HomeMy WebLinkAboutThirtyYearsHistory021DR. W. W. MELTON Executive Secretary, State Baptist Board MR. R. A. SPRINGER REV. J. W. MARSHALI. State Treasurer State B.S.U. Secretary State Building Committee Mr. A. D. Foreman, Chairman Dr. T. C. Jester Dr. F. B. Thorn 32 DEDICATION DAY If RVICES Sunday, July 12, 1942 SUNDAY SCHOOL 9-45 A,M Opening Assembly by Departments flat Class Sessions MORNING SERVICE 10 20 A.M. Organ Prelude or Alban gein.. Houuo:� Call to Worship flow Vuanet hymn 214 "Holy, Holy. Holy Dyka Invocation Rev_ Don Norman. Dallas Dm.Its, `Uehen will .weal Ihow waiting. Hymn 129 "Flow Pian a Eonadation, Steele Announcements. Remgnitinn of Vhimr. intmdumion of Speakers ORGAN RECITAL h'�lico lin) 1'IUYC[ the Pe.le1 Fly mn I58 "Something lot Thee' Lowry Worship.,ith Tithes and Offerings OfIrle, Mc Wiggins VJcarege Mr. R_ A. Springer, Dallas �'Priase Ye the Lord" Sherwin The Chair Sermon DrW.W. Melton. Dallas l lynen of invitation Rcn;d lotion Dr. John A. held. I Jonston Pustludc `Uehen will .weal Ihow waiting. I scq.t the I ord build the House, they labor in vain that build it. Palms 1271a A1411 RNOON SERVICE 2 JO P.M. ORGAN RECITAL .Mr. Albert Wiggins, lloudon 33