HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-0547 - Ordinance - 11/27/1967 (3)ORDINANCE NO, 547 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS ORDERING THE SUBMISSION OF SEVEN AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY CHARTER OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS AT A SPECIAL ELECTION JANTTARY 1 1968, PROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF THE ELECTION, POLLING PLACES AND JUDGES, PRESCRIBING THE FORM OF BALLOT, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: SECTION 1 That an amendment to the existing Charter of the City of College Station, Texas, be submitted by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas to the electorate of the City of College Station, Texas at a special election JANUARY, 13, 1968, so as to amend Section 3 of Article I of said Charter to read as follows: The bounds of the limits of the City of College Station described herein as of November 1, 1966 The bounds and limits of the City of College Station are hereby established and des- cribed as follows: Beginning at an iron pin at the Westerly corner of the Texas A&M University Campus which is a point on the south side of Sulphur Springs Road and on the east side of Old State Highway 6; Thence Southwesterly across old State Highway 6 and the right-of-ways of the Southern Pacific Railroad and the I&GN Railroad a distance of 264. 9 feet, to an iron pin at the Northerly corner of the old Texas A&M University Nursery tract which point is in the Southerly boundary of the Sulphur Springs Road and in the Westerly boundary of the South- ern Pacific right-of-way; Thence along the Westerly boundary of the Southern Pacific right-of-way a distance of 7,240. 0 feet, N 37° 40' W, to a point; Thence a distance of 1, 567. 0 feet, S 45° W, to a point; 1353 // Ordinance No. 547 Page 2 Thence a distance of 2,129.0 feet, N 44° 30' W to a point; Thence a distance of 2,428.0 feet, S 46° W to a point; Thence a distance of 519.0 feet, S 20° 40' W to a point; Thence a distance of 627.0 feet, S 1° 50' W to a point; Thence a distance of 657.0 feet, S 90 50' E to a point; Thence a distance of 667.0 feet, S 5° 10' E to a point; Thence a distance of 716.0 feet, S 26° 15' E to a point; Thence a distance of 2, 510.0 feet, S 44° 25' W to a point; Thence a distance of 2, 683.0 feet, N 45° W to the north right-of-way of Farm Market Road 2513; Thence N 45° E along the said north right-of-way line of Farm Market Road 2513 a dis- tance of 2, 325.0 (plus or minus) feet to a point; Thence across Farm Market Road 2513 a distance of 2, 901.0 feet southeasterly to a point; Thence a distance of 2, 325.0 feet ( plus or minus ) northeasterly to a point; Thence a distance of 933.0 feet, S 45° E to the south right-of-way line of F. M. 60; Thence along the said south right-of-way line of F. M. 60 a distance of 10, 650 feet to a point; Thence a distance of 2,160 feet ( plus or minus ) S 45° E to a point in the center of a creek; Thence with meanders of said creek 1, 100 feet ( plus or minus ) to a point in center of the creek; Thence from the said point in the center of the creek a distance of 550 feet ( plus or minus ), S 45° E to a point; Thence a distance of 2, 704.0 feet S 45° W to a point; Thence a distance of 5, 236.0 feet, S 44° 30' W to a point in center of a creek; 01381 Ordinance No. 547 Page 3 Thence with the meanders of said creek a distance of 5, 850 feet to a point in center of the creek; Thence a distance of 4, 014.0 feet, N 600 E to a point; Thence a distance of 254.0 feet, S 49° 50' E to a point; Thence a distance of 5, 280.0 feet, N 45° 50' E to a point; Thence a distance of 677.0 feet, S 45° E to a point; Thence a distance of 3, 761.0 feet N 45° E to a point on the west right-of-way of Hrdlicka Road; Thence along the said right-of-way of Hrdlicka Road a distance of 2, 560 feet, N 45° W to a point on the right-of-way; Thence along the said right-of-way of Hrdlicka Road a distance of 5, 538.0 feet, N 45° E to a point on the westerly boundary of the Southern Pacific Railroad and I&GN Railroad right-of-ways; Thence along the said westerly boundary of the Southern Pacific Railroad and I&GN Railroad right-of-ways a distance of 174 feet to a point; Thence a distance of 1, 865.0 feet, N 42° W to a point, on the south right-of-way line of Hog Barn Road; Thence S 45° W along the south right-of-way line of Hog Barn Road to the westerly boun- dary of Southern Pacific Railroad and I&GN Railroad right-of-ways to a point; Thence along the said boundary of the Missouri Pacific and I&GN Railroad right-of-way a distance of 5, 286 feet, N 19° W to a point; Thence across the right-of-ways of the Missouri Pacific-I&GN and the Southern Pacific- T&NO Railroads a distance of 2, 212 feet, S 45° W to a point; Thence a distance of 135 feet, N 45° W to a point; Thence a distance of 3, 059 feet, S 45° W to a point; Thence a distance of 1, 750 feet, S 45° E to a point; Thence a distance of 1, 598.2 feet, S 45° W to a point; Thence a distance of 105.6 feet, N 45° W to a point; Thence a distance of 180.0 feet, S 45° W to a point; 01355 Ordinance No. 547 Page 4 Thence a distance of 105.6 feet, N 45° W to a