HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972 Thirty Years History: First Baptist Church Book (Pg. 15)1930-1940 The Browns felt that after this experience with the young people of the world they were better prepared to present a mission program to their The Baptists were told that if they would get their own church building church and to other churches they would visit. and move out of college buildings, that their problems with the college The Browns soon found opportunities to present the program of the ocials would be solved. This proved to be true and a wonderful spirit of ffi youth meeting and missions to other churches. Rev. Brown was asked to cooperation began to develop. The Baptist Church began to grow and the be the organizer of his association which called for a visit to all the entire program began to show signs of a normal church. churches. Rev. Brown has had opportunities to hold revival meetings in may of Another opportunity came to Rev. Brown. He was asked to direct the the Texas churches and in other states. His success is shown by the campaign against the repeal of the 18th Amendment. This took him to following records. Early in the summer of 1931 he joined his fellow every church and community in Brazos County. He hated to see this pastor, Rev. C. E. Bullock of Hearne, in a revival meeting. He spent two amendment repealed for statistics showed that it had been a great weeks with the Hearne church. There were 50 additions to the church success. This is shown by an article in the Biblical Recorder, the Baptist during that period. He was urged to join the leaders of the church for State paper in North Carolina.The following facts were presented in the another series of meetings the next summer. The following is an article in article on August 30, 1933: the Baptist Visitor, Hearne, Texas, June 16,1932: Deaths from alcohol had decreased 42% Alcohol insanity had decreased 66% A Truly Great Revival General crimes from dr ink had decreased 54% Drunkenness had decreased 709/. "Sunday night will mark the close of one the the greatest revivals in the Auto wrecks—deaths—had decreased 77% history of the church. We have had a great evangelistic party, such as the Drinking had decreased 777 Ham -Ramsey party, the Charley Taylor party, and the B. B. Crimen party, that brought together people for 50 miles around, but no more marked In spite of all that was dune, the liquor forces were determined to evidence of Pentacost have we ever had than during the last three weeks. win as they have done on many occasions since that time. "Last year with Bro. R. L. Brown doing the preaching, we had a great From records kept by the church organizations they found the pro - meeting resulting in 50 additions to the church. The 75 additions during gram continued to grow, showing a larger organized and departmental - this meeting has gone far beyond that of last year already. Itis the belief ized Sunday School with a large attendance of students and local of many that the spiritual life of the church has been deepened as never people. There were 10 BYPU's including all ages. The worship services before." were well attended. The work of the "Ll included a Sunbeam Band, The Browns have always tried to better prepare themselves fora larger Junior GA and RA, Intermediate GA, YWA and WMS. All the organiza- and more far reaching service to their church anddenommation. Early in tions of a normal church are included in the program. The quarterly 1931 they say an opportunity to improve their world outlook and their meeting of the associational brotherhood was held during the month of ability to help meet the challenge. They began making plans to attend the March. Since the attendance of the Browns at the World Youth meeting very fust World Baptist Young People's meeting to be held in Prague, meant so much to the church and the denomination, they began Czechoslovakia during the summer. Theyjuineda party in New Yorkand snaking plans early in the year 1934 to make another trip to Europe left on the S. S. Cameronia on July 11, 1931. They arrived in Glasgow, and also to the Holy land. This would take several weeks; therefore, they secured a supply who would live in the parsonage and take care of Scotland July 19, 1931. They visited many historic places during the afternoon and evening. They spent the night on the ship and left early the work. The following itinerary will show the reader the extent of Monday morning for London on the Royal Scott. They spent five daysin this trip. They joined their party in New York on June 22, 1934 on the London visiting all the historic places. Their next stops were The Hague, Rex, an Italian fine. Holland, Berlin, Germany, where the spent three days. From Berlin they N June 28 Gibraltar went to Dresden, Germany. From Dresden they spent two days hiking June 30 Naples through the Saxcoman Alps. The young people's conference began on July 1 Little Vesuvias August I with about 300 in attendance. The party returned from Prague July 2 At sea on the Mediterranean by way of Paris where they spent five days visiting the historic and July 3 Alexandria interesting places. They had a good trip back to New York on the July 4 Cairo Aquitania. July 4 Spent night in tents on the desert 22 23