HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-3957 - Ordinance - 11/09/2017 ORDINANCE NO. 2017-3957 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING APPENDIX A "UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE," ARTICLE 4 "ZONING DISTRICTS," SECTION 4.2, "OFFICIAL ZONING MAP" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES OF APPROXIMATELY 7.5 ACRES OF LAND FROM GS GENERAL SUBURBAN TO PDD PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT; BEING GENERALLY LOCATED AT 801 LINCOLN AVENUE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Appendix A "Unified Development Ordinance," Article 4 "Zoning Districts," Section 4.2 "Official Zoning Map" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A", Exhibit "B" and Exhibit "C" attached hereto and made a part of this Ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: If any provision of this Ordinance or its application to any person or circumstances is held invalid or unconstitutional, the invalidity or unconstitutionality does not affect other provisions or application of this Ordinance or the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, that can be given effect without the invalid or unconstitutional provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are severable. PART 3: That any person, corporation, organization, government, governmental subdivision or agency, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, association and any other legal entity violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than twenty five dollars ($25.00) and not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) or more than two thousand dollars($2,000)for a violation of fire safety,zoning,or public health and sanitation ordinances, other than the dumping of refuse. Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. PART 4: This Ordinance is a penal ordinance and becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by City of College Station Charter Section 35. ORDINANCE NO.2017-3957 Page 2 of 8 PASSED, ADOPTED, and APPROVED this 9th day of November, 2017. ATTES : APP ' S - D: 4 Laikegim..._.41; /Ai City S cret.,� / , a r f APPROV 1 d/Altdie/, City A orney ORDINANCE NO. 2017-3957 Page 3 of 8 Exhibit A That Appendix A "Unified Development Ordinance," Article 4 "Zoning Districts," Section 4.2, "Official Zoning Map" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: The following property is rezoned from GS General Suburban to PDD Planned Development District: ORDINANCE NO.2017-3957 Page 4 of 8 Putz Estate 7.474 Acre Tract 1 Richard Carter Survey,A-8 College Station, Brazos County,Texas Field notes of a 7.474 acre tract or parcel of land,lying and being situated in the Richard Carter Survey,Abstract No.8,College Station,Brazos County,Texas,and being part of the called 13.54 acre tract described in the deed from Ed Putz and wife, Fannie Putz to E.L.Putz,as recorded in Volume 287,Page 820,of the Deed Records of Brazos County,Texas,and being all of the called 0.62 acre tract described in the deed to Frauline Putz Sims as recorded in Volume 168, Page 104, of the Deed Records of Brazos County,Texas,part of the called 0.98 acre tract described in the deed to E. L. Putz, as recorded in Volume 129, Page 14, of the Deed Records of Brazos County,Texas,and said 7.474 acre tract being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the%"iron rod found at a crosstie fence corner marking the north corner of the beforementioned 13.54 acre tract in the southeast right-of-way line of Farm to Market Road No.60(University Drive),same being the west corner of Lot 2(5.00 acres)of the Henton Subdivision,according to the plat recorded in Volume 2017, Page 239,of the Official Records of Brazos County,Texas; THENCE S 45°28'03"E along the northeast line of the beforementioned 13.54 acre tract, same being the southwest line of the beforementioned Lot 2-Henton Subdivision,adjacent to a fence,for a distance of 695.83 feet to a'/n'iron rod found marking the south corner of Lot 3R of the proposed Replat of Lots 1 and 2-Henton Subdivision (unrecorded at this time), at the PLACE OF BEGINNING of this description; THENCE S 45° 28' 03" E continuing along the northeast line of the beforementioned 13.54 acre tract,adjacent to a fence,same being the southwest line of the beforementioned Henton Subdivision,at a distance of 310.50 feet,pass a1/2" iron rod found marking the south corner of the Henton Subdivision,same being the west corner of the Replat of Lot 3-Henton Subdivision,according to the plat recorded in Volume 4089,Page 109,of the Official Records of Brazos County,Texas,continue on,fora total distance of 637.29 feet to a'/2'iron rod found at a 6"creosote postfence corner marking the south corner of said replat,same being the apparent northwest line of Lincoln Avenue; THENCE along the apparent northwest line of Lincoln Avenue,as follows: S 44°53'33"W for a distance of 214.58 feet to a 1/2'iron rod set in the easterly southwest line of the beforementioned 13.54 acre tract, S 45°36'09"W along the supposed southeast line of the beforementioned 0.98 acre tract,at a distance of 234.00 feet,pass a southerly and westerly east corner of the 13.54 acre tract,continue on along the westerly southeast line of the 13.54 acre tract for a total distance of 240.88 feet to a%"iron rod set at the westerly south corner of the 13.54 acre tract,same being the east cornerof Lincoln Place subdivision - Tract Two according to the plat recorded in Volume 371, Page 481,of the Deed Records of Brazos County,Texas,from which a %"iron rod found bears S 36°25'20"W-2.67 feet; ORDINANCE NO. 2017-3957 Page 5 of 8 Putz Estate 7.474 Acre Tract 1 Richard Carter Survey,A-8 College Station, Brazos County,Texas Continued-Page 2 THENCE N 45°00'21"W along the southwest line of the beforementioned 13.54 acre tract,same being the northeast line of the beforementioned Lincoln Place Subdivision,at a distance of 263.07 feet,pass a 14"iron rod found at the east corner of the eastern end of Vassar Court, continue on, adjacent to a fence, for a total distance of 800.10 feet to a'/"iron rod found marking the north corner of Lincoln Place Subdivision,same being the east corner of the Smith-called 4.51 acre tract,Volume 2658, Page 289, of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas; THENCE N 65°07'06"E entirely across the beforementioned 13.54 acre tract and along the southeast line of a proposed 7.263 acre tract for a distance of 479.59 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, containing 7.474 acres of land, more or less. • OF j Surveyed June 2004 '.Q� $.M. KUNG „� r ;� X003 �P:�r,�f S. M. Kling pyo; sSI ".ar R.P.L.S. No. 2003 SUCA, Prepared 06/15/04 Revised 06/18/04 corrected typos kos04-03a:1putz7.474ac.wpd ORDINANCE NO.2017-3957 Page 6 of 8 EXHIBIT "B" MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS AND MODIFICATIONS OF STANDARDS I. General. The stated purpose and intent of the requested PDD is "to develop a walkable, mixed-use development consisting of retail, multi-family residences and single-family residences." The Concept Plan proposes single-family development that fronts Lincoln Avenue, with commercial and multi-family uses behind these future homes on the remainder of the 7.5-acre tract. Buildings will be subject to non-residential architectural requirements with a maximum building height of 60 feet for the hotel and multi-family land uses. A low-density residential height protection ratio of one to one will also apply between any multi-family or commercial uses within the PDD and the existing single-family homes fronting Lincoln Avenue to the east of the subject property. A Public Way is proposed along the western boundary of the property, extending from Lincoln Avenue through the development and connecting into the existing Private Access drive and parking area of the previous phases of University Town Center. This Public Way will also connect into Wellesley Court and Vassar Court. A 10-foot multi-use path is proposed to run along the Public Way, adjacent to the proposed commercial uses. No buffer will be provided between the proposed general