HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 22, 1977AGENDA City of College Station Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting Tuesday March 22, 1977 7:00 P.M. 1. Approval of the minutes of the joint Parks & Recreation City Council meeting of February 8, 1977. 2. Discussion of the proposed parksite at the Holik Tract (Parksite #5 of the Pinnell Comprehensive Plan). 3. Consideration of a recommendation to the City Councii concerning the acquisition of the Holik Tract as a parksite. 4. Other business. S. Adjourn CITY OF !'OLLEGE STATION Joint Meeting Parks and Recreation Committee City Council Tuesday, Feb. 8, 1977 The meeting began at 7 pm. Present were Mayor Bravenec, Councibmen Hazen, Gardner, and Halter, P&R Chairman Hodges, members Bouse, Kozik, and Saslow, PAR Director Wojciechowski, City Planner Mayo, other city staff people, Don Martell, and W. D. Fitch. Anderson Ridge Park Extension: It was decided that the city will buy 7.7 acres a i7M acre. The land trade at the north end of the park will also be made. There will be access to the southern end of the park through an access easement 10 feet wide. a\'Ri00Q Brentwood; Land Trade: Are the two acres worth /acre? Should the city buy it anyway? Truo parks on Walton: The deed should be checked before considering selling the property. Probably the land will revert back to the donor of the property if we try to Sell it. Perhaps it could be used for tennis courts or for putting a bend into Lincoln Avenue. Tini-parks: Councilman Gardner would like us to consider acquiring two small green areas, one at Redmond and Millif, the other at Puryear and Dominik. Land Acquisition: It was explained to the council that we would Tike to app2 or 50/50 matching funds from the BOR in June in order to purchase additional park land. Mayor Bravenec said the council would happily entertain such a proposal; it is unlikely that the council would initiate it on their own. The Mayor further suggested that we consider the following land for purchase: Oaks Park Extension to Dominik, including some of the flat land along Dominik for playing fields9 and a walkway access from the noihth. ?rentwood area; Al Mayop should make up 3 or 4 plans of land the city should purchase near dedicated land --such plans should be considered by PAR. Ballfields near Rt. 30 on land owned by Tenneco. Perhaps they will donate some to Little League. 'dahlberq Tract near Southwest Parkway: Extend it9 Councilman Gardner would like a park on the Holik tract at the extension of new Dexter and new Haines.' Southwood Valley: should use be considering a park in this area9 --Mary Saslow Committee Member