HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - May 11, 1976P,IINUTES CITY OF CGLLLVS ST.iTIO � CG"^•i:ITTZZ' 1 L L"_ May 119 1976 �:as meeting ;^J cls called to order at 7:00 pm. Attend ;--o were Chairl:ian Louis-oLges; members Fred Louse, .reda r:o�ik, Glga-earson, Staphen :iter, ary Saslow; Councilman Larry Ringer; Parks and Recreation " r`ct:or 'aul-V'ojciachowski;; and ,fisitors Sob Casey (representing Richard Smith Company), Fred Klatt and Carroll Johnson (representing the Loy Scouts).. 1. Stephen Riter, New 1 -ember of the Parks Committee was welcomed. =,reda Kozik volunteered to act as secretary for this meeting. 3. minutes of the. April � 7 were approved. Mary Saslow questioned where the PTinutes go, The City °"anager gets a copy, the arks and :recreation gets a ?Ycopy. : t =' '-'- ty Gff��e. copy. �i 1„ i� oil i _le 1" .,'a -4 ' •• Each of the Parks and Recreation Co:rctittee ::embers get a copy. It ;las suggested that City Council and Planning and Zoning should also get copies. This :•1 11 be dole in t':'- future. 4. The C::air n called :attention to C'zarles Denneyand David J. e3ds 1 .�i-ter of thanks for our Committee the time to criti-ue the Park .. la,.ning :a -d :-esicJn stu :eats' fi:-al ,:fans on =i _'erson Street Park. 5.. Brentwood Subdivision. a..;. -land Dedication 'yob Casey, representing Richard Smith Company, pointed out that they --sere ready to file the final plat but must have some decision about where to locate the park.. Comij-nittee :!ambers who, had gone out .to inspect '- :e land around..the tank reported that they think till site is preferable to the site designated for a park '-,y the developer. Discussion brought out the fact that there night be some problem in 3rawing boundaries around phis tank. If it is set one way a corner of land appears to be unusable by the developer. If it is set another way there will not be much parkland around the tank. The problem would be resolved if we could acquire more land in the vicinity and develop a larger park. Mary Saslow moved and Steve Riter seconded, that we accept a dedication in the area of the tank, leaving the Director of Parks, the City Planner and the subdivider to agree on acceptable boundaries prior to the plat approval; the park Comrxtttee, to review the boundaries orior to the submission of the plat to City Council; the developer to be bound to provide access by paved road when the development proceeds. Motion carried.. "IivL'�^^ �tCS :1:JL RuI.RL�T1C ' rr 'TTS" `'� mI '1G, Flay Il, 1970 � � �.� F PA �..�:" , e.. ..� � � are 2 ary Saslow moved, Fred Souse seconded, that the Parks Committee authorize the Park Director to contact City Council about the possibility of negotiating with Richard Smith Company to lease land adjacent to the tank site for recreational uses :°otion carried. Th Parks Committee agreed with Chairman Hodges that it ,could be well to have a°member of the Planning andZoning Commission as liason to the Parks Committee. The Parks Chairman will cont-ct ?lanming and -oning about this 6. Reopen Scout House -Proposal The Parks Director reported that he had been doing some research and learned the following: One example of a group using city is i7' -e 3rLa ngement entered into by the 2.odel Railroad Society and the City of Bryan. This is in the.form of a five year lease which sets forth in detail the various limitations, responsi:Dili'l.ins and provisions the Society must assume while using the city builuin:;. There might be a possibility of the Boy Scout Foundation -,:.-orking through the Community :education Program and by coordinating their activities with tie Community Education Program have the use of h & P -i Consolidated facilities until 9:30 P.m. Fred Klatt and Carroll ,Johpaon, representing --the asked for more time to continue their investigation, after which they will come ;ack and share their in -'or:: -ration at the nsxt meeting.. 7. Cther Business "red Souse asked the carks iraCtOr what is planned for summer recreation. `:.'here will be strong swim -ring and softball programs.. `.bout £300 people will be involved in softball. There will be s:+otL h facet and 31ow—pii-c:l teams. total of 2$ adult teams. to :-yen -)e r roster. - 4 High School %irls' `reams plus young girls' teams. Lots of calls from women about women's softball 1,:�ague, i4-ot enough fields. for all that activity.. Suggest more coordination bet -,,;e --n sc-:ool and city in use of school facilities. (Especially for baseball) 4e Earned that 3 councilmen and 3 school board members alreadv have been appointed to wcr k together in recreation efforts.. 'g T L.�TLClti CCi":'_ITTLL ;-:��iIaG, May 11, 1976 Page 3 Breda Kozik questioned when an education/information pro,,ram -:.out the sale of bonds to acquire park lands would begin. Co�inci.lman Ringer said the public would not be voting on the � and issue before late July or early-%ugust. ::�reover, eVen ir" t .e the Parklands .Acquisition 3ond Issue were voted in,we are not certain when those moneys would be available for park use. The consensus is ... no matter what does or does not develop..., it would be .arise to start looking for future park lands right now.. Freda Kozik Committee Member a