivered with the Board packets. IX. OTHER BUSINESS/BOARD CONCERNS: George asked when basketball games began for the City. Bridgette stated that they would begin the following Saturday. He mentioned that he had been at Lincoln Center one night where a basketball game was in progress. There was only one black child on one team and all the other children were white. He was concerned that not enough participation was coming from that part of town. He ) also mentioned that they were in uniform. Bob suggested that it might have been a Boys Club program. Bridgette stated that the City does not play games at Lincoln Center, only at CSISD gyms, so it was probably not one of the City's programs. George said he would speak to Nelda Gilbert, Lincoln Center Secretary, about it. George mentioned Penny Said's resignation and asked if there would be a replacement. Nancy mentioned that it was not on the next meeting's agenda, but should be on a future one. She told the Board that recommendations would be appreciated. George expressed concern regarding Mr. Hugh Wilson's letter that had been included in the Board's packets. Mr. Wilson stated that he was withdrawing any current and future professional effort to pursue endangered species research in Texas. Spiranthes parksil is the endangered plant species Mr. Wilson was referring to and it exists along Sundew Creek at Lick Creek Park. Mr. Wilson found that disturbance caused by traffic from a mountain bike trail had eliminated a significant number of his marker stakes and the plants they identified. Mr. Wilson stated the survival of the species was not shared by those charged with that fundamental responsibility. Eric stated that Mr. Wilson is extremely protective of those plants and would not even show him where they were located when Eric went out there. X. ADJOURN: The Board adjourned at 9:08 p.m. (,)- b 167s 5 / /,. Q. I 46 01 4 1404/Ates, Z,/77,47.4 fe," C S //s/ Ze: _ — • . 2;:/// C���4_ /Zit-; . tlIkt /71/ ,,,ks,e } � � r )iisti.A4 ,4 ti = it _ av,:re"44" -30-e-0.4.6 4. : cel■ i-5 &lei F = P ge2.44.6 ‘7,--1'svo-te-1 • 0 " Coeirri.. Strategic issue Results -ByRank Order � Total Original Rank Score Rank Issue Name 17 1 40J AA North ate Revitalization&Development/Parking Garage S 2 36 21 Drainage Policy(Drainage Utility Feasibility Study)/Stormwater Management ]1 3 35 K One Stop Facility of Health Services 5 4 34 13 Wellborn Road Corridor Traffic Study 0 4 34 A, 3 Community Appearance&Strategy(Streetscape, Electrical Lines, Trees, Adopt A Spot)Beautification Strategy 5 5 33 J E Streets-Streets Replacement Capital Plan /1 5 33 4t. 9 Library Facility Planning/Implementation 5 5 33 R Accessibility of City Services-West Side Water&Sewer Services 5 5 33 4 Economic Development(Business Park Planning/Mgmt) 5 10 3217♦Annexation Plan/Settlement Agreement w/City of Bryan A p 10 32 Intermodal Accessibility- 1. Hwy 30-190 Louisiana 2. Hwy 6 Houston 3. Hwy 21 Austin -{ I t ' 10 32 P Electronic Access to City Services, including library- Electronic Bulletin Bd/lnternet o 10 32 15 NIS-Gate Revitalization/Code Enf. &Planning TAMU .. v 14 31 D Traffic Managment-North/South Traffic Routes 1. Kyle-SW Pkwy 2. West of Wellborn 3. Dartmouth-2818 4. Appomm O 14 31 *t 11 lntergov. Relations(TAMU,CSISD,Bryan,County, State, Fed) 11 N14 31 5 George Bush Library(impacts,Planning) F 3133Housing Sate (HousingStandards/Maintenance/Certification � �� 14 H u ng tr gy ) O 18 30 X 25 Youth at Risk(Prevention Activities) S 18 30 * 50 Tobacco Ordinance ]I 18 30 M County Wide Drainage Plan O 18 30 ( 26 Joint Planning Agreement with TAMU (Master Planning) ti , 22 29 7 Recreational Centered Programs for Youth Ages 13-19 5 22 29 x _12 Future City Facilities Plan(City Hail/Fire Cmplx,Conf Ctr) $ 22 29 c 2 Economic Development(Philosophy, Guidelines, incentives) ...laiii._2229 U industrial Area/District - _. M_____ ._�__... 26 28 C Travel/Efficiency for Texas Ave/Univ Drive/Georgi Bush Corridor 26 28 19 Master Greenbelt Plan-Link Parks ` 26 28 39 Neighborhood Parks Planning , 26 28 40 Estrwd.Airport Funding Analysis(Fire Stn) 26 28 L Police Beat 26 28 * 29 Citizen Education/Feedback Plan (Public Relations) 26_ 28 15 Service Duplication/Economies of Scale (TAMU/Utilities) * Z. 144010 plvvt:ov.44-d.. ZetjusiViact*td,ta-44./444 i Strategic Issue Results -By Rank Order Total Original Rank Score Rank Issue Name 26 28 S Eclectic Northgate Arts District 26 28 Y Historic District- Preservation, Overlay 35 27 23 Sidewalk Retrofit 35 27 J Carter Creek Recreational Corridor-golf, hotel, convention center 37 26 H East Lake (Water Based Park) 37 26, 20;Communication Needs/Tech. (Phones/Radios/Networking) 37 26 f I Re-Examination of Long Range Land Use Plan 37 26 10 Wellborn Road Corridor Land Use Plan 37 26 Z Railroad Station Museum 42 25 32 Bicycle Friendly Community/New Bikeway Plan 42 25 N Kiosks at Mall w/City Info 42 25 24 Outside Agencies Funding (Arts/Social Services) 45 24 G Northgate Park 45 24 18 Solid Waste Disposal (Recycling/SW Reduction/Compost-Expansion of Prog.) 47 23 44 Road Extension Policy Within Development 47 23 47 Community Wide Visionary Planning 20/20 47 23 0 Traveling Council Meeting 47 23 27 Revenue Resources(Efforts to Seek Funding) 47 23 42 Public Art/Quality of Life A 1 47 23 x. 14 New Capital Improvements Plan (Bond Program) 47 23 37 Off Campus Parking (Parking Standards 47 23 AB Overlay District for Tx Ave, G eo.Bush,Univ.Drive 55 22 8 Senior Center/Programs (Existing Seniors) 55 22 43 Eastgate Overlay District 57 21 B Airport- Regional Airport Authority 57 21 6 TIF District(WPC) 57 21 34 Sharing the Cost of Growth (Reevaluate Impact Fee Feasibility Study 60 19 I Brazos River Park 60 19 T Art Museum 60 19 31 Seek Senior Citizens/Retirement Development(Future) r _ 60 19 45 Child Care/Elderly Care Programs 60 19 W Technical School Strategic issue Results -By Rank Order Total Original Rank Score Rank Issue Name 65 17 AD Interactive Science Museum 66 16 36 Expansion Development/Lick Creek Park (Study) 66 16 AC Theme Park 67 15 V City Expo/Park 67 15 X Central Business District r i Strategic Issue Action Plan Development Gameplan 1. Discuss Council rankings and expectations 2. Assign project teams for action plan development -Teams for new issue action plans -Teams to review existing issue action plans 3. Discuss timeline for action plan development Feb. 9 Kickoff-assign teams Feb 9 - March 1 develop and revise action plans March 2 Action plans due March 2 - 15 Review and revise action plans (CM - Exec Team) March 22 Action plans submitted to City Council at workshop 4. Review materials on action plan development Council Definition of Issue Timeframe Short Term Issues 1 year Medium Term Issues 2-3 years Long Term Issues 4-5 years Future Issues 5 years or more Ongoing Issues Continuing issues that do not have a definite start and stop point Strategic Issue Planning - Important Points to Consider • Performance measures are especially critical on ongoing projects that do not have definite timeframes. • Issues below the line that are currently being worked on will be listed and presented to the City Council as part of the total list of projects. • The issues that are above the line need to be included in the budget process where appropriate to make sure funding is allocated in next years budget to achieving them. • These issues are expected by the City Council to be a part of the budget next year, so it will be important to include them and to identify where they are included in the budget. • It will also be important to have performance indicators to measure the progress of the issues. These should be discussed in the action plan development phase so that a good measuring standard can be developed for the projects. Article prepared for a future issue Qf,The g491e _hy .