HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/11/2016 - Regular Minutes City Council MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING
FEBRUARY 11, 2016
Nancy Berry, Mayor
Blanche Brick
Steve Aldrich
Karl Mooney
John Nichols
Julie Schultz
James Benham
City Staff: TAMU Student Liaison
Kelly Templin, City Manager Wayne Beckermann,VP/Municipal Affairs
Carla Robinson, City Attorney
Chuck Gilman, Deputy City Manager
Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary
Tanya McNutt, Deputy City Secretary
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present
With a quorum present, the Regular Meeting of the College Station City Council was called to
order by Mayor Berry at 7:01 p.m. on Thursday, February 11, 2016 in the Council Chambers of
the City of College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840.
1. Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation, consider absence request.
Hear Visitors Comments
Ben Roper, 5449 Prairie Dawn Ct., came before Council to honor the service and sacrifice of Pfc.
Stuart Westley Moore.
Wayne Beckermann, Vice President of Municipal Affairs, updated the Council on the Walk &
Talk, #agslovebrazos, allocations for a retaining wall in Northgate for pedestrian safety, support
of exchange zones, and reminded everyone to sign up for The Big Event.
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2a. Presentation, possible action, and discussion of minutes for:
• January 28,2016 Workshop
• January 28, 2016 Regular Meeting
2b.Presentation,possible action,and discussion as it relates to the appointment of a member,
representing the City of College Station, to the Aggieland Humane Society board, formerly
named the Brazos Animal Shelter.
2c. Presentation,possible action,and discussion regarding the first renewal of an Agreement
for Services with the Brazos Valley Softball Umpires Association to provide officiating
services for City athletic leagues, programs and tournaments (Contract Number 15-124) in
an amount not to exceed $190,000 per year.
2d. Presentation, possible action, and discussion to ratify additional claims paid in the
amount of$410,923.49 for the 2015 Blue Cross Blue Shield claims expenses.
2e. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a construction contract(Contract
No. 1600111) between the City of College Station and JaCody, Inc. in the amount of
$2,081,083 for the construction of the Lick Creek Nature Center (RFP 16-028).
2f. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on the second of two readings of Ordinance
2016-3744, a franchise agreement with Brazos Valley Trash Valet & Recycling; for the
collection of recyclables from commercial businesses and multi-family locations.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Nichols and a second by Councilmember
Benham, the City Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed, to approve the Consent
Agenda. The motion carried unanimously.
1. Public Hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on Ordinance 2016-3745
Budget Amendment#1, amending Ordinance No. 3705 which will amend the budget for the
2015-2016 Fiscal Year in the amount of $3,048,226; and presentation, possible action and
discussion on contingency transfers totaling$188,500.
Jeff Kersten, Assistant City Manager, noted the proposed budget amendment is to increase the
FY16 budget appropriations by $3,048,226. This amendment also includes three contingency
transfers totaling $188,500.
Staff recommended approval of Budget Amendment#! And the contingency transfers.
At approximately 7:13 p.m., Mayor Berry opened the Public Hearing.
There being no comments, the Public Hearing was closed at 7:13 p.m.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Mooney and a second by Councilmember
Aldrich,the City Council voted seven(7)for and none(0)opposed,to adopt Ordinance 2016-3745
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Budget Amendment#1, amending Ordinance No. 3705 which will amend the budget for the 2015-
2016 Fiscal Year in the amount of$3,048,226 and the contingency transfers totaling $188,500.
The motion carried unanimously.
2. Public Hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding Ordinance 2016-
3746, amending Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 12-4.2, "Official
Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by amending
the existing PD1]Planned Development District and related Concept Plan for approximately
19.74 acres being out of the Robert Stevenson Survey,A-54 Brazos County,Texas.also being
part of the 20.4821 acres tract of land owned by Greens Prairie Investors LTD, as recorded
in Volume 7366, Page 294 of the Official Records of Brazos County, generally located at 529
William D Fitch Parkway,more generally located at the northeast corner of William D.Fitch
Parkway and Victoria Avenue.
This item was taken out of order and followed item#6.
