HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/18/2016 - Regular Agenda - Archived Posting - Planning & Zoning CommissionCITY OI C:111.111.1, SL\TI116 College Station, TX Meeting Agenda - Final - Amended Planning and Zoning Commission Regular ne amity Council may or rnap nvt aRcna rite Ylamring — Lvniny Commission Regular Meeting. city Hall 1101 Texas Ave College Station, TX 77840 Thursday, February 18, 2016 7:Ou PM city Hall cuuncil chambers 1. Call meeting to order. 2. Pledge or Allegiance. 3. Rear Citizens. At this time, the Chairman will open the flow to citizens wishing to address the Commission vii issues nut already scrledulea un tonight's agenda. The citizen presentations will 6e limited to nee minutes in order to accommodate everyone who wishes to address the Commission and to allow adequate time fur completion or tFle agenda items. The Commission will receive the inturmatiin, 8SK city start to looR into the matter; or Will plate trye matter on a ruture agenda tor discussion. (A recording is made or the meeting; please give your name and address for the record.) All matters listed ander Item 4, Consent Agenda, are considered ruutine ny title Commission and will be enacted by one motion. i mese items include preiiminary plans and final plats, where Starr has round uumpliance with all minimum subdivision reguiatiuns. All items appruved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. 1 here will not be separate discussions a these items. It any Commissioner desires to discuss an item un the Consent Agenda it will be moved to the Regular Agenda fur furtPier uunsideratiun. 4. Consent Agenda 4.1 l0 -U067 suraenments: 4.2 16-0032 Attachments: 4.3 16-0083 consideration, possible action, and disuussiun uT A5sence Requests from meetings. *Jodi Warner - Feorua18, 2u1 b Jodi vvarner Consideration, possible action, and discussion to approve meeting minutes. *Fe6ruar y 4, 2u i b - WorRshop *February 4. 2016 -- Regular February 4 2016 Worksrlop Feoruary 4 4u-io Regular Presentation. possible action, and discussion regarding a Final Plat College ranon_ IA Paye 1 rnnrerl on orwzaie Planning and zoning commission Meeting Agenda - Final - February 13, z313 Revdler Amended Sponsors: Attachments: 4.4 1 e-uu84 Attachments: 4.5 16-0095 Sponsors: Attachments: Regular Agenda for Creek Meadows Subdivision Section / Pnlase 1 consisting ot common arca ana right-ot-way dedication for approximately 12 acres located at 4103 Wild Creek Cour, generally located near the southeast intersection of Royder Road and Greens Prairie Trail in the Creek Meadows Subdivision. Case #FP2u15-9uu1 u] Bullock Stan Report Apwliiati'vn Final Plat Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Final Plat Tor CreeK Meadows Subdivision Section 7 Phase 2 consisting of 48 residential lots on approximately 16 acres located at 41 u3 vvtld Creek Court, ycncraally located near the southeast intersection ot Koyaer Road ana preens Prairie 1 rail in the Creek Meadows Subdivlsicn. Case 41-P2015-900102 Bullock Staff Report Application Final Plat Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Final Plat for Summit L russiny Phase 2B consisting ot 34 residential Tots on approximately 4.773 acres located at 1447 Buena Vista , generally located north of Harvey Road and Cast of Me crescent Point Subdivision. Case #FPZu14- iUU .if Sumoerc Stan Reuurt Application Final Plat 5. Consideration, possible action, ana discussion on items removed trom the Consent Aye'rda 6y commission action. b. lb -0080 Presentation, possible action; and discussion regarding a discretionary item to the Unified Development Ordinance section 12-8.3.K.5.5 'Fee in Lieu of Constl uction' and public nearing, presentation, poasi6lc action, and discussion regarding a Final Plat for vveat ParR Addition Subdivision Block 4, Lots 17R, 18R, 19R and 2uR being a replat ot West Park Addition Subdivision 61ooR 4, 20' at Cot 17; and Lots 18, 19 and Zu consisting of 4 single-tamily Collbye Station, TX Page c rnnted on 2/15/2016 rlanniny and zuniny Commission IVleetiny Agenda - Final - February 18, 2016 Regular Amended Sponsors: Atte..hmunts: 7. 