HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes (08-21-2015)MINUTAS BRAZOS COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 August 2\,2415 The Board of Directors (the "Board") o{ Brazos County Municipal Utility District Na. 1 (the "Diskict") met in regular session, open to the public, on the 21st day of August, 2015, at 17777 State Highway 6 S, Tower ConJerence Ror:m, College Station, ?exas, inside the boundaries of the District, and the roll was called of the members of the Board: R. Hunter Goodwin Charles Moreau L. B. Hodges ]r. Kyle Davis Brian C. Fisher President Vice Presiclent Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Vice President and all of the above were present, thus constifuting a quorum. Also present at the meeting were 3il1 Mather and Lisa Huerta of Grid Raceplex Hr:ldings, Ltd.; Tami Martin of Texas World Spee<lway; Adam Brumbaugh of ]ones & Carter, Inc.; Avik Bonnerjee oI B&A Municipal Tax Service, LLC; Rose Montalbano of F. Matuska, inc.; and Stephen M. Robinson and Kristen Hogan of Allen Boone llumphries Robinson LLP. M:NUTES The Board cr:nsidered approving the minutes of the April 17, 2A15, regular meeting and the May 8, 2A15, public hearing. Following review and discuuuior.,, Director Moreau moved to approve the minutes as submitterl. Director Fisher seconded the motion. which passed unanimously. STRATEGIC PA AGR W]TH THH CITY OF coLLEGr$TATION PUBLIC HXARING After duly providing natice as required by law, the Boarrl convened the second hearing, open to the public, for the purpose of receiving public comments regarding the proposed adoption by the District of the Strategic Sartnership Agreement ("Agreement") with the City of College Station (the "City,,). The Board opened the hearing, soliciting questions or comments from the public relating to the terms of the Agreement, a copy of which is available fi:r public viewing. 568239.doc There being no members of the public present, and there being no further business to conduct, the hearing was adjourned. EXECU?iON OF STRATEGIC PARTNHRSHTP AGREEMgNT A{ter review and discussiory Director Moreau moved to apprnve and authorize execution of the Agreement. Director Fisher seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous vote. CiAL AND NG MA Ms. hdontalbano distributed and reviewed the bookkeeper's report, including the list of checks presented for approval and the budget comparison, a copy of which is attached. She presented two additional checks, including one to Brazos County (the "County") for discussion under agenda item no. 8. After review and discussi.on, Director Fisher moved to approve the bookkeeper's report and payment of the bills, with the exception of the check to the County tc be discussed under agenda item no. 8. Director Davis seconded the motiory which passed by unanirnous vote. COL Mr. Bonnerjee diskibuted and reviewed a tax assessorfcollector's report, noting the District's 20L5 certified value from the Srazos Central Appraisal District. He discussed plans to open a District tax account at Wells Fargo Bank at the appropriate time for the future levy of taxes. In response to questions, Mr. Robinson said the Boarrj will have an opportunity to consider optional tax procedures and exemptions in the spring of each year prior to the levy of a tax rate in the fall of that same year. Mr. Mather reported on tax collection procedures of the County for collection of County taxes. Following review and discussion, Director Goodwin moved to authorize execution of signature cards for the District's tax account to be opened at Wells Fargo Bank. Director Hodges seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. A copy of the tax assessorf collector's report is attached. THE Mr. Mather discussed development plans {or the District and responded to questions from the Bclard. RtrPORT ON ENGINHERIN(I MATTHRS Mr. Brumbaugh presented the engineer's rep*rtr a copy of which is attached. He discussed the City's land plan and design requirements and reported on such efforts. Irlr" Brumbaugh discussed the three design contracts between ]ones & Carter, Inc' and the developer, on behalf of the District for (1) mass grading and demolition, (2) D 568239.doc 1 master drainage study, and (3) of{site trunk water and sanitary $ewer improvements, phase I" Mr. Robinson presented an Assignment of Engineering Contracts for the assignment of such conkacts lram the developer to the District" After review and discussion, Director Davis moved ta accept and authnrize execution of the Assignment of Engineering Contracts. Director Moreau seconrled the motiory