HomeMy WebLinkAboutIndian Lakes Ph1 Pg2of7Indian Lakes Subdivision 401.03 Acre Phase One J. M. Barred Survey, A-69 Brazos County. Texas Fleet notes of a 401.03 acre tract or parcel of land. lying and being situated in Ne J. M. Barrem Survey, Abstract No. 69, Brazos County, Texas and being part of the 360.00 acre Tract One and part of the 1037.24 acre Tract Two described in the deed from Thousand Oaks Development Company Joint Venture to Smiling Mallard Development Ltd. corded in Volume 4247, Page 51, of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, and said 401.03 acre tract being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the 1/2"orod set at the northwest c n of the beforementioed 1037.24 acre tract, some being in the south line of a called 76.252 ay e tract described in the deed to the Bewley Trust recorded in Volume 2259, Page 19 of theOfficial Records of Brazos County, Teas; THENCE N 89' 04'25 E along the common line of the beforemenlioned 1037.24 acre tract and the beforementi weld 76.252 acre tract, adjacent to a fence, for a distance of 390.39 feet to a 1/2H iron rod set at the northeast or north comer of the SOwide Citgo Pipeline comment a ended in Volume 4050. Page 98 of the Official Awards of Brazos County, Texas. from which a Citgo pipeline marker in fence bears N 87. 37' 23' W a distance or 45.6 feet, and a 3/8'rn rod found in concrete at a 6' creosote coal fence corner marking the northeast c of the beforementioned 1037.24 acre tract bears N 89' 04 25" E a distance of 5221.16 feet; THENCE through the interior of the beforementioned 1037.24 acre and 360.00 acre tracts, as follows: THENCE S 54. 21' 53" E along the northeast line of the beforementioned M' wide Citgo Pipeline Easement, for a distance of 1922.55 feet to a %"rod set in the north nght-af-way (100' right-of-way) line of Mesa Verde Drive, same beinga curve concave to the north having a radius of 2450.00 feet; THENCE along the north right-of-way line of Mesa Verde Drive (100' right-of-way ) as follows: Westerly clang said curve for an arc length of 136.52 feet to a 7'z" iron rod set at the end of this curve. the chard bears S 89. 59' 38' W - 136.50 feet. N 88' 24' 35" W for a distance of 373.84 Had to a k" iron rod set, THENCE S On 35' 25" W across Mesa Verde Drive (100' right-of-way) for a distance of INGO feet to a K" iron rod set in the south right-of-way of Mesa Verde Drive. THENCE along the south right of way line of Mesa Verde Drive (100' right-of-way) as follows'. 5 88' 24 25 E for a distance of 373.84 feet to a K' iron rod set at the beginning of a curve concave to the north having a radius of 2550.00 feet Easterly along said curve fora am length of 269.53 feet to a h" iron rod set in the northeast line of the beforemenlioned 50' wide Citgo Pipeline Easement, the chard bears N 88. 33' 44" E - 269.40 feet. THENCE along the northeast line of the beforementioned 50' wide Citgo Pipeline Easement as follows: S 54' 21' 53" E for a distance of 158.16 feet to a h" iron rod set, S 54' 19' 23" E for a distance of 979.45 feet to a )4" ion rod set. S 54' 05' 24' E for a distance of 493.80 feet to a K' iron rod set, THENCE N 03' 03' 46" E for a distance of 410.21 feel to a Y( iron rod set THENCE 74. 