point; Thence a distance of 340 feet, S 45° W to a point; Thence a distance of 2, 511.1 feet, S 45° E to a point; Thence a distance of 635.0 feet, S 45° W to a point; Thence a distance of 994.0 feet, S 45° E to a point; Thence a distance of 1928.0 feet, S 78° W to a point on the west right-of-way line of State Highway 6; Thence across State Highway 6 a distance of 10, 560.0 feet, S 45° W to a point; Thence a distance of 6, 278.0 feet, S 45° E to a point; Thence a distance of 5, 280.0 feet, N 45° E to a point; Thence a distance of 3, 258.0 feet, N 45° W to a point; Thence a distance of 3, 250.0 feet, S 45° W to a point; Thence a distance of 701.5 feet, S 45° E to a point; Thence a distance of 2,102.5 feet, S 45° W to a point on the west right-of-way line of State Highway 6; Thence N 45° W along the said right-of-way line of State Highway 6 to a point in the center of a creek; Thence with the meanders of said Pin Oak Creek to a point in the center of the creek and east right-of-way line of State :Highway 308; Thence along the said right-of-way line of State Highway 308 a distance of 2, 694.0 feet ( plus or minus ), N 45° E to a point on the right-of-way; Thence across the right-of-way of State Highway F. M. 308 along the centerline of Inlow Blvd. a distance of 524.6 feet, S 23° 53' 45" E to a point; Thence S 31° 30' W along the center line of Inlow Blvd. a distance of 671.34 feet to a point; Ordinance No. 547 Page 5 Thence S 40° 23' W along the center line of Inlow Blvd. a distance of 135. 63 feet to a point; Thence S 43° 35' W along the center line of Inlow Blvd. a distance of 51.05 feet to a point; Thence across the right-of-way of Inlow Blvd. a distance of 58.8 feet, N 42° 00' 30" W to a point; Thence a distance of 1931 feet to the west corner of the Boyett Addition on the easterly right-of-way line of Farm Highway 2154. Thence in a Southeasterly direction along the east right-of-way line of old State Highway 6 a distance of approximately 2003 feet to the point of beginning. The foregoing being a description by metes and bounds of the territory included within the City of College Station, Texas, at the time of its incorporation and the additional territory admitted into said City thereafter by action of the City Council, as provided by the laws of the State of Texas. SECTION 2 That an amendment to the existing Charter of the City of College Station, Texas be submitted by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas to the electorate of the City of College Station, Texas at a special election January 13, 1968, so as to amend Section 19, Article III and Section 134, Article XII of said Charter to read as follows: Section 19. The Mayor and councilmen shall be citizens of the United States of America and qualified voters of the State of Texas; shall have resided for at least two years next preceding the election, at which they are candidates, within the corporate limits of the City of College Station; and shall be real property owners in the City of College Station; and shall not be in arrears in the paying of any taxes or other liability due the city, for a period of 90 days, nor be disqualified by reason of any provision of any other section of this Charter. A member of the City Council ceasing to possess any of the qualifications specified in this section or any other section of this Charter, or con- victed of a felony while in office, or who absents himself from three consecutive regular council meetings without consent of the City Council, shall immediately forfeit his office. Section 134. No person shall be qualified to hold a municipal office or serve the city in any other capacity for which compensation is paid who is, or may become while in service, in arrears in the payment of taxes or other liabilities due the city for a period of 90 days. 01337 Ordinance No. 547 Page 6 SECTION 3 That an amendment to the existing Charter of the City of College Station, Texas be submitted by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas to the electorate of the City of College Station, Texas at a special election January 13 1968, so as to amend Section 28, 29, and 30, Article III of said Charter to read as follows: Section 28. Upon recommendation by the mayor and approval by the city council there shall be appointed a city secretary and such assistant city secretaries as may be deemed advisable. The city secretary, or an assistant city secretary, shall give notice of council meetings, shall keep a journal of its proceedings, shall authenticate by his signature and record in full in a book or books kept and indexed for the purpose all or- dinances and resolutions and shall perform such other duties as the city council shall assign to him, and those elsewhere provided for in this charter. His term of office shall be for two years coinciding with the term of the mayor. Section 29. There shall be a magistrate of the Corporation Court known as the City Judge who shall be appointed by the City Council for a term of two years coinciding with the term of the mayor. He may be removed by the city council at any time for in- competency, misconduct, malfeasance, or disability. He shall receive such