HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/10/1995 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1995 - 7:00 P.M. CENTRAL PARK CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 KRENEK TAP ROAD MEMBERS PRESENT: George Dresser, Chair; Ron Gay, Vice Chair; Bob DeOtte; Greg Taggart; Carol Reynolds; Nancy Crouch, Council Liaison MEMBERS ABSENT: Barry Harding STAFF PRESENT: Eric Ploeger, Asst. Director; Bridgette George, Staff Assistant I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Eric stated that the gentleman speaking out about Sandstone Park at the December 13, 1994, meeting was Jerry Miller, not Dave Youngblood as stated in ) the minutes. Also, Greg stated that he would not necessarily "like to see" more earth berms placed in Sandstone Park, as stated, but rather that he "suggested placing" more earth berms for sound barriers. This was one of the citizens' concerns at past public hearings. One spelling correction was noted. Also, Chairmen was changed to read Chairpersons. The minutes were approved with the aforementioned changes. III. HEAR VISITORS: No visitors were present. IV. CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF 1995 USER FEES: Eric stated that there were minor $5-$10 increases suggested for the user fees. All of those increases were in adult sports. Ron motioned to approve the fees, Bob seconded. The motion passed. V. DISCUSSION OF LINCOLN CENTER AND CONFERENCE CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEES AND APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRS: Bridgette explained that while reading the by-laws of both the Lincoln Center and Conference Center Advisory Committees several misspellings were detected. Also, instead of reading "Advisory Committee," the Lincoln Center is stated as an "Advisory Board." Bridgette suggested calling both groups "Advisory Committees" to be uniform. George suggested that the committees approve the revised by-laws first, and then the Board can review and approve them. Parks & Recreation Board Regular Meeting January 10, 1995 Page (2) Bridgette stated that Cynthia Williams was last year's chairperson for the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee and was also Lillian Robinson's suggestion for chairperson this year. Ron motioned to appoint Ms. Williams as chairperson, George seconded. The motion passed. Ron motioned to appoint Mollie Guin as chairperson for the Conference Center Advisory Committee, Carol seconded. The motion passed. VI. DISCUSSION OF BOARD GOALS FOR 1995: The Board discussed the following goals which are noted in "bold". Oversee design process and implement construction for Sandstone Park - This goal is essentially completed as far as the Board is concerned. This item will go to the City Council for approval on January 25, 1995. Conduct public hearings and oversee design process for Woodway Park - Eric stated that an offer was made in early December for the property adjacent to Woodway Park, but he has not heard back from the Legal Department regarding that offer. George asked Eric for a timeline to be submitted at the next board meeting regarding the design phase and construction of that park. Follow through on Park Master Plan process - Nancy stated that Council has added items to HOKis scope of work, including Northgate and the City's Facility Space Plan. It was Eric's understanding that they've been working on their base map and are still gathering a lot of information. George would like for Jane Kee to find out where HOK is as far as Parks and Recreation is concerned and inform the board members. Investigate neighborhood park for Foxfire - Bob and Greg volunteered to work on alternatives for a park in that area. They will look at both the needs aspect and possible sites, and report back to the Board by the April meeting. Some discussion took place regarding whether or not a park was even needed since most of the home sites were two or more acres in size. Carol suggested finding a way to access Sandstone Park from the Foxfire subdivision without having to travel on a busy street. Design small park that serves Spring Loop residents - This park is located adjacent to the Bryan Wastewater Treatment Plant and is susceptible to foul orders when the wind blows that direction. There are no other parks that serve that area. Dr. Stephenson has approached the Board to purchase that specific land. The Board is reluctant to sell the land without first establishing another site for a park. The Board also discussed keeping a portion of that land for a park. George asked for staff to take a look at the site and submit proposals for alternatives. He also stated that he would like the Board to take another trip to that area. Bridgette informed the members that at a previous meeting the Board motioned to recommend to Council to sell the property and use the proceeds for other parks in that zone. That item has not gone to Council yet. George stated that before sending it to Council for approval, he would like the Board to have specific goals for another park in that area. Parks &Recreation Board Regular Meeting January 10, 1995 Page (3) Investigate opportunities for additional park land - The Board discussed looking at areas that are currently not served by parks and also looking at possible park sites at future subdivisions. Nancy suggested the Board look into a park with the George Bush Library. Nancy also suggested that the Board produce a plan for future park land acquisition. She stated that it would be beneficial for the Board to have a plan stating how many acres it would like in a certain section one year, and so many acres in another section the next year, etc. The Board would like to be more proactive in the park