34' 53' E for a distance of 397.64 feet to a 'h' iron rod set THENCE S 15' 25' 07' E for a distance of IM.13 feel to a Ih" iron rod set in the north cul-de-sac right-of-way line of Caloric Springs Drive (70' nght-of-way) , some being a curve concave to the south having a radius of 50 feet; THENCE along the north and east right of way line of Colum Springs Drive (70' right-of-way) as follows'. Easterly along said curve far a am length of 110.71 feet to a 8" men rod set at the beginning of a Reverse curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, the chord bears S "' 42' 43" E - 89" feet. Southerly along said curve for an arc length of 16.09 feet to a E" iron rod set at the end of this curve. the choM becre 5 01. 42' 430 E - 15.81 feet; S 20' OB' 49" E for a distance of 220.81 feet to a %" iron rod set at the beginning of a curve concave to the southwest having a radius of 435.00 feet; Southerly along said curve for arc length of 145.93 fact to a Ah" wann rod set al the end of this turn, the chord bears S UP 32' 12" E - 145.24 feet, S 00. 55' 35 E for a distance of 409.13 feet to a K' iron rod set at the beginning of a curve concave to the west having a radius of 435.00 feet; Southerlyalong said curve for an are length of 25903 feet to a %' iron rod set at the end of this curve, the chord bears S 16' 07' S8" W - 255.22 feet S 33' 11' 31" Wfor a distance of 76.32 fee to a M4 iron rod set at the beginning of the transition curve from Colum Springs Drive to Indian Lakes Drive (80' right-of-way), having a radius of 25.00 feet; Southery along said transition curve for an ac length of 37.63 Net to a $ Iran rad anu set at the d of this c and in the northeast ught-of-way line of Indian Lakes Drive (80' right-of-way). somebeing a curve concave to the southwest having a radius of Bg0BO feet, the chord bears S 09. 55' 41 -34.18 feet, THENCE along the northeast right-of-way line of Indian Lakes Drive (80' right-of-way) as follows: Southeasterly along mid curve for on arc length of 264.40 feet to a $" iron rod set at the end of this curve. the chord beam S "' 32' 15" - 263.43 feel, S 36' 01' 36' Ery rs for a distance of 740.61 feet to a )f4 iron rad set, THENCE S 53' 58' 24' W across Indian Lakes Drive (00' R.O.W.) ffara distance of 80.00 feel to a $ iron rod set at the beginning of the transition curve from Indian Lakes Drive to Chaco Canyon Drive (7a' right-of-way) having a radius of 25.00 feet; Southwesterly along said cul-de-sac curve for an ac length of 155.16 feet to a $" iron rod wt at the end of this survey, the chord bears SBY 51' 49" W - 99.98 feet. THENCE S 62' 45' 50" W for a distance of 40.16 feet to a $' iron rod sap THENCE S I1' 49' M" W for a distance of 294.38 feet to a K' iron rod set; THENCE S 65' 35' 22" W for a distance of 112.33 feet to a croxistie fence corner found in the common line between the beforementioned MOOD acre Tract One and the 1037.24 acre Tract Two, said crosslie fence corner also being the occupied northeast tamer of the called 320 acre tract - Frank B. McGregor described in Volume 7", Page 387, of the Deed Records of Brazos County Teas, the southwest comer of the said 380.00 acre tract bears S 00. 15' 38" W - 833.33 feel. THENCE along the common line between the beforementioned 1037.24 acre Tract Two and the McGregor 320 acre tract, adjacent to a fence. as follows: S 89' 44' 22" W for a distance of 1854.96 feet to a 4' creosote post fence corner, 02' 09' 26' W for a distance of 556.07 feel to a traveller fence comer S 89. 