HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972 Thirty Years History: First Baptist Church Book (Pg. 16)July 5 Hehopolus July 5 Kantora on Suez Canal July 6-8 Lydda Joppa Tel -Aviv Hebron Jerusalem Bethlehem July 9 Bethany -Jericho July 10 Mt. Tabor and Mt. Carmel, Haifa July 11 Acre July 11 Nazareth, Bethsaida July 12 Damascus, Syria July 14 Baalbek, Biemt July 15 Cyprus July 16 Rhodes July 17 Dardanells July 18 Constantinople—Black Sea July 20 Athens, Greece July 21 Brindisi, Italy July 22 Rome July 25 Florence July 27 Venice July 28 Milan July 29 Interlaken, Switzerland July 30 Lucener (Motor trip through Alps) Aug, 1 Oberammergau, Germany (Attended 300th Anniversary of Passion Play) Aug.2 Munich Aug. 3 Dresden Aug. 4-10 Berlin (Baptist World Alliance) Aug. 10 Bremen Aug. 12 Cherbmg, France (Beginning return trip back to N. Y.) Aug. 19 Galway, Ireland, Halifax, Nova Scotia. There was a terrific storm at sea on return to N. Y. The Browns found great demands for speaking engagements. During the months of September and October Mrs. Brown spoke sixteen times and Rev. Brown spoke thirteen tunes in other places. The Browns realized that people were interested in what was taking place in other parts of the world. In checking on the work at College Station, records reveal that 193435 were great years for the First Baptist Church. Fifteen Years Report of Workers at A & M Institutions visited 87 Meetings attended 5,464 Conversions 780 Joined the church 2,049 Classes taught 2,278 Letters, cards, bulletins 40.891 Churches visited 943 Addresses and sermons 3,058 Baptisms 773 Awards given 2,316 Conferences held 836 Miles traveled 257,994 The temporary church budding was far too small to care for all the needs of the church. In addition to the regular program of the church, the records reveal that the year 1936 was a great year for teaching and learning as revealed by the following: Number Enrolled Subject Teacher 10 "The Functioning Church" for Adults Rev. R. L. Brown 20 "Planning a Life" for Young People Mrs. L. M. Haupt 13 "The Meaning of Church Membership" for Intermediates Mrs. W. E. Loyd 14 "Studying for Service" for Juniors David Thrift 12 "Bible Stories" for Primaries Merle Hill The Associational Brotherhood met with the church on March 29, 1936 with the Honorable Thomas L. Tyson bringing a challenging message. During the spring of 1937, the following study course books were completed: "More than Money" for students 34 "Building a Christian Home" for adults 7 "Witnessing for Christ" for intermediates 9 "Trail Makers in Other Lands"for juniors 13 Bible stories for primaries 8 Early in the spring of 1937 the southwide BSU began making plans to have a delegation present at the second World Baptist Young Peoples Conference to be held in Zurich, Switzerland August 7 to 9. The party wanted Mrs. Brown to make this trip and meeting with them since she was acquainted with so many of the countries and places the party would visit. Some of the main places this party visited were South Hampton, London, Paris, Belgium, The Hague, Holland, Volerdam, Amsterdam, Cologne, 24 1 25