$, Deachy WHY MORE PARKS? During the past several years there have been many requests to the City of College Station for additional recreation facilities. These requests have included simple items such as security lights, playgrounds, and park benches as well as more 1 extensive projects related to athletic complexes and sports facilities. At the same time we have heard others state that we currently have ample park facilities and they question the need for additional development. This is one of the issues that will be placed before the voters in the March 25 bond election. The value of public park facilities and recreation programs is well known to urban planners and developers. It has also been stated that these amenities and programs are effective in other areas such as crime prevention, tourism and promotion of healthy lifestyles. College Station has historically had a good system of neighborhood and community parks along with a variety of leisure programs. The City Council has included Parks and Recreation as one of eight "ends statements" that reflect the values of our City by stating, "Citizens benefit from parks space and recreational activities which are geographically and demographically accessible and serve a diversity of interests." The March 25 bond election includes two propositions related to future park facilities. These propositions were included after months of public hearings, meetings, and discussions by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, the Citizen's Capital Improvement Committee and the City Council. The items included in these propositions represent those projects deemed to be most important over the next several years by the City Council and those advisory committees. Proposition Seven includes $1,630,000 for improvements in Central Park, Bee Creek Park, the Lincoln Center/Wayne Smith Park corridor and development of one new neighborhood park. Approximately $100,000 will be utilized to renovate the existing concession building at the Central Park Softball Complex and provide shade structures for the spectator areas. This site has accommodated over 700 softball teams annually for the past three years as well as numerous state, regional and national tournaments. The building needs to have the kitchen and food storage areas upgraded and the rest rooms enlarged to meet current service levels. Approximately $100,000 is included to renovate the fences, dugouts and backstops at Bee Creek Park softball fields to bring them into compliance current standards. These fields are utilized by girl's slowpitch and fastpitch teams and serve as the home field for the A&M Consolidated High School Softball teams. Also, a portion of this money will be utilized for pond improvements in the arboretum to improve their appearance from Texas Avenue. Approximately $200,000 is proposed to build a neighborhood park adjacent to the new elementary school in the Pebble Creek subdivision. The City owns 4.2 acres contiguous to the existing school site and development is planned similar to Jack & Dorothy Miller Park which is located adjacent to Rock Prairie Elementary School. This new park will include facilities such as playgrounds, fitness equipment, practice fields and other amenities. The remaining $1,230,000 is proposed for construction of additional little league fields in the Lincoln Center/Wayne Smith Park corridor. This area is included in a masterplan that was approved by the City Council in 1989. The proposed bond funds will provide for construction of three lighted baseball fields with concession facilities, rest rooms, bleachers, and paved parking area. These fields will be similar in design and size to the existing four-field complex at Southwood Athletic Park. Also, they will be designed to allow a fourth field to be added should future funds become available. These new fields will help to meet the existing demand for little league that has increased from 511 participants in 1985 to 1,034 in 1994. The other proposition related to parks focuses on both the present and future recreation needs of the community. Proposition eight includes $1,500,000 for the acquisition and initial development of a large community athletic park. If successful, these funds will be utilized to acquire an open tract of land between 100 and 150 acres and begin initial development of the site. This park will provide a location for a large soccer complex of up to twenty-four fields, an adult softball complex, youth baseball fields, tennis courts and other similar facilities. This concept will provide an economy of operations through joint use of parking, concessions, rest rooms, and maintenance facilities. Also, in addition to meeting existing and future local recreational needs, a facility of this type can provide an excellent return on our investment by serving as a central site for state, regional and national tournaments. Bryan/College Station has proven to be successful in attracting these types of events in the past with current facilities being one of the limiting factors to expanding our market for larger events. These major local amateur athletic tournaments provide a significant economic benefit to the community through the money spent by teams and families on food, fuel, lodging, and other retail sales. The last major athletic park in College Station was completed in 1985. No additional tennis courts, baseball fields, softball fields, soccer fields, or sports complexes have been added to the City's inventory since that time. During that period the City's population has grown from 51,438 to 57,106 in 1995 and the enrollment figures for the College Station Independent School District have grown from 4,889 students to 6,347 today. The question "why do we need more parks in College Station?" is comparable to why do we need more streets, sidewalks, drainage or other services proposed in the upcoming bond election. The City continues to prosper and population has grown accordingly. Part of the reason for this pattern is the fact that our community has traditionally been viewed as one with a "quality of life" that is desirable. To maintain the basic worth of our neighborhoods and City is the underlying purpose of the election on March 25. ................................................. .................................... .............................. .................................... .......................... . ...................... ................... .................. . ............. 02/08/95 10:30 CY 4U9 764 3496 DEVELOPMENT SVCS IA462 r Population Annual Year Estimates growth rate 1980 39,473 1 43 310 9.72% 198 • 1982 47,913 10.63% f 1983 49,404 3.11 % r 1984 51,295 3.83% 1985 51,438 0.28% 1986 51,676 0.46% 1987 51,925 0.48% 1988 52,177 0.49% 1989 52,456 0.53% 1990 52,729 0.52% 1991 53,100 0.70% 1992 53,742 1.21% 1993 54,738 1 .85% 1994 57,043 4.21% g e-t-1-_.,7, 1995 57,195 9.11 % �1 (a‘,-,,,,,,,a- , .__QA,,..,,e, .., _...\ i, .0 • _ , S • 0,4.6 , ,... , . 