32' 05" W for a distance of 622.21 feet to a 10' creosote post fence corner marking the common corner between the 1037.24 acre Tract Two and the 468.48 acre tenet described in the deed to William W. Smith recorded in Volume 2533, Page 315, of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas. THENCE along the common line between the befarementioned 1037.24 acre Tract Two and the Smith 468.48 acre tract, adjacent to a fence as follows: N 00. 29' 32" W for a distance of 1296.07 feet to a 10" creosote post N 00. 25' 28' W for a distance of 2924.95 feet to 0 8" creosote post. N 00' 29' 53" E for a distance of 135.56 feet to a $' iron rod sec THENCE thraught the interior of the beforementioned 1037.24 acre tract, as follows: THENCE 5 45' 17' Mn E for a distance of 1035.25 feet to a Ye" iron rod set, THENCE N 44' 42' 20" E for a distance or 351.64 feet to a %" iron rod set in the southwest right-of-way line of Kato Springs (70' right-of-way) THENCE along the southwest and northeast right-of-way lines of Kato Springs (70'R.O.W.) as follows: S 02' 13' 28" E for a distance of 70.00 feet to a h" iron rod set the beginning of the cul-de-sac curve concave to the north having a radius of 50.00 feet. Southerly and Northerly along said curve fora arc length of 203.44 feel to the Beginning of ae to the northeast, having a radius of 25.00 feet, the chord bears N 61' 12' M"oEc89.44 feet; Northwesterly along said curve for a arc length of 23.18 feet to a 'A" iron rod set at the end of this curve, the chord bears N 28. 47' 27' W - 22.36 feel; THENCE S 78' 54' 37' E for o distance of 421.20 feet to a 'h" iron rod set; THENCE N 25. 47' 19" W for a distance of M6.02 test to a 'h4 iron rod eel, THENCE N 24' 57' 44" W for a distance of 324.60 feet to a 'Az" iron rod rat, THENCE N 45' 17' 40" W for a distance of 225.00 feel to a %i" iron rod set, THENCE N 42' 51' 47" W for a distance of 95.50 feet to a Ys" iron rod set in the south right-of-way line of Mesa Verde Drive (100' right-of-way) THENCE S 88' 24' 35 E along the south right-of-way line of Mesa Verde OF (100' right-of-way) for a distance of 213.05 feet to a E' iron rod sec THENCE N 01. 35' 25" E across Mesa Verde Drive (100' right-of-way) for a distance of 100.00 feel to a %sn rod set at the beginning of the transition curve from Mesa Verde Drive to Indian LakesDrive (80' right-of-way) concave to the northwest having a radius of 25.00 feet, THENCE along the southwest right-of-way of Mem Verde Drive (80' right-af-way) as follows: Northeasterly along said curve for an arc length of 53.00 feet to a I$' iron rod set at the beginning of anve to the northeast having a radius of b 890.00 feet, the chord ears N 30'c 51 39"E - 43.62 feet, Northwesterly along said curve for on arc length of 45.64 feet to a lh" from rod set at the end of this curve, the chord bears N 28. 23' 59" W - 45.64 feel, N 26' 55' 49' W for a distance of 372.76 feet to a 'h" iron rod set at the beginning of acurve concave to the southwest having a radius of 810.00 feet, Northwesterly along said curve for an}f m length of 387.85 feet to a ' iron b rod set at the and of this curve, the chord ears N 40' M' 514 W - W4.15 feet, N 54' 21' 53" W for a distance of 327.41 feet to a M" iron rod set at the beginning of a curve concave to the south having a radius of 61000 feet, Northwesterly along said curve for a arc length of 480.58 feet to a $'Iron rod set in the common line between the beforementioned 1037.24 acre Tract Two and the Smith "8.48 core tract, the chord bears N 76' 56' 05' W - 468.25 feet THENCE N 00. 