salary or fees as the council may fix from time to time. In the event of the failure of the city judge to act for any reason, the mayor shall act in his place and stead, and in the event of a vacancy, until a city judge is appointed by the city council to fill the vacancy; but while acting as city judge the mayor shall receive no compensation. However, in a contested case the opposing council by mutual agreement may select any licensed attorney to serve as judge in that case. All costs and fines imposed by the corporation court, or by any court in cases appealed from judgements of the corporation court, shall be paid into the city treasury for the use and benefit of the city. Section 30. The City Council shall appoint a competent and duly liscensed attorney, preferably one residing in the City of College Station, who shall be its City Attorney. He shall receive for his services such compensation as may be fixed by the City Council and shall hold office for a term of two years coinciding with the term of the mayor. The city attorney shall represent the city in all litigation. He shall be the legal advisor of and attorney and counsel for the city and all officers and departments thereof. The city attorney shall have power to appoint an assistant or assistants if deemed necessary by him, subject to the approval of and at such compensation as may be fixed by the city council; and such assistant or assistants may hold office at the will of the city at- torney, so long as he continues in that office. 0/386 Ordinance No. 547 Page 7 SECTION 4 That an amendment to the existing Charter of the City of College Station, Texas be submitted by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas to the electorate of the City of College Station, Texas at a special election January 13, 1968, so as to amend Section 59, Article V of said Charter to read as follows: Section 59. Provision shall be made in the annual budget and in the appropriation ordinance for a contingent appropriation in an amount not more than three (3) per cent of the total budget expenditure, to be used in case of unforseen items of expenditures. Such contingent appropriation shall be under the control of the city manager and distri- buted by him, after approval by the city council. Expenditures from this appropriation shall be made only in case of established emergencies and a detailed account of such expenditures shall be recorded and reported. The proceeds of the contingent appropriation shall be disbursed only by transfer to other departmental appropriation, the spending of which shall be charged to the departments or activities for which the appropriations are made. SECTION 5 That an amendment to the existing Charter of the City of College Station, Texas be submitted by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas to the electorate of the City of College Station, Texas at a special election January 13. 1968 so as to amend Section 87, Article VIII of said Charter to read as follows: Section 87. At the same meeting that the city council appoints the board of equali- zation it shall by ordinance fix the time of the first meeting of the board, which shall be not later than the first day of April. After such first meeting, the board may reconvene and adjourn from time to time, and as long thereafter as may be necessary it shall hear and determine the complaint of any persons in relation to the assessment roll, provided the board shall be finally adjourned by the last day of May. Whenever the board shall find it its duty to raise the value of any property appearing on the tax lists or tax records of the city, it shall, after having examined such lists and records and corrected all errors appearing therein, adjourn to a day not less than ten (10) nor more than fifteen (15) days from the date of adjournment, and shall cause the secretary of the board to give written notice to the owner of such property or to the person rendering same of the time to which the board has adjourned, and that such owner or person rendering said property may at that time appear and show cause why the value of said property should not be raised. Such notice may be served by depositing the same, properly addressed and postage paid, in the city post office. 01389 Ordinance No. 547 Page 8 SECTION 6 That an amendment to the existing Charter of the City of College Station, Texas be submitted by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas to the electorate of the City of College Station, Texas at a special election January 13, 1968, so as to amend Section 120, Article XI of said Charter to read as follows: Section 120. The City of College Station shall have the power by ordinance to grant any franchise or right mentioned in the preceding sections hereof, which ordinance, however, shall not be passed finally until it shall have been read at three (3) separate regular meetings of the city council. No ordinance granting a franchise shall pass any reading except by a vote of the majority of the city council, and such ordinance shall not take effect until sixty (60) days after its adoption on its third and final reading; provided, however, that if at any time