1 41 1..",... j (.6 ( ( e9R, . %:a CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT STATUS REPORT FEBRUARY 1995 1. Oaks and Thomas Park Improvements Project Number: PK9203 and PK0033 Budget: Oaks - $92,000 and Thomas - $29,000 Contract Amount: $118,000 Project Manager: Peter Vanecek Design: in-house Comments/Status: Oaks improvements to include improved lightin& bridge replacement, handicap accessible playground, sand volleyball court, and walkway improvements. Thomas improvements to include a swing set replacement and jogging trail/walkway improvements. Funding is 91 Bond. The low bid from Marek Brothers Construction was approved by City Council on October 13, 1994. Task: Project Design: June-July 1994 Advertise & Award: September-October 1994 Complete: April 1995 2. Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater Rest Room Building Project Number: PK9404 Budget: $185,000 Contract Amount: Design Fee $14,500, JHW $172,260 Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Design: Patterson Architects Comments/Status: Council approved Patterson Architects for the project design February 24. The project was be bid on October 10, 1994, and bids opened on October 28, 1994. The low bid by JHW Contractors will be presented to Council on November 10,1994. Task: Project Design: April-August 1994 Advertise & Award: September 1994 Complete: April 1995 C.I.P. Report February 9, 1995 Page (2) 3. Southwood Pool Renovation Project Number: PK9502 Budget: $219,000 Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Design: Contracted engineering firm Comments/Status: The renovation efforts will be designed by an outside engineering firm. An RFQ was issued and six responses were received. The firms were ranked by a staff committee and the highest ranked firm was recommended and approved by Council on January 12, 1995. The firm selected was Jose Gill Engineers of Austin, Texas. Task: Project Design: February - June 1995 Advertise & Award: July - September 1995 Complete: January 1996 4. Sandstone Park Development Project Number: PK Budget: $250,000 Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Design: In-house Comments/Status: The preliminary design for the park was approved by Council January 25, 1995. Construction plans are being prepared by the Parks Planning Staff. Task: Project Design: February March 1995 Advertise & Award: March - April 1995 Complete: August 1995 • RECEIVED FEB 01 1 C,c 4/1 't7 January 11,1995 R Dr. David Hickson College Station City Council 1101 Texas Ave. S. College Station, TX 77840 Dear Sir: I am writing this letter at the request of the Rock Prairie Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization board. In recent days, several parents have called us to express their concern over the extension of Rock Prairie Road. Most parents understand the need for the extension, but they are very concerned about their children's safety. As you may know, the children of Rock Prairie Elementary use the city park behind the school on. a daily basis for recess and P.E. When Rock Prairie Road is extended, it will only be 9 feet away from the jogging track and soccer area. The parents are afraid that children may wonder on to • Rock Prairie Road once it is completed. With this in mind, we request that the city fence the area of the park adjacent to Rock Prairie Road when it is extended. We hope that the cost of construction for a fence will be included in the Rock Prairie extension in the upcoming Bond issue. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, OCC.kwa-- c a pti Joanne Gougler 3,6 Fundraising Chairman Rock Prairie PTO Board .16 11( , , ne final reminder that tickets are still NationsBank, First National Bank of , '[.. available to the 1995 Brazos Valley Bryan, and Victoria Bank and Trust :onomic Outlook conference scheduled offices. 1 i iesday .at Texas A&M. N Bernard Hunt is editor of The Eagle. & IRe 6-7 )6-LL-1---- 4/10DkitP-4.tor . / 11. e painful steps that vilill set the ship of your "beck and call" when needed. I ite on a sound, sane and secure course have used them, and so have others I 1 . . , ward a fiscally responsible future. Our know. That is Hospice of Brazos Valley. ..-.....,... ::..::''.. 1 ngressmen are,receptive and acutely.. .....:•.:.:..:•..... . .. •. ... BILLIE McDANIEL ..........ii:H,..:,....... ....:...................,:,..,..... ' ned to the temper of the times. Those .. .H. .. Franklin lo speak in a firm, fair voice will be ....E.:.l.'...'':::'..':•::::•'...:'.:',.. . ... !ard. .......... Lincoln Center is an . . JOHN BOX • Bryan i.l.. embarrassment to CS . iorld's worst problem Recently I had the opportunity to attend my daughter's basketball game at ... 115 oVerpopulation the Lincoln Center in College Station. I was surprised and dismayed to see that The world'4 worst problem is overpop- :. there was very inadequate seating avail- ation. Whether it is pollution, habitat' able for fans and those who were sched- ;s, starvation, extinction, economic uled to play later games. In addition, pt. '1.t:ton, human rights, global warm- ' what passed for a scoreboard/clock was or abortion, all are results from the in such a state of disrepair that one mipulation of human teprOduction, could only laugh at the pretense of both- One would think the above is pro- ering to illuminate it. indly obvious. Yet, there they will be The city of College Station ought to a Sunday morning, affirming and take a good, hard look at Lincoln Center. hing, the mindless and spineless Rather than passing resolutions in ck. They wonder how a Hitler, an honor of the memory of Lillian nin, a Tilton, etc. acquire followers. Robinson, the city needs to honor her Flow long until religious bigotry, is memory by spending a little cash on the. nfronted? !: center that she gave so much of her life M.W. LYNCH : and time to. Flowery words are fine. Bryan Actions are more meaningful. LYNN McCARL :. ouldn't agree More College Station pith young letter writer . lurray for Larry Hirsch for his letter Letters encouraged The Eagle (Jan. 29). I don't know this .117., ••••••• Tan, but he speaks with the wis- The Eagle encourages letters to n.'ui./one much older. the editor. Please keep them as rhe ole' gal is one who agrees with short as possible. n. They may be edited for clarity, : have a relative who sends money to style or length. Letters must be . I- T:),-onnt#,,,i, 1.41 rrill#4iitlacr n.p. Tin 1-Ions-I +n qi crnrarl Pr ri in riiirlo n trAlPenh nil a 105 Flak Dr., Room 409 College Station, Tx.77840 December 14, 1994 Mr. Stethen Beachy Director of Parks & Recreation PO Box 9960 College Station,Tx.77842-9960 Dear Mr. Stethen Beachy, We would like to talk to you about how important it is to save the • environment, and we think you have a big part in it, since you all have a program called "The Christmas Tree Recycling". Yes we are very proud of you for having it, but there is only 1 problem.... there aren't very many people who know about the program. So we would like to ask you to put more enthusiasm into your announcements, then maybe on Christmas day run a huge add on the news paper, announce it on the radio and on the T.V. People will then know what to do with their Christmas Trees, instead of just dumping them on the road just to get rid of them. We also thought you should feel stronger about this program because if you do save trees, we would also be helping the carpenters build more furniture. Furniture can be made from recycled trees. The last reason is because Lauren and 1 feel very strong about community effort, and this program definitely takes some, or maybe ALOT of community effort. Thank you for your time and