29' 57' E along the common line between the beforementioned 1037.24 84.6e Tract Two and the Smith 468." acre tract, adjacent to a fence, at a distance of 4 feat, pass ocross-tie fence corner, continuing on for a total distance of 94.36 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING containing 401.03 acres of land, more or less, THENCE along the southeast right-of-way line of Chaco Canyon Drive (70' right-of-way) as follows: LENGTH LI SJ.111'31"W Westerly along said transition curve n fora m length of 39.27 Tendto a 76.32' iron rod set at the end of this curve, the chord "am N 81. 01' 36' W - 35.36 feet, U 5 53' 58' 24" W for a distance of 507.55 feet to a $"n rod set of the beginning of a curve concave to the southeast having a radius of 565.00 feet, S2732'02E Southwesterly along said curve for an arc length of 162.78 feet to a Ye" iron rod set at the end of this curve, the chord bean S 45' 43' 11' W - 162.22 feet, L9 S 37' 27' M" W for a distance of 812.87 feet to a 7'i' iron rod set at the beginning of a curve concave to the southeast having a radius of 96500 feel, 5102214E Southwesterly along said curve for an arc length of 127.03 feet to a Ih" iron rod set at the end or this curve, the chord beam S 33' 41' 41" W - 126.94 feet. L14 S 29. 55' 25" W for a distance of 944.18 feet to a 'h' iron rod set at the beginning of acurve concave to the southeast, having a radius of 565.00 feet, N709000'W Southwesterly along said curve for an m length of 178.39 feet to a K" iron rod set at the end or this arae, the chord beam S 20' 52' 42' W - 177.65 feet. L19 S IT- 49' S8' W for a distance of 35.83 feet to a K" iron rod set at the beginning of the cul-de-sac transition curve, having a radius of 25.00 feet. ' Southeasterly along said curve fora c length of 16.09 feet to a K" iron rod set at the beginning of the cul-de-sac curve having a radius of mm feet, the chord bean S Me 36' 07" E - 15.81 feet Southwesterly along said cul-de-sac curve for an ac length of 155.16 feet to a $" iron rod wt at the end of this survey, the chord bears SBY 51' 49" W - 99.98 feet. THENCE S 62' 45' 50" W for a distance of 40.16 feet to a $' iron rod sap THENCE S I1' 49' M" W for a distance of 294.38 feet to a K' iron rod set; THENCE S 65' 35' 22" W for a distance of 112.33 feet to a croxistie fence corner found in the common line between the beforementioned MOOD acre Tract One and the 1037.24 acre Tract Two, said crosslie fence corner also being the occupied northeast tamer of the called 320 acre tract - Frank B. McGregor described in Volume 7", Page 387, of the Deed Records of Brazos County Teas, the southwest comer of the said 380.00 acre tract bears S 00. 15' 38" W - 833.33 feel. THENCE along the common line between the beforementioned 1037.24 acre Tract Two and the McGregor 320 acre tract, adjacent to a fence. as follows: S 89' 44' 22" W for a distance of 1854.96 feet to a 4' creosote post fence corner, 02' 09' 26' W for a distance of 556.07 feel to a traveller fence comer S 89. 