before such ordinance shall finally take effect a petition shall be presented to the city council signed by not less than forty (40) per cent of the bona fide qualified voters of the city, then the city council shall submit the question of the granting of such franchise to a vote of the qualified voters of the city at the next succeeding general election to be held in the city, provided that notice thereof shall be published in at least ten (10) successive issues of the official newspaper of the City of College Station prior to the holding of such election. Ballots shall be used briefly describing the franchise to be voted on and the terms thereof and containing the words, " For the granting of a franchise", and " Against the granting of a franchise". The vote shall be canvassed by the city council, and should it result that a majority of those voting thereon cast their votes "For the grant- ing of a franchise", then by order entered in its minutes, the city council shall so declare and such franchise shall at once take effect. But should a majority of the votes be cast "Against granting a franchise", then the city council by order entered in its minutes shall so declare and such franchise shall not take effect. In case a franchise is refused by the city council, then the matter may be submitted to the qualified voters on petition, as here- inbefore provided, and a failure to finally pass on an application within six (6) months after the filing of such application shall be construed as a refusal. The city council in passing an ordinance granting a franchise may provide therein that it shall not take effect until the same shall have been submitted to and approved by a majority of the qualified voters voting therein at a general election. All expenses of publication shall be borne by the applicant for the franchise, who shall make a deposit in advance to cover the estimated cost of publica- tion, the amount of the deposit to be determined by the city manager. SECTION 7 That an amendment to the existing Charter of the City of College Station, Texas be submitted by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas to the electorate of the City of College Station, Texas at a special election January 13, 1968, so as to amend Section 18 and 19, Article III; and Section 93, Article IX of said Charter to read as follows: 0139 Ordinance No. 547 Page 9 Section 18. The City Council shall be composed of the Mayor and six Councilmen and shall be known as the "City Council of College Station". (a) The Mayor and other members of the City Council shall be elected from the city at large. (b) The Mayor shall be the presiding officer of the City Council and shall be recog- nized as the head of the city government for all ceremonial purposes and by the Governor for purposes of military law, but shall have no regular administrative duties. The Mayor shall be entitled to vote on all matters under consideration by the City Council. (c) In each even numbered year three Councilmen and a Mayor shall be elected, and in each odd numbered year three Councilmen shall be elected. (d) The Mayor and each Councilman shall hold office for a period of two years and until his successor is elected and qualified. All elections shall be held in the manner pro- vided in Article IX of this Charter. Section 19. The Mayor and the Councilmen shall be citizens of the United States of America and qualified voters of the State of Texas; shall have resided for a least two years next preceding the election, at which they are candidates, within the corporate limits of the City of College Station and shall be real property owners in the City of College Station; and shall not be in arrears in the paying of any taxes or other liability due to the city for a period of 90 days, nor be disqualified by reason of any provision of any other section of this charter. A member of the City Council ceasing to possess any of the qualifications specified in this section or any other section of this Charter, or convicted of a felony while in office, or who absents himself from three consecutive regular Council meetings without consent of the City Council, shall immediately forfeit his office. Section 93. The regular city election shall be held annually on the first Tuesday in April, at which time members of the Council shall be elected to fill those offices that be- come vacant that year. The City Council shall fix the hours and the place for holding such election. The City Council may, by resolution, order a special election, fix the time and place for holding same, and provide all means for holding such special election. In the order, ordinance, or resolution of the City Council calling any election at which more than one Councilman shall be elected, the City Council shall in calling such election pro- vide for a separate place on the ballot for each vacant seat to be filled at such election, designating such places as Place No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. And in case an unexpired term is to be filled at such election, the place for the unexpired term shall be so designated. SECTION 8 That an amendment to the existing Charter of the