Councilmember Schultz recused herself from this item.
Mark Bombeck,Planning and Development, stated the applicant is requesting to amend the current
Planned Development District to remove Office from the list of approved uses on the property.
The applicant is also requesting to amend the associated Concept Plan to reduce the number of
proposed buildings for a General Commercial use and increase the number of Multi-Family
structures. The PDD uses a base zoning district of Multi-Family and General Commercial.
The Planning and Zoning Commission considered this item at their January 21 meeting and voted
5-0-1 to recommend approval.
The developer, Wallace Phillips, said his vision is that this would be an addition to the Master
Planned community of Castle Rock. He clarified the drainage modifications so that the drainage
would flow away from Castle Rock. As for buffering, he clarified that the units will not exceed
three stories. He noted that the development is north of Castle Rock, and he does not anticipate
any traffic impact to Castle Rock.
At approximately 7:52 p.m., Mayor Berry opened the Public Hearing.
Jennifer Hurd, 4256 Rocky Rhodes, HOA president, read the petition that has been circulated,
attached. 363 people have signed the petition. 90% are Castle Rock residents; the others are
supporters of the neighborhood.
Christi Blair, 4107 Rocky Creek, said the number of units is still up for debate; she has not been
given a straight answer. In 2010, Castle Rock was less than one-third built out and controlled by
the developer. There is not enough land for hundreds of units. This version is vastly different
from the original vision,
Tom Kiske, 4213 Rocky Creek Trail, said he hoped that Council had received his report that
detailed the residents' concerns: 55' tall apartments, quadrupled run-off into an overburdened
creek, traffic endangering the children, and irreparable environmental damage from the
RM021116 Minutes Page 3
Jimmy Smith, 4222 Rock Bend, stated that he was aware of commercial development when he
purchased his home. However, he now has some concerns regarding this development,
specifically traffic and the elimination of the buffering requirements. He is opposed to this project
as submitted.
Barbara Heath, 4236 Rocky Rhodes, she bought her home in 2008. She brought a map that was
given to her by the realtor. She was told of possible development in the future. However, she was
never informed there would be a multi-family development so close to the neighborhood.
Joseph Palmer,4112 Rocky Mountain, said the residents will bear the cost of this community with
no benefits. He asked that Council restrict ingress/egress to the development via the parkway.
Lori Ross, 4281 Rock Bend, quoted Mr. Philips' assertion that traffic will be reduced with the
removal of offices from the development and disagreed. This is not the image that was initially
presented. There has to be a better than using the main entrance as an access point.
Andrew Middleton, 4114 Rocky Mountain Court, spoke about the neighborhood integrity as it is
described in the Comprehensive Plan. The 2010 PDD had a fair balance of commercial, multi-
family, and office. The key value of College Station should be upheld. Development cannot take
place without consideration of the adjacent interests.
Joseph Sorg,4104 Rocky Mountain Court,spoke of his concerns about his children and the amount
of traffic that will be generated by this development. The increased units will increase traffic,
especially on the weekends.
Lori Enzar, 4113 Rocky Mountain Court, agreed with previous speakers. She is also concerned
with the traffic signal planned for Victoria. Those residents will come through the neighborhood
to avoid the light.
Maria Lyons,4108 Rocky Oak Court,referenced Chapter 3 of the Comp Plan and stated this is not
in line with the City growth plan.
Joe Guerra, 2079 Ravenstone Loop, said he was in support of the residents of Castle Rock. He
said the TIA shows that at buildout, the traffic would be at capacity. The traffic concerns of the
residents are valid. He suggested combining the tract with one to the north.
Amy Arredondo, 4258 Rocky Rhodes, thanked Council for their response to her email. Her
concerns are the traffic safety and environmental issues. The neighborhood has an intimate feel.
There is no guarantee that the multi-family units will not become student housing. Her daughter
enjoys riding her bike around the neighborhood, but they may have to reconsider allowing her to
do so.
Walter Truett, 4322 Rock Bend, said there are no other single-family neighborhoods tied to multi-
family development like this. He asked Council to consider why people want to live in south
College Station. Is it because it does not have an urban look?