which passed unanimously. ENC REPORT Mr. Brumbaugh distributed and reviewed an engineering report with summaries of costs associated with the conskuction of water, sewer, drainage, and paving facilities to serve the District. After review and discu$sion, Director Moreau moved to accept the engineering report. Director Davis seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. ORDER CALLINC CONFIRMATION ELECTION, DIRECTO HLECTION, BOND ELECTI AND OPNRATION MAINTENAN CE TAX ELTCTIONS Mr. Robinson discussed recent legislation regarding procedures far ceinducting elections on the November uniform electicn date. He also reported that the County has submi.tted an application to the $ecretary of State to implement election day county- wide polling places, or vote centers, in lieu of individual precinct polling places. Mr. Robinson said if such application is appraved, the District wiil be required to contract with the County to conduct the }istrict's November 3, 2015, elections. He said if such application is not approved, the District may conduct early voting at the pr:tling place within the Diskict and election day voting at the County polling place in the precinct in which the District is located. The Soard considered adopting an Order Calling ConJirrnation Election, Directors Xlection, Bond Elections, and Operation ancl Maintenance Tax Elections ("Eiection Order"), subject to final review based r:n the results of the County's vote center application. Mr. Robinson stated that voter approval o{ the propositions to be submitted to the District's voters at the elections to be held on November 3, 2015, would (1) con{irm the creation of the District, (2) elect five directors, (3) authorize the District to issue water, sewer, and drainage bonds and to levy and collect a tax upon all taxable property within the District for the payment of principal and interest r:n such bonds, (4) authorize the District to issue road bonds and to levy and collect a tax upon all taxable property within the District for the payment of principal and interest on such b*ncls, (5) authorize the levy and collection erf an operation and maintenance tax on all taxable property within the District, and (6) authorize the levy and collecticn af a road operation and rnaintenance tax on all taxable property within the District" After review and discussion, Director Goodwin moved to adopt the Election Order, subject to final review based on the results of the County's vote center application, and direct it be fiterl 56B239.rtoc -3- and posted appropriately and retained in the District's official records. Director Hodges seconded the meition, which passerl by unanimous vote. The Soard next considered authorizing execution oI a contract with the County to conduct the )istrict's elections if the County's vote center applicatir:n is approved and effective {or the November election date. The Board also considered approving a check to the County for the associated election deposit, if r*quired under such contract" Upon a motion made by Director Hodges and seconded by Director Moreau, the Board voted unanimcusly to authorize the following actions to be taken should the County receive approval of its vote center application for the November election date: (1) execution of a conkact with the County to conduct the Diskict's elections; and (2) execution of a check to the County in an amount not to exceed $5,000. PAY FOR ET,ON OFFICIALS The Board considered setting ?ay for election officials to serve during the District's elections should the County's vote center application not be approved for the November election date. Mr. Robinson stated that the Texas Election Code authorizes the Board to set the pay for election of{icials serving during District elections. He said the County will provide election officials i{ it conducts the District's elections" A{ter discussion, Direct*r Davis moved to set the pay for the election officiais serving at the November 3, 2015, elections at $12.00 per hour if the District is n*t required to contract with the County for conduct of the elections. Direct*r Fisher seconded the motion, which passed by unanimous vote. MHETING SCHEDULE AND ITEMS FOR INCLUSiON ON TXg NFXT ACENDA The B<lard concurred the next meeting will be hetrd in November to canvas the election results. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. ,l{t}{ri Secretary, Boarcl &" {-'I _J*I (-) {**'"$ {} .& Ilt'i!t{{it 568239.doc -4- A?T Bookkeeper's report................ Tax assessor/collector's report ."........ Engineer's report "..... Minutes Page .,.2 ..2 ",2 568239.doc -5-