16-0098 Sponsors: Attachments: 8. 16-0099 Sponsors: Attachments: lots on approximately 0.7588 ars located at b1:i vvell6urn Road generally luxated Gast ut vvellourn Road and nurIl ut ParR Place. Gast #FP2U15-UUUU22 1 hvrriaS Statt Keport Application Hnai Plat Pu5lic Rearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an ordinance amending the Comprehensive Pian - Future Land Use & Lnaracter Map Crum Business ParR tu urban and vcncral Commercial for approximately 17 acres located at 4U9t3 Raymond Stotzer Parkway, more generally located at the hard corner of Turkey Creek Road and Raymund Stutzer Parkway frontage road. Case #CPA2u15-uuuuue B UJ Im6eRC loft Application Compreflensive Plan Mao P ublic hearing, presentation; possible action, and disuussiun regarding an ordinance amending Chapter 12, "unitIea Development urdinanoe," section 12-4.2, "uttluial Luning Map," at the Lude ut ordinances of the Gity ot College Station; Texas by changing the zoning district boundaries from R Rural tu Mr Multi -Family and GC General Commercial tor approximately 1i. i8ts acres lying and 6einy situated in the Jvhri R. Junes League 7A6straut IQu. Zb in college Station, Brazos County; Texas and being a part ot the 17.758 acre tract described in the dead from William Charles Gilmore, Walter Eagar uilmure, II, Peter Cee Gilmore and Edith Ann tu BGS 1 urkey Creek, C.P. recorded in volume 11640, Page 259 of the Official Records, Brazos County, Texas;and more generally located at the intersection of Turkey Creek Road and Raymund Stutzer Frontage Road. Case *REZzu15-uuuU0i (Mute: Final action on this item is scheduled tor the March 1 Uth City Council meeting - subject to change) Bombek Staff Report Rc7,nln4 PF-, 17,0 RCLvni 4 Mew College steno.._ IA Page 3 rnnrea on ursrzei8 Planning and zoning . mmissiun IVleetiny Agenda - Final - Fe6raaq 13, 2016 Regular Amended y. Disuasbiun and possible action on future Member may inquire about a subject for which of specific factual information or the recitation deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to subsequent meeting. iu. Adjourn agenda items — A Planning & Zoning notice has not been given. A statement of existing policy may be given. Any place the subject on an agenda for a I he Commission may adjourn inti, Execctive Session to consider any item listed on this agenda if a matter is raised that is appropriate for Executive ScaSiun discussion An announcement will be made of the basis for the Executive Session discussion. uvED City Manager i uertiry that the above Notice of Meeting was posted at College Station City Hall, 11u1 I exas Avenue, College Station, Texas, un Fcbraaiy 15, ZU16 at 5:00 p.m. City Seorcta 1 his building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parKing spaces are available. Any request tor sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. 10 make arrangements call (y/a) /d4 3517 or (TDD) 1 800 735 z989. Agendas may be viewed on www.ustx.gov. Council meetings are broadcast live on Cable Access Channel 19. Penal Code § 30.07. Trespass I3y License Holder with an Openly Carried H n-dqun.. "Pursuant to Section 30.07, Penal caw (Trespass by License Openly Carries Handgun) A Person Licensed unaer Subchapter Government Code (Handgun Ciccnsiny Caw), may not enter this Handgun that is carried Openly." Rulder with an R, Chapter 419, Property with a Cudiqu Penal § 30.07. Traspasar Portando Armes ars IMlano al Aire Libre con Licencia. "Cuntormc a la Section 30.07 del codigo penal (traspasar portando armas ae mano al aire Iibre con licencia), personas con licencia bajc ael Sub-capitalo R, Capitulc 411, cvaiyo de Gobierno (Ley de licerlcias ae arma de mano), no deben entrar a esta propiedad portando arma ae mano al aire Iibre." College Sranon. IA Page 4 Printed on 2/raictlie 1 certify that the attached notice and agenda of items was removed by me from the City Hall bulletin hoard on the 1 day o 7ni k at 1-1-:1-1 0 am/pm