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Jordan Lehmann, 4298 Rock Bend, said there was no marketing or advertising that this was going
to take place. She is also concerned with traffic and safety. Congested entrances will be frustrating
to working residents.
Joshua Benn, 4000 Rocky Vista, if this ordinance is approved, he urged Council to include the
gate that has been mentioned and restrict the height of the units. What is being presented here is
not consistent with what was approved in 2010. This is not a PDD by definition. It is not
innovative and does not demonstrate any community benefit to Castle Rock.
Misti Chapman, 4262 Hollow Stone, has been a resident since 2009 and was not aware of this
development until recently. She addressed inadequate parking which will overflow onto Castle
Rock Parkway and resulting in decreased visibility.
Ramsey Cripe, 4264 Rocky Rhodes, stated he was in agreement with all that has been said.
Casey Middleton,4114 Rocky Mountain Court, spoke in opposition to the re-zoning. As a mother,
she wants to protect her children; as a homeowner, she wants to protect her investment; as a
member of the community, she wants to protect the neighborhood integrity.
Rachel Wright, 4310 Rock Bend, said she agreed with all that has been said.
Shala Coke, 4115 Rocky Mountain Court, noted that the applicant said this is a Class-A
development and too far south for students. However, she noted that within two-three miles there
are luxury student apartments.
Jeff Block, 4113 Deep Stone Court, said the TIA is based on a path of least resistance. Castle
Rock Parkway is the path of least resistance.
Todd Emerson, 4241 Rocky Rhodes, did not come forward.
Belinda Newman, 4290 Rock Bend, said it is disconcerting to hear so many different things about
whether there was to be a development or not. If she had known about this, she would not have
bought there. She is disappointed that the vision is changing drastically.
Marlyn Martinez Jones,4285 Hollow Stone,provided a copy of the petition to the Council. When
they purchased in 2011, they were not made aware of the development. She is deeply concerned
about the safety of her neighborhood. She asked for Council to delay this until a solution can be
Carmen Gomez, 4201 Rocky Creek Trail, did not come forward.
Richard Atwood, 4225 Little Rock Court, noted that the applicant said he would put in a gate on
Castle Rock Parkway.
Wallace Phillips, 4492 Castlegate, said he had already spoken as the developer.
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Cory Cornier, 4100 Rocky Briar, asked that there be no flow through traffic to the development.
The community is intimate, small, and safe. With this new development, traffic will increase and
place his kids' lives at risk.
Carrie McNicol, 4108 Deep Stone, asked Council to consider alternative safety measures, such as
providing gated community access, controlled access for Castle Rock amenities, speed bumps,
fencing the park,widen the apartment entrance to make it a more likely route,and provide adequate
Jeremy Osborne, 4240 Rock Bend, provided written comments, attached, and spoke.
Cheryl Wenck, 8703 Chippendale, said she is in favor of diversity in south College Station and
referenced the school district boundaries.
Laura Cook, 4270 Rocky Rhodes, said College Station is God's country. The applicant agreeing
to put the gate at the "road to nowhere" means so much to her. Mr. Phillips is a good neighbor
who is willing to work with his neighbors.
Caleb Coke, 4115 Rocky Mountain Court, said that he and his friends walk to the bus stop every
day. This development will increase the traffic and make it dangerous for him and his friends.
Veronica Morgan, 3204 Earl Rudder Frwy, representing the adjoining tract to the north. They are
concerned this does not affect their tract, and they also would like to see the road alignment
changed to honor the old alignment.
Joe Schultz, Schultz Engineering, addressed Ms. Morgan's comments saying they are willing to
work with Ms. Morgan and her client regarding the road alignment. He also noted that the person
that spoke on the TIA earlier was the same person that reviewed the TIA originally.
Wayne Beckermann,Vice President of Municipal Affairs, stated that the presence of students does
not degrade neighborhood integrity. He noted that the children talked about tonight will one day
grow up and go to a university.
There being no further comments, the Public Hearing was closed at 9:05 p.m.