attention! Sincerely, C.).14011110J-1.)LWV&D) Adr , e Cynthia Trevino Lauren Nicholson CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS & RECREATION POST OFFICE BOX 9960 COLLEGE STATION,TEXAS 77842-9960 (409)764-3773 February 9, 1995 Ms. Cynthia Trevino Ms Lauren Nicholson 105 Holik Drive, Room 409 College Station, Texas 77840 Dear Ladies: Thank you for your recent letter concerning the Christmas Tree Recycling Program. The City has conducted this program for the past seven years with the assistance of the Texas Forest Service, Brazos County 4H Equestrian Club, Brazos Beautiful, the Texas Forestry Extension Service and the City of Bryan. We publicize the event in several ways utilizing the Citizen's Newsletter, public service announcements on television and radio, the community access cable ) channel, and features on "Homefront News". We do not utilize paid ads due to the high costs of these services and budget limitations. We do monitor the results of the program by counting the number of trees brought in. This year we recycled approximately 1400 trees and Bryan had a comparable number. Also, we asked the sanitation crews to keep a count of the number of trees theypicked up for disposal. They reported 200 trees were picked up from curbsides between Christmas and date of our recycling weekend. I believe that the program is a success due to the good response that we have had in the past and we will try to improve the program in the future. I have enclosed some items that may be of interest to you and I appreciate your time and concern in this program. Should additional information be required please feel free to contact Ross Albrecht, Forestry Superintendent, at 764-3773. Sincerely, Steve Beachy Director, Parks and Recreation pe We provide good things in life! P• i. , ,f• .• �9: 1995 RECEVEP 1 r•+•• _ Hellmuth, Obata&Kassabaum, Inc. 6688 North Central Expressway,Suite 700 Architecture,Engineering,Planning,Interiors, Dallas,Texas 75206-3912 Graphics,Facilities Consulting Telephone:214 739 6688 Fax:214 373 9523 Weekly Project Progress Report to: Jane Kee, AICP (College Station) Robert Wunderlich, PE (B-A) Mike McKay, PE (CDM) Donal Simpson, AICP (HOK) Project File by: Joseph A. Pobiner, AICP date: 27 January 1995 period: 23-27 January 1995 project: College Station Comprehensive Plan (HOK Project#94-317-122) .. y. ...i.f..a....i .......e...F d.r e.v...'-,_::-:+::.'.v.::.:`.. ..v. •r• .... .. , .. , ,`L. c.. F:,;f::2:P�:•�:�i::.::r.?"i:i:••.-•r.....g [a�. . -x. ..... .. ... �. .. .. . 1) Project Activity: Phase 1 - Ongoing Phase 2 - Mark -Bowers in College Station 25-27 January to finish up existing land use inventory (field work 100%complete). Council approved a budget amendment on 26 January to allow signing of the Northgate Study. JP in College Station 27 January to coordinate with Todd McDaniel regarding Northgate. Phase 3 - Modelling of the existing water, wastewater, and thoroughfare systems underway. Phase 4 - (no activity yet) Additional Services: • Contract Amendment#1 - Space Utilization Analysis- Team members to visit with City staff the week-of 30 January regarding gathering of data; • Contract Amendment#2-Housing Condition Survey and Count-To be considered by City Council during their upcoming meeting; • Additional Services Contract-Northgate Plan-Budget amendment approved. JP to meet with City staff and Northgate steering committee the week of 30 January; and, • Drainage Utility Master Plan-Proposed scope of services for the proposed drainage utility master plan and currently being prepared. 2) Project Meetings: 25-27 January Mark Bowers in town to conduct the inventory of existing land uses. 27 January JP met with Todd McDaniel regarding the Northgate Study. Offices in: New York•Washington.D.C. •Tampa• St.Louis• Dallas• Mexico City• Kansas City•San Francisco•Los Angeles•Tokyo• Hone Kone•Berlin•London Weekly Project Progress Report 27 January 1995 College Station Comprehensive Plan Page 2 3) Areas of Concern: None at this time. 4) Upcoming Project Requirements: The following tasks are expected to be completed over the next few weeks: Phase 2 - Map existing land use, complete housing count/condition survey. Phase 3 - Continue modelling of existing infrastructure systems. 5) Project Progress: Task % Complete Task 1 Project Management 25% PHASE 1 TOTAL 25% Task 2 Public Participation 75% :Task 3 Base Map .100% Task 4 Review Existing/Previous Studies 68% Task 5 Opportunities & Constraints Analysis 40% Task 6 Alternate Growth & Development Scenarios 5% PHASE 2 TOTAL 75% Task 7 Land Use Plan 25% Task 8 Parks & Open Space Plan 17% Task 9 Urban Design Plan 17% Task 10 Thoroughfare Plan 15% Task 11 • Water Model 15% Task 12 Wastewater Model 15% Task 13 Regulatory Analysis 7% Task 14 Capital Improvements Program 2% PHASE 3 TOTAL 20% Task 15 Comprehensive Plan Adoption 0% .Task 16 Comprehensive Plan Reports & Drawings 0% Task 17 GIS Implementation 0% PHASE 4 TOTAL 0% TOTAL PROJECT 38% Submitted by, Al 01/ Joseph A. Pobiner, AICP Director of Community Planning The HOK Planning Group • Heilmuth, Obata&Kassabaum, Inc. 6688 North Central Expressway,Suite 700 Architecture,Engineering,Planning,Interiors, Dallas,Texas 75206-3912 Graphics,Facilities Consulting Telephone:214 739 6688 Fax:214 373 9523 Monthly Project Progress Report to: ;Jane Kee, AICP (College Station) Todd McDaniel (College Station) Donal Simpson, AICP (HOK) Robert Wunderlich, PE (B-A) Mike McKay, PE (CDM) Project File by: Joseph A. Pobiner, AICP - date: 31 January 1995 period: 1-31 January 1995 project: College Station Comprehensive Plan (HOK Project#94-317-122) 1) Project Activity: Phase 1 - Ongoing Phase 2 - Base map completed (with the exception of a small amount of soils data and the completion of the topography information). 1-on-1 interviews, stakeholder interviews and community survey complete. Analysis of economic/demographic data (population, age/sex, household size, income, and employment by industry) complete. Technical Memo #1 completed and sent to City 9 January 1995. Inventory of existing land use complete, information being digitized. Council approved a budget amendment on 26 January to allow signing of the Northgate Study. JP in College Station 27 January to coordinate with Todd McDaniel regarding Northgate. Phase 3 - Modelling of the existing water, wastewater, and thoroughfare systems underway. Phase 4- (no activity yet) Additional Services: • Contract Amendment#1 (CA-1) - Space Utilization Analysis - Tim Terry (HOK) sent the proposed scope to City staff 5 January 1995 for review and comment. Proposed scope of services and project budget approved at 12 January 1995 Council meeting. CA#1 send to City for execution. HOK team members visited with City staff 31 January regarding data needs; • Contract Amendment#2(CA-2)-Housing Condition Survey and Count-Draft CA-2 faxed to City staff for review and comment. Scope modified to include count by census tract and block group, sent to City for execution, to be considered by Council in early February; • Northgate Study(Additional Services Contract)-Draft contract sent to City for review and comment. Comments received by return fax. Contract approved at 12 January 1995 Council meeting. City budget amendment approved 25 January 1995; and, Offices in: New York•Washington,D.C.