HomeMy WebLinkAboutStandards for Neighborhood Parks in College StationStandards for ?J'eighborhood Parks in Coll3ya Station There are three standards which we can apply to neighborhood parks in College Station: (1) Do they meet a minimum standard in terms of acreage per population served? (2) Do they have suitable land? (3) Are they of an adequate minimum size? Let us apply these standards to the parks obtainable under the present developer dedication ordinance, (1) Acreage/population The present ordinance requires-- 1 acre/200 dualling units 3 3 students/d.u. that equals-- l acre/600 people which is equal to-- 1,66 acr11000 eo le J 4 people/d.u., that is for single-family homes rather than student apartments the ordinance would provide-- 1 acre/800 people which is equal to-- 1.25 acre/1000 p.S�l,e Therefore, if we apply a minimum standard of 2.5 acres 1000 population (see attached fact sheet for sources or thisstan�card the present ordinance is inadequate. By doubling th` amount of land, for student apartments we would get-- 3.:35 acre/1000 People for single-famile homes we would get-- .2.5 acre 1000 people By increasing the amount of land by 1/2, for student apartments we get-- 2.5 acre/1000 people or single-family homes we get-- 1.875 acre 1000 people, Therefore, to reach minimum standard for acreage/populations a doubling of the dedication requirement is necessary if ont is considering singe -family dwellings, an increase of 50% is required if one is considering student apartment complexes, (2) Suitable land ?-8- neighborhood parka have been dedicated to College Station under the present ordinance (I do not include Bee Creek which is a cof�reunity- wide park). Neither merry Oaks with gently sloping land and fere trees or vegetation, nor Oaks Park, sloping to a creek with large trees, provides the quality of land suitable to the variety of uses expected in a neighborhood park.