suburban area within the PDD and the proposed multi-family/commercial uses. The GC General Commercial zoning district for commercial uses and MF Multi-Family zoning district for the residential uses are the base zoning districts with a modified list of PDD Planned Development District development standards and uses as described below. The Concept Plan is provided as Exhibit"C." II. Modifications to Base Zoning: Dimensional Standards—Section 6.6.A.7 Farmer'Market • Addition of a permanent Farmer's Market allowed by right on the non-residential portion of the property. Height—Section 7.1.K3 Low Density Residential Protection • A low-density residential height protection ratio of one to one will apply between any multi-family or commercial uses within the PDD and the existing single-family homes fronting Lincoln Avenue to the east of the subject property. • No building height setback between the proposed general suburban and the proposed commercial and multi-family land uses. Signs—Section 7.5.C, 7.5.D.11 & 7.5.F • The general suburban portion of the property is permitted an Area Identification/Subdivision Sign. • A freestanding sign for the commercial development is allowed along Lincoln Avenue within the PDD boundary. • The commercial portion of the property is permitted one Campus Wayfinding Sign that may be located along the Public Way. The maximum area allowed for the Wayfinding Sign is 60 square feet. ORDINANCE NO. 2017-3957 Page 7 of 8 • Each non-residential building shall be permitted a Low-Profile Sign. Landscaping/Streetscaping_Section 7.6.D.2 & 4 Streetscape & Parking Screening • Streetscaping will only be provided on the commercial side of the proposed Public Way. • Parking screening is not required along the proposed Public Way. Buffer—Section 7.7.F Minimum Buffer Standards • No buffer will be required between the proposed non-residential uses and residential uses. Outdoor Storage and Display—Section 7.12.2 • No screening or enclosure will be required for the Outdoor Sales Area as it relates to the proposed Farmers' Market. Subdivision Regulations —Section 8.3.G.1 & 4 Blocks • A single tier or row of single-family lots may be platted along Lincoln Avenue within the general suburban area show on the concept Plan. • This property shall not be subject to maximum block perimeter requirements. Community Benefits and Additional Enhancements The following community benefits, additional enhancements or improvements have been identified: 1.The development will provide a unique mixture of single-family, multi-family and commercial uses with an urban feel. 2.The development will be walkable within the center and will provide access to surrounding residents to this development as well as the adjoining University Town Center, unifying the area residents. 3.The multi-family and hotel structures shall not exceed 60 feet in height. 4.Attached signage for the non-residential portion of the property will not face Lincoln Avenue and will be located away from the Eastgate Neighborhood. 5.Night Clubs, Bars and/or Taverns are prohibited within this PDD. Ordinance Form 8-14-17 ORDINANCE NO. 2017-3957 Page 8 of 8 Exhibit C —Concept Plan 0 i Vi..!•4 7,,,--,,,i;- --,,i7,(2,1, ,....1.7 0. ,.. 14,0 04 1 ,,4 .,:' ...L' r 1, ,,: . i,,,. :ittk'dk: ,•,,,,•,'•.i;-1frs o'o'c':'*: - --c Z 'il ,- , ' •'' ' . " li 1.?'• s',4:e. ,:',4: 5.• , .,,„: , ) .91 .1 C 5..t. ,.‘: ..,4,, .2) 0 s...,II( 11 • t_ 41`1.Ic•,,Z ,r --: .01 „ ,,N-N, s., 0 4 „T.:.,...„.., - . r.,,,,,,,..0: s -i. , „feu 1-1! , -- . ....„-,44 .1..:,•-:.-,..;,Illf 4, 4 41;ew 4",''‘.i.V4,. ..1,4 -------------- •-.1c,-.-7:Iiiiiil..-.*, c.s.•q: II.' -- ,., b '-. '''' \.„.„ ':;.. ''" 14.'1'',": '',L-T' 4•Z''1,474,.% • .• • • ,, ..) ,, _ .1.,,,abga. .. ,II I.,: I t j) I f:31 ty '".41' ...,,t.„,„.“. :...-..7.-nl.. _ 4•.ea,- . r7 . .-q,., j, //;-i.41, ) ) . - l• w ' : • • ' .._____-_-_,/,.,,,77 4fitt 43, ,---). r.------- 1.. .. ,_ .,----714. , ,7,,::;----.--7,--,)-i-,:;,.,-4.,9:. ./ ,::L1:L...-::"...- (7) Lti-:',,,t-,,,.,;. t'-'. 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