•Tampa•St.Louis•Dallas•Mexico City• Kansas.City•San Francisco•Los Angeles•Tokyo• Hong Kong• Berlin• London Monthly Project Progress Report January 1995 College Station Comprehensive Plan Page 2 1) Project Activity: (continued) • Drainage Utility Master Plan- CDM staff met with City staff to refine the proposed scope and is currently preparing the proposed scope of services. 2) Project Meetings: 11-13 January JP in town to conduct the inventory of existing land uses. 12 January JP attended the City Council meeting to address any questions that might have arisen regarding the Northgate Study and the Facility Needs Assessment projects 19-20 January Mark Bowers (HOK) in town to conduct the inventory of existing land uses. 25-27 January Mark Bowers in town to conduct the inventory of existing land uses. 27 January JP met with Todd McDaniel regarding the Northgate Study. 3) Areas of Concern: None at this time. 4) Upcoming Project Requirements: The following tasks are expected to be completed over the next few weeks: Phase 2 - Map existing land use, complete housing count/condition survey. Phase 3 - Continue modelling of existing infrastructure systems. Monthly Project Progress Report January 1995 College Station Comprehensive Plan Page 3 5) Project Progress: Task % Complete Task 1 Project Management 25% PHASE I TOTAL 25% Task 2 Public Participation 75% Task 3 Base Map 100% Task 4 Review Existing/Previous Studies 68% Task 5 Opportunities &Constraints Analysis 40% Task 6 Alternate Growth & Development Scenarios 5% PHASE 2 TOTAL ?5% Task 7 Land Use Plan 25% Task 8 Parks & Open Space Plan 17% Task 9 Urban Design Plan 17% Task 10 Thoroughfare Plan 15% Task 11 Water Model 15% Task 12 Wastewater Model 15% Task 13 Regulatory Analysis 7% Task 14 Capital Improvements Program 2% P P 9 PHASE 3 TOTAL 20% Task 15 Comprehensive Plan Adoption 0% Task 16 Comprehensive Plan Reports & Drawings 0% Task 17 GIS Implementation 0% PHASE 4 TOTAL 0% TOTAL PROJECT 38% ubmitted by, ././AX/f Joseph A. Pobiner, ACP Director of Community Planning The HOK Planning Group • • hik Hellmuth, Obata&Kassabaum, Inc. 6688 North Central Expressway,Suite 700 Architecture,Engineering,Planning,Interiors, Dallas,Texas 75206-3912 Graphics,Facilities Consulting Telephone:214 739 6688 Fax: 214 373 9523 Weeklj Project Progress Report to:fir Jane.ices e;AI 336(Collegeij$tation) • Todd McDaniel (College Station) Donal Simpson, MCP (HOK) Robert Wunderlich, PE (B-A) Mike McKay, PE (CDM) Project File by: Joseph A. Pobiner, MCP date: 3 February 1995 period: 30 January-3 February 1995 project: College Station Comprehensive Plan (HOK Project#94-317-122) 1) Project Activity: Phase 1 .. Ongoing Phase 2 - HOK/City staff coordination begun on space utilization study. Land use being digitized. Northgate study initiated. Phase 3 - Modelling of the existing water, wastewater, and thoroughfare systems underway. Phase 4 - (no activity yet) Additional Services: • Contract Amendment #1 - Space Utilization Analysis- Team members visited with City staff 31 January regarding data collection and available information; • Contract Amendment#2-Housing Condition Survey and Count- Staff prepared a cover sheet regarding the proposed amendment for the Council's next meeting; • Northgate Study (Additional Services Contract) - JP met with City staff 1 February to review some questions regarding the scope. JP and staff also conducted a brief walking tour of the area and photographed a portion of the study area; and, • Drainage Utility Master Plan- Proposed scope of services for the proposed drainage utility master plan currently being prepared. 2) Project Meetings: 31 January HOK staff met with City staff regarding the space utilization study. 1 February JP met with City staff to review scope questions and conducted a brief Offices in: New York•Washington,D.C.•Tampa •St.Louis•Dallas•Mexico City•Kansas City•San Francisco•Los Angeles•Tokyo•Hong Kong• Berlin•London Weekly Project Progress Report 3 February 1995 College Station Comprehensive Plan Page 2 • 3) Areas of Concern: None at this time. 4) Upcoming Project Requirements: The following tasks are expected to be completed over the next few weeks: Phase 2 - Digitize existing land use. Complete housing count/condition survey (if amendment is authorized). • Phase 3 - Continue modelling of existing infrastructure systems. 5) Project Progress: Task % Complete 4 Task 1 Project Management 26% PHASE I TOTAL 26% Task 2 Public Participation 75% Task 3 Base Map 100% Task 4 Review Existing/Previous Studies 69% Task 5 Opportunities & Constraints Analysis 45% Task 6 Alternate Growth & Development Scenarios 5% PHASE 2 TOTAL 76% Task 7 Land Use Plan 25% Task 8 Parks& Open Space Plan 17% Task 9 Urban Design Plan 17% Task 10 Thoroughfare Plan 15% Task 11 Water Model 15% Task 12 Wastewater Model .15% Task 13 Regulatory Analysis 7% Task 14 Capital Improvements Program 2% PHASE 3 TOTAL 20% Task 15 Comprehensive Plan Adoption 0% Task 16 .Comprehensive Plan Reports& Drawings 0% Task 17 GIS Implementation 0% Task 18. Space Utilization Study 10% PHASE 4 TOTAL 2% TOTAL PROJECT 39% Sue itted sy,, Joseph A. !liner, MCP Director of Community Planning The HOK Planning Group s 1 "Dimic)i., m 1 - pe.ru m -.1).),..-04 C.,in , , D Q.- PAT .4N) - 1 qt-i- (s) (7) to to w t „ .,(7) , " ....1 GRADE 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1993-99 1999-2000 2000--0 2001-042002-0312003-04 2004-05 2005-06 EE 159 161 164 169 174 17 8 18 168 194 200 206 a ,, PR 56 57 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 1 471 476 486 501 516 529 545 561 578 595 613 w 1 570 576 588 606 625 640 660 680 700 721 742 c1 2' 474 553 565 582 600 616 633 653 673 693 714 .P` 3 505 480 565 593 60: 616 636 653 674 695 715 m 4 521 509 489 581 599 615 633 654 67.E 693 714 N 5 513 548 541 525 623 640 660 679 70.2 720 744 6 550 529 571 569 552 652 673 694 714 738 757 7 562 585 568 620 617 596 707 730 753 775 801 8 489 556 584 573 625 619 601 713 736 759 781 9 525 563 647 686 673 731 727 706 838 865 892 10 496 483 524 608 644 629 687 683 - 663 787 812 - a 11 40-6 454 446 489 567 598 .587 641 637 618 734 r 12 373 400 452 448 491 567 601 590 644 640 621 m rn TOTAL 6670 6930 72.48 7.6.0QH 7969 3290 8599 8893 9247 9571 9920 -1 F.- - TOT.RK-4 ) 2756 2812 2915 3082 317T 3258 3356 3457 3560 3669 3778 TOT (5-6) 1063 1077 1.112 1094 1175 1292 1333 1373 1416 1458 1501 TOT (7-8 ) 1051 1141 1152 1193 = 1242 1215 1308 14431489 1534 1582 ' TOT(9-12 ) 1800 1900 2069 2231 2375 2525 2602 2620 2782 2910 3059 £ n %FK-4 0 . 41319 0 . 40577 0 . 40218 0 . 40551, 0 . 398'669'B 0 . 393 0 .39023' 0 .'38873 0 . 38499 0 . 38335 0 . 38085 -a l5 -6 0 . 15937 0 . 15541 0 . 15342 0 . 14395 '0 ,_1474464 0 . 15585 0 , .1550.2 0 . 15439 0 . 153.13 0 . 15234 0 . 15131 m W7-8 0 . 15757 0 .1.6465 0 . 158:94 0 . 1.5697 0 . 155853.9 J . 14.656 0 .152.11 0 . 16226 0 . 161.03 0 . 16028 0 . 15948 pc %9-12 0 . 26987 0 ,23417 0- 23546 0 . 29355 0 . 2980.229 0 . 30458 0 . 30259 0 . 29461 0.. 300.85 0 . 30404 0 . 30837 m CHANGE 2..80 260 318 352 369 - 321 309 294 354 324 349 m % CHG 0 . 04382 0 . 03898 . 0-04589 0 . 04857 0 .04a552.6. 0 . 04028' 0 :03727 0A3419 0 . 03981 0 . 03504 0 . 03646 m w ( • 4: (ibata & Kassabaurn., Inc. f}tiH3 tit)rtlt L:xpres w,iv. ., ti ;()() : :•c:ltiliit.lt�rt+. •;tt ittt�r=ti t ;. 