HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 23, 1976AGENDA CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Regular Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting March 23, 1976 7:00 P.M. 1. Approval of minutes of March 9, 1976. 2. Consideration of a plan for the phased dedication of the Southwest Parkway park for Wahlberg Properties. Pt \G i3 �b 1J �^ i•4 Vc�T �M .n----- ---- ---- � 3. Discussion of committee membership. 1 .J V��4.-�*l n`"'4 4f- 4. Discussion of Capital Improvements Pian. 5. Presentation by Mr. Edsel Jones concerning development of the southwestern portion of the city and the possible establishment of a parkland reserve tract to be set up in that area. 6. Discussion of possible extension of Oaks Park. 7. Other business. 8. Adjourn. z --2U �o oil CS y1�JF+ N� o »�� •+/ 0:�1 fz���^ PU* wAOL pow LAX _ 'Ar-"-�) Y March 18, 1976 MEMORANDUM CITE' OF COLLEGE STATION POST OFFICE BOX 9 9 6 0 1 1 0 1 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE S TAT I 0-4, TEXAS 7 7 8 4 0 TO: Parks and Recreation Committee Members FROM: Paul Wojciechowski, Director of Parks & Recreation SUBJECT: Agenda of March 23 Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting 1. Please if possible plan to attend the dedication of the Bicentennial Arboretum at Bee Creek Park, March 21, Sunday at 2:30 P.M. (See enclosed brochure) 2. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Al Mayo, Paul Wahlberg and myself have agreed upon what we feel would be a suitable parkland dedication plan for the 10 acre reserve tract on Southwest Parkway. It would involve dedications across the entire width of the tract, (therefore each separate dedication would give representative land types) beginning from the southerly boundary along Christine Lane and each subsequent dedication to progress northerly until we reach Southwest Parkway. (Drawing of plan enclosed.) 3. Agenda Item No. 3 -- Requested to be on the agenda by Mrs. Mary Saslow. Points to consider: 1. Recommendation of replacement to vacant position. 2. The Bylaws state that a member of the Planning and Zoning Commission be appointed as a Liaison. 4. Agenda Item No. 4 -- Mrs. Saslow requested an update as to the present plans and the progress of the Capital Improvements Committee. MINUTES CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Parks and Recreation Committee March 9, 1976 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm. Attending were Chairman Louis Hodges, members nary Saslow, Olga Pearson, Councilman Lorence Bravenec, Parks and Recreation Director Paul Wo jciechowski, City Planner Al Mayo, visitors James Smith and Steve Arden of Brazos Land Properties, Paul Wahlberg of College Station Apartments, and Bob Casey and Jerry Bishop of Brentwood, and Bruce Beattie. The minutes for the meetings held Feb. 24 and Mar. 1 were approved without change, Cclleps Station Apartments, Southwest Parkway,Mr. Paul Wahlberg. The committee listened to the tape of the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting of March I at which it was moved that Mr. Wahlberg meet with us again. Mr. .Dahlberg wants to dedicate parkland in a strip along the creek south from Southwest Parkway as far as Christine Road. The committee wants a mix of land including some flat land, (1) so there can be a variety of activities in the park, and (2) to assure that Mr. Ujahlberg and other possible developers will share equitably in the cost of dedicating land in this park. P&Z did not accept the committee's proposal because they thought it might leave :r. Wahlberg with a parcel of land not fronting on a public street if no further dedication took place in the park. In discussion with Mr. Wahlberg, considered Christine Road to be a known to P&Z--and thus the parcel since it fronts on this road. Al Mayo pointed out that the city public street --which was not of land would not be landlocked, *r. Wahlberg made a proposal (see zttached map) which is substantially the same as made in the past. The committee repeated its objections. A possible resolution appeared when it was mentioned that two other u�,�r.1 nnmonsq +a T? to?ti ! ^y pl.ece i n the, area--SOO units on Welsh and Southwest Parkway, and 106 to 212 units off West Luther on the other side of the railroad tracks --and