32' 05" W for a distance of 622.21 feet to a 10' creosote post fence corner marking the common corner between the 1037.24 acre Tract Two and the 468.48 acre tenet described in the deed to William W. Smith recorded in Volume 2533, Page 315, of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas. THENCE along the common line between the befarementioned 1037.24 acre Tract Two and the Smith 468.48 acre tract, adjacent to a fence as follows: N 00. 29' 32" W for a distance of 1296.07 feet to a 10" creosote post N 00. 25' 28' W for a distance of 2924.95 feet to 0 8" creosote post. N 00' 29' 53" E for a distance of 135.56 feet to a $' iron rod sec THENCE thraught the interior of the beforementioned 1037.24 acre tract, as follows: THENCE 5 45' 17' Mn E for a distance of 1035.25 feet to a Ye" iron rod set, THENCE N 44' 42' 20" E for a distance or 351.64 feet to a %" iron rod set in the southwest right-of-way line of Kato Springs (70' right-of-way) THENCE along the southwest and northeast right-of-way lines of Kato Springs (70'R.O.W.) as follows: S 02' 13' 28" E for a distance of 70.00 feet to a h" iron rod set the beginning of the cul-de-sac curve concave to the north having a radius of 50.00 feet. Southerly and Northerly along said curve fora arc length of 203.44 feel to the Beginning of ae to the northeast, having a radius of 25.00 feet, the chord bears N 61' 12' M"oEc89.44 feet; Northwesterly along said curve for a arc length of 23.18 feet to a 'A" iron rod set at the end of this curve, the chord bears N 28. 47' 27' W - 22.36 feel; THENCE S 78' 54' 37' E for o distance of 421.20 feet to a 'h" iron rod set; THENCE N 25. 47' 19" W for a distance of M6.02 test to a 'h4 iron rod eel, THENCE N 24' 57' 44" W for a distance of 324.60 feet to a 'Az" iron rod rat, THENCE N 45' 17' 40" W for a distance of 225.00 feel to a %i" iron rod set, THENCE N 42' 51' 47" W for a distance of 95.50 feet to a Ys" iron rod set in the south right-of-way line of Mesa Verde Drive (100' right-of-way) THENCE S 88' 24' 35 E along the south right-of-way line of Mesa Verde OF (100' right-of-way) for a distance of 213.05 feet to a E' iron rod sec THENCE N 01. 35' 25" E across Mesa Verde Drive (100' right-of-way) for a distance of 100.00 feel to a %sn rod set at the beginning of the transition curve from Mesa Verde Drive to Indian LakesDrive (80' right-of-way) concave to the northwest having a radius of 25.00 feet, THENCE along the southwest right-of-way of Mem Verde Drive (80' right-af-way) as follows: Northeasterly along said curve for an arc length of 53.00 feet to a I$' iron rod set at the beginning of anve to the northeast having a radius of b 890.00 feet, the chord ears N 30'c 51 39"E - 43.62 feet, Northwesterly along said curve for on arc length of 45.64 feet to a lh" from rod set at the end of this curve, the chord bears N 28. 23' 59" W - 45.64 feel, N 26' 55' 49' W for a distance of 372.76 feet to a 'h" iron rod set at the beginning of acurve concave to the southwest having a radius of 810.00 feet, Northwesterly along said curve for an}f m length of 387.85 feet to a ' iron b rod set at the and of this curve, the chord ears N 40' M' 514 W - W4.15 feet, N 54' 21' 53" W for a distance of 327.41 feet to a M" iron rod set at the beginning of a curve concave to the south having a radius of 61000 feet, Northwesterly along said curve for a arc length of 480.58 feet to a $'Iron rod set in the common line between the beforementioned 1037.24 acre Tract Two and the Smith "8.48 core tract, the chord bears N 76' 56' 05' W - 468.25 feet THENCE N 00. 