'litttcting. interiors. Dallas..Tt:xds 75206-391' L tjt3htEt{, Etti.. .'14 73C)fi1i8R Hl\ ''1.t. i t 1'.; Weekly Project Progress Report to: Jane Kee, AICP (College Station) Todd McDaniel (College Station) Donal Simpson, AICP (HOK) Robert Wunderlich, PE (B-A) Mike McKay, PE (CDM) Project File by: Joseph A. Pobiner, AICP date: 10 February 1995 period: 6-10 February 1995 project: College Station Comprehensive Plan (HOK Project #94-317-122) 1) Project Activity: Phase 1 - Ongoing • Phase 2 - Digitizing of land use 95% complete. Several block faces in Northgate photographed and composited. Phase 3 - Modelling of the existing water, wastewater, and thoroughfare systems underway. Phase 4 - (no activity yet) Additional Services: e Contract Amendment #1 - Space Utilization Analysis- Ongoing; • Contract Amendment #2 .. Housing Condition Survey and Count - Jane Kee requested HOK to project how much more it would cost to extend the condition/count survey to all single family, 21314-plex, and apartment units in the Study Area. JP faxed a projection of $14,300 to Jane on 10 February; • Northgate Study (Additional Services Contract) Review of previous Northgate studies. Photo inventory of commercial block faces being composited; and, • Drainage Utility Master Plan .. Coordinated project scoping with CDM staff.in Dallas and Austin. 2) Project Meetings: } None during this week. )Iii+t'ti,l r. • k'•i•iilli+„!Irtt1. • I.liiill+l • • 11:111.1, • \I''+.' t.ER • Itiitittiil.;t ill' • �►.ti' iu ttif:fl • iia2+•1r•, • 1{.k1'+, • • l;,•••! :• • E .:,I,.r, • 1995 Wolf Pen Creek Events Tentative. Schedule Saturday March 4 • Willie Nelson in Concert w/Craig Dillingham Tickets: $20 advance/$25 gate Call 764-3486 for availability Saturday April 8 Concert Saturday - April 22 Jaz Fest '95/Kidfest Sunday April 23 Earth Day Celebration Concert • Saturday April 29 Private rental Sunday April 30 Pops Concert Brazos Valley Symphony Orchestra Tickets $15.00 ) at MSC Box Office 8454234 Friday May 5 Cinco De Mayo Concert Wednesday May 10 JACKOPIERCE Concert Popular Talent Friday May 12 Concert/Rock Alternative Friday May 19 Safe Summer Kick-Off Party Blue Heat Concert Movie "The Pagemaster" (PG), Firehouse; Safety Presentations, Summer Activity Booths, etc. Friday June 2 COMEDY/KAROKE Friday June 9 Concert Friday June 16 Movie "The Swan Princess" (0) Friday June 23 CHRISTIAN MUSIC Homemade Ice Cream Contest Tuesday July 4 Concert/Motown Friday July 7 Movie "Andre" (PG) Friday _ July 14 SPANISH MUSIC CONCERT • Friday JulN., 21 Movie "Fern Gulley 6-Once Upon a Forest(G) Friday July 28 Local Battle of the Bands • Friday August 4 Movie "Monkey Trouble" (pa) Saturday. August 19 Oldies Concert w/ Street Rodders Club ) Saturday Sept. 2 David Allan Coe with guest Jack Ingram Fri/Sat Sept. 15 or 16 Concert TBA .,.t. Saturday October 7 Concert TBA Fri/Sat Oct. 13 or 14 Concert TBA Fri/Sat Nov. 3 or 4 Concert TBA Schedule subject to change. "TBA" information will be released as it becomes available. Call the College Station Parks & Recreation office at 764- 3486 for more information. 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Today's Date: Renter(Name of Company, Corporation, Organization or Individual): Phone: Address: Contact Name(s): Phone: Date of Event: Prep Time Beginning: Gates Open: • Event Begins: Event Ends: Phase Down Complete: Estimated number of: Spectators Performers Do you desire to have concessions available?: Yes •• No Do you desire to have alcoholic beverages sold at your event?:Yes . - No Is applicant a certified, bonaflde, non-profit organization? Full description and/or name of show or function for which facility is to be rented, including name of principal performer/activity.Use reverse side if additional space is required).- • Name and location of auditoriums, facilities and/or halls which have been previously leased by applicant: Ticket Price advance gate *Please see contract section A-11. • • The above questions must be answered in full before processing the City of College Station's formal rental agreement for the Wolf Pen. Creek Amphitheater. Please mail or.deliver this application to: College Station Parks and Recreation Dept. Inquires may be directed to: Attn: Sheila Walker Sheila Walker Po. Box 9960 Program Supervisor College Station, TX 77842-0960 (409)764-3486 B:WPCAPP ATTACHMENT 1 C O LLSTATION COLLEGE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Facility Agreement A reement and Reservation Policy for Use of � Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater for Commercial Events This is an agreement by and between the City of College Station, a Texas Municipal Corporation by through h its authorized representative, hereinafter referred to as "City", and g hereinafter referred to as "Renter",witnessed: That the City agrees to furnish the Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater located in the City of College Station, Brazos County, Texas to be used for the purpose of a Class C -- Commercial event as defined onp age 5 of this agreement and for no other purposes without the written consent of the City with: Day(s)of event: Preparation time commencing at: Gates opening at: Event time from: to Phase down completed at:, PURPOSE OF AMPHITHEATER. Thep �u ose of the Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater is to promote the arts, music and leisure activities that have socially acceptable recreational value for the enjoyment of the citizens and visitors of the Brazos Valley. RENTAL INFORMATION, REQUIREMENTS and RESTRICTIONS A. General Information 1. CONFIRMED RESERVATIONS: No oral agreements for use of the Amphitheater shall be valid. All reservations must be confirmed with the completion of this agreement and payment of all appropriate fees. 2. ABUSING POLICIES: The Director of Parks and Recreation reserves the right to refuse any group the privilege of using the Amphitheater due to abusing policies of the facility or City. In addition, any group charged with a second occurrence of abuse may be barred from making any further reservations. 3. RENTERS PROPERTY: The City shall assume no responsibility for any property placed on or in its facilities or grounds. Further, the City is released and discharged p from anyand all liabilityfor loss, injury, or damage to persons or property that may be sustained bythe use or occupancy of the facility. p Y • The Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater is built in a flood plain and is 4. �I1oODIN�-. p subject to flooding. If floodingshould occur the Renter should take necessary steps to ensure the g safety performersequipment.of and a i ment. The City of College Station will not be responsible for p 9. p a damaged ui ment or losses that arise due to flooding. g 5. LAWS AND ORDINANCES: All groups using the Amphitheater shall comply with all laws whether they be federal, state or local to include all ordinances of the City of College Station and all rules, regulations and requirements of the Police and Fire Departments. Fire lanes must remain clear at all times. Any group using the Amphitheater shall agree to abide by and conform with all rules and regumay adopted which be ado ted from time to time. Included would be anyand all alterations that might be imposed on the operational hours and utilization policies. g p 6. ANTI-DISCRIMINATION: Discrimination by Renter, its agents or employees, on account of age, race, color, religion, sex or national origin, in the use of or admission to the premises is prohibited. 7. DEFACEMENT OF FACILITY: No decorative or other materials shall be nailed, tacked, screwed or otherwise physically attached to any part of the Theater without special permission froth the Parks and Recreation Department. Any group using'the Amphitheater agrees - ._. to leave the premises in as good of a condition as it was prior to their usage. Renter agrees to assume all responsibility for any damages done to the premises or facility as a result of their usage. It is also understood by all groups bound by this agreement that all or part of their deposit will be held should Renter not comply with this policy. 