City of College Station, Texas be submitted by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas to the electorate of the City of College Station, Texas at a special election January 13, 1968, so as to amend Sections 18 and 19, Article III; and Section 93, Article IX of said Charter to read as follows: 01391,. Ordinance No. 547 Page 10 Section 18. The City Council shall be composed of the Mayor and six Councilmen and shall be known as the "City Council of College Station. " (a) The Mayor and other members of the City Council shall be elected by Wards, by the electorate at large. (b) The Mayor shall be the presiding officer of the City Council and shall be recog- nized as the head of the city government for all ceremonial purposes and by the Governor for purposes of military law, but shall have no regular administrative duties. The Mayor shall be entitled to vote on all matters under consideration by the City Council. (c) In each even numbered year three Councilmen and a Mayor shall be elected, and in each odd numbered year three Councilmen shall be elected. (d) The Mayor and each Councilman shall hold office for a period of two years and until his successor is elected and qualified. All elections shall be held in the manner pro- vided in Article IX of this Charter. Section 19. The Mayor and the Councilmen shall be citizens of the United States of America and qualified voters of the State of Texas; shall have resided for at least two years next preceding the election, at which they are candidates, within the corporate limits of the City of College Station, and in the case of Councilmen, shall reside in the Ward from which they are elected and shall be real property owners in the City of College Station; and shall not be in arrears in the paying of any taxes or other liability due the city for a period of 90 days, nor be disqualified by reason of any provision of any other section of this Charter. A member of the City Council ceasing to possess any of the qualifications specified in this section or any other section of this Charter, or convicted of a felony while in office, or who absents himself from three consecutive regular Council meetings without consent of the City Council, shall immediately forfeit his office. Section 93. The regular city election shall be held annually on the first Tuesday in April, at which time members of the Council shall be elected to fill those offices that become vacant that year. The City Council shall fix the hours and the place for holding such election. The City Council may, by resolution, order a special election, fix the time and place for holding same, and provide all means for holding such special election. In the order, ordinance, or resolution of the City Council calling any election at which more than one Councilman shall be elected, the City Council shall 'in: calling such election provide for a separate place on the ballot for the vacant seat to be filled in each Ward. And, in case an unexpired term is to be filled at such election the Ward for the unexpired term shall be so designated. 01,392 Ordinance No. 547 Page 11 SECTION 9 That the aforesaid amendments shall be submitted to the qualified voters within the City of College Station, Texas, for acceptance or rejection at an election called for January 13, 1968, following the adoption of this ordinance. At such election the amendment first above set out shall be submitted at said election under the question: " Do you favor the adoption of the amendment of the Home Rule Charter of the City of College Station, Texas, which up -dates the description of the boundary of the City?" The second proposed amendment shall be submitted to the voters under the ques- tion: "Do you favor the adoption of the amendment of the Home Rule Charter of the City of College Station, Texas that would require that the Mayor and Councilmen be real property owners in the City of College Station, that they not be in arrears in the payment of taxes or other liabilities to the City, and that if in arrears such delinquincy shall not be for more than 90 days ?" The third proposed amendment shall be submitted to the voters under the ques- tion: "Do you favor the adoption of the amendment of the Home Rule Charter of the City of College Station, Texas, that would provide that the term of office of appointive officials, namely the City Secretary, City Judge, and City Attorney be for a two year term concurrent with that of the office of the Mayor?" The fourth proposed amendment shall be submitted to the voters under the question: "Do you favor the adoption of the amendment of the Home Rule Charter of the City of College Station, Texas, that would clarify the limits on contingency appropria- tions in the annual budget of the City of College Station?" The fifth proposed amendment shall be submitted to the voters under the question: "Do you favor the adoption of the amendment of the Home Rule Charter of the City of College Station, Texas, that would provide additional time fbr the Board of Equal- ization to properly conduct its business ?" Ordinance No.547 Page 12 The sixth proposed amendment shall be submitted to the voters under the