29' 57' E along the common line between the beforementioned 1037.24 84.6e Tract Two and the Smith 468." acre tract, adjacent to a fence, at a distance of 4 feat, pass ocross-tie fence corner, continuing on for a total distance of 94.36 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING containing 401.03 acres of land, more or less, LAKE LOT -LINE LOT -LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH LI SJ.111'31"W 76.32' 72 N33Y131E 76.32' LS 511-4958"W 35 BY U Nnuff-i 6E 13895' LS 56244'11 ' lie 95, L6 S2732'02E 6000' 17 11083073T 7500' L8 NT '22'14'W 62.80' L9 si 45'rrw 9776' L10 505-45'16-F 977 ' L11 5102214E 62.80' L12 I 5085023'06 7500' Ili N027326'W 7000" L14 523'803 4299' 05N0l5*29'WmjV SM44'20nE all 06 N709000'W 53.42' L17 5709000"E 2916' LI8 S5576"05"E 65.52' L19 S22'40'007 90.31' L20 7" ' L2/ SJ97854E 7096" L22 N7594'42'W 122.64' L23 N75'IJ'MT 116.03' L24 0.15431E 129.70' L25 4 ' 1' L26 NO055'35"W 40.35' L27 NJJ34'20E 50.18' L28 N5591'11"W 8334" L29 N039946E 7545' L291 Nul 151 J4' L292 NO998'24"W 53.59' L293 N19'04'43"w 8986' L294 N25'J9'29'W 49.99' L295 N102329"W IJ.62' L296 N2378 W M.44" L297 SS 1040'50'E 284.23' L298 52,55432T 7000' L2m N66D5'18E 7225' 11.300 SMG5vf0nkx 7725 LAKE LOT -LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH LJO N8B'44'21E 25,00 LJI N08'35.5.iE 178.81' L31 N0324'79 E 02.31' LJ3 N44'S8'020E 202.89' L34 56244'11 ' L200 L35 NJ193'6'W 9208' LM N18V0'M"W 20654' L37 N28'02'13"W 109.72' LM TIM'M'24"W 5200' J9 ovrrvl ir A3, 740 6140'40'13£ 6774' L41 NIJ50'IIE 90.58 L42 S2J'32'42"E 23.50' L43 SOP49'IJ"W 84]6' L44 SM44'20nE 43.0-4 L45 343'41 JOT 134.27' L46_556'22'04E 5392051E 16344' L47 N85 4832T 108.02' L48 N17'M21E 144.22' L49 N i"W ' L50 N>841'OOE 1287' 751 6118041060E 23225' L51 61141543"W 101.33' L53 N1475'43"W 91.63' L54 4 ' 1' L55 6176202"W 60.31' L56 N7625 30"E 75.56" L57 N5092'470E 1/228' LM NOJ47'27-W 12740' L59 N25VJ'51"F I L60 NJJ2035W 8217' L61 NJ7'55320W 115.0" L62 ND'5532'W 131.80' L63 NBJ'OB'53016, 109. IJ' L64 N] ' 'l "W 145 73' L65 N5074244011' 65.49' L66 N7326320E 68.82' L67 585051055E 141.61' L68 56929'53E 12497' 769 NBUX09T 54,42' VO No -26 Tans, 79.99' L71 N31'4rl 17EIR)' L72 N31'4644"W 128.]3' L73 N262795E 200.99' L74 56500' 7 L75 NOJ'3I'29'W 151.47' L76 N4374 FIT 91.56' 177 NO.I38'45E BB 68 LI8 NJJ9J'31E 2652" L79 10694252T 56,90' LBO 1ii 516943)"W 71' IIIra, L81 SM -39 12-E 193.36' L82 N75'49'18E iM.OJ' LB3 N60'24'3/E 242.41' L84 562-52J70W Jailp LAKE LOT -LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH L85 N62'4J'22'E J1. 79' L86 S06 -35'00E 64.79' L87 5272-440'W 321.22' L88 S23 -00'43"E 14116' L89 56244'11 ' L200 L90 S62'44'11"£ IfG.j' L91 5895621E 229.3] L92 SMM'05T 78.37' L93 55811'09"W 7044' L94 'W 1 L95 549'251 Y'W 5611' L96 S174223"W 14214' L97 1 517.422)'W 9282' L98 52J93'38E 1946 Z9' L99 S23BG M'iE 43.0-4 L 100 S35'37"306` 58.55' trot 5392051E 60.44' L 102 544'06'55E Wileor L10J N711739"W 4880' LOA 74' '4 " ' L105 56923'30'06 41.78' LIM SOJ5152"E 144.4' L 107 516-2240"W 2946" 006 S?672'40vW 29.48" 009 52jwnuinf 202,25' Ld0 SM'3121'w 17700 Lilt S15D322"W 10746' L 112 542'22'40'E 62.37' L 113 54-4839"W 66 97' L114S1771M"Ir N25VJ'51"F 144,58' LJ15 5075131E 101.34' L 116 51956'48'06 7996' Li 17 N79'44 MY 64.90" L 118 N400159"E 51.03" L119 M8933032E / L 120 N23197'04"E 9217' LI21 M56'4629E 22227 L 112 NI576'09E 18516' L123 N041M'14E 114.26' 1124 NBUX09T 54,42' L 125 523M'07'E 5878' L 126 SO"8'4YE 9238' 1127 SX' 9'S "W 1748" L 128 SO029'52'W 84.49' L 129 56500' 7' li 58911931"E 77.08' L 131 N73'22'20"E 12065' L02 N555556T 75.68" L1JJ N35VM51'E 3798' 034 10694252T 56,90' L135 516943)"W 6007 LIM 5453703"0 13932' L 137 56659'6"W 93.92" LIM 572'0835"W IW24' M 562-52J70W W.51, L 140 SM -39'164 99. 