that they were both dedicating money in lieu of land, and that the money could be used to purchase areas designated 3 and 4 on Mr. Wahlberg's proposal, and Mr. Wahlberg would then dedicate areas 1, 2, 5, and 6. Other proposals were made in which Mr. :.lahlberg basically gave land in strips down the center if the 10 -acre tract. It was moved that Mr. ,.Dahlberg should work with Paul `alojciechowski and Al f^ayo to come up with a dedication agreeable to both the city and the developer, that it then should be resubmitted to the committee, and that a j101000 CD remain on deposit until dedication is made, and that there be no occupancy until dedication is made. City of f7olleae Station, Parks and Recreation Committee Meetinq, Parch 9, 1976 -- oaae 2. Parkway Plaza, Anderson Ridgs Park Extension, Steve Arden & Jim Smith. Paul kjojcierhowski showed that the present park can hold a ba! ie`—lc�,- trail, play area, and parking. !_lith the proposed extension the area could contain an exersize trail with jogging and different points of exersize along it, an access trail along the length of the park, play area, parking, and not enough space for two ballfields. As it norm stands the dedication includes access to the land owned by the First Baptist Church on the southern end. Paul would like more flat land so the city would have the option of putting in two bili lelos if needed. i here was some discuss ion of whether we needed ballfields, and if land were added in this area it might detrimentally reduce the width of the linear area of the park. The developer is also proceeding with the possibility of giving money in lieu of land. It was moved that the committee accept, in principle, the dedication of a linear park adjoining Anderson Ridge Park and providing access to the church property on Southwest Parkway, together with the parcel of land fronting on the Anderson Street extension and adjoining the existing park. The developer is to meet with Paul and work out the details. Brazos County Bicentennial Arboretum at Bee Creek, Formal Dedication, +'arch 21, 1976. A brochure was presented. Brentwood Sec. II & III, Bob Casey & Jerry Bishop of Richard Smith, Inc. The area will have approx. 132 duplex lots which will require a park dedication of 2 acres. The city rejected their first offer of a 5 -acre tank because of the possible liability. A nearby two -acre tract is under consideration. Ths developer would like guidance on his dedication --do we want the two -acre site or a Larger site across proposed arterial Dartmouth Street? The committee decided to view the proposed site separately, even though we generally are seeking 10 -acre sites and probably will request a larger dedication across Dartmouth Street. (This proposal should have come to P&R earlier.) Other Busine9s If Larry Bravenec is elected mayor he would like to continue to help the committee. If we would prepare a brochure and a list of people he would be happy to go with others to seek donations. -�-a=mc"ter and Roger Feldman have Fa 4;perd from the committee. Discussion of a possible extension of Oaks Park was postponed. The meeting adjourned at 11 pm. (!) --Mary Saslow committee member It 4/6-tir- 67C Xke t)mqk,"u '/o January 29, 1976 POST OFFICE 90X 9960 1 10 1 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATiOt4, TEXAS 77340 i --, f T0: Capital improvemeats Co:tmittee FROM: Gary M. Halter 7! ; Z I.1_..• , r _ , ffj,, L• The Co=ittee has agreed to the following items and that they s'^_ould be stated as separate ballot items. BALLOT ITEM 1. Sewage plant expansion, City's share of oversized water, sewage lines, and improvements to electrical $2'3152,000 distribution sys�em- - 350,CC0 3 Streets, signall-a.tion, bikeways and sidewalks 302,000 4; Police, fire and :varehousa improvemants 795,000 35Q,000 5. City mall expans _ oT1 'Be'e 159;006 ('61.), Creek Park tt;vOt? 7- o^ks Par'k, Anderson Stre_t .� Lr!: ii20^'a3 nark 19. Ii 0 01 10 wayne Smith Park 11 E ablish par': �.:quisition find '- 400 , QOt — Total G.0_ ar.3 Revzr_ue $4,980;Q0t Total Revenue - 2,r'UZ,Gur Total G-0- 2,273.G0+ Vie might also include the Tollow;-ag item regardi^g the Hotai �tatel -source. Tax to capitalize the revenues ftola this tax ---f 1 Civic Center Development Fund---->— 400,00 \ LL r77777- ? 6 \01,I