8. CONCESSION SALES: The College Station Parks and Recreation Department reserves all concession rights. No outside food(s)or drink(s)will be allowed within the fenced in area of the Amphitheater during rentals/events. 9. SOUVENIR SALES: If the Renter wants to purchase and sell souvenir items • they must obtain a vendors permit from the Parks and Recreation Department at a cost of$50.00. The vendor must supply the booth and all necessary equipment and labor. The exact location of the booth must be approved by the venue manager. Will souvenir type items be sold at your event?: Yes No • Souvenir items to be sold: 10. USE OF WATER SURFACE: Any Renter wishing to use the Wolf Pen Creek water surface and/or bank must be approved by the Director of Parks and Recreation and is due in writing thirty (30) days prior to event day. Special provisions may be required dependent upon the intended uses. 11. ADMISSION FEES: The Renter may charge an admission fee to the spectators. Ticket sales shall not exceed the actual number of available seating. Ticket sales shall be limited to 5,000. However, while an event is in progress the Venue Manager may authorize additional 2 admission if his/her on-the-spot evaluation indicates that health, safety and good order will not be j Minimum Minimum Minimum Number of Number of Officers Number of Officer Participants (With Alcohol) (Without Alcohol) Up to 500 people 0 - 1 501 to 2000 people 1 - 2 0 - 1 2001 to 5000 people 2 - 8 2 - 8 Based on the Renter's event information the Renter will be required to have number of Police Officers on duty prior to, during and after Renter's event. 2. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: Any event open to the general public will be required to have comprehensive General liability insurance in the name of the Renter for bodily injury or death in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 and property damage in the minimum amount of $1,000,000. Such coverage shall name the City of College Station as additional insured. This insurance policy must cover, in addition to the general public, all employees of the City working at the facility, all entertainers and their support staff and any other individual participating in or attending the event for which the facility is rented. The insurance must'be issued by a company licensed to do business in the State of Texas. Renter must furnish proof of coverage through a certificate of insurance prior to the event. 3. ADVERTISING: Advertising/announcements shall not be made public prior to approval of cOntract by the Parks and Recreation Department. Tickets will not be sold prior to approval of the contract. The Renter/promoter shall include a statement of WPC policy prohibiting containers, ice-chests and outside food and drink on all advertisements for their event. RESERVATION PROCEDURES, FEES,AND DEPOSITS A. Reservation Procedures • 1. The use of the Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater is determined on a first come, first serve basis and may be booked two years in advance. Reservations are not confirmed until contract is signed and received by the Parks and Recreation Department and all appropriate fees have been paid. 2. Individuals can "reserve" dates for up to two years in advance. A rain date may be scheduled at that time, also, upon the approval of the Venue Manager. (Fridays & Saturdays will not be available for rain dates). 3. "Reserved" dates are secured until another individual expresses interest in that date and requests to challenge the date. 4. Upon notification of a challenged date, the original-interested-party has 2 weeks to confirm their desire to commit to that date by completing a rental application, signing a contract and submitting the appropriate fees (service personnel, rental and deposit). If this requirement is not met, the date then becomes "reserved" for the second-interested-party. 5. Any reservation for which a fee is involved, the fee(s) and deposit must be paid at the time the reservation is confirmed. Additional charges may be assessed for property damages and extended occupancy periods. The Renter shall pay all additional charges in excess of the deposit within a reasonable amount of time once damage estimates have been made. 6. The Venue Manager will, in the best interest of its promoters and the facility, protect scheduled events so as to not allow events to directly compete with each other. For example, promoter "A" books the facility with the intention of having a country show. Promoter "B" comes in and attempts to book the facility for a country show the night before promoter "Ams event. Promoter "B" will be denied use of the facility due to direct conflict with the already scheduled event. The Venue Manager will consider that all "rock" shows do not directly compete, and that all "country" shows will not directly compete with each other (each rental application must specify the"type" of show). B. Deposits and Refunds 1. Refunds of fees and deposits require advance written notice of cancellation ninety (90) days or more prior to rental date. However, advanced payments may be credited to a future date if any event is rescheduled. Cancellation within thirty(30) days of scheduled event will result in forfeiture of advance payments excluding fees for service personnel. If the event cannot be held or rescheduled due to weather, refunds will be made at the discretion of the Parks and Recreation Department after final review of any incurred expenses. 2. A security deposit will be required for all reservations. Deposits shall be used by the Parks and Recreation Department to repair, replace or pay for any property damage that occurs during the rental either by the Renter or any participant at the event sponsored by the Renter. The unused portion of the deposit will be refunded to the Renter after the event. However, the deposit may be held at the discretion of the Parks and Recreation Department for any period of time necessary to determine the full extent of damages and to make all repairs and/or secure replacements. The deposit shall be refunded upon the following conditions: a. All terms of this contract have been met. b. All facilities are left in good condition. c. If cancellation procedures have been followed. Basic Deposit rates are as follows: No. of Participants up to: 100 300 500 1200 1200+ Weekday $ 75 $150 $300 $450 TBA Weekend $100 $200 $400 $600 TBA A Weekend rental day is one which occurs on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday. A Weekday rental is one which occurs either on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. These are minimum deposit figures, additional monies may be required depending on the type of event to be held. Rentals which require multiple day usage may also require additional deposit monies(TBA). 