question: "Do you favor the adoption of the amendment of the Home Rule Charter of the City of College Station, Texas, that would clarify the procedure by which the City grants franchises ?" The seventh proposed amendment shall be submitted to the voters in three parts, under the questions: "Do you favor the present method of election of Councilmen?" "Do you favor the election of Councilmen at large by all citizens, but with Councilmen to reside in the Ward from which elected?" "Do you favor the election of Councilmen at laxge by all citizens on a Place Number ?" SECTION 10 Polling places shall be as follows: Ward 1. A&M Consolidated School with L. G. Jones Mrs. J. C. Redman and yrs. J. N. Holmgreen as clerks. as judge and Ward 2. College Hills Elementary School with Cecil B. Ryan Mrs. P. W. Burns and Mrs. E.D. Parnell as clerks. as judge and Ward 3. City Hall with C. W. Knight as judge and Mrs. W. D. Lloyd and W. H. Freiberger as clerks. Polls shall open at 8:00 a. m. and close at 7:00 p. m. SECTION 11 The form of the ballot to be used in such election shall be substantially as follows: "Do you favor the adoption of the amendment of the Home Rule Charter of the City of College Station, Texas, which up -dates the description of the boundary of the City?" YES NO X3.334 Ordinance No. 547 Page 13 J 2. "Do you favor the adoption of the amendment of the Home Rule Charter of the City of College Station, Texas that would require that the Mayor and Councilmen be real property owners in the City of College Station, that they not be in arrears in the payment of taxes or other liabilities to the City, and that if in arrears such delinquincy shall not be for more than 90 days?" YES NO "Do you favor the adoption of the amendment of the Home Rule Charter of the City of College Station, Texas, that would provide that the termuof office of appointive officials, namely the City Secretary, City Judge, and City Attorney be for a two year term concurrent with that of the office of the Mayor?" YES NO "Do you favor the adoption of the amendment of the Home Rule Charter of the City of College Station, Texas, that would clarify the limits on contingency appropria- tions in the annual budget of the City of College Station?" YES NO "Do you favor the adoption of the amendment of the Home Rule Charter of the City of College Station, Texas, that would provide additional time for the Board of Equalization to properly conduct its business ?" YES NO "Do you favor the adoption of the amendment of the Home Rule Charter of the City of College Station, Texas, that would clarify the procedure by which the City grants franchises ?" YES NO "Do you favor the present method of election of Councilmen?" YES NO "Do you favor the election of Councilmen at large by all citizens, but with Council- men to reside in the Ward from which elected?" YES NO "Do you favor the election of Councilmen at large by all citizens on a Place Number?" YES NO 01395 Ordinance No. 547 Page 14 SECTION 12 The City Secretary is hereby ordered and directed to mail a copy of each of the proposed amendments to each qualified voter of the City of College Station as such list appears on the tax rolls of the said City of College Station for the year ending Decem- ber 31, preceding said election, which notice shall be mailed not less than thirty days prior to said election as provided by Article 1167 of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas. SECTION 13 A copy of this ordinance signed by the Mayor of the City of College Station, Texas, and attested by the City Secretary of the City of College Station, Texas, under seal of said City, shall serve notice of such election. The Mayor is hereby ordered and directed to cause a notice of said election to be posted in the City Hall of the City of College Station, Texas, and at two other public places in the City of College Station, Texas for at least thirty full days prior to the date of said election. The Mayor is further directed to have notices of said election published in said City of College Station in some newspaper of general circulation in said City, which notice shall be published on the same day for one day each week for two successive weeks prior to said election, the first of said notices to appear not more than 14 days prior to the date of such election. SECTION 14 The fact that the present Charter provides no up-to-date description of the City boundary; does not require that the Mayor and Councilmen be real property owners and does not specify that they should not be in arrears in taxes; does not provide terms of offices for appointive officials; does not provide sufficient time for the Board of Equaliza- tion to properly function; does not provide flexibility in the contingency item of the City budget; and is not clear as to the procedure for granting franchises, creates an emergency and an imperative public necessity for the suspension of any rules requiring ordinances to be read at more than one reading, and any such rules are hereby suspended, and it is ordained that this ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 27 day of November A. D. , APPROVED: MAYOR 1967 ATTEST: City Secretary 01396