The meeting was recessed at 9:05 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at 9:15 p.m.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Benham and a second by Councilmember
Brick,the City Council voted five(5)for and one(1)opposed,with Councilmember Aldrich voting
against and Councilmember Schultz abstaining, to deny Ordinance 2016-3746. The motion
3. Public Hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding Ordinance 2016-
3747, amending the Comprehensive Plan - Future Land Use & Character Map from
Suburban Commercial and Natural Areas Reserved to Urban for approximately 11 acres
RM021116 Minutes Page 6
located at 1700 Graham Road, more Eenerally located near the southwest corner of Graham
Road and Longmire Drive.
Jessica Bullock, Planning and Development, stated the applicant has requested the proposed
amendment to Urban from Suburban Commercial and Natural Areas Reserved as a step toward
permitting a multi-family development on approximately 11 acres located at the southwest corner
of Graham Road and Longmire Drive.
The Planning and Zoning Commission considered this item at their January 21 meeting and voted
5-0-1 to recommend approval. Staff is recommending denial.
Veronica Morgan, Mitchell & Morgan Engineering, said they want to modify the property from
Suburban Commercial to Urban, She provided a concept plan showing access to the property,
building layout, and proximity to other properties. The product is geared to non-student housing
with one and two bedroom apartments. There will be a privately owned open space available to
the public. There will be at least a 15' buffer yard. College Station lacks this type of housing, and
interested renters have to go to Bryan. The applicant is willing to put in the dollars to address
wastewater capacity.
At approximately 10:24 p.m., Mayor Berry opened the Public Hearing.
Yuan Dai, 921 Dove Run Trail, spoke against the project. She referenced the applicant's assertion
that there was a lack she lack housing for young professionals. She noted that the neighboring
subdivisions are populated with young professionals and the backbone of the current
Jennifer Allcorn, 931 Emerald Dove, said the Dove Crossing neighborhood will be adversely
affected by this development. A petition was circulated and signed by most of the residents of
Dove Crossing. The new development will overcrowd and impact the existing schools.
Tommy Woodard, 1117 White Dove, Trail, said traffic will increase and crime will also increase.
This is a family area; leave it as it is.
Philip Pearce, 3718 Bridle Trails Court, said he is opposed to this for the same reasons already
stated. This will be detrimental to property values. People made an investment in their homes
based on the premise that the zoning would be as it was.
Lucille Tolson, 3299 FM 147, said she is one of the owners of the property. She owes $10,000
per acre for a paving lien. She cannot pay the lien without selling the land, but cannot sell the land
without the City's permission. She cannot forever subsidize that lovely open space. There are
really nice people that live in apartments. She asked Council to allow the sale of this land.
Joshua (Shuhua) Yuan, 921 Dove Run Trail, said he would be happy with a single-family
neighborhood there. The P&Z passed this unanimously. He voiced concern about a possible
conflict of interest with some members on the P&Z. We have a Comprehensive Plan, and it needs
to be protected.
RM021116 Minutes Page 7
Sarah Franke, 3702 Bridle Trails, provided written comments, attached, and spoke about the
petition circulated throughout the neighborhoods. She supports Suburban Commercial for the
property, and the Comp Plan was put into place for a reason. With an urban development, traffic
will create a burden. She asked that Council uphold the current zoning and the Comprehensive
Patrick Ray, 3706 Bridle Court, said his primary concerns is the block of neighborhood from
Graham to Barron Road. Why would anyone want to degrade that with multi-family housing?
The tax burden is too great, ab that is a problem, but not the problem of the neighborhoods.
Carlos Obando, 922 Dove Run Trail, did not come forward.
Amanda Dotson, 3708 Bridle Trails, said she was in support of the Suburban Commercial zoning.
The applicant did not meet with the neighborhood to discuss what was being considered. She is
concerned that the neighboring property could be a phase two, and that the PDD could come back
for amendments. With all the recently approved multi-housing projects in the area, she is
concerned that the City is creating a rental corridor.
Charles Gandy, 1737 Briarcrest, said they never opted out of the medical district; they wanted in.
When it became Suburban Commercial, they never received any interested buyers.