5" L 141 525'4 000E 17666' 1142 sM,4953'06 32.44' i NJ928'54-W 12454" L 144 N] Y 1 "W 4' L 145 0.1'45'28"W 59.37' L 146 514'M72"W 11976' L147 504'12'25E 10297' L 145 5322827E 5tuV tFIR 25.00' 1' LIM SO?VY'26'E 87]5' L151 N505 Mnfi` 54.65" L 152 N752554'W 60.J0' L 153 S0376'M"E 15453' IS4 N50W'35*W 97.58, L155 52390'39"W 6722' LIM 5184420"W 7825' L157 5111435E 3363' L158 S507535E 112.61' LISSS55,16,05-17 50.00' 68M L160 6183'42'10'06 7387' L161 5622/494 113.10 L162 530'3858'06 7452' L 163 S0658T0"E 11837' L164 =11'57"Ff C48 L165 53311'57"E 126.34' L166 5399919"W 6714' L167 512-25'50E 55.59' L 168 5634-418 E 45.28" L 169 S12122,12MI1, gail EXISTING FERGUSON/BURLESON 15' PIPELINE ESMT. TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH L203 55450'47E 111.91" L204 55J'37'244E 91.X' L205 5529512"E 9783' LX6 549'"'422 301.07' L207 555'37'28"£ 17.06k L200 S551i7'28E 72.39' L209 S59'3.YI3"E 1278 L2I0 N59' 'O"W 21.92' L211 N5537'28'W 62.29' L212 N ' 7' "W ' 1.20 N49'46'4201le 301,53' L214 N5295'12'W 9734" L215 N53'37'24'W 9.64' L216 N 4' '47"W 102,11, DRAINAGE ESMT. TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH L 170 S4424'M"W ]5.00' L171 N45'M'22"W 4260' L f72 N75V7'55"W 60.4' L173 N1398'25"E 6300' L174 S75TE"55T Bail L175 N52'35'02'W 70 82' L176 NW9528"E 85.51' L 177 S52'35'02T 24.82' L 178 5315432E 118.30 079 12.43' L227 Liao N315432"W 11830' L 181 S37'17'58"W 55.00' L182 615232'02"W 51.68' 063 N372758"E 5500' LIB4 615232'0 "W 43.0-4 1260 N15'I1'20E 65.23' L267 S54'215J"£ 5229' L262 S1571 20'W 76.83' L263 S157120'W 9790' 1169 74' '4 " L265 N1571'20$ 5287' L266 610754'31"W 7031' L26] N829528"E 55.00' L268 50754'32"E 7951' L269 N J'40'JE 75.03, LP70 n>m'19'57T 6800' L271 S23'40'03"W 7499' L272 5259Y51 "W 139.79' L27J M4MG9`E 11217' L274 N25VJ'51"F 144,58' L275 52090'0"W 55.02' L276 5709000"£ 105.28 L277 N20'00"00"E 55.00 L27B 51351910E 61.68' L280 M8933032E 68,89' L281 N05CO1"W 61.68 L282 N695748'E J1.32" L233 S00192 12"E 60.00' L284 58957'48"W 3096' L285 5 54,42' UL286 589''3028"W 54.31' L289 S4 ' S ' 99,14' EXISTING AQUILA SOUTHWEST PIPELINE ESM]. TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH L217 5253929E 1356' L216 SI9'04'43"E 85.52' L219 509'0861 E 47,75' L220 SOJV9'46"W J34.23' L22I 54JUX25nD 34.0' L222 5551415E 7055' L223 551037003E FORM" L224 55007'20"E 45490' L225 SMVS J"E 4]49' U26 MISO'4 E 12.43' L227 61615070"W 1.48' L228 615809'3"W 44.42' L229 6150'0720"W 45379 L230 N51'37'03"W 110.90' 231 141 "w ' L232 614333"25"W 1868 L233 N ' '2 4. EXISTING FERGUSON/BURLESON 30' PIPELINE ESMT. TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH Li85 521'05'19"E 11907' L lee S02-08 33"E 151.62' LI87 502-2552"W 54038" LISS 510'2329E 160.00' rudiSTY2527-D N 1' ' 85.12 LI90 534'AST I Lig? SJ7M47nF 81 77' L192 55428' "W 4.1.75' L193 N542838E 12.63' L194 NJ7'Jl 51.w L 195 NJ 54'48"W 202 L 196 N132577"W 91.07' LI97 NIO 3' 9"W (73140' 096 N102329"W 1,87" L199 7 ' L200 N0275 52-E 54219' L201 NO2VB35"W 14541' LXI I NiflViiDigmile 47 16' LANDSCAPE/CONSERVATION ESMT. TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH L240 6181'0019 E 42.1 ' L241 55359'41"E 153.07' L242 531029041E 50.00" L24J 50659041E 153.07' L244 N 1' ' 890.00' L245 selvotignile 153.07' L246 N5J'594I'W 153.07' L247 NJ129'41'06 50.00' L248 N08'59' "W G 7. L249 NV09NE . 