HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939-0036 - Ordinance - 12/07/1939e ORDINANCE ?O . BE IT ORDAPTED BY The City Council of the City of Collea?e Station, Texas: 1. The consumers who obtain electricity from the power distrib- utin7 pystem owned by this city, who use such electricity dar office, household, or domestic purposes only, shall be clas- sed for purposes of determining the amount of advances or deposits as domestic consumers of the following types: (a) home owners and (b) tenants or non -home owners. 2. On and after the effection date 3f this ordinance class (b) domestic consumers, tenants or non -home owners, shall, as a condition for obtaining connections for electricity, or, of continuing such connections if they have already been made, make a deposit with the city in the amount of five ( $ 5.00) dollars. 3. On and after the effective date of this ordinance an appli- cation for a connection for electric'service for use in con- nection with any business establishment or commercial enter- prise shell be granted only after a deposit has been made with the city, in an amount sufficient to cover the estimated cost of the elec;(a'ric current to be consumed during a one and one-half (1?) months period. The estimate of such probable consumption shall be made by the City Engineer, or his de- puty. 4. All bills due the city by consumers for electric service, shellbe due and payable by the tenth of the month following which they have been issued. In the event a bill is not Haid by that date, a penalty of one ($1.00) dollar shall be added. to the amount due. 5. In the event any consumer of power service does not pay the bill for his electricity by the twentieth of the month follow- ing which said bill shall have been issued, the connection for Shoresaid consumer shallbe severed. Such connection shall not thereafter be made again until a re -connection fee of two ($ 2.00) dollars has been Haid, and until also a deposit or advance has been made, in case one is not already on hand, in the amount of five ($ 5.00) dollars for domestic consumers and in an amount to cover the probable consumption for a per- iod of one and one-half months as estimated by the City :engin- eer, or his deputy, for business or cor._mercial consumers. o. A deposit or €advance made by a consumer is for the protection of the city a.,ainst loss. In the event a gonsumer ceases to be a user of electric nower from the ,distributing system owned by this city, wither voluntarily or for failure to pay his bill, there shall I, deducted from his deposit or advance, whatever amount, if any, he oases the city for power, penalty and fee, End the rem€inder of the deposit or advance 'hall be refunded to him. This provision is not to be construed, how- ever thet the consumer is limited in his liability to the city in the amount of his denosit only, P!1ED !,C2PECITED this7 day of 1.41.-tkAAA.44/1_ 193?. City -ec-rot ry ORDINANCE NO. 36 BE IT ORDAINED BY The City Councilof the City of College Station, Texas: 1. The consumers who obtain electricity from the power distribu- ting system owned by this city, who use such electricity for office, household, or domestic purposes only, shall be classed for purposes of determining the amount of advances or deposits as domestic consumers of the following types: (a) home owners and (b) tenants or non -home owners. 2. On and after the effective date of this ordinance class (b) domestic consumers, tenants or non -home owners, shall, as a condition for obtaining connections for electricity, or, of continuing such connections if they have already been made, make a deposit with the city in the amount of five 45.00) dollars. 3. On and after the effective date of this ordinance an appli- cation for a connection for electric service for use in con- nection with any business establishment or commercial enter- prise shall be granted only after a deposit has been made with the city, in an amount sufficient to cover the estimated cost of the electric current to be consumed during a one and one-half (12) months period. The estimate of such probable consumption shall be made by the City Engineer, or his deputy. 4. All bills due the city by consumers for electric service, shall be due and payable by the tenth of the month following which they have been issued. In the event a bill is not paid by that date, a penalty of one (01.00) dollar shall be added to the amount due. 5. In the event any consumer of power service does not pay the bill for his electricity by the twentieth of the month follow- ing which said bill shall have been issued, the connection for aforesaid consumer shall be severed. Such connection shall not thereafter be made again until a re -connection fee of two ($2.00) dollars has been paid, and until also a deposit or advance has been made, in case one is not already on hand, in the amount of five ($5.00) dollars for domestic consumers and in an amount to cover the probable consumption for a period of one and one-half months as estimated by the City Engineer, or his deputy, for business or commercial consumers. 6. A deposit or advance made by a consumer is for the protection of the city against loss. In the event a consumer ceases to be a user of electric power from the distributing system owned by this city, either voluntarily or 'for failure to pay his bill., there shall be deducted from his deposit or advance, whatever amount, if any, he owes the .city for power, penalty and fee, and the remainder of the deposit or advance shall be refunded to him. This provision isnot to be construed, how - 00060 ever that the consumer is limited in his liability to the city in the amount of his deposit only. PASSED AND APPROVED this 7th day of December 1939. s/ J. H. Binney Mayor ' ATTEST: s/ Sidney L. Loveless City Secretary '