Lance McFaddin, 4950 Woodway, #606, Houston, said he is the developer of the property. A
PDD is a contract between the City and the developer, and it cannot be unilaterally changed.
However, zoning is driven by market needs and economics. Comp Plans are also subject to being
Yi Hsieh, 1007 Emerald Dove, said he was here to support the neighborhood, which is full of
young professionals. The neighborhood is unique with nice schools. 192 units will definitely
affect the traffic. He doesn't see any real benefit to the community.
Lily Gallegos, 3710 Bridle Court, stated when she bought her house, she asked her agent if
apartments would be built. She was aware of commercial development, but relied on the Comp
Plan to believe there would not be apartments.
Ashley Booth, 3711 Bridle Trails, said she was drawn to Bridle Gate because they were close to
the businesses she frequented. She enjoys walking down the street without traffic concerns. She
minds that the population density will increase. If this is approved, there is not much to stop the
adjacent areas from developing,
Cheryl Wenck, 8703 Chippendale, did not come forward.
Arun Manandhar, 1023 Emerald Dove, said there is a planning issue here with no long-term
planning by the City. There are plenty of other areas to build apartments.
Jack Li, 903 Emerald Dove, said they found out about the project a few weeks ago. He referenced
the discussion earlier about Castle Rock and noted that Dove Crossing has the same reasons.
RM021116 Minutes Page 8
Shawn Clark,941 Whitewing Lane, spoke in opposition to the re-zoning. As a young professional,
he wanted an area centrally located with local amenities. They are part of the fabric that makes
this community great. They relocated here because they didn't want a Houston lifestyle.
Joe Guerra, 2079 Ravenstone Loop, said we need to re-look at the whole Comp Plan and the urban
core. He supports the residents and opposes the project.
Jeremy Richmond, 2800 South Texas Avenue, Suite 400, Bryan, representing the owners, said
there has been a lot of talk about degrading property values. He does not see that happening with
the demand for housing and the growth in the area. When he first came to College Station, there
was nothing available for young professionals to rent. This product is a step in the right direction.
There being no further comments, the Public Hearing was closed at 11:18 p.m.
The meeting recessed at 11:18 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at 11:26 p.m.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Schultz and a second by Mayor Berry, the
City Council voted one (1)for and six(6)opposed,with Mayor Berry and Councilmembers Brick,
Aldrich, Mooney,Nichols, and Benham voting against,to adopt Ordinance 2016-3747, amending
the Comprehensive Plan - Future Land Use & Character Map from Suburban Commercial and
Natural Areas Reserved to Urban for approximately 11 acres located at 1700 Graham Road, more
generally located near the southwest corner of Graham Road and Longmire Drive. The motion
4. Public Hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding Ordinance 2016-
3748, amending Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 12-4.2, "Official
Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing
the zoning district boundaries from R Rural to PDD Planned Development District for
approximately 11 acres being situated in the Robert Stevenson Survey, Abstract No. 54,
College Station, Brazos County, Texas,and being part of the 25.6 acre tract described in the
deed from R. B. Tolson to Myrtle L. Tolson (conveying an undivided 1/2 interest) recorded in
Volume 3115, Page 35, of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, generally located at
1700 Graham Road, and more generally located near the southwest corner of Graham Road
and Longmire Drive.
Jessica Bullock, Planning and Development, stated that the applicant is requesting a Planned
Development District zoning on approximately 11 acres to build a multi-family development. The
PDD uses a base zoning district of Multi-Family.
The Planning and Zoning Commission considered this item at their January 21 meeting and voted
5-0-1 to recommend approval. Staff recommended denial, and noted this is not in compliance with
the Comp Plan.
At approximately 11:46 p.m., Mayor Berry opened the Public Hearing.
Charles Gandy, 1737 Briarcrest, declined to speak.
RM021116 Minutes Page 9
Lance McFaddin, 4950 Woodway, #600, Houston, declined to speak.
Cheryl Wenck, 8703 Chippendale, did not come forward.
Jeremy Richmond, 2800 South Texas Avenue, Suite 401, Bryan, declined to speak.