5 C. Classification of Reserving Parties and Rental Fees 1. RENTAL FEES for the Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater shall be determined by the classification of the reserving party. Ad parties wishing to reserve/rent the Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater shall be classified by one of the following: Class A, Private: Use by a person or persons for non-public use such as weddings, reunions,company picnics, etc. This will be a rental where the public is not invited. Class B, Benefit: Use by a person, civic organization or educational institution possessing a non-profit association state charter who sponsors an activity, event or meeting of community interest. Their event shall be free and open to the public, with no monies derived whatsoever from the event or the event may be a fund-raiser for a non-profit organization with at least 75% of the funds raised donated to the stated organization. Class B events can also be of a political nature. Class C, Commercial: Use by an individual or companies charging no admission and taking no profits on the premises but whose motivation in holding the event is .for promotional purposes or subsequent profit making and use by private or individual group whose purpose is to further the pursuit of a profession or company. This group would be charging admission and/or selling merchandise. An example of this would be a typical concert. 2. Basic RENTAL and SERVICE PERSONNEL FEES have,been established for the Rental of the Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater. All Commercial rentals will require using the City of College Station's Amphitheater Staff/service personnel. These fees will vary depending on the type of event. Rental Fees are established and approved by the City of College Station City Council on an annual basis. Fees are payable to the City of College Station, P.O. Box 9960, College Station, Texas 77842. Fees are as follows: Class Weekday Weekend Rental/Day Rental/Day a) Private $200 $250 b) Benefit $425 $525 c) Commercial $800 $900 ESTIMATED SERVICE PERSONNEL FEES Non Ticketed Events Staff Provided *Cost Per Event Hour A. Less than 500 people 11 $ 86 B. 500- 2000 18 $113 C. 2000 - 5000 31 $175 Ticketed Events Staff Provided *Cost Per Event Hour D. Less than 500 people 20 $114 E. 500 - 2000 32 $178 F. 2000 - 5000 48 $267 * Does not include payment to Police Officers. D. Renter Information Renter's Deposit: Renter's Rental Fee: Renter's Service Personnel Fee: Total Fees: Renter Mailing Address: Renter Phone Number: Contact Name: Name/Mailing Address for Refund Check: As the Renter of the College Station Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater and its amenities, I as the responsible party fully understand and agree to adhere to all of the above guidelines, policies, procedures and restrictions. • Signature of Renter/Responsible Party Date ) When renting the Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater the Renter is provided with: Stage 2147 square feet Performer Capacity 100 Musicians(21.5 sf/person) Stage Elevation.. 259 feet Total Covered Area 3737 square feet Grass Seat Area 1.5 acres(approximate) Construction Materials Concrete,masonry, metal roof Distance from Stage 246 feet to rear of seating area Seating Area Slope 10%average, 30%maximum Dance Floor Loading Dock 310 square feet Picnic Shelter, consists of the following: Restrooms 608 square feet 4 men's units, 4 women's units and 20 portable units Shelter Area - 784 square feet, seating capacity(no playground) 50 people,7 picnic tables B:COMMRCIL REVISED 11/14/94 7 Attachment Box Office Information Ticket Copy: Advance up to 26 characters per line 2. 3. 4, . 6. to be ordered Issued to: Date Issued • Copy for gate tickets 1. 2. 3. - 4. S. 6. • #to be ordered for gate #comps to be ordered 50 for WPCA contract res uirement for • for for Box office charges for advance sales tickets: 1.75 % of gross ticket sales %on MC/Visa % on Discover 8,25 % sales tax .•- Box office charges for gate tickets: Same as above or promoter may choose to use "house" tickets at a cost of$15.00 per pad (of 250) used. The Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater uses the MSC Box Office, Courts Western Wear (Downtown and at Post Oak Mall) as advance ticket sales outlets. Other ticket sales outlets can be set-up by the promoter. The promoter, however, is responsible for any tickets he/she obtains prior to the event. The unsold tickets and cash must be handed over to the venue manager at gate time on the day of the event or the total amount of the tickets released to the promoter will be deducted from their portion of the event revenue. B:ATTACHA 1 C•'CRETE DRIV •.? 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'IPL. . 0 ....:.:::::::::::::::i*Or.•:::::iiii::* Wolf Pen Creek ....: .......:.,..... Amphitheater --0 .. .. ..x.::: ••••:- . e4 o .4' ) OS -k.A Colgate St GI\ -I\ e - central Park Ln gg.• \)c‘ - .N. o<1.:#5111 4:73 .4* ...A. (< As * . * ,e--4- c`I'' s'9 / ...›* ,s0 0 ce et . . '.) , , i .oggiasth, WOLF PEN CREEK MAP NORTH EATECATION R LOCATION AMPHITH Fromm 41 PPM, , . NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE r. PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD of the City of College Station Notice is hereby given that a (Regular)(Special)( REGULAR ) meeting of the PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD . of the City of College Station, State of Texas will be held on the 10TH day of JANUARY , 1995,at 7: 00 _PcM.)(P.M.),at • 1@0@ KRBNEK TAP RD. COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 The following subjects will be discussed, to-wit: SEE AGENDA , DATED THIS THE _ 6th DAY OF JANUARY, , 1995. , .. CI „- iiiF COLLEGE STATI, ,Ni EXA ,- / ( ) , ' ' ( ,A1 Vr- --ft IF CONNIE HOOKS, CITY SECRETARY I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board , of the City of College Station, Texas is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said Notice on the bulletin board, in the City Hall of said City of College Station, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and said Notice was posted on JANUARY 6 , , 1995, at 5: 00 o'clock (AM..f(P.Ivi.) --4,. DATED THIS THE k t _DAY OF 'friC:"Svu‘s-Ctiks.k . , 1995. CH' .11:5F COLLEGE STATION, T ,, AS , , e B SUSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME ON THIS CONNIE HOOKS, CITY SECRETARY ----- ,--t THE i v DAY OF Qt.,511\1,3Ss...X1 ,1995. -_ ) \ ,. ....._ NiL is, el %it • NikTAR-Y PUBLIC-BRAZOS COUNTY,TEXAS I My • commission expires: b”- 5 -cr 5 Notary S. CASARES lir4 "!9.6/Pulsio,State of Texas '1. a '°"* my Commission Expires AUGUST 5,1998 hail Ilimbil O1/Ob/95 11:22 12409 764 3737 CS PARKS & REC ÷44 HUMAN RESOURCES a001/001 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY., JANUARY 10, 1995, - 7:00 P.M. CENTRAL PARK CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 KRENEK TAP ROAD AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Hear Visitors 4. Consideration and Approval of 1995 User Fees 5. Discussion of Lincoln Center and Conference Center Advisory Committees and Appointment of Chairman 6. Discussion of Board Goals for 1995 7. Discussion of 1995 Bond Program 8. Capital Improvement Program Report 9. Other Business/Board Concerns 10. Adjourn 7 . . PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1995, - 7:00 P.M. CENTRAL PARK CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 KRENEK TAP ROAD AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Hear Visitors „.... 4. Consideration and Approval of 1995 User Fees ( ) 5. Discussion of Lincoln Center and Conference Center Advisory Committees and Appointment of Chairman 6. Discussion of Board Issues for 1995 7. Capital Improvement Program Report 8. Other Business/Board Concerns 9. Adjourn 40'7' Z'''''`'' e/ii›....„. -----,, . I - _ . --------. /