112�' LINE AND CURVE TABLES I CURVE TABLE L As DELTA I RADIUS LENGTH WARWO CHORD CI ' 69000' 519,52' N7620'59'W 516.62' C2 1 890.00' 426.15' N40'MSf"W 422.09' C3 " 810.0_0' S3124'15E 126.36' C4 25.00' _126.49'_ 22.92' SIGEM437'E 2213' C5' 4 . ] 1 C6 " 255000' 269.5 NBB3Y44'E 269.40' C] 7 25.00' *25. 59.12' S233026'W 4628' CB 0' 890.00' 31067' N3d 4n W 309.09' C9 0" 810. W' ]58.89' SSO-fl E 73L44CIO4OF " 25.00' 3163' N]61843E 3418' Cl2 CIJ C14 CI5 ' ]45]52" 13091'29" 74'752". y 36500' 25.00' 50.00' 25.00 2235' 32.56' 11348' 32.56' 61169755 NM14'31"W 5103211E NI 1'] 214.15' 30.31' 90.65 C16 C2 5212' 253'4423" _25.00' 5000' 16.09' 22743' 61383455'06 56951'1'06 15.81' 80.00' C18 3652'12" 2500' 16.09' S0142434E 1581' C19 1913'140 4.5500' 14593' 611 'ni 72'06 14824' CX 921 074250 .00' 316-4 505`5541T 34.18' C22 17VI'18" 89000' 16440' 1144'371506 26343' C2J NINGBO 25.00' J9. Y 191'M'8' M.M' C24 163016' 565,00' 16278' 545'4 '11"W 162.22' C25 T 7270S ' 1' 12E,94' C25 IBM ' 56500' 178.39' 5205242"W 17265' C27 3651'10" 25.00' 16.09' SIM ImJOB E 15,81' C28 2534423" 5000' 221.43' S7870' E WOO' C29 365212" 25.00' 1609' NJ076104E 1581' C30 C31 7'32'J3" 1 1035 00' 06.25' SJ3'4141 "W 136.15' C32 0' 25.00' 392]' NO7J2'01'W' 35.M CM 8' 365.00' IT27' N6176VInIY 110.84' C34 5 45.00' 53.22' 566 29 042 0E 53.19' C39 6 Y ' GO 12" 25.00' 16.09' 516W')1'W IS 81' C41 W. 221.43' S55W"Y 80.00' C42 2' #23JU7J�05O.W* 25.00' 1609, N5256'22T 15.61' C43 9' 25.00' MAO N05445Y-W 32_9]' C44 C45 B" 50.00' 203.44' 58901'52"W 89l C" 8" 25.00' 2.118" 50058'08"E 2236' C47 9' M500' 2705.5' 548'46'01"E 264.38' C48 8' A.15.00' 13261' NID'h 'W 132.09' G9 Y N T ' J5 36' C50 /6'3026' 635.00' Tel S454J'll "I7' 18235 C51 901)0000' 25.00' J9.27' 619858061E J536' C52 C5J C54 4133'46" 415515" 867425n0' 81000' 89000 M758' 1 651 17' J15J' N56'4829 -W 556'37045E _ N78'47'20'W 57478' _ 636.75' 34.18' C55 6.15044' 815.00' 90817" 5267006"W 86/.90' CM 141539' x.5.00" 220.21' N01227J"E 21911' C5 285736' 81500' 410,M'_. 50555_55__ 40842' CSB 143858" 85500' 22576' NIJIT45W 225.15' C59 '1 1 ' 1' C60 25J'"23' W..00' 221.43' N8474'44E 50.00' C61 M5212" 25.00' 16.09' N124050"E 1587 C62 143658" 815.00' 20190' NIJV3'45'W 10734' Cl 2832'M' 885.00'446.04' 5055555"E 44LJY C64 C65 844112' 25.00' M.96 01480552'W 33.68' C66 g5'IB'"' 25.00' 41.59' N4154'090E 36.96' C67 5350'H' 885.08 91 10'06006 935.93 C68 8614'25 25.00' J76Y N145815E 34.18' C69 414 '45mE 6585' C70 X00'0' 810.00' 28274' NM54'32'W 261r31' C71 211'55 Bill J4.15' S424835E 34.15' C72 464138" 25.00' 20.M' 616 93'M'W 19.81' C7J 5JV74 " 25. 2,118' S28 -47224E 0 22.M' C74 2JJrV7'iAl N6172381 89"' C75 1212]'33' 25.00' 5300'_ NJO 139E 43_62' C76 25619' 890.00' 45.65' 528 23 059 0E 4564' C77 272604' 510.00 M285' 114038'SI'W 384 15' C78 4599'22' 610_.00' fell 39.27' N7656'50W 4' 468.25' C79 9OWDom 25fil C80 1. C8/ 0'0 ' .00' C82 " 465. CSJ JI 1 ' 25.00' MNJ.5�'37"F 1 1 C84 W52-12- 25.00 16.0k'r 11 CBS I