There being no further comments, the Public Hearing was closed at 11:46 p.m.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Berry and a second by Councilmember Mooney, the
City Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed, with Councilmember Schultz abstaining, to
deny Ordinance 2016-3748. The motion carried.
5. Public Hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding Ordinance 2016-
3749, amending Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance." Section 12-2.2, "Planning
and 7nning rnmmiccinn,," Suhcertinn R "Memherchin and Tormc," Paragraph 1 "Niimher,
Appointment" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station,Texas amending the
duties of the Planning and Zoning Commission to include serving as the Capital
Improvements Advisory Committee for impact fees and containing other provisions related
to the subject matter.
This item was taken out of order, following item#1.
Alan Gibbs, City Engineer, stated that this agenda item is the consideration of an ordinance
amendment to Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance" with a companion amendment to
Chapter 15 "Impact Fees"that follows later in the meeting. The amendment provides that the P&Z
may be appointed by Council to serve as the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee for the
consideration of impact fees. It also provides flexibility to allow the appointment of an additional
ad hoc ETJ member as needed when impact fees are considered for the ETJ. This additional
membership is required pursuant to state law. Appointment of the P&Z as the Capital
Improvements Advisory Committee for roadway and for water/sewer impact fee consideration will
be considered at Council's next meeting.
On November 12, 2015, Council directed staff to bring forward contracts for engineering firms to
perform studies regarding possible implementation of impact fees for water/wastewater, and for
transportation. Council approved contacts with Freese & Nichols, Inc. for the water/wastewater
impact fee study and with Kimley-Horn for the roadway impact fee study at their January 28th
meeting. These studies are anticipated to be completed by August, 2016.
At approximately 7:17 p.m., Mayor Berry opened the Public Hearing.
Buck Prewitt,2302 Scotney Court, asked Council to consider the stakeholders that will be affected
by the impact fees. He asked to present expand the committee to include stakeholders.
There being no further comments, the Public Hearing was closed at 7:23 p.m.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Brick and a second by Councilmember
Nichols, the City Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed, to adopt Ordinance 2016-
RM021116 Minutes Page 10
3749, amending Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 12-2.2, "Planning and
Zoning Commission," Subsection B. "Membership and Terms," Paragraph 1 "Number,
Appointment"of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station,Texas amending the duties
of the Planning and Zoning Commission to include serving as the Capital Improvements Advisory
Committee for impact fees and containing other provisions related to the subject matter. The
motion carried unanimously.
6. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding Ordinance 2016-3760, amending
Chapter 15, "Impact Fees," Section 15-1 "General Provisions," Subsection D. Definitions,
Item (1) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station; Amending the Definition
of Advisory Committee.
This item was taken out of order, following item#5 and before item#2.
Alan Gibbs, City Engineer,reported that this is a sister item to item#5, and staff also recommends
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Brick and a second by Councilmember
Nichols, the City Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed, to adopt Ordinance 2016-
3760, amending Chapter 15, "Impact Fees," Section 15-1 "General Provisions," Subsection D.
Definitions, Item (1) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station; Amending the
Definition of Advisory Committee. The motion carried unanimously.
7. Adjournment.
There being no further business, Mayor Berry adjourned the Regular Meeting of the City Council
at 11:47 p.m. on Thursday, February 11, 2016.
Nancy Befry, Mayor
Sherry Ma urn, City Secretary
RM021116 Minutes Page 11
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Sjrutjj as a member of the City of College Station
make th0-.affidavit .and hereby, on oath,
state the folio I have a substantial interest in a biisiness entity or real property that
would be peculiarly affected by a vote or decision of khef City e_0,6 t as
those terms are defined in Chapter 171, Texas Local G vernment code.
Date of Meeting: 4 t 2(7t �Q
Agenda Item Number: '
The business entity or real property is (name and address or lot description):
I have a substantial interest in this business entity or real property for the following
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Upon the filing of this affidavit with the City Secretary, I affirm that I will abstain from
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Signed this l day of r _ , 20 t.
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contained therein is with his/her personal knowledge and is true and correct.
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