HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/04/2000 - Regular Minutes - Historic Preservation Committee Historic Preservation Committee Regular Meeting College Station Conference Center 1300 George Bush Drive Wednesday, October 4, 2000 -- 5: 15 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Margaret Griffith, Co-Chair; Deborah Jasek; Bill Lancaster; Thomas Taylor; Myron Gantt; Robert McGee; Marsha Sanford; Monte Trenckmann;; Graham Sheffy MEMBERS ABSENT: Shawn Carlson, Chair STAFF PRESENT: David Gerling, Special Facilities Superintendent; Molly Hitchcock, Development Services; Pamela Springfield, Committee Secretary VISITORS PRESENT: Bob Droleskey, College Woodlands Neighborhood Association; Joe Bergstad, College Hills Estates Homeowners Association; Dennis Maloney, City Council 1. Call to Order: Margaret Griffith called the meeting to order at 5:24 p.m. 2. Consideration & Approval of Member Requests for Absences: Monte Trenckmann made a motion to approve Shawn Carlson's request for absence. Marsha Sanford seconded and the motion passed unanimously. 3. Approval of Minutes: Marsha made a motion to approve the September, 2000 minutes as written. Tom Taylor seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. 4. Hear Visitors: Bob Droleskey stated that Shawn Carlson had invited him to attend. Joe Bergstad and Molly Hitchcock introduced themelves. The visitors had nothing to present. 5. City Historic Home/Building/Subject Plaques — Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action on Submitted Applications: No new applications had been submitted for approval. 6. Neighborhood Recognition Program Update from Subcommittee — Tom Taylor & Myron Gantt: Tom stated that he and Myron needed feedback on the draft of guidelines which had been handed out. He stated that the first thing the committee needed to decide was if it wanted to do this program, and if so, then it needed to be committed to, and followed through on. Myron had checked with Diane Craig of Brazos Beautiful and received information on how their program worked. It seems that they have no guidelines or criteria to qualify for their award. Myron also discovered the City of Bryan Mayor's Downtown Impact Award, which had no guidelines either. Tom felt that the Neighborhood Recognition program would not conflict with either of those programs. Historic Preservation Committee Minutes, October, 2000 Page 2 Tom went over the list he and Myron had put together of ideas and things that needed to be done. He recommended keeping the process as simple as possible. He stated that everyone should be given a chance to look over the draft for discussion at a later meeting, but asked for initial reactions. Deborah and Margaret both said that they liked the ideas presented. Marsha stated that she had previously served on the Community Appearance Committee and they did something similar where they would just ask for nominations or the committee itself would nominate people. She said she would see if she still had the forms that they had used. Marsha asked the visitors what they thought. Joe Bergstad and Bob Droleskey both felt this was a good project. Joe Bergstad stated that it was more important than most people think, adding that if a program of this type had been in place, it might have stopped some of the things that have gone on in Southside. Molly asked if the HPC was trying to reward historical restoration or just property improvements. Tom said he believed the intention was to recognize appearance improvements and not historical preservation. Deborah added that if someone wanted to do preservation on a historic house, they should go through the State's recognition program. Tom asked everyone to think about whether or not they would be willing to volunteer to work on this program. If no one was willing, then that would answer the question as to whether or not the HPC should do the program. Marsha stated that from working on the Community Appearance program she felt that the HPC needed to think about how the program should be marketed so that it would stimulate and keep the public's interest. Bob Droleskey suggested looking into having either Lowe's or Furrows underwrite some of the cost of the project and perhaps have them have a display at their location naming the recipients. Marsha made a motion to consider the topic at the next meeting. Deborah seconded, and hearing no objection the motion passed. 7. Update on Brazos Heritage Society's Historic Film and Book Project: David stated that this project had not been funded in the FY 2001 budget process. He said Brazos Heritage Society was in the process of trying to get funded through the other agencies that they had approached. They would probably try to present the project earlier in the next budget process — March or April — with a little bit better presentation. Bill Lancaster asked if either Bryan or the County had responded. Bill said the County had not responded and the City of Bryan had tentatively said yes, however, the Heritage Society had not received money from anyone yet. 8. Update on Brison Park Bonfire Memorial: David stated that wording for the plaque had been sent to OMC. He said he was having problems getting a castable bonfire image, but he'd been told it would take about four weeks to cast the marker once that image was received. David stated that there was a memorial service scheduled for 2:30 a.m. on November 18, 2000, and another service at 10:30 a.m. A&M had suggested that the Brison Park memorial be scheduled between those times — perhaps at 6:00 a.m. or 7:00 a.m. David stated that Tim Kerlee, Sr., who lives in town, had contacted the office after reading about the HPC memorial being planned. David said that he had explained to Pam that he was in touch with all the other families and that he could act as a liaison for those other families. Tom suggested having the Brison Park Memorial later in the day. Margaret asked what needed to be done. David said nothing could be done until the plaque was completed. 9. Historic Ordinance: Since Shawn was not present, it was asked that this item be placed on the next agenda. David said he'd talked to Shawn and she's been in contact with the Consultant rewriting the ordinances for the City. He believes that she's going to invite visitors to the Historic Preservation Committee Minutes, October,2000 Page 3 December meeting who've written ordinances and can give some insight into that process, and then have the consultant meet with the HPC in January. 10. Southside Lighting Prolect: David stated that this project had been turned over to the Utility Department and was no longer an HPC issue. The members wanted to know how they would know if the project would move forward. David stated that Tony Michalsky with the Utility Department would be the contact person for that. Margaret asked if he could be invited to the next meeting to update the members. David said he would invite him. 11. Updates from Deborah Jasek: Facade Committee - Didn't have anything to report, since that committee had not met. Veterans Park & Athletic Complex - First fundraiser will be held October 29, 2000 at 4:00 p.m. at the Bush Library Auditorium. All proceeds from that concert will go towards the veteran's memorial. The responses for proposals from artists was not due until the end of October, but she stated that she would keep the HPC up-to-date. 12. Agenda Items for Future Meetings: a. Neighborhood Recognition Program b. Historic Ordinance c. Brison Park Bonfire Memorial d. Discuss the possibility of creating an Historic Preservation Oversight Committee similar to the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor Committee, made up of representatives from other groups. Marsha informed everyone of the WPC Design Charette and asked that anyone interested attend. e. Historic Lighting Project, FY '01 - Status update by Tony Michalsky, Electrical Department 13. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 6:29 p.m.