site selection. George and Greg will work on this issue. Examine the impact of annexation on park needs Nancy stated that the service agreement says that the City will provide all the services in the annexed area that are provided in other places, which means the City will have to pay for a park in that annexed area. She suggested the.Board produce a policy recommendation of what to do with parks regarding annexation. She stated that this is not currently addressed in the service agreement. Develop concept for Lick Creek Park - Nancy stated that she is going to make the suggestion, "To double the size of Lick Creek Park," at the council retreat. Carol thought it was a great idea. Nancy visited Stanley Park in Vancouver which is 1,000 acres and includes room for a zoo, ballfields, etc., on the outer edges, and yet while in the center of this park you are isolated from all the noise. George asked staff to research and summarize discussions and concepts that have taken place in the past regarding Lick Creek Park. Nancy suggested that staff get maps of Stanley Park. Bridgette agreed. Significantly increase the use of Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater - Eric mentioned that the season begins in March. George asked for a report on the events scheduled and promotional efforts by staff at the next board meeting. Eric stated that he would have Sheila and Linda give a report on it. George asked if the bathrooms would be finished before the season begins. Greg informed the members that the pink building block would be sandblasted just as the original building block was. VII. DISCUSSION OF 1995 BOND PROGRAM: Nancy mentioned that the bond election would be held March 25, 1995. She also stated that on the following Thursday night there would be a public hearing and City Council would probably vote on the bond issues that evening. She encouraged the members to come if they wanted to voice their opinions on park issues. The Board discussed some concerns over the $500,000 which was cut from the original $1.5 million the Board asked for to purchase land for a large athletic complex. They also discussed the fact that they need some visuals to present to Council. Nancy stated that the Board should mention the economic impact this facility would have on the community and have the facts to back it up. George asked Bob if he would spearhead the Board's activities on the bond election by letting the Board know when certain athletic groups meet, so that the Board could make a presentation in support of the bond election. Bob agreed. George would like the members to submit letters to the editor for publication. Bob stated that he would also try to get The Eagle to do an editorial on park issues. Parks & Recreation Board Regular Meeting January 10, 1995 Page (4) Eric stated that he would get staff to do a visual concept plan for presentation at Thursday's meeting. Nancy reiterated the impact visuals have on people compared to written documents and suggested doing the plan in 3-ID if possible. Bob stated he would pick up a site plan from Eric that Thursday morning before the noon meeting. Bob stated that he would like to get Chase Sanford, the boy who wrote a letter to Steve regarding Sandstone Park, to speak to Council on Thursday. Several Board members decided to meet Thursday at noon to discuss their plan of action for Thursday evening. Nancy mentioned that Council may drop Wolf Pen Creek from the bond election, and those funds may be available for the park issue that was cut by $500,000. She did mention that Council may implement a drainage district, but those funds would not be available until next year. Those funds could be used to work on future lakes at Wolf Pen Creek. VIII. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM REPORT: Eric stated that no other changes have occurred since the submitted C.I.P. Report was delivered with the Board packets. IX. OTHER BUSINESS/BOARD CONCERNS: George asked when basketball games began for the City. Bridgette stated that they would begin the following Saturday. He mentioned that he had been at Lincoln Center one night where a basketball game was in progress. There was only one black child on one team and all the other children were white. He was concerned that not enough participation was coming from that part of town. He ) also mentioned that they were in uniform. Bob suggested that it might have been a Boys Club program. Bridgette stated that the City does not play games at Lincoln Center, only at CSISD gyms, so it was probably not one of the City's programs. George said he would speak to Nelda Gilbert, Lincoln Center Secretary, about it. George mentioned Penny Said's resignation and asked if there would be a replacement. Nancy mentioned that it was not on the next meeting's agenda, but should be on a future one. She told the Board that recommendations would be appreciated. George expressed concern regarding Mr. Hugh Wilson's letter that had been included in the Board's packets. Mr. Wilson stated that he was withdrawing any current and future professional effort to pursue endangered species research in Texas. Spiranthes parksii is the endangered plant species Mr. Wilson was referring to and it exists along Sundew Creek at Lick Creek Park. Mr. Wilson found that disturbance caused by traffic from a mountain bike trail had eliminated a significant number of his marker stakes and the plants they identified. Mr. Wilson stated the survival of the species was not shared by those charged with that fundamental responsibility. Eric stated that Mr. Wilson is extremely protective of those plants and would not even show him where they were located when Eric went out there. X. ADJOURN: The Board adjourned at 9:08 p.m.